Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Believe Me! As a Student of Zoology Jeff is no Darwin
By "Bud" Fisher
Jw rvTASt "I wtuv.. th MrX"..!) VNvgc.vw ' " T
SClTiiTJ IV whST Trie 0W N?SftP,(.Ty(ltOPTn? "T"MINr ; I CnY IT MUTT 01K C H ivCH A. 7 IT HC (Nl I J
THS ObTRv VA, JWCmV OUT WK N.To It WhJ O it R 1 C N NrS, f ( T I ' t VG GOT V .ZLL )
l.qN(, nk. OiT'ecv-. , think J y- it ' t.v6 : -HH 'rRoM(rV ......
" . '
Collegiate Athletic Associate
Mceti in New York.
Planning for Greater Things
Kiperts nerlsre Offense V'ndcr
Preaent (ni'tlloni Labors t'niler
To Ureal Handicap WcnLcr
T(u Ha Advantage,
, NEW YORK. lc. Dlseurr Ion of
'various sups, eted changes In font ball
rules ti a feature of tho ro;;ra-u of
todays mculin of tho National Colleg.ate
Athletic aasoclatlon here. Wldetproad
dissatisfaction with tho cods hat bctn
prrsted by many of tha dlvgti, but
there li alm a rnnildorablo numtwr fit
tha expert who think tHut th rulo ara
nearly right at I hey stand.
The. chief objection found, mostly by
advocstes of old timo foot ball". Is ths
"handicap put on tho offctue.' Toa many
ard to Kln with too toiv downs and
the.oecessjty of rcnortlni? to tho flckla
forward v-n i 4 feature, accurdlnK lo
thoaa oii-n. that lends uncertainty to tin
Came and tends t favor tho Weaksr
. team at the ieiFe of tho ntrvnKer.
Jlsny susKt'Sllona have bin maJo by
exiwrts to remedy this, s fno Kin 'so
ar aa to KUKgest tha nltmlnntlon of the
tforward pa alUiF'Mh r. ,
Capta'n ralm.r V.. I'lrrce, I'. K. A.,
j)resldent of the association, delivered h!s
annual address.
Tlynn Knocks Out .;
; Uaponi! After Two
! Bounds of Fighting
; SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. M-Afttr two
nd a half rounds of tamo and unlnter
eetlnx mllllne, 31m '.tlynn of Tueblo
whipped aoruss two, effective- punches rfnd
Tony CspouU I hi? l"li.'p mtddlewelglit,
went down for trie count of ten. ' -'
Capo nl was outdanced from the mnmrnt
lie stepped Info thi' rlnf mid was totally
unable to hold Klynn at long range
Neither ftisn showed speed and not an
affective blew wg struck until, ntr, Uio
close of the second' round, when a left
hook to' Caponl't Jaw snt him to Ms
corner looking worried. . . .
' Flynn was never forced to extend' him
elf.. He was fat and palpably In poor
condition, but he outweighed Caponl
nearly twenty pounds and the lighter
tnan'a blows, which, had little steam bo
lilnd them, did not serve te check his
ateady advance.
There Was a storm of hisses aa Caponl
was assisted to his corner.
Millionaire Hobo
' Resigns His Office
CINCINNATI, Dec. 2.-When the
"hobo" delegates to the annual conven
tion of the Hrotherhood Welfare associa
tion mtwt In this city on January JO James
Ead Jlowe, "mCllonalre hobo" president
of the organisation for many years, will
not preside, ttowa announced today his
resignation as president of the "hobo"
bvdy In a telegram from St. Louis,
l'resldetit Ttift Andrew Carnegie, John
V. rUKkrftlleiand others will be Invited
to attend tho meeting. Thousands of dnl
cgstea are expected to arrive In this city
about the middle of January.
A boxing match to finish between
Ollla Martin of Chicago, female heavy,
weight, ami telle Hedal of New York
tlty, will be stagd at the Krug thrater
Mtaa Martin weighs Pi? poundn. Mils
IScdat weighs 157. The women are not
members of the troupe now tlaylug at
the Krug and the inatrti will not be
merely an exhibition, according to Man
ager Franks. Both happen to be In
Omaha with open dates.
) .';- '..'.' . I , . -
( . .
