Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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i 11
!$f Holiday
jfrav and
This Store Remains Closed All Day Christmas
M l '.VStf 1Y1X1
fl II M til M IIIH
ii n vi sirjiLa
1318-20 I-'ARXAM STREET.
net, IxmiI V. Pton. PEN MARKK "
The second, on a "Western Union day
ineesacn hlank. rend;
"COUNCIL. PUTFS, la., Nov. .-J.'
'. Mabrajr, Tanner Hotel, Kanaa City,
Mo.:v lome .to Ccnmcll Illuffs Krlday
evening. Important. BEN MARKS."
In till connection it U asserted that
tie defense will how that Mr. Markt
wa In Chicago on at least on of the
dates of these telegram. The proaecu
tlon contend that It will show that the
emitted year wai 1908.
Deteetlre Testifies.
Defective Thomas B. KlchardsW. who
ha been a member of the Counell Bluffs
police forre for nine years and la still a
member of the department, testified thai
he was on duty during the years 1907 and
IS. He said he knew of the swindling
operation thirty days or perhaps six
weeks before he left and reported It to
Chief Richmond. He said Major Rich
mond replied that ha would attend to
the matter.
"What Inst ructions were given to you
when you made your report?" asked At
torney Kem-rel Cosson.
"None," the witness replied, "and I
mad no other reports." , .
Itirhardson raid he aw Marks at tli
police station frequently In 1H07 and 1SMK,
ill saw him talking with Chief Rich
mond. In roas-exm!natlon Mr. Tlnley led
the witness to give an accurate deserlp
t.on ot the chief j office, which had been
icj.eateuiy characterised In the direct ex
ammai.on as hi "private office."
He said Mark often cam to the sta
Uwi and advised the department of the
(.resent of undesirable persons In the
. i i u 'A - -
That was the way you got lots of val
uable Information, was It not?"
'tea. that was where we supposed It
co tin irom during the time the gambling
noun weta running and Marks could
l.ui-o the opportunity of knowing."
aneaios on fltaad.
Rumors that tho state had decided not
to tail Inapoctof Bwenson, who broke up
tne Hang, were allayed when the state
catifcu him saortly atter S o'clock. After
Hit' uxuul questions h told of the arrest
' the gang at Utile Ruck on Keoruary
U, lw, although he by rnUteke mentioned
l.l. and the capture of the papers. He
spent all' of the remainder of the after
noon In examining and Identifying the
1-ai crs. and when he had concluded the
exhibit numbers had risen above eighty.
In seveial of the envelopes he declared
that paper he remmbred had been there
were missing.
It wat at this point that Attorney
George 8. Wright enlivened the dullness
by piaylng a piactlcal Joke. He asked to
he ona of the enveloped documents, and
It was handed to lilm across the table
by the attorney general. When he picked
It up he was holding In hla hand a folded
paper ot the same dimensions a the con
tents of the( yellow .envelop, and with
poorly concealed movements slipped this
paper Into his Inside coat pocket. The act
fit i
detected by Attorney Bampson of
rtjlfftv. assisting the attorney gen-
H Instantly Informed Mr. Cosson
of the fact and Mr. Cosson asked Mr.
Wright If he had taken any of the state
paters, lie pulled the suspected docu
ment from h!s pocket and aald In a loud
vole :
"It's nothing but your order directing
the urt to reduce Mabray's bond from
;ili,tM to J2.000, whli h you denied making
and -which w gave notlc w would
rvvo by putting you on the stand."
Jarwra Caatlvned.
In announcing to the Jurymen that they
weie to be permitted to have aome relief
from constant surveillance Judgo Arthur
autlontd them to refrain from talking
nt in-; cae. permitting any person t
li-ia to iiiciu about It or reading about
in tha newspapers, lie told then.
that If any person pcntlsud In talking
!;i their ihwhiw or to them about the
uj tu irpoit tholr names to the court
a id uld La punished for contempt.
It t expected thai Sweiiaon's testimony
ili lut more thau a day longer, and
il.t-ro :ipt,far llttld prospect of conrlud
in ih n I Ui In week. The state
l:u u number of wltneares yet to examine
...d tlie defeus will have eight or nine.
