Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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tiij: ijek: omaha. Friday, dficemijek 20. inn.
Lincoln Contractor May Make Be
qneit of Attorney General.
Trail Mar B ttf Worn (
Work tm m If It (iafi I to
1a Rraalrea R-rlfl-rations.
It ia nimorfd that Lincoln contractor
will rtqupst the attorney general ot lb
tiita to Institute a stale-wide Invest!--tlon
Into the method of tbe so-called
paving rotnblnea, paying particular atten
tion to the hrlrk paving Mork monopoly.
Kxposurrs of a ereosoted wood block
combine between the KetUa River and
Itrpublla companies at Minneapolis,
named Omaha and South Omaha as points
of operation. A. C, Morrison was con
nected with one of these companies and
related the methods of the two corpora
tions In their attempt to squelch compe
tition. Mr. Morrison had spent several
months In Omaha prior to the creation of
creosoted wood block paving district. This
fact and others led to an Investigation,
which the city council haa now assumed
and will examine witnesses January 4.
Following the Morrison expose several
citlca throughout the country started In
vestigations, among them Lincoln. Al
though no creoeoted wood block paving
had been laid there, It was found that an
Ironclad monopoly existed on brick pav
ing material.
Favors Thorough I'robe.
Councilman KugeU chairman of the
council committee on paving, says that
since there Is to be an Investigation Into
the letting of paving contracts In Omaha,
he favors a thorough probe. Including
examination Into the methods of all con
tractors who have laid brick, asphalt or
ereosoted wood block. Ite also believes
"It would do no harm" If test measure
ments were made of the bases constructed
by several contractors. There have been
Instances In the past where payment was
made for a baae supposed to be up to
specifications, but on examination was
found to be three and one-quarter Inches
thick In the thlcxeat place, and dwindled
from that to nothing. The specifications
rail for a baae not lesa than five Inches
in thickness.
Rare Baae la Good.
Charles K. Fanning eays none of the
pavement he haa laid rente on lesa than
a five-inch bane, but thlnka a few meas
ures taken at random on some of the
streets might prove that other contractors
who have been underbidding him and ex
pecting to "make profits on a cheap
grade of work" have not conformed to
specifications, directing his attack at
one competitor, Mr. Fanning says that,
figuring from every vantage point of his
competitor, the material alone would cost
as much as the bid and a profit was
absolutely out ot the question.
This base Is built of crushed stone, sand
and cement, or Iron slugs. Mr, Fanning
secured the waste scrap iron from the
Jocal foundry and used this on several
streets near the foundry, but said It was
too expensive to haul to remote districts.
Hugh Murphy, contractor, has been using
crushed stone, shipped from his own
I"B1 MUM' " WTOMT-' "' "
Bandhauer Expires
After Long Service
i as Public Servant
Frauk W. Bandhauer, bailiff for District
Judge A- C. Troup for the lust eight
yeajs and one of the most prominent
Bohemian in Omaha, died at 4 o'clock
this morning at his home, 1723 South
Twelfth street. Ltvrr trouble, which bsd
t onflned htm to his bed for two months,
caused his death. Mr. Bandhauer was M
years old. He is survived tf his widow
and one son. Kmll F. Bandhauer, a clerk
In tbe Omaha postofflce.
Mr. Bandhauer waa active in politloal
circles In Omaha and held aeveral posi
tions of responsibility, lie served two
terms as member of the Board of
Kducution and two term as deputy
sheriff and for a number of years was
deputy treasurer. Eight years ago he
first was appointed bailiff of the district
court by Judge Troup. He served until
Illness forced him to his home. Had he
lived he would have been reappointed.
Sir. Bandhauer was a member of
ilaaonlo bodies, of the Red Men and of
several Bohemian organisations. He waa
popular, especially among his associates
In district court.
Tb funeral will be held Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock at the Masonlo temple.
Interment will be made In the Bohemian
Rational cemetery.
All Peddlers Look
Alike to Schneider
The C. P. Adams compauy. sixteenth
and Junes street. Is defendant In action
brought In police court to compel pay
ment of Uoertfcea for peddlers employed by
the concern. A hearing waa given yester
day morning and company representatives
held that the concern Is regularly estab
lished, haa a place of business, and that
It can sell goods in any manner it sees
fit. License Inspector Schneider takes the
oppotslte vlw, declaring that under the
ordinance all peddlers are required to
take out licensee, no matter by whom
employed. To him all peddlers look alike.
Judge Crawford haa taken the matter
tinder advisement.
Advices received at I'nlon Pacific head
quarters are tu the effect that none of
the passengers on L.os Angeles limited No.
