M Wb. TAV, UV.V.: OMAHA. WKI.NT.ShAV. Hill KMllKIJ 'J7. l.M. i l l it, o in.t i:i,t llnn.r. hikI tltllt-.. Vt 'U IllT- -New l,).r, m..ni n V,1, !50,"". Ilnrn.-y; Marty J.ni. l, 1 1 v.r rrat. Injiiue T j n'Riifr. Hoiihaw hotel. Chimes. I, l.'lh, l.osM OMAHA Nan and rttiia-e"Co Vac.7 Tnuves, Clon a holi-held avt.iU. K'iriui-oof Horf. KM F. ltfth. Uranch 30i 8 i;th. '1 el. Hondas 410.1. A-l.1.15 i'-t6i )M m.xlcnt ciilluii"e7 ri7T?at.:ij3 V trt. WebetiT 'CI". Mor, -inini Finn rt-p'r. li. Jul N ''(Vh 'Yl ,no,1er1'1' iat. 1411 7-room, fcmt. mod pro except heat, 31S Charles H9 C roum. ,:i fK,r. U06 X. Mth St. mod fin fxe-ejt firt. (14. ?' "Cd,rftC''Vo';'' motlern xcPt heat. S3U t'erhy""'"." ,11d'rn c"pt heat, lilt 6- roonv-'lt floor. 1303 N. tOth St.. purtly modern, Jlrt. -room. :u floor. 12 N 26th St. toilet .13. 7- ruotn house, modern except heat 290J Ir.md st., T.o. CHIU lKTF.Jlannmln; Pt. KOIl KKNT-A brick I c7s"ifenc -Met fcmith Klevciith street, eleven larae looms, I,) toil.-t rooms, tiHrii, three Mocks southwest of depnt. fine locution I'.r lmnie fir lailroarl people. House upcri lor Inspection all week. ,i00 per nioiuh. I'hone Donnlas 67.', Wis. J. M. MclcaK 12.14 South Tenth. Jii:.i, i:sr.m: nil iiioiiiin nm-a it.i:, IlK.tli KSTAIK I.OANH ( U'W ItA I KM. IH.M lf-l Anl.t.Klili CO, I t.u-oll H nnrtH. Theater l.ltln. Have You Got $360?i(,AlV1Ni5Ho M'S TMKN hi.iii die New Year ruiit hv etmw your i, nn home. I .out tmiav at fn MVI;l'l.K , K ., n!ht In lictnl lark, corner lot. on ai-1 stri-rl. a very nrnt ami hiiliMam Inl R-r.umi modern home, ready to move rlirht In. l'ay the balance like rent. It tan t exrry day you ran buy it liouse like DiIh for if,ioO rash, but you tan thl house right now nnrt on term, (let a look at this liouse. If It li largo enough for jovtr fair.llv, you'll buy. (Hover Iiosilty Syndicate 121P-?." City Nut. l:nk ilrl." Iio'ia-la S!J. Hul'SH ANl. 10 LOTS. Near Omaha ear line anil rlty schoM. 1ooi 6 room cottage and I" good, hlpsh lots. ior a home or ln'esttnent num. ing else like It so rear t'mnha for near the rlre. JJ.iii, JO cash, lmlivnce like rent. M'GKE UK A t. KSTATK CO., P Frl street. ou noil B I tiffs. 1 a. TIIK1J-; FINK IajTS on 14tb Ave. and Cran.i Ave. for sale at a bargain. laOi Unid St. Phone Ked 4r.". l'UU HhXT-Klght-ioom house. 'as street. Not More Than $25 for your choice of 2 modern homes. ONE H block to Walnut llill ime. S 100111 and hull. best furnnre, plumbitiK, all brick and cement basiiueiu; 2 famlliea can use, m- , dependent atairwny ami entrance. OTHEll due block to N. 24th Hue, full two-story T-room all modern. New. compact, up-to-date. CVKKk-KH KI-JAJ. Km i'A'I'k t'O., 301 urnalm Nut I. DoiIk. or A-21S2. kvenlUKS l. ?2 nr'll. 51IU. h'OK lth.N l-l'uui-iuum cuUUKe on fflitn Ave, between ioon unu Uuukihs strat'.t re fextfr i,. Thorn i. 41.' Hee Hldg. 'J' Wo nearly new trooin all modern houses, near car, one furnished. Harney Store unit Utflcea. WISH to sublet KUlto cf fiva rooms In City National Hank IthJg- Call I) 4123. NKw atom btiuuinc wltn modern living I'wmis itpataira; will ue ready Jan. 1, laii "Write or phone I027 Orund lalana, Neo. J. t;. Allan:, (iiand Isiiaud. Neb. OWEKED IOi; SALE Malial liiatrunivu ta. PIANO, ellghtly used, at a bargain. Kegeistrorn liauu Mis. -'0' XDlti and Karnnm sts. ELKCTU1C piano and nUNio box ro p.iirmu. Acme iuc:lun 'o., 3124 I.ev'w'th. 'A vvr!4ra. IIGHT TOUCH "MONARCH VISIBLI! for rent. THE MONARCH TYfE V KIThlt CO.. 411 fi. lath, thone U 4w. "i'YUiWKlTivHd, ALL MAkhiS or rale or rent; Ui'vtit etock, bv.l bargaiua. li. F. dwunson Co., IJH I'arnain bu, vmalia. HMITlt I'HEMllSKS, nioueia Ho. t at Is'o. 4, In exutfllent. condiiion, rented threa inonllia fji ii teMITU VJlhJ.MIKn TVPTWIUTICn CO., lath and Uougias. KENT an Oliver lyn-'wruer troin Hit Oliver Tyixwrlter Co. l'oiiglna 2ai'J. Alttewllitiieuua. VOll BALK Fireproof af with double dooia and money drawer; also tiling cabi net for of I ice Ufe. Colson 6c lleynoidu, i'remont. Neb. MAt"'l.t uverlocke(i wit it second-hand safes, all size and make; bargaina. American Supply Co.. lllu Farnani st. FOR SALIi-New knu fceeoud-band raruin and pocket MUlurd tables ami bow ling alley a and accessorlea, bar fix tures of all klnua: easy payuiKUj The Bi-unswlck-Kuike-Oollander Co., 407-409 S. 3'ith st. .. - . VJK 8A1.K Two eciolKi!,ilp in tha Omaha Conuiierclal college and on In levies college. ttuh:ea of? ice. Omaha i:LKOrnac pianos Teanut, gum, match and post card machines. Acm Machine Co., J124 lavenworth. .oi tor btove or furnace. Try lu Harmon At Weeth. Webster MS. $0 2U hAKKS. 1JU.K10HT. ll ! ai uuin at. KiNULlNti. 4 loud. iT7uroha. 