Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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niF, omaiia suxoay iwa:-. m:cKUm lm. inn.
f y
itv Piion:nTv rmi .i.f.
The best speculation in the west
today is OMAHA REAL ES
TATE. The railroads are set
ting the pace. Get into the race.
We take this opportunity of
wishing the people of OMAHA
"A Merry Christmas."
W. Farnam Smith & Co.
We Wish You
A Merry Christmas
Below wf offer a few red-hot bargaln
that must be sold at once.
A 4-room cottage, at 3003 Franklin St.
City water and gas In house. House
newly papered. immediate possession.
Kasy terms.
A 3-room brick cottage' at 1945 8. 28th
St.. Jimt one block to the East Side Hans
coin Park car line. Modern except heat.
New sanitary plumbing, etc. Terms: 1100
cash, balance monthly.
A G-room. all modern house on Daven
port St., just six blocks west of High
School. Hard pine finish. Hot water
heat. Full lot, 60x132. New paving paid
In full. Keduced to above figure on ac
count of Elckncss.
A brand new house at l."30 South Twenty-fifth
Ave. Kin rooms and reception
hall; downstairs finished In oak, bed
rooms and bath room In hard pine, white
enameled. Stairway to attic. Full base
ment. Furnace heat. Complete with fix
tures, cement walks, etc. $400 cash, bal
ance monthly.
Vacant Lot Snaps
On Georgia Ave.
One-half block south of Paclflo St., 60x
14 J, east front paving, all paid. Price re
duced to 12,000.
Cuming Street
44x133, south front, between Kith and
17th Sts. Price cut from $4,000 to 13,000 for
Immediate sale.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both ''Phones.
212 8. 17th
A Merry Christmas
For The Person
That Get This One.
6-room cottage;
light, Bteal range
Fine south front.
bath, gas, electric
cement basement.
Lot 50x120. Chicken
Ixx-ated within 4
Brewery and Vinton
Price, $2,&W. Good
blocks of Krug's
Street Car barn.
$100 CASH $20 MONTH
6 rooms, modern except heat. Near
llemis Park. $11,500.
$200 CASH $20 MONTH
5 rooms, gas, electric light. Full ce
ment basement; good furnace. Within
one block , of car and school, $2,200.
7-room all modern new dwelling In fine
neighborhood. Klegant reception hall
and parlor combined In one across entire
width of house; dinltiff room, kitchen,
upon stairway; 4 bedrooms and bath on
second floor. Every room In thla house
nicely papered and floors all polished.
Full basement, extra toilet, best furnace,
laundry. Price $4,000. Small cash pay
ment. Balance like rent.
$3 000 SNAP $3,000
10-room dwelling; 5 rooms and bath on
first floor, 6 rooms on second floor.
(Nice mantel and fireplace, gas and city
water. 2 blocks of car and school. South
front, coiner lot, 60x120. Nice shade.
$3,000 $300 $23 a month.
209 S. 17th St.. Bet. Farnam and Harney.
Both Phones 3Mi7.
If you are looking for a first class new
house, take a look at 5012 Capiiol Aye.
Downstairs has large living room with
beamed celling and largo window seat,
good dining room, den or bedroom;
kitchen and large pantry; upstairs 4 bed
rooms and bath; floored attic; oak finish
downstnirs. South ront lot. J!i,3n0.
Fine 0-room 2-story thoroughly modern
house on good corner lot. Living room
15x20 ft., with line fireplace. Owner
has out price from $5,500 to 4 .450. Terms.
We are offering sjine choice lots on
' Chicago street, between 5'nh and 61st at
$i,oo0 each that are real bargains.
D. 1310.
4 W Board of Trade Bldg
Th tusaiilfiil stium home No. 124 N.
isth street Is now for sale. It has hot
water heat, hardwood finish throughout
snd wus built by the day for a home.
Will make right price and terms. Will be
t'l id to show you through it.
$2,000 Will buy the nice 6 room cottage
No. 821 S. 22d street. .Close In.
tt fiAi Will buv the 6-room new modern
ntirnni No. Stilit Hamilton street. Oak and
birch finish. See It while It Is building.
Nothing cheap about It, except tbe price.
Only $4,500
Seven-room, all modern house, close to
Farnam car line and only 14 blocks from
ltith St. Oak woodwork, oak floors and
hot water heat. This house is almost new
and a bargain. Owner will take a good
lot In Dundee as psrt payment.
J. H. Dumont & Son
phone Doug. ff 1605 Farnam St.. Omaha
THREE FINE LOTH on 14th Ave. and
Grand Ave. for sale at a bargain. 10
lxard 6U riioue lied 4535.
$ 5,300 In Crolghton's First Addition, on
S3d St.. block from the car:, lot
71x140 feet, east front, a dandy,
well built, new, 10-room house, oak
finish, oak floors and right up-to-date.
This is a special price for
quirk sale and it is worth quick
consideration. location Is fine.
