The Omaha Daily Bee Looking Uackward This Day in Omaha Thirty Twenty Tea Years Ar -See editorial Fife of ssoa lain WEATHER FORECAST. Unsettled VOL. XLI NO. 1G3. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, PKCEMIIKU L !1-TWKLVK PACKS. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Insurance Men SAINT NICK IS TWO CONFEREES Are Charged with Misuse of the Mails GUEST0E CITY ASK NEUTRALITY SMOOT TO WRITE NE17 WOOL BILL Senator, Pleased with Report of Tariff Board, Will ' Prepare Measnre Based Thereon. CONGRESS MUST MAKE CHOICE Hard Tight for Supremacy Ex pected to Begin After Holidays. INDUSTRY NOT ENDANGERED Member of Finance Committee Gives Ideas on Revision. APPROVES TAFT SUGGESTION Favors Levying Datlea on Wool by Single Specific Doty Based Vpon Scoared. Poind with Two Other Rates. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.-Congress is to have a surfeit of bills revising the woolen tariff schedules, and a hard fight for impremary In the passage of such leg Is Jatlon is assured to begin immediately after .ho holiday recess. Democratic members of the ways arid means committee, under the direction of Representative Underwood, the chairman, have In charge the preparation of a bill, the republican members of the committee Iso are preparing a wool bill, and tonight Senator Smoot of Utah, member of the finance committee, announced his ap proval of the tariff board's report on the woolen schedules and said that he, too, would prepare a bill. "I am pleased with the tariff board's report on schedule K," Senator Smoot said In announcing his purpose, "and hope that the findings of that board will be Accepted by the American people, coming as they do from a nonpartisan board." Asserting that a wool bill can be pre pared upon the facts submitted that will not Interfere materially with the woolen Industry as now established and main ' talned "by the republican policy of pro tection," Senator Braoot continued: "I will prepare a bill In which the rates of duty Imposed will equal the difference of the cost Of producing wool and the manufactures of wool In this country and foreign countries based upon the tariff board's report." Revision Necemry. ' After an analysis of the report. Senator Smoot submitted for consideration of the publio the following Ideas as to the re vision necessary In the woolen schedule "The report shows that' fine and fine medium wools, which represent nearly M per cent of our domestic clip, bring from eleven to twelve cents per pound, The remaining twenty per cent, being the course grades, cost less. Australia and New Zealand produce great quan tities of wool that corns Into competl tton "witlf American iine and fine me dium wo Is and costs "net" to produce, ac cqrdlne; to the board's report, nothing, as the profits from the sale of mutton and sheep for etookin othsr 'runs' pay In a normal year the entire station ex penses, leaving the fleece profit. "Let us be more than liberal and al low two cents a pound to cover extra ordinary losses that' may be caused by calamitous droughts which happen, at long intervals, In ' Australia. We then find a difference of the 'net' cost of producing fine and fine "medium wools - In this country and Austialla and New Zealand, the American wool grower's competltors,of 9 cents to 10 cents per pound.. "The report also shows that wester fine wools shrink: on an average of 67 per cent, Ohio fine wools, SO per . cent, and the lower grade of wools an average of 43 per cent; while the national aver age Is about 60 per cent. Imported wools - now coming In (largely skirted fleeces) shrink nearly W per cent. It is generally conceded that the average- shrinkage of Australian wools uneklrted, would be 56 per cent or more.. lanoni lllirrrillna. "I approve of the president's suggested plan of levying duties on wool by a single fipeclflo duty based upon the scoured pound, with all wools now classified as first and second class thrown together with one rate imposed, and third class. or carpet wools at another and lower rate. "These facts ascertained and a plan greed upon, it is, easy to determine the rate of, duty necessary to protect the American wool grower. If the difference in the cost of producing wools, other than carpet and the lower grades. In this country and abroad is. say. only I Ants per pound and the average shrinkage of fine aud fine medium wools Imported and under this plan still heavier shrinkage wools to be hereafter Imported is only 65 per cent, then the actual rate of duty on the scoured wool content should be 20 cents per pound." The Weather Forecast for Monday: For Nebraska Know. For Iowa Snow and colder. l or Houth Dakota Cloudy and cold lilTiliflhtv 1 1 U'U I nnvi. For Kansas isnow or rain and colder, r or snisaoun bolder. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday 8 a. m, 6 a. m. 7 a. m, 8 a. m. a. ra. 24 22 24 2G 2 30 a. m 31 a. m 11 in , 1 it. m..., 2 1. m.... 5 p. ra.... 4 p. m.... 6 p. m.... l. ra.. 7 p. m.... 2 a M 31 so 29 CT 25 Comparitlv Local Record. Official record of temperature and pre ripilatlon compared witn tne correspond Ing period of the last three yearn: 1DU. U10. 1909. 1908, Highest yesterday 31 :S 28 47 lowest yesterday 22 8 18 Jl Mean temperature 'M 1 23 89 Precipitation 00 .00 .67 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the uonnal at Omaha since March 1. and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 24 I-Ixcess fur the day i I Total excess since March 1 TJ Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for the day S3 Inch Precipitation since March 1...15.47 inches Teficiency since March 1 13 62 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1910.. 14. 78 Inches xm for tor. period, lw .U inches Ma DENVER, Dec. 24.-Federal warrant were Issued today for the arrest of four officers of th United States Postal In- urance company on a charge of using tha malls to defraud. The men under In dictment are: D. C. Nevln, president; D. Olmstead and Harry K. Insley .all of Kansas City, and Charles A. White- Carver, treasurer. The Insurance company wii organised In Denver three years ago, capitalised for $1,000,000 and stock, par value SMO sold for $150 to $200 a share. By this means $82,000 'was brought Into the com pany's treasury. It was charged officers and organisers spent and divided $70,000 and that not one policy was written. Insley, formerly waa commissioner of supplies under Mayor Spear of this city. Famine in New Money in New York NEW YORK, Dec. 24.-On the last busi ness day before Christmas New York discovered that there was a "famine" in new money. At the subtreasury It was said today that the supply of crisp, un used bills and shining coins which it Is usual to .distribute at this season of the year to persons and institutions which wish them for Christmas gifts had been virtually exhausted. Individuals who wish small amounts of new currency In exchange for their torn or soiled bills were accommodated at tho subtreasury so long aa they asked lor only small amounts, but there was no large supply for the banks to draw upon. Each year the banks are .subjected to heavy demand for new money, and formerly they bad no difficulty In ob taining it from the subtreasury. Secre tary MacVeagh made a ruling some months ago, however, which upset this procedure. His ruling was to the effect that where there was sufficient currency in the nearest subtreasury to meet de mands the government would not pay the cost of transporting new bills or coins merely to meet the preferences of the banks. Those banks which wished unusual sup piles of unused currency have conse quently been obliged to pay the cost of transporting it from tha mint. Where they were willing to meet this charge the Treasury department accommodated them- Insane Patients Lose Money by Thefts CHICAGO, Dec. 24. Warrants charg ing M. T. Campbell, record clerk Of Dunning Insane asylum, with stealing money from patients at the institution, were Issued today, but process servers were unable to locate Campbell. His wife said that for the first time in years he did not com home last night and she did not know where he was. The allegation of theft charges 'the record clerk with taking amounts vary ing from 7 centa to ISO. Charges that Cook county's charitable institutions at Dunning have been robbed of money and personal property valued at many thousands of dollars by employes were made today by Dr. Stephen J. Pletrowits, recent appointed superliv tendent. An auditing company, engaged in ex amining the books of the institutions has, it is said, discovered thefts amounting to 12,000 in a few days work. President Eartzen of the county board declares that the inmates have been systematically robbed for years by the employes and that the total may reach 1100,000 when the Investigation is concluded. Russian Arrested on Federal 'Warrant LYNCHBURG, Va.. Dec. S4.