'VvTiiC . ' KLECTRIC piano and music roll re pairing. Acme Machine Co., 3121 Leaven wort hj TWO stamp Looka, 53. W cui h. I'hono Jlarney ldH. Modern Suburban Homo FOR BALK, tiilh and Center, with fif teen acres choicest land and finest of Im provements. House Is modern through out, in rooms and tmth. Inquire Andrew A. Furay. I'hone Harney 102f. Station It, Kotil 1. KKAIi ESTATE FRM A lNll I, AM) KOH AIR taaada, "My knowledge of land on uncompleted C'.rand Trunk ran make you quick profits. Frank Crawford. Homer tit.. Van couver, or Omaha" TKX-ACRE farm accessible to Jackson ville, Fin. Kxcel.enl (or winter garden truck. Thirty dollars per acre; titty cents cash; fifty cent per month. Write tot pai ticuUm. Jacksonville Heights Im provement Company, Jacksonville, Fla. FLOltlDA, THE LAND OF SUNSHINE. We are tillering 10, 2o and lu-ui io tracts and upwards located in Columbia, county near L,nke City. Florida, to miles west of Jacksonville and only l0 miles from St. Augustine. This property Is Intersected by three railroads of national reputation, which furnish the best of services at reasonable rates to all market of the United States. Tlia climate Is Ideal. Fine farms are new beln worked in our tract with exceptionally good results. Own on of our fauna. ' Investigate our offer, bmall cash payments and efy terms. Low ratea daily. Ticket good until June 1. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO.. (Sains Agents) 09 Omaha National Hank Uldg.. Omaha. Neb GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM St ATLAN TIC RAILROAD, Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of th aoutli plentifully produoed. For literature treat ing with ltd coming cooiitry. It soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA OA., llLuols. FOR SALE Chicken ranch, S4 acres; plenty of fruit and peaches; good build ings; ' location central Illinois; for par ticulars write Laurens. Iowa, Uouto 3, Box 11. iuu rtixvcs; to mile from Red Cloud; 23 acres alfalfa; luo acre cultivation; good improvements. Frlce, fS.WO. liM acres; 7 mlies to iiladen, 2O0 acres culti vation; DO acres alfalfa; 120 acres pas tuie; good Improvements. 118,000; good term. Write at once. Carpenter & Hon, Red Cloud, Neb. 1-AKOR LOANS, nvinlnp i bonds, morl gages bought and sold. el't'Ll, 1.KOU. ANY connolKsuir of t t.nfci ilon.-t y 111 readl'y te!l you that there are no i undies which in outshine tiRrlens In purity or ditltitlncfs If Mrs. E. Spencer. l.Stia South 2..th St., will come to Th He uf(!t- within three tlavs we will give her an order for a HO cent box of O'Brien's candy. WANTED TO IllY M-hand goods, Kleaer. liCo Center. D. 5MI V AN T E I Second-haiid s fl it I v nam maker. helxht. width, depth, weight nd price, F. O. B. Omaha. D ss. Bee. WANTEU TO KENT WANTED Two ir throe unfurnished or partlv furnished housekeeping rooms. E. l.ono Bee. WOl.'LD rale for apartments lu ex change for heated housekeeping room. Douglas 2111. WANTED SITUATION W A N t h.l o.-.il:oii a., pousekeeper by reepectabl middle-aged lady. Prefer horn with children. Also experienced at nurse. Address Mrs Mail 'I urner, gen rial delivery. Council Bluff, la. sriUAUON wantMl-A manager u( general More, country town; experienced. O Wl. Hee. . , "WASHING and curtains done. T. I."?? HUHKKLf.! i.vo and clerical work evenings and MHurdays, -u tpe wnlr. Addreas L 743. Bee. illkbi'. young lauies, piano piayar and alngcr want portion In ilrtura show, ex perienced. Douglas 6K5. K 7T&. Bee. POSITION wuiitvu iy coinpttciu liuy nenogi apner; retvieuces us 10 ub:..;y. Hartley G44. MUST HAVE WORK Voung nun tieeds work for bocra and room. I'hon Dougiaa 42S4. H'lMj ni.iii ..ova joM.tion as bar tendir; experienced. 8 fil.V Ue. WHITE lady drlrea steady place of day work; neat, conscientious; does not disappointment engagements. I'lion It, 3., s;. Will 11. uouiaii uabiirs oay work; and c.an "'el. D. 0740. neat Vol Ml lauy wants position as stenog rapher; sinail waKts to start; best of lei ernces. Web. 2ti;tl. RESPECTABLE, refined .experienced, middle aged lady desire position art housekeeper for widower with small family. 1' 904. lire. EVERY housewife desirous of a nice dessert shrould try DmseUs pure ice cream. If Mrs. F, R. Davis, HMli Capitol Ave, w ill come to The Be office within three days wo will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream LIVE STOCK MARKET OK WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha; av mileage and shrinkage, your consign ments receive prompt a ad careful atlaji- LIVE jSTOCK COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Byers Bros. Co. Strong and responsible. 'OOIBHtiS.. 