$ 6,300 In the West Farnam district on
xsth Ave., near Dodge St., a good,
well built, 2-story, -room house,
splendid condition, vapor heat,
(better' than hot water), good
plumbing, fine basement, 60x156
ft. lot. This property Is well lo
cated. Price la low, everything
1030 8. 30th Ave., half block from
Pacific car; east rront. 60x160 feet,
with a good 8-room house, fine hot
water heating plant, good plumb
ing; downstairs mostly In oak,
with fine oak floors, handsome re
ception hall, two parlors, dining
roorn, kitchen and maid's room;
two good bedrooms and one large
room, with alcove on second floor,
handsome harrt wood pollHhed
floors; very handsome electric
light fixtures; stone drive, large
garage or barn. This property can
be sold very low and special easy
terms to good party, investigate
$10,500 A fine south and east front cor
ner, 100x100 feet, both etreets paved
and paid. Close -to the car; well
built, very attractive, 10-room
house, handsomely finished In
quarter sawed golden oak, nicely
arranged; hot water heat; well
built, modern and up-to-date In
every particular. A dandy good
home and cheap at the price.
$ 0,000 66x60 feet, on Capitol Ave., between
lot h and 11th, Trackage In front.
Three store rooms with Tats
above. Special price and reason
able term for quick sale. BAR
813 City National Bank Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 48; Independent A-3049.
Some Bargains
1,400 A good five-room cottage,
with sewer, water and gas;
east front lot 40x120, at 3506
North 28th St.; rental $15.
2,000 A well built seven-room
house, with bath and gas, at
2625 Decatur St.; lot 30x127.
Rental $20.
$2,500 8t'ven-room house, modern
except furnace, on Spencer
St., near 24th; lot 40x127.
$3,500 Eight-room modern, well
arranged two-story house,
with a good heating plant, on
lot 50x125, with paving paid
for, one block to two car
$4,500 Modern, up-to-date home,
with vestibule, ball, front ami
back parlors, with fireplace
and matel costing $300; dic
ing room, all with hardwood
floors; combination hot water
and hot air heat; five bed
rooms and stairway to floored
attic; large porch; lot 50x
121; paving paid; In Kountze
Place, at 2017 Spencer 8t.
Might take a cheaper place
for part of this.
That fine lot on northeast corner
16th and Wirt Sts., 52.8x124, for
$1,900, with paving all paid.
74x124, on southwest corner 18th
and Spencer Sts., for $3,000.
' W. H. Gates
644 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
'Phone Doug. 1294.
Dundee Homes
$3,500 For a new 7-room. 2-story
modern house, decorated
throughout, hot water heat,
close to the car line.
$3,8:0 For a new 7-room modern
house, oak finish 1st floor,
lull cemented basement, fur
nace heat. Only "00 cash,
balance same as rent. Close
to car line.
$4,230 If sold at once, for a new
7-room house, oak finish,
large living room. Will dec
orate to suit purchaser. Lo
cation first-class.
$0,fO New 8-room house, enamel
and mahogany finish, very
attractively decorated, sun
porch and sleeping porch
above, south exposure; paved
street. One-half block to car
line. .
$7,000 New 8-room, modern house,
convenient to the car line
and in a district where all
residences are restricted to
5.WO and over; selected oak
floors throughout, large liv
ing room with handsome
brick fireplace, beamed cell
ing, sun parlor and sleeping
pprch on the south, tiled
bath room; large lot; paved
George & Co.
102-12 City Nat l Bank Bldg.
Phones: D. 76, or A-1766.
F. S. Trullinger
Persistant Advertising la the Road to
Big Returns.
You are money ahead
when you do your shop
ping through the Want Ads.
Brand New Homes
On North 10th St., between llrd and
Sprague Sts.. east side, we have Just
completed two of the nicest small homes
we have ever constructed. Six rooms
each, nil modern In every detail and hav
ing some distinctive features that will
pirate you. Holid oak bullt-ln buffet,
colonnade opening with book canes In
pedestals between dining room and par
lor; besides parlor, dining room and
kitchen. Is a good-sised room which can
be used as a bed room or den, all fin
ished In oak (except kitchen.; two large
bed rooms, closets, bathroom and linen
closet on second floor; full cemented
basement, outside grade entrance; first
class furnace, hot water tank and laun
dry sink. One house Is bungalow style.
Tries 9 houses ought to sell quickly. They
have the style and quality and the prices
are reasonable. 'Go out and look them
over, then see us about prices and easy
Payne & Slater Co.
SIR Om. Nat. Bank Bide Both 'Phones.
Cheap Close in Lots
$ CjO each for four south front Iota
. on Cass St., Just west of Md;
aldewalk, city water and
sewer In and paid for. Only
$76.( cash, balance $12 per
$ 750 For SuxlaO feet fronting south
on Cass Ft., 1K9 ft. east of
30th St., close to high-class
property. In a neighborhood
where values aro increasing.
$ 900 each for two south front lots
n Chs St., lust east or 83d
Ft. These lots are 60x120 ft.,
have city water, sewer, gas
and paving In and paid for.
Convenient to the car line.
$2,100 For 6xN8 feet on Jones St.,
JuBt east of 37th street, close
to some of the highest priced
residence property In Omaha
and where values are sure to
1 crease.
$2,100 For 8xM feet near 22d and
Webster Rts., excellent rent
ing location for brick flats.
George & Co.
C02-12 City Nafl Bank Bldg,
Phones: T. 75B, or A-17ftt.
Start Right
With Our Help
Tou are facing a new year, W 111 you
rent or will you own your own home? We
now have three completely modern, tip-to-date
cottages In course of erection at
41st Ave. and Burt St. They will be eady
for occupancy about the first of the year.
We want you to look at them now. For
three better built or more complete
homes have never been built In Omaha.
