Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Strong' Northwest Market Iniurei a
Bull and Bear Fight
llakt I oris aad llerelate la Face
( Scarcity for Cora Deliver
Caasr a I'erlias; of I a
rsalne. OMAHA, Dec. . J!U1.
There was no response in the Liverpool
fable on Iho domestic tdvanro yeefer
lay, and a th short Interest greatly
rallied today a market wan a dull one.
It Is possible that tha Argentine new
ha km exaggerated and a permanent
edvanc-e ran hardly be epe-led In face
of the bearish domeatlc condition. H'J
ever, with northwest market strung rffid
rah value t,ady to fim It will be a
fighting market tor both bulla and bear.
l-lght stork. Ilnht receipts and hardiV
no contrail corn for delivery are th
featurca which alarm lecemter hort,
and moBt anything Might hapiien to the
December option Ilia hsiance nl thla weak.
At the same time some reaction It duo
after these sharp advance.
Karly wheat cable wore not aa atmnc
Ba were expected anil wheat eased off a
bit. only to firm up later on eommllnn
bullae buying. Cah wheat wa strong at
'y higher.
The corn market suffered Mmn reaction
nrly, but IlKht receipt again tcared the
aarly eiiiei Into covertng. Cash corn
easy at lc lower.
Primary wliea receipt were 37.Of
bithele and shipment were ?.?:, mli
tla. agalnat receipt Int year of 441.IX")
buahela aiid shipment of 2;.C0i bushel.
Primary corn receipt were 4151,0110 bush
el and shipment were ;i'U.( buahela,
agalnat receipt lat year of 1.2M.10 bush
els and ahlpnicnt of 7:t"..0Wi btiehel.
Clesrsnces were l43.( bushel of corn,
1.000 buhel of oata and wheat and flour
equal to aortal biirhels.
Liverpool clped unchanged to 'd hlhr
an wheat and Vid higher on cum.
Th following cah als were reported:
Wheat: No. U liard, 4 rara. 11.00; NO. 11
bard. 1 car, 9T'V: Nn. 4 lianl, 1 car. 7c;
fo. f mixed. 1 car. 11.(0; No. 3 mixed, 1
tar, Sc. Corn: No. i yellow, 1 car at
lc. 3 cara at fCic: No. 4 yellow, 1 tar
at bl'ic, 2 cara at LTV; No. 4 mlsed. 1
car, 67c; no grade. 1 cur al tfic, 1 car
at 56 'c Oat: No. 3 white, 1 car, Utc;
No. 4 white, 2 car. li'ic
Oaitka Caati rrlni,
WHEAT No. t hard, fHff11".: No. 3
bard, ficfilMC; No. 4 hard. Wjc.
CORN No. i white.. &'(ji!c; No. 4
white, ttTji'.Mc; No. 1 color, WrWc; No.
i yellow, 6'.ifKSc; No. 4 yellow. W,4
kl'to.No. 3. Wi'y&c; No. 4, frltWc ; no
(trade. lito&c.
OATS No. white, 4.Vj4iV,e; alandard.
ib't'criithir: No. a white, 4Mi4fi',c; No. 4
white, 44Mi6',r; No. 3 yellow, 4l'&4Pe;
tio. 4 fellow. H4r,i44ic.
RARLfcy-Maitliig, fl.139l.2S; No, 1 fted,
Mi'E Na. 2, 89Hfl'XH4o; No. , M'8884e.
Carlot Hcrelpt.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
imrago , Ih
allnneapolia 1X1
Umaha 17
aVuiulh 4'i
trra of the Trading C'loaiaa;
Prior a Board af Trade.
C1UCAQO, Dec. 8.-Kxrltrlt atatementa
tbat the black mat tn aouth Argentina
a not aerloua except In apol and that
tiut outlook on the eve of harveet waa for
very large crop took the atraJn to1ay
utt tho market for wheat. Clomng price
era eay, H'Hc under lat nlent. Corn
tiuwed a net m-a of ,4c to mlHe.
au H14s to fto and ho product 214
iiopeful newg from Arjentlna, save the
Ueai market a dip right at th outaet,
ord coming- tliat the weather there to
day waa cool and fine. Then followed a
vigorous bulge In price owing to a
aharp advance at Antwerp and to a de
Uled falling- off In reoeipta northwest.
However, the upturn on the Belgian ex
change wn attributed to belated reports
f damage in Argentina,
in a similar way the dccrae In ar
rival a bmule the Canadian boundary had
plauaabl explanation aevere cold
actios as a temporary check on the
suovaoieiit of all grain. During the ret
X the day prlcea bent slowly downward.
lab demand her was next to nothing.
May fluctuated from WSo to WHo, The
tat aalea, KSc, showed a decline of He
somparcd with twenty-four hours before.
Predictions of heavy deliveries by farm-
next week had a bearlKh effect on
oin. May ranged from WU.'iSo to
Wc. cloning weak, Vtrfta down, at ."'4c
Caau grades were deprevaed. No. 2 yellow
was quoted at W-,c.
lxnga taking profits on a large scale
brake the. market for oata. May ranged
Iroin 4".Vcr4hc to 4t.V. with the cloae at
tv'kc, a dm'llne f t,c net.
i'oielgner and weaterners did a good
eal of selling In the provlatons crowd
At the lant gong lard and ribs wr off
V'(7So ami pork IVy 10c.
'lh leading futures ranged as follows:
A rtic l open. Hlgn. Ljw. close. l Yea'y.
Vheatl 1
. aiay.iUi,!
torn I
4 Ita'AtrigSVij
J til..
. Jan..
43 I 43
11 W
I 10
li 45
13 43
1 00
14 lt
1 MM
16 3V
?', 4o-3s,
Ml I &24
!! .,' :..
at Ati . a . i. .
t tai a ki
ah (luotatluns were aa follows:
KlAL'lV-bleady; winter patents, $3 IMt
4; winter airaighla, l-UtHkt; aprlnif
patents, .70Sa.aU; spring atraighta, H-ii
m; bakers, vt.,iiuH.i(; spring patent,
beld at Vi OJ for tne beat hard.
lU tV-No. . 2b.
liAKhi-.i-f wu r mixing, S6rtyl 00:
fair to choice malting,! .k,
h K.KliH 'lliuouiy, 4U OKyad.w. clover.
$1 b'u M.M. '
l'luv 'i SIGNS 1'oik, mesa, per bbl.
(U.7wii.uo. lud. per ltt lbs., Ij.ui. hhort
lll.K. Huivm (louae), ,K7'v
Total cluaiatici-a of wheat and flour
were eijual to bu. 1'rimary receipts
wnro 3i6,Ml bu., comi axed with 4X!.uW) bu.
the corresponding day a year ago. 1 he
world's viMblu eupiny, aa ahown by lirad-Sti-eet'a,
dcciej,,u 1.1,'J.ow bu.
ksumated receipt a for tomorrow:
Whrat, U cars; corn. CI cars; oats, Ti
varn, hogs, zt.uuo head.
Chioago Caeh l'ritee Wheat. No. I red
.!.. V:. No. 4 red, M'j'tjJw:; No. 2 hard'
..jloi; No. 1 hard,.itf7ci No. I north
em. fl.UYjil.M; No. 1 iiunlicin. H. uijj tun
No. 3 oiihern, Jl w-yi u. No. i spring,
!mi1.W; No. 3 spring, ttciull.Oif;, So 4
spring. VVli'.e; velvet rhaff, Wc'ull 04
aiiruiii. leilo:. Corn; No. 3 yellow
t.; No. 3, ivllic: No. a white, HVfr
No. 3 yellow, l''ii;:i,c; No. 4,
N- white, tefe-j-; No. 4 .
low, lik'jii'-. t)at: Ao. X. 4IVc;, No 2
white, 4mi.iX'c; No. 3. 46V,c; No. a white.
-Vi-4.V.-; No' white, 4i,ic; ataudurd
.ttoe. Hyt: No. 2. .o. liarley, 7UV
t. Timvtby. tl3.WitfU.wt. Clover. tia.iu
U Jit.U).
lit TTEU-Rteady; rreanitTiea, JtiiSsc;
daiiMi. t,u;ic.
1-AiUS liecelpts, J.tiS case. Market
fuin; at mark, caa inriuded, iTiik,
Jiifcia. U'iJU-: prim firsts, r(jc.