-..oii.ty Sampson said there would be
iioii;e new svntations in the state teiil.
iuny the first of the week.
I'tiM.ttnt, Advertising la the Road to
I'll; KUurni,
ROME. Dee. tS.-All the members ot
the iUcred college, at present In Rome,
were received trday by tr.e pope, to
whom they presented their Christmas
For the first time In the history of the
churclt at such a oareonony three Ameri
can cardinal were preeent. namely, Car
dinal Karley, U't'onnell and ralconlo.
The audience lasted a considerable time.
Tt dean of the cardinal expreaaed the
felicitation of the Sacred college, after
which conversation became general, each
caidlnal personally congratulating tli
'earAnnfo a
nsTWTr.-W N 111 9u I IJ I n
Floorwalker Drops
Dead in a Quarrel
From Heart Failure
Knockrd to the floor by a man he was
trying to evict from the S and 10 cent
on Hlxtnenth stroet between Farnam and
Douglaa, David Btepsay. 24 years old. a
floorwalker employed at the etore, died
of hert failure a the man tood over
him at 4:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The man i arrested and taken to tho
police station by Officer Cunningham,
who was In the store at the tlnve the
quarrel hecan. At the Jail he. gave the
namo of Kdmard McUrnth. 510 South
Thirty-fifth avenue.
folic Surgeon Peppers and Dr. Htelner
after examining Ptcpnay announced that
his death was due to henrt failure,
there being no marl; of any kind about
him which would Indicate that Mc
Orath' blow hud killed him. '
Attache of the store tell different
stories of the start of the quarrel. Some
raid that Stepsay had argued with Mo
Grath and a man named Riley, who
was with him. because they had knocked
some candy from the counter.
Roth men had been drlnklnr. MoClralh
and hi partner, whom he ray Is em
ployed at the Western Klectrle company,
were walking through the store, accord
ing to McOrath' tory, when th floor
walker cam upon them from behind and
grappled frith McOrath.
t "I wa walking along In front of the
tranarer station near the candy counter
when the floorwalker Jumped on my back
and fell dead." McOrath told Captain
Dempaey at the station. "I nm sorry for
him. It wasn't 'my fault."
McCrath was booked us a suspicious
character and will be held until arter
th coroner's Inquest. Coroner rrn.k
took th body.
Btepsay, who has been employed by
me fame rirm for about eight years,
came to Omaha recently from Detroit.
His home Is at Altoona. I'a. He ha been
living here at the Klomar hotel, Seven
teenth and Capitol avenue.
Mrs. Garramone
Guilty of Murder
in First Degree
OOUJKN. Colo,, . Dec. S3.Oullty of
murder In th flrt degree, with a recom
mendation of life Imprisonment, was the
verdict returned today by the Jury In
the ease of Mr. Angelina Garramone,
charged with kllHng- Mra. Maria Laguar.
dla Auguat SO, J910.
Mr. Uarramon ha long been known
s the "Casale Chadwlck of Utile Italy"
because of the many financial deala of
which ah wa a principal promoter, and
Into which. It I aald, she Induced the
people of her native country here to be
come financially Interested. No return
on their money. It la said, were ever seen
by th Investor.
It wa said that a superstitious fear of
the woman had kept her fellow country,
men and women of the Italian district
her from resortina to the ron.i. rm- n..
recovery ot money they claimed to have
iruaiea to Air, carramone.
It wa the same fear. It la eLl in.
plred by the belief that the woman wa
a necromancer, that kept the two Koi
glon women, who claimed to tiav wit
nesaed the murder of Mrs. Laguarda,
from Informing the police of the murder
until after the woman finally wa ar.
rested nd sent to the penitentiary for
forgery. Tho foiserv char., u... i.,r..,i,.
against lier by an Italian who claimed to
nave invented money In one of Mrs. liar-
ramone's alleged financial undertakim.