They have first-class foundations; are
sheeted with ship-lap; have good heavy
tar paper and building paper between the
lath and aiding. Insuring a warm house.
The basements are cemented. The h oases
are finished In first-class oak, birch and
maple; in fact, the best of material la
used throughout. Look at these at once
and aee us for price and further particu
lars. Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 15M.
210 8. 17th St.
I HAVE a partiany developed fruit
farm In northwest Arkansas for sale; best
climate on earth; terms. Address Y 1977,
"My knowledge of land on uncompleted
Grand Trunk can make you quick profits,
Frank Crawford. US Homer St., Van
couver, or Omaha "
VO YOU want to farm in western Can
ada, where the crops this year are In
advance of everything grown on the
continent? For wheat growing dairy
ing, mixed farming and cattle raising the
province of Alberta is unsurpassed.
1-ands are now offered by the CANA
at prices ranging from $10 to $30 an acre
on LONG TKHM8 of payment or on the
crop payment plan, 'ihls Is paying for
your farm with a portion of your crops
each pear.
Land values have Increased 30 per cent
In two years. Great opportunity for the
Call or write for full particulars, book
lets, maps, etc.
K. 8. FLOB, General Agent.
Canadian Pacific Alberta Land Co.
Kxc ursion every Tuesduy. Bee ma for
' lolorado.
FOR PALE A fine country home, near
Colorado Springs, Colo., 60 A.; 3H A. irri
gated, 20 A. pasture; all fenced; a mod
ern, new S-roomed house; barn; 600 young
fruit trees, shade trees and lawn; flno
location, healthy cuinate, fine scenery.
Price, $8,5o0. For full description aim
photo address Box liii. Fountain. Colo.
TEN-ACRE farms acreuHlble to Jackson
ville, Fla. Excellent fur winter garden
truck. Thirty dollars pur acre; fifty cents
cash; fifty cents per month. Write for
particulars. Jacksonville Heights Im
provement Company, Qacksonvllle, Fla.
We are offering 10, 30 apd 40-acre tracts
and upwards located In Columbia county
near Lake City, Florida, eO miles west of
Jacksonville and only kd miles from fit.
Augustine. Thla property la Intersected
by three railroads uf national reputation,
which furul.h the best of servlcea at
reasonable rates to all markets of the
United States.
The climate Is Ideal. Fine farms are
now being worked In our tract with
sxceptlonally good results. Own ona of
our farms. Investigate our offer. Small
cash payments and easy terms.
Low rates dally. Tickets good until
(Sales A'gents)
100 Omaha National Bank Bldg ,
Omaha. Neb
Traversed by the
Lands adaptable to the widest range of
crops. All tho money crops of the suutn
plsullfully produced. For literature treat
ing with thla coming country, its soil,
climate, church and school advantage,
rU W. 11. LEAHY, DEPT. K,
General Passenger Agent.
FOR PAI.K-ChlcLen ranch, tVj acre,
plenty of fruit and ptaubea; good build
ings: location central Illinois; fur par
ticulars WfUa Laurens, low, l.uute X
feu ii.
FHM A Ht'll I. AMI. Fit H stl.K
G,409 Acres in One Body
Sixty miles east of Keokuk, la., located
In Cass county Illinois,
$155 'PER ACRE
Will cut 300.0IIO railroad ties, besides
many thousand feet of lumber. There Is
also a big amount of hickory and ash.
The timber win sell for much more than
the land and timber will cost. When
cleared the land will be choice for farm
ing. O. EDEN .BURN
124 West Third St., Davenport, la."
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm Is to Insert a small want ad
In the Dea Moines Capital, Largest cir
culation In the state of Iowa, 43,000 dally.
The Capital Is read by and believed In by
the standpatter of Iowa, wbo simply
fuse to permit any other paper in their
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day;
per line per month; count aix ordinary
words to the line. Address Dea Moines
Capital, Dea Moines. Is.
NEW YRAK excursion Januarv 9. mini
tropical Mexico;" see rlgh agricultural
lands selling low prices. For full Infor
mation write Mexican Isthmus Land Co..
412 Grand Ave. Temple. Kansaa City,
60-ACRH dairy term, all new buildings,
bringing owner per year. Only
st.6w. A snap. Write Dill & Huston.
viraiKl Island, Neb.
One good Investment in northwest Ne
braska land will beat a lifetime of hard
labor where you are now located, pro
vided you act right now while land Is
cheap. 1 can sell you a home fsnn here
witn a payment ot from ,t to H down.
Your Investment will double and treble
In the next three or four years, making
you from 300 per cent to ouO per cent
profit Usm the actual money you Invest
today. Start the New Year right. Don't
drone along, paying high rent on high
priced land. Don't drone along, trying to
support your family in the city upon your
meager pay checks. Don't be content to
leave your little saWtiRS In the bank and
only get 4 per cent or ii per cent Interest.
wnen mat same money invested tip here
In land will soon accumulate to suco pro
portions as will enable you to quit tne
hard dally grind you are now following
and permit you to live at ease upon your
income, write me today for my new
book of descriptions and prices. It will
be mailed to you promptly. Read It over
and then don't delay and think you will
come at some future aay, but grasp op
portunity while It is knocking at your
aoor and come up here and buy a place
that will. In a few short years, make you
Independently wealthy. The first New
Year's resolution you make, let It be, "1
will quit procrastinating and buy myself
a farm home at once."