I'llKfchK-htMdy; uaisle. lSVtlr
twlna, l-il,c; oung Ainei lcaa, lSvta
l4c; long horn. I,''n lt,c.
J-GTATOKH Itecelpts, W cara. Mar
ket firm; choice to filicy Wlaooneln Sa
Iwx ; choice to fancy Michigan and allnne
vta, bH-i:?.
l-ol'llTtV-8troiig Turkeys: IJve. 14c-tH-eseed.
18",ic. Chickens: IJve. b-d'-caacd,
I'M. hprlug.. Elve, He; dresaed,''
V KAI-Kt,.dy at TCMc. ,
Cai-lut Keculpta Whrat. 16 cara with 7
M cuntract grade; corn. W tie, with 1 of
couuacl gittie; ot. H cara. Total ra
ci.t of wheat at fbicago. Minneapolis
ea.d Dulu-.h today were l cara. com
Jd T'lth iill cara last Week and Z'.i cara
aas voneopoudiiig day a year ago.
I-Ieriul Grata Market.
J ,'a, taaaawba, ta M, fwlui.
quiet; frremler, 7 4Tid, March, 7a 4W'1
May, 7 a J'ul.
ct.tRN Kot, steady: American mixed,
new, M S'vl: American mixed, old, ft 7d;
future, quiet; January, 6a t'sd; February,
Ml I 1U.
quotation of the Day na Varlnaa
C oatmodltlea.
NEW TORK. Iec. M. PIICR-Oulet :
"pritig patrnt. If. 0nji..i; w inter etralght.
, iTOt..v: winter patent. U fMii 70:
spring clnar. Il lOiM .V,: winter extraa No.
i. i.i"ii5.w; winter extraa No. 2. HK4i
Kanrai alralght. l4tmu4SO: llye flour.
met; lair to goml.; choir to
ancy, t4.(i:T..I".. Huck wheat flour, oulet:
2.7i per 10 pound.
-OK.NMr.AI Rteadv: fine whti and
Vellnw. tl irl ft",: rosj-ae. nrjitair un
dried, t3.4i-tf3.7R
ftVK Dull: No. J. ITc: nominal, c I. f.
HAIU.EY-Dull; malting, 91.1849 1.ZT; o. 1.
MJIEAT Pnot market Irrecular: No I
red. Mv. elevator, export bal. and 9Vi,
f. n. h afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
tl.lS1,. f. o. b. afloat. Km ore market
was rirmer during the morning on hulllKh
rivate cable regarding crop condition
n the Argentina and on small receipts
In the northwet. hut eased off In the
afternoon under liquidation, closing V,o
net loner. December closed at tTc; May, -ia, cloi-ed at il.'fl. ilecelpt,
I2.'l hu. ; shipment. 49.1!1 bu.
''DUN-Hpot market easy: export, new,
M'ic, f. o. b. enoat. Futures market was
nominal. Itecelpts, 177,750 bu.; shipment,
SS.K4 bu.
OATH Hpot market quiet. Futures
market u nominal. Itecelpts, &3,875 bu.;
unipmeni. l.tnu du.
HAV Bteady: prime, tl.JV), nominal; No.
1, ll.25ffl.S0; No. 2. $1.101.15; No. 3,
sic -a ti.oo
HOPS-Dull: stale, common to choice,
WW. Wdc; 1BI0. nominal. I'actflo coast,
1511. 4f.'&f'0c; l'.'io, nominal.
HIDKrt Quiet; Central America, 22c;
Bogota, 32Hlf.23c.
I.IOATH Kit Firm: hemlock fir, CT.
27c; seconds, 24,2Uc; thirds, 21'9Z2c; re
Jei ts, l.v.
VKOVISIONS-T'ork. easy; mess. 117 00
17.2T.: family, tlft.oo Jf)00; short clears,
117 .a Href, firm; mess, tl.l.OfHj 13 M);
family, tl4.3fKhvlli.00; beef ham. tjaWM.OO;
Cut meat, quiet; pickled belli,-. 10 to 14
pound, !); pickled ham, til .Ornff 11.23.
I.srd, firm; middle west, tf.2f4i9.33; re
fined, easy; continent, tH.'.; Houth Amer
ica, flO.2.'.: compound, t.H7',41.121i.
TALLOW IStead.v, prim city, find.,
Vc; i-onntry, STi'I Ac.
MI'TTKIt Mteady; creamery special, 3c;
extras, 3t'Vi'!7c; first. :MraV; pioces
special. frKzntlu; extra. 21"rt2fcVc.
I'HKKSB-Steady; aklms, ai4c.
KtlOH Irregular; fresh gathered, ex
traa. 3itJ7c; extra first, 24c; refrigerator
special marks, fancy, local storage
charge paid, 22(&27c; western gathered
whites, S wiIIKc.
f'OlLTKY Alive, active and higher;
western chicken. 11412 vie; fowls, Mi(
14c; turkey. lflo. DreeHed, firmer;
western chicken, jlCHc; fowls, Cliio;
turkeys, l-'Oo.
at. I.oala ;eaeral Market.
HT UlCtfl. Mo.. Deo. W WII MAT
Cash, firm; track. No. 2 red, WV'.Vni'to;
no. z naru, vtwam.v,;; jnny, mcj July,
CORN-Diill: tiaek. No. S. 63c; No. 3
white, 4o; December, Mkv; July, 04c.
OATH-Hlgher; track. No. 2, 48c; No. 2
White, 4! i liecemher. 47c. .
RYF-l.!n:hangnd; Hi"c.
FlOl'K Dull; winter patent. t4.!Ui4f76:
extra, fancy and etratght, 3.HnH.30; hard
winter clears, x:i. mm x. w.
H 10 KD Timothy, tH.OOtj 13.W.
HUAN Weak; sacked east track, II lKfl
HAY Weak: timothy, $20.rj 23.60; prai
rie. tl2.O0ti'l.64i.
I'JIOVIMIONS Pork unchanged; Jobbing,
I5 Ut. Irfird, lower: prime steam, .77Hf'f
t.ST't. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxed
extra shorts, 88.25; clear rlba, tu.26; ahort
cleara, ts.tfy. Dacon, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, l!.2u; clear ribs, tv.25; short
clears. .37S.
POUIiTHT Higher; chickens, vc;
eprlnga, IKc; turkeya, 13c; ducks, 12c;
geese, Wic
BCTTKH Unsettled; creamery. 2tk331o.
EtJOS Klnn; 24c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl. 4.w 11,000
Wheat, bu 74,ooo
Corn, bu 22,o b.c
Oats, bu 22,000 4U.W0
Kaasas City (Ira la aad lrylslaas.
changed; No. 1 hard, II 1.06; No. 3,
Wm-IWI.04; No. 1 red, 97W(c; No. I, 85tf
iMio; May, W.'iftftc.
COHN Vole hsxher; No. 2 mixed, 9
uc; No. t, tUVbc; No. 2 white, l4ntio; No,
3, 63o; December, 44ir64ic; May, 4c;
July, 1jti4
OAT8-1 iichanKcd: No. 2 white, 4TViW
4Si-: No. 2 mixed, 47-47ViC.
HYK ni)C
HAV Steady; choice timothy. 120.00:
Choice prsirle, 1I3.J.cU.50.
BLTTKK Creamery. 36c; firsts. 34c.
seconds, ,1'o; packing stock, lie.
liUUM I'.xtra. ic; rirata. zc; seconds.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu li.OUi 31.00)
Corn, bu Jl.OoO 62.0PO
Gata, bu....n 6,0utt ,0W
Atallable Rappllea of tiralu.
KKW TORK. Deo. 28.-8pclal cable and
tclegraphlo communlcatlona received by
Hradstreet ahow the following changea
In available supplies, as compared with
previous account. Available supplies:
Wheal, 1'nlted states, east, of Kocklea, de
rresned lltf.OUO bunhnls. Canada, decreased
ihl.oiw pusnein. Total, united Htatea and
Canada, decreased H73.000 bushel. Afloat
for and In Kororm, decreased zuo.oin bush
el. Total American and Kuropean aup
pdy, decreased 1,173.000 buahela. Corn,
t'nlted Htatea and Canada. Increased M8,-
ono buahela. Oata, United Htatea and
Canada, decreased 220.OUO bushels. The
leading Increases and decreases reported
this week folium'. Increases; Manitoba,
226.000 bushels. Decreases: Minneapolis
private elevators, W,0u0 bushel;. Nash
ville, 60,000 bushel.
