Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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ofn:iKD ton hext
Houses nil Cil(ar,
S. 13th Ft S-room cottages;
Mill Kid
rill.Sh-niini, tiiii(!M ,-room lunm
N':"?31 "'" a-erueiil. Apply ;)
WALL PAPER rafting, paper hang
, ins, glanug, picture
framing. Monw.n, KM lark H ajj.
iiorstHOLD uooTi pTked rr-
warded; cheap freight isles; moving and
storing. F.pressmen ' Dellveiy .. T
TouitiM iw. city orticn ns s. i;tu st.
He Hllig.
(.antral, steam hem. all mod.; i-r.. b.;
111. bathroom, hascnunt. 2ia N. 241.
OMAHA EXP. CO., moving ao,.s and
torage. Trunks. baast, ikl. D. .jet,
41i: N . T7th.
7-ROOM, modem.
Douglas 3477.
walking d.tanc.
7-KOoM house, ui: iv-rnom. S3- Han
scorn pik; mugerti. Phone Ms rney lia.
UoilSOS " Partn ' the cityl
. Utijti Sum A Co., Hx Hid
Ji! MAFLfc, M'., room, modern ex
j10"". ''I' IUikwhU. Hran.lels Tli. UlrtgT
6i2 S. irtih ou, loutm. vompieie y
modern. ,5 W. Hall, 433 Ramgo. D. 7KA)
2127 DOUGLAS 8 rooms modern etteept
heat. 1-W per month. Tel. iMnigla lias.
FOR RENT sAll modern, newiy paper
id, b-room cottage. Webetrr 4232 ur call
nt Mas Ami Av.
JO 7 loon. a N.
112. Webster 177.
7th; ;ki24 N. Kill,
For Rent
Brick House
Four bcurooii.s. bath and toilet on see.
end floor; large family room, lining
loom, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room.
IihII and vestibule on lirst floor; full
cement basement, with toilet; furnace
heat; everything flrrt claw and strictly
modern. Located at lill Georgia Ave. in
the owner at IM Georgia Ave., or phoue
Harney 1509. ,
6-ROOM house, hot water heal, gas and
electric light; snades. 2703 Hrtntol.
UK Kt. l-New 10-roum modern
buck nouse. 22 Harney; najy Jan. L
Hot waler heat.
imiuirn X. J. O'Brien. Ilcnshaw Uotd.
Phones. I). 1116. H-ltf.H.
1.113 N. th St.. 8 laiKf rooma, full niml
rm. I'AYNIS & B1JVT12K CO.. filrt Omaha
at. BU. Hiilg., or T. J. HOOK, office
1101 N. )Mh. ,
704 8. 24th St.. atrlcily modern brick
house, omy in),
Hole Agts.,6th KJ1. Om. Nat. UK. Wlilg.
OUAhA Vau auu bturage Co. iacka.
Clous, aiorea huusenoid goous. b'lreuroof
storage. 0i 4. loth. IJranch j a. lith.
'lol. 4I6J. A-13i")
&-ROOM modern cottage, ex, heat. 2i(W
Wilt. WebKter 4fl.
AiOD. yinuii. t-uiirfu. ftn rep'r. H. Vu44.
-i;cj.m iiojw, mooii, Muit, HU
N. 24th bl., l.tK
7-rooin huiiH. modern except beat, 31)
Charles- St., lis.
6 rooms, 1'I door. 1106 N. toth St.. mod.
cru un neat. 114.
G room cottage, modern except heat. S9U
N. iJd St.. -'.
6-room lictixe, modern except heat, 161)
Corby St., 1.
0-room, 1st tloor. 103 N. Wth 61.. vnij
modern, liu.
6- room, 2d floor, 1902 N. CCth St.. toilet
7 - room house, modern except heat, 2901
Izaid St., M.
CHltlti boVER. 22d and Cuming Sta.
- nocoii.. in u.i imiLb or city.
Kok iiK,rs i iigiu-room nuuse. ma
I'm) Htrret.
n'UK UaM-vuui-ruum cuUrfge oil KfttA
Ac, l-eiMteu Uuuae ullu luua kirec.l.
bee IXiTUr L.. Thuina. 413 U Blag.
i V u in'oi iy new b-room all modern
liousfs, uear car, one lui mahed. liuruoy
MX-HOuMi'.ti huu, lut water Ileal.
Cuh, eivctrii: limit auu vhaues. t.vl tlinujl.
j'ltnin except Heat, iiC Wirt.
Jihone W. iMMt.
btorv and tflva.
WISH to sublet tune cf five room la
City Nat.onal i aiiK llldg. Call 1 4IA
in few aioio buuuiiiti uuu muUvin uviu
t'ooiud Uiciatis; mil ue ruaay ,4u. 1, luiJ.
Write or tiiono lu Oiauu ln.aiMA. Xsvu.
j. t.. Aiiuiu, Uronu Imaoa, Xveo.
JMu4Uiil luntruuiDult,
PIANO, aligiiiiy wed.. at a bargain.
htav.BUolli i.iuj tutg. Co., laill aud
J a. nam t.
KUtcTUlC piano and aniblo box re
iiiitto. jv.ui i4ii,ntf i.o., ai4 lm ur in.
u .
for rant. 'itlt. MOMAHCll TYfrki-
RI1K.K CO.. il H. i...ii. r-nono u 4u.
iUblmuuu, all MAaUs-ftr
imt or rtiu, iaiat a'.oua, tuai kwigajna
11. V. bwatutuu Co., IJii famaiu &U,
bMlTH I'KKMltiKS, moueia No. X of
lo. 4, in cxceiicui buudiuou, ismeu three
Inonnia lt
. IK in and Wuglaa.
RKNT an ouvtr lytoruu' Horn me
Oliver lypewriit-r Co. Uoiiaiaa -"JiS.
at tl ia uett aa.
KOll SALK fireproof safe with double
doors and money drawer; uiuu Hung caoi.
net- tor on ire use, Coisoii sc Uvjnoiuu,
l-'remont. Neb.
SACt.ft-oiiiiiu wiiii acuuiid-hand
eaiea. ail bikc anu inaaea; Uaiaaiua.
American tiui'piyco.jlllu 'arna.n
KOK riALin ieaj and aucuml-uami
carom anu iuckci bliiiaid id.l and
townnif aiu-ya ana at.ctfaorics, oar fix
turn of an amua, taay pauieui.a in
l!iinswiCk-uaia-CoujiUi:.- Co.. lu a.
l'jth "t.
I-OK bAi.t-lKu acuuiaittaifs 111 llitf
Oiiaha couiiutii ciul co,leae uuti one ;u
lioyiea uoiicae. iuiiicm oi.-ict:, oiuana
I'tanui, iium, inatcn ana post card
rnachinva. Acmu Machtnu Co, al.'i
3" liaiinun cc eeth. V etiaier S4.
