Ik V TIIH HKE: OMAHA. MONDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1011. HOLDEN HAS jiOT DECIDED Amci rrofessor Not Heady to An nounce His Candidacy. WANT MOON LAW REHEARING Wet Interests Make Application to - Saprentr- Coarl Dr. Kelly A p. prnls 4nsr to the fliprrn t'oart. fFrom ft Piatt Correspondent. I DISS MOINES. It.. lec. 2l.-(Slpeclsl Te lrgram.)--No definite statement could ho secured from I'rof. Holden lixlny whether hi- planned to give up hli work n agriculture and enter a political career. He spent the day In consultation with political Icadrra here and met a commit ter which had hern appointed to urge him in become candidate for governor, but be Mated frankly that bo mi tint ready to decide the matter. tleorge Wrlijhtman, secretary of th state manufacturers' a : . ti'in, announced today tbot lie would iwt f't as one of the committee to man age tb campaign. Want Mown Itcliearlna. The "wet" Interest of Iowa, beaten by the "dry" In the supreme court's recent affirmation of the- Mann aaloon statute, filed petition, with the clerk of the au preme court asking the tribunal to rehear the case. The "dry" will also mak a similar move In the cine of Hammond against Michael Waldron of Valley Junction, In which they were benten. A petition for rehearing will be filed. Dr. Kelly to Appeal. . Notice of appeal to the aupreme rourt In the case of Dr. Kelly under sentence ror manslaughter, was filed today. , Th state auditor today refused to ap prove the contract for the aale of the Atlas Insurance company to the Anchor and the merger of the two companlea waa blocked for the time. The stock holdera liava been In disagreement and threaten to go Into court to have their matter Milled. Will Trr to Disbar Tn. A committee of the local bar associa tlon reported to the five district Judges of the county on th aocusatlona mad against two prominent lawyer for dla bermewt. These are 8. n. Allen and W. T. Maxey. The committee recommended an action to have them tried for un professional condnct. Maxey I accused of tome Irregular financial transactions with a client lomi yeara ago and Allen la aecuaed of champerty In that he la aid to have employed a man to atlr up trouble and make law business for him. I.lfr.Terraers Caasldered. . The governor today gent to the parole board the name of two more life term era who deslrs that their application for Pardon be paaaed upon. Theae are Wil liam O'Tool of Kao county, and Charlea Thomaa of Polk county.' O'Tool com mitted an atrocious murder yeara ago, but ha alwoaya claimed lf defense, Thoma la th De Moines man aooneed of killing Mabel Sehofleld some fifteen year ago. He waa not accused for several year attar th homicide and th evidence waa entirely circumstantial. Creamery tmasasr. The article were filed today for the t'harlott Creamery Company of Scott county with H.O00 capital!: also the Anchor Manufacturing and Construction - com IT any of Fort Dodg with capital of INMHO. Th Terry Saving and Exchange bank chanred name to Ferry Having Taank. . . ; i . Commiaalaa Make llalea. The State Railroad commission today announced that It ha adopted rules that will be put Into effect the first of th year covering th methods of procedure befor the board. The board has never had any set practice, but some time ago Clifford Thorns, the new member, started a movement to have adopted a set of rulea for the guidance of persona having business there. These, ha v been formulated and th board will commence work tttider them neat month. Th board will have definite day for session In the office. On the first Tuesday In each month the board will begin bearing formal complaint In eases that are eon tented and have reached the final state of disposition, a week later the board will hear Informal, matter. The remainder of the month can be given over to Visiting eectlona of the state. The board will also make It a rule that very complaint In writing wilt be disposed of In formal manner and every complaint wilt have a chance to be heard. If SMllsfactorv settlement can not be effected. It will b turned over to th commerce oounsel to ba handled. Theae change are made largely be cause of Increase of bualnea and beoaus there la now a commerce counsel. , .,J' u,aa JjnffragUt la Dead. In. "Mary J. Coggeshall died at her home In this city last night, aged TS. Sh had long been one of- th most eon Plcluua advocate of woman auffrag In Iowa and had devoted much or her llf to work In that can. She published a newspaper for yeara virtually at her own exiten to promote th caus. Hh wa also devoted tn philanthropic work and engaged In many charities. