Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Honeee nnd tot tee's.
room. :,3 N. rth; .3514 N. 27th.
tU. Webster 1H77.
FOR KKXT-Nfw 10-room modern
brick house. 2632 Harney; ready Jan. 1.
Ht water heat.
Inquire T. J. O'Brien, llenshaw hotel.
Phones. D. l'lfi, H-1P"4.
OMAHA Van and Moras Co pack,
moves, tnre hounehold poods. Fireproof
etorag. 501 8. ISth. Branch JPJ 8. 17th.
Tel. Douglas 4 If. A-I13.S '
0-ROOM house, hot water hent. gas Rnd
electric light; shades. 271 Bristol.
P-ROOM modern cottage,
Wirt. Webster CtOft.
fx, heat. 20J2
MOD. R-rnnm
nttage: rm rep'r. M. 844.
For Rent
Brick House
'"our bedrooms, bath and toilet on
nd floor; large family room, lining
room, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room,
liall and vestibule on first floor; full
cement basement, with toliet; furnace
heat; everything first class and strictly
modern. Located at l&ll Georgia Ave. See
the owner at loot) Georgia Ave., or phone
Harney loot. .
I-ROOM hou.e, modern except beat. 1UJ
X. 24th SU 110.
T-room house, modern except beat. 3311
Charles SU, 119.
6 rooma, 2d floor, 1106 N. 20th St.. mod
ern except heat, 114.
6- room cottage, modern except heat, 3331
N. 2M St., 120.
room licuee. modern except heat, mj
Corby St., 19.
-room, 1st door, 1909 N. ISta 6t., partly
modern, $16.
-room, 2d floor. 1903 N. Xth St., toilet
7- room house, modern except heat. 2909
Isard St., 110. ,
CHRIS HOYER, 22d and Cuming St.
Electric gas futures. Omaha Rllver Co.
Ideal Cement Stone Co.. 17th and Cuming.
Furhs. 8on Blind, painting, decorating.
ROOFINU PAINT, building paper, plas
ter board. Amer. Sup. Co., 11 Nicholas.
Masonry con., jobber. Healv. Web. 1241.
cTt Y TKOriCHT V FlTlt Al.l
Have YoiTGot $360?
THEN start the New Tear right by
owning your own home. Look today at
3.T0S MYHTLK AVE., right In Beml 1'ark.
comer lot. on two pa veil streets, a very
neat and substantial 6-room modern home,
ready to move right In. l ay the balance
like rent. It Isn't every day you can buy
a house like this for $i,6W cash, but you
ran this house right now and on
easy terms, net a look at this hours. If
It Is large enough for your family, you'll
Clover Realty Syndicate
121H-32 City Nat. Pank Hld. Douglas S3.
Big lot of diamonds, watches, Jewelry
and clothing will be sold at public auc
tion every eve., 6:30 p. m., until New
13th and Douglas Ms.
A NINE-ROOM house hi Hamilton
Ft. All modern excepting furnace. Iot
100x120. llarn. Large shade trees. Plenty
of room for garden and chickens. Rent
JJ6. Houi-e newly papered and painted
throughout. Chas. II. Brown, Telephone
Jiouiflas IKS.
Not More Than $25
for your choice of 2 modern homes,
ONE H block to Walnut Hill line. 8
room and hall, best furnace,
plumbing, all brick and cement
basement; 2 families can use, in
dependent stairway and entranced
OTHER One block to N. 24th line, full
two-story 7-room all modern.
New, compact, up-to-date.
101 Qmaha Nat l. Doug, or A-2152.
Evenings H. SSI? or H. 6134.
FOR RENT 4 room cottage, 2218 Pa
cific Bt. l! a month.
Xmas Present
GIVE yourself a nice, new all modern,
S-room house; I can give you your choice
of two of the best In the city at abso
lute cost. Telephone Harney 80, Harry H.
Putnam. PI 40 Hurt ft.
MONEY to loans on business or resi
dence properties. 11, On) to .W0. W. li.
THOMAS. fctf First Natl Bsak p.ldg.
1100 "To- 1 ilO.ijno" mad eprom pt I y. FT"!
Weed. Wend RMg.. isth and Farnam.
Low m r i.-s."u kmi sc a iYLL lku cc"
810-811 Biandel Theater Bldg.
UJ.V Ail UUUO.Uni.B, Nat l B n M
LARGS LOAD'S, munlclpil bonds, mort
gages bought and sold. STCLL BROS.
WANTED City loans. TerTruet CoT
td-hand goods, Kleaer. loJO Center. D. MSI,
WANTED Second-hand safe; glvo
name maker. height, width, depth,
weight and price, F. O. M. Omaha. IV.
9i"6, Bee.
TWO furnished roonn for ligut house
keeping, on or near Ames Ave. Address,
Foard, 4212 Camden Ave.
hoi:sk AN 1) 10 LOTS.
Near Omaha oar line and city school, considered
Good 6 room cottage and 10 good, high
lots. For a home or investment noth
ing else like it so near Omaha for nenr
C-.e price. $2,360, 12o0 cash, balance like
108 Pearl Btreel,
Council Bluff, la.
V ANTED I'chHioii as housekeeper by
respectable middle-aged lady. Prefer
home with children. Also experienced as
nurse. Address Mrs Msrle Turner, gen
eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la.
ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, first
class, open tor Immediate engagement,
prefer above, but would accept a sales
man position; married; age. SO yrs.:
; tjood personality and an Impressive, and
orcenn epeaser; any resnoiiHom paiary
Call Harney W(j and arrange
THREE FINE LOT s on 14th Ave. and
Grand Ave. for rule at a bargain. liOi
Izard St. Phone Red 4"!6.
WASHING and curtains done. T. H. M20
W A NTE i ) HIUi a 1 1 m us repairer or
rlvtr of automohlle. Oraduate and la
horoughly competent. Best of reference.
H. L. llarr, 424 N. 17th St.
FA Itllf A RANCH I.ANI1 rOH Af,R'lMJ nnd clerical worM
evenings ann Sxturdays; use typewriter.
Addrexa I. Bee.
"JIv knowledge of land on uncompleted
Grand Trunk can make you quick profits.
