Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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f ' 1 v HkJ-J COMP ON.l nalfTTl cr- .- V. rHIrMIU I Lirv i ,7 I f1AUI r I AK I ilk ri nPi S I
UOOKr Ar OOLL'i overcoat.
- rn ' f dont tod know ) T" ! " ims (the. , 6
LJ du m m y&g" v i . ' & Ufl gaircfr
AiW r-rM U I umder. a, f. ,cjv 1 -?ur- rSy- 7 - CD donb with
MJy nil VuadderJJ it & ( nOvJ (tiuyervnot; our a make-.
rr-W Aj" .
1 ... JW , . JyAvw -X l,6e,, !
Dr. Winnett of Railway Board Re
tarns from Hearing.
licarnrr Inilaiitrlal School Sella
QnanlHr ot Ingir Devts and
Ietatoea Elka Trrat Poor
Children of CHr.
(From a. Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 25. (Special.) Dr.
"Winnett of the atate railway commission,
lias returned from Coiad, where he con
ducted a hearing- on the petition of pat
ron of the Irrigation ditch at that place
for better service. "A large amount of
testimony was Introduced and at Its con
clusion Uje doctor requested that the peti
tioners submit briefs on the question of
the jurisdiction of the commission to deal
with th question presented. These
briefs will be turned over to the attorney
general and if that official decides the
commission has jurisdiction, some action
will be taken.
The law clearly gives the commission
jurisdiction over water rates, but there
is some doubt whether the commission
or the irrigation board has control over
matters of service. The Gothenburg ditch,
involved In the controversy, presents a
complicated situation, tangled up with
litigation now pending In the supreme
court. The Coiad power canal formerly
tapped the Platte river some distance
above the Gothenburg Irrigation ditch and
after using the water for power purposes,
emptied it into the Gothenburg irrigation
ditch. The Kearney people objected and
procured an injunction. If this is sus
tained, the Cozad power ditch will be
forced to empty the water back Into the
JMaltft some distance- below the, head of
the Gothenburg ditch. There is sixteen
mllrs of main ditch in the Gothenburg
system. x
Hopply Lettlna; Comes Sooa.
Bids are now being received at the land
'commissioner's office for the quarterly
letting of supply contracts, which will
take place January 2. In addition to
the usual supplies .there will be Included
in this list those necessary for the open
ing of the tuberculosis hospital at Kear
ney, which It Is hoped can be made ready
or occupancy by the middle of January.
Kearney School )ella Potatoes.
The Boys' Industrial school at Kearney
lias just sold a carload (675 bushels) of
potatoes, for which 90 cents a bushel
was received. The school farm had pre
viously sold J2.800 worth of sugar beets,
.and In addition raised a large amount of
supplies used in the school.
, Pablie Offices Closed.
J Ali publio offices were practically
closed In Lincoln today.' At the state
1 louse the heads of departments gener
ally came down for a short time, opened
;the morning's mail and took a look
around to see that the building was
tlll there. Nothing in the way of rou
tine business was attempted howevt r.
Mrs. P. .A. Graham, wife of a former
mayor of . Lincoln, who was reported
missing, bad simply gone to visit a
rleod In another part of the city.
1 ,i Elks Beat People.
f The children of Lincoln will certainly
eubscrlbe to the claim that the Elks are
r"The best people on earth." The local
ICIks lodge was a real Santa Claus to
the children, entertaining more than
jOO of tbem at the club rooms. Automo
;mis were sent to the State Orthopedto
ioiital and tha crippled wards of the
atate were brought to the club rooms to
enjoy the Christmas cheer and then re
turned to the hospital. There - were
presents on the Christmas trees for all
the children who came. These consisted
of toys, candy and other things which
a;caled to the childish palates. In ad
dition there was music and other enter
tainment for the little ones.
The rush of holiday mall showed only
slight signs of letting up today and pos
tal employes were hard at work today
uiKfc-Ing out from under it.
The Omaha Ik Buatrlce suburban rail
way has filed notice of an equipment
mortgage of t.&aO In favor ot tne Cen
tral tltctrlc company. The mortgage Is
to secure payment for a new motor car
tor use on the co npany'a lines.
