Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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All Who live Out cf City Leave for
Holiday Vacations.
IanrfH-k Doctor "irckii In p Law
Irresponsible Vcmlor MurolB
Poatofflrc KandlrH I.ilrcp
QnantKIra ot Mall.
Creighton University Debaters
(from a ."t.iff Comnnn.l it.)
1JNCOLN, .Nil)., Deo. -3.--tSocrlal.)-The
Mate hdut-o was partly ' der.op-jlated
this morning and this artrn:non fi.iind
still less of tl.o of:cials tt'id employes
about the bis builiiii-.g. Sumo 01 these
whose homes ar out of the city left last
night for the Clyistmas holiday anU t:ie
remainder g t away uday. Nono c( the
offlcpg will tic open Monday. o- !;i the
usual cu.nom. Thtre was ttio ucur.l ln
terchmiKe of Christmas remembrances,
and imnnir theia Hnn n,an, ........ ...-a
appreciated than the presentation of J!0,
all In good coin cf the realm, which offi
cials and employeH in the cast end of
the capilol presented Major .Moore, the
faithful colored janitor. Heretofore It has
been the custom to give the major a
turkey, but this year it was decided to
make the, remembrance a cash one.
Inspect Federal P 11 ! M l n s;.
P. J. Furlons of the supervising archi
tect's office at "VVaahlnrton was In the
city today Inspecting the ficeral build
ing. While he is not directly charged
with such work, being Inspector of me
chanical equipment, he is also looking
Into matters connected with the proposed
enlargement 0f tho bullJing.
Four Trnmpa Arraigned.
Frank Johnscn, Thomas Nash, T. E.
Hayes and H. Jloan, four tramps, were
brought In from Kalrlm-y today by the
federal authorities. They have been con
fined In the I'airbury jail for eonio time
on a charge of drunkenness, but today
were arraigned before T'nlte''. States Com
missioner .Maijlsy on a charo f opening
a mall sack at Fa!. 'bury on JCovember 23.
The sack was a pouch mall between Fair
bury and Nelson. It Is not known by the
authorities whether the men obtained
anything of value frnm the rack. They
were held unfl;.r Jl.frM bail each, which
they were1 unable to furnish.
After Jledlelno Vendor.
Dr. Walker of Hancock was in the
State Board of Health ofHce today to
ascertain if there was any way to reach
vendors of patent mediclnss when per
sons taking the remedy were Injuriously
affected by them. The doctor Is - con
vinced that a baby which he was called
to attend died as the result of taking a
dose of a well known remedy far bowel
complaint. The bottle containing the
remedy bore a caution not to give It to
children under 3 years old. The child In
Question was i, but according to the doc-
1P rU I.OHWOll IdUU l.ltl H I IT lhll1 11... BUA..
age chlid of 3. Dr. Miller of the health
department Informed him there was
nothing In tlio medical law which would
cover the case and as the label complied
with the provisions of the pure food and
drug, bet there was; probably io ground
(or legal action. ' ' i .
Vital Statistics lilanks.
Dr. Miller of the Btate-Board of Health
is sending out a .new set of blanks on
which to jrenort v!ital statistic Hereto
fore birth returns have been made on
. potar ctyUg. tbuf the Bow blank Is iden
tical rwttti HYiia l- Kir V.
thorltfc. in'Collectldrt.of such statistic-! DODOE, Neb.. Dec. 23.-(Speclal Tole
tt Is thought conideraiile benefit will ac
crue by the use ot blanks which will put
the state statistics in harmony with those
of the federal government and of a- ma
jority of other BtateB. . .
Blft Day for Postofflce.
Friday the local postofftce handled
67,000 pieces of first-class mall, breaking
all records for the Lincoln postofftce. In
dications are that today will exceed even
that record and the week taken as a
whole has been the most strenuous ever
experienced here. The ' mall, however,
has all been cleared up without any eon
gestton so far as first-class matter Is
concerned and little if any delay with
otner classes, or tne vast quantities ot
packages received but one so far has
been In a seriously damaged condition.
Petition by Bedford.