2M-' r.xcmin e nTilg, o7eat West. Com. Co.. Omaha i Denver VV. li. SMITH SON just handie sueep. W. F. DENNY Oi CO.. :itl Exeh. Uldg. TAQO BROS, handle can., nogs, sneep. Clay. Koblnson At Co., J Exon. Hldg. KAIl.WAY TIME CAKD n rit,f Mtlo intfc nsjtl Wfsilff. sllsaonrl Tarlfli AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA: rpr Airlv Auburn lnal h 1M pin till M am title co, M. rl, Mlnnrapolts A Out mm i 'ie ill fiiilifl n Unl rfh Mat csino to lo hnmo and en I leied wlihout niiii or pet mls-Onri. lie f'ltlhrr mid ihni ll. Nil ! is-fil! hl i lit I ii i II i limit mio, i h" i ai-e M'YEY OUTPf lNTS LANGFORD Pepart. ..' :?." pn ,. I am Sioux City Expres Omaha local r'loux City I'ass... t win City I'asa.,.. Lmeiaon Local.... lb) daily except Sunday, enly. (a) duhv. Arrive tili m m pra b 12 pra b 43 ant h a 56 pin b 10 am tc i-ojnuay T1UVELS. ifli ia es lent GRAND CRUISE TO THE ORIENT Br th most palallit eralslag steamer afloat is. "victoria luisr (IS.500 Tons) Balling from Keiv Tork JANUARY Mi 1IU Police of Mugio City Hvr. All They Wmit to Attend To. t JOE CHEL0UD DIES OF INJUH1ES ail(l Ridl Womeu Donors to 1 ATcricnn tighnr Tins Better ltiich-Ti nled ?mmy. of rnt to It, BP-tlN, the rn Ty PORTIfi MKIIII ! It rf ,K N sml lb OHIkM'. Ol ngn ul nixtanl. The VICTOKIA I.l'lMM" Is qnli-t1 with ery aodera ftnr. proTldlog ererj bicnry auil eomfort oa long ciul-tes. Alto Cruise fa Wxif isfl-. fsiits Jmertea, Arv4 I At WorU, H' s4 tlHft. '. Send for Illaitrete Booklet HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE list W. Randolph St., Chicago, or local agt rti. I. 1100 up. for :i !. Incluitlni all hnr v.-urKHi. vllli Brill. Alrl. Or, Turky, Holy I Anil. Ktvnt. Itslr. Kto. 10 Kuror-s Tours. KKANK C. I'ltKK. Times fiMt . New Tork. W. . HOCK. HU Fsrasm strut. Omsb. LKCiAL 0TUT:S. NOTICE, Ptockholdcra Meeting of Th Union Iand Company. Notice Is hereby given that the. annual meeting of the stockholder of Tint Union Land Company for the election of llv directors and the transaction of inch other business a may legally como be fore the meeting, will b held at the office of the Oeneral Solicitor, Union I'aclflo Hraduuartei Building, loth and Dodge sirrtits. Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the Sth uay of January, 191 il, at 10 o'clock A. M. Th stock transfer books will ba closed 10 day previous to iho meeting Alex. Miller. Secretary, New York City. N. T., Dec. Is, 1911. Diviav Intersiai Co. Hetter -esuits. Snip lo us. CL1 FTl5NCom. Co. 22TKxuh a n g Bl d g. HI ' R K EFcK LY CO.. 201 Exch HldgT L. K. ROBERTS st CO.. 22U Exun. Hldg7 Cox t Jones Com. Co.. bunch of litisr lers. loHUi THE eatilefft way to find a buyer for your farm is to Insert a small want ad in the Do Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the kiat of Iowa, 44,uu0 daily. Th Capital Is read by and believed In by th Blanii palters iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper ut their liotr.es. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; Si.2i per line per luoulii; count nix ordinary woras to lb un. Addles i-e Jdoiue capital, ! iioiuea, la. RATTAN baby buggy, good as new. Inquire J128 S. 26tli St. 'i'iione Uuiney ONE high school uniform for boy about 17. also Eclipse gas stove. Benton 720. THE more you eat the more you want of D. J. o llrlon'H candy. Delicious and tasty. If Miss A. Nelson. 45." Ssiitn 24tli St., South Omaha, will pome to The Be office within three days wo will give her an ordor for a tW-cent box of O'Brlcn'i candy, I'EKSONAL A Mew Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTION ANU RESULTS. Does not f-'pread the rupture open in ternally as convex pads do. Write fur booklet. THE TYRRELL TRCSrt CO., 37M1 Broadwny, New York City. K-IMV liLOUD REMEDY, niadiuli Pharmacy, )2tlt and Dodgs. Mar.-age, Klitenhuuse, .'Jx old ttoalon bid. YoUNU wonn.-n t-ouung to omalia as Hangers tire Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and fat. Mary's Ave., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding place cr otherwise aasiateu. Look for our travelers' aid at tltu Cm -it, tat ion. At i. -a Lhii, mauicuriiiK. vibratoi ina rsge treatments. R. 1, 2d floor, lM'.l Dodg. v fa teiii auu tei ar an kihos ot sc.t.a machines, lnd. A-lOtiX Douglas lOtil NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. lath and Harney Sis. HINDOO 1 ..J.J.I'4.1 .Hi! build. biaC., strengthen, Me. BELL DRUQ CO. At A A I i iKaimcni. Mrs. Steele 4 EOI Dodge. Ground floor. 'J'AKb In.ili uctions in maHHage and Swtdlsh movement cure. 4H Ware Blk. MAanAub sviui.ti nioveiiisni; noihmg letter for rheuinatlam; ladies. II; gsnl c men, J I 60. Apt. 2. 1MJ2 Fainam. D. t4ti. MAC.V' l"ri 1 maimenl. E. ilron, ,u tlAiltJ l.tAF PICE CONr.S ileal Itmeuy lor itcmng, bleeding or piotrud-i'-K llie; iO.- poaipaia; aampi free, bow man Ac Mui.onnell Drug Co., Oniatia. i.i!:r:t'N, mask suits to hire. I'll How'd 1HE B.U.rtUU. AU1 K solicits cast elf I II. n; in lact, unLU.ng vu do no, need. We collect, repair auc anil, at lit .n. llth St., tor cost o( cuiieclton, to tha vtoithy poor. Cud 'ii'Oiiu Duugias 4124 ji.o wagons win can. M ASS Mil'' Lath, salt glow aromatic .Mi.jKj-.ivJx-. iceatinenl. Mm. AUsu Clncago, lvt F. 17th fti , iJt flour. D. iuu Mis. Siiyoci, iua:.iagc, electrical treat ment, i l'Ui..