Dawes county is the "haven" of the
man of medium means. My office Is his
"Kureka." My book is free. 'Write today,
Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska,
m ACRES; 10 miles from Red Cloud;
23 acres alfalfa; 100 acres cultivation;
good Improvements. Price, $8,000,
acres; 7 miles to Bladen; vno acres culti
vation; 90 acres alfalfa; 1J0 acres pas
ture; good Improvements. $U,oou; good
terms. Write at once. Carpenter A bun,
Red Cloud. Neb.
$67G WILL put you on MO acres of lund
4 miles from town; one-half finest alfaita
and potato land, where everything grows.
Balance good pasture land, best of water,
Ideal climate, fare from Omaha $7. Call
on or addreas Room 8. Continental block.
Also open evenings from 7:H0 to 9.
Mew Mexico.
crops and profits sure. Fruit and alfalfa.
Government Irrigation. Considering cost
and profits, we offer tbe best on the mar.
ket. Come all right. Hartshorn & Co.,
Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Wheeler county. Neb., about 8 miles
from county seat, said to be dark sanay
loam with clay subsoil, much of it suit
able' for farming. i room house, barn
Kix40, abundance of water. Will take
Improved property for $x,000 or $lo,00o. In
luit pavment. Price $10.00 per acre.
105 Pearl Htreet.
Council Blutls, la.
North Carolina.
WANTED Men to become Independent
farmers In eastern North Carolina, the
"nation's garden spot." Leuda for large
profits on small capital. Write for book
let. C Van Leuven, 824 Southern Bldg.,
Wilmington, N. C."
FOR SALE Good farm tracts: SO0 acres
diked tlduland, M acres upland ail thor
oughly drained. .Will furnish feed fur 400
head cattle. Land especially adapted to
dairying and accessible to good market.
Good water. House and barn Just com
pleted costing $ti,vou. bounded on two
sides by county road. One mile from
school and pustotfice. Lies suitable to
subdivide Into smalt tracts If so desired.
Price, $100 per acre. Part cash; ternu
on balance; no commissions. If Interested
correspond immediately with owner, Geo.
W. Warren, vice president Astoria Na
tional bauk. Astoria, Oregon.
ADVANTAGES of Oregon: loo-page
book glvea the amount of government
land open to homestead In each county
in Oregon, Washington and California and
description of same; glvea homestead,
desert, timber, atone, coal and mineral
laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21 x
3s; one showing R. H. In operation and
ona showing R. R. proposed and under
construction, Including eastern and cen
tral Oregon, book c; maps. 200 each, or
the three 60c. Map of California, In col
ors, 37x'4, 36c; map of Washington, In
colors, 21x2s, 20c. Nlmino, Runey tk Co.,
13 Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In the WORLD. Secure SO acres In this
valley; plant It In fruit. In four years It
will begin to bear, earning upwards of
$JO0 per acre, Increasing till It gets In full
bearing, when It will average $71l per
acre, making a total net Income of $10, oil).
Besides, the properly will enhance In
value $100 per acre annually. In ten years
the total Increased valuation will amount
to $20.0u0. If you only made a living dur.
Ing the development of your tract, the
enhanced valuation would amount to
more than you oould possibly make at
anything else. A. very unusual opportun
ity Is yours to secure 10 or more acres
for less than market value on eaty terms.
Address Oliver R. Brown, 1437 K. Main
St., Medford, Ore.
Booth Dakota.
100 ACRES. In
Dakota, for sale.
Lyman county. South
Address D via. Dee.
LAND OPENING over lOO.OuO acres
Texas state land being thrown open to
the public; $l.i0 to $6 per acre; tltlu direct
from elate; l-40th down, balance forty
years. For further Information write Uux
ITJ, Houston, 'lex
F4IIM H A X II I. AMI I'OH 4.1.11
REND for description of beautiful R30
acre furm at $100 an acre. NO TRADING.
W. 11. Graham, Cucro, Tex.
I tab.
"Western Opportunities
Flail lands are being filed upon more
rapidly than iitmlx In anV oilier stale.
1'tah is rich In coal snd Iron and Htlrao
Ing great attention for its excellent fruits.
Salt lMkt City Is tho greatest It. I;,
c-nier west of Chlcaan, will be an Im
portant miiniifHctui lug city. Is the world's
greatest mining and enlitlng center, an
educational center slid Ideal home city
of the continent. The most perfect four
season ellmitto in the world.
We can offer to the right man exclu
sive sale of M to 200 choice building lots,
close in, cement walks, shade trees, rlty
water, car line; $-'!i cash, $7.D0 per month.
Ilubbnrd Investment Co.
WW. Sri South St., Salt Lake City.
W Isronsln.
RI'SKT COVNTY. WIS, cut-over hard
wood lands; wholesale prices; any slsed
teset' rldv loUIti nll ' In H,i4iv .tl MiU'ap
belt; goixi markets, school and churches;
ea.y terms. Write for maps and in
formation. Arpln Hardwood Lumber
Company. Grand Rapids, Wis.
ll12 official 132-page book. Free Govern
ment Land, describes every acre In every
county in Culled States; contains town
ship and section plats, maps, tables and
charts showing Inches rainfall annually,
elevation above sea level by count lex,
homestead and other government land
laws, tells how snd where to get govern
ment laud without living on It, applica
tion blanks, V nlted States patent. All
about government Irrigation projects and
man showing location of each, land tax
of each state and other Information. Price
2fic, postpaid. Ilomeseeker Publisher Co.,'
St. Paul, Minn.