Frank Crawford. 313 Homer St., Van
couver, or Omaha."
I tlHr-h. youn lauies, pianu piayer and
Inger wan' portion in picture show, ex
perienced. Douglas ffl5.t. K 775. Bee.
PUIS 111 O.N kmiiiwi uy uuinprtent lady
stenogi nunc.! leferenar as lo ability.
. i . i
TEN-ACRE farms accessible to Jackson
ville. Fla. Excellent for winter garden
truck. Thirty dollars per acre; firty cents
cash; fifty cents per month. Write for
particulars. Jacksonville Heights Im
provement Comi-any. Jacksonville. Fla.
Young mnn needs work for board and
room, phone Douglas 4284.
k'uUNU man rntiud position us bar'
tender; experienced. 8 BIS. Bee.
FOR RENT Four-room cottage on Itstn
Avs.. between Dodge and Douglas stree'.i.
Pee Dexter L. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg.
Stores and Offices.
WISH to sublet suite cf five rooms In
City National Bank Bldg. Call D 4128.
NEW atore building with modern living
rooms upstairs;, will be ready Jan. 1, 1912.
"Write or phone 1027 Grand Island, Neb.
J. E. Allam. Qrand Island, Neb.
Maalual I natr amenta.
PIANO, slightly used, at . a bargain.
Segerstrom piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and
Karnam 8ts. '
ELECTRIC piano and music box re
pairing. Acme Machine Co., KI24 Lev'w'th.
Type writers.
WRITER CO.. 411 8. lith. Phone D 40.
rale or rent; largest stock, best bargains.
B. F. Swanson Co.. 1314 Farnam tit,
omaha. : '
SMITH PREMIERS, models No. 2 or
No. 4, In exoelient condition, rented three
months for $j
Uth and Douglas.
We are offering 10, and 40-acre tracts
and upwards located In Columbia county
near Lake City, Florida, 60 miles west of
Jacksonville and only M) miles from St.
Augustine. This property is intersected
by three railroads of national reputation,
which furnish the best of services at
reasonable rates to all markets of the
United States.
The climate Is Ideal. Fine farms are
now being worked in our tract with
exceptionally good results. Own one of
our farms. Investigate our offer. Small
cash pay ments and easy terms.
Low rates aatiy. ncaeis gooa . until
June 1.
(Sales Agents)
SCO Omaha National Bank Bldg.,
Omaha. Neb
YOUMI laay wants position as stenog
rapher; small wages to start; best oi ret'
erences. Web. SOi'fl.
Traversed by the
Lands adaptable to the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soil,
oil mat e. church and school adyantages,
rlt W. II. LEAHT, DEPT. K,
General Passenger Agent,
FOR SALE Chicken ranch, H acres;
plenty of fruit and peaches; good build
ings; location iinirBi iii'mM, ur par
ticulars write Laurens. Iowa, Route i.
Box 11.
RENT an Oliver typewriter troin tna
Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 291K.
FOR SALE Fireproof safe with double
floors and money drawer; also filing cabi
net for office use. Colson & Reynolds,
Jremont. Neb.
lot; ACRES: 10 miles from Red Cloud
25 acres alfalfa: 100 acres cultivation;
sood imorovements. Price. $s.(W0. 320
acres; 7 miles to Bladen; 200 acres cult!
at on: M acres alfalfa: iai acree pes
ture; good improvements, iiil.tsju; good
terms. Write at once. Carpenter : bon,
Red Cloud. Neb.
SAFES overstocked witti second-hand
Cafes, all sixes and makes; bargains.
American fiupply Co.. 1110 Farnam St.
FOR SALE New and tecond-hand
rarom and pocket billiard tables and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy payments The
Brunswlck-Balke-Collandcr Co.. 407-409 &
10th St. ,
irons and nrofits sure. Fruit and alfalfa.
Government Irrigation. Considering cost
nd profits, we offer the best on me mar
ket. Come a.i rignt. uarmnoiii oc
Carlsbad, New Mexico.
FOR SALE Two scholarships In the
Omaha Commercial college and one in
Boyles college. Business ot.'ice. Omaha
Peanut, gum, match and post card
machines. Acme Machine Co., 2124
OiK Coal for stove or furnace. Try it.
VJ Harmon & Weeth. Webster 4s.
thu easiest way to find buyer for
your farm is to Insert a small want ad
In the Dos Moines capital. Largest cir
culation In the state of Iowa. 43.000 daily.
The Capital is read by and believed in by
the HtandDattera ol Iowa, who simply re
fuse to permit any otner paper in tneir
homes. Hates, 1 cent a word a day; 81.24
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address De Moines
Capital, uea Staines, la-'
2D SAFES. DERH1HT, 11 Farnum St.
KINDLING. U toad. H. Gross. W. .
ELECTRIC piano and music roll re
pairing. Acme Machine Co., 3121 Leavenworth.
FOR BALE At a bargain; machinery In
email planing mill at Benson. Telephone
H. 868-W, or address George Snell.
TWO stamp books, $3.50 each.
narney lbie.
A New Truss '
rw not snread the rupture ripen In
ternally as convex pads do. Write for
S7xtJ Broadway, New York City.
Gladlsh Pharmacy, lltti ar.d Dodge.
ldasbaMe. Klitenhouse. Is old Boston lild.
VtHINO women cOminic to Omaha
trinirn an invited to visit the Vounj
Women's Christian association building
at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave..
where they wlil be directed to aultabl
boarding places or otherwise assisieti.
Look for our travelers' .aid at too Unut
atstlon. ,
rase treatments.
uicuriiig. vibrator ntaa
R. 1. 2d floor. Dodse.
WE rent anu leiair ail kuius ot m ia
macblnes. ind. A -ions, noumas iuti.
16th nnd Hamev Sts.
HlNliOO TAbLKIs will build, oiaoc
atrengthen. 60c. BELL ORUO CO.
Af A VIM f'l ?. 'treatment. Mrs. Steele
iuiiuuiujj ,VWj Doag.. Grou
jnd floor
MAsSAGE oweumn movement; nothing
r for rheumatism: ladles. 11; gent:e
Jl GO. Apt. 2. Iv2 Farnam. D. :e).