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH IN GASOLINE EXPLOSION BIUTT. la.. Deo. SI.-YVhlle preparing dalntie for a Christmas dinner, Mrs. Kverett Hvlmlndinger waa burned to death, and her husband badly Injured, when a gasoline atove In their home her exploded today. The stove wa out of oidr and they were trying tu repair It The woman' clothing look fire and Bo fore aid could , be rendered by her hus- band, alio was dead. THREE VERDICTS IjiiiJiatic Harmonious Judgment urn m .Matter That May L'uucera Vou. J fluj Okomulslon better than au other emulsion 1 have taken and 1 thall use OsotnuUlon hereafter." 'Our little boy could not dlgeat other emulsions, but Otomulalon baa wonder fully tmptoved him." "1 haJ been taking another emulsion sloi 1 had Pneumonia, but 1 waa ao much pleased with th agreeable taste mid th good effect of Oxou.-ulston that hereafter 1 shall take OaomuUlon only." Kxtrncts from thre letters la on fflMll. other mails bring aliullar testimony tu the superiority of Oaomulalon in taste and curallv effect over all other emulators of CoJ Liver Oil now befor thei public. ; i oin nj t"t I needed.. Escaped Prisoner is Rearrested When He Leaves Second Prison SIOl'X FAU.B. 8 D, Dec. :i.-Spe-clal.) A he stepped from the doors of the Michigan pi-nltentlary at Jn kaon. after nerving a term of ten years, letr V. l.iivcme, a fugitive from B-uth Dakota ainre Is?), was rearrested by a South liakota officer. Deputy United States Mnrrhiil Megueen, who was ac companied to the Michigan city by Matthew Yost, a guard at the Bloux Falls penitentiary. I.uverne In Hf9 with six other prisoners madn hl escape from the federal wing of the Sioux Kails penitentiary after serving but aeven month of a four-year term for the robbery of the poaiofric at Clark. S. V. Aftor a prolonged search he was located In th Michigan pcnl tentlary, where ha had been sent for a crime committed In that state, and wa renrreated on Saturday a lie completed his term there. Immediately after mak ing the rearrest. Deputy Marshal Mc Queen and Otiard Yost departed with their prisoner for the United State peni tentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., where he will l required to complete hi four-year term for the robbery of the postoffle at Clark. Mother Advertises Her Ten-Pound Baby For Christmas Gift F.IjOIN, III., Dec. U.-A ten-round baby boy two week old will be given a a Christmas present to any respectable couple wishing to adopt him, according to an advertisement appearing In a news paper here today. The mother, according to the adver tisement, explain that she was deserted by her husband two month ago and has Insufficient means to care for herself, without regard to th need of her baby. Tag Day in Kearney Will Clear Hospital For Bishop Beecher KKARNKY. Neb.. Dec. 24. (Kneclal Tel. egram.) Tag day for the benefit of the Kearney public hospital debt raised about taOO. The tagging continued until a late hour when It wa thought that the hos pital was cleared of debt. The city of Kearney will give the hospital building lit trust to rilnhop CI eon A. Beecher. who will see that It la conducted by th Episcopal dlooese covering western Ne braska. Reyes Again Found By Federal Scouts MONTEREY, Mexico. Dec. 21-t.ocaled once mor by th scouts of Oeneral Qer onlmo Trevlno, Oeneral Bernardo Reyes, xtlf-appolnted leader of th "constitution- all!," th nam he ha given th Insur genu, must cither fight or run again. Bcouts reported to army headquarter today that they had secured Information regarded by them as accurate, that the outlawed general wa on th Vlga ranch. not far from Jlurgoa, a town In the state of Tamaullpas, this afternoon. General Trevlno sent order to Colonel Manuel Garcia Lugo to Invade th ranch In search of Reyes. Officially K la not admitted that Reyes ha with him any men other than th five who were' with him when he crossed the border, but private advice varlou estimate his following from a score to several hundred. MKX1CO CITY, Dee. XJ.