See the house at 2014-111 Hlnney. 44X1H3
double S-room house In first-class condi
tion. Rented for $noo.(K) per annum, sub
ject to $1,200.00 mortgage, and offer us
some vacant lots.
435 raxton lllock. 'Phone P. 241S.
WANTED City loans and wairania. W.
Farnam bmlth A Co.. 1U20 Farnam ML
OMAHA Property and Nebraska 'Lands.
1011 New Omaha Nat'l Rank Building.
FARM I .OA MS near Omaha; no oummlS
slon; optional payments; cheap money.
Orln S. Merrill. 1-13 city Nat l bank Hldg.
MONEY to loans on business or resi
dence properties, H.OUO to $Mlu,0u0. W. U.
THOMAS, UU First Nat l Rank lildg.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F.
Wead, Wead Rldg., Isth and Farnam.
110-412 Riandels Theater bldg.
GAliVLN BROS n. d up.
LARGE LOANS, municipal bonds, mort
gages bought and sold. Bl ULL tiRud.
WANTED City luans. Peters Xiuat Co.
(!" 340-acre farm in Hoyd county, Neb.,
$10,(XO. Ijijs level, nice table, 136 acres
tine black crop lund, 10 acres pasture; a
decided bargain. Owner will take resi
dence In Omaha for part.
(2) Telephone buslriHSH, In richest sec
tion of Iowa, earning $iri,00O per year; no
competition from bell Co.; 1,100 phones
In use, hundreds of miles of wires and
poles. ITIce. $86,000, clear. Will take gocd
tana or large ranch property. Must be
(63) D00-arre farm In Garfield county,'
Neb.; 176 acres under cultivation; with
good house and barn. Well and cistern.
Price, $12,000. This la lower than cash
price. Will take good clear property
worth $twu In exchange.
tM) M) acres liav land, fi miles from
Ika City, Mich.; tine level land; all can
be cultivated; only $1 per acre; for trade
for merchandise, Income, hardware or
will uivlde If necessary.
(66) KKO-acre farm, miles south of Cur
tis, Neb.; 425 acres In corn, $o,000 In Im
provements; clear; for' merchandise busi
ness, residence and building; the price of
$30 Is actually under the market cash
price. Now investigate this.
J. A. AHUOTT oc CO.,
fco Rrandtts bldg.. Omaha.
TO EXCHANGE The most up-to-date
modern store for Its slae in northern
buuth Dakota. Stock Invoice $12,400, can
be reduced. Positively no stickers. Want
Improved land up to 10,ou0, balance cash.
Good territory. No agents. Laud must
be aouth of Sioux City and not far west.
Write Lock box 26,' Garden City, 8. P.
FIVE-ACRE siihurbun home. Improved
with 7-r. house; choice location and many
tukabln features; value $t,ouo; easy terms
or will exchange for Omaha or South
Oinaha Income property. An opportunity.
s.ijfHr a vi r u n i r t . ir
Rooms 1213 14 city National Rarik Bldg
ANY connoisseur of confectionery will
readily tell you that there are no candies
t.k,.b. f... .. .,,,H,nu f -J .. In ,,,,..u ..
daintiness. If Mrs. ("has. Horn. 41t S. 42d
nt., win come to i lie itee ornce witniii
three days we will give lier an ordur for
a ttO-cnt box of O'lirlen's randy.
100 ACRES In Holt county. Will ex
change equity of $4,001) for houso and
lots. Want more lot than house. IDA
NEFF, 43 Bee bldg.
Omaha Homo for Lund
Entirely modern: reception hall, parlor.
library, dining-room, kitchen, bed-room
downstairs; 3 stairways liud up to 3 bed
rooms with closets, complete bath with
new Wolff fixtures. Gas and electricity.
Full sized, cemented basement, brick
foundation. New American furnace. Full
lot. alley, south front, 10 large fine matfe
trees, halt block to best car service, 1
block to public sciioul. close to all
churches and paroc.ial schools. Encum
brance $2,100. Owner prefers Kimball Co.,
Neb., or other good western land. Ad
dress, W Mil, bee.
4HO-ACRE hay ami slock farm. Pierce
county, Nebraska. In corn belt; equity
uf $24,000 to exchange for mdse. or hard
ware or clear eastern arm. Clarence Al.
Smith, Flagler, Colo.
id-hand goods, Kleser. li20 Center. D. D6S
WANTElJ Second-hand safe; give
name maker. height, width. depth,
weight and price, F. O. B. Omaha, D
!f, Uee.
TWO furnlMhrd looms for ligut house
keeping, on or near Ames Ave. Address,
Kimnl, 4212 Camden Ave.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
respectable mlddle-uged lady. Prefer
home with children. Also eicrlenced ui
puree Address Mrs. Marie Turner, gen
eral delivery. Council bluffs, la.
At Vol '.VTA NT snd bookkeeper, first
class, open for Immediate eriKagcment;
prefer above, but would accept n salia-
, man's isltion: married; ag, 30 yrs ;
good personality and an Impressive and
I forceful speaker: any reasonable nalary
considered, fall Harney bit ami arrange
m terv lew.