MAfJVPTlP treatment. E. Broil. 71
AU.LN r.i-lli 8. iGth, 2J fiuor. D. 62SS,
remedy for itching, blatsdlng or protrud
lug piles; fOu postpaid; aample free, bhtr
man McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
LIEBEN, mask suits to hire, 1MI How'd
off .-lotMiia: in fact, unytb'.ng v"u do no;
teed. We collect, repair ant sail, at lit
N. Uth St. for coat of collection, te tb
worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4i
and wagons will call.
WANT goud family to adopt beautlfu
baby buy, less than I months old. Ex
itllent parents. Address M-i, care 1
MiWiliL' Bath, salt glow
ANSAUii treatment. Mm
I me. Alien
Chicago. 109 a. 17th St.. lt floor. D. 7uu.
Mrs. Sfiyder, mssoage, electrical treat
tnent. t Dunaany, luth A Pierce. D. isO.
Dr. Burke, wineii's disoaaee. 1 Doug. Bk
Sereealngs. II . per luo. Wagner. SU1 N. li.
The key to success ia busintss is the
Judicious and ptrs sleut e of newapaper
avlfertuing. ' .
New Mexico.
Wheeler county. Neb., about S miles
from county seat, said to be dark sandy
loam with clav subsoil, much of It suit
able for farming. 4 room house) barn
.12x40. abundance of water. Will take
Improved property ror or siu.uv,. in
part payment. price iixw per cre.
JOG Pearl Street.
Council Bluffs. In.
60-ACRE dairy farm, all new buildings.
bringing owner Ji.OOO per year. Only
la.Ouu. A snap- write uiu uusion.
Orand i.siarra. reo.
FOR RALE Good farm tracts: S00 acres
itik.H ti,i..iu.nr1 nuo acres UDland all thor
oughly druiued. Will furnish feed fur 400
head cattle. Land especially adapted to
darning and accessib.e to good market.
liuod water. IluUH ana mrg juh cuur
nied costing li.000. Bounded on two
sides by county road. One mile from
school and pustoffice. Lies suitable lo
subdivide into small tracts if so desired
Price. HW pef '.ere. part cash; terms
on halaiiee: no commUhlune. If Intereate
correbpond lmmeaiaieiy wun owuei, ueo.
V. V arren, vice preaiuuoi Aaiurua
tional bank. Asiorta, Oregon.
kuuth Dakota.
lflO ACRES In Lyman county, South
Dakota, for sale. Address U o3, Me.
'1 exaa.
SEND for description of beautiful 830-
. . . - IU. VII "bllilil
acre laim i miw mi iti..
w. li. oraiiam, ouero, lex.
W laeuuala.
nter lew.
Sl'itiAliOiN wanted A -manager of
tneral otuie. country town; experienced.
OH, Bee.
WHITE lady desires steady places of
day work; neat, conscientious; does not
disappoint went engagements. Pnons It.
WHiiei wumau uesiies uay wura; neat
and 'el. D. 074U.
RESPECTABLE, refined .experienced,
middle aged lady desires position as
housekeeper f widower . with small
family. C 991. Bee.
Ship your stock to euuib Omaha; save
mileage and shrinkage, your consign
ments receive prompt aid careful atlen
Bvers Bros. & Co. Stt jne; and responsible.
WOOD BROS., 2j4-: L'.xcnange Bldg.
Great Weat. Com. Co.. Omaha at Denver.
W. R. SMITH & SON juet handle sneep.
W, F. DENNY 4k CO.. Kxen. fUdg,
TAOO BKOS. hanuie cati.e, nogs, sheep.
Clay. Robinson Ai Co., am Excn. bldg.
T it am
a I f pre
a I pm
Mlmasrl reetttc
K. C. a St. U a 7 40 are
K. C Bt, L. Ex....all 15 pra a i.Ht pro
Chlrar Great Western .
Chlrago Limited a t:M pm
Twin City Limited a I K pm
Twin City Express.... I;4S am
Chicago Express
Loral Passenger a i.l pin
Cklcago Nertkweaierai
Vflnn.-Pt. raul Ex. ...a J 00 am
Minn.-St. Paul L t d. .a 1:00 pm a S OD am
1 win City Kxprss ..a 1:46 am alo w pm
Slnux City Local a S pm a i ll pm
Minn. A Dakota Ex. .a 7.00 pm a I is am
Twin City Limited ...a I II pm tl.Wim
Mlnneaota Express ail:00 am
Carroll Local a T too am a t:l( prs
lay light Chicago a 7:40 am alW 4S pm
Chicago Loral al0fi pm a t:U pin
Colorsdo-chtcago a t:10 pm a I X pm
Chicago Fpe.ial a (.03 pm a 149 am
Fac. Coast Chlrago. ...a (:3S pm a I It pm
Los Anxelea Limited. .a 1.80 Dm inn un.
Ove-'.and IJmlted a 7 :fv pm a V IS an. Local. .....a 4 Sopni alO.00 an.
past Mall .'.a 1.30 pm a i ii pot
Cedar Rapids, Sioux &
Onisiia a 3:13 Pns
Centennial Stale Lim.. 11 W am 11. It pia
Long Pine i...a 3:00 am all-oo am
Norfolk-Dallas a s oo am a.iv.ia pin
Long Pine-Lincoln. ...a I It pm a 610 ptn
Haatlnss-Siiperlor ....l I IS Dm a l: ttu
Deadwood-Hot Sp'gs..a t:tt pm I n Dm
Caspar-Lander a I U pm all 00 pm
h ramont-AlWon b 6.30 pm b l lj pm
Chleaa. Mllaakee at. reel -
Overlar.d Limited ......aisopm am
Perry I -oca I a SO am 11 (1 nm
Colorado I-'.xpress .. ..a ( 00 pm J li pm
Colorado Special a 7.4- ant ( nm
Perry Lecal tt e:ll put K:04 pm
Wrbat.'r Vjtatloa
Mlaaonrl raclfl
Auburn Local.,
(hi on an, M.
-IStfe and Webster.
teoart.i Arrtre.
b S W ptn bll:&S am
Paul, Minneapolis A
,.b ::' pm
. ,o S SB am
bll!:03 pm
e s a pm
b la pm
Sioux City Express..
