Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Arnold Knil Nighf Drawers
Keep the lilllc Folks Warm and "Comfy"
1 1 h "Grnrfd
1 1 ft "id"'1- urovl
(I II Vli M;1 STM A 'A M1
Infants', one and two-year sizes'.
Priced according to sl7e and weight at 0 to $1.55.
Arnold Knit 1'ctl Slipper Mndu sol and top or washable knit
f'oth, toft and comfortable nn1 a guarantee of warm feet on even
the coldest nights. Colors pink, blue, red and gray. Trlca Ifjr,
been doing a little figuring and found
that thin would be a fatal contradiction
t ftha whole story you told and were
to tall about the division?" he wi asked.
"I don'l know; It may have been," was
the reply.
"Why was this statement not contained
In your own confession, or alleged con
lcsidon: Affiant further state that It
customary to Indemnify tlie First
National hank for guarantr e!n- the paper
of the mike and giving notice to Marka
when the pnper was ready to be cashed?' "
'I don't know why they put that In
the copy," Innocently replied Mahray,
' "You cannot recall why all that the
alleged official confusion contains re
lating to the bank, the rounuty attorney
and tha ollee department waa net In
cluded and only confeaalon you ever
"I cannot remember. I may have told
Bwenaoa. Swenson may hav asked me
about It."
ciuv ..uumidyby aYJgc rd dd rddddj
Attornava for the flnfona ' .M
sulfation to determine ir they would aak
th court to dismiss the caa at the tf,en
Ir.J of tha court thla morning.
Alt of the rlgorou croa examination
planned for Mr. Bwennon waa prevented
by Attorney General Coeaon'a refuial to
aak htm a nutation that did not relate
to the Identification of the trunkful of
exhlhlta aelied when the Little Rock
arrest wero made. Judg Arthur ruled
adversely to every attempt of th de
fenee to go Into the civil eult phaae of
Swanaon'a connection with the caae. The
Disappear In Five Minute After
Taking m Stuart 'a Dyapep
ala Tablet.
A Trial Package Bant Free' ea keat
All of tha unpleaaant sgensntlons at
tendant upon eating too heartily are In
atantly relieved by a Stuart'a Dyspepsia
Tablet, Like nicking a pin Into a' rubber
balloon. ' The reason I almple and eaay
to understand.
la:. a.... . vu.a; fto-u Vndl-
geated ooj Quickly ateUaead by a
Mtnart Uyt)U Tabiat.
nen you take lauJ lino a aiuuittt'lt that I
I tiled and ovr-tavel the aaatrlc Juice!
co not toim frt enour1; to dUot It prop
el ly. So t!u food le(inin your unci ot
onra IxwIiki to throw off srtf, Vour
alomarh 1mv.ic lnf:at(l J'ihi a e'lrrly
If yoa aiUciird a ty balloon to a aaa
jtt. Then the tusi-a ami foul o1iis hu.'1
forth and pollute jo' r breath making
von an otjoct of nauata to your Menl.
You. tongue qulcl.l l.ei'omea coutsl and
ou cin tamo the foulnj that Is wlth'n
Now all thl condition, la chane.l al
mot Inatantly Ly a Stuart tj ipruHl
Tablet, Thl llttl ditiatrr get huty at
Mice aupplien a'l the rttff,!lve Julc
tint are luckini-dlpeiiti the food In a
Jiffy and oixna up tht c!o?x?d atomach
an.l howe'a. It uri anveten and re
fi eahea the micnia llrlrlK of the iioin.
"h und bowrhi a id irntoret pouce and
If you will give Stuai'l'a lvaiepeia
Tablvta a chance they will put only
tweeten your tomarh. but alee your dl
poaltlon and ou w!:i never have another
ktotnach III.
One grain of a rlnxle Ingredient la
Ktuarta Iiypepia Tablet will dlgeit
. grain of food. Th! ave your
t.iinurh and give It the rct It need
All muaclr require orcadnnal teat If
hey are ever evr-ted. Th atnmat-h
I do exception to thla rule.