MTCATU'N wanted -A manager of
general stoie, country town; experienced.
' WASHING and curtains done. T. 11.6420
W A N TK1 - Sit o. 1 1 loll hh repairer or
driver of automobile. (Irnduate and is
thoroiiKlilv competent Pest of reference.
I H. 1.. Unrr. 124 N. 17th St.
i HOOK K KKt'l NO nml
: evening arm Saturdays;
clerical work
use typewriter.
Address I. 74.1. I lee.
Vnl'Nil married man Would like post
tlon of any klml bei e lie could work
from 12 to ti p m. N !vi. Bee
iHKh K young laities, piano plaver and
inaer, want position In picture slmw, ex
perienced. Douglas SSW. K 775. Bee.
PoSH'iOiN ivanieu iiy competent lady
stenoK i Af'Per; references us u ability.
Marrev Ml.
Young man needs work for board and
room, l'hone Douglas CM.
lit NU man w an
lender; ex perlence.t.
s posiuoit us bar
S 01. . Bee.
WHITE lady desire steady places of
day work: neat, conscientious; dues not
disappointment engagements. Phone 1.
WHITE woman deques day work; iism
inri c.eiio .',-1. 1 1. 8740.
A SH i . i 1 A iTTiTrif;-Tl sine y:r
mil 1 1 1 'its a vii ic'v.rrr! v.r txi
something to tuke homo for an extra fine
oesscri, Mei into I a ice i s. If J. I .
Henderson. 4K17 Capitol Ave., will come
... ii,. ion,',, vimin inirw uays we
will Kive him an order for a quail brick
of this fine Ice cream.
.... .... mil., nniiifl (iopiiioii n piriio('
raplier; small waxes to start; best ot ref
erences. Well. LMi'ti.
Vn 'VM ..! - . i.l
RKSPECTARLE. refined .experienced.
middle aged lady desires position as
housekeeper for widower with small
family. C lM, Roe.
Ship your stock to South Omaha; save
mileage and shrinkage, your consign
iinnta rccelva prompt aid careful atten
CHANTS. Fivers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOilROS.. 3.v-jTj'rxcnange Hldg.
Great West. Com. Co., Omaha . Denver.
W. R. BM 1 Til" .tTSQ N JusThand Tiashee p."
W. F. DENNY CO., 2J Kxch. Uldg.
TAUG RROS. handle catiie. Hugs, slieep.
Clay. Robinson Co., Mm Exoii. Illdg.
Interstate Co. better results. Snip to us.
T:LTt-n'ONConi. Co. m Exchange 'llldg.
IU 'MK-KU'KLV CO., 301 Exoh. bldgT
L. K. ROHKRTS A Co., 22 Excn. Hldg.
Cox At Jones Com. Co., bunch ot nuatlers.
Farmers L. S. Com. Co., 2u Kxchange.
Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock
Yards Nat I bank. Only bank at yards.
Martin bros. at Co., 2141-4 Exch. bldg.
Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co., 704 Hranditis,
WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants,
consignments solicited, TJi brandels.
Stockholders Meeting uf The Union
Land Company.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting ot tne stockholders of The Union
Land Company for the election ot tive
directors and the transaction ot such
other business as may legally coma be
fore the meeting, will be held at the
office of the General Solicitor, Union
Pacirio Headquarters Building, 1Mb. and
Dodge streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on
Monday, tha sth day of January, 1313,
at 10 o'clock A. M.
The stock transfer books will be closed
10 days previous to in meeting. '
Alex. Miller,
New York City, N. Y-, Deo. 18, ion.
braska, December 9, lkll. Notloe la hereby
given to the stockholders of Lee-Glaaa-Andreesen
Hardware company that the
annual meeting of tha stockholders of the
company will be held at the offices of
said company, corner of Ninth and Har
ney streets. In the city of Oinaha, In the
state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January
I. A. D.. 1312.. at 3 o'clock p. m.. for tha
purpose ot electing a hoard Ot director
tor tne company to serve auring tne ensu
ing year, and to transact aduh other
business as may be presented at suuh
meeting. Attest: W. M. Glass. Secre
tary; 11. J. Lee. I'realdent.
Notice la hereby given that the An
nual Meeting ot tho Stockholders of Hi
Omaha Gas Company will be held at the
otriee or the Company, 1M) Howard St.,
at 10:30 a. m., Monday. January 1. 1H12.
for the election of Directors for the en
suing year, and for the transaction ot
such other business as may come before
tne meeting.
Omaha, Dec. 15, 1911. Secretary.