Omaha Local
Sioux City Pass
Twin City Pass b 46 am
Emereon Local .b B:tS pin b 0:10 am
tb) dally except Sunday, tc) Sunday
only, tai daliv.
Ilarllnsten tallB -Teatk A llasua
Unrllagtou -.
Depart. Arre.
Denver & California, .a 4:10 pm a 3:. pm
Puget Sound Expreas.a 4.10 pm a 8 46 pm
Nebraska points a :20 am a 1:10 pro
Black Hills ...a 4:10 pm a 1 4S pm
Lincoln Mall b 1:N ptn aU:lt pm
Northwest express. ...all : pm a i:oo am
Nebraska points a 1:10 pm
Nebraska Express a t:lt am a 1:10 pm
Lincoln Local a 1:08 am
Schuyler-Plattsmouth b 1:03 pm blO M am
Lincoln Local b 1:0 am
Plattsmouth-lowa a t:l am a 8:54 am
Bellevue-Plattsmouth ail 10 pm a 1:40 pm
Chicago Special a 7.14 am alt:lo pm
Denver Special all:35 pm a 7:00 pm
Chicago Express a 4.10 pm a 1-iA pm
Chic. Fast Express. ...a 0;) pm a 8:00 am
Iowa Local a 9:15 am al0:SO am
Creston (Ia.) Local. ...b 1:80 pm bl0:4a am
St. Louis Express a 4:36 pm all 40 am
K. C. St. Joseph. ...a!0:4& pm a 8:45 am
K. C. & St. Joseph. ...a :1 am a 1:10 put
K. C. b bt. Joseph. ...a 4 SO pm
Bill Recotpiixino; Religious Freedom
it rasied in Council.
e Meaanre Held In lie Unite Pro-
greaalve, Thonah Keiliril Alioat
eiltk ProTlsloae that l imit
Its grope.
Interstate Co. Better . suite. Snip to us,
CLIFTON Com. Co. tti Exchange Bldg.
BPRKE-RK'KLy CO., iWl Exch. Bldg,
It, E. ROBERTS e CO.. 0 Exon. t.dg.
Cox Jones Com. Co.. buncn ot nus'lers.
Farmers L. S. Com. Co., i,
.... . i . n..nA,u . .hn.n.i.i.iu In Ktoplt
Vstds Nat I bank. Only bank at yarda.
CO.. AU-4 Exoh. Bldg.
Nebraska-lowa Grain Co.. 7b4 branUeis.
Says Hubby Smokes
Cigars Wife Buys
'We don't have to exchange, after
Christmas, the cigars the women buy,"
said William Clement, general manager
for Oeorge Rogers, the cigar man. "We
pride ourselves on knowing almost every
smoker In town and the brands he likes,
so we ran give the woman assistance In
selecting the right cigars.
"But this cigar business Is a hard busl-
eaa. sighed Mr. Clement. ' While you
fellows gre, .resting and fegstlriK . on
Christmas day we will have, to be at
work here In (lie store waiting on the man
who forgot some friend or relative."
wcekh oka 1 N Co.. grain merchants.
consignments solicited, VJi Brandele.
Stockholders Meeting of The Union
Land Company.
Notice Is hereby given mat tno annum
meeting u( tae sioCKlioiders of The Union
Land Company for the election of live
directors nun tite transaction Of sucu
oilier business as may legally como be
fore U.e meeting, will be beld at tne
ottlce of the Oeneral Solicitor, L'niou
Paclttc lleaduuarleis Bullaing, 15th and
Dodge streets, Omaha, Neuraska. on
alouaay, tuu Mh uay ot junuury, VJU,
at lo o (.look A. M.
Tne stock transier dooks win oe ciosca
10 oy previous to tl.e meeting.
Alex, .uiuur,
New York City, N. Y., Dec. is, in.
This Is the season of the year when
mothers feel very much concerned over
the. frequent colds contracted ,by their
children, and have abundant reason for
it. us every cold weakens the lungs, low
era the vitality and 'paves the way for
the more serious diseases that so often
follow. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy la
famous for Ha cures, and la pleasant and
safe to take. For vale by all druggists.
braska, December s, lull. Notice is heieby
given to tne stocanoiuera ol iee-vjiaaa
Anareesen Hardware company that the
annual meeting of the stocanoiders u,f m
company will be held at the ouloa of
aaui noioDanv. corner of Ninth an& nar
ney streets, in the city of Omaha, In the
state of NebraBku. on Tuesday, January
a. A. U.. ii)U.. at a o clock p. in., for the
purpose of electing a noara oi oireciurs
(or the company to serve aunu um ensu
ing year, and to transact such other
businesa aa mav oe oreaenieu ai auca
meeting. Attest: W. M. Oias. Becre.
tary; 11. J. Lee. Frealdent.
Notice Is hereby given that' the An
nual Meeting of the Stockholders of th
Omaha Oas Company will be held at the
office of the Company, 1MK Howard St.,
at tu:au a. m.. Muniinr. January i, iih-.
for the election of Directors tor the en
suing year, and for the transaction of
such other business as may come before
the meeting.
i Prealdent.
Omaha. Dec. 15. 1211. Secretary.
D ISd lOt
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Bee Building company will be held
at the office of said company, Omaha
Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday
January 10. 1912, for the election of the
board of directors for the ensuing year
and for the transaction of audi other
business as may properly cume betore
trie meeting.