City Clerk Itcdfern has prepared a
petition which Is now being circulated,
calling upon the mayor to call a special
election to vote on the commission form
of government ' for Lincoln when. 23 per
cent of the vote cast at the last election
shall have signed the petition. Tho
petition is for a government similar to
the one adopted In Omaha. It is being
Viberally signed, though up to the present
no general effort to obtain signatures
has been made. ;
Tyler to Stand Pnt.
Water ' Commissioner Tyler announced
today that .he did not Intend to resign
as a. result -of the present clamor re
garding tho 'Rice street well. - He says
the well was In service under the Bame
conditions, so far as could be seen, for
years before he assumed office, and ho
had no reason to believe It contaminated
until the bacteriological examination was
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BAMVEli Ii. O BRIEN( Alternate.)
Pome time between February 16 and
March 13 Creighton university will meet
South Dakota State university and Loyola
university of Chicago In annual debates.
The South Dakota contest will be held in
Omaha, 'while the Loyola debate will be
held In Chicago. . The team representing
Creighton against South Dakota, will con
sist of Messrs. John W. Delehant, Henry
Monsky (alternate), Francis P. Matthews
and Philip E. Horan. These men will
support the negative of the Judicial recall
question. The team opposing Loyola will
consist of Messrs. Samuel L. O'Brien (al
ternate), Charles Flancry, W. Walter
Hoye and Raymond T. Coffey, who will
support the negative of the women's suf
frage proposition. ,
Considerable Interest has been mani
fested In the debates, both by the con
testants and the student body, mil the
teams are engaged in active preparation
for the different debates.
Governor Gives Clemency to Phys-
ician of Lincoln.
Three Stores Are
Robbed at' Dodge
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Dec. ll-(Spe-clal.)
Arthur Endquest, a He'.f-conle.-ed
deserter from the United Stales Briny,
was taken to Omaha la.t nlsht by Dr.
Willis Tulbot. Endquest struck town a
few days ago and after loaring about for
some time and failing to get work, ap
proached Sheriff Keii..edy and told him
hi was tired aiuMumry and thnt he. thp
sheriff, could get a fat reward ty report
ing him to Fort Uobinsou as a dfein r.
The sheriff wired the military post und
found tho. man's statemer.t to bd correct
and thin there was a reward out ior his
t'hnrrh t uuiiion il of Women.
NEBRASKA CITY. Dec. ( fecial.)
Moses U. Payne, the miiil jnalro land
owner, who owned nearly all of th.1 fuim
land opposite this city prior to his dai.i,
gave to the Free .uethodlst cnurcli a
church building at the corner of Seventh
street and First avenue. At the tima
there was a large congregation and it
still has a large membership, but on the
death of Edwin Mapon the last male
u itrlcken from the members. ..p. Ail
of the members of the church are women
and they hold regular cervices and have
a large attendance at then- Sunday school.
This is perhaps the only church in the
state where the membership consists of
only women.
Nobody la Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cure a
cough, cold or sore lungs is with Dr.
Kli-g s New Discovery. Wc and S1W. For
sale by -Beaton Drug Co,
gram.) Three burglars made a haul here
last nJght; tnterlnff 'thre stores .-and se
curing about $150 cash, besides an amount
of clothing. Deputy Sheriff W. C. Condll
of Fremont, accompanied by Loury anu
the bloodhounds, arrived about noon in
an automobile and have taken up the
trail, which has been followed as fai
south as Fairvlew at present. It Is
thought they are making for the main
line of the Union Pacific to make a sure
getaway. '
ALTONA, Neb., Dec. 23 (Special.)
The new. German Evangelical Lutheran
church of this place was dedicated Thurs
day, and In spite of th heavy biiow a
large crowd attended. The morning serv
ices were conducted in German by Rev.
II. Wiehklng of Alta, la., assisted by the
choir. The afternoon services were con
ducted by Rev. A. Ollenburg of Bloom
field, Neb., In German also. Evening
services, which were In English, were In
charge of Rev. Mr. Oelschlaeger of West
Point, Neb. x
The church is a frame structure, 36x63
and ninety-two feet to tip of steeple. It
has a seating capacity of 600 and Is Illu
minated by acetylene gas. It-will have
an up-to-date pipe organ as soon as com
pleted. The structure was designed and
built by the Jul Kaaz Construction and
Building company of Atchlnson, Kan.