D 32d lOt
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of tha Bee building company will be held
at tha ornce ot said company, Omaha,
Nebraska, at 4 o'clock P. m. Tuesday,
January 18, 1912, for the election of the
board of directors for the ensuing year,
and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly com befor
tne meeting,
by order of the president
N. P. FEIL, Secretary.
Deeds recorded December 23, 1311:
Peter P. Miller to Eldle Percival.
w 60 ft, e 14 ft. a 12C ft., lot K Mil
lard At Caldwell's add, w. d $4,001)
it en wood tteany company to Anna
Seyka, lots 222, ItU and 201. Ken
wood add. w. d 100
Joseph barker. Trustee, to Jame
Hutchinson, lot 298 Koanok add..
w. d 110
UNION ITATION Tenth and Maaoa
Colon Pacific
Ban Fran. Overl'd L..a V, am
China & Japan F. M . a 4:06 pm
Atlantic Express
Oregon Express all 38 pin
..OS Angeles Limited. .all 44 pin
Denver Special a 7 04 am
Centennial State fipe'l all :30 pm
Colorado Express a3 3i)pm
Oregon-Wash. L't'd...al2:6u pm
North Platte Local.... a 3:1s am
Grand Island Local. ..a 5 30 pm
BUomnburg Local. , ,bl2:4i pm
W altash
Omaha Ut. Louis Ex. .a :30 pm
Mall and Express a T:03 am
blanb'y L. tfrom 6:00 pm
A rrl.
a 7:40 pm
a 6:43 pm
a 4S am
a 6:10 pm
a 8:. )0 pm
a 7 27 am
al2 :25 am
a 4 60 p-n
a 8:10 pm
a 4:4.-. put
alo:30 am
b l:3o pm
a 0:15 am
all. 15 pm
bl0:t am
Chicago, Rock Island Pacific
Rocky Mountain Ltd. .al2: am al0:35 pm
Chicago Local Pass. . .bl0.36 am bl0:l0pm
rhli.Aun I is 1 Kxi.caM.ii Ii 4,'t at.: 4 :41)1,,.,
r-hl.-Aiui-. l-'.klirestf K 4:111 nm u l-lilt,,,.
lia lliiltiM LocilI Pas. a 4:27 pm al2:l. mi.
Chicago-Neb. Limited. a b os pm a S.00 am
Chi.-Neb. Lmtd to Lin
coln -v 8:01 am
Chi. -Colo. Express a 1.26 pm
Chl.-Colo. Expreaa ... a 1 lo pm
Okl. &. Tex. Express.. a 6:0U pin
Rocky Mountain Ltd.alO:47 pm
Illinois Central
a 6:58 pm
a 4:uo pm
a 4 oo pm
all 46 am
al2.3o am
Chloagu Express a 7
Chicago Limited a 6
00 am
00 vra
20 am
la pm
3:45 pm
. 8.00 aro
Mlssoarl Paelflr
K. C. & St. L. Ex..
K. C. fc Bt. L. Ex..
, 7 40 am
6:W pm
(hleaiio C.reat W
f'kl,....,. f linllul
a 3:
.a 8:
.a 8:
U pm
36 pm
45 am
Twin City Limited..
Twin City Express.
Chicago Express....
Local Passenger....,
i 7:4)1 am
8 60 pm
i 3.4i pm
i 6:16 pin
tblcaao Norlhitritrrn
Minn. -Ft. Paul Kx. ...a 7 00 am
Minn. -St. Paul L l d..t 7 60 nrn a ena
Twin City Kxpresa ..a 7:46 am elO:20 tm
Hloux City Inal a 8 45 pm a 3:?3 pm
Minn. A Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pm a 9:15 am
Twin City Limited ...a $ 46 pin a 7:,H0 am
Minnesota Express all .00 am
Carroll Lor! a 7:0n em l:in pm
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am aio ei nm
Chicago Loc al J306 pm a t:7A pm
Colnrndo-Chlr.igo a 6:10 pm a 3:J4 pm
I hlcasn Special a ( 02 nrn a 41 am
Pac. Coast-Chicago. ...a :.V pm a 3:23 pm
1.0a Angetes i.imiiea..a .. pm ai:ii pm
, T I ... . A . 1 7 r. . . ... 0.1-
e-'.timl Limited a 7:65 pm
a :I5 an,
p.,,1 I a A 3ft .r.
st Mall .'.a 8.30 pm
a 10:00 an.
i.ii pm
nar napiua, r-ioux Ox
inilhi a. S.v: mm
Centennial State i.lm. I2:'4r! am 11:16 pin
tip Pine a 8:0 am all no am
rrolk-Dallas a 3:00 am si.;; pm
nig line Lincoln. ...a 1:15 pm a 6:20 Dm
stincs-Stltfrloe li 9-1K nm av t-9i n,n
He Bn'aa M t K . A .....
..... B . . .., , ,, AAW.AVl'll.
per-Lander a S.DS pm all 00 pni
emont-Albton b 6 30 Dm bl Lotim
hlcMH, Mllirnnkee A- ftf. Paal
veiiar.d Limited a 7 60 pm :;3 am
rrry iajcbi
olorado Express
..a 1:30 am 11:) pm
.a 0 no pm 3 X6 pm
.a 7:42 am 4 W am
.b 6:16 pm 12:06 pm
lorado Snecial
Try Local ..
Wbetr Ot afloat if, tlx and TOekster.
Mlasonrl Pacific
lif.p-.ri. arrive.
Local b 3:74) pm bli:66 am
lao, M. raal, ailnnenpolls
nennrt. Arrlire.
F!JT fl'V Fx-ireis,, , ,h 2:2."i pm bl2:0R pm
Omaha Local.' e 8:25 am c 6:2S pm
Sioux City Pass b $.26 pro
Twin City Pass b 8:46 am
Emerson Local b 6:65 pm b 3:10 am
tb) daily except Sunday. lc) Sunday
only, ta) dub v.