By order of the president
N. P. FH.iL, Secretary.
Lb lea Paclfle
-Teatat and alaaoa
utst r-niTNTY. WIS., cut-over hard
wn.i iHn.iH- whuUifll urii-ea: anv sixd I Depart. Arrlv.
tract: clay loam soil; In dairy and clover j San Fran. Overl'd L..a 4um tTfipm
belt; good markets, school and churches; I China ic Japan F. M..a 4:06 pm a 1:45 pin
.u.u i.rm. W rit, for maus and In- I Atiantia Expreas a 0 4t am
formation. Arpln Hardwood Lumber ) Oregon Expreas all 85 m al Upiu
Company, Grand Kaplds. Wis. I Los Angeles Limited. .au a pm a 8:J0 pm
lcnvar d.w-i.i , .6) mill
Centennial stale Spa'l all au pin aU it am
Colorado Expreas.. ...a J:30 pm a 4 M p:n
Oregon-Wann. L't d...ali to prn a 8:1), in
North Platte Local. ...a :lj aui a 4iitpm
Urand Island Local. HO pi;. aiO:Juam
btrwiusbuig Local. . .bU:41 pm l pm
Omaha St. Louis a t u am
Mail and Expreas a 7:0 am all it pm
buvnb'y L. tirom C.B.)b t:uu pm bluiU am
Cblvaua. Rock lalaatt at raclfl
rtockv Mountain Ltd.. al!: am a!0:2j nm
Chicago Local I'shs. . . blO.ii am bl0:10pm
Chicago Day express. a a:a aoi i i m
Chicago Express a 4:10pm aLlopin
Des Moines Local paa.a i pm u:u put
Oiicago-Neb. Ijinllttd.a i.o8 piu a 8.00 urn
rhi -Nab.' Lmtd to Lin
coln a 1:01 am a 8.M Din
Chl.-4'olo. Express. ...a 1 zfi pm a t:uu pm
Cnl.-Colo. Exprtas ....a l it pm a t:uu pin
Okl. JL Tex. Expreas.. a 6:tw put all:j aio
Rocky Mountain Lto.aio.t; pin uU sO a
Omaha Home for Land
Entirely modern; reception hall, parlor, rv kitchen, bed-room
downstairs; I stairways lead up to I bed
rooms with closets, complete oam wun
new Wolff flxturea. Gas and electricity.
Full slxed, cemented basement, brick
foundation.. New American furnace. Full
lot. alley, south front, 10 large line maf7
trees, half block to best car service, 1
biock to public school, close to all
churches and schools. Encum
brance 82,100. Owner prefers Kimball Co.,
Neb., or other good western land. Ad
dreas. W il.'Bee.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith Co . IXfl Farnam Bt.
OMAHA 1 roperty and Nebraaka Landa.
1611 New Omaha Nat'l Hawk Building.
'ARM LOAN 8 near Omaha; no commta
(Ina; optional payments, cheap money.
Orla Xtrral. lili City Nal I Lack b.og.
Illlaois ratraU
Chicago Express. a T OO am I 45 pnj
Clycago Limited 100 put .o ana
PT. rKTF.RPBl'nO. lvc. J4 A more
progrekslve altltudo has been exhibited
by the Council of Empire at Its present
BSMlon by the passage of the bill for
religious freedom, which It had kept In
the committee stage for over three years.
Though the measure -issues from the
Council of Empire In a shape greatly
differing from the version passed by the
Duma, ami with amendments limiting
somewhat the operation of the principle
of equality of religions. It Is generally
recognized that that principle has been
satisfactorily sustained by the upper
chamber. The bill embodies In fl legis
lative form this principle of equality of
religions, or of liberty of conscience, as
proclaimed by Imperial manifesto on
April 80. V.KK. which was the forerunner
of the October manifesto.
Tim object of the manifesto w4s to
remove the administrative ban upon con
versions from Orthodoxy the state re
ligion of Russia to other Christian or
non-Chrlstlan sects. Thirty to forty thou
sand non-Russians in the provinces of
Kaxan, Blmblrsk and Penia returned
from Christianity to Mohammedanism
and other beliefs In virtue ot the right
granted by the manifesto. Nearly half
a million cx-Cathollcs 'and ex-l'nlates
(t'nlted Areeks who had Joined Ihe
state church under compulsion, at vari
ous erlods of violent Russlflcation, re
turned to the fold of the Cutholln church
In virtue of the same right, and liberty
of passing from one denomination to an
other was taken advantage of by all who
had felt oppressed in their religious con
victions. Omaml Cotered by fllll.
The bill deals only with Ihe pasaage
from one Christian confession tn an
other, or from a non-Chrlstlan confes
sion to a Christian one. It Ignores the
possibility of back-sliding from Chris
tianity, tacitly leaving in force, how
ever, the paragraph ot the manifests giv
ing such unwilling Christians a chance
to escape from It. As Ihe paragraphs of
the criminal oode Imposing a penalty for
defections from Orthodoxy wera repealed
in lwo, the situation leaves any Russian
subject free to follow his religious Ideas,
though the state takea cognisance only
of declarations of adherence to any one
of the constituted Christian congrega
tions. '
These Include practically any fornt of
Orthodox, Cathu'.lo or Protestant non-con
formity, the only requirement being thnt
the believers shall compose a congrega
tion regularly organised and duly regis
tered by the provincial authorities, and
thus empowered to keep metrical books
(registers of births, marriages and
deaths!. Amendments providing that the
state shall register conversions from
Christianity to one of the non-Chrlstlan
religions were rejected by the council.
The view which obtained support was the
one holding that Russia la a Christian
country which can tolerate defections
from the ranks of Christianity, but can
not acknowledge them.
The bill recognises the unrestricted
right of religious adherence only for per
sons; of age. Forty days must elapse
after the' formal declaration of a change
of adherence from one church to an
other before It can take effect, but this
term may be disregarded In the oase of
persona stricken with serious Illness. Ar
ticle 5 of the measure expressly declares
that a person passing from one religion,
confession or creed to another does not
suffer on that account any restriction
or limitation ot his or her personal or
civil and political right before the law,
A reactionary amendment tending to de
prive deserter from Christianity of the
right of holding state office, acquired or
Inherited rank, and of exerclnlng th
ilahl of Jury, ns well as active and pas
sive plertoial right, was rejected by an
overwhelming majority of the council.
The timet Important provisions of the
bill deal with the religious adherence of
person under age. Children under U
remain In the church where they were
baptised, unless both psretits or the sin
gle living parent pass from one sect to
another. In that rase they may follow
their parents or parent In the new sect.
If the elders (lost re it. Children over 14
remain In their former faith, but may
Join their parents' or single living par
ent's church, with their consent. In case
only one of the parents changes their
faith, children tinder 81 remain In the
faith professed by the other parent.
