The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page Copyright, 1011. by American-Examiner. Great Britain Rights Referred. RoTJI aio me Oh rfer uteri -; ; IT f i an j Worse Yet, When the Countess' r Their Heels Great Sculptor Borg'a Followed and Married One of Them! Faris, December 18. i W rHY Is the Latin Quarter convulsed? Why la mirth so uncontrolled in every atelier struggling young painters grin ning at their moat serious tasks, pretty models giggling on their "thrones," even grey-bearded, decorated sculptors smiling Into their whiskers? And why that frigid attitude of the great ladles - -of Paris scclety, even those of the American Colony, toward the erstwhile much-courted great ones of Mont Parnasse? Listen. It Is because of an unforgivable In sult added to an Incredible Injury. Uecause two of the prettiest of tboue giggling models got themselves socially received at that most aristo cratic, that most exclusive resort, Paris-Plage, on the western coast, where the pine forests extend down to the sea; because, In the end aftr drinking pink tea with the Countess, and playing tennis with other guests of Lady Douglas they kicked up their dainty French heels and romped back to their , dear Montmartre and, oh! because that great, .fascinating sculptor, Borga, actually followed and mar tied one of them! "But no," says Paris society, "it Is unforgivable." "But yes," says Mont ' Parnasse, is one artist-model voice, "it la dell clous!" You roust know that Paris-Plage is sacred. Haughty British milords go there to play golf. Great names from the Faubourg St Germain are on the register of the most exclu sive hotel. Celebrated painters linger there late In the season for Autumn landscapes but Paris mod els? No. never! ' One bright October morning, as the guests of that most exclusive hotel came Jn to dejeuner, two new arrivals were noticed In the dining room. They were attracting much , attention because of their piquant beauty and giggling, girlish ways. "Oh! They are artists," some one carelessly explained. "Although , they look so young, they really have talent They are here to paint the sand dunes." , , $ ' KM TheAoxt Charming OF all the beauty enigmas that have excited Paris, that which Is now current is at once the most absorbing and the most per plexing. " Notwithstanding that axiom In arithmetic .&At dapples cannot be adde'$ "Yd1 'potatoes, nor pea sub tracted from gooseberries," 'the whole play-go!ng Paris world Is struggling to reduce to exact quan tities the comparative values of a charming chin, a fascinating mouth and a "perfect" shoulder. It is not a question of which ot the three reigning stage beauties Is most beautiful, but which special beauty feature of each ot these beauties is most beautiful! Did ever before a frivolous metropolis engage In such a "Search for the Absolute," as Balzac expressed his hero's quest of the laboratory syn thetic diamond? ' " These three stage beauties are, ot course. Mademoiselle Primrose, ot the Capudnes; Mile. Jeanne Ren ouardt, of the Palais Royal, and Mile. Greuze, whose supremacy was not questioned until this extraor dinary contest developed. Now clasp your aching head firmly In both hands and try and compre hend the Intricacies of the problem. First, you are to forget all about the beautiful tout-ensemble. The question Is not whether Mile. Greuze Is more beautiful than either Mile. Primrose or Mile. Ren ouardt; or Mile. Primrose more or Mile Renouardt; or Mile. Greui or Mile. Renourdt; or Mile. Ren ouardt more beautiful than either Mile. Greuze or Mile. Plmrose. No! You are to detetiulne something infinitely more difficult, to wit: Is the charm'ng chin of Mile. Primrose more beautiful than either the fascinating eyes of Mile. Ren oaardt or the perfect shoulder of 8 ... . .., . and "Hiked" Back to Their Latin Quarter.the In France all Is permitted to the "femme-' pelntre." She may travel alone, she may wear eccentric clothing, her manner may be uncon ventional, but If she Is "forte" (strong In her work) she may go anywhere and difficult doors readily open to her. So Mile. Alexandrine Le doux and Mile. Emllle Deleardo were immediately taken up. Bubbling over with spirits, they acted quite a a tonlo to some of the elder element from whom they received invitations for motor ing, pink teas and other amusements, and their pretty faces were magnets which he young gallants, whether English, American or French, could not resist. Among these satellites was an American art stuvlent, a student of the Beaux Arts the na- Mlle. Alexandrine Ledoux, One of the Paris Models -Who Was "Received" at Exclusive Paris-Plage. ' ' .i7;o. av- v. 0. k . X The Most nj? Mi fascinating, Mile. Greuze? Or, are the fascinat ing eyes ot Mile. Renouardt more beautiful than either the perfect shoulder ot Mile. Oreuie, or the charming chin of Mile. Primrose? Or, Is the perfect shoulder of Mile. Greuze more beautiful than either the fascinating eyes ot Mile. Ren . ouardt or the charming chin of Mile. Primrose? V M l .-S , ' ' r i - 4 The Three Chin Mile. Primrose. Pretty Guests tlonal school of art In France to whom these two faces seemed familiar, although he could not at first succeed In placing them. "U'here have I seen that brown-haired girl be fore?" was his puzzled thought Iln turned the question over and over In his mind. Many times as her roguelsh eyes flashed like electric sparks from one member of the lit tle coterie to another "Was it at Ambassador Bacon's reception 1 met her? Was it at one of Mme, Waddlngton's soirees? I seem to know that face so well! Oh! I vieem to know even more than the face ()reat heavens! I could draw in all Us details each graceful curve that now I only Bee sug gesting Itself inrough the modish gown ror It was she who posed for that memorable drawing on which I got No. 2 at the Beaux Ars test Autumn. She Is a "regular" model, out on a lark!" From one end of the tea table he shot embar