Rev. Fr.' Schoner Is the pastor.
Automobile' Association Holds' Ita
Flrat Annual Meeting; at
Ilecmer. .
WEST POINT, Neb., Dec-23. (Special.)
The Cuming County Automobile
association- held ' Its first annual
meeting at Beemer Monday. " A large
attendance was present, and measures
were taken to perpetuate the Ufa of the
assoclrttlcu, and especially direct Its ef
forts to the inaklnMT and maintenance of
good roads In Cumins county. The good
roads motto Is the keynote of the sor.let;, .
E. H. Mack, for many years pnstmar.ter
at Bancroft, was recommended li- Prpul
dent Tuft for confirmation on Monday.
Mr. .Miii'K' r'.ai polntnient Fives univer
sal Kttii.fa.lon to the people of eastern
CumftiK county.
TI.e mrrriago of C. C. Stalil and Miss
Anna Joratm.en is announced as bavins
taken plfcce In Omaha last v?ck. The Is the proprietor oi the automo
bile garao here, and 1 the county aisent
for the Ford automobile. Tho bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jor
gsnsen of West Point, and was born and
brought up In this city. The couple left
lor Denver the same evenlnp, and will
fhortly return to be at home to their
frUnds In their riew residence at West
Farmers' Jnittltnte at Gibbon.
GIBBON. Neb., Dec. Sl.-tSpeclal.) The
farmers' Institute closed here last even
ing after Jwo days' successful sessions,
regardless' of a atx-lnch snow. Sixty
coops of flue chickens were on exhibi
tion, alio a -largo array of farm products
cf ail klKia. A fine exhibition of farm
animals was held yesterday. Free meals
wcro terved everybody.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
ORD, Neb., Dec. 23. (Special.) The
first annual exhibit of the Letup Valley
Poultry association Is now on at the
Wentworth hall. There are over one
hundred entries and some from a con
siderable distance. There aro winners
from many of the Nebraska shows and
notably two coops'of geese that have won
bluo ribbons In New York and Omaha,
pne of the most hovel displays Is that of
a brood of domesticated . Mallard
ducks. C. II. Partridge secured the eggs
and the ducklings, after being hatched,
appeared to forget that their wings were
made to fly with.
Mike Prestele, an early settler and a
well-to-do Bohemian former, has finally
succumbed to the ravages of a cancer In
his stomach for which there was no
medical relief. He was burled from the
Catholic church.
Judge Hanna held a short term of dis
trict court this week and listened to the
trial of a case wherein adjacent property
owners became Involved in a dispute as
to the right of one of them to build a
show window In front of his store six
teen inches over the walk.' The case
was taken under advisement until the
next session ot the district court, Janu
ary 9.
A petition has been -largely signed by
automobile users and others Interested In
good roads asking the county board to
uppoint a county hlyhwuy commissioner
as provided by the late legislature. The
maximum talury for such an officer in
this county would be $1,20.
Nearly a, foot of snow lies on the level
and a whlie Christmas Is assured. Ther
Is little frost fn the ground and the snow
is melUntj from the bottom.
SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., Dec. 23.-(Kpe-clal.)
Harry liawta, familiarly called
"High Green," an employe at the Bugar
factory at this place, received notice this
week from an attorney representing his
uncle's estate in the Black Hills that he
was tho heir to property valued at $e5,XA.
Mr. 11 awes Is modest In his new fortunes
and deprecates any publicity. He w..i
continue his work at the factory until
the campaign closes. His friends are con
gratulating him upon his good fortune.