-Effort of a group of Mexicans to bring about an anti- American demonstration tomorrow hav been met by refusil on the part of Gov ernor Antonio Rlvlerla of th federal dis trict to Issue the necessary permit, on the grounds that for auch demonstration "ther exist no reason which would Jus tify It" A call for the manifestation was pub lished In Oil Ulaa. Body of Man Found in Ruins of His Home DES MOINES, la., Dec. ?4.-The charred body of Oui Chrlatianson, M year old, waa found In hi partly de stroyed house here today. Chrlatianson, who Is a teamster, be came despondent last night because he waa unable to purchase Christmas pres ents for hi thre small children. He re turned from town at a late hour and drove the family from the house. Tt la believed the fire resulted from an over turned lamp, , SEVENTY HORSES KILLED IN WRECK ON ROCK ISLAND BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. S.-(8peUI Teh-gram.) A atock train on th llock Ihland waa wracked near Mayberry, Neb., today and six car went Into the ditch. Tl train carried 140 head cf horses which were being shipped to St. Lout from Nebraska and seventy head were killed. Many that were not killed outrtght wer badly Injured. Two vet eiiiuirian from lie trie hav been called to attend th Injured horses. None of th trainmen were Injured. Spreading rail caused the wreck. Th tin has been blocked most of th day. CHILD BURNED TO DEATH TRYING TO SAVE MOTHER NEW YORK. Dec. tt.-ln trying to fill a lighted oil lamp Mr. Jennie Calvno caused an explosion tonight which set her dress on fire at her home In llrooklyn. Her 4-year-old son. Fhllln. tried to beat out the flame with his baby hands, but hia cluthlng also took fir and mother and child were fatally burned. Three men who wer attracted by the motlier'a ciirti Wore severely burned while eitlimulihliig th flames. Trartlna l.lae a flanard. PIERRE, B. D . Dec. J4.-Articles of In coi po ration hav been tiled with th secre tary of state for the Davenport. Iowa City A Western Traction company, with nominal headquarter at Pierre, and the right to establish business offices at Davenport. Iowa City or Tipton, la. The director of lh company are C. K. Coon of Omaha. Vt'ephen Bradley, (I. w. Kooiits. Iowa City, la., and Tlllmou Todd of Sprlngdale, la. The company la capi talised at ii.ttw.uon. t which t4. is preferred stock and th rest cummon stuck. The officer propose to construct a tract dux I'n from Davenport to Iowa City, with a branch line from the main line to Tipton, the whole system covering approximately seventy ridJea, at ao tl uiatad cost of LWutW a RiJ-. i GETS FREEDOM AS PRESENT Lony-Terra Convict is Found Not Guilty of Harder. O0VIRN0RS USE PARDON POWER Oaarde of tarflaa. Mtatc Prlsoa I' reseat Life XI an with IJold Watch Wbea They Wish lllsn Uood-Uye. NEW YORK. Dec. 14. -A Christmai present to John tloehman of lirooklyn to. day was tho dismissal of charges which will lead to his release from Pinr Hlng, after sixteen yean' service on conviction for a murder of which the supreme court now find him to be Innocent. The necessary testimony wa supplied by two men who kept allent at a tim when he needed them to prove an alabl because, they said, they wer afraid of being hounded by the police. Whll In Sing Ping, lloehman. hcii tenced for life, met a doctor Imprisoned on a minor charge, who promised to aid him when released, and as a result of the doctor' activities recently the necessary witncsne were found the proprietor and bartender of a mtialo hall, each of whom ho made an affidavit that Boehman waa In their place at the time the crime was committed. nirheeON Receives Preaenta. BOSTON, Dee. 24.-WI(h hi physical condition apparently improving, Christ tn glfl and flower coming to him from friend and a Chrlstmaa dinner promised by two of his former pnrlxh loner. Rev. Clarence V. T. Rlcheson had much to make his day cheerful In th Charles street jail today. Tonight Rlcheson' physician reported him a recovering rapidly from the elf Inflicted Injuries of Wednesday, and th district attorney's office said that every. thing seemed favorable for the beginning of hia tilal on January 13 on the charge of murder of MIks Avis Llnnoll. One of Rlcheson' gift today came from his former fiancee. Miss Violet Edmund of tirookline. It was a large box aatd to contain fruit and confections. Convicts Creed. HL'STIN, Tex., Dec. S4.