JL Aj. tb. ijt.rtii.iiu, ituA t ai uaw .k
IviNulixo, ,i HJ..O. n. oru.a. . lUi,
KL.KC1R1C piunu and music roll in-J.alriiig.-.
Acme Alachiue Co., JUI Leaven
Worth. Ha l IAN buby buay, uond as nrw, lls s. i'itu t. tione llai u
y. K high auhool unilorm lor buy about
17. also twiiiwe ga atova. bentoa isll.
. Ki Oi Mtifaii runnels ior uny s.i uv
livery wanon inr sa.e clnap. Vib, ij.17.
KV'KRY hutiaewlie det.lious of a nice
tn-ni-ert should try Laixen iire Ice
itam. If rs. B. W. l.lnnett. tix'iO N.
tit., will come to 'I he uee office
witliiu Uiree. days we will givo her an
freer, tor u quart brick of tills fine ice
t ream.
A Iew Truss
NEW INVE.w..n. A140.4 iND
Ioen not rpreau the iuJtur open in
ternally as convex vada do. Write for
i y!i Hruailway, New Ycrlc City.
b)-DAY bUXIU Ita.MbL'ir.
Gladlsti Pharmacy, '?cl, ai.d ldc.
iu.-aac. A-iiiifciuiouae. tot oid iMvsion
iUU,ti v, ou.a kuuiiug to on. ana a
strangers are invited to visit the Youn
Vonin Cnri.tian assoCMtton binitHn.
at fcuventeentli and at. ilarys Ave.,
where tliey w 1.1 be dircetod to auiiabl
boarding pla.ra or tnervise asstateu.
l.uok fur our traveler' aid ai the Unix
Hat io.i.
w h. lent ant. leia.r ail kmua ut aevklUti
Inacbinei Ind. A-lo.l Ix.ulax luoX
iM:iUAbK A CKIji Co,
and Uan bta.
IEKNOXAL ltiiH. ma.iH ui iiik v:iuati. im.
trealn-enta. H 1 M fl.-or. 11 Poiliic
HINIKui UW,H V.H1 l.uii-l- braew
Hrftintl-fii. Ar HKT.I, iiKI'll CO
tm-nt. - Mrs. Meeie
l)nli;t. flronnd flor.
'1AKK liitr m tmns- in massaae and
-5we.llan movement cure. 401 t are Ttlk
M.tMiAI4lv weulnh iimvuiiml; nihing
better for then mat lam; llie. II; nerille
mm. tl r. Anl I l4 rrnm. V. tlft.
MAGNET! L? ' -i-roti. .w
UAM. LKAT 1LK U.NK3 liel
remedy for llclilng. bleeding or protrud
ii'B .l!ea- M- poatpald: aampie free. Sher
man Mci'onneli Drug Co., Omaha.
LT'I!F N, maa"li.TiTt"iTo TTrrr."TftT l lovTii
TllK SVI.VAiioN A H vi V" sol ic 1 1 aaiT"
eff rlc'Mna-; in fact, anyth nj d tin
need. We collect, repair am aeil. at 1SI
N. 11th St., fur cost of collection, to the
worthy ixior. Call 'phone Oougias tlil
and waamiM UI c-a'l.
MASSAGE b,n' lo,v ro"ti'
Clijeaaro. IPS 8. lith ft.. :t floor. D. 7i.
XI is. Snyder, muui, electrical treat
pient. a i'uni-any. Pith a- Fierce. 1). U9k
Ur. Hurke, w.niHtn a d. are sea. 41 l.'ug. W
HAVE jnu decided what to get your
iady friend for New Years? There l noth
ing that would pleare her better than a
dainty box of O'Rrien'a randy, if Miss
Kate Kngler. 1H N. 31st St., will come to
The Rc office within three days we will
give her an order tor a 0--e.t box of
O brion a candy.
Ill IbDf.tta
l .'UM.tlA I !!..
Electrlo (ra fixtures.
nmaha Silver t'.o.
Ideal Cement btone Co.. lith and Cuming.
Kucha. Son A tillnil. painting, decorating.
ROOMNU PAIN I. builuing paper, plaa-
er board. Amur. Blip. Co.. IIH Nleholaa
Masonry con.
jobber, llealy. Web. K'll.
New, Close In
Brick Flat
Within walking distance of the business
district and within six blocks of the post
office, lcntlng for -M.10 a month. Owner
haa Instructed iik to rut the price for
quick sain to II 4. M0. There are 7 large
rooms In each flat, flnthhed In oak. on
the first floors. Theae flats are larger
than most of the regular Hats built of
lato for Investment.
IfiM Harney St.
Two brick apartment heimet- renting
for V Per month. Price $6,500. Z(0i) cash
will handle this owner must sell. Here
Is your chance of a lifetime.
W. S. rank
1014 City National. Wmalii. Neb.
trim mAI L- 1.' !. -AB1 ..lot. In.
mirance and rental biisln'-as. Am going
Into other business, good reason for well
ing, next 10 days; answer lu-H, rare Dee,
South Omaha, Neb.
fi-ROOM bungalow, 24x40, full basement,
modern. 331 8. l.e roy, liennon. Small
payment down, balance same an rent.
Phone Benson 23S.
Have Yfou Uot WoO?
lmi.. a .an ,.ew tear i.gnl by
own,ng your own uuuie. 1-ook tiaiay at
4 m iki Lifl AVK right In ncmis I'ara,
corner lot, on two navtu streets, a very
neat and kubmauilal ti-iuom muoern home,
reaoy to move rigut In. pay tne balance
liae rent. It Imi t every day yuu Can buy
a house like this tor sj.euu caan, but you
can this house right now ond on
eaay leinis. a look at this house. If
it in largw rnuatfh- for your lannly, you'll
Glover Realty Syndicato
1?19-2JCIiV iai. IImiik uklg. iiqugias jaa.
S2,ooo tor t-nwm House and lot, near
24in ami Hewurn; easy terms.
si,ai -rooni house in orchard Hill.
VubKuil hh on and Ovuge.
it.wu i -room, an mouem huuae on 10th,
acioss street trout ivuuutsu I'licti,
a,ju0 a,iesaut a-ioutu leaiuauve In
Kouuue t'iue.
kit cnoice Dundee lot.
K. 1. WkaO, laul l'ARNAM 8T.
iiiltcc ri.e, Una on lih Ave. and
Giamj Ave. tor Ham ai a bargain, loui
nmu im. Phone ived i.i.).
Modern Suburban llomo
' I'Ou o.u.i., i.,u ami kernel, with fif
teen acrea cnoiccxt land and i.neet ul im
provements, ttoune is modern tnrougn
out. lo rooms and bath, inqua-e Anoiew
A. Kuray. puone Marncy Wl-7. station U,
Route 1.