7. wrecked near I-aramle, Wyo., Wednes
day, waa aerioualy Injured. Ho far as the
reports show there were eight or nine
persons who were slightly cut or bruised.
Tbe Injured were all , taken back to
J .am nil and those who were able ti
travel continued on their journey on a
train that was made up aa soon as (lit,
wreckage was cleared away. Others ware
placed In the huspital and today departed
for their dektinatlou.
It haa uot yet been determined JJual
vfcat caused the wreck, but the Indjc
Ijous are that It was a broken rail. The
engine lift the track while the train was
running at about thirty-five miles an
huur. Leaving the rails, the engine
turned completely about, facing In an
opposite direction. The tender broke
)xnm and the diner and three cars piled
tip on top of It.
You will find that arult everywhere
aell of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. They know from long experience
la tlie Je of it that la cases of coughs
and cold it can always be depended
upon, and that it la pleasant au4 safe
take, t'ur sals by all dealers.
Final Remnant Sale
of the Year
All the Remnants of Cotton Goods Must Be Sold Before
Invoicing. Not a Yard Will Remain, These Friday
mces Will Close Out All Odd Lots in One Day.
All the balance) of the 6 Vic and
7 4c Outing Flannls, In light
and dark colors, will close out
In lengths up to 20 "Jl-
yard, at "JzC
On big table of remnants. In
fancjr and plain colored mercer
ized walstlngs and suitings,
voiles, soslette, pongees, and
ether plain novelties of cotton
fabrics, worth up to 2 5c a yard,
will be closed out in C
mill lengths at. a yard.... 9 C
All the balance of the remnants
in comfort prints, worth 6fcc
to 8 He, will close out
One immense lot of remnants
and odd bolts of Swauslown
flannel. Tbeso are extra heavy,
soft and warm for kimonos
and children's wear. You are
used to seeing them priced at
18c a yard. We will close out
all we have of them C I.
.before Invoicing, at, yd.. .UC
Thousands of yards of 36-lnch
bleached muslins, in CA
various grades, at. yd UC
Full Standard dress percales and
dress prints, large assortment
of dark patterns, all 8 He, lOo
and 12V4c values., In j I
mill lengths, at, yard....)2v
All the $1.00 to $1.50 fine all wool Suiting, novelty
weaves, nemi-rough Suitings, at, yard 50c, 79c, 93(J
Fine Dress Goods Remnants, . Serges, fancy Suitings,
Broadcloths, Plaids, Checks and Stripes, 38 " Q CJ
inches to 54 inches wide, yard v. .... uOC
An Entirely New Lot of Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
Juvenile Suits, in Russian and sailor blouse; also juvenile
overcoats, ages 3 to 10 years, in various (T f
whades and fabrics values up to $-1 sU VI
Friday special
Also insertions, jabot laces, etc., y yard to 2 yards
in each piece, on main floor.
French and German Val. Laces and Insertions
Point do Paris, Plat Vals, torchons and cluuys narrow
Armenian effects, laco edged headings, etc.,
worth up to lOo and 12Vic yd., main floor, yd.. w2C-uC
ASMaSb Saar Sbda. eh WAJaJTaL Js
Annual Clearing Sale
and HATS
Men's 20c and 25c Neckwear will go at 5c
Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats, worth up to $1, at 25o
Men's Silk Hose, worth up to 50c, for, pair 15c
Men's Lisle and Wool Uose, worth up to 35c, for 9c
Any Man's Smoking
Jacket or House Coat
in Our Entire Stock '
Any Man's Hat in 2
Our Entire Stock,
Stetsons excepted. . .
Men's Collars, up to 15o quality, at, each, lc
Men's Shirts, worth np to 75c, will go at 29c
Men's Shirts, worth up to $1.50, go at 69c
Any Man's Cap, worth up to $2.00, at 35c
See the Windows See Friday Night's Papers.
Many Cattle Are
Starving in Texas
DAU1ART. Tax., IXc. 38.-Wlth sacks
of olloak tied to their saddles borso-
mea are riding today over cattle ranges
saving what cattle tuejr may from star
vation by giving tbetn the cake. This
Is the twelfth day since a cruitt oi snow
cut oft practically all food from beasts.
Itoports from the range today were that
many , cattle were bulng found dead.
Weather conditions today continue hopeless.
v Slashed with at Kasor,
wouuUed with a sun, or pierced by
rusty nail Bucklcn's Arnica Salve soon
heals the Injured part. Guaranteed, fee.
Kor sale by lleaton lrug Co.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
413-15-17 South ICth Street.
Our greatest annual furniture
sale begins at 8 o'clock,
Tuesday morning, January 2.
ITdJilAII lJLdi J!