Feekin Case Goes
to Jury at Wilbur
WII.r.KU. Neb., Dec. S3 -(Special Tcl
ogram.) The Otto Tccken cu went ti
the Jury lonluht In the court of Jurii-e
Hurd. Thedrfrne was that while the
two gtils and the yoiinjr defendant en
raged In a revel, nothing criminal took
Lewis r'haiik today actively re'
her husband, the mayor, in his campaign
against the hlsh cost of living. He stood
In the public market selling iresed tur
keys and chickens, walnuts and mince
meat, purchased by the mayor directly
from the producers end offered to the
consumer at prices under those aked
by th regular dealer.
Mr Khsnks' smiles of acknowledg
ment of felicitation tlmulatud business
at th mayor' atand and th itu.ii
moved rapidly. Outalde th market build
tng the mayor In pereon eupartntendeu
th sale of llv turkey and chicken.
Key to th (Situation Advertising.
Children cf the City Mission Arc
Oivea a Eully Time.
I Dean TamocU Tells lfw brlsm.a.
Morlen rt the Jnroln Memorlnl
Hall ami All Are Made
The hrsrts of over 4'10 children were
filled vl h Joy Faturday when they
were visited bv Bints Ca'is at th
Jiiccib' Merroilal hll and pns-ritd with
fclfts firm that Jovla: old toul. The er-vi.-ia
wire reld under the auvpices cf tin
City Mission and were" In charno of Mia.i
Nellie Magec. The cli.ldien who attended
kci vk'ch were ir.oso v. ho
heliinifnl to the Kunrtov rchool and Indui
trial dejmrtiticnt of ths f sst'oti.
i Tl.o exercises atarted at J o'c.ock. The
litlla lot spoke their "pleci' and sang
their MoriK. Dean THncoi k of Trinity
cathcdial told the children a hot of
. c nrwimas rtoric. ona nfl tn little one
entirely abfort.ed In the Chrlatma pliU
land nady for Fanta ("aus, who came
f down nn Improvised chimney and greeted
I tli little tot amidst an outburst of ap
I plnn vhlch will h rememberrd by the
older i h.ldicn who wero there, for years
to con-.e.
I Afer wiMhlnR the little one a Merry
iciirlnmas and t'lllng them what gvid
j children tcy had been for the .ait yenr,
1 Nt. Kirk rolled up his sleeves ar.d began
I Hie lank of sorting out the presents nni
jeveiy boy ond Kill In the ro(.m reccUed a
prevent ar.d a box cf candy.
On Mor.oay the City mission will hold
open hoiife a'l Cay. Cards have been
sent to ever 1.000 boj a end girls to can
at the mission ar.d KM n present which
ha been laid alde for them. Tiie City
rrllnsion looked like a storage lioure when
It was visited. by a reporter yesterday
ar:ernoon. jjundies and racRaftes com
pletely filled all the available riom and
a hug Christmas tree graced the upper
center of the auditorium. Ml Magce
and a corps of , helper worked like
beaver all day yesterCay and are doing
the some today.
All the package which were given
away yesterday and which will be dis
tributed tomorrow were donated to the
City mission by many people over the
tfty. AsRoclatlonp and other charitable
Institutions came to ti rescue of the City
mlsslrn and Mlas Megee said that never
In the history of the Institution has there
been auch a liberal supply of donations.
Not only did the Charitable one In ths
city give, but th mission Itself opened
It purse string and purchased many
articles which were needed and which did
not come In the donations. Money wa
ent to the mission from score of people
In nnd out of tho city who could not
think or find anything rise with which
to gladden th heart of the children at
th festive Season of the year.
The Volunteers of' America also came
to the rescue of the other charitable In
aHlutlons of the city nnd all yesterday
afternoon they were sending out wagon
loads of eatables to the deetltute families
In th city and those who could not af
ford to enjoy Chrlstm1 s It hould be.
One small room at the Volunteer hme
was completely filled from floor to cell
ing with package of clothing and pro
vision which had been purchased by
money secured on th street by the so
licitors and that which .had been sent In
by philanthropic persons.