Ml ST HK SJLl woum cottasto on
paveu, lot boxluu. halt block from
t'ouge car linn, inn in pun ol ciiy, moi
tin but hcai, guoi burn, cost Vi.l"0. will
sell for l.lo; fitio caan, baiancu i2 per
niontn. cull Loug. tMi; evning, V eh.
"My knowledge oi land on uncompleted
Grand 'trunk ran mane you quick profits,
aiauk Ciawfoia. us Homer St., Van
couver, or umaha "
We Uie o. iv, ii anu wauie irac-
and upwards located in Columtne, couni'
uear Lake City, t-'ivrtaa, bu miles west of
j.aekronville and omy k0 miles from St.
Augustine. Tlila pruierty is inteiseeted
uy U.ree rallruuus of national ie:uiaiiOii,
alilch turn,sh tne bst ot services at
leasonaoie rates to all markets ut in
ViuiiKi oiatcs.
'J h climate la Ideal. I'ine farms are
ut w brum worked ill our tract with
exceptionally good result- Own one of
wur tanna. Investigate our offer, bmutll
cttkU pa uienia auu easy terms.
Luvv rates daily. 'I'ickets good until
June L
taaisa Ageutai
tX) Omaha xsai-uiii uauk Bldg..
Ouibha, Neb
Lie o. a la,
Traversed by the
Lands adaptable lo the widest range ot
crop. Ail the muuey crops of the auutn
plentifully produced. Koi uteiaiure treat
ing wan tnis coming country, its suii,
enmau, church and acnuoi advantage,
Uunerai passenger Agent.
FOR SALE-Cbickan ranch, S4 acres;
plenty of-fruil auu peaunes; good bund
inga; location i antral liiiuow, lur par
ticulate Wills LaulUUS. 4WM, 4uula J.
bos 1L
li ACRES; 10 miles from Red Cloud;
3 acres aualla; tuw acres cultivation,
gouu impi ovements. Price, as,iAI, a-' J
ai.rea; I miles to ll.uaen; tfvO acres CUili
vauun; acrua a-taua, im eons pas
line, good imirove.iteiiUi- lu.iw, gooJ
lei ins. rite at unce. carpviuei' 4V auu.
o ju. ,eb.
IK you want truthful Information about
farming In ii-rtgaied suutnern Idaho,
ante lo mo, aaaiug any ttuemiona rela
tive thereto and 1 will answer tnein and
give any other Information that would
ba helptul t" ttinse scaing homes here
or In any other Irrigated acrtion. Those
aho are engaged In selling land usually
give and inaguity the bright aula. 1 wnl
give you buih a den. I am not In real
eAat liiisinci. Send II and get correct niaiiun. AdJrcss A. N. i'tllun,
VowdilV Idal.u. '
KHM A HIM H !, lull al,K
Tlin easiest tt find a buyer f,f
your (arm I- to Insert a small want ad
In the lH Moines Capital. Largest elr
calation In the state of Iowa. 4S.otK daily.
The Capital Is read by and believed In by
the standpatters oi Iowa, who a'niply i.
fuse to permit any other paier in their
hour". Kates, I cent a word a day; J;l
per 'line per month; count nix ordinary
words to the line. . Address Uea aioiue
tapltal, Dvs Monies, la.
1;.-T aoll at two 120 acres well lm
firovod; giMid roads; good neighborhood;
close to town; beat nf never-falling soft
water. For Information address E. 11.
Hatch. Yates Center, Kan.
Marvelous Corn
Y leld.
E. C. Jones ot aa. axon. Miss., raises
a-i average of over luo bushels per acre.
His statement follows:
"The aims. in, 1911. 1 farmed 3tX
acrea o( eorn. On approximately torty
acres I raised 10 huahels to tne acre
after a crop of nals harvested in May.
This was my Prolific,' averaging eignt
ears to the stnlk; some stalks this year
aa high as fifteen ti n. tm sixty acres
of my "Msmmotit varletv, government
expert rMlimu.l In the field a yield ot
M'l buaholH, but I have already picketl
,ij0 bushels. On all of this land 1 have
nut used one pound of terttliaer In six
Vftm, but always plant enwpeas In the
'mlililles' when I 'lay by." "
Write me and let me tell you of other
crops In proportion.
W. II. 8IVI.KY, rianler,
Jacknon, Mlwa.
14 J Acres
Improved one of the cmnce Otoe rntinty
farms. All In high atnie of cmtlvatmn,
running water, never goes dry, mile
to school, it1 mlies to two amd town.
l Ml ier acre; jxissesslon March 1. Knr
full particular auivaa J Wis, Bee, Omaha.
.Ve Mrnoe,
crops ard protits mire. Fruit and alfalfa.
Coverninent Irrigation. Considering coat
and protlis, we oiler the beat on the mar
ket. Come a, I rut lit. Hartshorn o: Co.,
cailtibait. New Mexico:
North Dakota.
on crip payment plan; no money down.
Write lor particulars. NORTHERN
Metropolitan Lire Uldg., Mlnneapulla,
FOR SALE Good farm tracts: S0 acrea
diked tiuuland, ou acrea upiand all thor
oughly drained. Will furnish feed tor 4iM
head canio. Land expeciany auapted u
dairying and accessiu.u m good market.
Uood water. House and bum ju,t cum.
pleied costing sti.vuu. bounded on twu
siaea by county road, one mile from
scbool and postotfioe. Lies suitable to
subdivide Into small tracts if so aesircd.
Price, 1W per cre. Part easnj lerina
on baiauoc; no commissions. If Interests J
corieonu npmeaiairiy wn- owner, Ueu.
W. warren, vice president Astoria .ia
llonal uBiiK, Asioria, Oregon-
buatla i44k,itM
100 ACRES In Lyman county, Koullj
Dakota, fur sale. Address D t. Ilea.
Rl'SK COUNTY, WIS., cut-over hard
wood lands; wholesale prices; any s.sed
iiact; ciay loam soil; In dairy and clover
belt; gooa markets, school and churches,
easy terms. Write tor maps and in
formation. Arpin Hardwood wmtur
Company, Grand liaplda, Wig.
WANTED City loans anu wairaaia. W.
Farnam ismlth Co . liM Karnam at.
OMAHA Property and Nebraaaa Laada.
ICK New oinah.i Nat'l Hank Bunding.
t ARM luAiVII near Omaha; no com in A
Ion; optional payinenta; cneap munay.
Orln 8. Merrill. UU City Nat I bank uidg.
MONEY to loans on biuineea or rSi
Oence properties. tJ.uju to ejuv.wvv. W. Ai.
1 HoM AS. twj First Natl Hank Dldg.
1100 to IW.vvo made piomptly. b
Wead, Wead uldg., imh and r'arnam.