-Andre I. De Ourrowskl, said to be a Russian count, who has been in America for twenty-seven years,, left tonight for New York in custody of two men, one said to be an immigration detective and the other a city detective of New York. Fur. ther than saying they had a United States warrant for the Russian's arrest, the men were uncommunicative. Gurrowskl was detained by Immigration officials upon his arrival In New York on October 21 from a six weeks' visit abroad, but was released after several days and returned to bis estate near here. He said at that time that he did not know why lie was detained, unless he was thought to be an enemy of the Russian government. Ho claims to be a Russian loyalist. , Tonight it was said Gurrowgkl's move ments bad been watched for two months by secret service men. He has been llv lug for a year near Lynchburg and says he owns estates at Miami, Fla., and Red bank, N. J. PHILADELPHIA CARMEN SUSPENDED BY UNION PHILADELPHIA, Dec. S4.-The local carmen's union, known as division No. 477 of the International Amalgamated As sociation of Standard Electric Railway Employes, has been suspended by the international body and ordered to sur render its charter. A telegram to this effect was received here toduy by rep resentatives of the international organiia tion from V. D. Mahon, president of the parent body. Maboii declares that the action is the outcome of the "insubordination and re fusal" of the local division to abide by the laws and rules of the association. RETURNS HOME TO FIND HIS HOUSE LOOTED BY ROBBERS 8ALT8BURQ, Pa., Dec 14.-L. II. Shaner, general foreman for the rolling mill department of the United States Steel corporation at Gary, Ind., discovered tonight that everything In his home had been carted away by robbers. Shaner was ordered to Gary three weeks ago. His wife and family went to Apollo, Pa., and the house was closed. Shaner returned today to prepare his household goods, valued at 3.600, for shipment to Indiana. The house waa bare. Hhaner re ported the loss to hit brother, tie sheriff. Omaha Suspends Business Activities and Throws Open Floodgates of Yuletide Cheer. CHRISTMAS TREES ARE MANY Evergreens Bend with Presents for the Rich and Poor Alike. GIFTS FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD Liberal Donations Made by Business Men to Employes. RELIGIOUS SERVICES PREPARED Charitable Organisations Are Heady with Appropriate rroarame and Christmas Will lie Every where Observed. A merry Christmas! - Omaha, will rest and feast today. The entire city will observe Christmas, busi ness activities being suspended where possible and religious services superced ing them. Santa Claus will bring Joy to hundreds of children in the city today, visiting ell who were overlooked Inst night. Christmas trees, Yulettd . songs and appropriate exercises in all churches and by the several charitable orga-t?a-tlons and full bills at all the theCrs will provide the entertainment and 're stitute the observance of the day. ' ,i Santa Claus found a hearty welcome when he came tripping Into town last night. Before him fell all doubts -which had threatened his very existence. The youngsters and many of the. older ones whoso spirit is still the spirit of youth unblushlngly acknowledge that old Saint Nick Is a person of flenh and blood and a warm heart, and in prooi tnereoi ex hibit fat checks, baskets of substantial wearing apparel and heaps of rich food his gifts. Few Places Open. Only the postoffice, the cafes anft hotels, a few cigar stores and drug sTores and the railway stations will be open today. The street car men and the tele phone girlB, of course, will have to work. Some of the groceries and meat markets will be open In the morning. Banks, large retail stores, the factories, the jobbing houses, tit Grain exchange, the courthouse, city hall and railroad offices will be closed, thus giving their employes two days off In succession. Both' the Boyd and Brandels theaters will be open again after several dark nights last week and there will be "something doing" at every theater in town both this afternoon and evening. Outside of theatrical- performances, Christmas tree programs, church services and turkey shoots, the Christmas celebra tion, for the most part will be In the bosom of the family.' The streets today are expected to' look as deserted as on Sunday. Some of the hotels and cafes Will Jo a big business in serving Christ mas dinners to small parties. Christmas la Churches. -Christmas services were held at many of the churches yesterday, at some ther will be held this morning and at some tonight. Sunday school Christmas tree programs began Friday night and there will be more tonight. Thanks to the spirit of generosity mani fested by the public, hundreds will have good Christmas dinners today who could not