Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    tub ni;i:: oxt.wu. wkdxksday. ni:n;.Mw:n sr. mu.
Dogs, Like Men, Look on Reputation
By "Bud" Fisher
i 1 -
( vinrWLL l tx-p i-'wfcii.. vct. . vvtn.1 ") A'H fi, sv,,, re-. WVfT I "" 1 ' J " ;
;ft;?s:' l:'Tt crt;x ..v-.
f You K txwv7d i ( Tee ' (WhoI"! "ZT
. pricvei Bccauac He Cannot Buy
Christmas Presenti fot Friendi. ,
Kl-ptrlprtn i leavra .olo )iiiuili
of HU rraprrty and Then Unas
HlHorlf la Knot, of
Uvnrdiav, lloiw,
. Unable to atarid the expenio nt ChrleV.
hiaa gtfu enij ,ipondnt Icuwko tit
touid m,i rrniuUr 111 trlcudu Ktid rol
tlv as lie wtuud to. i: K. nulton. hi
electrlrtan, romniljied luiloido omftltr
tx-twern tunday atcrnnoir and T "o'clock
j y?ff . nwnjwi 'i.
Ualton i.ud bem rooming at. IIOJ St.
Mtrra ' aVonuo and was mi.lo td for
the laat w-k by the Jthn luiiv!ll i:i;
trlcal Supply unijiahy, Uant -J-'tittiiday
he left file roin a.mj ,u did imv return..
K. q., Klahrr.' wIim. U t)i urui.i intor uf
the ruuiiilim - limine, ivent luio thu room
and found the t Planing Inter pinned to a
curtain: (
I hae flume to tlio end of th mur t
wri my' Imilur lu Connorevul . md.
to rave my golj .ytcli and my rn..n.-r,
Aiaiy k. jiailun.. at UIciimoiiiI. Kv., ti
!,v;.,,,.r 0,,'- tupr. t Uv. Mr.
1'. Klmlrr tu bf my 'rxei.utif nr.O
ttriilWtiten up my, atflr lit Ht,tiB. ii
Notiiy. (tie tiPiiKoii' ling.eii Aei le lJJJ. ila
jw.u tuiaivn iiw iK-iuy met prayer.
, ' . ' , J. hi. D.M. I ijs;
I". h.-I have four dey' Work fahiliig
from John Menvilln compuiiy at ) a
jwr bour. illume 1 went y.u to li,V
'' ' , J. li U
When ilr. Fieher found the i.'jio be
immediately notified ttu jmhIoo and .it-ktd
them to try and locate Ualt'.m. ystt-r-dy
nioinlng Hem l'emln of inn liuvun.
lort etrtrt went Into hie Larn at the rear
of tl'4 Kt. Mary'a avenue to feed hie
hore and he found Helton hanlnif told
In death from u r.irr. A lietw .-. p.j
we aioiind hU nock and a brrl a uw
fort ewuy laying on bla eldo eliowed
that Wie auklUa bud climbed uioa 41
after adjusting theiooee and Jumped off,
Ae he swung to and fro it i thjunht
that be knocked tpe LiUiht.! iVif ' 1
i'oroner 'ro.i wee notif.cit an.l ti.oH
vhui;epf the Jy. HJ tlwtmlit lha
lullon did not take hie ttfe until muni,
time Hunday afternoon, tLT uvr.l
lH-ron are kiuiwit 'to' have tnteien Uiji
barn before ibxt time ud bad lie been
banging there tlieii he would have been
Iaiton came to (linn! a elghteon inontbe
mki with bU Avifauna tuou fte'r
arrival purcliaied a' Uduhu and lot In
UeiiKon and 11. K. KUtliT. wiio le naniud
c executor. lie lived tpero for liaily
A year wlun lila wife left tim, ait.
lug that bo wue ineplAlly u nal i. c -a.
Hooii (tr hi Mlfu .left Wn liUon
iloiied up the b.he In llinoii nn. took
u room In "inahn. It U 101 known
that he ever bcnv rnconrllrd with bin
wife. IU wire 1 etlll In Omaha, but
the polite buve a el lra unable to
lotete her.
The belief that he roinmltld e'.ilcide
becuUMt be eonid not buy I'hrtat.nux Bllli
Im advanced by aiiiualiiiaiirea an J fellow
employee, w ho mv tl ut Multon h id been
inoruae uivd tiiai a.iteited all week and
bud declared that "I'hrlet'iiu had lout Ita
iknlftvaiue and thr.t the ec!iuni,e of
tilfte m a burden pla-d utnn the Duik
of foola by other fotil."
Harry Goetz Saves
Self from Knockout
iilMVAlKKE. Ixe. V4.-Oub fhi-latle
of SJilwaukre bad little trouble In out
pointing Many Uoeti of Chliago In a
ten-round bout here this afternoon.