Mis. Mildred Bders, 1U33 Q street, died
today frsm the Intestinal trouble which
' lias been epidemic in the northeastern
part of the city. This Is the first death
alrectly tractable to the epidemic, though
a large numoer have beta ill from its
saaa-rrs Marriage Lieraace.
ASHLAND. Neb. Dec. . t"peclal.)
Mariiag licenses have been granted by
l'eter P. White, county judge of Saun
ders county, to the following: Judson
Ilasklns ot Omaha, aged 27, and Miss
Lillian J. Bredenberg of Malmo, Neb.,
aged 21; Roy A. Anderson and Miss
:ile M. Thomas, both of Ashland, aged
13 years.
As-laa Vaalk la Troable.
ASHLAND, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special.)
News reached here from Kansas City,
No., that Dave Hogers. an Ashland
youth who left here about six weeks
ago, was convicted there of highway
robbery and received an Indeterminate
sentence of from two to ten years In the
MUavurl tenUenUary, It was stated
Emily Couldn't Help That
that he grabbed a pocket hook contain
ing over $80 front a wotnnn pedestrian
on the streets of Kansas City and after
a strenuous chase was gathered In by
the police. Rogers has been an Inmate
of the county jails of Cass and Saunders
counties several times. His wife se
cured a divorce from him and the cus
tody tit the minor children at the cur
rent term of the district court In session
at "Wahoo.
ASHLAND. Neb., Dec. 23.-(Speclal.)-Three
of the five pastors of Ashland
churches, four of whom were residents
here, have resigned within a little more
than a month. The resignation of the
first one to be presented, that of the
Hev. Ijeslle Lee Sanders, the 2S-year-old
pastor of the First Baptist church,
was accepted at a meeting of the church
board after the regular services Sunday
morning. Mr. Sanders came here last
April from Ardmore, Okl., and resigns
the pastorship of the Ashland church to
accept that of a largo Baptist church
having over 000 members, at Grand
Forks, N. D. Mr. Sanders will preach
his farewell sermon next Sunday. The
Rev. Victor F. Clark, who resigned the
pastorate of the First Congregational
church to accept a position as field sec
retary of Doane college, Crete, Neb.,
will retire as minister here with the new
year. The Rev. John D. Rice, rector
of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, the
second to resign, removed to Portland,
Ore. As yet none of the churches have
selected successors to the retiring
clergymen. Bishop Arthur L. Williams
of Omaha occupied the pulpit at - St,
Stephen's ' church Sunday.
LINCOIJtf, Dec. 25. (Special Tele
gram.) It was given out today from
anti-saloon league headquarters that
under the provisions of section S65 of the
session laws, an amendment to the Slo
cumb law, the league was preparing to
have submitted to the voters of practic
ally every city and town in the state
under 10,000 inhabitants, a referendum
vote on the question of license or no
It has been customary in many of the
towns of Nebraska to vote direct on this
question but previous to the passage of
this taw the vote was not binding, only
In a moral sense, upon the officials
elected. '
Under the provisions of this bill the
result of vote la binding legally upon
thiae having the granting or refusal of
license. -
Leaders of "o-lallat Party Are C'oa
alderlaff Scheme of Rror
araBisatlaa. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 25.-(Speclal.)-Actlng
State Secretary Chase of the So
cialist party came down from Lincoln
yesterday and spent the day here con
ferring with local socialists relative to
the recent split in the party at Beatrice.
He recommended that the members of
the socialist local hold a meeting and
drop those who. are fighting the mayor
and who recently passed' a resolution ask
ing him to resign. He was of the opin
ion that the party in Beatrice shbuld be
reorganized, and a meeting with this
end In view will bs called in the near
Wallace Arpke and Mrs. Leah Folden,
both of this city, were married at Lin
coln yesterday. They have arrived in
Beatrice where they will continue to
The funeral services for Harry Llser,
who passed away a few days ago at his
home at Bunker Hill, Kas., were held
at Wymore yesterday. The body was
Interred in Wymore cemetery.
Guy F. Hull of Virginia and Miss Ada
S. Oglesbee of this city were married
here yesterday by Rev. J. E. Davis. They
will make their home on a farm near
Word was received here yesterday to
the effect that Hon. John W. BookwaJ
ter, formerly of this city, recently gave
to the charitable societies of Springfield,
O., a check for $10,000. Mr. Bookwalter is
at present in Europe. He Is a brother of
W. H. Bookwalter of Bookwalter, Neb. .
Marriage I.leeaaes at Madleoa.