rassing questions at her. She recognized him! Pleading glances don't-glve-us-away looks! The facetious American was not malicious enougn to push the Joke any father. Borga, the rising young French sculptor, be came quite conspicuous in his devotion to la petite Kmllle. Borga Is one of the most Inter esting of the younger French sculptors. He first became known in tbo Salon through his realistic, carefully studied statuettes of animals. Ho was a. familiar figure In the Jardin des Plantes, where ho went daily to study from the living animals. His talent Is versatile, however, and he has lately produced some portrait busts that have been much admired. The Impressionable knight of the chisel fell each day farther and farther under the apell of Kmille's charms. The girls had gone to Paris-Plage for a fort night's holiday. Playing society was great fun for the first week, but during the second week the two daughters of the "Boul Mich" could hardly restrain themselves. "Oh! for a cigar ette!" said Alexandrine. And In the evening, when the orchestra played In the long salon, It was a trial for them to waltz stiffly and go through the stately "Boston," sometimes to the very tunes to which their little bodies were -wont to sway through the Oriental movements of the "Machlche" or the "Toklnolse" at the Bal Bulller. , , "How tiresome these peoples' lives must be. "Breaths were held, hearts stopped beating, and the sought refuge behind a kindly, protecting cloud as Emilie and Ale." Andrlno came tripping along the suits of . two of The Really Perfect Em You see, there Is even difficulty In stating this problem concisely. The foregoing has passed muster at the Sorbonne, and is generally ac cepted, though a close second Is Paris Actress in tV Nav1 5!nfisl nnw Eyea Mile. Renouardt. Ricked Up Why, It Is not living at all." observed Emllle. "If It were not for shocking Borga I'd Just cut loose." "Oh! you won't shock that 'type " replied Alexandrine; "he'd think anything you did was perfect. I never saw such a case." "Besides," added Emllle, "if he doesn't love me for what I am, what's the use. Let's have some fun for the last day, anyhow." So It was arranged. They were to leave for Paris on an evening train. The bright Vermil lion with which these' two young girls painted Paris-Plage will never quite- disappear. The most rabid and fiery secessionists whose can vases hung 1n the Autumn Salon have never found the vermillion quite so Vermillion as that which Emllle and Alexandrine used to paint the aristocratic resort Paris-Plage. It began with the morning bathing hour. , Breaths were held, " hearts stopped beating, and the blushing Au tumn sun brought ref uge behind a kindly, protecting cloud as Em llle and Alexandrine came tripping along the bench in the abbreviated bathing suits of two of their admirers. During the rest of the day pop ping of champagne corks, glimpses of lin gerie, the ringing, whole hearted laughter of the Quartler Latin. Slip pers tipped toward the sky; delighted cavaliers, horrlfled matrons, Indig nant and neglected young society girls. Mile. Emilie Delearde, the Model Whose Prank So Delighted, the Sculptor Borga That He Followed Her Back to Paris and ' Married Her. , And Below, , Study in Clay of Mile. Delearde by Eugene Borga. Choo, choo! the whistle blew. "Au revolr, Dlentot a Paris." Exclamation. n. .,.- iTey Wvre gone- Borga dld not Bleep that night. The next day ha fcpnf m.-T. i 0l5oSLnK "I?1" h P P and left for Paris. He could uui resist Km inj h escapade ended In a romance. Declaration f love, engagement and marriage followed in rapid succession. Paris-Plage Is still scandalized, and the Ona. tier Latin is .till celebrating the Jo?ou. ending of the mad frolic of those two naughty mndpf Mn.kU. A. ..- beach in the abbreviated bathi their admirers." I 13 furnished by a member of the French Institute, namely: "If Mile. Greuze has a peck ot diamonds, and Mile. Renouardt has three pecks of pearls, and Mile. Primrose has nine quarts of emer alds, which. is the best actress?" On one feature of the contest all Paris Is agreed: there exists no more charming chin than v that ot Pi,. r'..tltt- Shoulder Mile. Greuze. L : - : V l J , 'Trpi ' - It i ' - . I ' 'V ... :.:!wbh;iv'i.:' s--; , &. rv. - ' y 'v-S.: : J-v,.- ..:v. :,:..:,.. :. 1 ...... i;;.-.. . - ( t -k ;- - ; h I : , f 'Hi.?.!. -X 'v Mile. Primrose, no more fascinating eyes than those of Mile. Renouardt, no more perfect shoulder than that of Mile. Greuze. The difficulty ap pears when you try to eliminate any two in favor of the other, and if so which? What! Place any such slight upon the pearly white expanse and exquisite curves of the Greuze shoulder? Jamais! Give any but first place to those eyes of Mile. Renouardt, so large, so tender, set - so wide apart, with lashes so ex quisite and brows so heart-break-Ing non, nevalr! And, to stultify in any manner that smooth, dainty, pointed, betwitchlng chin of Mile. Primrose. Ah, It would be to com mit a crime! Then, if you are of the masculine sex, and of such fortunate station In life that you are excusable for having secret hopes, the problem becomes even more difficult. .It is reduced. In thU monogamous country, to a question cf posses sion of one only, to the hopeless exclusion of the other two. v This is how you come out: "Shall I choose that charming chin, with out which I cannot support life? Ah, but then I lose forever- those fascinating eyes and that perfect shoulder! "Shall I choose those fascinating eyes, so necessary to my happi ness? What! And say farewell to that perfect shoulder and that charming chin? Alas! "Shall I choose that perfect shoulder that is the boundary North, South, East, West of my whole existence? Parbleu! And leave to others those eyes and that chin?" And at about this stage you apply for admittance to the psychopathic ward. All of which makes this novel beauty enigma the more absorblnf and perhaps unanswerable.