Three Important amendments proposed
by P. N. Durnovo, former minister of
Interior, and adopted by the council
provide flint that children over 14 whose
parents belong to. a non-Chrlstlan' or
heathen sect or creed may be converted
to Chrlstlsnlty before they are of age;
second, the children of such parents may
bo converted to Orthodox Christianity
even If they are younger than 14, with
the consent of their parents, and third.
that the consent of the parents may be
dispensed with, for Important reasons,
with the permission cf the Holy Synod
In each case.
Tho last amendment was adopted by the
close vote of 73 to 71. These three amend
ments enable young Jews, Mohammedans
and others to embrace Christianity with
out their parents' consent. Between the
ages of It and SI this right Includes any
Christian denomination. Vmler 14 It
Is confined solely to th Orthodox stale
church, cither with or without the con
tent ot the parent.
Some Peculiarities f Bismarck
Noted by the Chancellor
Dr. Schweninger, who was Bismarck'
physician for eighteen years, remarked In
the course of a recent address In Vienna
that he saw the chancellor weep three
times; when the old emperor died, when
hla wife died and when he was dismissed
from office. This last "affected him so
deeply that I feel Inclined to assert that
had -It not come, he would perhaps be
still living." Th doctor had tried to
convince the young emperor that Ihe al-1
legation mad a to Bismarck's Incom
petence backus of hi addiction to alcohol
and morphine were untrue. Th chan
cellor did not habitually use morphine,
and hla not being an "Alkohnllker" was
attested by th steadiness of his hsnd.
"He could shoot a bird on the wing, and,
like Tell, he could have hit the apple on
his son' head," during th last year of
his life. Dr. ftchwennlnger gar an In
teresting account of haw he came to be
Bismarck' physician. It waa through th
chancellor's son, to whom a friend had
recommended th doctor. Count Wllhelm
Bismarck weighed 236 pounds when he
was taken In hand. Ten month later he
weighed 17 pounds, and looked an changed
that the doctor did not recognise him,
Then cam th prince's turn. Dr. rich Wen
ninger denies that Bismarck did not want
to answer hi questions, whereupon he
had said to him: "Then you had better
get a veterinarian." H did have an
even harder time than h had had with
th son to persuade th prince to obey
him absolutely, which was th condition
of hla remaining with him. Once, when
Bismarck had drunk, without permission
Kaaaas Tlusx et the Habit from
Master Mod Prefer Fine,
"Who! Whoa, there! Pt-p that horse!"
shrieked a man at Eighth and Grand
avenue, Kansas City, as the animal waa
deliberately following another man upon
the sidewalk. Th second man had In
his hand a small package, and tthen he
turned at the sound of the alarm It was
seen thnt the horse was Intent on getting
to th package.
"Oh, now, don't get nervous, Kit." he
said, soothingly, to the animal. "I'll glv
you a chew."
Then tho man opened a package of fine-
nut tobacco, took an ordinary "chew"
for himself and divided the remaining
part of a newly opened sack with the
nor. Th animal took the large nuM
nd setually seemed to smile a It
munched away on It rjthmicnlly as would
a cow on her cud.
The owner of the horse. William' Mc
Carty, claim agent for the Illinois Cen
tral railroad, explained the- Kit waa very
fond of her "chew." and vuenever he
took one where Kit could see him rhe
would follow him even up a pair of step
and Into a houso but that she, too, was
She don't seem to want tobacco un!e
she catohe sight of some one In the act
of taking a chew, and then ehe will have
here, no matter who th man may be who
exposed the weed," he explained.
"What got your horse Into th habit;
how was It acquired t" asked a dlgnlflad.
appvarlng man who was In the little
coterie which wa watching "Kit" enjoy
her wad In fine-cut.
"I did It," replied McCarty. "I begun
by nipping off a lltti very time I took a
chew In the animal's presence nnd hand
ing It to her, as she always was curiously
nosing about to ee what I had. It was
not long until she would take a chew of
tobacco In preference to a lump of sugar."
"Does the animal expectorate?" asked
the dignified person In all seriousness.
"Well, not so a to ba noticed," replied
her owner. "Th horse swallow the
Juice from the tobacco, and finally the
quid Itself. And I am her to tell you
that I hav fovnd.tli tobacco fr more
healthy for a hor one In a while than
ugar every day, a I given to trick-
Arthur McKnlaht. an old race horse
man and official Btarter at most 'of the
Big race track In the country, chanced
to be present when th tobacco chewing
hors was under discussion.
"I wa born and reared down here In
th West bottoms," said McKnlght, "and
I recall Old Tim, a tobacco chewing flre-
horee that used to b on the truck In
nglno hou No. 1 down on Union ave-
nu. Chief Iile will remember Tim.
Why. h wa so vicious after a chew, If
he saw any one with a plug h would al
most break hi chain to get to you. And
If you took a chew and passed him un
noticed Tim would reward you with a
kick. Yes. Tim waa a confirmed chwer.
nd I hav known of. several good race
horses which had th habit. Thoy ar
Just like human being; when they get
th deslr for nlcotln It tlck to them."
"How dreadful." sighed the mlnlsterl!
looklng spectator. "It I a pity that
human being could not keep their In
jurious hablta without tempting Innocent
domestlo animals."
."Tobacco at Interval la good for a
hor," replied McKnlght. "It prevents
many of th ailment from whlcu they
six glasses of buttermilk, th doctoruffer. -Kama city journal.
packed his trunk and was on the point of
leaving when a sudden attack of Internal
trouble Induced him to remain. On an
other occasion, a conference of ministers
had to be postponed because the doctor
would not allow th chancellor to b
awakened; hi messag to th statesmen
wa: "Th prince' health la mpr Im
portant than all ministers and all poll
tics." New York Post.
Persistent Advertising I th Road
Big Returns.
losing; of an Old Sport.
Soma of us expect opportunity to bust
In with a Jimmy 1
We've seen many an "outclassed" man
win on his nrve!
Th profit that w gather by experi
ence may be only paper profit but It's
the solid asset!
Our Idea of malt extract la th stllv
tear we shed when w reach th fool
stare of self-sympathy!
The man who "can take a drink or let
It alone" usually sports thoae Lembremiln
effect at the bottom of 111 pantaloons!
New York World.
