HOLDEN BOOMS LAUNCHED Ames Professor Backed by Farmers at Conference. KENYOH MEN ABE BEHIND HIM If Me ItfHiiM tn llnter II nor, Kilo rater Will nrln Position at t ol lff (krKH As In at M us ratine ( hlof. (From A Staff Correspondent. DBS MOINES, la.. Deo. ;.l.-t Special Telegram.) The c.indldacy of 1'rof.F. O. Holden of the stuto colleRo at Ames for governor Was launched today nt a con ference of twenty-five farmers and poli ticians held here. f!o nill he put foith s a farmer candidate beetuise of his ex tensive work in the agricultural extension for the state, college. If he accepts the candidacy, he will Immediately resign from the college and devote himself to the political campaign. . I'rof. I (olden has not heretofore been known politically, but will bo run for the republican nomination at the June primary. The conference was called by loaders of the Grain Growers' association, the Corn Belt Meat Trodm-ors' associa tion and the State ciranirc, but It ts known that Holden will have strong 1 political backing and will receive the sup port generally of Semtor Kenyon. He will pome to les Moines tomorrow from Rock Isand to confer with the committee as to plans for the compalgn. Jt Is expected that there will be several other candidates. Charges In MnscatlnP Case. 'Affidavits placing In the hands of Gov ernor Carroll today, on which to begin tlon for removHl of the chief of police of Muscatine contain sensational accusa tions against not only the chief but ethers. Pome of the affidavits allege cruel and Inhuman treatment on the part of police officers In the presence of and at tho Instigation of the chief of police. It is alleged that he gave orders to his of ficers "to cease arresting, as he was tired of having so many arrested, and to use their clubs on men and women lalik" Another affidavit charges the police of ficials with arresting a young girl and lifter treating her cruelly with holding her ileg-ally and putting her through the "third degree." The chief of police is charged with lmving ordered patrolmen to "beat out the brains" of union picket men If they would not leave their posts when ordered to do so. Important Rate Decision. The State Railroad commission today decided a coal switching case here which Is highly Important. In view of the fact that a precedent was et Tor other cases. The Case was one In which a coal com pany doing business at BurCh, a Btation of tha Great Western Just next to Dcs Mones, wanted a special switching rate to industries In pes Moines. The com mission ordered a reduction of tho present rate to the old rate of 20 cents a ton, the company having some time ago raised this rate. The commission, however, did not make the order as a switching charge, but ordered It under their rights In regu lation of rates under the old law. In this way they Ignored the new law of Iowa regarding spcolal rules for switching.. Incorporated In lown. ' ' " Jhera was filed with the secretary of Mate today the articles, for the Kuokuk Water Works company of Wilmington, TJeJ., , the. headquarters of which are in Pittsburgh;-to engage In business In Iowa. The company has fiiOO.OOO capital and will use $100,000 Ui the Iowa business, which Is to be the operation ol a water plant at Keokuk. - I. Iters Ask for' Clemency The State Parole board will at the Jan uary term consider the applications of twelve life-term prisoners who want to be released from prison. The bord of parole has already Investigated nearly all of these case and. the .governor has Just been at Fort Madison interviewing the. candidates. Those asking for pardon are Joseph Bogdany,' (Monroe county; Sophia Krueger, Howard; DePorest Fair banks, Mitchell'; John Hammlll, Polk; Harry Hortman, Cherokee; John 1.: Cater, Fayette; C. Eckerlebe. Clinton; Ira Noble, Muscatine; William Lucas, Page; Albert Parnitzke, Van Buren; L. W. Haley and Huge Robbard, Dubuque. Maacatlne .Striker. In Want.' Report comes from Muscatine where a large number of the workers in button factories are on strike that they are In want and the labor organizations of tho Mate are sending aid to the families, of the strikers. There appears to be no prospect of a change in the Btrlke situa tion and it may become serious. The charges of the labor organizations against Chief of Police Hoffman of Mus catine were filed with the governor to day and It will be turned over to the law department of the state for prosecution. Has