T1IB HKK: OMAHA. TII1!1(.SIAV. DECKMIIKH 28. 1911. Slurdy BooJs Every wido-awake hoy want' to Ik out loors ovory pofsiblp tninuto those winter days- lut cart hliould lu taken to fully protect him from tlie eoM anl ilaiiipm'ss wliich often causes a stub born colli. These ttaanch hootg will kep tha boy's feet warm and dry in the colJest weather and Inanrr. comfort and protection the whole winter through. Made In nf lh . K... - oiuim iu icarner, wuirn win noi Harden when wet. heavy oak Goodyear welt tolea, g unset aewed in all way up frcnt; top reach above calf of lea. wliln ruff t tnn rit.n..i ith two large brans burkleft. $3, $3.50, TBf ydoko Art o. mm 1318-20 FAK.V.1M STHKET. HARRIS AND JLANCK FREED Jury Findi Owners of Triangle Waist Factory Iffot Guilty, CHABOED WITH GIHL'S DEATH Proprietor of Partary la Wfcleh Maay lt W.mea Hat Death ay Baralaa- Held Not Heaa.a Ihle for Horror. NEW YORK, Dec. ST.-The mate failed tfKlay In in ,ttart to fix me blattic for the fire horror of March 25. mil. In which 17 employ of the Triangle Waist com lny lost their lives. A verdict of not guilty was returned late today by the Jury In the cae of lxaac Harrla and II ax lHanik. proprietor of Lie factory, who wer. Indlctel In connection with the holo caust. l.'nususl precautions wrn taken to pre vent repetition at the court house today f the demonstrations which have been made against the defendanta during the trial. Or.ly a few persona were allowed In the court room and tlin corridors anJ en trances were heavily guarded hy extra policemen. The Jury came In at : o'clock after deliberating- for an hour and forty-five minutes. Tha pronouncement of acquittal was first taken quietly by tha defendant!, but after an adjournment to an ants room thy cava way to the;r emotion tn Uara when embraced by relative and friends. Aa they passed out through a Una of policemen., to the street a' larg crowd of men. y-omen and children awaited them. One liyelrrlcal man tried to press throuaU tie throng crying. "Not guilty? Not guilty? Murderer! Murderer! Murderer!" He fell cn the etepa of the court house In convulsions, gasping that he had lost a sister In tha fire. Uy the time the excitement was over tha defendanta had darted Into a subway entrance, earaplng th hostile crowd. Harris and Blanek were not charged In a wholesale manner with the deaths that occurred at the fire, but specifically with manslaughter In the rasa of Margaret ttchwartx. a young girl who was found dead near a door on 'the ninth floor of the building. The main argument of both prosecution and defense was directed against this door, the state Introducing more than 100 witnesses In an attempt to prove that It whs locked and the defense To Get Its Beneficial Effects Always Dvy (ha Ccnulna ana manuficfurcd byflio Sold by oil leading Drujqlste OneSixe Ony, 50 o Boiil ' Ask Your Doctor Ayrr Htr Virr 1$ romOOWi of Slaae. Ctvcerla. QuWa, Sediam Ctilertd. ,1.1 i CaasJivm, Set e, Akekot, Water, Perfaa, Show thl to your doct 'jf. Ask hire M there U lns) Injurious Ingredient. Aik him If he think Aycr's llahr Vigor, aa made from these Ingredients, la the beat prep;ratlon you ccuui use (or falling hair, or (or daadruff. Doe not color the hair. .' . r lTl rnVfAST. lfell. Urn t?JMEY In any amount on improved (or to improve) Omaha and South Omnha renl estate liesidence or business. ' Money On Hand No commissions to pay Interest ratea reasonable II ('payments ef $100 or more on prin cipal received uny day without notice. Prompt action ensured. THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 1614 llaxney St, Onuha, Neb. Geo. F. Gilmore, Prest. Paul W. Kuhns, Secy. TC lor Sturdy Boy: i .,.. ...... $4, $4.60 rronra HI I S I refuting this contention ay ' mass of testimony. MICHAEL CUDAHY NAMEDIN TEIAL (Continued from First rage.) blnation to continue tha old price fixing pool which previously existed. Another agreement Introduced waa dated July 1, ikoj, aa provided for a loan of ftt.ooo.ooo to Armour. Pwlft and Morrle by