VclirunUit City I "niter Hold, '
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Dec. 23. (Spe
clal.) The Staats Zeltung, a weekly Ger
man paper of this city, was eold yester
day to William Fey, a farmer residing
north of the city. The paper was the
piopcrty of the late Jucoh Buctlcr, and
has been edited by John Mattes, Jr., as
adn-.inl "trator tsince' his death. The Bale
was made under an order of the county
court and brought f.H. It is thought the
new purchasi-r will continue the publica
tion. It Is the oldest Gorman publication
In the state and was originally owned
and edited by Dr. Frederick Renner of
Omaha. '
CHICAGO, Dec. 23. Lord Btoneburg
and Albert Arthur Queltette, who were
convicted of smuggling five Chinamen
over the Canadian border to Chicago,
were today sentenced to serve fourteen
months In the penitentiary at Leaven
worth. Ftoncburc, whom the officers had
sought for thirteen years, told the court
he was com Del led to go Into the smug
gling buslnecs to earn a living or his
wife and children
W. A. Sellerk Kllea for Conaresa In
Flrat Dlatrlet anil W III
Ran Aanlnat Panl
. ..
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. ?3. (Special Tele
gram.) -Oovprnof Aldrloh late this after
noon made a Christmas present of a par
don to Dr. W. H. Johnson. Dr. Johnson
was convlctpd and serttehced Jor per
forming a criminal operation on Amanda
Mueller. On account of. falling health ht
was paroled after serving about a year
of his sentence, which would have ex
pired January 12. 1S13. The pardon Is Is
sued by tho governor berauso he believes
the honorable record of tho doctor In
the service of his country during the civil
war entitles him to a restoration of citi
zenship and in the belief that he has al
ready suffered sufficiently and that the
law ban been vindicated.
As only a little over two weeks re
mains of the sentence the governor be
lieves that at this Christmas time It Is
well to restore cltlxenshlp to one who,
with the single exception of the offense
for which he was convicted, had de
served well of his country.-
!l.ictt Mnr File.
It was rumored around the capltol to
day that IV S. Bassctt of Gibbon would
file soon ns a candidate for commissioner
ot public lands and buildings.
W, II. 'J liotiiMson Hpeaka.
William H. Thompson of Grand Island
came down this afternoon and Tonight
addressed the Lincoln liar association on
the Initiative and referendum and leilll.
He had no more than landed In the hotel
than political friends commenced to drop
In to see htm. He greeted all with the
samo smile, but bad llttlo to say about
politics, at least In a public way. In dls
cutslng tho referendum and recall Mr.
Thompson went at length Into the his
tory if the formation of the government
and maintained that the principle of re
call was everywhere found, the Idea of
responsibility to the people. It was man
ifest, he said. In tho comparatively short
terms of elective officers and even In
life appointees It was recognised In the
power given to Impeach. As to Judges,
he maintained they were simply Instru
ments of government the same as, other
officials and no honest Judge need fear
to render opinions for fear of adverse
public opinion, but rather It would be a
check upon any who might b6 Inclined
to be dishonest. Neither as lawyer nor
cltisen . could he see any danger to the
Judiciary from the recall. The referen
dum and recall, he maintained, was not
a departure In government, but rather
a development along the same lines orig
inally framed to meet developing condi
tions. Shortage front Old Errors.
State Accountant Tulleys has HlsVnv.
ered a. discrepancy of about 30,000 be
tween the account of warrants issued as
shown by the auditor's books and the
cash on hand in the state general fund.
The discrepancy Is tn accumulation of
years, ana is not believed to be due to
any -real shortage, but to an accumula
tion of small errors In bookkaenina- Mn.
of the discrepancy dates back of 1S97,
wqen me ledger system was adopted, and
to trace the source of the errors would
be a big task. Practically all of the dis
crepancy dates back of the Moore defalcation.
' Kelleck Files for Consrraa.
W. A.. Selleck this afternoon made per
sonal filing as republican candidate for
congress lh this, the First district.
This makes two candidates to date to
go on the republican primary ballot, the
other being Paul Clark. It Is believed
there .will be no others, though of course
no man knows what may develop be
tween now and the time for closing the
Mr. Selleck was a member of the last
state senate from Lancaster county and
a filing for rcuomlnatlon for that office
had been made for him. Mr. Selleck
tays It was done without his consent and
that he will not file an acceptance of
the state senatorshlp filing, but Is In the
congressional fight.