Candidate for Governor. A meeting of central Iowa prohibition lsts decided upon support of O. IX EJielt of Marshalltown us u candidate for gov ernor on tho prohibition ticket. Ellett lias been a candidate on that ticket be fore and is well known in tho state. Jt had been expected that Mayor Jones of Perry would be the candidate, and possi bly they will both stand before the primary. la Favor of Alilrlrh Plan. 13- J. Curtln of lxcoiah, a prominent bunker and president of the Iowa Bank ers' association. Is out In favor of con gress adopting the Aldrlch plan of re form for the financial system ef the coun try. Mr. Curtin declares his belief that the bill as it Is being pfepured will safe guard the small communities and bt, of great benefit to the country. He attended the convention at New Orleans and he Is engaged in work for the bill. Senator Cummins states that as soon as he returns to Washington he will in troduce a bill embodying h!s views of thu need of amendment or addition to the anti-trust law and will also urge the adoption of the bill to authorize Inde pendent tobaccoo companies to appeal the tobacco trust case to the tupreme court. Jn regard to the latter he states that ail be desires Is that the supreme court shall have a chance at deciding what should be the proper Interpretation of the law. Ida (rori Loses Six Saloons. IDA GROVK, Is.. Dec. . (Special.) Tho Moon law decision closed six saloons A. A. CLARK & CO. I Ann PfrtTICV 0N HORSES, CATTLE AND LUiiU laUiiHi, household furniture ilO AWT CHATTEL BE CUB ITT AT OlI-asLT III VBXJAJ. BATZS. Twenty Years of noeeasful Business. COim MAI A9D B&OADWAY. OTIS AMEKIOAH EXPKSSS. In Ma county. This leaves five saloons now operating in Ida county: Walsh Mrothpr nt Ida Grove, Frank MacCrea at Arthur. Wslrh Itrother nt Galva. Peter liiinlorsnn at Flattie Creek and the Pemlnr rla e kt llolstein. russian-greeicfTght causes death of man MA8UN CITY. la.. Pee. 13. (Special Telegram.) Philip U.toranovh h, whs stub bed through the heart and Gus Stamovich In the broast In a Russian-Greek mix tip tonight. The former Is dead. A. Murko. vlch Is under nriest and the country is being watched f"r a second accomplice. Maro M. Mlgiiaknvii-h. a Russian, win positively Identified tonight by four wit nesses as the man who murdered Phillip UJuranovlch. 31 IsslnnarlPS llnek from China. CRKSTON. la.. Pec. 13.-(Speclal.) Frof. and Mrs. Arthur Martin for seven years, missionaries In Nanking. China, arrived here this week on a year's leave of absence from thrlr work during the rebellion now raging in that country. They say the downfall of the monarchlal form of government that has existed In China for centuries' Is certain to come before the rebellion ends. The rebel forces are being recruited so fast and largely that there Is no possible rhance of defeating them. They state that the rchels are most friendly to tho mission aries and give Ihem every possible pro tection and old. Mr. and Mrs. Martin expect to return to take up the work there when hostilities cease. Ohwrvrt MnrllrlK II I r( hilar. TjOUAN. la., Dec. 23.-(Speclal.)-Alfred Longman, pioneer settler of Harrison county, a large realty holder and vice president of the State Savings bank of Logan, celebrated his 90th birthday here yesterday. J. C. Mllllinan. Almor Btrrn, W. H. Johnson, president of the savings bank, and immediate relatives at Logan, also Samuel G. Underwood ot Council Bluffs were among the guesta present. A typical English dinner was served. Mr. Longman came from England to the United States In 1S50 and to Harrison county in 1S53, where he has since resided. Golden Weddln Anniversary. CRKSTON, la., Dec 23. (Special.) Elaborate arrangements are being made for the celebration of the fifty-third wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Yard, old and welj known residents of this city, at the home of their son, R. B. Yard, on Christmas day. Three years ago this elderly couple celebrated their golden wedding annlversaiy with a family re union and another reunion Is being planned by the son and hjs family for the father and mother t Monday. Most of the children and grandchildren are expected to be present. . . . Ida (trove Paper Is gold. IDA GROVE, la,, Dec, 23.-(8pecial.)-A. J. Schaeffer of Hot Springs. 