have paid for them from their own purses. The Salvation Army and the Volunteers of America gave out 2,000 baskets tilled with Christmas provisions, on Saturday. The Elks provided forty worthy families with food and ordered coal wherever it was found to be needed. Hundreds of boys and girls will go to the City Mission today to get the gifts that have been provided for them. Most of the chartlable Institutions of the city will hold their celebrations today, with Christmas trees and gifts and special dinners for their charges. At the hospitals the nurses and attendants have decorated the rooms of the patients with holly. Employes Are) Remembered. Many of the large mercantile institu tions of the city gave presents to their employees Saturday. All tha banks made cash glftsxto their employees. Her at Co., Paxton & Gallagher, National Roof ing company, Holmqulst Elevator com pany, Merrlam & Millard company. United States Supply company, Fair banks-Morse Company, Baum Iron com pany, H. J. Hughes company, Johnson- Danforth company, Swarts Printing com pany, C. N. Diets Lumber company, Maney Milling company andMhe Wooden Box and Package company presented their emplpyecs with turkey. Sheriff Brailey gave a turkey to each of his twelve deputies and Brailey & Dorrance sent turkeys to the hospitals. The Crane com pany's Christmas gift to each employe was a check for 10 per cent of the amount of his annual salary. The McCord-Brady company gave each employe a check for an amount equal to his vacation pay, whetherhe took a vacation or not. The Payne Investment company distributed shares of slock In the company among employees. The Gayety theater will give a Christ mas dinner for the show people and em ployees tonight after the show. The Knights of Columbus will provide Christmas cheer for the orphans at St. James' orphanage. Newsies who sell The Bee and World Herald, will be given a big feed at the Jacobs Memorial hall at 11 o'clock this morning. V Mrs. Erlanger Gets Decree of Divorce NYACK, N. Y., Dec. 24.-Mrs. Adelaide Louise Erlanger obtained an Interlocutory decree of divorce here todsy from Abra ham L. Erlanger, the theatrical manager, with 11.600 a month alimony. Mrs. Erlanger and her husband sepa rated two years ago and she began suit against him last summer. A. S. Hall was appointed referee and It was on his re port that Supreme Court Justice Tomp kins acted today. Counsel for Erlanger moved for a sealing of the referee's re port, but Justice VTompklns said there was no authority In law for sealing any thing but the evidence and on that he reversed his derlxlon. Ine pspers will be filed in the office of the clerk of Rockland county, where Mrs, Erlanger Uvea, 1 Mr --pife( REBUKE COSB HIS LIFE David Stepsay, Assistant Manager of Store, Receives Broken Neck. CROWDS ON STREETS STIRRED Edward McGrath Held by Police following Fatal Fall of Mam Who Reprimands Him for Spilling; Sweets. Death from a broken neck was the lot of David Stepsay, asslstsnt general manager of a ten-cent store on Six teenth, near Farnam Saturday after noon, -when he reprimanded a man for knocking a sack of candy from a counter. Edward McGrath, Sl South Thirty fifth avenue, whom Stepsay encountered while a number of persona looked on, was arrested by Officer Cunningham, who I was In the store when the fight begairT Stepsay was on his hands and knees with McGrath standing over him when the patrolman arrived. When an attempt was made to assist Stepsay, he waes found to be dead. Police Surgeon C. H. Peppers and Dr. N. F. Stelner were called to attend Stepsay. After a cursory examination it first was believed that his death waa due to heart trouble, there being no marks which would indicate that McGrath's blows had killed him. Coroner Crosby t$ok the body and -on making an examination last night found the man's neck had been broken. Knocks Candy to Floor. The fatal encounter started when Mc Grath In taking a piece of candy from the counter after telling the clerk, he was going to "steal" It, knocked a sack to the floor. Stepsay was walking behind McGrath and a companion, F. J. Riley, 610 North Fiftieth street. When he rebuked the man for taking the candy, McGrath turned upon him with an oath, according to Police Officer Cunningham. . Stepsay quickly took off his spectacles, threw them onto the candy counter and grabbed McGrath by the shoulders. Mc Grath then caught the manager by the throat and the two dropped to. the floor, Stepsay falling on his hands and knees. Miss Nellie Hlnlsh, ffTOG North Twenty fourth street, who was In charge of