MlaBeas-olle Ural a Market,
May, ll.Oi.S; July. I1.07tjl.07i. Cash:
No. 1 hard, tl.0s'4; No. 1 northern, tl.u.:
No. 2 northern. tl.04rl.04a; No. S. tl.Ola
FLAX- 12.14.
HAULICY 76c1.St.
follN-No. 1 yellow, NA'.
OATH No. 8 white. 44Vtf4ic.
HYF-N". 2. ITfS'iric.
H R A N -23. Oott 23. i.
KlOCR-Flrat patent. lj.00iUS.3O-. seo
onds. I4.vtf4 no: first clears, t3.bodl.86;
second, ti,.4owi2.W. .
I'silladelpbla I'rodar Market.
Steady; western creamery speolal, 40c;
extra, iSH-; nearby piinta extra, 41c.
Ki Ids steady ; 1't nn h aula and other
nearby firsts, free cases. In 00 pr case;
current receipt, free case, 1 40 per case;
western' firm, freo cases, tV.Ou per case;
current receipt, free cases, ta.tO per caa.
CIIEKHK Finn; New York full creemi
fancy, 1V; 'lr u good, 16vUSC.
Mlltnraakee Grain Market.
1 northern, tl.lMjl.Uu; No. 2 i northern,
t! UCVUi US; No. 2 hard Winter, ll.0iul.04;
Ma. :c; July, Ittc.
UARLKY tl.lD4il.2S.
I'rorla Market.
PEORIA. Dec. 2 CORN Firm: No 3
while, titc; No. t yellow. tSJVlMc; No
4 yellow. GOSc: No. 3 mixed, Cc; No, 4
mixed. XV; sample, R6c.
GATA Inactive, nominally Uo hlgUur.
rJsiuralrd Apples aad Dried Krslts.
A I' PIEH- yuiet and unchanged; on the
spot, (ancy. n-)uV,c; choice, 0l,lsc;
prune. 4yti?ac.
DHlEii FHl ITS Prunes, more aellve
and very firm: quotatloiis range from
6c to lS'frc fur CaUtornlaa up to JO-e-s and
from lov to lti- for Oregon Aprtcoia,
iiuiet and steady; choice, In I !; extra
choice, lnl'c; fancy, Kfrlko. I'eaches.
ateady with a quirt trade; choice. 11S.T
IHr"; extra choice. 114,nl2c; fancy. Uw
fUVc. Ra4alns. firm with a faliiy activ
jobbing demand; loose inuacatela, tt7c;
rhuic to fancy seeded. 7si40; aeeilissj,
(lic; Loudon layers, tl.tvul.t
Ull aad RmIb.
SAVANNAH. t.. De. 28.-TURP1TN.
TINK Finn ioij6oVc: aales. IX) bbl.: r
reipta, ill bbla; ehlpjurnH, 1J bbl :
atock. 34 0H6 this,
KOSIN-Flrin; sajea, 2.17HJ bbl.; re
celpla, s4 bbla. ; shipment. aS bbla -iUKk.
LU,Mi bbla. uuotalioua: B, K 7:
D.tosu; K. tC. oo ; K awl O. l.0id
Surface of Exchange Raffled by
Two Bearish Occurrence!.
I slos Parlfle llealet Loser Aaaoag
More Pramlaeat Btoeks I alted
Mtate ateel Sold la Lara;
NEW YORK". Dec. M. The eouanlmltv
of the stock market was upnet today by
two occurrences which Wall street In
terpreted aa bearish, tine waa the on-
exectedly poor November reporta of the
flarrlman road a, the other atatements
from Washington that a bill lowering the
tarirf on steel would soon be placed be
fore the lower branch of congress as the
first step In tariff legislation during the
present session.
The stork market waa dull at price
near yeaterdava close until the middle
of the afternoon, whon these two In
fluence were brought to bear. During the
remainder of the session trading was ac
tive and quotatlona fell away steadily.
i nion iMelflo. with a drop of 2. was
the heaviest loser among the more prom
inent stock. Fnlted rltates rUeel was
sold in large amounts and sank more
than a point to W'ic. Reading. New York
Central, Ht. Paul. Northern Pacific,
nouinern rarmc. Baltimore & Ohio,
loulavllle & Nashville, American Smelt
ing anil Amalgamated, Copper lost a
point or more.
The pressure against Union Pacific
during the last few days was said to b
due to selling In anticipation of a poor
November howlng, but the street was
not prepared for a falling off of txSx.OOO In
gross earnings and of 11.100,000 In tha
net. Southern Pacific' shrinkage of 1716,
)0 In net earnings waa due largely to a
l40.floo Increase In expense, the los In
gross return having been t241,oi!0. These
report following tha unfavorable fig
ures submitted yesterday by Rock Islsnd
seemed to hear out advices previously
received that earning of the weetern
roads had been cut Into aeverely lust
month. Tha harsh weather conditions In
territory served by the Union Pacific
was largely responsible for the sharp re
duction In gross receipts. The strike of
shopmen on the Narrlman line Is said
to have been another Important factor In
the result.
The rwport from Waahlngton that the
sled schedule was to be taken up first
was the signal for ahort selling of United
Mate friteel, but that stock declined no
more than several other prominent lue.
Tho money market remained dull.
Honda wer Irregular. Allts-Chalmer 6
roe harply, but did not hold. Union Pa
cific convertible 4j wer weak and some
speculative bonds wera heavy. Total
sales, par value, t3,521,(KlO, United States
4. registered, declined on call.
Numuer oi sales anu ler.(ib- quotation
of tvoukx were as follow:
. H.h. tw. CUM.
Allll-riialmari pfd 400 III
Amalgamate ttopcar ... 11, MO H.S
Anarli-an Agricultural ,. 4no III tt'i IJ'i
Am. Heat Sugar l,:i 6'i 6 Ibi
Amark-an Can fm liMt Mi lt
AmaHran C. A F (00 il H'i
Am. Cnllon (ill too ' 4414 4414 44
Amarlraa H. a. L pfd w
Am. Ira Heiurltlea K ll'a II 174
Amerlraa IJiumI ps) 11)4 1114 it
Americas Locumotlis , S
Amrrlian 8. aV ill 1,100 134 13 H
Am. H. 4c H. ptd 100 l2',s lKl'a 1"!
Am. Htaal Fnunilrlas , I)
Am. Husar HariuiDg tin 111 lis 114
Amarliaa T. a. T Too litTa 34 w
Amarlran Tnhai-no ptt... l.on nt( 101t im
American Woolaa Pa) 14 rl XiV4
Asacnsila Mining Co.... l."0 ' f"'i
Atrhlann 4,400 104 10V
Atobiann pM 101
Atlsntlo Ctoast Lin 1.14 H 1M
Halllmora A Ohio 110 lr."i 1014 1014
hethlaham !! mm ill, to' 1014
Hroolilsn lUpld ?r mil 7' 11 1t
Canadian pantio roi t4H 140i tv
('antral Lsathar 100 II 11 104
Central Iatkr prtl...!.. 41 '4
('antral at Naw Jarsajr.. loo III 111 lit
Cheaaiwak Ohio l.soo 7C4 7I4 71
Chlrago A Alton , 14
Chloaso U. W K0 II', 1IU, U
rklcsia G. W. pfd 100 U'.fc oS
( hl.aao N. W Uf
Chluaso, M. St p.... 11, W0 1114 ll4 lm4
v , c. c. m. l so
Colorado F. A 1 214
Colorado aV southora 41
Consolidated Uaa 1,000 lll'a 1374 17
Corn Prodm'tl 10 1014 10 S 1(1 14
lialaware lludaon ao 1M4 UT4 147
Danrer A Itlo Uranilo... (00 It', m, 114
Danrer H. O. pfd 700 4014 l 3114
IMitlllara' gscuritlas .... 400 II ) 10-14
grle-..if !K0 11 IP, I Hi
Rrlo lat ptd , 400 111 ll' 114
Kris Id ptd 100 41 41 414
Uenaral Blaulrio M 163V4 M 161
uraat Norlharn pfd "0 117 l'J4 12414
Great Norfhar Ora clta.. 1,000 U IT hi 17 4
llllnola (antral I(i 144 14 14
lniarbvroiKb Mat Wo ti4 1,1 14
Inl. Mat. pfd l,no 4114 474 41
Inlsroailonal llatyoalar.. sno lot 107 '4 T.