8. D-, came to Ida Grove looking for a news paper location, and inside of four hours he had bought the Record-Era and was in possession. A. B. Harrington-, who bought the paper from S. L. Friable In August, when the later went to Biloxl, Miss., left town after getting out the Issue last week and turned the property over to the bank. He suffered a nervous breakdown, and la now with his brother at Sioux -City. Christmas Gift to CollesrP. MT. PLEA BANT, la.. Dec. (Spe cial.) Wesleyan college at Mt. Pleasant received a ' Christmas gift yesterday from A. M. Ghost, Denver capitalist, of I7.CO0 made under terms whlon the college authorities will meet in connection with tho $150,000 endowment fund now being raised. Mr. Ghost is an alumnus of the college class of 1M7. His Uncle. Joseph McDowell, was Wesleyan's third presi dent. llrncsUt Dies of Accident. FORT DODGE, la., Deo. 23. (Special Telegram.) Ames' E. Forsythe, a young druggist of Yetter, died in a hospital here today ns a result of a bullet wound through the head last nlgM when he was cleaning' a' presumably unloaded rifle. Forsythe never regained consciousness after tho injury. Ho leaves a widow and famllyl, Tho body was taken to Brltt for burial. Menrhlng l.osea Kye. LOGAN, la., Dec. (8peclal.)-0. F. Wenching lost the sight of his right eye while at work stringing a wire' to a telephone here Tuesday. A team trotting along the street caught and snapped the wire and the colled end sprung back and struck Mr. Menchlng In the eye and In stantly destroyed the sight. Close Call fur Family. CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Dec. 23. (Special Telegram.) Tho family of Emll Chrtstlen sen slept tlilrty-slx hours from the ef fects of (.neaping coal gas front a stove. When the father awakened, he found the baby dead. Too weak to stand or, walk he crept to n neighbor's house for help with difficulty. His wife was roused and her life saved. Intra Nevrs Notes. FORT I ODGl August Mandllko had his right leg thot otf by the accidental dlschaige of a gun while rabbit hunt'g near nere rririay. FORT DO IX iK After having been di vorced In February Kern Cecilia Austin and Frank Lund Hoffman were remarried here today. Mrs. Hoffman secured the divorce for drunkenness und cruel and inhuman treatment. ELDOllA Lockjaw caused the death of Leonard Feely, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Beely. Tetanus developed following a ternhle Injury the young man received last Friday, when, while racing his horse home from a social the buggy overturned as It rounded a bend in tho ruad. His leg, arm and foot were bnken. MARSHALLTOWN The desire to talk over the telephone with his sl.-iter, who lives near Ureen Mountain, toduy eausud the arrest of David Horn, alias H. A. llrou.i, said to be wanted In Minneapolis for f.irgery. While Horn talked at the telephcrie In a drug store Officer Haas recognized him as the man wanted and placed him under arrest. FOI'.T DODGE Orders from Chicago have Mopped all machinery in the big Quaker Outa plant In this city and there is to be no employment for the 8x0 men and women who have been demanded in the work there for many years. This u the first time in about twenty years that the plant has been entirely shut down, but the ediiii any which now owns' the plant cays slack business causes the move. The key to success in business Is the Judicious and persistent use of newspaper advertising. 9 Both I B Mionaa 1 EJ AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Bond Firms Compete for Bis Issue of Magic City. CHICAGO COMrANY HITS UP CASH rh)slrlans of City Kinnlne School Children In Kenrrh ot Defect Sippet Commissioner Collects Donations for Poor, Notwithstanding the fpais and threats anent the failure of the city to float a renewal Issue of bonds amounting to $110. S at a 4 per cent rate, Speer & Co. of Chicago last night met the city's offer and deposited a H.tXX) check as evidence of their good faith. In order to make themselves thoroughly certiln as to the standing of the bidders f.ie city council tcok an adjournment until this afternoon at 2 o'clock, when the award of the Issue will be made final It the company Is found to be thoroughly responsible. Since the notice that the pity fathers would not offer more than per cent for the new Issue there has been an ef fort on the part of certain bond houses to Instill the council with a fear that the Issuo could not be made under a u per cent rate. One representative of a bond company called upon the mayor and In sisted that there would be no competition at the 4 per cent rate and that tho fail ure of the sale of the bonds would entail a loss of the city's credit. It was also represented that advertisement of the sale of the Issuo In eastern p.