EARIA'HjLjE, la.. Poo. 28. Whll play
ing the role of Santa Claua, Mrs. Martin
Powell, aged 60 year wa killed by an
Illinois Central freight train near her
home here. Her body was found beside
the track early today., and scattered
about were her Christmas bundles. Mrs.
Powell had gone, shopping last night.
When she failed to return home her rela
tive InstJtutud search, which ended with
the discovery ot her body.
Ten WttlilltM In p.nsrr.
TABUS KQCK. Neb.. Dec IS (Special.)
Miss L41I1 Dranek, who live four mile
wet of her, and CJyde Humeker were
married at . th Baptist parsonage at
Pawnee City Wednesday afternoon. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. U. B.
Parker. patnr of th Baptist church.
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Iler-
inun Thelman and Ml Anna Bodle, bath
living south .of here, were united In mar
riage at the Baptist parsonage by Rev.
U H. Parker. They will make their
horn on a farm near Pawnee City.'
CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. Dec. :i-(gpeclal.)
Mr. Lewi House and Miss Golden Olive
Campbell, both of this city, were married
at Indlanula, Neb.. December 20. Rev.
C. A. Norllii, pastor of the flft Metho
dist Episcopal church of Indlanula. offi
ciated. The bride Is the dauirhter of Mra
Minnie C. Hklnner of this clt where she
aa born and educated. The groom la
one of the popular young men and ha
been In th tmploy of tho Burllnaton
railroad her during th fast year,
Christmas tilft far Iowa Weslcyaa.
MOl'NT I'LEAHANT, la., Deo.
(Special.) Iowa Wealeyan college has re
ceived Christmas present of 7,SM from
A. M. Uhoal of Ienvcr, Colo., an alumnus
of th school, class of 1;. The amount,
which I In Denver proporty, w.u apply
on the tluU.OCU seventieth year endowment
fund which the college now la engaged lu
raisiiiK. The school' authorities say tl at
tl e Conditions of the Ohot offer will be
met and that 1 1 00, Or-) will bo ralved by
July I, mi, and ISO.OUO by July J, mi.
Ghost Is a nephew of the third president I
of the school, Joseph McDowell. He ln
hi alma mater forty-four year ago. !
Imm .News .Note.
RTOKM l-AKK-fliorm Likes hotel. th
lliadfoid. has ben auld by W . H. Wr.iihi
to the Kiler Hotel company. 1 lie Kl.t-rs,
lather and two ji-, aUo on and operate
a hotel at Humboldt. .
STORM UKE-A. K Campbell. for
rouitmn yeai postmaster at Urn Grove
has been renin vd for alleged shortago
In hla arcounia. Mra. Atidiew i::i.kon
la In of the oftiie until a suc
'Mtir to Mr. Campbell Is appointed.
M A RSI-I A I.l.TOYV N Following the I,
miant'e of search ajrnt and the eeiaure
ot ilKairtie.i In the Lafhei.e Cigar com
pany s store by the liwal p llce. County
Treatuirr Rcbtrt M. Ftevens ass ed ths
mily mulct cn;ajeit tax or J aia'nt
th llrm.
brought aalu?t the Lennox Machlr.e com
piny by ihe adiumisiralnr of the estate
cf Nicholas Ztahoii (,.r damages of to iuO
aileatd io U' due as a ruli of fco'uuri
bilng killed by a bursting emery. wheW
last August.
.tlRINNKUs Four member of th
Voet family were Injured, one seriously
and the dwelling was tmdiy wiecked by
en enploslDii of acetylene M lent night
it Ri, oi air. and
airs. William Vot. who were away fio-n
mint ii in nm.', was puttmi? cu
'urblde I
rurrtd. 1
in tiie generator the explosion occ
Christmas Tree for City Mission Kiddies
A 4 if ; 'w.. .jLi.- .',v r- i'
. 1
3 ii v
Billipcrcnt Commusioners Smile Be-
. nijnly Upoa One Another.
1 bttr.Wlnuetl Dove of ho ace ( nts
Plaron AVIns and Brother C'om
mlsiloner Bathe In .11 el
Ion Troneplendeney.