-Twenty-f'.ve convicts will leavs the Rusk anl Huntsvllle penitentiaries as free men on Christmas morning th resUlt of Oovernor Col quitt' exercise of th pardoning power. Paroled far Christmas. OKLAHOMA CITT. Okl Deo. 24- Robert K Waltham, a llfe-tcrm prisoner In the Oklahoma penitentiary, will apend his third Christmas on parole with his family at Pulphur. Governor Cruce today granted Waltham a thirty day "leave of absence." Three short term prisoner' were given pardons. Pardoned Man Receives Gift. MICHIGAN CITY. Ind., Deo. 24.-Ouards of tho Indiana slate prison presented Ed ward Asiman, a pardoned "life man" with a gold watch when they bad him good bye and wiahtd him a "Merry Christmas" today. Asiman had served twenty year. Ha departed for Cincinnati to Jolnhl widowed daughter and her children. Prisoner Discharged. BT. LOUIS, Dec. .-The Christmas spirit melted the heart of Judge Klmmel In police court today. In effect h ,a!d: "Good morning, prisoners. You're all discharged." Seventeen defendants were In court to answer peace disturbance and minor charge. In every case Judge Klmmel discharged the accused, saying: "Christ ma la at ' hand. I don't want to be responsible for any poor unfortunats spending Christmas behind th bars." -Tweatr-ftix Paroled. MONTGOMERY. Ala., Dec. t4 Gover nor Emmett O'Neil today paroled twenty six convict and paroled from twenty to ninety day four other, a hi Christmas gift to Alabama prisoners. Those paroled had been convicted of crimes ranging from robbery to murder. UNSETTLED WEATHER FOR . NEXT TEN DAYS PREDICTED WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. Unsettled weather during the next few day will glv way to a period of more seasonable weather by tho end of the week, accord ing to a bulltln Issued tonight by the weather bureau. Stormy weather I also predicted over th north Atlanta steam ship routes, the British Isles and Europe. "Th coldest weather of the season," the bulletin continues, "now prevails In the Interior of Alska. th lowest temperature being I'i.S degree below at Tana, and 45 degreea below at Eagle. Indication are that th first part of the coming week will be unsettled with snow or rain In the northern and, rain In the southern dis trict east of the Kocky Mountains, at tending the eastward movement of a dis turbance that now cover th rolVdlnwest. "Another disturbance will appear In the far west about th middle of the week, cros th middle west fcbout Thursday or Friday and th eastern states at th close of th week; It will be attended by general precipitation. A pronounced change to oolder weather will overspread th western slatea Tuesday and Wednes day and advance eastward and southward over the eaatetu and southern stall dur ing th latter half of the week, terminat ing the prolonged period of unseasonably high temperatures In these districts." MAYOR BRAND WHITL0CK TO RETIREFR0M POLITICS TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 24-Mayor Riand Whltlock announced today that at the rxpiruttiin of hia two-year term, which begins January 1, 111. he will quit politics forever. He will devote hia time to lit erary work. He has under advisement the writing of thre plays. Mayor Whltlock' declaration waa brought forth by the persistent rumor that he would be a candidate on th dem ocratic ticket to aucceed Congressman I. K. eiierwood. Mayor Whltlock, known as the successor to "Goldeu Rule" Junes, has served since M03. NEW TRIAL GRANTED IN -STRIKE JURY" CASE ST. LOUIS. Pec. :4.-Clrcult Judge Wlnthrow granted a new trial today in the McDermolt will case. In which a striking Jury after three day' delibera tion returned a verdict contrary to the Instructions of the Judge. In ordering a new trial Judge Wlnthrow denied a mo tion to return Judgment In favor of the defendant, notwithstanding the Jury's findings for th plaintiff. HYMENEAL. A vaold-laaiasrrs. CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Dor. t.