Try a boa of fttuart'e IVaiwpaia Tab
let and you will wonder how you ever
got along vltaout them. They are acid
at centa by all drugglxa everywtx-r.
A trial parka will b ant f r an re
D"t to F. A. Sluart Co, JM Sluart
fcldg, Uarahall, Xiich.
Knit fabrics arc soft, )lial!o
mill luMiItliful, never tftow har.-h and
Irom wnsliin and do not
The secret is in tin;
thread which are in
the form of a chain,
which gives Arnold
knit goods its won
derful elastic it y and
delightful yielding
His Arnold Knit Night Drawers
Cow for ages 2 to 10 years; they are
inn (If with or without feet and are Just
irniMt slumberlnnd roaxera lra
oglnafcle. PrlceJ according to alia and
weight i t fabric, at G5t to 81.75.
Arnold Knit Night Oowna Mada In
cither single or double fold, plain or silk.
flnlfh, leng enough to bo drawn to
gether at bottom with a shirring; string,
preventing tlie liveliest littto kicker
from exposing himself to night chills.
court permitted the attorney fur th
defense to ask a great many questions
showing Kwensnn's interest anl connec
tion hut prevented answers by adverse
Condemnation of Hnfuon for hla meth
od In tha I. win Publishing rase lit Ht.
Louis and the de.-r.aml of the four mem
ber of the sptrlul conxrcodonal com
mittee lent month that lie, ho dismissal
from the eervlc and prosecuted were
not permitted to be brought Into the rec
ord. Bwenson lost hla temper once and In
reaponae to a question by Mr. Tlnley de
clared that It wa lie.
Another dramatic incident occurred
when Bwenson tried to algnal to the at
torney general not to make an objection
to a question he wanted to answer. In
the curtailed crona-axamlnatlon Swenaon
materially contradicted Mabray In many
Instance and later In the day asked to
have hi teallmuny corrected by remov
ing some of the contradiction.
r 'naiaaaaaaaaa v
At a meeting of the corporation of the
Raphael-Fred company, wholeialera and
retailer of general merrhandlae, It waa
decided to make a clean-aweep sale of all
Winter good and odd and end of their
entire retail etock; a I no the entire eur
plu etock of the wholesale department.
To do thla eueceiefully th firm real'xe
that It will be neceenary to aacrlflce the
profit and atno part of the original coat
of tha good. Thla great al will be
similar to the "Clean-Sweep" aale held
a year ago with euch tremenduua euc
c only thl year the atock I much
larger and the variety greater.
Thla firm bellev In cleaning up every
dollar's worth of gooda beTore the arrival
of new aprlng merchandlae and If you
will read the big advertisement to ap
pear In Wdnduy and Thuraday paper
you will turely not mle thla great
ale. Better tlll, take a walk down our
way and nee th window dtaplaya of the
many bargain offered. One dollar will
carry away a big load tf good, depend
able merchandise that at any other time
would coot you J.1 to fit). Walt for thl
aale. Tu will be aurprlied a never
before. The pant nuccee of thla firm In
holding thee great enle I due to the
fact that tvery etatement made In their
advertising In Lacked up with actuul
value on every article mentioned.
KKF.MONT. Neb., Ueo. SC-(Speclal Tel-ern.)-Al
1'ruyn. who la In the county
Jail charged with shooting Mike Clorey of
North Bend lit Pat Corey'a aaloon In that
city yeeterday. declare he ahot In aeif
defme and after Oorey had ot at him.
Pruyn ha a mark acroe th top of h!
head a little to one aide Junt cutting
through the .lp, which he claim u
made Ly one of the ahot fired by Unrcy
and a phyalctan, who examined hi head
Is of the opinion that It wa made by a
Pruyu ha leiniucd on attorney and will
put up a etrong derenee. FUrndi of both
paitie were In town today and report
much exrlirment over the affair at North
llenC. rath Bide claiming that the other
ahot tht. County Attorney Cook will not
flie a rumplnlnt agalnul I'ruyn for a few
taya uiil.'k Uorey l.ould die.