-.pfrs would bring no bidders at the i per cent rate. Such advertisement was characterized as a loss of money to the city. The mayor and city clerk, however, bc- Kan to send out notices of the sale to dif ferent bond houses the country over. In .nearly every case Immediate answer was received. At the meeting last nlnht four companies were present as bidders. Well- Roth &. Co. of Cincinnati, . Hoehler i Cummlngs and Spltser-llorlck of Toledo and Fpeer & Co. of Chicago. Another company was represented, but offered no bid. Of the bids received, Spltier-Rorlck, through their agent, W. J. Long, made a f.at bid of 5 per cent and SljO premium on the whole issue of lllO.SSO. Hoehler A Cummlngs offered to take the bonds at 1 per cent, but asked $,W0 as commis sion for selling the bonds. , Well-Roth took the same method of getting by the 4A4 per cent rate. They offered to accept the i per cent rate, but demanded fcJ.WJ as commission, gpcer & Co. offered C4 per cent rate and put up a certified check on their own house as security. Bond Men Alert. When the Chicago offer was read the city councilmen Immediately began to show signs of IKe also the different bond men present took a more lively In terest. It was represented to the coun cil that the certified check of the Bpeer house was not reliable and that by no possibility could the sale be made at i per cent. ; Mayor Tralnor, the council and the city attorney concurring, aQ agreed to accept the Speer bid In case the house proved reliable and of good repute. In the untoward event that the deal should not be consummated Mayor Traln or and City Treasurer John OlUln yester day made arrangements with the local banks to carry tho Issue until such time as a purchaser can be found. This will" allow the work of Improvement to be carried forward and at the same time save the credit of the city. Of the banks that have agreed to sustain the credit of the city, the Live Stock National, the Union Stock Yards National and the Packers' ' National banks are all South Omaha banks. Examination of Paplls, With the conclusion of thu week ends the first trial of the medical examina tion of the children in South Omaha schools. With the concurrence of the school board and Superintendent Graham, twelve phj'Blclnns volunteered their serv ices in the cause of the children In the public schools. The examination was set for certain hours convenient to the children and teachers and, the physicians of the city without thought of reward or emolument put by their private busi ness to work for the physical and In some cases It may be, the moral welfare of the children. . The examination was for the mosi part confined to the eyes, ears, throats and heads of the children, though In some cases, where circumstances warranted the examination was more thorough'. According to the report of the- phy sicians, the condition ot the children was found to be very good. One ot the ex amining dlctora rated the number of children affected with disease at 1 per cent, which Is regarded as remarkably low In this community. It Is hoped by the physicians and school authorities to make the system of medical examination and treatment In the schools more thorough. Collectlnv Uouallons. Over l:00 worth of food and clothing' was distributed to the poor of the city yesterday' afternoon by Mayor Trainor and his office force. There will bo an other distribution today to thoso who have not yet received anything. All day yesterday Street Commissioner Johnson with a team and wagon pa trolled the business district and packing house reservation collecting tho dona tions for the mayor's Mior. Nearly every merchant approached contributed, and some even called up on the phone to notify the mayor that Ihey wanted to help. His honor. In order to reach the worthy ones of the poor, called on the pastors of the city to sug Kevt the names of families In need. A crowd responded and the executive office did a rushing business in tho afternoon und evening. "1 wish the. packers and merchants whe gave these things were here to see the joy In the faces of the poor who have benefited by the generosity," said the mayor. I'ustofflre Open Muntfar. The postofflce has Its rush on hand, and Fostmaster Ixiuls