Ualeevlch training for Ills return match . Italian wroetler l working with hi mlttlng la ths "Iron bar" teM.' .
on the snat with Zb-sxko. Ti great pirtner strengthening hie neck by sub- , U ' "
FIVEtHILE record broken
Zramtr. Seti Kew Murk at Amateur
AtUetio CTnlon Meet.
Two-night Meet at Maalaoa aqnare
Harden t loeea a Mew York
Mlth Series of Well Ca
tested Bveats.
DOrKiK. Neb., Dec. . Kpec Tele-gium.-A
fal wrhstllng bout was pulled
off here last night between Martin
I'roniin i.f Fremont and Anton Kiecher
of this place. Kromin gave up trie first
fell afur fif(y-lx nilnut of fat going
cn account of a secure and strung toe
hold, tkecher also threw him the second
fail In rleven minutes with an armlock.
McW Is open for dates with all enui
teor wrestlers.
Bluffs Train alter Uiufi,
Tha Employed Iloys of the Young
Man a Christum .x-lt til of Couim.i
Hiu.ts have wnmii-i tor the aeaion
, ana wouid like lo bear iroin teams in
otraha and vicinity, especially the Wai
nut ill. la and bt. jvhn baakct ba.l teams
Ihe tmpled Boys' au.niet averages IM
pounds. AOdreas Arthur t'reiden, cart,
(he Youiuj Men's Chriatlaa aaaociatlon
lor gauies.
A t)es Mjlnra i.,an l.aa ti attack of
BiUMJUlur rl'fil.ratiaiu In his shoulder. A
friend Jv!mk1 hint to go to Hut Uprli'ige
That nttnt an exiene of 1J0 or more.
He act.glit for a quicker and cbii- way
to cure It and found H In Chamberlain's
Unlment Three daya after the first ap
pltuatlon of this llulmt-rt be wag wi.
t'vr atl by ail dealers.
NEW YORK, Dec. .-One record was
broken In a. erles of , well-conteated
events that wound up the two-night
Amateur AthlKla union Indoor cham
pionship meet In Madison Square Garden
Ist night. A few records were equaled,
among them those for the 130-yard run
nd the DOO-yard run In tho amlor events.
The record sent flying was In the five
mile run. which was the star feature of
the evening and aroused' treat enthusi
asm. W, J. Kramer ef tha iong Island
Athletic club act tlui mark J5;19H after a
grand race. In which for the'fh-st two
inlna first one and then another ' of the
rive leaders set tho pace. At the two
mile mark, however, Kramer took .the
lead and thereafter nobody could reach
him. He won by about !0 yards, d '
Tho old Amateur Athletic union chain
plonsnip record waa MHIHk. .made In IWH
by T. J, Collins, who finished aeoond In
vonlfctit's race. Bummarlea:
One.hurtdred-anu-tlity-yaid run taenlor),
tlnai liei; vxni uy rt. t. May era. i.iau
Auitmuin Atmeuu oiuo; j. m. r(oaenor.
ci, iiIi-auii Kan Atbleliu oiuu, aocoud;
j. J. Arvnw, iiiait-Anerioan Atniutic
tiiun, ttiuu. lime, o.u.
one-iniitt run ijninoii: Won by O, P,
tvnitbait. tiosion Atiiletio club; K. M.
aaoran, tuw lora Atiiletlo ciuo, aecouo;
f Atn aue, ajoroinuan, Lyouum, luuu
time. 4:.
I mow ma flfty-alx-pound weight for
neiam uuiuur. non uy l. ("aoe.ea, liar
taiti Atiiiaiio association, 1 feel a lucnea:
4. i anin, irlan-Ani3iiCn Atmetio ciuo,
aeeoiMl, 14 leet Wiles; A, X. l'a lie,
yiiKUM'lird, llilrd. 14 teet.
tiiano na hin jump taonlor): Won by
r. Aaaius, isew York Atmetie ciuo, S
i- incnea, t; i . Aaaina, Mew loi k
Atnieiio ciuo, veconu, s imi Inch; L.
niwniini, MotiawH Atnlstio ciub, third,
our ie-i 11 invaea.
lhre-mnn vtsia tsenlur): Won by f. M.