the candy counter, told a different story. She said that as Stepsay readied downward to pick up the candy which McGrath had knocked from the counter, McGrath struck him in the face. Stepsay from East. Stepsay was 27 years old and had been In the employ of the same firm for about eight years. He came to Omaha from Altoona, Pa., when the Omaha store was opened. He has been living at the Flomar hotel. Ills mother at letrolt, his home, was notified of his death last night. An autopsy will be held this morning and Coroner Crosby has set the time of the Inquest at S o'clock Tuesday after noon. McGrath is employed by the Western Electric company. He Is 23 years old. I was walking along in front of the transfer station near tha candy counter when the floorwalker Jumped on my back nd fell dead," McGrath told Captain Dempsey at the station, "I am sorry for him. It wasn't my fault." DAY WRITES OPINION ON BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.-At the bed side of his wife In Canton, O., Associate Justice Day of the supreme court has written an opinion dispelling much un certainty about bankruptcy proceedings. Last Monday Chief Justice White an nounced In court that the opinion would bo recorded and the printed opinion has Just been filed iu the clerk's office. Among other things decided were these: That the state court cannot entertain a suit on a debt by a creditor against a debtor, when a federal court anywhere in the United States is passing on a petition to declare the debtor a bank rupt. But a federal court cannot take five years to pass on the petition, allowing some creditors Co manage the debtor's business. That would amount to deny ing the patltiua. Also it was held that tjje Beekman Lumber company of Missouri could sue In the Missouri . state courts the Acme Harvester company of Peoria, III., de spite bankruptcy proctedlnss la XiUsols k1i.ii? Yon One mid a Mcriy, Merry Xinas . Reward Offered for Young Man Charged With Girl's Death ELK FALLS, Kan., Dec. 24.-A reward for the arrest of Don Hrlttalh was of fered today by Elk county officials after a coroner's Jury had returned a verdict that Rrlttaln had caused the death of Miss Maude Bingham, his sweetheart. Brlttaln .took Miss Bingham out driv ing in a buggy Sunday afternoon, No vember 26. Late at night he returned to the home of his stepfather, Burr Rey nolds, a prominent farmer near here, and shouted: "Come quick, Maude has fainted." Miss Bingham waa found crouffhed down In tha buggy rtgad. Brlttaln disap peared after explaining that the girl had become in after eating candy. An au topsy held the next morning disclosed the girl's condition, A sample of the candy wan analysed but found to contain no poison. The coroner's jury held that death was due to chloroform. Storm Off Coast of France Costs Lives of Crew of Steamer .BORDEAUX, Deo. 24.-The Uraguayan steamer Rafael, from Montevideo, has been wrecked off Coubre Point on tho west coast of France, at the mouth of the Gironde. The Rafael carried a crew of twenty-flVe men. Five bodies have been washed ashore. The coast continues In the grip f the storm, which has lasted for several days. A score of sailing vessels have been driven on the rocks, the crews being rescued with difficulty. All incoming vessels re port damage, and several of them have had men' swept overboard by the heavy seas. The steamer Rafael hailed from Monte video and was built In 1890. It mis tered 2,341 tons. Nitro Left in Vault Frightens Experts WARRENSBURO, Mo Dec. 24.-Safe- blowers, who were frightened away be fore they had finished entering the vault of tho Warrcnsburg postoffloe have left Kovurnment officials here a knotty prob lem to solve. The ' robbers first blew tlio outer door of the vault and when frightened away hud filled the cracks of tho outer door with nitroglycerin. Tho attempt to rob the postoffice was made Wednesday night and since then officials here have tiled In vain to find a safe expert who will enter tho Inner doors. All experts who have been summoned refuxed to touch the safa ssylnir the chances for an explosion are too great to take the iIkU. CARDINALS PRESENT GREETINGS TO THE POPE llOMh, Dec. M. All the members of the Sacred culli'Ke, at present In Rom were rereivea today ny the pope, to whom they presented their Christmas greetings. Fur the firnt time In tlio history of the church at such a ceremony three Amerl can cardinals were present, namely. Car dliials Farley, O'Connell and Falconio. The audience lasted a considerable time. The dean of the cardinals expressed the felicitations of the Sacred college, after which conversation became general, each cardinal personally congratulating the pontiff. RECEIVES BULLET IN BODY IN TWIRLING GUN ON FINGER DENVER. Dec. 34. While attempting 111 "wild west" fashion to fulfill his boast that he could twill a revolver 011 his fin ger, discharging a bullet In a target with every revolution, Fred Randall, 21 years old, seriously wounded himself today. At the first revolution of the weapon It was discharged prematurely and Itamlull sunk to the floor with a bullet in his groin. Randall Is a coal miner and strike breaker from Louisville. He was rushed to a hosi'lial. His .condition is serious. Km I .