UorU roanged to hold !.! owu In the
opening round, but after that It wu ail
Chrlmie and In the luyt five rouiide the
Chicago boy, by dint of great bugg!ng,
managed to av hi Dike If from a knock,
In the eemlwlndup. Toung Krauae of
Milwaukee and t'hrle Zander of Chicago
(ought a. r.x round draw.
: , , 1 1
. Auerieoa Loaee Mateh.
IltjKTON. Jiec. 16. (Sue Schoenlein
( Ami iciu-i erf Baltimore, champion light
liravyaeight wi.-ei:er. loei at echanici'
liajl. hn ae failed to throw f'yuone
lioma tf LoMoti trve In an beer. He
r.-rly tlwowo blmeelf toward Ike
c.oe ef the bvut
. , .', i
t "
3 .
Jamee K. Bulllvan. neoretary of the
Amateur Athletic' union, referee of the
Indoor national In MadN
eon Siiuaro tJufd N. y.. 'en Tueaduy
and Vmlienda.v night. V - j
NKW VOKK. re Si-The wrmtllng
bout between SChyeako. tkr Pollah itm.
tier, and ltali-cvhh, tlip Italiaii el-.umplon,
broko up In a niu-IJUi ut Medlaon Miliar
Ourdrn tonight. Mitt of the t.OJO Heo
tatora lift the Harden thlnklna fh M,.u...
had won. but the rvferre. Tom Jenkins,
awaiiitd the rinlnlon to .Vyazko.
The I'tMlah willer had ayrer,: to throw
Malcei 1. Ii three tlmra In iilnely mlutitea.
It took lil:.i thlrty-Heven inlnuteH and
fifty at'iind, to emure the fit at fail
which uj by u forward double armhold
In tho econd bout, after three mlnulee'
. wreeiitiiK. Itaicivlch got just uoh a bold
en the 1'ole ii h be bad been floored with.
ohm shoulder, however, wax off tlm met
and JtiiMiis laipid the io man with the
.dm of fclvliiK hl'ii .wointnit to get hl
man to tlie mat. lie sld he itlso ahouled
.he uunilpg. but the uproar from th
crowd drowned hl voice and the Italian
.hlnl.log bo bud been tuppid as the win
ner, Jumped up and ran to bis drvsslng
loom, "i he crowd thereupon moved out
ot .he CJ.irden without hearing the an
noun, .-mem of the referee that Katcevlch
ni.d not Not his man altogether en the
.rat ai.d therefore there waa no course to
.ake bet M award the decision tj fcbyssko.
LINCOLN'. Tee. 25. George W. Iitiw
rey, a onunUmoii merchant of this city,
who was named In press dispatches sent
from this city as having purchased the
Western league base ball franchise Won
day evening, demnd having enteied Into
nego'tutloae for Ita purchase this after
noon. "I do not know how (be atory got
narted." he said.
Dale Set for terra laterscUalastlr.
IOWA CITY. la.. Dec. M.-tSpolal )
xay n has ben act aa tha data of the an
nual in.ersrliclaal.e Invitation field meet
at the l iilvers ty of Iowa. Over thirty
high schools wui coicpel.
i !
1 i
Curley Offers Jack
Johnson $20,000
to Fight Flynn
Jack Curley of Chicago, munager of Jim
t'lynn, the J'ueblo, heavyweight, an
nounced .loduy that he would guarantee
Jack Johnson 10,000 for bin share of the
puree win, lose or draw-for a finish
battle with Uiynn for tho heavywelgh.
championship of the world.
Curley deolared he would select Nevada
as the battle ground, as he insisted tha
the fight be a finish, and he did not think
It ton lil ba staged onewhne.
Local sporting men declare that the
proposal to Meg another battle In lleno
would hi lug out the inhabitants of .that
town with riot guns.
Curley expects to Uuve for Chicago to
confer with Johnson, afiei Flynn
Capont bout, scheduled here for tomorrow
CHICAGO. Dec. "U.-Jaok Johnson to
day declined to 'Say positively whether
ho would accept the offer to meet Jim
"It Is doubtful IC I do." he deolared.
"Tom O' Hour He of New York has offered
Ijiio a 2i,tW puree, my opponent to be
picked later, and I am considering an
Australian trip, which will net me even
more than that."
1 KRNO, Nev., Dee. 2.-From a letal
standpoint there Is nothing to prevent the
stalling f the proposed Flynn-Johnson
battle on Nevada 0I1. The law enacted
In isi for tho benefit of the promotera of
the CorbeU-Fltasiminons bout Is still In
Tha announcement from Kelt Lake City
will be received with mixed feeling by
Nevada people. Many believe that so
topf aa the law permitting finished fights
re In force t Interference should not be
tolerated. On the other hand, there are
many who are of the opinion .that public,
decency would be violated should the
fight be allowed, and there Is no- doubt
but what there would be a strong demon,
stratum of disapproval' In 'case the
Promoters endeavored to bring the men
together In Nevada.