Aarom Tram Win.,
Al'UOHA. Neb.. Dee. IJ.-iXeclal )
Tlio IJncoln All-Staia baaket ball team,
the pick of the Voung Men' ChrUt'an
aoc!atlon and unlvertlty player, were
dreted here laVt night by the Aurora
tlrt team, JS to 5:. The game wn ex
citing In th f!rt. but In the cloning half,
Aunua outplayed their opponent at
every turn, making W point to the vial
tor .
U.krr After Mraaerhlu.
TOrtK. Neb.. Ut. Ji-Beelal.)-.Mr.
11. W. Kaker, r K.-nt repreiteiitatlve, who
hae eerved hi eecond term In the tle
legllature will file a a candidate for
atate tenator from th Seventeenth Hen.
atonal IMetrlct. coinprtelng Hamilton and
Voik countle. Mr. rUker. I. a man who
will hav a atrcng following In bot
Hamilton and Tork rountle.
aaaaael Staplea Denied Kew Trial.
LANDER, Wyo.. Iec. . tapociat.)
Famuel FtapVa. who waa convicted of the
murder of Eugene MuKlwea near Ther
niopoll. waa denied a new trial by Judg
t'arpenter, w ho aentrnced him to a term
of not le than thirty year nor more
than furty-fiv year In Ik (tat penitentiary
Number of Dcj Moines Men Will
Appear Against Chat. J. Ilorn.
l.ahnr Ora-anlsatlnn of llawkeye
(! I rtril to Join Mmrmrnl
to Better Condition In
(From a Htaff Correepondent.)
rFH MOINKM, la, Dec. 2t.-Ppeclal
Telegram) A doeen Ics Mlne mn
were today ummoned to go to lalventon,
Tex., to appear In court January , and
give tentlmony In the cae of the I'nlted
Htatea against Chirlea J. Horn, preeldetvt
"f the Rratoa Coa;t company of Velaco.
Horn he been Indicted on six count
for alleged mleune of mall In the lelllng
of land to Iowa eope. Hundred of
Iowa people claim they were Wlndld
th land dft In Texan and l in amterted
at leant a quarter of a million dollnm
Wa realiaed.
flovernor Cur roll ha not yet turned
over to the legal department of etate the
paper In hla itoekenalon aHklng that the
chief of police of MiiK'-atlne be oueted and
It I aald he will await the return of the
Homey general from Council rlluff be
fore acting flnnally. The affidavit are
such, however. tht the governor will
act. A leter was eent out today te every
:abor organltatlon In the etate aklng
for aid In the effort to change condition
at Muatatlne under the button strike.
Dr. A. 12. Kepford, he-id of the etate
department on tuherrtilo!, report that
the ml., of Red Cro nee In In Iowa thl
year aggregated ah nit J.ono.OOO. The pro
ceed win go to aid tha work In edu
cating people how to pi event tuber
culoid. Boy
's Jaw is Broken
by Kick of a Horse
HOONe. la., Dec. 6.-Rper!al.) Donald
Heap Ilia at the point of death In
the Eleanor Moure henpltal here an the
renult of a moat peculiar accident. Don
ald had fastened hi little handiled
to a wagon which war panning hla home
and enjoyed a ride of half a mile. He
then dropped off and tried to untie the
rope. He had faatcned the knot a bit too
tight and It would not come un Tautened.
He ran ahead to aak the driver to etop
for a moment when one of the hornea
gave him a virion kick and broke hla
Jaw In four place. As the bn I only 7
yeara of age, the Injury I mont ee.rlou.