- All ELGIN OFFICIALS WILL ACT Investigation of Legality of Quota tion Committee Planned. FEAR ANTI-TRUST MEASURE Newly Elected Insurgent Treasurer Says-Committee Will Re Abol ished If Foaad to Violate tho Law. ELGIN, III., Dec, 24. Investigation of the legality of the quotation committee of the Elgin butter board in reference to tho Sherman anti-trust law will be the first offiolal action of the newjy elected Insurgent officers of the board, accord' Ing to J. P. Mason, treasurer, who out' lined future plans of tha board In. the absenot from the city of Charles H Potter, who was elected president of the board today. Question of whether this price commit tee waa operated In violation of the Sherman law was raised by "Insurgent" buttermen at the annual election Of di rectors last Monday. "Federal laws will be Inquired into," Mr. Mason aald, "and the question of the legullty of the quotation committee set tled. There has been considerable dls cunslon on this point. The board wants to do business on the square. The ma jority of the directors are strongly In favor of retaining the quotation commit tee, but if it Is found to be operated In violation of the Sherman law it will be abolished." Mr, Mason expressed doubt that the board would be successfully operated He said no other radical changes front the policy of the former administration would be made, in the near future at least. without the quotation committee. 'We have got to regulate our.' price according to other markets," he said. Without the price commutes we would be handicapped to an extent."'. Methods to Bo Changed. . With Mr. Potter's election as president there was expected to come a change In the man net of operating the board, which fixes butter prices In the middle west and la a standard fur . America. The new president's idea was to abolish the quo tations committee entirely. This committee was the basis of the insurgency" in the board, it operates with the full power of the board aim may change or rescind Its action at will. It was contended by the insurgents that the committee operated In violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. For twenty-two years this committee has been in full oliurge of Elgin butter quotations. John Newman, deposed as president, after seventeen year of serv ice, predicted that no change could be made in the power of the commlttoe with out killing tho prominence of the Elgin market. Among the Insurgents there is a faction that believes in the mainte nance of the committee, but iu fixing the published standard price by the actual aalcs on the board. TAFT REFUSES TO PARDON BANKER CHARLES W. MORSE WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. The president today declined to pardon Charles W. Morse. The explanation of Ills decision is contained in the following statement Issued from the White House: "The president toduy called Into consul tation the surgeon general of the army, the surgeon general of the navy and Major M, A. Delaney, medical corps, V. H. A., on the report of the board of physicians at Atlanta as to the physical condition of Charles W. Morse. After full consideration of tha report as ex plained to him by them the president was not satisfied that Immediate action was necessary, but directed that he be kept fully advised at frequent Intervals of any changes." Hoy Suspected of Murders. DERUY, Conn., Dec. t4.-Edward Dl Ixniato. It years old, wus arrested here this afternoon ly a detective from the office of the district attorney at Al bany, N. Y , 011 suspicion of knowing soni'-thlng of the murder of the Morm-r family at Iie.fretvtllo, Rennsalear county, New York. 1I Donato expressed his willingness to go to Alhsiiy and letl shortly uftortvards iu custody of an offlcvp . Imperial Envoy and Foreign Secre tary of Rebels' Cabinet at Shang hai Issne Statements. BOTH HOPEFUL FOR FUTURE Wu Ting-Fang Appeals to Sympathy of United States. DREADS ANY INTERVENTION Tang Shao Ti Expects to Show World New China. HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH OBJECT Representative nf lasarcenta As serts Establishment of Repablte Will Benefit All Nations Hav ing to Do with Empire. ' SHANGHAI. Dec., 2I.