Ksiaer, xsew Vora Atnieiio ciuo; a., rvna.
auouauk Atiuetlo cnto, second: i. I'aatliue Atnietlo ciuo. third,
time. li uoV
rveu.y-4i'c-) ard dush tjunlor), final
iKai: Vou by c. B. Clarke. Aavler Ath
.nc akso'iation: 11. Heiianu, xavu-r AC.i.
tetiu aaixiation, aecjita; 1. (iiutcn. iu
i.4ii e Atii.fim il.ib. inlrrt. 'lime, V.08.
revinty-ard-iiuidi-a tjunlori, ilna. heal:
Vv un by j. 11. lladouk. f nn.ylvauia
unlveraity; . J. iveil, Irisn-Aniei lean
Aimeiiu tiub. awoiui; W. K. i'olter, un
.clinl. tniid. 'rune. v.s.
Hop. amp anj Jump (jun.or): Won by
A.', Hweaiau-Aiaerloan Atnietie
club. 44 Icet 4-4j inches; T. t. Hoon,
iMjiilnlcun l.yoiim, second, 44 feat -
inches: tl. K. Hrlcaley, rtarvaid Ainlei.o
aaaoi-iallon, third. 4i teet inches.
Kouiiiiiiidreu-axid-forty-yaMj iiurdle rare
(seuiurt: . o.t 4y IKinsnd, uuaiiach. a,
i. alentine, lilsn-Aineilran Atnietlo
cub. second: I. J. Loveil. IriKii-Aiiicrlcan
Athletic ciua, thiid. Tiiim. o.sH.
Kunuing hlgn jump Junior): Won by
W. Utar. ji., New Voik Athletic club.
f?et, Incn; r'. Kocneiein, it. t)eiae
Altuelio ciiiu, second, a frl. ll'j Incnaa;
A . Moriati, Harvaid Ath.e.ic ciuo,
wilru, i irei. I., Incbes.
eiix liundied-yaid run ecnior: Won
by A. H. Kl.mi, lrlan-Anencan Athletic
club; U. V. I'lts-rouciu , New York Ath.
Irtlc club, ii'uhu; '. lliravhon, Irtah
Amerttan Atbielle ' club, tlilrd. TIiik.
elite-yard dash (soiilor): Won be A.
T. Meyer. Iriah-Aineruan Athletic cluh;
'. M. Clarke. Xavier Athletic cluh. aecoud'
r . 1'. it nam. Uimlua Athletic nlub, third,
lime, B.oOf,
Three standing jumps (aeninrlr Won bv
P. W. Adajiia, New York Athletic cluh,
It feet I Inch; U U lluehrinH. Mohaa.k
Atlilciic tluu, aucuud, .J (vol; i'latt
Auaina, New York Atliletlo club, third,
X! feet Inches.
Putting twenty-four-pounil shot fsen
IcrVi.Won by P. MoDonald, Irlnh. Amer
ican Atliletlo club, M feet 1 Inch: J.
H. Kllpatrlok, New York Athlello club:
.it fen v, Inch; 11. C. Klages, third. 'M
feet 8-i Inches.
Five-mile run (senlorl: Won by W.
J. Kramer, Long Island Athletic club;
T. J. Collins, Irish-American Athletic
club, second: Louis Tewanina, Carlisle
Indian school, third. 'Hith,. 14:1.
(New Amateur Athletic union champion
ship record, old record, 25:1H, made by
T. J. Collins In UK.
Pole vault for height (SenlorK: Won
by O. B. Dukes, New York Athletic club.
11 feet 4 Inches: W. Hapenny, Montreal
Athletlo asHoclHtlon, second, It feet; J,
Bredcmus. unattached, third, 10 feet i
IOWA CITV, la., Dec. 28.gpeclaU
Plans have been launched by Lieuteuant
Colonel Smith W. Brookhardt of Wash
ington, la., working In conjunotlon with
other National Uuard officers and Cap
tain Morten C. Mumma, commandant of
tha State university's cadet regiment at
Iowa City, for a big Inter-company Na
tional Uuard shoot lu Iowa. City during
the spring months. The shoot whleh will
be participated. In by every one of the
forty-eight National Uuard- companies
In tills state will bo conducted "by Snail, "
along the same lino nj the national In
tercollegiate rifle matches which- start
In January. Aa planned by Colonel Brook
hardt, five matches will be held, consist
ing of firing at 200 300 and C00 yards, a
rapid tire match and a skirmish.