WANTED Cuy loans. Peters 'trust Ca.
LOW RA.B.S. oEMla.cAnl.bEuO CO,
1U-U R.andels Tueaier ldg.
' """"'Uimm Nat l Uaiig
LARUE municipal Pond a, mutt,
gagea buught and sold. al'OLL t,Hui
Omaha Home for Land
Entirely mouern, reception hail, parlor,
llbiaiy, diniiig-room, kitchen, beu-room
dovkiisutlrs; n stairways lead up to it bed
rooms with closets, complete baih with
new Woltr fixtures, uas ami electricity.
Kuil Mixed, cemented basement, brick
loundatioii. New American turnace. Pull
lot, amy, aouto front, 10 taiga tine maple
trees, half block to best car service. 1
block to public school, ciosu to all
entireties arid parochial sellouts. Encum
brance ilou. Owner preters Kimball Co.,
iNcb., or oiher good western land. Ad
droHS, VV mi. He.
flViv-AcnrJ suburban home. Improved
with i-r. house; choice location and many
taaahio feaiurca; vaiuu ,'. easy terms,
or wi.l exciiange tor o.nana ur South
omana Inuomu property. ai opportunity,
Rooms Ui-lt t ity Nanonal Iihiik llldg.
NO NEED of worrying about UHrsert
when liaisell Is In town. If Mrs. Chaa.
Vcnincr. tow-N. St., will come to
The lien office within tnree nays v,i win
givo iter an order for a yuan brick of
this line Ice cream.
Id-hand guods, Wieser. lozo Center. D. te4X
w AN 1 ED b4coiiu-haud sale; give
name maker, height, width, depth,
weight and price, p. O. U. Omaha. D
Ulio, ilee.
WANTED Two or three uniurnislied or
partly furnished housekeeping loonin.
a. l.uuO liee.
WOl.'LD rare for speitment In ex
change for heated housekeeping room.
Douglas IHHl.
tiENTLEMAN seeks accommodations in
hlgh-ciass tamlly where homo privileges
will be arcoidcd. Munt be west of &ith
Ave., and botn neignbornood and home
surrounuings must qusiiiy as ititiued. Ref
erences exchanged. Adurens M lu. lie.
IIAMkU-iiaiuuu Ua iiouavaueper by
respectable middie-uged lady. Prefer
aoui Mllh children. Aisd exurlenced at
oursc. Addre4i Mrs. Mail Turner, ga
eial delivery. Council lilulfs, la.
fcliUAliO.N wauled A manager ol
gsuera, wjis. countr lon. vavettenced.
ii tli, Be.
WASH1NO and curtains won. 1'. H. UMt
ilOOivivr.tbrlrtu - aKd clerical worg
veniuga anu euiiuide, aae t t4wril,"
Auor L iU, Ree.
'4illvii,a, liibia .auiea, piano pajsr and
tnaer am fu .uw in p.ctuie show,
pertentsid. Douglas Majo. K 77a, Use.
POOlliO.N b CwlupclsUl .aUy
,i.o, ai er; iteincs as to autmy,
Harr.ey M4. "
Younc uiun needs work tor puara and
room. Phone Douglas M.
lUtiVU 11.., m.. , a....4ii.l a b4-
tenuer. i pel ,enced. tli. Be.
Willi a7 lady uesires steady pieces of
day worn; neat, lonaoleiitiou; does nut
o.aappuliiinieot engagements. Puoue i.
WiilTi-. woman ueaiiea way Hulk, nsa;
tint i.iin 'el. D. 1740.
LADY wants position In general houae
Woik, reliable; also a pusltlun fur daugh
ter; wouid like work together. Ad
vil v 1' VJl, Ht
TEl.EOHAl'H i.perator wants position
In or out of city. Tel. Don las win.
Yol'Ntl nan wants plaio to mk for
biHird while attending school. Ho) les
Culhiie. Douglas I KM or Ind A-lfM
i.i vr. srociv maitkkt k
hinp uur stock to m.uih Omaha. - sate
nillenge aud shi Inxaxe, your couaigu
uienia revciv prompt aiJ careful attsn-
turn. -
Pvera Hro H Co stun and responsible
VQOH .m S . J 4.-a nnii Hi.lg
Cli-tat Weal. Com. Co.'omsha 4a Der.verT
. vThHM I TH S4' N jui hanrt ieTVneep'
W k7TKNN eJLo"T 'ii"tl xjl7 'HTdg-r
TAtlO HRiS nareii est' e, nogs, sneep.
Clav j.ohihsou ak Co , m Kxrn. KlUg.
Intei s, a. e Co. Rrtter - suit.s. Snip to us.
"C l.Tr't O .0mCo74ai" Exchange' Hldg.'
i "'ViVT KicKT.T""cliati'i'""t.:ioh ""'
It. K. RohT rTh N '" JKitc"n. iT.dgT
Cos A Jonea Coin. Co.. tinlicn of hiis'lers,
Karmers I. i Com. t o. ;a ms ia
lpoilt piot-eeita ot anipnienls In Stock
Vid. Nst I liank Onlv bank st yards,
afaTtin-Rroa. Co.. itu-4 Exch. UlniT
Nehiaska-lowa Oraln Co.. 74 Hrandrls.
WEEKS ORAIN'cO., gtain merchants'
onslcnmenia ollcltei. I'll Itrandela
l.MUA I A 4 ION I emu an 4 Maaea
Union pacific
Depart. Arrive.
Fan Fran. Overl'd t,.. uim a T 41 pm
China & .taped F. M..a 4 (15 pm. a & :4a pm
Atlantic Kxpreea, a ti 45 am
Oregon Express a 11 V., -in aH:ltlpnt
l.oa Angeles Limited. . al2:45 pm aK:.Wpm
Denver spe-lal a 7:'4 am a T 17 am
C entennial State Bpe'l all Jo pm el3 ?5am
Colorado Kxpreaa. .: .a !: pm a 4 10 pm
Oregon-wash. L't'd.r.alS fcu pin ::i)pm
North 1'latte Loi al....a K . In am a 4 4.1 pm
Crend Island Local. ,.afi:I0pni alO:!toam
ktromsburs 1-ocal. . .1L:41 pin bl lupin
tuluaga, llHat lalanA A I'nelftc
Rocky Mountain Ltd. .al?:? am alO:Jt pm
Chicago Local Pas. . .blO.Hi am blO 10 pin
Chicago Day Expreag a .4o an: a4:Mpm
Chicago Express a4:10piii a l:llpm
Ties Moines Loral Pas a 4:17 pm IT:12 pni
Chicago-Neb. Limited. n i: pm al.ooam
Chi. -Neb. Lmtd to Lin
coln a t:oi am a fi.PB pm
Chi. -Colo. Exprea....n 1:2S pm a 4:o0 pm
Clil.-Colo. Expi-eas ....a 1 1A pm a 4:0 pm
Okl. 4k Tex. Express.. a K-Oo pm alli4 am
Rocky Mountain Lid.10:47 pm al2:30 am
Cblcuaa reat Western
Chicago Limited a t:X pm
Twin City Limited a 1:35 pm il imm
Twin City Express.... 8:15 am a UM pm
Chicago Express a 1:44 pm
Loral Passenger a 0:10 pin
Omaha St. Lottla Ex..a:Wpm as ixam
Mall and Expreaa a 7:02 am Hll:lt pm
Stanb'y L. ttrom 6:00 pm L10:la am
Illinois Centra I .