-Tang Shoa Y1, the Imperial plenipotentiary appointed by Premier Yuan Shi Kal and Wu Ting Fang, the foreign secretary of the revolu tionary cabinet, the principal figures In the peace conference here, today gave out signed statements setting forth their views. That from Tang Shoa Yl, who is Yuan Shl Kai's personal representative. Is as follows: "The situation In China today demands caution and deliberation and also tha highest form of patriotism, which means the subordination of everything to the welfare of our country. I am trying my best to settle all major differences as a result of this conference and show the world a new China, strong, autonomous and peaceful, and a whole people prosper ous. We won't divide China. I want peace here and throughout the world, but dread any form of intervention."' Wu Ting-Fang's statement follows: "Greetings to tha people of the United States and the world, from a representa tive of a newly formed Bister republic. We hope and expect to accomplish our great purpose. When that Is done Jt will benefit not only the people of China, but all nations with which we are com mercially and diplomatically connected. "I feel sure that all nations sympathise with us In our struggle for liberty, free dom and better government- I confidently expect that the nations will remain strictly neutral, as they have declared themselves to be, until our conflict la ended." Hospitals Hake Ready. PEKINO, Dec. 24. Word comes from Pao Ting Fu, Which la one of tha im portant military centers, that the hos pitals there are making preparations to care for many wounded, who are expected to be brought there. soon. This is taken to Indicate, along; with other signs, that the imperial government Intends to renew hostilities. It is be lieved that Premier Tuan Shi Kal sees the hopelessness of the peace confer ence which Is now going on at Shanghai and evidently desires to repeat the moral effect of the capture of Han Tang by rvtaklng Wu Chang, which, under the present conditions, should fall easily to tha Imperialists. An edict. Issued In the dignified terms which have characterised such documents since Yuan Shl Kal assumed the pre miership, confers posthumous honors on the imperialist commander who committed suicide when the city of Choa Chow waa captured by the rebels. This one of many such honors recently bestowed by Premier Yuan, which the former regent did not dors to bestow, and it means that Yuan Shl Kal ' has not been In timated. Thirteen Babies Born in Three-Year Period OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., Dec. 24.-ls recent complaint that the railway station waiting room at Boynton, Okl., was with out fire on a bitterly cold day led to tbe discovery today that J. M. Jackson and his wife srj parents of thirteen children, born la three years. Their fourteenth child, a son, la now 14 years old. Five years ago the Increase in the Jack son family became marked. Tha twins are now I years old. Triplets succeeded the twins In twelve months, and In an other year triplets aftaln, made their ap pearance, but on year after the last triplets came five 'children on the same day. T'ie last five are alive, but the health of the whole family, Jackson says, was Impaired by the absence of warmth 1 the Boynton waiting room. BOY SHOOTS SISTER FOR KEEPING HOLIDAY CANDY OLVEY. Ark., Dec. 24. Because his 11-year-old sister refused to share her Christmas candy with him, 13-year-old Bryan Brldwell, according to the polloo and members of the family, blew oft tho little girl's head with a shotgun. Ha suggested the division as they were re turning home from their shopping ex pedition and when she demurred he threatened her with a shotgun, which was discharged when the trigger caught In his coat as he raised the weapon. Want Ad Christmas Gift By reading the want ada every day, you tmay find your name among the want ads telling you that a gift Is waiting for you. No pussies to solve nothing ta do except to call at X'he Use of fice when your name appears. There are other prizes than these free gifts on the want ad 1 ages. You may find your oppor tunity in the way of a situation, a bargain or valuable lnlunuailoa. It Is a good habit to read tha wau pages every day. Dalzell's Ice Cream Bricks Boxes of 0,Brien,8 Candy . : -jJ