Ho wa taken at once to the honpltal and
the Injurlea cared for In the beat poaelble
manner, but he in very reetlens and being
young cannot be reasoned with, and the
doctor have a hard time to handle the
BOONE, la.. Dec. 23.-(8pec:al Tole-
triam.) Ike Kohlnnon, who was ahot In
the abdoman by Conrad Klute Saturday,
died thla morning In Klcanore Moore hon
Koblnaon and Klute, It waa atated, were
having a friendly "tew" at th horn
of Klute when It wa alleged Itohlnaon
made aome remark which were of an
tnaultlng character. Klute whipped out
a gun and ahot Hob: neon, there being
eight large perforation in the Intestines.
The ehootlng took place ehnrtly before
midnight. Klute waa Immediately arrested
and plactd In the city Jail.
IOWA CITY. la.. Dec. !!.-(Ppeclal.)-Rtudent,
grafting at, th I'nlvenlty of
Iowa waa brought to a sudden end here
this week when the cotillion commltte,
following a recent Toung Men' Ohrtettan
aooclatlon agitation, turned over Its
earning from 'th big formal party of
December 17 to the university to be ud
a th preeldant deemed adviiable. Other
plum of the achool life promts to find
themnelve going through the name chan
nel. reeton Woman Uoea Weat.
CRKHTON. la., Dec. 21 (Special.)
MUa Ada Hrouuhard, librarian and aa
elatant commercial teacher In the Crea
tor High achool, ha accepted a poattlon
a auprlntendent of the commercial da
rnai'tmant In th high chool at Deer
I.odg. Mont., and ha been auoceeded
here by Ml Edith Alderman of Nevada,
la., w-ho ha been employed for four
year In the Dea Moines Capital City
Commercial college.
Will I Thrown oat.
C HUSTON, la, Dec. M.-(8pecll )
Contenting tha will of the lata Oeorg
W. Tanner of Taylor county, a verdict
waa given In favor of the objector and
the will waa not admitted to probate By
tha term of th will all the property of
the deceased was bequeathed to Dr. and
Mr. Cash and no award were made to
th relatives. The ennteatanta were Fred
II. and Prank D. Tanner of IveyvlUe and
Maud F. Dennla of Quia, who alleged that
undue Influence had been brought to "bear
upon the deceaaed, and the c wa
tried on that allegation, a large number
of wttnese testifying. The property, I
valued at
K.d Welly Ciallty.
CHK.STON. la.. Deo. SS.-pe ial -A
verdict of gulDy linn been brought In by
a Jury against I'd Welty, a former
Alton man, charged with ateallng a
borne from the pasture ef a farmer near
Macknburg, during the month of Octo
ber. . Inturoveaaeata at l.ogan.
1 ,00 AN. la., Deo. M. tdpeclal.l I'red
Ijiinpher, contractor and builder of
Logan, report the Improvements of
iAigan fur the year ending December U
to be over fcS.W); t6.'iM, sewerage;
f.'l.SM In the erection of bulidingi, re
modeling of old ones, and the remain
ing portion In sidewalk.
r'earfal alaaakter
of diJly microbes occur when throat
and lung dlneasea ar treated With Dr.
King's New Dtrrovtry. 0c and 1.00t Kor
aale by tteaton I 'rug Co.
I.ner A. Ga flora.
Lucy A. Oaf ford, widow ef Kalaberry
Oatford died at th horn of br daugh
ter. Mis. J. W. tlrn. Mil North Thirty
second atrset, Monday. She wa Tl year
old. and leavta two daughter. Urn. J.
W. Qreen of Omaha and Mr. e 1..
Wutake of Phereport, I J . and on eon,
J. J. Uafford of Omaha. Private funeral
eervtcea will her held at the horn ot hr
fill.- ttiie.u iv o in iu nis.
Your druggist will refund money If
I'asa Olntnient falls to cur any mm of
iuhllik, lllnd. Mired, D or 1 rotruUliig
I'll iu 4 to 11 days. Ms.
Serious Mutiny in
the Navy Yards
at St. Petersburg
LONDON. Drr. 2.A new agency 01
pat-h from St. I'eternburg report that i
mutiny ha broken out at the naval or
dlr.awe yard. Meamires for quelling the
disorder hav been taken by the authoti
tie and several mutineers have been
wounded by the troops eent to repress
the Insubordination.