Our Great Annual Linen Sale Begins
Next Tuesday. Watch for Announcement.
mmm mum
Plush and Fur Coats
Our Great Pre-Inventory Clearance
Is celebrated by a sale of Ladles' Coat that is without a par in Oma
ha's style circle.
l'LL'SH COATS We have Just bought. 100 new ones at a saving of
nearly half the regular cost; these coats are all of splendid quality
tllk plush, lined throughout with heavy satin, shawl collars, two large
s.Ik frogs; we have them In all sizes. Friday, your d1f C f
thoice of the beautiful coats b l,OU
FUJI COATS Every Fur Coat in our stock greatly reduced they
must be sold before Inventory; we offer you a beautiful selection of
IVear Seals and Pony Coats about CO coats in the lot at prices re
duced nearly one-half:
$100.00 Coats, now SG6.07
$75.00 Coats, now S.oioO
?5K.00 Coats, now S36.GT
Your unrestricted choice of any Coney Fur Coat, Friday, 20.00
A great selection of Children's Coats: Caracul, Bearskin, Broadcloth,
etc. Your choice for go OO
Choice of ny Girl's Coat in stock,' sizes 6 to 14 years, values' to
112.00, now ; $5.QQ
A Great Clearing Out Sale of Men's
and Women's Slippers
We have a nice selection of House Slippers left from the Christmas
shopping, which must be closed out without delay. If you failed to
find a pair of house sllppere among your Christmas presents, here la
the opportunity to get a nice, warm pair at almost half their former
Men's tan and black, Everett and Opera styles, in all sizes QQ
from 6 to 11, values up to $1.50, Bargain Friday, only ...l..'OC
All of our Ladles' fur-trimmed felt house slippers,' in red,
black, brown, blue and green, Friday, your choice.
A Black, Blue, or Grer, Cbtrot,
i m dm or worsted suit
with Extra Pair of Trousers,
ot cam or striped O O G5
material ... V
Wc will lacltsc u
Extra Pair of
with your suit
order this wk
for tho prlco ot
suit clone.
Suit and Extra Trousers $25 to $4S
If $25, $30 and $35
la about what you want to pay
for your Overcoat, you'd better
seo tho excellent fabrics offered
at that price this welu
It keeps our Tailors busy
' toe-tit Be. 10th Street
n onr.ra-mu HLliltllUS of
Dress Goods
Every remnant of Dress Goods
in the store will go on sale
Friday at Just one-half the
former price. An excellent se
lection of all the newest pat
terns and fabrics, suitable for
Walsta, Dresses, Coats, Suits,
etc. Every one will be marked
" Half Price
Wash Goods
"A big half-price sale of Wash
Goods remnants, including
ginghams, percales, lawns, ba
tiste, flannelettes, serpentine
crepes, etc., aa well aa all lin
ing remnants. These stocks
must be reduced before inven
tory, hence this great sacrifice.
Lengths from one to ten yards,
and all at
Half Price
Our January Clearance Sale of
Furniture, Carpets and Draperies
begins Tuesday. January 2d. This is a golden opportunity -as prices
will be reduced as nevor before. Watch papers for descriptions.
Our Groceries Always Lead
In Freshness and
Bennett's Best Coffee, and 20 stamps, pound ......
Bennett's Best Coffee, and GO stamps, 3 pounds for ..".'
Teas, assorted, with 76 stamps, pound
Teas, assorted, and 60 atamna nmmrf "
Tea Blftinga, with 10 stamps, per pound 7"..".!.".!".!
. .81.00
. . BHo
. . lfio
Double Stamps on Granulated Sugar.
Double Trading Stamps on Butterlne.
Cheese, full cream, and 10 stamps, pound
B. C, Mincemeat, and 10 stamps, 3 packages
B. C, Baking Powder, and 100 stamps, 6 -lb. can for
OalJlard s Olive Oil, and 60 stamps, medium bottle .
Diamond Crystal Table Salt, 10 stamps, sack
B. O. Sifted Early June Peas, and 10 stamps, 3 cane.
Bnlder's Salad Dressing, with 10 stamps, bottle ....
Shrimps, 10 stamps, a eans ,
Seeded Raisins, and 10 stamps, 8 packages ........
B. C Extract, and 20 stamps, bottle
Van Houten'a Cocoa, 6 stamps, can
Columbia Milk, and 10 atamna. a nana
Orange Citj Rusk, and 10 stamps, 8 packages
Hulled Beans with chicken, with 30 stamps, a cans .
Five pounds 7c Jap Rice for
Cheese, Virginia Swiss, and 10 stamps, pound ......
Whole Tomatoes, with 10 stamps, 2 cane
Country Gentleman Corn, and 10 stamps, a cane ...