The 'Teace on earthi'good will to men"
Fplrlt ' 6f Cnrlstmatlde o pervaded
Omaha ycsteiday that even County Com
missioners Peter E. Elsasser and Oscar
J. Flckard, who have made a record for
quarreling, smiled benignly upon each
other at the board meeting. Th board
room wan suffused with the llpht of
those transcendental emlles and Commis
rloners Bedford,. Dynch and O'Connor
bathcd-rn the mellow transplendency.
Such was the eft;jct of' the good fellow
spirit that appeared to have overcome
t hi;' bellicose Inclination of th two com
missioners that one almost could hear
thn tinkling of little silver hells ond an
Bots almrthg and thrummlnit their harps.
The whlte-wlnired dove of peace, roo
Iny, fluttered Into the room, circled a
couplo of times over the two former bel
ligerent and finally alighted with one
foot on Pete's shoulder and one foot on
Cscar'a which. It will be -admitted, wa
quite a feat.
The Colorado Janket.
Commissioner E'saaser and Flckard
formed the committee that went to Den
ver and Marble to prod th Colorado
Ynlti Marble company Into hurrying It
shipment of material for the new county
building. Each turned In aeparate re
port, but they were the same In sub
stance. THey told what a nle marble
mountain th company ha, what fin
plant It operate and grew enthusiastic
about tli (well scenery- about th place.
Both reports said th commissioner
were aasured shipments will be rushed;
both raid there I a reason to beJIove th
marble people have neglected the county
to favor other. Both racommended that
the board request Caldwell & Drake to
send a man to Marble to keep after the
contractor until all the marble . I
hipped. Commissioner Elrasser' report
itld he believe If t hla ta done the whole
county building may be finished by May.
1; Mr. Flckard' report said ho think all
th marble will be here by March 15.
(Continued from First Page.)
pending In congress, and have the prom
ises of muny strong and able senators
to vote for It. I favor the early enact
ment of the Bulloway pension bill and
If unable to get that law I will vote for
the Sherwood bill on the same subject.
which, recently passed the house. I am
1 1
agatnvt any proposition to subsidise ahlp
ping or any other Industry.
"I am In favor of a broad and liberal
reclamation and conservation polloy. I
believe It Is a crime to waste our national
resources or to allow them to be monop
olised, whether they be of th forest or
mineral wealth of the country. I deem
It of the highest Importance, not only
to western Nebraska, but to th whole
cguntry, to liberally promote Irrigation
and reclamation projects, such a ara
typified by th Fathflnder Investment,
to the end that all our sjll may bring
to the people the fullest harvest possible.
"I am for the early ratification of the
peace treaties negotiated by th president
with Fngland and France. I am confi
dent when they are ratified the other
great nations of the world will Immedi
ately accept the arbitration program,
which means tho ultimate voluntary dis
armament of all civilised nations, which
In turn means a saving of JOO.iW.OOO mil
lion dollar annually to the American peo
ple, to say nothing of the Immeasurable
blessing or a worlJ at peace. These trea
ties do not Invade the province ot rcna
torlal prerogative In my Judgment, ond
If they did it would lie a natlonul disgrace
to allow this prerogative to atand lir the
way of this, the first concrete prnposo-
sltlon ever made by any government to
actually avoid war.
"I do not expect to be abl to make a
personal canvass of th state before the
primary. My place la at Washington
when congreta la in ttesalon. To the peo
ple why by direct vote will determine for
themselves whether or not I deserve the
honor of a second nomination and term I
cheerfully submit my cause, conscious of
having, performed my full duty to the best
ot my ability in an honest effort to do
at all times what seemed to me to be
right." .
rwnstur Itrown la enroute to hi horn th
Kearney, where he will spend the holiday
vacation. He waa only In the city be
tween train and lis few paup'.e. and
thestt; only long enougn to shake hunds-
nd pass th" compliments of th Mawn.
It Is anticipated lie will visit th capital
city later during hi vacation and talk
politics with his friends and tak a look
at hi fences.