Intar-Marlns pfd 4.104 n n !l4
Intarnatlonal Paper '4
Intaruatlonal Pump ..... IS
lows Oantral ..... . II
Kanaas City Houlbaro 3714
K. C. 80. pfd M14
Urlad Uaa M 10414 1044 IM14
Ioulavllla Naahrtll.. 1,1V M4 164
Minn. St. Uout. It
M , SI. P, S. B. M... 10 1H14 11414 14
Mlaaouri. IK. A T 0 II l
M , K. A T. pfd 44
Mlaaouri Paolllo 7( lit I-. x4
Naiional BiKult, ex-dls 1. 1"4
Natlanal Lead 1.100 14(4 M4 Mi
N. K. R. of M. 14 pfd 3414
Naw York Central 4"0 lots l' ioi
N, Y . O. A W soo Ills 31
Norfolk A Waatara too lol4 lot 101
North America S00 14 144 7414
Norlhar Pan 111 I.Su 111 IIT14 1 17 '4
Parttlo Mall too 114 114 II
ran rair I Tula I, 123'k 1S Zi4
Paopla-a Oaa Id 10114 10314 11
p.. a. c. A at L loo n4 - 7i
Plttaburfh (teal 40 11 "4 114 14
Praaaed gtsel Or II
Pullman Palace Car 'ltl
Hallwar Blaal Bsrlng
Raadlng 4M.I0 U34 1404 lui
tiapuhli lai 1.40 Tt J t6;a
HapuMlo Slaal pfd 40 44 14 V, M
Roek laiand C 4a) ts IJSi 4
Keck laiand o. pfd 1.90 44 ii 4 444
t. L. A . P Id pfd... 10 4014 4 4o
at. 1 von la a. W so
At. loula a W. pfd ... 70
Rloas-Bhstflald B. A I..: 41
Bout ham Pacific IH 111 1104 I10T4
aculhars Itallvay ....... 1.70 14 1114
So. nuilvar ptd "0 7o4 704 T04
TailMaaa Ooppar 1.70 114, 17 IT
Taiaa A Paolfle tf
T . at. U A W l.K 14 IS 11
T.. 81. U A W. pfd..... loo Sf.4 1x4 1414
1 sin Pa.-lflo :. 17S '04
t'nloa Pacltle p' o l4 II
lulled Hlalaa Realty.... 1 U II 44 4
United Mates Ruhhar.... 1.10 47S 474 4714
Pallad Slats Stael Kt W14 M
I 8. aiaol ptd KI14 KOI, IIO14
I tan Curoar Mi IM4 54 '4
Va Carolina Oiamlcal .. K MS 44 14
wakaah l.o 4. , 1
Vabaah pfd n 14V 14s las
Waeiarn Maryland It fH '"
WaallnsiioMa Maotrl 4i 1414 44 441,
Waalara laloa - an 1S -Vl T
Whaaling A I I IS IS I'a
Uaiilsk Vallsr .M IMS 1S 1
Chlno (Vppae 1."0 TPS t fl
par CSnIHLat4 I.M II US US
Of farad.
.Total sals fer the day, ri.ll aharaa.
I.aadosi lltok Market.
I.ONDON. tec. BL Ameticaii securities
opened steady today. Trading wa light
during 111 first hour, but the market ad
vanced under the load of Canadian Pa
cific. At noon price ranged from un
changed to a point higher than yester
day a New York closing.
London cltnlng stock quotation:
Ctoaaola, monay ...,n l llLowlaTll A Na.h..lf
do aicounl 71 Mo., pUa. A Tat.. 3S
Awal. Copper 44N V. leutral 1
Auaionda Norfolk A Waaler III
Afblaon K'S dn pfd II
d. pfd 10; Ontario A Waalern S
llaltlmur A (ihl....l'l'iiaylania 41
Canadian Pailflc ... la Hand Mlaas 4S
I'hi-aauMka A Ohio.. 7llrj(n 1i
I1lla I". W I KiMllbarn galleay... 304
111. Mil. A l. P. .11", do pfd TIS
! Users HSouthrn Pacinc. . . . IIH4
Uaaver A H. O K,l'nloa Pat in TI
do. ptd 411, do pfd MS
fcria JSl'. al 74
da lat pM I4S o pr 11S
da Id pfd 44 Wabaa s
Grand Trunk MS f' 'S
lllnala 1'tntral 14 1
hll.VI R- Bar. stekdy, 20'id lr OS.
MuNKV-S'lti'H er cent.
The rata of Uisiouunt In the open mar
ket for ahort bllla. 3 f-lttf4 per cent; for
tire month' bill. Zii 13-ltl per cent.
New lark Mlataa; Rlax-ka.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2S. Closing quota
lion on ii.lmug sines war:
Alii fc Mill Cblaf I
Com. Tunael aterk. i Maiieaa 41
do tawd II Oaurls in
Oa Cal. A V 11 Op Mr 10
Iroa Sllaer II Slandard 14
tadtllla Cos t 1 allow JackM 41
. Vftarad.
Bask f Kaglaad tateiurat,
IjONIhJN. Dec. M. The weekly state
ment of tb Bank of England show the
olios-lug changtja: Total rarv. de
ria iXaW.Mu, circalaU?, sssd
't or: bullion. .1. rresed f 1 703.170; other
e,'iirltle, Incressed fl.4i; other de
lKlt. Increased f 3.!f.2.4Mr; jpuhllc deposits,
inrreaaed fl.124.OW; notes reserve, de
creased fl.371,ftO; government securities,
unchanged. Proportion of tli bank'a
reserve to liability thla week, 3S 4M per
cent; last week It ws 41. Hi per cent.
New York Moaep Market.,
XBW YORK. Imc. 2S- ;vtO KY On call
steady at l4 per cent; ruling raie, Si
per cent: closing bid. offered at 3 Der
cent. Time loans. sy; sixty days, 4'"'f
4S per cent; ninety days, 4 per nt; six
montns, 4U4', oer cent.
4( tier cent.
HTKKI.1NH KXCH ANtlK Stesdv, with
ictual busine In bankers' bills ut 14 Kt
for sixty-day bills and 14.Ni06 for demand;
commercial bills, ft RJ14.
H1L.VKR Bar. Uc: Mexican dollar
HONDS QovertimenL easv: railroad, lr-
Closing OUOtatlon on bond todav arse
aa foil os-e-ll.
. rf. fa. rag.. .11 Inter. M. M. 4'ii... 1s
vwnpwn toy -japan 4a 34
V. B. la. rag mis do 4S MS
da eoupan lniwev f n i. 9. a. 1
V. 8. 4a. r.f lu. u . d5 iM..t aji
do coupon 1U l. A N. anl. 4t.... IPS
Allla-Chal. lit la... M If. K. A T ltt 41.. M
Amar. A. I nxs do gn. 4Sa
A. T. A .T c. 4. .104 aMo. Pacific 4a 10
Am. Tobsooe 4a !aN. r.h of M 4H,
l'SN. Y. C. g. 3S-... US
Armour A Co. 4tt.. mi, io 4b 4, t,,T
Atchlaoa cn. 4a.... H'44. y h. 4 u.