B. O. Oats and Wheat, 10 stamps, 2-1 b. package ....
Crackers, any brand, with 10 stamp, package ....
. .
. .
. . M
. . m
. . .
ma.... .SOO
. . 45c
.. 2Se
..., .Qo
. . . .... , , 25o
i. Ullc
........ .23o
''.. .10c
........ ..10c
The Best Known Office Building in Omaha.
There ia great advantage in being in a
building which jeople can find easily. No
building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the
entire west, is as well known as
The Bee Building
Every man, woman and child in Omaha
' knows where it is and everyone who has ever
been here knows how to find it This is only one
of the many advantages in having an office in
Bee S3 Sao Is a choice corner office bavins a north and west exposure,
maims; this space attractive at any aeaaun of tUe year, oo account
f aood Ugh! anU ventilation. We wilt arrange tLU apace, laJt,
euitable for tenant, and there, being a vault in the rootu. It attorn
estre vrvtectioa tor valuable hut, I ur moots eo.ol
Won. Haa a aouth and neat exposure; which makai a well lighted
office. Utax20H feet in alae. We are only asklu Iso a square ruot
(or this apace which la very cheap rent, cuneiform location and ail
veuveuieucea furulahed by The lioe buUdlug. fries, r tuouto, aie.u
Svoosb Sl Don't ra for dealt room space) when you can rent a private
office for the same amount This room is salt, haa a large window
ea the court, alfordiua plenty of llnl and -ventilation. frice oer
Btasa exe Slae 8x18-, having a frame and (Use partition across center
I room mstlng two good slsed offices with every convenience, and
toe rental puce only, per mouth , Sia.ui
kWosa 401 This room Is located near the elevator and has a total of 1
Muare feet of floor apace. This ia a very t-eairable small otrice and
location, is convenient Ken 11. per auualh.
Bsa 407 Is UslH feet fcad
Kental price, per n.uuth ...
two larce windows aa the court
Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnsm Sts.
HItii23at3 r --3 .
tr"i ' J 5
) mo
On Sale Friday, Dec. 29, at 9 a. m., $10,000 Sample
Stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's
Rubber" Alaskas and Overshoes, sold to us by Goodyear
Rain Proof Shoe Co. of St. Louis, Mo., and American
Hand Sewed Shoe Co. of Omaha. Never again will you
have the chance to buy goods at these Low Prices. Look
for large "Fair" sign. S. E. Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
No mail or telephone orders filled during this sale.
$1 Storm Rubbers and Alaskas for children, qq
misses, ladies and men, low and high heels utJC
$1.50 values Children's, Misses' and Ladies'
Arctics,' one buckle
$2 values Boys' and Men's light or heavy
one-buckle Arctics
$3.00 Boys' Rubber Boots and four-buckle Q A a
Overshoes yla&f
$15.00 Ladies' Silk Rubberized Rain proof ' QQ
Coats, all sizes , t , t $)aw9(j
$10 Ladies' and Misses' Slip-ons and mixed col JA Aft
ors Raincoats, including Cravcnetlea .yUaUU
There are other great Bargains awaiting you here, Re
member the date, Friday, 9 a,m. Look for big.nFairM sign
S. E. Cor, 12th
and Farnam
...3;r"LA's.-ie ;
S, E. Cor, 12th
and Farnam
Low EouBid
MBBA anc!
Also to All Other Winter Tourist
Points in the South and Southwest.
Double Daily Service
Evening Train leaves Omaha 6:30. Electric lighted
sleepers, cafe, dining car service.
All information regarding rates, routes, berths,
etc., cheerfully furnished.
Agent for All Steamship Lines
W a"1- 1 n A sbs. ( sv sj aa- .
ii. u. ooieios, u. a. r. u., umana neD. I
Any Suit or Overcoat
in the "Palace" Stock
Sat. Dec. 30th
and that day only
Blues and Blacks included. Strouse
& Bros.' "High Art" Clothes,
"Franklin" System, Griffon Make
and Famous Rochester makes go
also at $10.00
This means ANY Suit or
Overcoat that sold at $18,
$20, $22.50, $25 uapntdo $30
See All Papers Friday Eve.
Plenty of
Stouts, Slims,
and "extra
sizes" up to
52. Your size
is surely here.
ITWPqffiSBSBnSJBr-"-1-'1'1 1,11 IJBSJ ' 1
a it i j
COR.i4a &DOU01ASy
Farm Lands
On the Want-Ad Pages of today's Bee
will he found, a great numbef of choice
farms, ranches and western land offered for
sale at reasonable. prices.
Look them over. The property you arc
looking for may be there.
Turn to the Want-Ad paget now.