the First National bank o? New Tork. An agreement dated Decem ber 1, was read which provided for a loan of ItG.OflO.ono by Kuhn, Loeb A Co.. James Stlllmoii and K. H. Harrlman to Armour. Swift and Morris for uso In flniinclng the National Hacking company "When Michael Cudahy Was taken Into the deal for the reorganisation of, the proposed big company, u now agreement was drawn and signed by Armour, Hwlft Morris and Cudahy. and each deposited tl.noO.WA in a . Chicago bank as evidence of gool faith." said Veeder. "These de poelta were later withdrawn when the organisation of tho company was aban doned." The government Introduced In evidence this agreement after the document had been read to the Jury. Family of Six Found Dead at Farm Home I.1TTI.K ROCK. Ark.. Dec. I7.-Ncwi reached this city this afternoon that the entire family of J. Ford, consisting of himself, wife and six children had been found dead. Kord resided twelve miles from Benton, Ark. The evidence tends to show, it Is de clared, that Ford killed Ida wife and clill dren and then took his own life. Details are few regarding the tragedy. GREATER DES MOINES BODY FILES COMPLAINT ON RATES (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' WA8IU.NUTON. Deo. 7.-(Suclal Tele gram.) The Greater Dee Molnea commit tee today filed a complaint aaalnst the t'nlon Pacific and eight other railroad companies with the Interstate Commerce commission, aliening unjust and unrta aonaule rates on shipments from or to Dee Molnea to or from fait lka Cltv and Ogden. Utah. Th petitioner pray a that the defend ant be required to put Into effect be tween Des Molnos and Halt Iako City and Ogden and the locality commonly known aa the t'tah commtn oointa. in. eluding points Intermediate therewith and points on branch 1 1 nee leading from Junc tions Intermediate with said t'tah com mon points in the elates of Colorado, Wyoming and t'tah. rales that are just and reasonable In and of themselves and with relation to the ralea of tha rltUa located along the MImsoui I river and cities located along or east of or near the Mlsalsslpiri river. LITTLE GIRL SECURES HER FATHER'S RELEASE oT. LOUIS. Dec. ST.-rederal Judge Dyer today set aside the remainder or the six mouths' sentence of William C. Kush. who three weeks ago waa con victed of selling colored oleomargarine without having paid the government II reneo. Itusli was released front Jail after hla little daughter had pleudod with Judge Dyer to release her father In order that he might be able to attend a church entertainment and hear her make a reci tation. C'OI.Ua l At. Mb HttAUaCHE. LAXATIVE BItOMO tjulmn. the world, wide Cold and Orlp remedy remove cause. Call for - lxok for-slg. siure L. W. GROVE. Sc. ,WJjs'aVWlal1 WLW' lit ll.st'llMI LXIOaUl JUi TO LOAN mmi iimn imi ws) ye tf fi'T'miki 23 III 1' III ALL DAY PASSENGER PUT OFF Unidentified Woman Spends Entire Time on Intenirban Car. CHECK CALLED IS SECOND DAY He. Mr. Campbell, Pmninr ot Temalr hareh t I oadon la ! Malnre ae Jrra ailD should Juln for I'rai-r. (from a Ptaff Correspondent.) DK8 MOINKS, Deo. 27.-tpeclal Tele gram An unidentified woman, who re- iusei to give hrr name, was arrested by the police on a Perry Interurban car today, (the rode all day on ono car jee trrday, paying her fure each time, but aylng nothing, She remained In I'erry last night and again started out to travel today. The police refused to permit her to continue a.l a permanent paanger, halloas Combine for Crses. Combination of the fnii.,1 hi a t mA Oreat Britain In the Interest of universal peae Is urged by ev. Mr. Campbell, pastctr of the Temple church of Iondon, who Is in the city. Combination of the Stars and "tripes with the Knglish Jack would mean In ternational peace forever and tha end of all conflicts and wars between nations,' ha said. "The effect of such a union would be to put every nation on earth under dominance of Its united power, and where International difficulties existed tha I'nlted Stales, batked by Oreat Britain, could step In. demand a settle ment and prevent any war." CAPTAIN MUMMA SUGGESTS CHANGES IN FOOT BALL RULES IOWA CITY, la., Dec. ST.