In connection with his filing Mr. Sel
leck Issues the following statement: '
"I have been a supporter of the repub
lican - party since I cast my first vote
In 1S80, when it was my privilege to vote
for James A. Garfield, I believe In the
policies and principles of the republican
party; I believe that the party meant
what it said when In convention assem
bled In 190$ It said the republican party
declares unequivocally for a .revision of
the tariff; In all tariff legislation tho true
tariff principle of protection is best main
tained by the Imposition of such duties
as will equal the difference between the
cost of production at home and abroad,
together with a reasonable profit to
American Industries. I have confidence
that the republican party will enact such
legislation as will bring about this re
sult, and should 1 be elected to congress
would work to that end.
"I believe In the policies of the repub
lican party & shown by laws passed for
conservation of natural resources ot the
country, snd believe that laws should be
passed preserving for the benefit of the
nation the vast natural resources ot
Alaska; for the continued and generous
support of the veterans of our wars,
their widows and orphans; for the con
struction of the Panama canal; for the
enforcement of the laws impartially to
the rich and poor alike.
"I believe In a progressive program ot
legislation which shall meet the Issues of
the day and sol them Justly In th. In
terests of the whole people. The sntl
truft laws rhould be enforced. The Sher-
mnii inw, r.avins proved 1m l 'u lent to
fltrttlch iii.t n r I, i i i-t t DL'iilnitf tt.oHiiii.
oly ard trade restrictions It should
amended or added to till It la suttieieiit.
I would support such efforts. If elected
1 would support sujli la.vs as would pro
tect tho warra eurner and the furuter: In
securing to the former a Just return foi
his lnbjr, and to the latter a staple mar
ket and Protection from unjust transpor
tation charnes which take an Inequitable
hare of the ptoouce from tho farm."
Clieyeime Traction
Company Will Carry
Passengers Freo
CHEYENNE. Wyo Dec. li-lSpec!!.) !
The Cheyenne Electric Street Railway
company last night announced that be
ginning this morning and continuing until
Tuesday morning It will carry passen
gers to and from Fort Russell und within
the city free, and, beginning Tuesday
morning officers, soldiers nnd others will
be carried between Cheyenne and Foit
Russell at a reduced are. the company
selling tickets good for four fares for
25 cents. Where tickets are not provided
the mme faro will be charged n here
tofore, 10 cents each way between Chey
enne and Fort Russell, and t cents within
the city limits. While no definite action
has bcen tuken by the officers and men
at Fort Russell It Is expected they will
accept the compromise and end the boy
cott, which was Inaugurated last August.
Investigations have shown that under
prcfent conditions the company cannot
operate cars between Cheyenne and Fort
Russell at a straight 6-cent fare.
j Merry Christinas
Every person connected with this
great establishment unites in wish
ing you a very Merry Christmas.
HURON, S. D., Dec. 23.-A meeting of
tho State Federation of Churches here
yesterday the following officers were
chosen: President, Rev. James G. Hark
ness, Aberdeen; vice presidents. Rever
ends Perse Pinch, Huron; 11. R. Best,
Sioux Falls; A. C. McCauley. Bridge
water; secretary, Rev. D. J. Perrln, Belle
Fotirch; treasurer, Dr. H. P. Carson,
Huron. The executive committee Is com
posed of Reverends S. P. Shaw, Sioux
Falls; C. T. Notson and W. II. Thrall.
Huron; C. C. Todd, Aberdeen. Various
topics were discussed. Including home
missions, Christian education, community
life, the liquor traffic, etc.
In a statement of principles adopted Is
one discnuraglni tho establishing ot a
church of any other denomination where
one is already established; also, encour
aging the revival ot a feeble church,
rather than establishing a new one; urg
ing the preference of a community when
locating a church; the temporary suspen
sion ot church work In a community,
should not be considered an abandonment
of the field; all case questions ot Inter
pretation and friction to be referred to
tho officials supervising the territory In
volved, Some attention was Riven to political
matters Insofar as to request congress to
enact laws prohibiting the shipment ot
Intoxicating liquors Into states and com
munities where the tale of such liquors
Is prohibited.