Notes and Gossip from Omaha's Suburban Neighbors
John- Rennlger vlaited at Harvard last
Miss Winifred Cosner 1 at th German
Mrs. Bonhla Andersen Is Visiting John
Pierson's family.
George Borensen has started th erec
tion ot a new house.
F. B. Tucker has announced hla candi
dacy for the state annate.
Miss Julia Krlsl will spend the Christ
mas holidays at Lincoln, Neb.
Miss Emma Meyers left Friday for
Beatrice, Neb., for th holidays.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Raymond,
a daughter, th first of th' week.
David Andrew left Baturdny for Des
Moines to spend Christina with relatives.
The council met at the city hall Monday
evening and transacted routine business.
A very successful box social was held at
the Ponca school house Thursday evening.
Mrs. Gecrge II. Lee and Miss Ivy Lee
will bo guests of Mrs. Viola Pettlt Christmas.
L. R. Griffith returned from Chicago
Tuesday, where he attended the poultry
The Eagles gave one of their well at
tended ounce at their hall Friday
F. B. Tucker went to Lincoln Tuesday
to attend the meeting of th Tatt republican.
Mr. and Mr. W. P. Thoma ar making
their home with their son, W. ti. Thomas,
tor th winter.
Mr. E. L. Plat and Master Ellis Plata
were guests of Mr. Anna Reynolds in
Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. George Dial and Mrs. J. P. Peter
sen were visitors at th Parkitde hotel,
Blair, Thursday.
Fred Han was bound over to -the dis
trict court. He is accused of stealing a
cow from J. J. Hinlth. '
Miss Elklns expects to spend th
Christmas holidays with friends and rela
tive at Bancroft, Neb..
Mr. Roberts I at th Independent tele
phone building during the absence ef
Mr. and Mi. Cutting.
Frank Gleason of the Minn Lusa Lum
ber company leaves Sunday for York, to
spend Chrlctmae with relative.
Mr. and, Mr. John McLan and family
left Friday for Creaco, Neb., where tbey
Will spend th Christmas holidays.
L. McCarthy expects te leave shortly
after the first of the year for a visit
to th Osark country of Arkansas.
Mis Viola Meyer left Friday for her
home at Button, where she will spend th
holidays with friends and relatives.
George Jackson of Blair and Homer
Calhoun of Toronto, 8. D., were Flor
ence visitors th first of th week.
Th smaller grades of th Florence
schools held their Christmas exercises at
the school houae Thursday afternoon.
Mr, and Mr. Charles Kelrle and family
left Saturday for Chicago, HI., where
they will spend th Clirtaimas holidays.
Owing to the Chrlutmas rush the post
office will be opened both rtunday and
Monday from 8 a. m. until 11 o clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Drtscol of Eerly, Ia.,
are spending the holidays with Mrs. Dria
col's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Klnkald.
i Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cutting left Thurs
day for RoclKHter, MUin., their old home,
where they will spend tb Christmas holl-
ti. W. Farrls, mother and sister, who
have been staying in Florence, lett Tues
day for Gregory, . D., where they will
run a Hotel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V.'C. Thomas and chil
dren of MHeatoiie, huskatihewan, Can
ada, ate the gueaia oi Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Thomas. i
Will Thompson, who Is attending the
Rials university at Lincoln, arrived noma
th last of the week to spend th Christ
mas holidays.
J. P. Wl.kes of the Minn Luea Lum
ber company, left Friday for Grand Rap
Ids, Mien., where he will spend Christ
ma with home folks.
In honor of Mr. Benter of Bancroft,
Neb., cousin of Miss Elkms, Miss Hopliia
Anderson etitertuinea intormaiiy at her
home on Bluff street Monday evening.
'Ihe pupils of tne Fairvlew ichool and
their parents enjoyed a Cnristmaa enter
tuinmi nl at tne school houae Saturday
evening. 1 here was a program and a
Christinas ties with a (Santa Cius to de
light the young with preaenta.
Mrs. A. II. Hunt entertained at luncheon
Thursday at her home, Mlniie-LuK lodge,
for her guests, Mia. ).. J. Hunt ol Redig,
8. 1).. and Mrs. r red Hackett of Minne
apolis. Red carnations were used In oec
oiatlon, and covers were placed for nine
At the meeting of the' Douglas County
Fruit Growers' association Florence tared
well In the election of officers, George
Gould being elected vice president, J. J.
nmllh, secretary; Chris fcorenson, treas
urer; and II. it. Bnder and H. B. Letov
aky on the board of directors.
The Misses Anna and Alvlria Barsih
entertained a party of the young people
or pouca Halurday evening at their coun
try horn In honor of their return. A
delightful evening was spent tn playing
games and dancing, and much musical
talent waa shown. Those present were
Misses Helen VomWeg, Edith Holmquit,
Eva Johnson, Beast Joliansan, Grace
Lonergan, Margaret Long, Mary Peter,
sen, Edith Raymond, Anna Procknow,
Lissl Burgschat, Emma Bergelt, Rose
U.nklns, Meaars. Carl Worn S eg, Percy
Vogel, Charles Weurth. John VVeurth,
Will Long, James Fellon, Hugh Kelley,
Albert Bergelt, Louis Brrgalt, James
Ksymond, John Berg sc ha l and Bird
The reception tendered Rev. and Mrs.
Butter at Eagles' hall Monday evening by
the members of th Florence Presbyterian
church and their friends, was a most en
joyable occasion and brought out a good
slsed crowd. Although the affair was In
formal, a very creditable program was
given, mostly by Bcotch talent, in honor
of the homeland of Rev. Butter. Follow
ing Is the program as rendered: Piano
solo, Mr. William Peacock; song, Georga
peacock; address. Prof. W. A. Yoder;
address, "Woman's rluffrage," Mrs. El
liot: recitation. Mrs. Thomas Johnson;
song, Mrs. George Slert; nf, John Gunn;
violin solo (one strlngi, Mr. Bridge; ac
companist, Mrs. Harold Reynold. Rev.
and Mrs. Butter both hooks with feeling
on their reception to the tiew field and of
the many kind and cheering words that
they had heard. It was after 11 o'elook
when tits meeting dispersed after singing
"Aulil Lang yne." Ice cream and cake
were served aa refreshment".
week' trip through California and th
Miss Cecelia Million Is visiting this
Week at the home of John Bohlapper.