. i i k
Shallenberger Gives
Senatorial Platform
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 28 (Speclnl
Tlfiram.)-A letter written by A. C
HhRllenbergnr to N. J. Ludl of Wahoo,
was given out thl evening, which evl
dently is Intended by the former Civernor
as the platform on which he Intends to
make hla tace for the senate. t,mll
evidently had written the former governor
advising him lo run again for that offlc
for Mr. Shallenberger In hla letter aays
thiit If hla nomination would tend In any
way to heal differences In th parly he
think It would be a efflcaolous In the
senatorial contest as In that for the
He pat himself and the party on the
back by asserting that every reform
promised the peoplo In hi gubernatorial
ismpatHti had been made good and lntl
mntes that if chosen Sens tor he would
do a well, a far a It wa within the
power of a stnator from Nebraska to
accomplish rr suits.
Ha expressed tha belief that tha avitlona
democrat, will triumph biiu l;tr
would like to have a hand In tho revision
of the tariff, and axstrts Nebraska has
been dlsrrlmlnted against by republican
made tarirfs. He asserts the tariff Is
the. refuge of the trusts and that the
coming fight In thl etate should be cen
tered on the tariff.
Shallenberger denounces the Aldrlch
bill for currency reform. He also say
there are many other things which In hi
opinion need reformation but that It doe
not pay to hoot at the flock and that
for the present he will confine his ac
tivities to these Issues.
HANOVEn, Kan.. Dec. 2d. (Special
Telegram.) A man registered as H. It.
Smith, about 50 years of age, from Lin
coln, wos found dead In bed today at
tha Markham hotel here. He la presum
abyl from I-Jnoln, Neb. He had a
sample case containing some medicines,
t.i.t no means of Indentlflcatlon.
CAIRO. 111., Dec. 2.-Lewla and Frank
Hamaey. brother (white), were ahot and
killed near Fulton, Ky., last night by
Ilentil tiarfleld, a negro, who was rap
tured by the aheriff. The sheriff took the
negro Into the woods when he heard that
a mob waa forming. Later Barfleld wa
put In the Mccracken county Jail.
I'ee kenianah-
IjOOAN, la.. Dec. 8.-Speclal.)-The
marriage of Miss Bessie Cowan and Matt
N. Peckenbaugh was solemnised at the
Christian church parsonage here yester
day morning, Rev. W. B. Crcwdson offi
ciating. Troeater-nindenald.
ACROrtA. Neb., Dec. 2.-(Spec:al.)-The
wedding of William Troester and Miss
Margaret ha Blndewald, two prominent
young people of Beaver precinct, took
place at S o'clock this aftarnoon at the
Halem church. A reception will follow
the wedding ceremony at the home of
Jacob Troester, brother of the groom.
Take Warning. '
Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney trouble
down you, when you can quickly down
them with F.luctrlc Bitter. 00c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
No Cabinet Meeting? Thl Week.
WASHINGTON, Dec. M.-Thera will be
no more meeting of President Tafi's
cabinet until January 2. the meeting for
today and Friday having been cancelled.
The president Is devoting his time largely
to conclusion of Judicial vacancies. In
cluding the one on the supreme court
tone Medical Law la Amended.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2.-Preldent
Tart, who makea th law for the Panama
canal aone. today amended a recent ex
ecutive order regarding the practice of
medicine In th aone. so a to explicitly
auction th u of Christian Selene and
other non-mdiclnal method.
old Snap In Calltnrala.
SAN BliRNARDlNO. Cel.. Dec. 1i
Although tiie thermometer registered a
low aa -J degrees above aero last night,
th coldeet weather here In twenty year,
growers declared today llttl damage wa
done lo th orange crop. Smudging wa
generally ud.
Physicians and patient who still be
lieve Bright' Diamine, incurable will be
Interested in III tact that a large New
York Kxportlng Liiha nt In u order
for JlwUu woiiti ot Fulton' Compounds
for a Pml hospital.