Chicago Express a 7:00 am 1:4.1 pre
Chicago Limited a 6.-00 nm a l ot are
MUaunrl Pacific
K. C. A St. U K....J im a 7:40 am
K. C. At St. L. Ex....all:14 pm a :W pra
Chicago A Nrth vrestera .
Minn. -St. Paul Ex. ...a 7.00 am
lllnn- St. Paul L t d.. a 7:00 pm
1 win City Express ..a 7:4u am
a 8:00 am
alu::0 pm
a S:28 pin
a lii am
Sioux City Local 9:4R pm
Minn. A Dakota Ex..a ?:0u pm
Twin city Limited
Minnesota, Express
a t.4e pm a 7:1)0 am
au:00 am
t:10 pm
alO:l pm
Carroll Local a ?:0u am
Daylight Chloago a 7:47 am
Chicago Local....
alOj pm a :ti pm
6:10 pm pm
Chicago Special a 6:01 pm
Pan. Coast-Chicago...., 0:35 pm
0:49 am
a l pm
U:ai pm
:la an.
a 10.00 an.
11.41 pm
1:U pm
U:la pm
Log Angelea Limited.. s.M) pra
Ove'land Limited.,.... 7:bi pm
Carroll Local 4 au pm
Fast Moll ;4u pm
C'euar ttgplda. bloug
Cenlonuial Slat Llm. 11:40 am
Long Pin .....a (.ot am U:0t lm
Norfolk-Dallas am
Long Pine-Lincoln. ...a 11:16 pm
ttaktinga-duperior ... b 1:16 pin
Dcadwood-Hot Sp'gi .a K.W pm
Vasper-Lander a pm
rsniont-Albion U li.M put pm
a 6:10 p:o
a :W pni
i.M pm
all:! pm
u i.w pa
Ihlcaata. tlllreaaltee A at. I'aal
Overlai.d Limited a 7. bo pm v:l am
Ptrry Local t:ii am ll.uo pm
Colorado Express ,. ..a 6.00 pm pm
Colorado Special a I AS am am
Perry Local b 6:14 pm UM pm
Barllnulon Station Tenth A Masoa
Oenver tt California.. 1:10 pm
Fuget Bound Express. a 4-10 pin
Vebraska points a 6:20 am
B ack Hills a 4:10 pm
Lincoln Mall b 1:20 pin
Northwest Express. ...all .16 pin
Nebraska points a t:20 am
Nebraska Express a V;16 am
Lincoln Local
Schuylsr-Plsltimouth b 1:06 pm
Lincoln Local
plaitsmouth-lowa :18 am
Uellevue-Plattamoutll 12:M pin
Chicago Special a 7.16 am
Denver Special ....all:63 pm
Chicago Express 4 20 pm
Chic. Fast Express.,,. :) pm
low Local a V:U am
Creston (Ia.) Local. ...b 1:30 pm
8t. Louis Express 4:16 pm
K. C. A St. Joseph. ...aiv tt pm
K. C. 4k St. Joseph..... .li am
K- C. 4& St. Josuph.... 4.l piu
1:41, pm
s 1 48 pm
0:10 pm
I 45 pin
a 12 16 pin
a 7:u0 am
a 4:10 pin
a 6:10 pm
a :0t am
liiO:o am
b sm
8:60 am
a I 40 pm
all: Li pro
a 7 00 pm
a pm
u 00 am
all; am
bJ0:i am
a 11:60 am
a t.4i am
s.lU pm
tVtksttr Utatloa loth anal Wbl,
lllssoorl Pacific
Auburn Local b 3 M pm
bU.fia am
Lit w pm
c 6'2o pm
b l.Xu pm
b : ! a tii
Chlcasro. St. fasti, Sllaaea
..', ! pm
..0 1:15 am
Ploux City Express
Omaha Iacsl
Sloug City Pins
1'wln City l ass b : am
Emerson Local h (:a6 pm
lb) daily except Sunday. tcj
only, tai dal y.
By tk B. BLl'ECnr.R
iveavlag ew York
Jan. 29, 1112
Pert of esll :
Perl f Spain,
Benes Alrei'irriM
Hi Aadeai. Punia
Area (ihro.iiti tli
Straits f MaateU
laal, Valraraise,
Bin d Jssrlrs.
brldgetewu, ssd a U!l lo Hi
Optional glae Trips Errare.
ffSSi 10 DAYS c... $358
Alt t'nHM to Ikt Oriast, W"l In4iet.
4rossg I A WrrLi, sag r(, (lo.
gs4 for Illustrated booklets.
Iju W. Randolph ui., Chicago, or locui agi.
Notice Is hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the
Omaha (las Company will be held at the
Office of the Company, Kan Howard St.,
at l'l .'iO a. in., Monday, January 1, 1U12,
for ttw election ut Diieclurn fur the en
suing yrur, and for the transaction of
such other business us may tome before
the rnceang.
Omaha, Dec. li, l'Jll. Secretary.
i Kid 101
Bahla. Par.
Almnlute Title C.lven the nnalloted
lands of the Choctew and Cl-lckasaw Na
tions of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok
iHhoma and not Including the coal en1
timber aegregailona, will be aold at puh
Ho auction to the higheal bidder at th
following terms, time and places si not
leva than the minimum price stated In
the advertisement : tltndv county, Chirk
lha, 6s$ ttwets. 17,600 acrea, November
f. J, 4; Stephens countv, Duncan. 710
Iracle), - n,O0 acres, November; . T
Jefferson county, Ryan, "01 trac'.s, 4.4
teres. November . 10. 11, Ixivt county,
Marietta, 14 tracts, la. Mkl arree, Novem
ber IA, 14. li, lt Carter countv. Ardmor.
l.l'.S tracts, M..W0 acrea. November 17. II.
N. 21. M. 2.1; Murray county, sulphur, iki
Iracta. St.CWt acrea, November 14. 26; liar
vln county, I'auls Valley. 8.T tracts. ,:-O0
teres, November il, 2S, Is; McClaln
county, Purcrll, TSS tracts. 14.000 aarea.