F. Ktter has or. dered that on Sunday the office will be open to the public from 10 a. m. to 12 m. This will allow two hours to dispose ef the surplus mall on hand. On Christmas day the letter carriers will make one trip and the office will not close until 12 o'clock noon, as the postmaster wants to give everyone an opportunity to get their mall if they want to do so. Church Hervices. West Hide Methodist church. Sunday school at 2.30 p. in. Preaching at 3 30 p. m. Rlble school at the Drown Park mission. Twentieth and 8 streets, meets at . a. m. First Christian church, Twenty-third and 1 streets, tiunday school at 10 a nt Preaching at 11 a. m. and. 7.30 p. m. ' Lefler Memorial church. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Christmas sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Kl worth league at 7 p. in. Haptlst church. Twenty-fifth and 11 tt reels. Rev. C. T. Ilslev. nastnr. Hlhl tchool meets at :45 a. in. The pastor will preach on Christmas topics at 11 a. ni. and 7: p. m. Baptist Young People's union meets at :H0 p. m. At Ui West tilde mission the lilble THK OMAHA" SUNDAY BKK: PECKMHKU 'J4. 1011. school will meet at ? l p. rn. Pastor I f" 1 1 -lev will preach on Friday evening at h . o clock. t'nlteil Presbvlerlan church, Twentv thlrd and I. streets. Rev W. A. Poll.uk, pastor, snbbath school nt 9 4.'. a. m. 1Mb lie worship at 11 a. m . topic of the morn ing sermon. 'The Angelic Salutation.' Young People's Christian union at t p m. Preaching at 7. p. m., topic, ' A Christmas JJesrage." Pt. Luke's Lutheran rMirop.i, Twenty, fifth and K streets, Rev. S. H. Yerioi., pastor. Sunday school at 9 C a. in. Church services at 11 o'clock, by the pas tor. Christmas dav servhes at tt :w a. in. Christmas ranlnta will be given by the Sunday school and choir on Christ mas evening at 7;l.". At 7:30 o'clock: Response, by rhorus choir. Hymn No, l;li, "The Ant'els' sons;." I .old s prayer. Pastor's Snip lure lesson. Hymn, "Hall the Morn.' hymn No. 14!v Reception of offerings, board of trustppa. Anthem, "Follow the Star." by the men's chorus. Address. "A Christmas Messsge to Men." by At torney Hoy C. Crossman of Omaha. The First Methodist church. Twentv fourth and M streets, Odd Fellows' hail, Rev. J. M. Hothwell, pastor, will give n Sunday school proximo and Christmas treat at the Sunday school hour. The fol lowmic program has been pi epared : Cor net, solo, "Hilont N'lvht." bv living I I nier; sonc, "A Itovnl Messaite," school; prayer by the pastor; song. Hoys' choir; chorus . "There's a Soim In the Air"; recitation, "The Story of Jesus." Jay Scott; responsive rending, "The Promises of the Christ Child." six girls; solo and chorus, "The Night Jesus Came"; reci tation, "A King shall, Helen," Josephine Ccnnell; "The Old, Old St'irr." four girls; chorus, "Would We?": song. "Joy to the world," school. Christmas sermon bv the pastor at 11 o'clock. Special music by Raker's choir. F.pworth league at 6.30 at Rrass' chapel. Ft. Martin's church, Twent v-fourth and J streets, Rev. Alfred C. White, rector. Holy communion at S a. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. At this service the choir will sing the Christmas music anil the rector will preach the Christmas ser mon, topic, ''Convoy of the Christmas Spirit. Karl Abbott will sing the solo. At S:.TO p. in. special children's service for Si. Clement's and St. Martin's Sun day school. Address by the Rev. T. J. Collor of Omaha. At II. SO p. in. spec.al midnight service of musical numbers by the choir, to which the public are Invited. There Is no charse for admission, but there will be a silver collection taken for the choir music fund. Karl Abbott will sing the jiolo. The only service ut St. Martins church on Christinas day win lie a holy communion service nt b a. m., at which time thp music of Sunday will le repeated. There will be no sermon at this service. On Christmas morn'ng. at thp First Presbyterian church, corner of Twenty third and J streets, there will bo "nn hour of worship," conducted by the pastor, from 9 until 10 . o'clock. Sabbath, December ii. Dr. Robert L. Wheeler pastor. Public services at 11 o'clock sharp. Anthem Wonderful Hong the Angels Hlne Choir and chorus, llvmn, "The Nativity," number 14J. Gloria Creed Invocation. Scripture les son. Pastor's talk to the boys' depart ment. I'rayer. Hymn. "Joy to the World." hymn number HI. Report of clerk of session, baptism and