Check was received with the statement
that th shipment was n llttlo slow and
request Was made for a duplicate to b
prepared and housed In New York ready
lor quicker delivery.
Another imortant crder waa from a
Physician ot th IMfKlUAI. AKMY
CHINA. He wrote (list th Renal Com
pound wa a necetliy In the treatment
of Kidney Disease.
Th knowledge that Chronic Bright'
Dlnease is being curej is spreading
around the world.
Booklet mailed free odd rose John J.
Fulton Company, titj Battery Htrct,
San FranctM'o.
Sherman A McConnell 'Drug Co.. Cor.
ltd and Dodge: Owl Drug Co.. Cor. Ktti
ml Harney: Harvard Pharmacy, for,
K4iti ntnt Fariiatu: Loyal Pharmacy
7-i North Kill. fr'treM. Oman, are local
huenln for Fulton's Kennl Compound.
Tat. X. 11 a
Xrtrncc d Ootrt
mmu iliii.
in r
JJ it
n i,i
I ft-PMr-lgB I I .
End of Uprising; in Mexico Reported
to State Department.
He I Regarded as tleln Amenable
t Military Lair -Friend Do
Not Credit Report ot
WASHINGTON. Dec. 3.-Amerlcan
Consul Garrett at Neuvo I-aredo and Con
sul Oeneral Hanna at Monterey, Mexico,
today confirmed to the atate department
the surrender cf Ccneral Darnardo rteye.
near Linares.
Reyes Wilt he Tnken to Pealtrntlary
MEXICO CITY, Dec. N.-The end ot
the week probably will see General Ber
nardo Ileyen, who surrendered last nlglit
to the Mexican authorities, occupying a
cell In the penitentiary of the federal
district In tho portion eet apart for po
litical prisoners.
An order that he be brought to the
national capital wa transmitted today
by the minister Of the Interior to General
Geronlmo Trevltio at Monterey. The
Commander ot the Third military sone
probably will aasign an escort of rurales
to General Rryea and also give hi in a safe
Conduct to' Mexico City.
The question of the disposition of Gen
eral Bernardo Reyes will be discussed at
a meeting of the council today.
In the courna of a conversation. Abra
ham Uunsales, minister of tho interior,
aald In Jiln opinion General Reyos would
go to trial before a military court.
Although ha has resigned hla commis
sion a a general In the Mexican army,
Reyes was-still regarded a belonging to
th army and. In the opinion of the min
ister, amenable to military law.
"The great Importance attributed to the
attempted revolution of General Reyes,"
said the minister, "arises from the pub
licity which was given to it In foreign
Reye Make One Reqnest.
MONTEREY. Mex., Dec. L6.-General
Reyes sent to General Trevlno today a
request for trial in some place other than
Monterey, the city from which he ruled
Neuvo Leon as governor for many years,
"t Is the only favor the fallen rebel has
asked and It is believed here that it Is
not Improbable the central government to
which his, petition waa forwarded will
grant It. Embarrassment rather than
fear I said to be General Reyes' motive
In making the request.
Mar Try to Extradite Heyrs. ,
HOUSTON, Tex., Dec. 2.-Trlal of
General Reyes in the United States on
charge of violating this country's neu
trality laws may follow his surrender to
the Mexican authorities. Lock McDantel,
United States attorney for the southern
district of Texas, announced today he ,
would recommend to Attorney Oeneral :
Tltoro lo Only One
That Is
Laiz&tixro Bramo Qsummo
Alwayg remember the full name.
for thia gigoatura on every box
Color, Blending
ia one of the most important details of fancy work.
Daylight is best for it.
The beat substitute for
daylight is an
Gas Lamp
The light is soft, mellow
and brilliant. y
Conors show accurately
under it. '
It relieves the strain
on eyes. which fine fancy
work stitches cause.