-Jl:, lot I) A: Pl.rce. D. 4ivj. Dr. ilurke, Aoiiieii s u.sLaae. i Doug, ii NO NEED of worrying about (lessen when Dalzed is in town. If Mrs. M liiaull, iMl Duu:;e St., will riunc to The lie ofilco within three days we will give iier an order tor a cju.ut brkk of tins Hue leu cream. I'1)CLT1S AND ri'.T STOCK bciocnuigt,, H w pel' ioo. vv agoer, sol N. is. " i; EA LrjTATK liLlLDCliS' I.MUIOI.tllU.V, Flectrin gas fixture. Omaha Bilver Co. Ideal Cement clone- Co., I'm ar.J Cuming. "Fuchs-hon Bhiid. pa.iulng. decorating. l'.OOr'TNti PAiNl. buliuing paper, plat ter boa td. Amer. Sup. ' o.. !.. Nicholas Mavui)- ton., jobber, iiualy. v6. UU. 1.U20 ACRE HA.NOI1. Wheeler county, Neb., about S miles from county svat, said to be dark sandy loam wan clay subsoil, much of it suit- ahie lor tanning. 4 room house, barn 32X4(1, uhunuauce of Water. Vvili take Improved ptoperty for Jb.iujo or io.ooo, in part payment. Price $i..u per acre. il'Ul'.li REAL LS't'A'lE CO., 106 Pearl Street, Council Blutts, la. New .Mex.'co. CLIMATIC. HEALTH. SOIL. WATER. iops and prolils sure. Fruit and alfalfa. Covernmeni. Irrigation. Cnnslueilng cost and proilLH, wc oner tnc best on th mar ket, t ome a.l nglit. Hartshorn k iu. , .atihbad, tsew Mexico. bonih bitkutit, ISO ACRES. In Lyman county. South Dakota, for sale. Address D tk3. Be. V Isconaln. RUSK COUNTY. WIS., cut-over hard wood lands; wholesale prices; any s.xed tract; ciy loam soil. In dairy and clover belt; good markets, school and churches; easy terms. Wntu for maps and in formation. Arpln Hardwood Lumber Company. Grand Rapids, Wis. Nebraska. Sarpy Go, 150 Acres Best Bargain Near Omaha; $100 PER ACRE. ADVANCES TO ia IF NOT HOLD BY JANUARY 1. One-half valley land, with gradual slope, one-half upland, gently roiling. The soil Is Al. tSood Improvements ron-I'.-uns of good, lai'Ke, wed bunt sevsn loolil house, goud barn for lout teen head with buy mow for forty tons; good or chaid, numerous oilier buildings. Lay witlilit three and omi-half miles of Pa pillion and within seven and one-half rnilts of Souln Oinana, the great live stock market and handy to other towns; choice, location and a good prooucing tat m. if you want tho best bargain near Omaha then make It your busmesa to sen me oil this TucMjuy if iokfible, be fore tho advance. By all means, bring wife If neceseary. (One-half cash by March 1.) OR1N S. MERRILL COMPANY, Room 1213-V2H City Nat. Hunk Hldg. IIAI.I. CUL.Al'1 FAKJU. GO-ACUii. uuuy unu, all new puildings, bunging owner e.uuo per year. omy W.VA.: A snap. Will Dill liustu.i, 1,1 ami Isiand. Neb. Urmuu, FOR SALE Cloud farm tracts: S00 acres dined tiuuiand. 1 acres upland ail thor oughly oimiico. Win luin.an teuu for jv head came. A-aou espectany auaptcd ij uairyiiig and uccefbio.ts to good tnarfcat. UooU v.ulc-1. House and bJin jiiel vunc pivied coaling l,M uounded oa two by county load, one nine from otin.ol UO pusiotiicit. Lies kuiiabi Ij suuuivlu into small iracik if so utsutsa. I'licv, iuu i -ci. i art rusn; terms on bwiauce; no cuimnlsslviiis. li luirusld t:uiiaftUu iu:uituia.i witu uwf. vjm. V. warren, vtcp piesident jistui.a, ..una. ttfnu, As.onu, oregoii- Fanners L. S. Com. Co.. 'trnt r.xcnaoKS Deposit proceeds of snipnienls In Stock Yard Nsit'l bank. Only bank at yards, Martin Bros. 4t Co., 2W-4 Exch. Bldg. OMAHA. T1IK OIIAIX MARKET. NVbraska-lowa Grain Co.. '4 Hrltndela, WEEKS DRAIN CO.. giH consignments soltclteC TJi tain merchants, Drandeis. ItAILWAV TIMJi CAltU. t.MUA t A A ION 4 uii and Maaua Union Puclflo Arrlv. a 7:40 pm a 6 :45 pm a 4S am a 6:10 pm a S.JO pin a 7:27 am al2:25 am alio prn a ::o pin a 4.4G pin al0:ao ara b 1.20 pin HEAL tSIATli L.OA.N8 WANTED City loans anu wa.rubia. W. I'aniain emltn tt Co . ism r aiuajn bl OMAHA tiupciiy atid Nebraska Land a OKLfc.sc HtAI. LSiAikl CO. 101G New oiuaha Nuti Mult Building. t A nil t.uA.sV uttr Omaha; no tt-inut-Hon, optional ajuieiit, cittup Iiiuoay, oi in 8. Merrill. 1-t- city Nat I t-snk mug. . Uu.NLV to luau on buma or rti Ocuc properties, l,0uu to tw.utxi. W. it 'IH'UlAS. bvu irt Natl Ukm( Bldg. "1UM lu ltl.uu0 iud pioiup'tly. F, ix Wtad, Vv'aad bld.. isih aud Farnam. WAN'i 14--Clty loau7'!iTrurcT Depart San Fran. Overl'd L..a:46aro China Ut Japan F. M..a4:0jpm Atlantio Express Oregon Express ..all SSpm Los Angeles Limited. .aU:46 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am Centennial Stale Spe'l all:3o pm Colorado Express aa:30pm Oregon-Wash. L't'd...al2:&u put North Plane Local. ...a :1 am Grand Island Local. ..a 6:30pm StrouiSburg Local. . .bl2:41ptu CUtvutlu, lloch. lalana v Pacific KaOT. Rocky Mountaln Ltd. .al!:2 am a 10:13 pin Chicago Local Paas. . . bJO.3.1 an blO:10pm Chicago Iay Express. a 6:45 an: a 4 .10 pm Chicago Express a4:P'pm a 1:10 pm Des Moines Local Pas. a i .il pm alM2 pm Chlcugo-Ncb. Llmiiod .n 4.'.o pm a S OU am WEST. Chl.-Neb. Lmtd to Lin coln a 8:01 am a r-: R8 pm Chi. -Colo. ExpreB....a 1:25 pm n 4:00 pm Chl.