The clans of lus of the Omaha High
school held Its fourth annual reunion
party at the home of Hawthorne Daniel,
43-J Harney street, last evening, -when
about fifty members ot the cla? were
Lao Curtains aad Bvdellaaj Oar
Aaaual Jsaaary Sale tow
utearrs Taradar, Jaaaarr
, tl13.
The significant feature of this sale
will be the extraordinary quality wo are
able to offer at unusually low prices, We
were fortunate In being heavy buyers of
lace curtains from the largest manu
facturers In the world at Ihe time they
sorted out their drop patterns. We pur
chased for this January sale a moat ex
tensive line of Cluny and Scrim curtains
at u reduction of S3 and 13V, per cent
let-s than regular value, and we have
marked our prices accordingly. We se
cured twelve cases of curtain net. ten
rases of filet and Scotch aet curtains at
off regular prke. They will acl from
11.14 to 4.08 per pair, which la , leas
then regular.
These new goods, together with all rat
terns from our regular stock that will be
discontinued next season, el II make the
greatest January sale we have ever held
from a point ot quality and price.
UEDDING Blankets, eomforla and bed
spreads that have been ustd aa samples
and are slightly soiled on the edgus will
go on aala at V4 and i leas than regular
OllC'HAltD Si W 11.11 ELM CAHPKT CO.
lis ad Ball leabls Taarsrr,
A handles? ball tourney, tn doubles
will be started at the Young Mau'a Chris
tian a-aotiaiioi, iwb first ef
the it. v
Lack of Interest
: Shown in Sports
Athletlo directors of the Young Men'i
Christian 'association are peeved ovor
an apparent shortage in track athletes.
They have been training twenty men for
a cross country run New Year's day, but
have discovered that other Institutions
look unkindly on the Upartanlo exhibi
tion. The result ot the lack ot Interest
manifest In the University of Omaha,
high - school and Council Bluffs High
school has been that Young Men's Chris
tian association men threaten to rebel
and hereafter refuse to renter their at
tention on promoting athletlo events. If
Interest does not revive the Young Men's
Christian association uthletea will con
fine their attention wholly to their own
members. Objection to tha run Is based
on tho rain, anow, mud. Ice and slush
but It Is pointed out by the Young Men's
Christian association men that these are
natural obstacles and should In no way
Interfere with track or . other athletic
vena which can be held regardless of
Moran in New York
Issues Challenge
NBJW YORK. Pee. M.-Owen Moran, tho
English, tighter, arrived from England
on the Olympic tonight sounding defiance
to everybody In tho lightweight division
of pugilism.
"I have come hero to make a match
with Ad Wolgast." said Moran. "and I
hope to defeat him. or any others who
regard themselves ae champions. To
prove that I am capable I will take on
other men In Wolgast'a class and deal
with them first, giving weight to some
of them and fighting any man at 133
Guy Buckles and Walter McCarthy have
signed a ret of article for a tour-round
exhibition bout Saturday night at tho
Alhambra thrater. itucklrs met Mc
Carthy a week ago at the Ljrlc theater,
but the best he could grt was a draw
decision. This time he hopes to make lils
rival look foolish. Tho date for the
Hucklea-Cvlck encounter .which Is be
ing promoted by Hugo Peters, has not
aa yet been fixed. The match Is to be
held at the Lyric theater at Nineteenth
and farnani atreets.
A meeting has been called at the Young
Men's Christian association for Pn.Uv
night to perfect the organisation of the
Greater Omaha Basket Ball leairu. Pr,.
posed schedule have been mailed to the
various Institutions and final nction will
be taken toward a pcrmaneai organisation.
lennedy of Kew York Takes Severe
Drubbing With Gamcness. ,
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
413-15-17 South lGth Street.
Our greatest annual furniture
sale beffina at 8 o'clock.
Tuesday morning-, January 2. j
Oklahoma Ilea vyrrela;ht la 4 onsld
rred To Slow Iiy Kpeetatnrs
While Kennedy's Footwork
Proves a Myth.
NEW YORK, Dec. 28,-Carl Morris, the
Oklahoma engineer, outfought Tom Ken
nedy, the New York heavyweight. In eight
rounds of a ten-round bout at the Empire
Athletlo club tonlyht.