Later Johnson waa positive In assert
tng that be would not fight Flynn for
leas than a 10.000 purse.
"I am witling to meet Flsnn anywhere
In the world," be said, "but the purr
must be e'10.000. The O' Hours offer la
for ten rounds and that louka pretty good,
to aay nothing of tho Australian proposi
KANMAS t'lTY, DeC. 2i.-Krank A
Clotch, chumplon wrestler of the world,
arrived here from Humboldt, la., this
afternoon to complete bis training for bis
match with Alec Monroe, champion of
Ureal Hrltaln. here tomorrow night.
Neither liolch nor Munroe has over been
defeated in championship bout, and
their mnetliig tomorrow night bss aroused
much Interest.
Ducky llolutea Hrlaatated.
fcUOL'X CITY, Dec. Sd.-Wllliam iDucky)
Holmes, the well known base bail niaa
agr. who was susienjed because- of
trouble with the MobUe club in the
r'uuthcrn league, wh'le acting as man
ager, today received news of bla rein
statement. Holmes cays he Is consider
u fVc:.J offer tu act as manager cf
C'olembue Wta by Heeordi Heorr.
I COLLMiiLS. Mil., .w. ,
liy the score of liu to i. l-o
Voung Men's C'hrUtian aawiCtallun basset
bait team amolhered the Walihill Indiana,
who are touring this part of the stale. j
lar aa la known, this la the record acute
fur the season. Thursday evening Colum
bus dfute- the Oenoa Indiana by the
score of to 11.
From rrlae nine te Falptt.
IA FORTE, Ind.. Dec. N.-Edtle
Young, former lightweight boxing cham
pion of the faclt.u coa.i, returned to his
birthplace at Columbus, lod., today and
announced that be wou.d leave the prise
ring to study in a t'hlcagt theological
scl.ool Young said he expects to occupy
a pulpit within a few years.
Persistent Advertising a lbs Road to
Bit Kettua
Kjgpeywsi tfc
, -rT-" - . . - s .'
J;ih y-y$ -,
"I!ad Illir' Dahlen. miinauei- nf the
Brooklyn Nationala. who declsrea that the
I'ougers will bo a winner next year. Th
hefty leader says hat. anions: the voune
sters aocured for Brooklyn In 1912. ther
re several embryo Ty Cobbs nnd
nd Chrlaty Muthewsons.
OLATHK, Ivan., Deo. !. Spatters of
blood across tha loading platform of an
abandoned fuctory building were part of
trail which today led the caretaker of
tho place to an upper room of the atruo
ture, where, in the opinion of. the author
itlfs. a girl was murdered recently.
An iron bar to which were clinging
strands of . hair matted, with dried blood
waa found In the room, together with
beads and several hair ornaments,
A theory that the body was thrown In
pond nearby led to the dragging of tha
pond without result. Tonight the officer
believe the body wus carried away in a
buggy. Circumstances point to the prob
able date of the crime as being December
'o oung woman of this neighborhood
la reported missing.
v as, ,. v
Billy Fapke, the Illinois Thunderbolt. "
former champion of thw middle-weights,
who declared he will retire from the ring
on New Years day. to spend the rest
X fc UXe oa kaa Utm at KeaMa 111.
: , . 1 . ;
Free Dinners Given to Thousands of
New York Poor.
(hlragro Devotee Its Ynlptlee Offer,
lave of Habile Character o I'rla.
oners, Among Whom Are
Many Condemned Mem.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2ll.-There waa no
snow to make It u white Chrlstmaa in
New York this year, but a bright sun
and a clear sky, with air almost autumn-
like, made the day oheerful. If there
were dark places which the bright
weather failed to reach the hand of
charity did and with more thoroughness.
It is said, than ever beforo,
Hoth the ISalvutlon Army and the Vol
unteers of America provided dinners for
thousands. The Salvation Army cele
brated the birthday of Commander Ev
Hoolh, who presided today at the distri
bution of toys to children. .It was esti
mated that T,000 men ahared In the annual
feaat which State Senator "Big Tim"
Sullivan gives. After balng stuffed with
good dinner, each man was given a
package of tobacco, a plpo and a ticket
which, will provide him with a pair of
shoes and woolen stocking. The Bowery
Mission also gave breakfast to more than
a thousand hungry men.
Ill the buruugii of rirooklyn a "red
stocking committee" organised to see that
very child received a well filled Christ
mas stocking, practically reultxed Its Ideal
today by the distribution of 6,000 red
stockings, estimated to be worth about
t.T5 apleoe.
The churches began with Chrlstmaa
eervicfa to the night workers in tha early
morning hours and kept up their carola
and masses all day.