-Colo. Express ....a Ml pm a 4:00 pm Okl. Si Tex. Expres..a r.:0o pm all:46 am Rocky Mountain Ltd.al0;7 pm al2:3l am Chiessa Great Weilrrs Chicago Limited a t:K pm Twin City Limited a 8:35 pm Twin City Expres....a 8:4J am Chicago Express Local Passenger a 6:I pm Wabash Omaha St. Louis Eg. .a fi'.30 pm Mall and Exprs a 7:02 am Stanb y L. (from C.R.)b 5:00 pm Hlluola trnlrsl Chicago Expres a 7:00 am Chicago Umltad a t:00 tun Missouri Pnclfrc . K. C. &. St. L. Ex... a :20 am 1C C. t 81, L. Ex....atl:i pin Cbleago At Kortk ncittrn- NOR'l IIBOL'ND. Minn. -ft. Paul Kx... .a 7:00 am Minn, -St. Paul L t d. .a 7:4)0 pm Twin City Express ..a 7:4u am tiloiix City Local ... Mum. Ac Dakota Ex Twin City Limned , Miuueaoia Express . EASTHO'JND. Carroll Local a r;uo am Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am Chlcagu Local al0i pn: Colorudu-l'hicago a 1:10 pm Chicago Special u 0:0.' pin 1 ac. Coasi-Chlcago....a b.Ji put Los Angeles Limited.. six) pm Overrun Lii:ui4 a tu Carroll Local a . pm Fast Moil a k;A ui Cti-a: itapids, bloux ft Unuiha Ciiiisnnial Mai i.un. 12 40 am WESTBOUND. Lone Pin a li.ou ara Nottulk-Dallas a i w am Long Fine Lincoln... -a t ii pm llat:ngs-DUpeiiur ... 2.15 pm Deadwuod-ilot tu'gx .a 3.W pm LSjusr-l.aliuei a ' put all.twpui r i eiiioni-Aibion b L.M pm It I -id pal Cblcuuu, Mllnssltr V t. Pawl Ovarlar.d Limited a 7 bv pm :. am Perry Local a So am ll.ou pta Colorudo Express .. ..a C.oO pm 3.2a pin Culoi ado Special a;Jam k:uo uia Perry Local b k.U pui 12.0V put -'IratU t IllMS ANNUAL MEETINO. Notice la hereby given that, the An nual Meeting of the Stockholders ot th Omaha (las Company will bo held at the office of the Company, loOO Howard St., at 10:30 a. m., Monday, January I, 1UI2, tor tha election ot Director tor th en suing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may como before tho meeting. ! RANK T. HAMILTON. President OEOROK W. CLABAUGH. Omaha. Dec. 16. 1911. Secretary. D 22d lOt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bee liulldlng company will be he'd at the office of aald company,' Omaha, ehrsska. at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday. January 18, 191, for the .election of to board of directors tor the ensuing year. and for the transaction ot such other business as may properly coin Colors th meeting. My order of the president ' .- . P. FttU -Secretary, r l17toJl STOCKHOLDERS' .MBWT1NO. Office of EEE-c.LABcl-ANDUb.E8EN HAKJJWAKE COMPANY, Omaha, Ne braska, December , l-l I Notic 1 hereby given to the stockholder of Lee-Uiaas-noreesen Hardware company that lu annual meeting of th stock noidara of in Company will be held at the uitic of saiu company, corner ot Ninth and Har ney street, in th oily of Omaha, In th stata ot Nebraska, on Tuesday, January U. A. D., 112., at 3 o clock p. m., for th purpos of electing a board of director lor the company to scrv during th ensu ing year, and to transact auch uiner business as may be presented at suvo meotlng. Attest; W- M. cuass, iocr. lary; 11. J. Lux. President, GOVKKNMENT OTICKS. 3:4U pm 7:00 pin .a g 46 pui a 7:4 am a t:0 pm a 1:4 pra a 915 am all:lS pm bl0:l am a 3:; pm a 1.00 am a 7:40 am a b.W pm a 0:00 am alV:2u pm a S.2H pin a 16 am a 7:30 am all. ow un a 6:10 pra 10:40 pm a i.U pin a 4-i pm a (:4J am a 3 2V pin au.ao pm a a.lj an, alV:uu an. a M pm a 2:33 pre 11. li pm atl:M am al'i.ii win a 6:u p a a 6:20 pm a : put UiU-llogtoa gtatloB- Uurllngtoa Depart. Ar'. Denver 4 California, i 4.lo pin a t .. pm Puget Hound Expres i 4.10 pm a I 44 pin Nebraska points i s:20 am a I pm H ack Hills a 4:10 pm a 4 pm Lincoln Mall b 1:24) piu ali li pm Northwest Express. ...all a pm a i .ou am Nebraska points a -0 am a (10 pm Nebraska Express a :1a am a 10 pm Lincoln Local a am Bchuyler-lisllsmjuth b 3:0 pm blO 20 am Lincoln Local b D O am plsilsmouth-lowa a t.lt am a W aia Hfllevut.-liattmout!i al2:M pm a i 40 pm t hicago Special a 7. IS am all li pm Tenvr Sptolal all 35 pm a 7 w) pro Chicago Express a 4 20 pm a 3 M pm Colo. Fast express. ...a :3o pin a 00 am Iowa Local a 9.15 am alo.JO am t iesion tla.) Local. ...b I ) pin bio am St. luis Express a 4 3j pm all is) am K. C. AV St. Joseph alt) 44 pi i a t o ant K. C. i St. Joseph.... 14 am a .Ui pa U. C cl Juatpn... a t. jo put FROPOSALS FOit LEUUINUB CHIEF Uuartermaster'a Office Federal Building. Chicago. Illinois, October Jlh, 11)11. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to th usual conditions, will b received at this ol I Ice until 13 o dock m., January 3d, 1012, and then opened, for furnishing and delivering at either the Boatou. New Yurk, Philadelphia. St. LoUia or Chicago depot of th (Quartermaster' - Depart ment: 260,000 pair Legging; subject to Increase of not to exceed 60, if de aired by this Department. Right la re served to reject or accept any or all proposal or any part thereof. Preference will b given io article oi uomeatio man u fait ur, conditions of iiuallty and prlc (including In the pile of foreign produc tion or manufacture th duty thereon) being equal. Standard sample can be seen, and specif nation, blanks fur pro posals and full Information will be fur nished upon application -at thla office. Envelopes containing proposal to be ln doisrd "Proposals for Leggings to be opened January 3d, "1312." Colonel Jnu L. Clem, Chief Wuartermscr. M-S-lS-22-2)-D-13 25-27. Appeal for Million for Peabody Memorial NEW YORK, Dec. 2o.