-Captaln Morten C. Murnma commandant of tha state university of Iowa. In a letter to the national Intercollegiate rulea com mittee at New York today advocates the granting of four downs to a foot ball team who gains porsesslon of the ball within ten yards of Its opponents' coal lino. He alBo urges a prolongation of time when time expires und the ball la tn motion. In addition he suggests a change of value of gout from field to two points and would make the length of a forward Psks unlimited. - Tcanaat Shot by Ksfis Owner. OfwtNT. fa., rw n ro..-ii rloua shcotlng affair occurred )at even- t ing tour miles southeast of town. Joseph Ponry.. a fsrmer. shot and seriously In jured Lewis Clark, who resides on a farm owned by Penry. The shooting via the result of a quarrel over Clark's refusal to leave the farm In March and make room for another tenant, nark was re turning front Grant and Penry followed, shooting dim twice with a small-, allber rine as he was going Into the house. Prnry was arrested and Is now In the Red Oak Jail. Letter Head Stirs Up Trouble for Time (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Doo. 27.-(Bpeclal Telegram.) The Inaccurate wording of a letterhead used lt tha state department of edu cation stirred up what looked Ilka a maraa nest this afternoon. The legis lature appropriated money to pay tor the Inspection of state normal schools and twelva private and denominational oollegTfs; " which under tha law are en titled to Isaue life certificates to teachers and for tha naming of a board for the purpose. The members of this board are designated In tha letterhead aa "inspect ors of normal schools, for whloli there Is no provision tn law and a board whose Jurisdiction Is over certain high achoola Is designated as the examining board for life certificates. Homo ono who saw tho letterhead thought the members of the first board were grabbing fees that belonged to th. latter and wrote tha state auditor, The latter official, on examining the statutes, could find no authority of law for pay. ment to the board of normal school in spectors and until the matter waa ex plained It looked aa It there waa really to be something doing. Michael Gorey Dead From Bullet Wound FRKMONT. Neb., Dee. 7.-Mlehael Oorey of North Bend, formerly of South Omaha, died at (:& tonight from bullet wounds sustained In a pistol duel with Albert Pruyn. a hay buyer, on Christmas day In the saloon conducted by Oorey. Pruyn In the Dodge county Jail, made no comment when told of hla victim's death. TAFT WORKERS MAKE PLANS (Continued from First Page.) of O'Nxlll: N. P. McDonald of Kearnev. The executive committee to have rlmm of the organisation of Taft clube all over the. state was named a follows: K. M. Pollard or NehewKa; c. K. Adams of Superior : Frank Ciirrie of Broken How; A. V. Jef feres of )maha: H. It. Schneider of Fremont: (. J. Miles of Hastings; A. K. Cody of Ht. Paul. Meat Jaaoary II. Members of alt theae committees, ex executive and district, will meet with the other officers of tha leagua at the Uu dell hotel ih Uncoln, January 18, to name the delegates at large and also tha dis trict dalegatea to he voted on at tha primaries. At tha same time tha candidates for presidential electors and tho national committeeman will be named. As pro vided for In the resolution adopted by the mass meeting the district nominees ure to be clionen by the district com mlttemen and their selections will be reorted to this meeting. Aa a result of the gntherlng today th organisation formed laat week Is now thoroughly organised for work and active operations In all parts of the state are expected to result within a short time, as otjanixed effort wit) proceed to crystallise the Taft sentiment Into a potent organisation. MARKS PROSECUTION SCORES (Continued from First Page.) for any aevrel attempts at evasion ot the law. Mr. Crum told of tha complaint that waa made the next day by Mrs. Cattle man that tho visit vf tha police had frightened away good paying tenanta who had leased the room and who fled after the appearance of tha polK'e. Khe threat ened to aua the city. Hen Kill Hla Mother. tST. lAil'lH. Dec. JT.