December I. I; rontotoo county. Ads, tt
tracts, V:h) acn-a. liecember 4, 6, 4;
.lohnson county. Tishomingo, it!4 tracts,
to.200 acres Decern be: ?. ti, t; Marshall
County, Mtritll, Si tracts. IS, Mm acrea,
December 11; Rryan mumv, Durant, Ml
tracts, ,100 acres. December 12. U; Atoka
countv, Atoka. tracts L'4.0u0 acres,
le-embr 14, 16. K IS, pi;' Coal countv.
Coslgat. 0W tract a, fc4.t00 acrea, Decem
ber Jo, 21, 22: Hughes county, Calvin. 4J7
trarta, W.70O acres, IVcember 2S, 17; pitta
burg county, MoAlaater, l.wo tracts, 1)7,.
100 acrea, December 2K 2k J8, lull; Janu
ary 1. 1; Haakell county. S-lg er. 416
iiacts. 3O.3O0 acres, January a. 4; I,atlmsr
tounty. Wllburton, lul tract j. liVOW acres.
January i: Letlor county, r-oteau, t76
Iracta. 21. 0 acres, January I; Puahma
taha county, Ani.urs, OH tracts, tui.iaM
acrea, January , a, W: Choctaw rouuty.
Hug", del tracts. 37. MO acre January II,
12. 13: Mct.'ui-taln county. Ida bell. 7,6
tracts. 64,(iOO acres January tiv It, 17. 16.
DI2. Not more than loO acres rt agri
cultural and 040 acrea nf other landa will
be sold to one person In any one nation,
minimum valuation of IS 00 or more per
scr. Terms are 16 per cc-.t St the time
of sale, 2a per cut 111 . tvelva months,
end 60 per cent In two year, with per
cent Interest. Payment must be made
In the. form of draft or certified cheek,
payable to J. O. Wright, commissioner.
I poll full payment being made at any
time deed will Issue. Immediately after
approval of sale certificate ot purchase
will Isau and possession he given, but
cutting of fimher or drilling or mining
for minerals thereon v. Ill not be per
price. Right Is reserved lo reject any or
all bids. For Information apply to the
Commlanloner lo the Five (Ivlilted Tribes,
Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any nf the Dls
tili't Agents aa to landa within their re
spective districts. Lists o these lands
have been prepared by counties, showing
the terms of sale, the description ot the
various tracts and minimum prloe. It
will be Impracticable In furnish each In
quirer all ot these lists, and It Is sug
gested that person desiring such Infor
mation specify the locality in which they
arn Interested. Ulue prints of the various
countlea, showing the location of the land
to be sold, will bo furnished upon appli
cation to the underlined upon the pay
ment ot I" Mi lor each county In th
form of draft or postal money order,
J. O. WIUtillT. Comnilasloner to th
Five Civilised Tribe, Muaiiogov. Okla
homa, August I, It'll.
Stockholders Mauling ut The Union
I anj Company.
Nolle la hereby given that the annual
meeting ut tne aiocnitoiders cf The Union
Land Company for the election nt live
directors ami thu tiatiaaotiun ot sunn
cilier business as may legally come be
fore the meeting. Mill bo held at tne
ottlce ot the Hsneral slullciior. Union
Pacltlo lieaduuarteis Huiluing. loth and
Dodge aireeia, Omaha, Nebi-aaka, on
Monday, tne ih uay ut January, 1914,
at 10 o'clock A. M.
The stock transier books will be closed
10 ttays previous to the meeting.
Aiux. Miller,
New York City, N. T., Dec. In, mil.
The annual meeting of tne stockholders
of the liee nuinting company will be heid
st tne office of uaid company, omaua,
Nebraska, at s o uiock p. in. Tuesday,
January 10, 1912, (or tne election ol me
board ut directors ior the ensuing year,
and lor tne transaction ot aucu ulnar
business aa may property cuius before
the meeting. '
by oruer ot the president V ,,tj,
' N. iJ. FEIU Secretary1. !
Office or LE&-tjlAaia-ANDRa;;aE.N
HahOWAkG UitlrAM, Omaha, Xve
liraska, December 9, llilL Notice la hereby
given to the stockholders of Lee-Olass-Andreesen
tlarosvare company that the
annual meeting ot the stocanoidcrs of tu
company wul be held at the utile ut
aaid company, corner ot Ninth and Har
ney streets, in the city of omaba. 1 the
stat of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January
9. A. D., 1!'U , at li i clock p. m., (or tb
purpose ot electing u hoard ol directors
tor the company to serve during the ensu
ing year, and to traneuut uuh omer
business as may be presented at such
meeting. Attest: W. M. Disss, tfeur
Ury; 11. J. Lee. Prearldent.
Ten Years in Prison
Is tightest Penalty
tor Reyes' Offense
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 27.-Death may
be the penalty tlenrral Remardo Reyes
will pay for 111 effort to overthrow
President Madero. Th least he run x
pect Is ten ytars'- Imprisonment. Th
Mexican law provides these extremes for
th crime ot Inciting rebellion.
It In not generally believed th ex I rem
penalty will be Inflicted, but a term In
the penitentiary for the vencrublo prisoner
with 111 74 year will doubtless be III
A military court, drawn by lot from
the eligible to service, will pass judg
ment upon him. Th court will con
slat of two generals of division ami fly
brigadiers with (Jcneral Alexander Peso,
chief of th Reyes' staff, when he was
minister of war under General Diss,
aa presiding officer. General Peso has
long been chief muglatrste of the military
Although lie had retired fiom thu army,
Ueiieral Reyes wan tntltlod tinder mili
tary uauges. Uj iece.lvn honor from the
army as IhuiiKh In active service. On
Uie .other hand, as a retired officer, lie
Is liable, to punishment by military
court for offenses committed agulnst the
army. His often constituted In call.
Ing upon the army to rise In rebellion.
Order were sent to General Trevlno
at Monterey to have Ree brought to
th capital nt the earliest possible date.
It la expelled he will arrive her by
the last of the pres-nt week and thut
Utile time will he lost thereafter In
placing him on trial.
UN ARES. Mex.. Dec. 20 "1 alone am
responsible and wish tu assume all blame
fur the affair," said Oeiierul llemardo
Reyes tonight. "I asked clemency und
even pardon for the f -w men who fol
lowed me, but for myself 1 ank nothing;.
I shall, of course, be Judged according
to the law."
Clad In apparel sent to liitn by friendly
cilixena of Linares and lodged In the
home of Frederico i.lutnei, a man po
etically oPiMised to him, Reyes today re
ceived both friends Uild iocs (is Well as
those merely curliuc.