" c. Is IJJ
do ct. ba 1"4 av a u- i.. . a7.i
A. O. L. lat 4a si d0 nr. 4a j7S
flat. A Oblo 4a 14 No. rUla 4a IV
00 aa wi do I 4 S
do 8. W. !',.... Sn a 1. a. 1. 1,
Bnmli. Tr. e. 4a.... MSsin. . il. laic" uu
in of (la. la lot do nn 4,
r.n. lathr U..... H Re.dl rea. 4. lis
:. of N. J. 1 a..lJlS8 LA P. fs 4a lo
Cba. A Ohio 4Sa..l0lS do ten ta ... 14
do ct. 414a... .... II MU B. w c.'4a1IS
C. R. L A P s. 4.71 do lat rsf. 4.'.'.:": "s
do rfg. 44. "'.so. f,. jots
Colo. Ind. la 7f.S do gsn. 4a'. ;
... .......... 11, mion Pacific 4a 101
('. A n. r. A e. 4S 7S do tr. 4a o
P. A II. cr. 4 I7S do lat A rat 4, :n
D. A R. O. 4a.... lost:, a h.Tki! . al"'".l f
da rat. ia llulf s o.i .'"
ni.llll.rV I. i.a.,r ....l'0-.
ntstiilara- aa 74SV..rar. rn.m. ....ior.14
K" P ' SWana.h lat i. 105
do o. f 7S dn lat A ex. 4a... IIS
do iv. 4a, aar. A.. aSSWaat.rn Md. 4a ffjiu
do eerlas h 7UW ri LL
pen. Biec er. la... .13 wi,. cntr'al 4'...":: ,1
III. Can lat raf. 4. MS Ma. Psc. er. aa 17
ln'Mu ":L.V-- "H'P.aao.a I ".wis
Boaloa Btoeka mm II.....I.
BOSTON, fw oo.i.i ....
nn ..JJ . 1. i v""lll4 luoiauons
- - ,v " - " 1' o xoiiowa:
AllouM i Ul 1. .1
Amal. Coppor 45 Nevada Con." li-
b. a c. c. a s. m. i North Diitt.
(al A Ariaooa siSuid Uomlnloa"." !'.!! 47
iil. A Hacl 43d Oaoaola 17
f antatinlal 17 Parrou B. A C. 14s
(op. Hans C. !.... b Qulncy 74
.. ....... . jananiwD 114
Prank In II a.,..,... ITS
(llrnui Con 4S"uporlor A ' '."id ! '. '. '.
(Iranhv I'nn la t. l. .JS
Oraaiis lnanaa .. 1 1-1411. 8. 8. R. A It. .. II14
Kirr I.ako . . 4 vm-i. 11'
- .i'ii. ,, 7
Lk anal 11. t. . "
La Halls Ooppar ISWInon
ippr USWolTrln 10J
-awi, "mo. , '
BUTTOR-No. 1, Mb. carton. 3c; No.
I, In MMb. tubs. 3ri'4o-. Nn -n.
2c. '
OilEESBImDOrlerl Kslja a:'e- inin.
can t4wl. ado; block Hwlss, lo; twin.
liHi; dssles, lc; triplets. 19c; young Amer-
uoiZ1 brick- 001 1"ber"-.
POUDTRY-Brollers. $4.5.( per doz.;
springs. 12,0; hens, 1214c; cocks, 9g; ducks,
18o; geese, lie; turkeys. !c; pigeons, per
do.t 11.20. Alive, boiler. 12Hc; hens, To:
old rooster and stags. 6c; old ducks, full
feathered, lie; geese, full feathered,
10c; turkey. 16c; guinea fowls, 26a each;
P.'f0"" ptT a : homers, per dog..
,li,,",'lu,b"' No- ! 1M; No- 2. MO. '
i..S,J.r tFrMh troaen) Pickerel. Vc;
white, 10c; pike, 8c; trout, 11c; large carp
P'. l-yi5c: Spanish mackerel, Iwo; eel.
Uc; haddocks, 13c; flounders. 13c; green
eatflsh, 16c; roe shad, 11.00 each; shad ros,
. Va,M , W.VJ, aainmn,' 14c; liailDUt, joe;
ye,ll,0Ji;.perc.h' ,o: "ffaio. c; bullhead, lie
ki. iZ.r"11 troz" - Pickerel, 7c;
. '. t V- "nr- ocf trout, uc; large crgp
plo, 1Jj1.ic; tfjianlsh mckerd, uc; eel.
.,,ffi,lok"' 140 : founder. i3o; greli
catfish, 15c; roe shad. 11.00 each; shad roe
per pair, goo; salmon, 14cj halibut, lflo;
y .e!,tVio: ,,uff'o. 11 bullhead. Uc
BKElf CUTf-No. 1 ribs. 18o per lb.;
No. 2 rib. lSKo per lb.; No. S rib, so per
i NJ?' 'olns. ISHo per lb.; No. 1 loin.
lto per lb.; No. 3 loins. IO140 per lb.;
ich,. Pr lb.; No. 2 chuck
7V4o per lb.. No. 3 chuck, esc per lb.
No. 1 rounds, llo per lb.; NoT 1 round
"aO per lb.; No. 1 round. So per lb.; .
PRUITH. ETC.-Apple: Cooking va-
,Pe,H bbl - lli . Jonhan and
Grimes Oolden, per hbl., $4 .60; Ben DaVI
per bbl., 12.75; California Belltlower. por
box, 11.35; Colorado Jonathan, extra
fHncy, per bog. 12.50; Washington Spltgetl
berg, per box, 12.50; Washington .R.
Beauty, per box, 12.50; Washington
Staman Winasaps, pur box, 12 B0
Bananua: Fancy select, per bunch. t7.26
(i'2.M; Jumbo, oer bunch, 12.75i3 15
Cranberries: Wisconsin, fancy, per bbl
19.50; per box. 13.20; extra large Jihnbo;
per bbl., 110.00. Date: Anchor brand
new, 30 1-lb. pkg. In boxes, per box!
t2.o0; Dromedary brand, new, 30 l-lb
pkg. In boxes, per box, 13.00; bulk In 25
and &0-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c. Kite
California, per cae of 13 13-o. pkg '
; per case of St) 12-os. pkg., 12.50; per
case of 60 a-o. pk., 12.00; New Turkish.
6- crown In KO-lb. ooxea. per lb., 16c-t-crown
In SO-lb. boxes, per lb., 14k:'
7- crown In 10-lb. . boxes, er lb.,' 170!
Oiapo Fruit: . Florida, 46-36 alse. per
crate, 13.00; 80-64-64 else, per crate, 15 tS
Orapes: Malaga grapes lu bbl.. 15.60i
6.00. Dmona: DJmoneiia . brand, extra
fancy, tot) sis, per box. I6.00; tts) (lie,
per box, 14 76; Loral Dlmonelra, fancy
tiiO-360 alsea, per box, 14.25; 140 and 430
sixes. 60c per box leu. Orangea: Cali
fornia Navels. P6-1M slsea, per box, li 00-luO-m-216-2fi
sires, por box. 13.00. '
VhXJKTAUDIsX-abbaae: Wisconsin,
per lb., 2c. Celery: Michigan, per dox ,
40c; California Jumbo, per doa., Mc, Cu.
cumbers: Hot house, per doa., 12.00. Egg
Plant : Fancy Florida, per do., 12 00 Gar
lic. Extra fancy, white, par lb., lie! Det
tuc: tAtra fancy, leaf, per doa., 40o
Onion: California, whit, per lb., c; Wis
consin, yellow and red, In sacks, per lb
2H-c; Spanish, per crate. 11.90. Paraley
Fancy aouthern. per do., bunche. ta
75c. Potato; Minnesota Karl ohlo Per
bu., 11.15; Wisconsin white atock, per bu
11.10; In 10-eack lots. 6c less. Hweet Po
tatoes: Kansas, per bbl., 13.00; per bu
bsk., 1165. Rutabagas: In sacks, per lb '
'iio Tom,toa: California, per crate',
MisCEIXANrJOrs-Almonda: Tarra
gona, per lb., 1S4C: ck lot, 6c lea
Braxll nut: Per lb.. lHo; in sack lots! lo
loss. Coooanuta: Per ack, 16.60. Filbrrts
Per lb.. 14c; In sack lot, lo lea Pea
nut; Roasted, per lb., 8S:c; raw, per lb
7Vc. Pecans; Large, per lb., 17c; In sack
lots, lo leas. Walnuta: New crop. lll
California, per lb., lie; lu sack lots.Yle
less. Cider: New Nehawka, per 15-gai
Kt bbl., U00; per SO-gal. bbl., 16 60; New
York .Mint , per 16-gal. bul., W to per
SO-gal. bbl.. I6.9O. Honey: New. 24 frames
W.76. Kraut: IVr 16-gal. keg. 13.00; per 6
gttl. keg. 11.10; Wiacfaualn. per H-bbl., 13,iO.