-Wlth a rtfie whleh was ma I'nriatnias girt. lo- ear-old Harry Iewali today klllvd s mother. Mrs. I'uraanna i-.!i, in Shelr . ome near J-ffron Barracks.- Harry did aot know the rifle was loaded. Hoosevelt Will -Not Attend Peace Dinner Saturday NEW TORK, De. 17. Representatives of the cltlxrns' peace dlnmr to be given .alur:ay nlglit. to which President Taft. Uaclfn fort.gn diplomats, Andrew Carne s'e and many ot).rs have accepted Invi tations, sourht out Colonel Roosevelt to day to ascertain whether tho roionel had such v!ews on questions of peace that he would find It inconvenient to attend the dinner. Colonel Hoosevelt already had been In formally Invited and to that Invitation replied in a seven-page letter, which Mil lard t. Tiloomer, secretary of tha execu tive committee, alarolutely declined t make public today. Last night a formal Invitation was drawn inviting the ex-prcsMeut. but It waa understood the invitation was with held In order that Mr. Bloomer might go over and sound Colonel Roosevelt In the matter. "Absolutely no; I shall attend no din ner." Colonel' Itoosevelt declared today after Mr. Bloomer bad culled. Colonel Itoosevelt added that the correspondence between himself and Mr. Uloomnr on the f ubject would be made public Saturday. Mr. Bloomor said tho endorsement of the pending International arbitration treaties had not been specifically planned. He did not know, he added, whether President Taft and Andrew Carnegie knew thin or aot. "I want to announce." Mr. nioomcr said, "that the peace dinner with Presi dent Taft as tho guoet of honor has not been called for the specific purpose of endorsing- the treatlea with England and France." Russians Begin Boycott of iixjports From United States WA8HINOTOV, Dec. JT.-The movement to boycott American machinery Is grow ing. Tho state department was advised today that members of the council at Moscow and Kursk have petitioned the Duma to act. ST. PKTERSBl'RO, Dec. 27.-A supple mentary legislative proposal of a frankly prohibitive charaoter was introduced by ihc tia.lnna'hts Into tho Duma lo. It .a al.i...d tln-cti.v at the United Statue. According the terms of the proposed enactment, Anur. .u.i citizens of the Jew ish religion are to he totally excluded from Russia, and ..i the second place eustoma duties are tJ tailed by 100 per cent unless the Ilusm.ari lurmal sched ule Is lower than the American, in that case a duty equalling the American duty will be collected. ' The author of the hill states that the last provision Is necessary In order to deal with the Import of American agricultural machinery. f , The remaining points of the proposed bill correspond in virtually every par ticular with tho bill Introduced on De cember 2 by form r President Quchoff, providing for tariff schedules applicable to the United States at the expiration of the Ruaso-Asnerlcan commerce and navi gation treaty of 1822. INDIAN CHURCH HAS LADIES' AID SOCIETY AHERDEJvV.,,8. D.. Dec, 27,-(BpeolaL) Tha Indiana on the Cheyenne River res ervation are progressive, as ta shown by. the tact that Mark darter and James Spotted Horse of Swiftblrd'a camp on the reservation visited Forest City and laid Hi a supply ot articles for their Christmas tree, and furniture for the In dian Episcopal church at the camp, in cluding a cook atove and othur articles. As In the caee of the churches ot the white folks the funds were raised largely by the women, the women's society ot the church being officered by tho follow ing Indian women; President, Sophia High Bear; vice president. Virginia Hawk; secretary, Annie Garter; treasurer. MolUe King Man; assistant treasurer, Ida Crow; care of sick, Annabel Spotted Horse; collector, Christine Nichols; door keeper, Angellqua Blue Body. DEATH flECORD William Baady. FAIRBURr. Neb., Dec. 2T.