WATERLOO. la., Dec. 27.-(Hpetlal
Telegram ) olga Pedersen. aged 20 years,
hung hersclt Christmas eve In thu base
ment of th home of the Rev. II. tj.
Pec-man, where she was employed us a
s'rv.-int. l.i lioyco met dealh under
Waterloo, Cedar Falls A; Northern
lialn while crushing th track. lie was
employed aa an eloclrlclaii by the Wil
liam Galloway Co.
New Marks Set in Several Events at
Madison Square Garden.
Medissth ol New Yrk lllr Throw
I Iftr.aU-l'on Weight lata
Air Matcen Peel and Three
NRW YORK, Dec. 27. -New rooords in
several event wer established at Mad
ison Square Harden tonight during the
first half nf the Indoor senior and Junior
champtonahlp program ot the Amateur
Athletic union, which W1.I be completed
tomorrow night. The records were as
Throwing th flfty-alx-pound weight for
height: It feet S Inches by Matt Mod rath,
New York City.
t.OKO-yard run, senior, Mt'i. by A. R.
Klvlat, Irish-American Athletic club.
High Jump taenlnr), ( feet 27t Inches, by
II. C. Lawrence of the Lloston Athletic
300-yard run (senior!, first trial heat 33
seconds, by J. J. McEntee, New York
One-mile walk (Junior). 0:J4.,, by V. JI.
Kaiser, New York Athletic club.
Two-mlln run. :'J(,, bv George V. Bon
hag. Irlah-Amctican Athletic club.
Following aro the tummarlrs:
aoi-vard run taenlnr), final heat: Won
by I.'. H. Dm land. New York City (unat
tached!; I.. Wood. New York Athletic
club, second; J. J. McEntee. West Side
Young Men's Christian asaoulalion, New
Vork. third. Time: 0 J.iu,.
McF.ntee. In his trial heat, broke th In
door record of by running In &! teo
omla. Standing hrnad Jtin-.p: Won by B, C.
Lawrence, Huston Athletic association, 10
feet S Inches; P. Adams, Now York Ath
letic club, second, 10 feet 7't Inches; P. W,
Adiims, New York Athlello club, third,
10 feet Inrhea.
Standing high Jump (Junior); Won by
8. Munaes. Pastime Athletic association,
& feet Inch; A. Hodgson, New York
Athletic club second, 4 feet U'4 Inchesi
L. Uochrlng, Mohawk Athletic club, third,
4 feel SM. Inches.
One-mil waik (Junior) Won by F. II.
Kaiser. New York Athletic club; K.
Sehwarti. Pastime Athletic club, seoimd;
R. li. tilfford, McCaddeii Lyceum, New
York, third. Tim: it.64Mj. broaklnf th
Inuoor junior reoord of 7:UV
Seventv-llve-yard dash taeniori: Won
bv Alvah Meyer. Irlen-Amerlcan Athletic
ciub; C. R. Clark, Xavler Athletic asso
ciation, neennd; J. J. Eller. Irish-American
Athletic Hub, third. Time; 0:07i,
equalling Indoor record.
Throwing M-pound weight for height:
Won by Matt McGrath, New York tun
altached) 10 feet 3 lAchtis; P. McDonald.
Irish-American Athletlo club, eeoond. It
feet; J. Cahlll. Irlah-Anierlcsn Athl.-t'o
cluh, third. 16 ft. McUrtth't throw
marks a new Indoor record.
SMI-yard run (Junior); Won by O. W.
Degrowthy, New York Athletic cluh; J.
DrlMcoll, Seventh-sixth regiment, Buffalo,
second: II. Lee. Hoaton Athletlo associa
tion, third. Tim: 2:01.
I.OnO-yard run (senior): Won by Abel R.
Klvlat. li-ish-Amorljan Athletic club; C.
Wtltlieir, New York Athlallo club, second;
Regal, Iriali-Amnrlcan Athletlo club,
third. Time: 3 :ltiVt. A new Indoor
Riming high Jump (aenlor): Won by S.
C lAwrence, Uoeton A thiol Ic aaaoclatlnn,
4 feet '1 Inches; E. KrtckRon, Mott
Haven Athletlo club, second, 0 ft 2'
Inches: W. Leer, Jr., New York Athlello
olub, t feet mi Inches. Nw indoor
440-yard hurdle rc (Junior): Final
heat heat won by Prltchard, Irlsh-Amerl-nun
Athletic club; i. W.. Richmond, Nw
York Athletlo olub, second; l' L. ltrsrty,
Columbia university, third. Time) tt.
70-yard high hurdl (senior): Final
heat won' by J. J. K.llr, Irish-American
Athletlo cluh: R. Kller, Georgetown uni
versity, second l V. U. Havens, New York
Athletlo club, third. Time: 0:v9H
Three standing Jumps (Junior): Won by
It. Hachman. Irish-American Athletlo
club. M feet 4. Inches; IL Mlckmna, un
attached. New Work, second, tl feet 10
Inches; B. L. Farrell, lloston Athletlo
sssoclatlon, third, W feet 1 tnohen. -
Two-mil run (senior): Won by Oeorg
V. Honhag. Irlah-Amerlvan Athletlo club;
Ixmls Scott. South Patterson Athletlo
olub, New Jersey, second; O, Crltchley,
New York Athletic club, third. Time:
9.20S. A new Indoor record. .
Pol vault for distanc; Won by li. S.
Pabcock, New York Athletlo club, with
26 feet Vi Inch: L. Schneider, Mohawk
Athletic cluh, second, with 27 feet 4
Inches; W. Msppenny, Montreal Amateur
Athletic association, third, with 27 feet
1 Inches,
Opens Campaign for
La Follette in Ohio
9ALKM, O., Dec. 27.-"Ieoil are be
ginning to lose faith In platforms and
pledges," declared Senator Mog H,
Clapp of Minnesota here today, In open
In? the progresslvo republican campaign
In Ohio, as he led up to the declaration
that Senator Robert M, L Follett was
the logical candidate ot true republi
canism for th presidency In 1912.
Senator Clapp la th first nf th Ia
Follett speakers to Invade Ohio In th
campaign opposing th re.ioinlnatlon of
President Taft. . A heavy downpour ot
rain prevented larg attendance at th
Initial meeting of th La Follett cam
paign for Ohio delegates.
Referring to the split In th republi
can ranks In congress within recent
years, brought about, lit said, by th
struggle between the reactionaries and
insurgents, Senator Clapp reached th
c.limux of his address when ha declared
that th outcom of thoso struggles had
suggested tha nam ot Senator Ia Fol
letlu of Wisconsin as the best man and
most avsllabl candidal lo lead th re
publican parly to victory In 112.
TOLEDO. O., Dec. M.-Repudlatliid Sena
tor La roUcli. the I.ucs county pro
gresnlv republican Uagu at meeting
tonight endorsed Theodore Roosevelt for
praslduiil by almost unanimous vote.