Master Leonard Leach of Fremont was
the guest of Bennle Krajlcuk last Bunday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Fossett visited Bun
day with the family ot H. L. Andrew
ot Harper.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Reynolds and Mra.
F. A. Reynolds were Fremont visitor on
Thursday, Jouvonat of Lavaca, Tex., was In
town a few hours Monday visiting his
slater, Mrs. J. A. Hteele.
Henry Bcheer Is hauling lumber and
material (or Ihe erection ot a flu farm
home to cost about M.Ooo.
Mr. and Mra. Walter Brown or re
joicing over the arrlvst'of a baby boy at
i heir home. Mother and son ar doing
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Cllne of Omaha
were the guests of Mr. and Mr. G. 1.
Pfelffer from Haturday until Sunday aft
ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kmeraon, after a
short visit with Mra. Emerson's parets,
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. J. Juigbluth, of Dale,
returned to their home in tiouth Omaha
Kunday evening. .
Herman Gleeeclnian Is lying very low
tt his home north of here with stomach
trouble. A specialist from Omaha waa
out, and advised an operation, and aa
soon as he Is strong enough lie will be
taken to Omaha.
The home of Mrs. Lena Burman north
east of town was tne scene of a pleusunt
birthaay surpilau party Friday night in
honor of th hosteas. A large nuiuoer ol
guests were present and many tokens of
friendship and good wishes were pre
sented to Mrs. Burman.
!?" "A lne,r n'w home at Rloux City.
Mrs. McDullough waa Miss May Bascom.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Peterson will give
L Chrlstmaa tea Ia ih. niv. v...-.
children at their homa nn K.etv.i.h
avenue and Mason street on Monday eve.
Mr. and Mra. Howard B. Miller left on
Saturday afternoon to spend cnrlatmas
-no in- laurr s nroiner, Artnur Zelbell,
at WUuier and Mrs. Swnuel Miller and
family at West i-oint
Mrs. F. K. Webb was an Omaha visitor
on Monday.
tins Echtenkainp of Fremont wa an
Arlington caller Saturday evening.
R. Dunklan returned Friday from a six
West Ambler.
Gus Armbrust and wife ar tn proud
parent of a son.
Miss Bertha Bwanker will spend the
holidays with relatives at Red Oak, Ia.
Mrs. George Hull of Red Oak, la., was
the week-end guest of Miss Mane Gor
man. William Butler of Red Oak. Ia., was
the guest of Miss Bertha Uwanker this
Mr. Ole C risen spent the last week
with her daughter, Mrs, A. Jacobsen, at
Fort Crook.
Mr. and Mr. B. O. Bturgeon of Fargo,
N. D.. will spend th holiday With West
Hid relatives.
Frank Keltter arrived from Butte,
Mont., Wednesday to spend th holiday
with relatives.
Mr. B. C Campbell was th guest of
Thad Hlbburd at her home on Gold
street Tuesday.
Mrs. P. J. Trabor and son, Eugene, were
th guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum on
Burt street, Monday.
Mrs. J T. Augh of Ashland was the
guest of her niece, Mrs. Charles Baarman,
Monday and Tuesday.
J. K. Garman and family entertained
their cousins, Elmer and Ray Monslugo
of llutchlnaun. Okl., the last week.
II. Glvens will celebrate Chrlstmastlde
by removing his family into his eleguut
new residence on Fifty-first and Leavenworth.
Mr. Wadley and son. Melvln, and Mr.
and Mra. Sid Wlnvhipt of Cliadron will
arrive Haturdav to apend the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Ebener.
Mr. and Mrs.,W. McDullough of West
Side are the proud puiviit of a young
Charles Bavell spent Thursday vcnlaif
with hla brother In Omaha.
R. L. Propet of Flatumnuth. Neb.,
spent several days In IUlstun this week.
Mis Evelyn Taylor spent laet Saturday
and Sunday with her parents In 1'lstts
mouth. Ed Morris, who has been working; near
Center street. Is home for a visit with hi
Mrs. John, parrott was an Omaha
visitor today, going In to do Mine Christ
ma shopping.
William Jennings of Omaha spent Tues.
day afternoon, returning to Omaha via
tim Intrrurban line.
Fiank L. lrenz. traveling; representa
tive for th Oliver typewriter of Bheldon
la., visited at the home of T. It. Propst
lust Friday night.
The Ralston school will be closed for
s week for tne Christmas vacation, prof
Blover left this evening for hie home 1-i
Omaha and Miss Douley for 1'aplllion.
Mrs. Meadows entertained several of her
friend Isst Thursday evening at her
home. A delightful evening was spent
and later In tho evening a dellclou lunch
eon was aerveu.
Loul Cox, who is traveling for th-i
Howard Htov Work, returns fmrr.
trip to Bloux City. la., last Wednesday
Mr. Cox reuorta a heavy enow In tha'
part of Ihe country.
A nice Christmas program will be given
St the Methodist Episcopal church Bun
day v, conelstlng of songs, recliauon.i
and music. There will also be a Christ
mas tree for th little folks.
Frd Hasklns. who ha boen conducto
on the Rulstou car for the laat year
left th street railway company to go to
Denver. Mr. Hasklns was well liked b
th people and got a good recommend--tlon
from th company.
Miss Bherlock of Omaha will soo-i
organise a muslo class In Ralston. Misi
Hherlock come well recommended and
we are In hope she will prove a success
fu teacher. Quit a number of children
from th public school are going to
begin next wek wtth their flrt lesson.
William Witt of Bennington visited hH
parent her Bunday.
John Puroell waa an easlbound passen
ger Bunday afternoon.
Miss Mildred Brunner spent Saturday
and Bunday with her parents here.
Charles Htengleln of Waterloo was t
visitor at the Brunner bom Bunday.
Christmas exercises wore held at tb
Methodist church Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Mockalmann move
to their home on Main street Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mockelinar.n spent
Bunday in Omaha, also attended a play.
"Miss Peterson, who was nurse at the
Wltte home during Mrs. Witte'a lllnesa,
returned to Omaha Bunday. Mrs. Witt
la luuvb improved and abi to ,