-(3peclal.)- The funeral servtcea of the late William Bundy were held from the home of his son, V. W. Bundy, at 1127 C street. Tues day. Deceased was Hi yrara of age and death waa due to general debility. Ite waa a veteran of tha civil war. Hla com rades of Rusaell post, Orand Army of tha Republic, No. 77, had 'charge of tha funeral services. Burial took place In the Kalrbury cemetery. Deceased had made hla home with bla son In Kalrbury for a number of years. Mra. lva Slatmana Blngkaiu. SEWARD. Neb., -Dec. ST. (Special.) Mrs. lva Simmons Bingham, a pioneer Lxeuard girl, died at her home In Lin coln today, leavtns a little babe or but a few weeks. She waa married over a year ago to John Bingham, a mall clerk on tha Burlington. The body will be brought to the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmons, for the funeral services. tames BRANDEIS ANNUAL CLEARING SALE MEN'S FURNISHING Begins Next Saturday Dec. 30. Everything Must Go Every Prico Reduced DRANDEIS STORES I KSBSSSSSSSOI FEW FILINGS ARE SENT IN Slig-bt Let Up ia Political Activity by Candidate. BETAS MEN ARE UP IN AKHS Throw Do era (liven II Im by World Herald IMarpleaelaK n goo. Porters of the reerleaa lender la Capital City. (From a tSaft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 27.-tSpeclaJ.) There was a dearth or political filings at the offlco or tho secretary of state this morn ing. There were some Inquiries how ever. Indicating that something will be doing In the future. M. 1 Fries of Ar cadia sent for blanks. Indicating that ha would file as a republican candldat for lieutenant governor. Herman filers of Oresiiam made In quiry how much It would cost and what petition would be required or a candi date for a state office. Tho letter did not Indicate which office he had his eye on, but Information is Mr. Piers as pires to be the democratic candldatu for ileutunant governor. W. H. Mmlth of Seward wrote to In quire about filing ks a candidate for del egate at large to the democratic national co-ivcntlon. Uryan Men Alarmed. Tho tentative endorsement of Judaqn Harmon as democratic for president, con tained In the Omaha World-Herald ot this morning ret things to buixlng tn Hrynn'a home town. The talk anent the editorial Indicate only too plulnly that tho democracy has plenty of troubles of Ita own and that the sore spots are not by any means confined to last fall's state campaign. If anything was lack lug to ahow that the followers of Bryan would not fall In under tha Harmon banner this editorial has furnished tho mtsxlng link. Not one had th eleast im pediment In hi speech today In discuss ing th eeditortal In the Omaha paper and the declarations W3re both empnatlc and unanimous among Bryan's frtenda that they could not be led by the Omaha paper or any other Influence to support Harmpn either at the primary or at the polls. If the Omaha paper threw out the editorial as a feeler of the real sentiment of the Bryan followeraypaper sentiment of the Bryan following It cer tainly got the "rley It waa looking for. More tlrweathee Petitions. Another batch of Grucnther petitions came In today, . eevoral for the dem ocratic candidate for senator and sev eral for governor. Like their predecessors none of them bore evidence that any filing fee lied been paid to the county treasurers and as a result they have gone to Join previous ones in the waiting lnu pigeon hoiv. forr.ek Seemrea Petltloa. F. B. Corrlck, yecrctar- of tho state La Fftllette organisation, today obtained ! from the secretary of ,tate a copy of tho Roosevelt presidential primary peti tion Hied by John O. Yelser of Omaha. It was intimate he intended to forward it to tho former president. C. H. Oustafson, member of the leg islature from Saunders count)', has In dicated that he will tile as republican candidate for lieutenant governor. . -An Innovation in Oil Heaters The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, with its