Unrtlnatoa Station Tenth A Biases)
Denver California.. 4:10 pm
a 3:41. pm
3:46 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 3:46 pm
a02:15 pm
a 7:00 am
a 8:10 pm
a 8:10 pm
a 8:03 am
bl0:20 am
b 8:08 am
a 8:60 am
a 8:40 pm
all: 15 pm
a 7:00 pm
3:56 pm
a 8:00 am
.10:30 am
bl0:4& am
.11:60 am
a 6:45 am
a 6:10 pm
Paget Pound Express. a 4.10 pm
Nebraska points a $ 20 am
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Lincoln Mall b 1:30 pm
Northwest Express. ...ail 36 pm
Nebraska point a 8:20 am
Nebraska Express a 3:16 am
Lincoln Local
Hchuyler-Plattsmouth b 8:08 pm
Lincoln Local
Plattatnouth-lowa a 8:18 am
Rellevue-Plattsmouth al2:30 pm
Chicago Special a 7.16 am
Denver Special all 36 pm
Chicago Express a 4 20 pm
Chic. Fast Express. ...a 6:30 pm
lows Local a 3:16 am
Creaton (la Local.. ..b 3:30 pm
St. Louis Express a 4:35 pm
K. c. St. Joseph. ...al0:46 pm
K. C A St. Joseph. ...a 3:16 am
K. C. ft St. Joseph.... 4:30 pm
Vision of Msrhi Pate at Perplexed
Archaeologist on Right
In tha course of an Interesting Article
on "Dreams and the Supernatural" In tha
current Issue of the Outlook 1L Adding-
ton Bruce cites a number ot Instance In
which dream have guided tha dreamer
to the solution of problem which baffled
his endeavor when awake. On of these
was an experience related by Prof. Her
man V. Hllprecht. the assyrtologlst,
which 1 worth repeating. Dr. Hllprecht
own account of this alngular experience
"One Saturday evening; about the mid
dle of March, 1893, I had been wearying
myaelf, a I had don so often In the
week preceding, In the vatn attempt ta
decipher two small fragment of agate
which were supposed to belong to tha
finger ring of some Babylonian. The
labor was much Increased by tha fact
that the fragment presented remnant
only ot characters and lines, that doxen
of similar small fragments had been
found In the ruin of the temple of Pel
at Nippur with which nothing; could be
don and that In this case, furthermore,
I had never had tha original before me,
but only a hasty sketch made by one ot
the members of tha expedition cent by
the University of Pennsylvania to Baby
lonia. I oould not say more than that
tha fragment, taking; Into consideration
the place In which they were found and
the peculiar characteristics of the cunei
form characters preserved upon them,
sprang from tha Casslte period of Baby
lonian history (about 1700-1140 B. C).
Moreover, a tha first character of tha
third llrf soemed to be KU, I ascribed
this fragment, with an Interrogation
point, to King Kurlgaliu, while I placed
the other fragment, as unclasalflable,
with other Casslte fragments, upon a
page of my book where I published the
unclassiflable fragments. Tbe proofs al
ready lay before me, but I was far from
, "The whole problem passed yot again
through my inlnd that March evening; be
fore I placed my mark of approval under
the last correction In the book. Even
then I had come to no conclusion. About
midnight, weary and exhausted, I went
to bed, and was soon In deep sleep. Tlien
I dreamed tht remarkable dream:
"A tall, thin priest of tha old pre-Christian
Nippur, about 40 years ot age, and
clad In a simple abba, led me to the
treasure chamber of tha temple, on Its
southeast side. He went yK ft into
a small, low-celled room wlthiiut win
dows. In which there was a large wooden
chert, while scraps of agate and lapis
laxull lay scattered on the floor. Here he
addressed me as follows:
" 'The two fragments which you have
published separately upon pages 32 and 26
belong together, are not finger rings, and
their history la as follows: King Kurl
galiu (about 1800 B. C.) one sent to tba
tempi of Bel, among other , articles of
agate and lapis laxull, an Inscribed vo
tive cylinder ot agate Then we priests
suddenly received the command to make
for the statue of the god Nlnlb a pair ot
earrings of agate. We were In great dis
may, since there was no agate as raw
material at hand. In order to execute
the command there waa nothing; for us
to do but cut the votive cylinder Into
throe part, thus making three rings,
each of which contained a portion of the
original Inscription. The first two rings
served as earrings for the statu of the
god; the two fragments which have given
you so much trouble are portions ot them.
If you will put the two together you will
have confirmation of my words. But the
third ring you have not yet found In the
rourso ot your excavations, and you
never will find It.'
"With thla the priest disappeared. I
awoke at once, and Immediately told my
wife the dream, that X might not forget
It. Next morning Sunday I examined
the fragments once more In the light of
these disclosures, and to my astonlshmtnt
found all the details of the dream pre
cisely verified. In so far as the means of
verification were In my hands. The orig
inal Inscription on the votive cylinder
read: 'To the god Nlnlb. son of Bel, his
lord, has Kurlgaliu, pontifex ot Bel, pre
sented this.' " .
Hon a Bad Repntatloa Files.
The eminent foreigner was holding a re
ception. "And from what section of the states dj
you some, my friend?" he asked.
"I'm from the glorious state of Kan
sas." was the reply.
"Kansas." repeated the eminent atran
ger, reflectively. "Ah, yes. Kansaa Is tha
slate where they tar helplesa women.
Isn't It?"
And the Kansas man moved aloug-
Cleveland Plain Dealer.