-An appeal to f i lends of education In America for SLOW, 0 to make the (leorge Peabody college for itiicher at Nashville, Ttnn., a great final memorial to Mr. Peabody ' benefi cent service to the south, as the educa tional crown of the tyeteni of schools now established In that section, Is made In a long statement from the trustee of the Ptabody education fund Issued to tiiirht. The Iruxteet) give notice of liavlnr voted to close. Hie trust in pursuance of the permission given them bv the founder, after having distributed mil lions in building up the state systems of public schools, aiding the develop ment of rural school and establishing departments of education In the stats universities. "Since lh7.'.," the statement continues, "tha Peabody fund ha aided In main taining the Peabody Normal college at Nashville, Tenn., as th central and leading normal school for the south. Hi closing the trust, th trustees have undertaken to found a a successor to this th Ceorge Pea)ody college fur teachers." Th statement goes on to explain that this Institution Is to t for th higher education of tt-aehoa throughout the south. To this end trustee have jiven a sum of II OOu.Ouo concurrent with gift In the elate cf T nnesaee, county of Davidson, and tho city cf Nashville, amounting to tAUn0 and alxtten acres of land with, the building by the University of Nashville. lu the final dissolution of the Peabody fund, the trustees hava offered to endow the college wlthh an additional lViu,lu provide! within two year from Nuvoin btir 1, l'.'ll, the college raise I.altr Flaherty crlnnal? 4 at la tlnarrrl Frank Halrbraat l:n,lo nletlile trie hratlon. At 4 o'clock Monday rvcnlng Hank Klsfeltler. captain of the day detail of police, sat In his office fellc ittlit himself and the police force generally iiihiii th law-abiding manner In which the "hoi pnliol" of the Magic City had celebrated j the day. At : p. in. the captain still nn duty and all his men with Mm In a difficult effort to sav the city front th eternal how-wows. It came Ilk a cyclone th HuthurM of festal activity among the many patrons of ths budge psrlors which had don a rushing business all day. At one time the police wrre trying to bring order In six different places. For the most rart, however, th outbreak were not serious, and the bibulous one were quickly relegated to the safe deposit vaults of th John Brlggs Trust company. Captain Hank Klsfelder and John Dworak In detailing their men gave them orders to maintain a vbttlanoe for gangs and crowds that might evolve Into street mobs. I'beloatt Die nf lalarlea. Jo Ciieloud, for many years an employe of the city street department, died at th South Omaha hospital yesterday morning at 2:15 o'clock from Ihe effect of Injuries sustained Saturday night when a west bound train of ths Missouri Pacific rail road crashed Into him at Railroad avenue and X street. Cheloud was going to his home at the time the accident occurred, and Is thought to hav become confused by the noire aud tha blinding light ot the locomotive. He was removed to the local hospital, where Dr. A. II. Koenlg performed an operation on his skull In a vain effort to save the man's life. Ilia death was expected by the physicians who attended him at th tlmu of tha accident. Cheloud was 54 years of ago and Is sur vived by a widow and four children. For many yeara th deceased has been a familiar figure on the streets of South Omaha among the force ot the city street commissioner. He was also active In lodge Circles. The body la In charge ot Janda St Norlsko, who have nut yet completed the funeral details, Flaherty Injared. In a row last night at Bridget Kelly' boarding house. Twenty-seventh and Q streets, Luke Flaherty was cut and seri ously wounded In the left groin by a man named Daley. Daley and Flaherty It seem were en joying their Christmas dinner when Daley lifted his voice above th tone used In the best society. Flaherty ob jected and the cutting la aald to have been the result of the ensuing fracas, Pi'. A. 11. Koenlg dressed th wounded man's Injuries and allowed him to go home while the police took charge ot Daley. Balebraut Celebrate. Frank Salebrant, the pronunciation of whose patronymic is significant ot hi Jovial disposition, undertook a demon stration against the police when he opened fire, 'tlh a forty-four Colta' in the vicinity tt Thlrty-nlnllt and N streets yesterday afternoon. Salebrant It seems considers a police man In the light of an affront and pecu liarly personal insult. Yesterday having celebrated a '?e WV over the measure he went out into the open to advise an unxtoua world that liberty waa but a namo to tbe man who could not do any thing and anyone h wished at any time. In order to Impress the nilghbors with a sense ot his contempt for the established order of things