drums enameled in turquoise, is an ornament to any room, whether in the country or city home. No home is quite complete without Perfection 03 Heater. It is a necessity in the fall and spring, when tt is too warm to start the regular heating apparatus, and too cool to be without heat In the midst of winter it is often convenient as' an auxiliary heater, as there are always some cold corners in a house. The enameled hater always preterits nice appearance, aa the enamel will not tamiah or bum off. It is not an "enamel paint," but it is the same as tha enamel of your cooking utenaua. The Perfection is the moat reliable and convenient portable heating device you can find. An automatically -locking flame spreader prevents turning the wick high enough to smoke. ssioatuaa !'"'-" ""MJH"mm'i an .i ii. ii ' ill i UK .. -Mittj. .jMBwem Illinois Grand Jury indicts Millionaire Texan tor Fraud STERLING. III., Dec. I7.-H developed today that Duncan Mackay, one of the largest real estate owners In San An tonlo, Tex., has been Indicted by the Oc tober grand Jury on a charge of mlsappro prlatlon of the money left by his father In an estate valued at nearly U,0W),OW). Tha transactions which led to the In dictment date back several years. After long litigation In tha circuit court of VVhlteelde county a Judgment for nearly tioo.ooo was Issued against Mackay, but beforo tho findings were entered he left tho Jurisdiction of tha court. Duncan Moore. Maokay's nephew, then went beforo the grand Jury and gave testimony which resulted In an Indict ment charging; bin undo with misappro priation of property to the entire amount of tho Judgment entered previously. The Indictment was withheld in the hope that Mackay might return to thle state, It being generally understood that he waa in Europe. Now It Is alleged Mackay lias returned to tho Urrtted States, but his exact whereabouts arc nut known. It la stated that the greater part of Mackay'a holdings, which Include several. of tho main business blocks in San An tonio, were transferred previously to the supposed European trip. Man With Dynamite in Suitcase Says He Will Reveal Big Plot PITTSBURGH. Pa.. Dec. 17. "I'm go. Ing to clear myself. I will not take all the blame for this and the rest of them will have to take their medicine along with me. " Is the utterance credited today to George Bridges, a Stranger arrested at Monet-sen, Pa., while carrying a suit case containing seventy-two sticks of dynamite and a roll ot fuse. Bridges weakened uhder police ques tlonlng and, according to the authorities, declared he would make a clean breast of It when taken before a magistrate for a preliminary hearing late this after noon. Little Is known of the man. He appeared at Monessen several weeks ago. Eight thousand non-union men are employed In the mills of the town. Dr. Lyon'o PERFECT Tooth Powder not only cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth without in jury, Dut lmparxspunty ana ira grance to the breath, removing instantly the odor ot tobacco. Cm Ik rarfean Hnle nliJ i mr wrae ' amnnuve cmalar ui isao ot Standard 03 Company ' loaorperaaxti GOODS Men's Shirts Underwear Men's Hats, Caps Collars, Socks Neckwear Sweater Coats Gloves. Etc., Etc. At Bargains That Are Wonderful at BRANDEIS Saturday Dec. 30 3 J ff"'llll"L'"itt' rlfl'if NEW FOREIGN PRODUCT BEING INTRODUCED HEBE One-Fourth of the Folks of Omalu Find Life a Burden. HTJKDKEDS ABE INVESTIGATOR Are .t.teal.hed at Wawaerfnl Reealta ef TsU Netr Itetaear It le Prorlns It nevela- ttea to Maar. "Twenty-five per cent of the people of Omaha find life a burden and have llttte real happiness. The cause ht nervous de bility, and la produced by modern condl tlona of city life." Thla statement wn made recently by one of the' specialists who are introducing a new tonic, "Tona Vila." to the Omaha public. According to this specially the hustle and worry of modern life is too much of a atraln on the average man or woman, and chronic nervous debility Im the re sult. The