At alt of tha masse In Pt. Patrick'
cathedral cablegram waa read bestow
ing tho blessing of Cardinal Farley upon
his congregation with wishes for merry
Chrlstmaa and a prosperous New Year,
CHICAGO, Dec, W. Seventy-aeven
murderers, with other prisoners, par
,ook of Chrlstmaa dinner and exchanged
yuletlde greetings at the Cook county jail
.ortsy. In many renpects the holiday waa
.he must unusual In the tragedy-laden
History of the Institution,
F.wald Shlblawskl, one of the four mur'.
tlciers sentenced to hung February I,
next, delivered ters temperance lecturo
to a group of prisoners. He said:
"We had too much whisky In us when
we did it. Hut for that Ouelxow (a truck
.aimers whom they murdered) would be
with hi wife and children today. I wish
i could bring him back."
Thomas Jennings, a negro, sentenced to
Hung for the murder of Clarence Hlller
n the suburb of Washington Helghta, has
turned preacher nnd today had fifteen
negro prisoners praying on their knees.
Ho also led i song service with the en
thuaiesni of a revivalist.
Mia. IxuUe Vermllya, i-harped with sev.
eral poiKonlngs, snld sho had spent a
cheerful Christmas In .company with
-Mrs. Quinn, who Is charged with
ahoot:n.- her huxbaml, John tjulnn. The
two talked and laughed over their dinner
of turkey and pudding and nppurently
enjoyed then-selves.
f DAF?
J. Aiifwere must b CCresi,td to
Xattuu tciitor of in 1,,.. aa ,-eacii
w-w uv, iaivr man ti p m,
iiiuikbay 04 feu weea to no wonsiueru
lor pui award of tnai Week.
1. Contestant may aubiuit one or mors
a.t.wei tot any or all 01 in priICs
i. Svmntrs 10 oe aclecltu ou uy ach
advert uwr on uaityu.i comet page uj
punud in bis auvertiaemeni. wmcn wni
io auiioauce pnse lor neat tomcat
i. t-acn tfiui. must be written an
a aeparai ei of pi,i ,ua must del
iguaia me lui v..oni it ts tu.
. WicnUii Caffydil will be chosen for t,i.a.nalu. wti aud humor and
prelsreut-e wi.l b anown moss perlaiilinii
to uaio or business ot the auvollis.r
li. vvtnuers must vail id prsou 'for
prizes a, nummu i p,ace of basin.
7. in uaic.uu to adverivre' prises Th.
Bee will award live II prises to the fcv.
east best iJailydil writcis anj uj Drln,
hm. together with ail otners w"ort
Mbtuhina ou UtltfilU Cuutsat I'm,
L - if i
up? . ,
"v . ...
" - ... ' !
Hugh I. Mcintosh, the Australian pro
moter, who Intends to invado the Ameri
can boxing game about next June. The
romlng of Mcintosh would mean ft great
renaissance In the sport of the puil.hvl
I ,"asasl BMVMeMMiMMMMaMMBMMMMMMaM mm m mmmmmmmmmmmmUKv . I
1- ' "I
FLffllfl and 6111
Also to All Other Winter T ourist
Points in the South and Southwest.
Doublo Daily Service
All information regarding rates, routes, berths,
etc., cheerfully furnished.
Agent for All Steamship Lines
H. 0. Shields, O. A. P. D., Omaha Neb.
Dr. Pearsons Feasts
Upon "Mock" Turkey
CHICAGO. Dec. 2ii. Dr. U K. ' Fear
sons, philanthropist, feasted on "mock
turkey" today at a Hiinltarlum In tho
suburb of Hinsdale. Deaplto his ninety,
two year he declared after his ChrlBt
mai dinner he felt so well he feared ho
had made a mistake In giving away all
but a few thousand dollars of his for
tune of' 7,OC0,W. Dr. Pearsons said ho
expected to live to Bee many more
ChrlKtmasea. He held an Informal recep
tion to a large number of friends dur
ing the day. .
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. ,j.-Ma,ny
earthquakes and one or two day In
which she encountered unusually heavy
seas featured the voyage of the Pacific
Mail liner Pennsylvania, arrived In port
toduy from Panama.
Chief Engineer J. K. Keeryin was caught
by a huge roller that boarded the Penn
sylvanla off the Gulf of Tehuantepea
and was swept. 100 reel along the deck,
dashed against a winch and seriously
The earthquake none was entered at S
o'clock on the morning of December 17,
and the upheavals continued until .1
o'clock in tho nfternoon. coming at inter
valH of about twenty minutes.
Spices of Quality V
the finest the
world grows
come to you 10c
in lone -e? at our
boxes. ,-3r grocer's.
WwoV Ot wo will send
ou s full size pack
,"f age any kind oa
receipt of 10c.
TONE BROS., De Memea, Is.
Blenders ol "Old Qoluca" Coiieo,