Salebrant directed a rapid and effective volloy of shot at tho po lice box at Thirty-ninth and N street. Officer Jack Ouaghan, who maintain order and eleganco along the N street beat, allowed Salebrant to empty his re volver, after which tho doughty officer alono und unassisted ' placed the cele brant Salebrnnt undue rrest. uuaghan Is modest over hi capture but the Car negie neio committee has bocu notified. Threat ot Patriae. Word l hereby conveyed to the pollen uf the village on the north that they will find the body of Joe Buffer, a young gentleman of color. ' somewhere In the neighborhood of Thirteenth and Cuming. At least this Is what Joe informed til pouse In a letter addressed to her at her rooomlng house, 2426 Q street. Joe ban recently soen very hard lines. A few clay ago he was carved about the head by an Irate negro at Jim Podd's pool room. Happily ho recovered, but seems to have fallen Into a state, of acute melancholia arising from a lack of mall change. Ills wife, who has not seen him fur some time, w jh surprised to get his letter with tho threat of suicide contained therein. She presented It to tho local police, who will Investigate the reported demise of Joseph. Maarlc City (;olp. Miss Oelirude Casey has gono to Boone, la., for a visit with rrlullve. Dr. leo Deltnnry of Spaiildlng, Neb., Is the guest ot his relatives In tin city. Chief Brlggs yesterday ordered a Christ mas dinner for twelve of tha city guests. I'hone Bell South HrttInil. F-lfWt for n case of Jetter Hold Top. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. William Jetter The funeral of Inte D. R. Hamilton will be held this morning al 7 o'clock from Brewer'g chapel to Laurel Hill cemetery. Thomas Kirk, Twenty-sixth and O street, became suddenly demented Sun di.y and wu removed io tho asylum al Council Blufls. Mrs. Van Alstlne of Twenty-fourth and D street reports to the police tnat a turkey was stolen from her back porch last Satuiday night. The police. Iiavti a kiue. Mrs. Isabella Swan died yeeterdav at the residence, tt.'U North Twenty-third street, at the age of so years. She was th mother of Mrs. Oeorge Olb'-a. The funeral will be held Wednesday after iiotm at 2 o'clock from the Olblis real dene. Rev. Mr. Pollock officiating, lu termsnt In West l-awn cemetery. Ralph Van Sant. Twenty-fourth and F , I rens, win be married on January 3 to Miss Maligall Ken wick of Oladstoiie, III. Mr. Van Sant ami tils biltl have been sweethearts from childhood, botli grad uating In the 07 class of lb local high scllooi. Tho brldn 1 the daughter of a foi titer pastor of one of tbe South Omaha liuichts. Mr. Oeorge Jones, after a brief III- nee, died yesterday at her late residence, lii: North Twenty-thlid street. The fu lieial will be held Wednesday afternoon al 3 o'clock from the house. Rev. A. O Whit officiating Member Of th Order of the Esxltrn Star will attend Ilia f. nersl In a body. Interment will be made 111 Forest Lawn cemetery. Hubert Ileeber ha registered a pro test with I he police against the action of an N street pawnbtoker named 1-ety. Il.eher leatdt at 2416 K street and cam to ibis city soma four months ago from febaridan. He purchased furuituia on th lniallmnt plan aud claim to hav paid three rcvcial payment llivlvou. lie ad- Y M C A Remembered ! t ,m;w voiik. i 'e. . ! i he i or int navy surptiaeil John D Hockefeller, Mr Rusvell Sane and Mi-- Helm Ooiihl with Christmas present" totlav III ppi eclat Ion nf the help tliev haj given to th Young Men Christian aso lailon In Ihe paw. A committee of f on hluelerkrt f t om ships which make thrlr Imme port Nor folk. Va , ciinie heie with a hamUoni t.ibl rover, whlth the sailors themselves had embroidered, working out th various niifal emhlesos with great skill and pre sented It tn Mr. Itoi krftiler while he was dining with his family at his town hous today. The retired oil magnate told the hoy he was made very happy with tho remembrance. The hots In turn told him how much the naval Young Men' Chris tian association at Not folk, for which Kir. Rockrfeller had furnished the funds, was appreciated. The. committee was made up of R. Winger of the New Hampshire, A. J. Collins of the rioiils tana, It. J. Mlllrr or the South Carolina and John Filmier of the Vermont. Two other sudors, M. Herwlg and A. Adnmson of the battleship Delaware. made present of a fine French clock to Miss tl.itiM and two. doaen American beauty rose to Mrs. Huge In behalf of the naval Young Men a Christian asso ciation of Brooklyn, of which the estab lishment and maintenance was made pos sible, by their gifts. Mr. Adamson reported that both Mrs. Page and Miss Onuld were much pleased. "Cap" Anson Saves Lives of Two Skaters CHICelO. Pec. 2f..