MADISON. Dec. 25.-(8peclal.) Judge
Bates issued a marriage license late yes
terday afternoon to Iiwrence A. Foster
and Kmma Hoche, both ol Norfolk, and
today a license was Issued to Charles
Elmer Hills and Llllle Esther Tannehlll,
both of Norfolk.
Atlas was tolling along with the world
on his shoulders, his aching feet and
stiffening muscles urging him forward.
As he stumbled over a particularly
rough bit of road a dweller on the earth
looked down from the edge.
"Hello, old top," he called, "why
haven't you joined the 'Don't Worry
club?' Say, hasn't anybody told you that
a smile lightens the heaviest burdens?"
Before the stranger could pull In his
head Atlas made a misstep that caused
seventeen earthquakes along the torrid
sone. and almost shook tne Inquisitive
earthllng loose.
"You go to Pluto!" ae roared and stum
bled aion. Clsvelaad rial. Dealer.
nh u6 nssHVo tc65- kr.H.
t r-ass? c he 5-.r gr- i -t,t-?-"0."
Railroad Employes Complain at the
Rule Just Promulgated.
One Writes to The lire Setting Oat
Ills Views of How the Men
Will He Affected After
January, 1012.
Railroad employees are not greatly
pleased at the'new rule on passes that
goes Into effect on the first of the com
ing year. It will cut down the amount
of "Joy riding" very materially, nhd In
some ways will Interfere with the privi
leges hitherto enjoyed by the men. One
of the men affected by the change writes
concerning the rule In the following fash
ion: GRAF, Neb., Dec. 22. To the Editor
of The Bee: I wish to register a pro
test In behalf of 15,000,000 or more of our
best cltlsens against a recent ruling of
the Interstate Commerce commission. If
you are not. In any way, crowded for
space will you kindly publish this article
and give It as much prominence as pos
sible? We would especially he pleased
to have you comment on It editorially If
you think the subject of sufficient im
portance. Recently the various railroad officials
sent out a circular letter containing In
structions for the future guidance of all
railroad employes when requesting trans
portation for themselves or families. It
Informs us that these Instructions were
handed down to them by the Intel-state
Commerce commission, and. In substance,
are as follows:
"That all requests for transportation
must be made In writing, either with dur
able Ink, or with a typewriter; they
must give' the names and ages of chil
dren; that the only persons authorised
to Issue passes will be the presidents of
the railroads; and that all requests for
pssses must be sent to them by mall;
that the only exception to these Instruc
tions Is a provision supposed to cover
cases of extreme sickness, or death."
Effect of the Rale.
On its face this ruling seems very In
nocent, and destined to accomplish much
good by making it impossible for anyone
to unlawfully obtain and use free trans
portation. We much doubt if It will
ever accomplish this, or any part ot It.
But even granting that It will accomplish
all they expect of It, does the end justify
the means? We think not, and with good
It Is true that this ruling does ndt ac
tually . forbid the use of passes by em
ployes, but it has so restricted and handi
capped them in getting free transporta
tion that. In effect, It amounts to pro
hibition. As all, familiar at all with the railroad
employe, may know, railroads have no
set rule permitting their employes to
have vacations. It Is within the province
of superiors to refuse or grant vaca
tions. Each request for a vacation Is
considered and decided according to cir
cumstances, and about the only consider
ation seems to . be the company's con
venience. If they happen to have a man
handy to relieve him be may get away.
This is the usual case with all classes of
employes. With the employe whose
duties are of a technical nature It is
usually months, and sometimes from one
to three years, before the company sees
fit to relieve htm. Sometimes It is be
cause they are unable to pick up a man
competent to perform the duties of the
position, but it Is, in most cases, their
indifference to their employes' welfare.
Pay Fare or stay at Home.
After requesting a lay-off they can
never tell just what day the company wni
relieve them. Usually they never Know
until the relief man steps up and Intro
duces himself. Then, If he has to take it
up with the president for transportation.
It will be from three to fifteen days be
fore he can get It. In this way he loses
a large part of his vacation time laying
around waiting for his pass. If the dis
tance be short he would prefer to pay
his fare than to lose all that time. He
would make money by it.