consecra tion of babies, followed by reception of members Into church fellowship. Clerk J. A. Bradley. Hymn, "Hlest be the Tie That Hinds. Anthem, "Shout the Jiaa Tidings" Choir. Reception of Christmas offerings, board of trustees. Boprarto solo, Mrs. Henry t lay menmona. rim tor's address. Topic. "Thp Christmas Star Shines Round the World." saint Martin's Chnrph. Special muslciri services will be held Christmas evening, from 1130 until 12:80 In the morning at Bt. Martin i church. Following is the program: Organ Pfelude Mrs. Oreor. Invisible Chorus-Holy Night (From the German Processional Hark, the Herald Angels ping Mendelssohn Anthem Hohold I ilrlng You Ulad Tidings Simper Sentences of ChrUtmsstlde Psalter Domlne, Domlnus nosier; I kimlm cat terra Carol O Little Town of . Hethlehem.. 1.. iieuner Scripture Vision of the ChrlBt Office (Isaiah) Magnificat i:,v.".' ' Scripture The Story of the Nativity (St. Luke) ii'.v:": Carol It Came Upon the Midnight Clear WllUb Creed (Nlcene) Offeratory Anthem Sing and Rejoice O Daughter of Zlon , Uonby Prayers Recessional O come all ye faithful.... ; Reading '' ilaalo City tiosslp. The condition of Mrs. John Burns, FJtrhteenth and Missouri avenue, Is very critical. i William Cook left today for a six weeks' visit at his old home in St. Thomas, Canada. , The Sunday school class of the Vnited Presbyterian church gave a Christmas play last evening at the church. Miss Srholtlng, stenographer of the Cudahy Packing company, Is at the Clarkson hospital recovering from a surgical operation. Dr. F. L. Rarnes of New York, who Is the field secretary of the Baptist Home Missionary society, was the guest of the Rev. T. V. Illsley during the week. Charge Saloon Men With Breaking Law The Board of Fire and Tollce Commis sioners held a meeting yesterday after noon nd heard protests against Issuance ot four saloon licenses. The protests were presented by Tom Darnell, attorney for the Antl-Haloon league, and an assistant attorney for the league. The licenses are those of Henry Pollock of Fifteenth and Capitol avenue; Roy C. Worth, Four teenth end Farnam; H. Hoffman, Ninth and Dodge streets, and Lewis Qoldsmlth, Ninth and Dodge streets. Witnesses were produced In efforts to prove that liquor had been sold after closing hours. The testimony of witnesses for the Anti-Saloon league was pitted against testimony of several Omaha men, produced by I. J. Dunn for the defense. The beard took no action on the pro tests. Another meeting will oe neia iues day afternoon at 'i o'clock, when some de cision on the issuing of the protested licenses will be announced. Steals to Pay Wife's Doctors' Bills CINCINNATI. O.. Dec. 2J.-Touched by the story of Thlllp Wlnstel, a young banii clerk convicted of stealing 12,000 from the bank In which he was employed, -Judga William Dickson of the court of common pleas gave him a suspended sentence In the state reformatory today. When employed at the bank young Wlnstel was paid 137.50 a month and fre quently had to work at night collecting rents. He was married and when his wife became sick with tuberculosis hs took money from the bank to pay medi cal bills. Since his arrest Wlnstel s wife has died. WOULD PUT MAN AT HEAD OF MINNESOTA ATHLETICS ' MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Pec. 3. The appointment of a permanent director of physical culture and athletics at the Uni versity of Minnesota has been recom mended to the board of regents by Presi dent George K. Vincent. Members of the board have expressed themselves as being In favor of such an official, but no definite action In selecting a man for the position has been taken. President Vincent's plan Is to place athletics at the University of Minnesota jndcr the direction of one man. as at the Universities of Chicago and Wisconsin Important Announcement OUR i3 Opens Tuesday, Dec. 26, at V All our exclusive Tailored Suits, Dresses and Coats, including our entire stock of Velvet and Plush Coats will be sold at just EOTBTS, on Douglas Street TEST APPLIED TO . STORY Attorney in Kimmel Case Measures Gold Coins in Jar. RANCHER'S DEPOSITION TAKEN Itancher Asserts that Orlnlnat Urora A. li I in met Was Murdered in Orearon Forest and that He Killed Kloyer. ST. I.oriS. Dec. 38.