Metal Market.
NEW YXUK. Dec. 2S.-MUTAI.S-Btandard
coppor, dull; spot and Decem
ber, 11J.75U14.; January, February
March and April, tl3.87Vrl4.00. London
market easy; spot. 11 12s d; futures. Ao4
. ""lulu nou return show export
or 30.U7 tons so far this inontb. Lake
copper, H4.t.414.W: electrolytic, tHXtt
HITS: i-aatliiK, tll76i14.00. Tin dull
lot, December and January. 144 ofi 45 Oo'
February, K2 6oti4i.75; Alan li. t42.wiiMt 60:
April. 141.7,142 371. london market
steady; apot. A3J4; futures. : 191 6s. Iad
ijutet; 14.4UKI4 50, New York; MX'W''oj.
Last St luls. Iidiidon market guott-d at
A 15 lis. Mpelter, iulft; ta;b.3. New
York: 16.10.010, East 8t. Ixjuui. lxndon
market quoted at (IN 15.,
dull: Cookson's. 17.75. Iron. Cleveland
warrant. 60s IKI In London. Ixx-ally Iron
a steady; No. I foundry, northern. 114 75
tj 150"; No. t. 114.5014 15; No. 1 southern
and No. 1 southern, soft. l!4 rV(l471.
ST. LOl'lf. lec. 2S.-MKTAJ4-Lead,
firm at H Jij. bpltr,-dull at 16 25.
(effe Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. 28. (XlFFEE Fu
ture closed steady, last prices from 11
points lower to 4 points higher, liecem
ber. 1194c: January, IS sue: February
U4&: March. II c; AdtII. lli4- xisv
June. July, August and tiepteinber, 13 076;
October. 13 06c. November, 14u4c. bait
6.900 bags. Hoot coffee, quiet; Rio No'
7. 14Vtc; Samoa No. 4, Uo. Mild, uuiet;
aaajaawaa ! s "."i"..
Cattle Steady to Strong: Compared
with Wednetday.
Pheep aad Lambs Sellable for KIU
ers la Active Demaad anal Free
Kellers at Mcady to
Straag Prices.
HOL'Tl I OMAHA. Tec. 2, 111.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Mondav Holiday
Official Tueadsy 6.W9 B.43S
Official erlnesday... 5.7K1 S W7 .7t
estimate Thursday.... 4,Of) 8,4) e.ano
Four dayg this week l.r..w) 17.M0 11.744
f-ame days last week. .13.078 37.144 24.3?4
Psme ilavs 2 wka. ago 2.A1 7.M2 J4.17
Msmo day 3 wks. ago 18.M7 3!i,il 27
Same daya 4 wk. aao 10.719 2?,412
Same day last y ear.. 10 4) 15,617 17,aX
The following table show the receipt
of cattle, hog and aheep at tknitti Omaha
for tb year to date tut compared with laat
le': l'.itl. 1!10. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 1.172.M1 1.216,522 43,041
Hogs 2,;iM.7iil 1,871.510 4.9.1S1
Sheep 2.K72.4W 2.970.7H2 l.ftW
The following taole show the average
price paid for hog ut Houth Omaha for
me it few dya, with co-nparlon:
Uate. mil. lO.lo.jl9pii.l907.11iA;,lW6.
I )ec. W.
uo'sl J 4Si 261 14 2.1
4 M
Dec. 21.
04l 7 6S IP ! 581 4 3S
o iw
4 83
4 W
4 IM
Dec. 2:
n ui' I l.l I m o 4
Dec. ii.j 6 W7Vl 7 66 03
i Mi i 44
Dec. 24
I 7 671 I 11
47 4 36
Dne. 25.
Dec 2.
Dec. 27.
6 03. 7 7S
S 0 4 2S, 6 21
6 06
t 861 7 7HI 8
4 6 15 5 W
Dec. 2H.
7 70 8 3i 5 6 4 44 1 6 16 4 V2
Sunday. "Christmas.
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the L'nlon ttock Yards, South Omaha,
for the twentv-four hours ending at A
oclock yeaterday:
Cattie. Hogs. Sheep. II'r".
C, M. & St. P. Ry.. 1 4 i
Wabash Ry a 2
Missouri Pacific Ry. I
Union Pacific Ry... a 25 1
C. N.-W., east.... 14 1
C. A N.-W.. west... 40 i'J 1
C, t. P., M. & O... 2a
C, R. ft q. east.... 2 6 1..
O., B. & (J., west... 34 2i 11
C, R. I. A P., east.. 6 1
C, R. I. ot P., west. I
Illinois Central Ry.. 3 2
C. Q. W. Ry 4
Total receipts 167 11 29
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Omaha Packing- Co 615 720
Swift A Co K12 1.70,1 1,551
Cudahy Parking Co.. ..1.273 2 iw 1,823
Armour at Co 659 l.'i'ol 2,204
Schwartx tt Co 27
J. W. Murphy 1.785
Morrell 6
W. B. Vansant Co 17
Henton, V. S. & Lush.. 2
Hill & Son f,4
F. B. Lewis :i
Huston & Co ID .....
J. B. Root & Co 60
J. If. Bulla 86
ti. K. Husa S3
L. Wolf 17
MCCreary A Kellogg.. 1
Mo. A Kan. -Cal. Co..... 93
CHne A Christie t
Other buyers 561 a.132
Totals- 4.379 8.621 7.710
CATTLE Cattle receipts wer very
liberal for a Thursday, 163 car being
reported in. Today recelpta make the
total for th -week todate 16.690 head, a
gain of 6.0ml head as compared with the
came day last year.
Fortunately the local demand for beef
steers was very fair thla morning and
anything at all desirable commanded
steady prlcea as compared with yeaterday.
On the other hand cattle that were espe
cially pleasing In buyer' eye sold to a
little ootter advantage even than ye
tsrday, or around loo higher than Tue
day, .Cattle, which did not appeal espe
cially to tn Duyera were slow and Moid
era of such cattle could not see any lm
provement in the market.
There wa no material change. In the
market for cows and heifers, prices con
tinning about steady with yesterday.
Which means that the market is a triti
better than It was on Tuesday
There were very few stock cattle or
feeders In sight, but the feeling was that
anything desirable would command good
in in privea.
joou to choice bee! steers. 16.758 00 ;
fair to good beef steers, 60Oif6.76; com
mon to lair beef steers, S4.76iaa.i6: good
to choice hetters, 14. i5Mi.ou; good to
cnoir cows, 4.j.a), latr to good cowa
3.'i(4.2j; cornmou to fair cotvs, 12.751;
.tin, suuu to cuoice Blocker ana feeders,
tu.ltXQ'O.uO; fair 10 iw siockera and feed
ers, 14.9UfiS.40; common to fair atockera
and feeders,; stock heifers, 13 60; veai caives, 4M.oKtjii.ou; uuils, stags,
uto., 13
, RelTcf eutatlve saeU:
No. A. IT. No. At. FT.
1 140 6 0 12 U4I 40
I Ml I 40 O mi to
Kit I li 41 11.11 4 14
t 1011 I 10 II 1317 lo
1 104 I 10 14 1UI I o
1 1IM 00 14 lift 7 00
It 1001 II 2 mi 7 la
17 1?V 4 40
I 410 4 40 U I 40
M 17 t
I 104 1 o 11 tn 4 40
4 104 1 44 10 in 44
t 10 1 m ih
I 714 I 40 I IM 4 I
1 114 I N 8 1110 II
4 1IM 4 00 I ..140 4 10
4 11M 4 4 I IT 4 It
17.. Ill 4 II 1 1940 4 W
f IK 4 to Iltt 4 N
4 l'7 4 H .
I... 141 4 II 11 Ti: I M
II II 4 M ..... Ill IN
1 4 4 40 II... I 14
101 4 14 1 ISO I!)
1071 IM
1 1)70 4 41 1 H0 4 It
1 1440 4 40 1 1490 4 10
1 1460 4 40 1 1441 4 N
1 1440 4 44 1 1110 OO
1 1UM 4 44 II 14111 I j!