ET. LOCI. Dec. tl -Circuit Judge
Wlnthrow granted a new trial today in
th MrDermott will raae, m which a
striking Jury after thro day' delibera
tion ruturned a verdict-contrary to tn
-i miaain ii i T .
t -
Instruction of the Judfre. In ordering a
new trial Judge Wlnthrow denied a mo
tion to return Judgment In favor of the
defendant, notwithstanding the Jury's
finding for th plaintiff.
. (Continued from Flrt Pag.)
Yuan Bid Kal, Is occupied In exchanging
dispatches with Peking and In receiving
callers. He has net yet received Premier
Yuan fihl Kal's final answer. He say
the armistice now I almost perfect. ,
Within the last few days the economic
situation In the. Interior of tho country
has greatly Improved. Teleprams and
letter from all points show that while
lawlessness continues In the outlvlns
country districts, the local government
officials have succeeded In making a de
cided Improvement In the general condi
tion. Daal Mediation Proposed.
IXNDON, Dec. II Considerable curi
osity has been roused In diplomatic
circles here regarding the reaaona for
proposal of Great Britain and Japan
undertake a dual mediation in China
after the powers. Including the United
State, had decided to present an Identical
note to the conference now meeting at
There wa a tendency to believe that
the Japanese government hod made the
proposal and that Japan was anxloua to
Intervene. It turn out now, however,
that tho proposal really came from th
British government, acting on the belief
that tho British conaul at Hankow, who
had Induced th combatanta to agree to
an armistice, might again aucceed an
amenator tn the larger question. '
It la understood the Btate department
at Washington 1 making Inquiries both
in Japan and Great Britain In regard to
th proposed Brltlsh-Japanee mediation.
The reiterated report that ths. British
Japanese mediation . contemplated In-
alatenre on the malnUnani. nt i t V. -
monorchia! government la officially j
denied. It wa aald at the foreign of flee I
mat tne enorts or the British govern
ment In conjunction with the other power
were directed to assisting China to
secure an efficient farm of government
based on popular approval.
Japaueae Troup In Haakon.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.-Although
8tte departmtnt officials would not re
veal fie source ot their Information they
declared toduy that official report con
tain the statement that two companies
of Japanese infantry and, one machine
gun detachment will arrive at Hankow
about December 31.
These troops, according to th advices,
will be used to protect th Japanese con-
ulata at Hankow.
HYDE PARK. Mass., Dec. a.-Brldget
Prltchard, 'th pretty 18-year-old house
maid mho wa stabbed In the bick by an
unidentified Italian, suffered the fate In
tended for another, according to th be
lief ot Captain Franklin Grant.
Miss Prltchard's aunt. Mra. Thomas
Frltchard, on whose front steps th girl
died, declares that he had a double In
an Italian girl who resides In the neigh
borhood. The police luspect that the Italian
young woman was selected a th victim.
It is known that the latter had a quarrel
with her sweetheart and cast him off.
Th murderer 1 still at large.
Because of the girl' dying statement
that It wa an Italian who attacked her,
the police visited the Italian section of
Boston and Hyde Park, but their search
failed to reveal any clew o the Identity
ot th slayer. '
L8 than five , minutes after being
stabbed tn the back on the West Olen
wood avenue bridge, the girl died in the
arm of her aunt, Mra. Thomas Frltchard.
to whose house sh had feebly walked
after being attacked. Near the spot where
the murder wa committed th handle of
a knife, which apparently was used by
th assassin, was found.
Harry l.lser.
WVMORE, Neb.. Dec. 23.-(Speclal.)
Harry User of thla city died at the home
of relative In Bunker Hill. Kan., yester
day morning. The body will be sent her
for burial. Mr. User had been visiting
relative in Kansas for several year
past. He Is about to year old and I a
brother of J. J. User of this olty.
U A Constitutional D I
It manifests Itself in local aches and
pains Inflamed Joint and, stiff mus
cle but it cannot be cured by local
Hood's Garsaparilla
which corrw-t th acid condition of
th blood and bulldup th system.
Get It today In uaual liquid form or
chocolated tablet called Saraataba.
a -; i
! h
Northwestern. Passenjcr No. 310,
. . Bound for Omaha, Derailed.