specialist claims that no In dividual can hope to Succeed In or enjoy llfe when once the disease Is eetabllslicrf and that comparatively few people know the cause of their poor health and lack of vitality. "Tired, droopy, half rick na.n anl women are as common aa leaves on the trees," said one of the specialist. "Tb?y have uncertain appetites, poor dlgcstl.Tsi, ltttlo ambition and feel almost too tlri tor work most of the time. They suffer from timidity, have no initiative unit haven't enough good, rich blood in their veins to make them capable cf aelf-re-II a nee. Their nerves are In such a atstu ' that they Imagine themselves afTllcteil with various diseases at different itnst-i. . The real trouble with them Is ileblly produced by the life they lead. "The medical profession, as a whole, has recognized these facts for a number of years, but little was done to overcome thla ailment so far as tha general public ia concerned until a tonic waa Introduced In Europe a few yeara ago which proveU very effective. A company has been or ganised to put a similar preparation ou the market In the I'nlted fctates. Tlio medicine Is called Tona Vita' in tlias country, and It Is now being introduced In many cities here. I have charge of this work In Omaha, and I expect to gou wonderful results." The specialists who have charge of th introduction ot the medicine in Omaha., have given some astonishing flve-ininutu demonstrations. -This consists in giving, the proper dose of the tonlo to sufferer. from nervous debility, and in five mlnuuea requesting them to state what effect th medicine had. There Is an attendant remedy known aa Leo's Rhubarb Laxative, which is most. valuable to those suffering with chrome:. constipation. It has a pleasant taste doea not gripe and acta promptly. The sale of tha new medicine ! now. the biggest thing at the kind ever seen In Omaha, and esch succeeding day marks an increase of Interest. - "Tona Vita" la proving a complete revelation to the thousand of half sick, run down, llatlese men and women' In tha city who did not know exactly what was tha mat ter with them. It would be worth any body'a time to visit Brandels Drug Dept., 16(h and Douglas Sta., south side main floor, and Inspect the large number of testimonials from .those who have been : benefited by the new tonic and who have undoubted faith In It aa a remedy, of un usual value. These specialists ire Ou. hand to meet the ' public between thu houra of 9 a. m. and p. m. Have you RgAD it? . . The Adler-1-ka book, telling how you can KA81LY guard fcgalnst appendlcltiu and get INSTANT relief from constipa tion or gaa on the stomach. Is being; ra wiin mucn interest Dy umana People, it Is given away free bv the riherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Cor. Wth and Dodge, Cor. lth and liiimrv. Cor. 24th and famam, &J1 North Mh St. BOYP'SjBffl. THE MUSICAL CLUBS OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY C0HCEE1T Tkll-llc,7io, SI.SI.JM! Oa Safe at Boya'a Sax onto. TOHIQKT, WDAT, BATVAT paolal Saturday Katlaee The Fascinating Opera "THE SPRING MAID" wtta mn Kajoa. Compear AVOKBVTxTD OBggWTA Sun. Mat.-SCH00L DAYS 'A luimanceor me t,ni ; - and rT and aJclonall; Ktv Karrell SIs- tere; .Klchardson'a losing Dosa; Klnet- oscoivt, Orpheum i;oncerx umniiu PrtceaT Night 10, 16c. 9c tic. Matinee 10c, btet seats J.c, wttvi Sundays and holidays. - KfUJU THEATER.-. iMt Baaia BOe. . aaes CHERRY BLOSSOMS lit'KLKStjrK tt). fcxtra V - M ANU V K 1 to. Oertea ef Keen. oautstA' rva cirna" Our classy CLiiaUnas week offerlug or.om xie iVAssing Parade. fcIVlitriat ' Exquisitely eolicwved musical enteiiiblei Mut elaborate ly Oowned Cborua tblx tea on. eluparb licerle Investiture. l.eoti New iauchs Latdlea' Slaa. kV tttae a.ery Weak Bay. New Vear'a Weas lie a Welch' liurlciiuerd. ( AMERICAN THEATJER TOaTlKT, VatsU Tkuraoay, Kataraay ItTltm. e umuf. MISS Bfa lH aa ta. woouwtiip iticK uari( n gvXVCK TOS TIB 000B. Jix.t Week Tee (htl aa the Judge, tpeclal elatine. fcw tears Ua.