-Attorncys for the New York Life Insurance company tbls afternoon applied the "acid" test to one of the details In the remarkable story of John H. Swlnney, by whose testimony other attorneys are trying to show that George A. Kimmel was murdered In an Oregon forest while on a search for burled gold In August, IRIS. Swlnney, a rancher of Naravlsa, N, M., who says ho killed the man who killed Kimmel, told In his deposition on cross examination how he and his comrades dug up two half-gallon glass fruit jars, one containing nlnety-slx and the other 104 SM gold pieces, a total of $4,00. Fach of the Jars, he said, was a little more than one-halt full, and he supposed two Jars were used because one would not quite hold tho whole. John F. Green, one of the Insurance company's lawyers then went to a bank, stopping on his way to buy a half-gallon glasa fruit Jar. He took the Jar Into tho bank and had MO ahlnlng double eagles brought In by a clerk. At Green s re quest, the clerk emptied the coins Into the Jar. They filled It hardly one-third full. Green then returned to the deposition taking, and told his colleagues of the re sult of his test. Tells of Pact of "lienor. Swlnney told ot a pact of silence be tween himself and the late It. M. Snyder of Kansas City to keep the circumstances of Kltnmel's death a secret. He and Snyder agreed, he said, to tell no one of the hunt for gold In which they. Kim mil and J. A. Johnson engaged, nor ot the murder of Kimmel by Johnson and the slaying of Johnson by Swlnney. The deposition of Swlnney Is bebig taken In the case of the receiver of the First National bank of Nlles, Mich., against the Insurance company, for )S,OjO lnaurunce on Klmmel s life. A. J. White, recently released from Auburn prison In New York, and now In the Wabash hospital In Tern, Ind., re covering from wreck Injuries, says he Is Klmmol, though relatives of Kimmel deny his claim. Policies for 1,000 life Insurance held by Airs, lidna Honslett of Chicago, Klmmut'a sister, depend upon the outcome of the case. SIXTEENTH CENTURY SAINT NICKATUNCOLiy SCHOOL After several weeks of conscientious study of all available books that could possibly give them some Idea of the customs of tho sixteenth century, the pupils of the seventh grade of the Lin coln school made a decided hit by pre senting a one-act sketch, "A Sixteenth Century Christmas." The playlet was produced under the direction of Miss Josolyn Clarke and alt of the twenty little characters were admirably well acted. The principal role was acted by little Frank Krous, who Interpreted the part of an ancient king remarkably well. The teachers of other grudes muds arrangements for Christmas programs also and In four rooms of the school, four sepsrate entertainments were held. In the kindergarten room nearly one hundred tots played games and sang Christmas songs tsught them for the occasion by their teachers, Misses Helen liltt and KUen Bhlclds. Pupils In the first "It" grade and those lit the second "A" collaborated In a presentation ot Mother Goose skits. Several Interest ing nursery Jingles were acted out ad mirably well by the children, who were instructed in their parts by Margaret Doyd, Josle Maxwell, Helvey Ulseu and Lva Morton, their teachers. Miss Genlveve Jones, teacher of the fourth grade, arranged the program ot tongs and recitations for her class and brought the entertainment to a close with an amusing pantomime, "Christmas Dolls," which was acted by the boys of the class. All of the four rooms In which Christ mas programs were given, were packed with relatives of the children and the pupils were spurred on to do their best by the encouraging glunreu of their audience. GENERAL STRIKE OF KATY CARMEN PROBABLE KANSAS CITY. Mo., J)er. 23.-A general strike of the carmen employed by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Itailruad com pany probably will be called soon, ac cording to a statement by J. A. Franklin, International president of the bollermuk ers' union, teday Failure of representa tives of the road and tha unions to set tle their differences at a conference In St. Ixiuls la.it Monday was given as the eause. The road refused the demand of the un ions that the rarmen's union be recog nised as a body. The railroad officials contend that the state law of Texas will lint permit the road to deal directly w!th Its tinploye in thu uuiuna. GREAT ANNUAL 1 2 Li mm Sco Our Advertisements In Monday's Papers life !Mpt0sgLW$ Our PatroManull' f Friends 'fi h "We extend our best wishes AJS W n Very Merry Xmas. Wftf j "We extend our best wishes for a Very Merry Xmas. We