1 14U 4 II 1610 6 14
I.... 170 I 111 1 140 I 00
1 10 I M I IM I 4o
1 IM I 09 1 10 I Ml
1 441 4 S 1 14 4 II
16 i 4 i 10 no to
t .10 IH 17 740 lo
1 1 OOS Compared with yesterday's
average market, hog trade ahowed a
lltt strength early in shipping grades.
but prlcea settled back Into steady notches
aa soon as outside orders wer filled,
larger packing droves wer put up at
cost levels almoat Identical with those
of yesterday, th demand from local
quarters proving tardy with movement
Receipts amounted to fully 115 loads,
mostly light butcher and bacon averages,
the ram aa recently. Shipper and specu
lators favored offerings weighing around
li.Arti2.6o pounds and bought freely al
tha start, furnishing an outlet for fully
one fourth of the total supply. Quiet
trading Outing the Utter part of the
session delayed clearances undl well along
toward midday.
Heavies, butchers and lights domanded
at the high, middle and low pleads,
respectively, and margins between the
three claafcea remained unchanged. The
best lard anlmaia uu sale brought lt. 15,
aiso yesterday a top, while bacon and
hluh mixed stuff sold largely under tha
64.UU0 mark. There were not enough pigs
od mmim to auoru aoyiniug use a lair
test of values.
Ma. At. kUu fr. No. At. Eh. Ir.
41 141 ... i :M too
44 ia ... 1 74 si no ... 4 0j
It 144 ... la 41 Iki ... 1 00
W) 11 ... 4 ! ... 100
M Ml 4 4 r.ll 14 I 1 .
3 11 ... I 14 14 S.S l f tti
4 "4 " - 4 4.--
I ih au a au aa i:a ... 1
14 14 ... I 5J M t I So
6 1 ... 4 10 U Ut ... I i
M Ill ... 14 1 "0 K Idj
l .i ll ... 10 1 21 1.0 4 04
71 t 1S i.l ... 07' .
44 Ill .-. " HI ... I
41. Ill ... I 7 14 4 u
4 14 ... '4 la IS) W
II Ill ... 4 4 4 14 1
41 .11 ... I H 4 144 ... U
Ml Mil a ... 41,
al Ill 1! I I 41 Jbt ... 10
41... 4.. .114 4 I 0 11 ut ... la
II 13 11 IN 2l tot t 14
H 4 II 147 Mil
14 - 4 II 34 4 1 uu
1 131 t.-i ... I Hi!
14 til ... I ao 11 isi ... 14
n ' ... 4 it .
41 l 4 ai so ij 414-
144 -. 1
tAlttP-wtiit aliar lisltcd
supply of lamhs In hungry fashion, pay
log prlcea steady to atroncer for anv
ttUUM at all fit far alaualilar. Offarlnaa
couaielad amoit atirly of lamb and la
mi respect the market railed to come up
to requirements, a oor variety doe not
permit much election. Not only wa
trade a single-barrelled affair, but aver
age quality of the supply wss nothing
to brag stout, medium and fairly good
siring Deing tue rule.
Fed lambs with sttrartlve finish sold
a high as ll.iio, Indicating a quotable
limit 1.1 n 10, and less denlrabl classes
landed around ti.ilMjj Sfi. There wa no
business of consequence below the 16.60
msis, dui cuiis arei etui noining at big
discount, the demand .centering upon
loppy kinds of stock.
Trade in matured muttons hardly de
served the name, only a few small
bunches of sheep showing up. Prices re
msined nominal and the situation In gen
eral gave seder no new data In th way
of figures on ewes, wethers and year
lings. Compared with last week's close, fat
lambs are closing about a dime higher,
white sheep claim a seal of prices Just
about steady. Receipt have been rather
light, a condition not unusual during the
holidays, and the proportion of feeders
has leit thla branch of the market almost
lifeless. The country buy thus far thla
wnk amounts to less than S.000 had.
. Quotations on sheep and lamb: Lambs,
good to choice, !5.(i!i 10; lamb, fair to
good. t5..6.5; yearlings, good to choice,
I4.40tf4.76: yearlings, fair to good. H.llxtf
4.40; wethers, good to choice, 18.75p10;
wethers, fslr to good, 13.600j3.75; ewes,
good to cholpe. t3.408'3.76; ewes, fair to
good. t3.0O-iri.6O.
No. Av. pr.
2t native yearlings 140 8 85
2"1 fed lambs 68 6 40
24 fed lamb, cull 153 4 50
2 fed lamb 8 t HO
30,1 western lambs, feeder M 4 90
324 western lamhs, feeders 70 6 10,
121 fed ewe, cull 103 2 75
316 fad lambs 78 00
211 fed lamb, cull 61 4 76
U4 fed lambs AS E 60 -
353 fed lamb 73 6 60
3H fed lambs 77 6 00
250 fed lambs 71 6 70
H fed lambs 97 6 00
24 fed lambs 81 6 26
10 fed lambs, culls 4 4 '
81 fed lamhs W 6 75
003 fed yearlings K'l 6
415 fed yearlings ll B
Demaad for Cattle Weak Hog and
heep Steady.
. CHICAGO. Dec. 28. CATTLE Receipts,
estimated at 7,u head; market weak. 10fj
15'j lower than yeaterday; beeves, 14.760
8.tta; Texas steer. 4.20i.70; . wtstern
Iteers, I4.80ig6.00; stockers and feeders,
13.uwy.75; cows and heifers, 12.oo-fjii.lS;
calves. 14.75t7.60.
itOUS Receipt, estimated at 27,000
head; market ' more active, ' steady to
shade up;-light, lB.86it.30; mixed. to.6
1.40; heaH-y. .0546; rough, t.0utf.2O;
good to choice heavy, W aOgiiij; pig. 14 80
Q6.V0; bulk of sales. t6.1ttl.15.
8HEEP Receipt, estimated at 13.000
head; market steady; . native, 12.2G4.ji;
western, 13.0034.26: yearlings, 14.6Mi5.50;
lambs, native, 14.2&3.36; western, 14.60S
$.35.- '
- Kansas City Live) "took larket.
ceipts, 2,600 head, including 100 south
erns; market, steady ; butchers, strong;
dressed beef and-export steers, tt.Wp
8.75; fair tn good, 16.4g.50; western
Steers, tl.7ei'7.0u: stockers and feeders,
14.ii'!'J.ii0; southern .steers, 14.80&-.W;
southerns cow, 13.00a4.50; native cows.
12.766.60; native ne4iers, h-ws-'i-w; ouus,
l,t.4o5.l5; calves, 14.00ii7.26.
HOGS Receipts, l",0u0 head; market, 10c
lower; bulk of sales, 15.!ft.20; heavy,
tH.25flitl.27H; packers ,-.hd butchers. Iti.Uo
4l.26: llgnt. Jilt, t4.0Woo.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000
head: market. 10o to ibc higher; western
iambs, K.40. Lambs, 14.75 40; yearlings,
14.2SfJ6.26; wethers, IS.JOiiM.OO; ewes, 13.00
QS.To; stockers and feeders, $!.6OU4.00.
Ml. Loals Lire ock Market.
. fT. LOUIS. Dec. 28. CATTLE Receipts,
2.200 head, Including 200 Texans; market
tca71y; native shipping and export steers,
)8.00vt9.35; dressed and butcher steers. 15.26
ttM; steers under 1.000 pound, 14.00
t.26; atockers and feeders.- 13.00g6.00; cowa
arid heifers. 13.003.00; canners. Il.00tf3.00;
bulls, ll.754iS.25; calves. t4.008.25; Texas
ncl Indian steers, t4.00j7.00; cows and
heifers, Jl4.50fi7.00.
HOGS Keoelpt. 11.700 head; market. 10c
to 20c higher; pigs ana ngni. w.iwimiui
mixed and butcher, 16.4O6.50; stood'l' 11! .4lafilflS.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 7,000
head: market. 10c to 250 liigner; native
muttons, 13.25ij4.15; lamb. !4.50it,40; Culls
and bucks, Jl.Atf-o"; stocsers, fiisAgo.oo,
" St. Joseph Lire' Stock Market.
ceipt, 1,800 head; market steady; steers,
14.50ia-S.2R; cows and helfera, . $2.8aJ.50;
calves. M.0OW7. 25. ;'..
iif;-iHo.-,.nt 14.000 head: market
Bteady; top, 16. 85; bulk . of aalea, to.lOtf
B.HEBP AND LAM BS Receipt s, 5,000
head; market steady; lamb, 4.wuo.w.