Many times an employe sees an oppor
tunity to take a short trip without the
necessity of having a man to relieve him,
but he has no pass, and the only way he
can get one Is to write to the president,
usually hundreds, and sometimes thous
ands of miles away. The opportunity
passes before he can get his request in
the mall. Sometimes It is a matter of
urgent business and they are compelled
to go on short notice. In such cases
they have to either pay their fares-few
of them are able to do that, work their
"rabbit foot" with the conductor who
stands a good chance of getting caught,
and not only lose his Job, but may be
prosecuted under the same law that made
It necessary for the other man to ssk for
a ride without proper transportation. Of
course, he could have saved the con
ductor his Job and reputation by hunting
a "side-door" sleeper.
Under the old system of Issuing passes
none of these things could possibly hap
pen for, when he could get away he was
certain of getting his pass within a few
hours at the most.
Under the new system with all Its re
strictions you will not know what the
effects will be on the employes. It
means that they will loose much time
and millions of dollars In money, and will
be deprived at many. If not all, the little
pleasure trips tliey have enjoyed In the
In the light of these facts who -will
claim that this ruling Is n benefit to the
people of the United States, or to any
particular class or Individual?
If the commission really established
this ruling then who do they claim it will
benefit, and In what way?
rirtierita the Railroads,
So far as I can see the only ones bene
fited are the railroads. Is it possible
tlmt the railroads are back ot the com
mission In this deal? It certainly looks
suspicious. It Is well for the employes
to investigate and if they find that this is
the case, to arise in a body and demand
reparation, either by removing all un
necessary restrictions that Interfere with
them in obtaining that which the laws
allow- them, or furnish annual passes
for all.
If, upon Investigation, they find that
the commission has catered to the
wishes of the railroads in this Instance,
their recall should be demanded.
No wonder this country and Its people
are flocking to the soclsllst party. There
will be a stampede some of these days
If those high In authority do not sit up
and take notice. The railroad employee
Is just beginning to feel his Importance,
and It will be well for the law makers
and others to consider his Interests.
Thy are very considerate of the farmer,
of the merchant and especially so of the
great capitalists except, possibly, the
The civil service employe gets his
thirty days vacation each year without
loss of pay, and the railroad employes
pay no little part ft this thirty days
pay. No one ever heard them kicking
about their getting It. On the con
trary, we are glad they get It. It is a
part of their annual Income and they ex
pect It.
So, in a like manner, we consider the
pass and expect It. The only way we
see out of It, as stated, the annual pass
for all employes. We believe the sooner
it comes, the better.
CERT. 1008, DIV'N 130, O. R. T.
You'd Never tluesa How Cleverly
They Oot flu.OOO Worth
of Loot.
Officials of the burglary Insurance com
panies are In despair over exploits by
feather and fur burglars, two more of
which were added on election night to Jhe
already long list which the New York
police and private detectives are Investi
gating without suocess co far.
In one of these latest robberies the
thieves employed an entirely new device
to prevent noises in their operations
which might lead to discovery.' The In
strument employed was an ordinary um
brella, and the police say no other um
brella probably ever was put to such use.
. It wss In the fur shop of Enerlck &
Beyer, at 34 East Twenty-first street, that
the burglars utilised this new safety de
vice. Incidentally they escaped with $10,
000 worth of furs. The robbery was dis
covered when the place was opened for
business the following morning. , There
was a gaping hole in the celllag of the
first floor, and in a corner reposed an
open umbrella, upside down and filled
with big pieces of plaster. It was some
time before the detectives summoned
from headquarters could determine how
the umbrella had been used.
The second floor of the building Is un
occupied at present, and the detectives
finally pieced together the story, of tha
robbery, beginning with the assumption
that the burglars had secreted themselves
In the vscant loft before closing time. In
the night they had started to cut through
the floor. When they had removed all the
woodwork between two Joists, they found
the plaster of the celling below them. Just
beneath their hands. Then, the detec
tives decided, the umbrella was called
into play.
A small hole was cut carefully In the
plaster, care being taken that no large
piece should be dislodged to fall with a
resounding thud on the. floor below. Then
the umbrella was Inserted through this
hole, and when it had been passed com
pletely through was opened and drawn up
against the celling.