thank you for. tho pat ronage of this year and will endeavor to merit your busi ness in the future.' Baker, Bros. Eofming Co. W ( W iff 'iff i&ljy im rui t -as i . Lindsay The Jeweler Wishes to thank the publlo for their jeneroua pat. ronage at this Christmas season. Our store wilt be open Monday from I to 11 s, ni, " S. W. Lindsay, Jewel r, me Bououa, ELGIN OFFICIALS WILL ACT Investigation of Legality of Quota tion Committee Planned. FEAR ANTI-THUST MEASURE Newly Elected Insnrarat Treasurer . Says Committee Will lie Abol ished If Foand to Violate the Law. KLQI.V, 111., Deo. 23. Investigation ot the legality of the quotation committee of the Klgln butter board In reference to the Hlierman anti-trust law will be the first official action of the newly elected Insurgent officers of the board, accord ing to J. r. Mason, treasurer, who out lined future plans of the board In tha absence from the city ot Charles H. Potter, who was elected president of the board today. tjuestUtt of whether this price commit tee was operated In violation of the Sherman law was raised by "Insurgent" buttormen at the annual election of di rectors last Monday. "Federal laws will he Inquired Into," Mr. Mason said, ''and the question of the legality of the quotatlon'conimltteo set tled. There lias been considerable dis cussion on this point. Tho board wants to do business on the square. The ma jority of the directors are strongly In fa,vor of retaining the quotation commit tee, but if It la found to be operated In violation ot the Bhcrman law It will be abolished." Mr. Mason expressed doubt that the board would be successfully operated Wlthput the quotation committee. "We have got to regulate our price according to other markets," he said. "Without the prtre committee wo would be handicapped to an extent." Jle Buhl no other radical changes from the polley of the former administration would bo mudc, In the near future ot leaxt. Method (l lie ( hanged. With Mr. l'ottsr's election as president there mm expected to come a change In the iiianiit i of operating tha board, which fixes butter prices in the middle west and Is a standard fur America. The new prenldent's Idea was to abolish the quo tations committee entirely. Tbls committee was the basis of the Insurgency" In the board. It operates with the full power of the board and may change or rescind Its action at will. It was contended by the Insurgents that the committee operated In violation of the Kheruian antl-truvt law. For twenty-two years this committee has been In full charge ef Elgin butter quotations. John Newman, deposed as president, after seventeen years ot serv ice, predicted that no change could be made In the power of the committee with out killing the prominence of the Elgin market. Among the Insurgents there Is a faction that believes In the mainte nance ot the committee, but In fixing the published standard prlue by the actual sales on the board. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Ulg Ileluru.- 'Ul-i 8 O'clock l. 4 LM L'.-i 1 J Oar Christmas Messags Is an invitation to yqu to take advantage of the oppor tunity to better your position and prospects by taking a course at tho f i MosherLampman College It la the best Investment Toil ran possibly make In the way of a Christmas present to yourself. We will be enrolling; students erery day this week, with the ex ception of Christmas day. Call and tea our Beautiful Rooms. If lnconvlent to call, phone or write for catalogue. Winter term begins January 2. 1812. ' Mosher & Lampman 1815 Tarnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Geese in Crates Rival Rome's Famous Fowls CHICAGO, Dec. 23 -As they once saved the anelent city of Rome, geese by their cackling tonight prevented what might have been a disastrous fire In the down town district. The geese were In crates on the third rioor of a building occupied by a commission house. Fire started front an overheated stove and had spread to the woodwork in the room, when the noisy fowls attracted the attention of a watchman. The fire wua subdued with little damage. , BLUFFS MAN INDICTED BY GRAND JURY FOR FRAUDS DENVER, Deo. . Among the Indict, ments reported today by the federal grand Jury was one against F. C. Lougee of Council Bluffs, la., president of th Hankers" Finanoe company, charged wiUs using the malls to defraud. V - ... VV11 1 C'.t I A M,--j mi) .ft. v I W Hi, J Oi 1 Jt.H" Hk. a'-. VHEaRv