The economy of INCANDESCENT GAS LAMPS is only
equalled by the satisfaction they give,
Thin Lamp, complete, $1.25.
isf rijjai rf,na : 7
A Bottle of Wine Will be Given With
Every Large Case of
Apia Apft
The Only Puro Spring Water Beer
on tho Market
Retail Dealer. Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue.
Phone -Doug. 1306, 7162. A-1306, A-1C73.
Wlrkernham that an effort for the ex
tradition of Reyes be made.
Keyes' friend are krptlral.
ST. Lot'IS. Dec. LV. Rudolf Reyes
son of Oneral Rernrdo Reyes, who Is
nere temporarily, received a telegram to.
day, which he construed as a denial of
press dlrpalches that his father sur
rendered at Llhares. Mexico. The tele
gram was sent from San Antonio, Tex.,
by Alejandro Reyes, a younger brother,
and a translation of It follows: ,
"Please deny In th St. Louis newn
pspers tho notice of our fathers surren
der. We will make th same denial In
San Antonio."
The message further stated the denial
was authorised by senora Aurelln Ochou
fle Reyes, wife of the general, who is In
Ban Antonio.
Rudolf Reyes said he would go to San
Antonio If he received confli matton Of t' o
nrrender of his father.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. W.-Friemls
and kinsmen or General Reyes refuse
to believe he has surrendered to Mexi
can federal authorities Penor.- Rrves
"aid this noon:
"It cannot bo. pos.Mblc he Is captured.
If it Were true Ihn r..c.. ,.. .
v.ifuiu nave
i wired me."
Reyes' Bdhererits say the story lias been
I trumped" tip by Mnderistas In order to
j discourage Iteyistas. They say Reyes was
i in a position Sunday from which It Would
....vo oeen impossible to teach Linares
"t tho time of his reported snrreader.
(Continued from First Page.
George, Attornoy eOneral Martin und Su
perintendent Dclxell.
A number of petitions were received
from aQgo county today asklns that the
name of Clirls druenther ns democratic
candidate for governor be placed on tho
primary ballot. A none of them waa ac
companied by evidence that the filing fee
had been paid Secretary of State Walt 1
holding them and has notified the sender
of the requirements of the law.
C M. Sklles of David City has filed as
democratic candidate for congress in tho
Fourth district. He accompanies his fil
ing with a lengthy statement In which he
Indicate that democracy may pick out a
reactionary for presidential nominee, and
Indicates that to win the party must hu
lect a progressive, such as Woodrow Wil
son or Governor Fobs of Massachusetts
The tenor of his letter Is taken as a alap
at the Harmon men.
Mill Fire Incendiary,
FORT DODGE. la., Dec. Sfi.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Investigation today of the
Quaker Oats fire proves almost
slvely the big blase Christmas eve was
of Incendiary origin. Basement windows
of the package department were found
open and the sprinkling system in that
department was turned off. Company
officials will be here tomorrow toh In
vestigate and estimate the loss.
n f9A:.
Wonderful Experimr.;s Astound Pa
trons of Dm? Store.
Remarkable Sew Tonic tilven i
Novel Test by !: pert ot lec
oble Improvement Among;
the Debilitated.
Porno Interesting experiences took p'.H!
at tho linindcis Dins department rt
eehtly. At this store specialists are e
plaining to flie public tlio purpose of ti
tonlo, "Tona Vita," now being lntrt
duced In Omaha.
The strain of living amorig modern cot
ditlnns has produced nervous debility I,
a big percetiUKn of the puopuJatlou I
the larger towns of today. This fai
has bet n recognized by the medical prt
feasion, both here and abroad, ami soni
time ago n tonic was introduced I
Europo to combnt the disease. The medl
clno proved highly successful and a com
pany has been formed to put a slinila
preparation on the American market.