A receptacle for the falling plaster was
thus formed, and Into the open umbrella
the thieves could smash the plaster, safe
In the assurance that none would fall to
the floor and sound the alarm. The plaster-laden
umbrella could be lowered to the
floor, once the hole had been made large
enough for the passage of a man's body,
and the rest ordinarily would be easy.
In this case, however, Mr. Knerlck and
the detectives directed attention to the
especial skill of the butglars, who made
their entrance into the fur shop through
a celling lined with burglar alarm wires.
The evidences of their method in over
coming this difficulty Isy before the eyes
of the detectives, for two boards covered
a pair of wires, so ncsr together that even
a thin man would have had to squirm
very gently between them to avoid con
tact with them. Vet through this bole
the thieves had lowered themselves and
got away with a quantity of furs which,
Mr. Knerlck said, r.ould have been moved
only in a wagon. New York Times.
A Tom of Gold
could buy nothing better for female
weaknesses, lams back and kidney trou
ble than Electric Bitters. Only goc, For
ala by Bealua Drug Co.
Inlted FUtes Patent tffle.
- - - - - . . . . .
Two of Them Do Not Comply with
Letter of the Law.
Sloan to Hon for Congress (iru.
enther'a Petition Cornea from
Platte Skllea Wants Sent
la National House,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Deo. 25. (Special. ) Secre
tary of State Wait found several filings
of candidates In his Christmas mall but
unfortunately for the candidates two of
them nVust be sent back for failure to
deposit the filing fee with the proper
official. Among the latter was Congress
man Sloan of the Fourth district. He
sent his filing fee to the secretary of
state Instead of depositing It with the
county treasurer of his home county at
Geneva. The filing Is a personal one.
Another which will be returned be
cause of lack of evidence of payment of
the required fee Is the one from Platte
county asking that the name of Chris
Gruenther be placed on the primary bal
lot as a democratic candidate for gov
ernor. This was a petition signed by the
required number of electors. A. C. Shel
lenberger, former governor, sent In his
tiling as democrat candidate for the
United States senate. This filing, a per
sonal one, compiles with the requirements J
ui mo iaw ana ma name win go on tne
primary ballot.
C. M. Skiles, democrat, state senator
from the Butler county dlBtrlct and au
thor of the initiative and referendum law,
has sent to the secretary of state for
papers preparatory to filing as democrat
candidate for congress in the Fourth dis
trict. This Is the first candidate of that
party to Indicate his intention of making
the race, but It is considered more titan
probable there will bs others before the
time limit expires.
Progressives for Taft.
Discussing the question of presidential
preference today a prominent republican
who has not been identified actively with
the movement for eudorsemer 4 of any
one for the presidency, said trial the La
Follette boomers were baaing their claims
on untenable ground. They assume, said
this republican, that everyone who has
a word of commendation tor anything,
which, the Wlsoonsln senator has done,
Is favorable to his candidacy for the
presidency. "Nothing could bs further
from the truth," he said, "It would bu
strange. Indeed, If the senator, In .his
numerous activities, had not done some
thing to commend him. The thinking
voter, however, cannot escape the con
clusion that President Taft, while lie
has had no brass band accompaniment,
has really accomplished more in the wsy
of reforms demanded than any of hln
predecessors, more in fact, than possibly
could be accomplished by the hip hurrah
methods of the Wisconsin senator. I have
been classed as a La Folletts man my.
self, but as a matter of faot, have never
had any Intention of supporting anyone
except President Taft."
La Pollette Will Not Come.
The La Folletts boom In Nebraska Is
sadly out ot "plum" at present and all
because the "plummer," In the person
of the Wisconsin senator, has cut this
state out of his itinerary fur the Christ
mas holidays. it hud been planned to
havo a meeting about January 1, con
sonant with the time of the senator's
vlBlt to the state at which the delegates
to the national convention, favorable to
La Follette, were to be selected snd fil
ings made to place them on the primary
ballot. The Wisconsin man, however, has
decided nut to visit Nebraska, and his fol
lowers, larking the Inspiration of his
presence, are up In the air.
W. A. Prince of Grand Island has
asked the secretary of state for blanks
on which to make filing as a republican
candidate for congress in the fifth dls.
trlct. It haJ been anticipated for some
time that ho would take such action, as
he has been considered an active candi
date for the place. Mr. Prince has served
sevural tints in the state legislature as
a representative from Hall.