-(Bpec!al.) Tko marriage of Miss Lillian Summers and Curttn Arnold, both young people of Frontier county, took place at th hem of Rev. Oeorge Ml bier, December X), R.v. MishUr officiating. I Aged Woman Walks in Front of Moving Car and is Injured A feeble woman, uncertainly Identi fied as Mrs. Christina KlIllnKham, walked In front of a fast moving north bound North Twenty-fourth street tar at Hlxteenth and Chlcngo afreets at 10 o'clock last nlaht and was dangerously hurt In being knocked about thirty feet serosa the pavement. Phe wa picked! up by f. C. Wells, 411 North Nineteenth street, and T. W. Pmlth. 2V7 ' Cuming street, and curried Into rVhnrfcr' drug store at that corner, where she was given emergency treat ment. She la(,er was taken In th police am bulance to the surgeon' room at the Jail wher T)rs. Fepper and Criss at tended her. r"he wa badly bruised and cut about the head and rnny hdv re ceived Internal Injuiles. When she became able to talk she nave her name Mrs. Christina Fllllng hnm and slid she could not remember where she lived. She In about M years old. Her statements were rambling and Incoherent. Khe . could not renfcmber how sti wa hurt. Witnesses to the accident agre with Motorman II. F. Wielaa that the woman walked directly across the street and Into the car, u corner of It striking her. C. E. Johnson, 1917 Cues treet, among other witnesses, said the woman re ceived no warning of the cur' approach; the motorman did not ring the bell. The woman wore a veil, Johnson said, whfch ho thought obstructed her view. Not All Gifts Have Been Secured Over Counters at Stores The police have come to believe Ihst not all Christmas presents have been bought. Reports of petty thefts are om Ing In from every part of tne city.' over coat and buggy robes are the more popular gift thl year, while some rus pldors and ladles' muffit will be used as token of love and friendship, Mr. I N. Whltmoor, 101 Georgia ave nu. left her $Z muff on a counter In a downtown store and somebody took It, yesterday afternoon. George Freeman of Irvlngton told the police that a buffulo robe wa taken from his buggy, which he left standing yesterday afternoon at Sixteenth and Douglas streets, L. C. Wohlers. (sixteenth and Center streets, also missed hi robe when he returned to hi wagon, left standing In front of the postofflce. ' F. D. Weafl. owner of the Wead block. Eighteenth and Farnam streets, mourns the loss of a couple of bras cuspidor. He notified the police that a sneak thief had gathered them from the upntair hall of hi building. J. B, 8ta of Florence left hi overcoat ranging In the Molur Barber college, while he got a shave. He waa required to rid home without It Otto Feekin Found . Not Guilty by Jury WILBER. "Neb.; Dec. 14. (Special Tele gram.) Otto Feekin, who wa tried be for Judge Hurd here Friday and Satur day on the charge of criminal assault, wsa found not guilty this morning at 15 o'clock. The case was submitted to the Jury at f:30 o'clock last night. Th Jury foreman was Anton Shlmerda. Feekin. who Is charged with assault upon Klva Blauvelt. took the witness stand In his own defense and for the first time told his story. The defense di rected Its efforts toward proving that no assault waa made and that the charges against Feekin and Klvln Talley are part of a scheme to get money from them. Feekin testified that on the night of December 4 he met Ida Garten. Elvu lllauvelt and India fnr.th, arranged to meet them later In the night In Oscar Miller's room, and gav Mis Smith CO cent with which to go to a show. He went to the room and awaited the arrival of th girls. When they came he offered them apricot brandy and Virginia Dare wine, which he found In th room. Miss Smith refused to drink, but Misses Gartun and Blauvelt partook. About 11:30 Feekin went out and got some lunch and shortly after his return Talley arrived. Feekin denied that anything of a crimi nal character took place and declared the police were attracted by the yell of the Blauvelt girl when she became In toxicated. The police did. not enter and Feekin took the girl home. Miss Garteji, testifying for Feekin, cor roborated ills story.. Her testimony waa that the party was prearranged and that Miss Kinlth and Mis Blauvelt understood