Tho xpcrlmenta were made to shoi
the Immediate effect of "Toua Vltu," a
the medicine Is called, upon cases
nervous debility. The principal eymptot
of debility, as explained by the rpecitd
Ists, ara as follows: A continual dul
tired feellmr, luck of ambition, irrcgula
appetite, poor digestion, hervousneti
mental deprenlon and poor memory. On
of the chief characteristics of a suffert
from nervous debility Is a gloomy menu
attitude and extreme timidity. The vi
tlm is constontly under the impressiq
that some calamity Is about to occur.
From Among the culler the specialist
selected twtnty or so and aftr question
Ing them closely aa to their symptom
gave them the correct amount of til
medicine to be taken at a single do.i
About fivo minute later these peopl
wero uueMlonod as to the effect of tli
medicine and all stated that relief ha
Leen almost Immediate.
Some of the replies were rcmarkahh
Ono elderly woman said: "1 have be
dead on my feet for ten years past. Thl
is the first drop of medicine I. hav
taken that has helped me at all. I fei
dke a different person two minutes aftt
taking It."
A man about 30 naid: '"1 am a bun
clerk and my health, ha been poor fa
about two years. I have not known wh
la the matter with me exactly, but I huv
been little good to myself or auyoii
else, as I Just dragged myself around,
don't know whether this medicine vE
mike me feel like myself for good, hi:
thjs one dose has helped me more tha
all tho Hturf I have takn It aariinfl t
take right hold and put new life in me.
The specialists will be at Brand.-!
Drug Dept., 16th and Douglas St"., sout
Mde main floor, between the hours of '
take right hold and put new lire In me.
tonic will be given to those who dosln
t. Tho nature of the tunic will be ex
plained to all callers. Adv.
Omaha's Great Home Paper
Xa a Haw asnaimi i-n. . .
Harry Ollfull. I
News Blanche
tha udlnf
Ring hypnotized
nia1?in 1wJlt'h,u1, keen-e('"ed mirth, j
Herald Unquestionably the best I
of musical comedies. .
ajLWHu.,-iitu. iaes.iiiiisfMiaanrisi tsin jwa j
RinVn'C Saturday
a-w a -Tnfc3Qt8pai
TJ.L.I. CS. 7C. s4 en na
in,sni-IIB, iau, f ,3U, l j,
On cala at Baaton'a Srur fttor.
iBtn ana rarnam, and Boyd's Bex k
Soug. 494.
III. 1.1111
Matin JErary By, g:ig; Irrry KlgU
o;io. auiasvjiii
"A Romance of the Underworld' ; Charla.
and l'aniile Vun; Burns and Fulton; Don
uvan ami Mi-Donald; Five l'arrcll Hin
lera; Richardson'a Poking Dogs; Klnet
ort.-ope; Urpheiitu Concert Orcliestr.i
Prices. Night le, 25o, 60c, Ho. Mating
)0c, best neat 3ic, except Sundays ai i
Thla Aftaraoon Tonight
Th Ctratt of All Comdt
(Jet Itlch gultk U'MlliugloiU.
ronitiv 1 ya ctreat Succe
3 Daya Com. Thnra Matin Bat.
TIIK hl'HI.VU M.111.
with arraxx atajos.
S4 in Company 94
Ban. Mat. Do. 31 -School Day
Tbure., Jan. 18 Jau Kubelin.
Tonight Mat. Tu., Thur., Sat.
frtcca, 850 Only.
HISS EVA lawo aufl th
Next Vt'eek TaeMrl"and tha" Judg.
Special Matiueo ,cw Vcar'a Day.
...sKRUG THEATER.,.. Beat COc.
lU'Itl.KKtjrK vo.
Kvtra A j) A M AM) K
la th Onrd.n of Edn.
&citwj B.;t; Tr :K
our classy Cluittniaa wck offering.
2orr?u. 'I Passing Parade.'
Kxuulbitely lomeived musual ui.eiiililc;
Jlont (laburateiy Ounncl Churu
tJon. Superb Scenic luvcstitura
l.ouu New liuKh
ZAaies' Dim htatlc Iv.ry Week Say
New itr Vk .
a Welch UuiUjUj