Stork fa Sight.
Receipts of live tock at th five prin
cipal western marKets yesterany
South Omaha 4.000
Sl.'Joseph l.sno
Kanaas City 2,0O
St. Louis 2,900
Chicago '7,000
10.01 0
Cottoa Market.
NEW TORK, Dec. 28. COTTON Spot
cloned quiet. 15 points lower; middling
uplands, .36c; middling guir, rim:; saies
mail hale. Futures ooened steady: De
cember, 9.2oc; January.- 8.73o; March,
8.91c;-May, .04c; July, .16c; August, t.loo;
September, .?Jc; uctorer, i.kj; XNovem
her. 32c.
Cotton futurea cloaed . steady. Closing
bids: December, r.91c; January, avizc; reo
riiary, 8.81c; March, 8.89c; April, t.tto;
May. Dei June, .08c; July,; Aturust,
.lJo: September,; October. 9.8c; No.
veraber, 9.2c. ...
Dry Oaods Market.
Cotton goods value show a nrmer ten
dency. Cotton yarn prices are harden
ing. Overcoating wer opened by th
leading factors for the 1912 season at
firlces thai snow consuieraoie irregu
arltr. Omaha liar Market.
OMAHA. Dec. 28.-HAY-No. 1. 112.60;
No. 2, 111.00: coarse, 19-60; packing stock,
17.60; alfalfa. 114.50. Straw: Wheat,. 15.60;
rl and uais, tt.&0.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo... Dec. 28.-WOOL-Stedy;
territory and western mediums,
lo)jil8c; fine mediums, lA&'Hc; fine, 10l5o.
gsr Market.
steady; centrifugal, 485c; muscovado,
4. lie; molasses. 1.90c. Sales. 17,000 bags.
Crew Taken Off Ship
Stranded in Gale Of f
Block Island Coast
BLOCK ISLAND. R. I., Dec. St. Th
four-masted schooner Mary Adelaide
Randall of Port Jefferson, N. Y.. coal
laden, wa hurled on the ledgea west of
Block Island by a terrific north weatealy
Halo today and four hour-and a halt
later Its crew of ten men waa rescued by
.th Block Island Ufa, saving crew. Th
rescue was spectacular and waa accom
plished only after the Ufa savers had
tried repeatedly to reach th ' stranded
craft. The Randall was bound from Nor
folk. Va., to New London, Conn.
SPRINGFIELD, Dec. 28 Th Illlnol
State Teacher' association today op
posed th state supreme court ruling that
Bible reading, religious Instruction and
hymn singing have no place in th public
school. It adopted a resolution urging
that a test rax be carried to th au
preme court lo spite of that court' rul
ing that such practice la tha schools ar
tuicvaslitullonaL .
Futor Whote Kime Wm Connected
with Exploiion After Facts.
H la Ilia War Fort RJler lo
Aacertala ko Starte the Re.
art II tars Pe-rsoaal
Maltco la Dark of It.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dea. 28,-A con
gregation In Quanah. Tex., 'wa hearing
Rev. Charlea M. Brewer preach a ser
mon on "Practical Christianity" at tho
Urns of tha blowing UD Of th aTntiarrimMi t
bridge at Fort Riley, Kan., in which the
pastors name was Implicated, through a
confession of Private Mlcliael Quirk, ac
cording to a statement made here today
by Rev. Mr. Brewer, who passed through
this city oh hi way from Olustee. Ok!.,
his home, to Fort Riley, -where he will
lnveatlgat the conditions leading up to
hi arrest and demand an explanation of
government officials.
"My sole mission In life," ha said, "is
to clear my name of thla awful charge
made against me. It was absolutely un
warranted, aa tb federal authorities
found out after they had Investigated it.
But that does not satisfy me. I want to
know who was responsible for mixing my
nam In tha dynamite plot."
Th Rev. Brewer arrest followed a
confession by Private Quick, in which h
stated that he had met tho pastor, for
mrly chaplain at th fort, riding in an
automobile with a woman, and that
they had asked him to loin them In blow
ing up. tha big bridge over the Kansas
"There wa aome personal malic In
connecting my name with the plot," tha
pastor continued. "When the bridge was
blown up I was preaching a aermon in
Quanah, Tex. I do not know Quirk by
name. I do not know whether I ever saw
him or not. I might remamber his face.
If I saw him for I was acquainted with
marry of the enlisted men. I am o-otnar Irk
Fort Rly to sift thla matter to tha
bottom. Not ao much for my bwn sake,
aa for tha ask of mv children, t aheii
not rest. until my name stand absolutely
untarnished by connection with the Fort
Riley affair."
Brewer is now preachlnar at oiuaiee
Hia congregation has stood bv him a
member of hia own congregation arrested
"Brother Brewer." ha said. "T hoi. 4
do it, but hero la the telegram ordering
your arrest."
Brewer was held three dav. Tha gov
ernment authorities never sent for him
and he was released. He telegraphed tho
authorities at Fort Riley that he waa
ready to go there at once if they wanted,
him. He never got a reply, th ex-chap-lain
Secretary MacVeagh
Defends President
Taft'sTariff Work
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. Kerretsrv r.f
the Treasury MacVeagh. presiding over
today's Session of the American Economm
association, defended President Taffa
tariff policy and endorsed the work ancl
report of the tariff board.
Prof. Henry C. Emery, chairman of U14
tariff board, declared that at the outset
he opposed the theory that an equitable
tariff could be adjusted by a discovery
of the cost of production, and doubted
tha ability of a commission to get such,
information, but he told of the help which
manufacturers and producers had given
th board. He aald he believed the re
port of the board on the wool schedule;
and Its conclusions formed a correct
basis for new tariff rates.
Prof. Ji. Parker Willis of Georg Wash
Ington university scoffed at th "cost of
production" basis for tariff adjustment.
Prof. E. V. Robinson of the University
of Minnesota said a protect I v tariff
would be levied In th United States for
years to come. H asserted that tha
democratic party proposed a reduction of
rates, but not an abandonment of tha
protective theory.
President Taft was the principal speaker
at a luncheon of the association.
Russia Will Assume
Control of Affairs'in
Northern Persia
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. ss.-fhe aj
polntment of a Russian governor mrn
chief of police for tha city of Tabrls in
Persia, and th assumption by tha Rus
sians of th financial control of munici
pal affair there, together with tha Insti
tution of exclusively Russian courts of
law, I foreshadowed today in th semi
official Novo Vremya,
"Punishment will b meted out to tin
Peralans. This is not th most difficult
problem to be solved. A task which U
mora complicated and equally Important
ia th introduction Into Persia by Rus
sian authority of a sever and firm, but
just administration."
Wholesale arrests and trials by court
martial of participants In the attack oa
th Russian troops ar to taks place while
the constitutionalists ar to be disarmed,
and stern measures taken for the estab
lishment of order In the northern puiti
of Persia, where many of th towns am
already occupied by Russian troops, In
cluding Enrlt, Resht, Julfa and Tabriz.
1. Answers inuut 1) adCreeed ta
uaiiju'i " 'i" aria rcauti
The B otfic not later thau p. m.
Unureuay of each week to bo uoiuidert-d
for prise award of that week.
2. Contestant may submit one or uior
answera for any or all of the prises.
a Lll.n.r. til he Ic I .1 . . .. ...
. , , - - . . who i. y eac.i
advertiser on Daifydil content pag and
.... I in 1 t llrit.rl 1 a ... .. . ...... .
also announce pnze for ntxt contest.
4. Each Dafrydlll must be written, oil
a separata atieet of paper and must de.
lgnate the advertiser lor wnom u is m
leuued. 6. Winning Daffydila will be chosen fur
inair ini"-'"!! uuiuor and
preference will b shown those pertaininat
lo nam or business of the advertiser
. Winners muat tall In person fur
prises al advertiser's place of busine.
7. In addition to advertisers' prise Til
Be will award, five tl tu the flva
nest best Daffydil writers and win print
thsm, together with all others wortii
publishing oa D4ufdn Contest Pag.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
413-15-17 South IGth Street.
Oar greatest annual furniture
salt) begins at 8 o'clock.
Tuesday morning, January 2,