the object would bo to have a good time. Hho aald the day before the orgtn Miss Rmlth told her to meet her down town that niulit. saying. "I'm game." . MIbs Garten autU she loves Talley, but does not know where lie Is, She admitted taking caibolla Hcld after having ben scolded by her parents, but said she only took It In her inoutii and then expelled It, her purposo being "to scare someone." A warrant for the nrrest of.Tulley for assaulting the 8mlth girl U out, but the officers have been unable to find lilm. DEATH RECORD. Kdvrard J. Halaey. ritlCAOO. lire. S4. -State Senator Ed ward J. Italney, democrat, of th Ninth district, died nt hi home her today. The funeral win be held December :7. Penator lialney had been In Fun An tonio, Tex. for several mojih In queat of health and when never;) day ago, he was advised ha prubably aouIU not live, lie hurried home tu be with lUs mother. The Chicago Athlotlo association boasted of Katuey as It champion strong man for many years, and hia breakdown cam. during a particularly active cam paign for election aa congressman, In which lie waa unsuccessful. He was born In MlnneaiHill September 14. 14T&. t'yras K. Ilarrlsoa. TABOR. Neb.. Dec, :i-i8necial Cyrus 8. Harrison, another of ths honored and long time residents of Tabor, was uuricq per tma arternoon. tie died at hi old hunt In th aouthwest part of town Tuesday, December U, from a com plication of ailments. Deceased waa In bla year and had resided In this community since Uti. Th. deceased I survived by hi wife and four children of matur year. Also by oca brother, John Ilarrlsoa of Unooln, Neb., and one later, Mrs. N. J. Housel of Atul.y, Keb. Irs. Sarah daats. Al'Bl'RN, Neb.. Dec. K4. (Special.) Mrs. Sarah Adams died at. th hum of her daughter. Mr. A. H. CampbcU at i lil'T 'it T l(wsw rv..i-war j -J: Mil mm I 31 " " ' ! ; sna Tll "j tii produced forever from the same mother cell. Schlitz beer is sent to you in Brown Bottles, pro tecting its purity from the brewery to your glass. Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives protection against light. i nr. M you knew what we know about beer, you would say, Schlitz Schlitz in Brown Bottles." That Mad SCHLITZ BEER DELIUEfiED III PLAIN 17AG0HS BY MILLED LIQUOR CO., ,1309 Farnara St. & Chicago Nebraska Limited Leaves 6:08 Every Evening For Chicago Arrives at La Salle the Heart of the City at 8:09 A. M. Hrock Thursday. Ph had been a resident of this coun.y for fifty year and wa & year old. Jotea grhlater. PLATTSMOCTH. Neb.. Dec. Si.-iSpe-clal.) John 8chlater, an old cltUen of Cass county, died Friday' morning about o'clock at hi horn at Louisville. Mr. BchUter leaves several grown children and on brother to mourn hi death. Hi funeral occurred thl afternoon from hi residence. , rrssk Uifterd. IOWA FALLS, la. Dec. J4. -(Special Telegram.) Frank G If ford, a police offi cer weil known in central Iowa, died at th hospital In this city late last night He had served this city a marshal for th last thirty ars, I 4 "n Jbro Cleanliness is a science where Schlitz is brewed. We filter even the air where the beer is cooled. Then we filter the beer. Then we sterilize every bottle. . We go to Bohemia for hops. Our barley is selected by a partner in our business. The water is brought from rock 1,400 feet underground. Our vncr ic e V3 i S wa y ke Famous Carries drawing-room and observa tion sleeping cars and free reclining chair. Electric lighted throughout. Superb dining car service. Provides all comforts and conveniences of modern railway travel. Ticket, reservations, etc., at city TICKET OFFICE: 1323 Farnam Street i. H. McXALLY. Division Passenger Agent In nny amount on improved (or to improve) Omaha and South Omaha real estate Residence or business. , Money On Hand No commissions to pay Interest vatea reasonable Inpayments of $100 or more on prin cipal received any day without notice. Prompt action assured. THE CONSERVATIVE 1614 Harney Geo. F. Gilmore, Prest. Made Pure Kept Pure It's the II V win Phones 1 "Ha 159T' noncs 1 1ndependent A 1522 Schlit? ;T3ottled Beer Depot 723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nebr. Bottle SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. St, Omaha, Neb. Paul W. Kuhns, Secy. aaaaOSsS