At li meeting ot th league several
weeks ago, three delegates were appointed
to attend th progressive republican con
ference In th Interest of La Folltt at
Columbus, January I. Tonight thla so
Hon was rescinded and no delegates will
attend th Columbus meeting.
WASHINGTON. Deo. J7.-Presldent Taft
today settled the vexed question nf al
lowing the practice ot Chrintlan Science or
other non-inedlclnal methods oi healing
thu sick In the Panama canal son. The
executive order, mad several months ago,
which members of the Christian Scleno
church feared would prohibit their
method of healing was modified so tnat
theru ran be no doubt as to th law.
fulnees of such practices.
The original order provided thut any
one who wished to practice medicine,
surgery, dentistry, pharmacy or mid
wifery in th canal sone mutt be llcenicd
by the Hoard of Health.
As modified by the president, th order
shall not bo construed "to prohibit the
practicu of thu rellg'uua tenet of any
church In the imiiln traitor) of th sick
and suffering by iinfnlal or spiritual
meant without the use of any drug or
material remedy, whether gratuitously or
for compensation, provided that such
suniury luw. order, rules or regula
tions as now or hereafter may be In
force In said ctttikl aone aro compiled
Roosevelt Refuses Unofficial Invita
tion to Feace Dinner.
Disagreements Arise Over Plan for
.rent Celebration la) Sm York
In llehalf of Arbitration
Treat lea.
NEW YORK. Dec. ST.-Clos on the
heels of one great peace meeting, which
was broken tip by disturbers opposed to
th ratification of President Taff 'pro
posed treaties with Unaland and Trance,
disagreement have arisen ovpi" what la
being planned as one' of the greatest
peac dinners ths country, has svr seen
to be held here Saturday night.
It developed today! according to
member of th committee In rharg of
th dinner, that former President Roose
velt had replied to semi-official Invi
tation to attend the function at which
President Ttft will be the principal
speaker with a letter declaring that hi
sentiment war wholly at variance with
those to be expressed at the affair and
censuring as ''traitorous" to their prin
ciples all thos who accepted Invitations
to the dinner without agreeing with Its
Ask III leu Klrel.
To arrange peaceful program, th
txtx-utlv committee of tha National CTtl
lens' committee In charge ot tha dinner
met and discussed tha situation. At a
meeting ot the exorutlv committee last
Wednesday a resolution was adopted In
executive session authortalng an official
invitation to Mr. Roonevelt, but th
secretary who was told to send th Invi
tation did not do so in a formal way but
wrot to Mr. Roosevelt first to learn hit
view. A member of th committee who
would not tiav his nam printed, said
that Mr. Roosevelt replied with seven
pax latter, leaving no doubt whatever
that he would not attend In any clrcum- I
In another Interview today Mr. Rouse
.veil Implied his Intention not to attend.
John Tempi Grave was selected as
tuastmaater. A letter from President
Taft was read. H agreed to b present
and to mak a thlrty-mlnut speech, at
well a to remain throughout the dinner.
Nat la Polities.
Thodor Roosevelt announced this after. .
noon that he was taking no part in th ,
Now York ttat political situation and
that "not a slngla human being" had
asked him to lend tils Influence to the
support of any candidal for th reptibll
oan nomination for governor next year.
"I hava not been asked because 1 am
not In politic, and nobody expects m to
b In politic," said he.
Colonel Roosevelt today had an hour's
conference with Darwin II, James, Jr.,
president of tha Young Men's Republican
cluh ot Hrooklyn.
"You hav had caller who talked poll
tics, haven't you?" Colonel Roossvelt was
"The people are afraid to com to pee
me," he replied, "beoaus they think they
will ha compromised by thla talk of poli
tics. But I'll aes anybody; I'm not afraid
of being compromised.
"Thr'g anrl llarry sitting over
there. He's her to call on me. but tha
fact that h has corns do not signify
that I want to mnke myself dictator, does
It? Ami hero's Martin Egan, In from tha
Philippine. Does his calling mean that
t want to make myself master of tha
Philippines No, gentlemen, I haven't
a word t say on politics not word."
"A Now York paper printed a story
today that you would not attend tho
peace dinner lo be held hero on the thir
tieth, because you had been counted
among th political enemies of President
Taft," ssld reporter. "Do you wish to
comment on It. T' ,
"Think of It," exclslnied Mr, Roosevelt, '
"Just thing of that."
"That part bf ths story was played up
In black typ." replied tho reporter.
"It should have been In red," said Colo
nel Roosevelt, smiling. "And dripping
at that."
Switches Thrown to
Derail Fast Trains
CHICAOO, Dec. 27. Derailment of sev
eral suburban trains In th complicated
track system over which hundreds of fast
and suburban trains enter and depart
from tho city daily at th southern limits,
14 to an Investigation tonight and
switches wer found "thrown" on other
tracks. '
Switch padlocks had been broken aud
tha tracks set so as to run trains off
tha derailment or safety rails into ditches.
On soma switch stands th lights had
been turned to eaua th track to glv
englnemeu an Impression all waa wi
when the rslls wars Improperly get. '
A discovery ot tba aiueUua,,-f,wo
boys probably prevented sevoro" wrecks,
aa many fast trains ar run over thee
Four suburban trains were derailed be
fore tbe situation wag discovered.
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 27. A (-year-old
baby appeared sufficient aecurlty at
first glance, for debt of S3 cents, but la
ter a demand for a cash substitute fur
the security brought tha debtor and cred
itor Into court, according to a story told
Judg In th city court today.
John Urban, explaining why he became
Involved In a brawl with Mrs. Rns
Sheerer, said h owed her 91 cents. She
held hit baby for It. Later when lis
went to make t-cent purchase from
her and tendered tl bill, he said she the bill and told him to take hi
baby. Thla, h said. nragd him, and
h triad to stab her. The court suspended
IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec 2".-(t?piilal.)
Student grafting at the t'nlveialty of
Iowa was brought to sudden end Iter
this week when the cotillion committee,
following recent Young Men's Cbrlsttsn
SKsoclstlun agitation, turned over Its
earnings from th big formal party of
December 17 to the university to be used
a the president deemed advisable. Other
plums of th school life promise to find
themselves going through ths sumo channels.
Crrstoa YVasuaa Go Weal.
CRESTON. la.. Dec. t7.-8pelal.)-Mlss
Ada U rout hard, librarian aud aa
slatant commercial teacher In th Cres
ton High school, ha accepted at position
da superintendent of th commercial de
partmcnt 'n the high echool at leci
Ixalg. Mont., and has been sucx-eedrt
her by Mit Edith Aldermen ot Nevada,
la., who hat been employed for tour
years In the Des Moines Capital City
Commercial college.