In tho general opinion of those at the
rlngslda neither of tho "white ,' hopes
showed uny advancement tonight toward
their aspirations of some day wresting
tho world's championship from Jack
Johnson. The 'heavier Ciilalionia man.
wolghlng 22S pounds as compared with
Kennedy's 13. was considered too slow
and Kennedy's much praised footwork
proved a disappointment. " -;
The New York man showed great gamc
ness In taking punishment, lie had so
much the womt of It In the later rounds
Unit tho spectators shouted to Referee
Dan Tome to rtop the, bout,' but he de
clined to Interfere.
PlgM by Hoanda.
The first round was even, With Morrl'
best blows lefts and rights to' the body
and Kennedy's left jabs to tho face.
Morris rushed In In the second with 'a
left to the face, fallowed by lefts and
rights to the head and stomach. - Kennedy
sent hack a couple of led jabs to the
face. Morris kept forcInK through the
third round with rights and lefts to the
body and a left to the face. Kennedy
also got a stinging left to the westerner's
face und followed with a left nwlnt; to
the Jkw. They exchanged body ' blows
and were In the midst of a hot rally at
the bell. It was Morris" round.
Morris was the aggressor agnln in the
fourth, hut In tho fifth honors, went to
KennedyJ, After taking a right and left
to the head and being forecd ,.jnto a
netitral corner, Kennedy exchanged left
hooks with' Morris and got a
hose. Kennedy caina back with a shot
of his right to the jaw, staggering Morris
to the ropes at the end of tho round.
Morris caqie.back jn the sixth with se
vere punlvhment for 'Kennedy by short
arm Jolts, halt uppercuts and a traight
left on Kennedy's nose which made 1t
bleed the more. From this on Morris
was all over his man" with Kennedy
fighting .hack as 'gamely as he could..
The bout ended with a" rally In - which
both wore infighting to the body. They
clinched several times and In the break
aways Mortis got In the moro telling
blows.. The. only damage Morris showed
was a puffing of his lips, while Kennedy
was bleeding profusely at the nose and
was severely' battered.' '
Persistent Advertising Is. the Road to
Big Returns.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Doc. 2S.-(?pe-clal.)
That Central City lias the fastest
high school basket ball team tor several
seasons Is certain from the games thus
far played this year. The game played
show the local team victorious with tho
following scores:
Central City Tfifih school.
Creek High school, -i. .
Central City Hlxii school.
High school. 22.
Central City ' High'1 school, M; Sidney
HUrli school. 12.
Central City High school, 51; Palmer
Hlph pehool, 10. .,.
The team left yesterday . for a four
days' .trip, defeating the town . team of
Palmer last evening. They will' play St.
Paul, North Loup and Ord High school
teams. The team is made up of the fol
lowing: McDonald, 'VyHllH. Kerr, Buf'ke,
Travel-, Shelton, Lutes aud Bankson.
The prospects, for. the state champion
ship are very good.. . ' , '.'
63; ' Silver
3u. Aurora
Jhwk srutl Lewis Matched. t '.
'The Pastime Athletlo c.lub has matched
Kkl Jensen, ."the fighting Dane," against
Harry Iwls for a ten-round battle, at
Wolfe's hall. The bout will be pulled off
some time between January 10 and 15.
rA Fierce. Attack .
of malarln, Jlver derangement and kidney
trouble la easily cured by Electric Bit
ters, the guaranteed remedy. 60c.. 'or
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Full of live, true, deliectable features ;
greater issue of a great paper
The Woman's Section
Chuck full of better stories,
better hints and better pictures.
Review of 1911
Four pink pages of detailed and ap
petizing gossip of the world of sports.
The New Year in Comics
Characters who made the 1911 a more joyous :.r
and entertaining twelve months begin the New
Year with . a series of roar producing acts. .
What Omaha Achieved
An accurate record of Greater Omaha's progress
achievements and advances that ' will interest and surprise all.
With the Worid
News of : every country -where are trans
piring events of universal interest, and -K
many New Year talcs from other lands.
Many other Features for all readers.
' ' .....' , . -...'
The New Year will be a better year, a more pros
perous year and a-greater year for him who ad
vertises consistantly in The Omaha Sunday Bee.
It tells your message to more Omaha homes
than all other Omaha Sunday papers combined.
For Biggest January Sales Use
The Omaha Sunday Bee
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One paper In the home is worth two oh the street