-Aurlan S. (Cap) Anson, veteran of the base ball diamond, saved two young boy from drowning In a lagoon at Jackson park this afternoon. Anson was playing golf when he saw th two boy break through the thin Ice of the Iggoon and sink from sight. Plung ing Into th lagoon, Anson rescued and swam to shore with one boy at a time. While making his two trip into the Icy water Anson was Hvrely chilled, but aid tonight he expected no bad effect from the exposure. BOUT 0013' JV7ENTY ROUNDS tlrlf) (.Ma Ii fume Severe I'ns. Ishmen ' I" pi a III Opponent, but I last l.ark team I End. NTPNKY, N". ' V., Dec. 2l.-ln the fight ye,tert'y I teen Sam McVcy and Mam l.angfn-tl. t .th American pugilists, McVey wiin hn l lit is. The bout ent the scheduled twenty rounds. In t,lt : 1st and second honors wore fairly evn . bull men showing caution, but li.nd ng hard. In the third round Lang lord i rorcd u heavy right to tho Jaw. McVry 'm back with a honk Moled si nt l.snur nil to liie floor, but he got Id Oi -.inn 'ilutrly. The fifth round Am McVrv'n. He con tinued, to lend I Ii (I to tho J.iw and lungful d's mou t and tcngue were bl. oiling and lot - v.iicd iluxrd. By Ihe ninth om.l Mi Vey lisd piled up many sunts n.l l.angforU had been cm! loncd for us- lg bis fiirtarm. Itoin shotted s1 .nt of punishment and I Langfor.l had k m irked rllacoloratlon and swelllni ovei Ma nght tyc. MoVey'e mouth and untie were bleeding. It was gb'e anc take In the tenth, hut tin eleventh am twelfth were lJng ford s. MjVey's left, which had done considerable exec ttlnn up to tlile time, btKsn to lose su -n:. For the next five round th in ti sparred few heavy blows were exc- ancd. Langfotd was aggressive h'Jt dcVey out boxed him. Langfurd' eye w i closed light, hie op ponent frciiuttitt) landing on tin shin-, ing mark. Loth were Until and mora than cau tion in th nine l iriih and when the bel rang for thJ twin 'eth, they came wearily, Into the ring, al lest too exhausted to fight. they clinched hroughout the round. All through the light both men showed gamenee and foi ht with extreme fair ness, the crowd owing Its appreciation hy fretiucnt uppl .use. but the verdict, giving the fight t McVcy on point was vigorously booted . Eighteen thousa 4 spectators witnessed the contest, which took place In the open air under a bm ng sun. The betting was four to flv , Longford being the favorite. In-fighting was tot nllowed. POSSIBILITY OF RETURN OF MISSING BUEHLER GIRL CH1CAOO, Deo, 2d.- Possibility f the return of Violet Buehler, missing foster daughter of Mr. Anna Bushier ot Chi cago, was renewed tonight when Mr. Buehler received an Indirect message Stating that the girl would be with her within twenty-four hour. Th message I said to have come from detective who are searching for the girl, but no Information regarding their clue wan given. Mra. Buehler prepared tn remain on watch all night at her apartment so that she might bo ready . tu receive her daughter. There Is no better medicine made for rolda than Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy, It acta on nature's plan, relieve the lungs, opens the secretion.' aide expec toration, and' restore the system to a healthy Condition. For sale by all drug, gist. . i ST. LOUIS SCCCta WEN DEFEAT .CHAMP .-'TEH? ST. LOl'18, Hi.,; U-., Stt.-Bt IJiuln Soccer foot hall r.!yr- today laid Calm to the champions lp of rtie t'nMe.l suites, the rsult of fie gnmo thla artiM-boon, In which the Inn afallt ut St- UjulV U teated the Tacon" teur. of Pliitiv VMa. t to 1. Expert v lanyl todav'r 't;mtr-l waa th fastest .-er played hor-.'- . The Phlladelphl ma. who, It If Ylgtuie Inst only four gmo in threa -rasons, went Into the ot )tMit slightly r.itigued, as the result of he ,l"nuou Ce battle on a muddy fie!-' vralrrday wttlt the St. lytos, looal cliim im The visitors one point waa due :l exreltement on the part of the Iocs, ' bricks, one ot whom sent the ball thr ugh 11s own goal. Th key to sot In. business lg the Jullcloue and per rtU uae of newspaper advertising. .' , - "The Favorite Rye of Six Generations" efCaMSMta8 KnMQNKaNWMC 111 The SCHENLEI bottle is full of pure'rje, because theSCHENLEY labelsaya so. is 4 times distilled in copper. (Ordinary waliktr sot uu ra than twice) This means absolute purity dcUcate flavor extra quality Bottled in Bond Each bottl is sealed with the U. S. Government i tamp. Its ane is guaranteed by the U.S. Government, Ita purity by the Schenley . Distilling Company. Its quality speaks for Itself. When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. Atalldea:us. Schenley Distilling; Company, Lucco, Pa. lot -'-HprP9-r Electric Lighted Sleeper Omaha tc Oklahoma and Fort Wo rth Leaving Omaha Daily at 5 P.M. Through train tlaily, Omalui o Fort Worth, TVxas, via Lincoln, lJt.Uxillo, Mc Fa rln ml, Kansas, anl Oklahomi v nts, jiiovitlimr; hplcnilid trvicp. Low liouiestM'ker'B fairs to a poiot? South ami Southwest first ami t hi tlTtii's tlays, ami Winter Tourist tickets on sal tlaily to all points in Texas. Close, connections at KI Ifeno for Ok lahoma City, Amarillo and intet nediate pt'illtr'. For (Mailed inform tti-u addiess, J. S. McNAIiLY, Dh Faf. Agent, 1322 Taniaia 5ticet. . Lai 4 I