Nlaed up as "Mighty Small Dough.
uts and Few la a Paper
What is man that he should hypno
tize himself Into thinking that he Is th
big noise?
Man, proud man, bom of woman, is
smalt doughnuts and few In a paper
He springs up today and flourishes like
a bootlegger In a dusty town, and to
morrow or the day after the undertaker
comes with his tapellne and takes his
He weds a wealthy girl with a Joblol
of freckles and the next day her pa
fails with many liabilities and 110 as
sets, and comes to shlde thenceforth
with his stsrtled son-in-law.
The cellar door of life for him Is full
of pestiferous splinters, but he slide
down It with ulter disregard of tho
speed limit.
He goes forth In the early morning to
conquer the world, but the world rsfuesa
By Tom McNamara
to be conquered, and so ha comes home
in an ambulance.
in the midst of life he runs In debt,
but he crawls out at a snail's pace It
at all -
Ho struts down the boulevard with his
head hlRh in the air ami meets the
bank teller with a slKht draft for till,
and a bill collector flags him at every
Ho climbs aboard the trolley car and
goes to the horse trot, but much dust
adheres to his shoes on Ms homeward
He alts up until 3 a. m. to hear the
election returns from the back townships,
and learns In the end that the other fel
low has copped his bet,
lie lays up a goodly pile of riches in
the bank, and the cashier monkeys with
margins and steals away between two
days to pick bananas in Honduras.
He remains late at the office chasing
a trial balance to Its lair, then goes
home to encounter a rocking chair in
the dimly lighted hall. The rocker rises
In Its might and puts htm on the mat.
He Invests in a watch dog, and when
he returns to his wigwam after a pro
longed lodge session the dog refuses
in early
not yet
' . V '.;.-( All '
In whatever part of the home you want it, you can get it
best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater.
The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market, and you
can move it wherever you please.
Start it to bedroom or bsthiootn, sad voa dim jn comfort on the colds)
inor-iof. TaLs it to the diamg-room. sad early breakfae) becomes a plessaat,
coeey sua!. A touch ol a match si dusk, snd all is snug (or the evening.
The PeHectio Smokeless Oil Heater is beeutitully nuhed aa ornament
anywhere. Drums el plwa steel or ooamalUd in blu 1 nickel mnminft.
A special automatic device make smoking impossible. Burner body casaot
become wed fed. All parts asnlr cleaned. Damper top. Cool handla.
Detlsn swryw-m ar writs for eWHetw cirtukr to any twocy of lb
Standard Oil Company
(iMeraoralea) misd .
Gulf Coast Resorts
New Orleans. Mobile! Pensacola
and all other principal resort in tho sooth reached by quick and con--anient
schedules of tha LouisrilU V Nash villa Railroad aithor In solid
through trains or sUopinf ears from Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, -rand
Rapids, Louis rills, Erassvilla, Claraiand and Indianapolis. Complete
diniaf car sarvic. Round trip tourist tickets, return limit to Juno 1, ea
sale daily at reduced fare. Greater variety routes than any other linej
direrse route to Florida if desired. Horn a takers' tickets on tale First
ami Third Tuesday each month at very low rate
The Most Attractive Way South
For full particular, rates, ticket, descriptive Illus
trated booklets and sleeping car reservation, address
0. f.A-ST. L0UU
to rccogntxt) him, and s he roosts In
a tree until the milkman comes.
In the early spring he discards his
flannels, and a breeie from Medkine
Hat comes his way and he Is filled t
overflowing with rheumatism.
With the advent of summer he goes
Into camp and gorges himself with
vegetables fresh from tha rusty cans
of the village grocer, and a multitude
of creeping things hold nightly carnivals
on his person.
In the fall begins the winter of h!ft
discontent. The fumuce camps on his
trail and he Is filled with wood, soot,
ashes and profanity.
He puts on his autumn trousers, and a
fussy wasp that has taken up its abodo
therein disputes his right and title
He transfers a mammoth potted palm
from the front porch to the cellar. He
goes down the steps In advance with
considerable suddenness, and the palm
follows quickly and sits upon him tri
umphantly. And this is man proud man! Chicago
Persistent Advertising to the Road to
Big Returns.
The Handy Heater
often neeel some heat
Fall, when you have
started the furnace.
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