TUCSON, Arts.., Dec. 23.-When the
legislature convenes in Phoenix In Febru
ary It will be asked to adopt the Swiss
system of recall and let the Oregon
system, which was voted out of the con
stitution, December 13, by an ultimatum
ot President Taft, go by the board.
The essential difference between the
Swiss system and the Oregon plan Is
that under the former the only thing
voted on In a recall election Is the recall
of the officials and In the event of his
elimination the governor appoints his
A. A. Worsley, a state senator, will
propose the new recall system. Ho Is
now. at work on the measure and will
defend It on the ground that under the
Oregon system an official tinder fire Is
handicapped by a double fight, a strug
gle not only to retain his position and
refute the charges against him, but a
struggle also against an oposing can
didate. Worsley's bill will provide that when
the recall Is resubmitted to the people
for Incorporation In the constitution, the
Oregon and Swiss plans shall be placed
on the vote, so voters may choose them.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. B.-Ambassador
Jules Jusserand and Mine. Jusserand of
France, Minister and Mrs. J. Loudon of
the Netherlands and United States At
torney General and Mrs. Wlckereham
sailed today for a visit to the canal sono.
. An eleborate reception ( was tendered
Ambassador and Mme. Jusserand by
local and French societies before the
ship sailed.
TOLEDO, O., Dec. 23. Mrs. Anderson
W. Jones, alias Mrs. Andrew E. James,
was arretted here today after a two
years' pursuit by federal officers for Il
licit traffic In oleomargarine In Louis
ville. Her husband Is In Jail here,
chained with a like offense. Their son,
Morris Jones, IT, was sentenced to three
years In the reformatory at Elmlra, N.
Y., for the same offense.
Start the flew Year Right by Keeping
Your Money, Life Insurance Policies, Tux Receipts,
Contracts, Deeds, Abstracts, Bonds, Jewelry and other
valuables In a
In the American Safe Deposit Vaults
la the Dee Building, 216 Sdutb 17th Street.
Boxes rent 13 a year or $1 for three months. Call and
see them. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. every day and
v until 9 P. M. Saturday nights.
Special Notice !
Owing to tlio fact Hint wo have hnd
so many wills for Toys tho first few
days after Christmas iu years past, wo
have decided to keep our Toy Depart
ment open for business Tuesday nnd
Wednesday, and on these two days you
ean buy at HALF PKICE and less sam
ple Toys, Dolls and Games that are
slightly soiled and mussed in handling.
These wero used as display samples.
Tho exceptionally low priors should '
eloso them all out Tuesday and Wednes
day. Orchard & Yilhelm Carpet Co.
Store closed all day Christmas" Monday
13th and Dodge Streets
Now the Best Moderate Priced Hotel in Omaha.
Fine Cafe and Oar in Connection
Dodge Street Cars from Union Depot; convenient to
shopping and jobbing districts and all theaters.
sfil Mentholated cough drops have no equal
iot cougns, coias, sore inroat, noarse
ness, asthma, tickling la throat, etc. It
Is a delightful confection. Pleasant to the
taste. Different from the ordinary cough rem
edy. Your druggist will recommend BB. Cough
Drops. Ask him about them. For sale at Every Store.
Beck's (0. D.) Dest Laxative Gold Tablets 25c a Dox
A guaranteed cure for a cold. If you are not satisfied with the raw
suits your drusYlst will refund you your money.
Xeo. 84, 1911
Block 187.
Do your customers
live here
, On 33d Street, between Center
and Francis Streets, there are 8 oc-
cuniod houses and in 6 thev fi
j M .
take The Bee.
Advertisers ean cover Omaha with one newspaper.
To Do
If you losa your pocketbook, -w a ",urcn1
umbrella, watch or some otner
article of value, the thing to
do Is to follow the example of
many other people and adver
tise without delay la the Lost
and Found column of The Bee.
That la what moat people do
when they lose articles ot value.
Telephone us and tell your loss
to all Omaha la single alter-uooo,
Put It
The Bee,