Ustiagenisn and Two Mail Clerks
Are Hart Mull Car Take Fire
and Quantity of Christmas
Mall I Horned,
ALBIOX, Neb., Doc. a. Special Tele
gram.) Northwestern paxsenger train
No. 310 from Oakdale to Omaha was de
railed a mile n! a naif east of Albion
at 7:30 o'clock this morning by the spread
ing of the rails. .Tha mall car and two
baggage car rolled down a fifteen-foot
embankment. Tho mail car took fire
and a quantity or Christmas mail was
burned. A;, "D. Martin, baggageman,
of Fiemont iad bis leg broken and It is
feared he Is Injured Internally. A. L.
Orebert and B. V. Moss, mall clerk of
Oakdale, were seriously. Injured,
The smoking car left the rail and
stand I ne ,at. an angle of forty-five de
grees. The passengers piled up to the
front of the car. but all escaped serious
The locomotive and the three passenger
oars did not leave the rails. The track
waa torn up for considerable distance and
traffics will be delayed for aome time.
The passengers were taken back to Al
bion In automobiles.
DETROIT, Dec. 23.-The Detroit Journal
ays today that Manager Hugh Jennings
and 'Ty" Cobb of the Detroit American
league baso ball ciub will be financially
Interested with Frank J. Navln. presi
dent of the- Detroit club In thei new or
ganisation' or the Providence: club In the
InteiTiatlonal league.
We wish to extend
I to all our
customers a very
Merry Xmas
and thank them for
their patronage
A Bottle of Wine Will be Given With
Every Large Case cf
The Only Pure Spring Water Beer
on the Market
Retail Dealer. Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue.
Phone-Doug. 1306, 7162. A-1306, A-1673.
Dft.Be.rMF Bail?,
This Institution Ii tha only one
In tho central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely
distinct and rendering It possible
to classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The oher Uet
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nurEing. ,
Humphreys' Seventy-Seven
Breaks up Grip and
Inf.uenca of Stars
Influenza got Its name in the
seventeenth century. In Italy becanso
it was attributed to the influence
of the stars
Sympton6 chilliness and cold
ness down tho spine, anxiety, fever
lshncsB, fontal headache, pains In the
limbs and back, cough, nausea, palu
and suffusion of the eyes, sneezing
and extreme muscuar prostration.
Remedy "Seventy-seven" meets
the extingency, cuts it short prompt
ly, preoccupies the system and pre
vents its invasion.
A small vial of pleasant pellets,
fits the vest pocket. At Drug Stores
25c or mailed.
Humphrey' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor.
William and Ann Street, New York.
Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119
Retail Dealen
Office-803 S. 7th St.
SPECIAL TRIP traoMilsatls liner
ths Urgent sad moat insurious steamur ef
the Hamtmrf-Amerlcna aerTiee. Koulppetl
with Hlts-Cirlta Keataorint, Palm Gsriteo.
iTmniKliin, Klectrle Xlatba. aUersiora.
Will leafs New York
FEBRUARY 14. 1912.
for Madeira.- Gibraltar. Aider.
Vlllelraarhe (Mice) Cieaoa, Ma
ple, and fort Said. -;
Time for sight-seeing at each pert. S9'
To or from Port Bald, 9165 ana so.
To or from all other ports, ft IS and tip.
Alto Cruitrt lo tha Orient, H ( Indict,
Houlh as.eHra, AgnMo' tk World, eta.
Send fuf lliilstrated booklet.
lju S KauJolpli St., Ciutefc. or local agt.
Teh. f. 1100 up. for 11 aavi. Including all ihore
icurtlon. vtslta Spain, alcorU, orc, Turkar,
Holy Laud, Kit pi. Italy, Klo. lo Kurup Tour a.
FRANK C. CLARK. Tlroaa Bid.. Now York.
W. E. DOCK. ltn rarnam Slraet. Omaha.
1 MbiS h
0 An o
. v
busk ii sipaiiiw'iwiki.'iswi ) .WW:!