THK OMAHA .SUNDAY 1JKK: DECKMIJKU 24. 1011. BUILDERS OF THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD BUILDING 1 C7 GENERAL CONTRACTOR I I (J J II n i - jl1 mm 8 Main Office: Fullerton Bid., St. Louis, Mo. yflwsbiiiiyi ml (Inc.) , I) minimis AND CONTRACTORS 1408 -Harney Street Tolophonos: Dell Douc- 114G Ind. A-2146 ilO Twelve years ao the Woodmen Circle had 5,000 members nnd were in financial straits they then occupied a little room ten by fourteen feet square; At that time Mrs. Emma B. Manchester was elected supreme guardian, Today this wonderful woman's fraternal order has almost 105.000 members , and an emergency fund of $2,150,000. They Will Occupy the Entire Third Floor of the New W. O. W. Building Every woman should write for particulars regarding the best woman's fraternal insur ance in the world. Address Elrs. Emma 0. Scpraaa Guardian tVooinsa Circle HanehGster W. 0. W. Building, Omaha Magnificent Structure Now in Course of Construction i - if -it . ft J 551 $ r' i" ill lis !' In f ! i: ft I rj 3 2 'IF uj 5- :UL ! L if t! TOOODMAN OF THE WOftLD BUILDING LOCATED AT FOUKTEENTH AND FAHNAM STREET WHICH IS NOW UP TO THE EIGHTEENTH STORY. New Home To 'Be. a Model No Expense is Being Spared to Make the New General Offices of the Woodman of the -World the Finest in the West. Within the next few months, with . all the pomp Mud ceremony attendant upon the oocaaiun, the auvereiicn udloera of the Woodmen of the World will deposit copper box In a nlclie In the corner atoue or the eighteenth etory ekyacrapur at Fourteenth and Farnara atresia. ihio will mr tue completion ot one ojvtno moat mouern buiidmga In the Unueu Slatea, erected at a coat of aomemui, more than il.uoo.uuu. The Woodmen of the World building- U the pride of. me arclutecu, lloluoird, lloohe, of Chicago, and the' comrauiui, the beiden-lireck Conatrucilon commi,, of bU tioula,i In lla erection a record im been broken for bulldlnga of lta ciaa.. ljjtcavaung for the foundation cou.- ineuoed July U ot the preaenl year, ana the ateel work wea finished lecember 'i. Now the roof la on and the facliue are omg up at a rapid paoe. while the fire pruoilufc for the tloora la finished to the twelfth floor. Mo biUulng tn the country la better, nor U there any more complete than the'ene which the Woodmen ot the World la erecting In thia city, and no expense has been spued in lie construction. The frame la ot heavy structural steel, with the faducs fur the base ot a pink granite. Above this and up to the fourth floor line, the material ts light grinlte terra cotta, with the exception of as tha ror.ond floor line, spandrels and window mulllons ot bronse green axe luted. Above the fourth floor the facing material is pure white aa denaineled terra cotta, with Indian red brick worked In around the Windows,- to break up any ntouooay tl at might be felt by reason ot gslii- upon the whit walls. Tike Interior ot the building la g-olng to be a gvtn, the main entrance being one of the striking features. This entrance Is at the northwest corner and la flauaied either side by Immense pillars of a reddish granite, highly pclisht'd. Iasaing bttweva Oiwe pillars sud through doiira ot tit moi exquisite bronse one eaters lobby that extends Up two etorii's, Us etitlr akiva and fellna Wing pannellrd with Ciirdo marble ot the purest white, lth the xrrtKa ot aame iiitlil nu-k. inr. FroM this )abr thtre ar twe broad tuarbl saXitava, both of U)ch . 5 il.r. . .. i'ii:4; '.- I , ' i np -.;,. :m Inv 1:1 f ;;;"?-'- Iafi:.; ...... r . . . s -1 extend to the logla above, which Is sur rounded by marble colnmns of the purest white. In the corridors the sides of the walls sre covered with marble and the lloors of the II rat and second floors aud the publlo spaces with the same material. Above these floors mosalo tile is used for the floors and In the publlo spaces. In the offices the floors are ot maple, .aid on an 'underbody of cement. Aside from the floors the only wood used In the building Is that for door and window casings above, the second floor. Vhia wood Is Circassian walnut and sum. s i finished In the factory with the, dull polish such as la given to the high-grade , iknos, ,. The alley and annex walls of the build' liitf are of a lUht colored cream brick, Similar to that used In the City National bank. All floors, under the wood cover tng. are hollow tile, above which Is a bed of concrete, five and one-half Inches la thloknua. Then, too, this cement Is not only ustd In the floor, but like a Jacket, it surrounds the whole of the steel frame work. On each floor above th .first there are two pubilo drinking fountains, all located In corridors and supplied with water cooled in the big refrigerating plant In the basement. The building ts equlppedwlth six high speed elevators, running front the base ment to the top floor. ' The boiler and engine rooms are as complete aa can be made. Besides . the three largo boilers for heating purposes, there Is a complete electrical plant, In cluding s tor ace, where the electrlo cur rent for running the elevators, the house pump nnd for supplying the stores and offices with i:ght la made. Then, too, In the basement, there ts an air washing maahlne for cleansing the air which la used In the blast system for ventilating. This tleotrtcal plant also furmshea the power for running the vacuum cleaning system. While of necessity, a large portion ef ths material used In the construction ot the Woodmen ot the World building was Turhasf4 eUewhera, muh ot It hs been bought of the Midland Olase and Paint company of Omaha and ahuut about v srylhlng for the plumbing, healing and power plant was bouaht of J. J, Hsn. nlghen A Co., ot th's olty. Local Office: 622 Bee Bid. Omaha, Web. :1 p r n n FT . . ' I III "Wll . H.W;HlM.'WWiI.MIllU-i,lui i 1107 to 1111 Hoivari Are LASS FOR THE W. O. W. BUILDING ranawatn 1 FRATERNAL LIFE INSURANCE THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD NONE BETTEn JOIN! I J All H r I b2bsSbb1bss3S2