Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till: flKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. DKCKMIiKR 23, 1911.
Council Bluffs Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The Council niuffs Office of
The Omaha Bp is at IB
Scott Street. Teleplione 49.
Pavla, drugs.
lffert's. optlclsn.
H. Berwick for well paper.
Corrigana. undertaker, rhoaes Hi.
Oenulne Vlctroia. 115. A. llospe Co.
For authority on watches see JLeffert
Waodrlng Undertaking Co. Tti. M8.
Lewie Cutler, funeral director. rhcane 7.
For Bent Modern houae, 723 flsth Ave.
Wwery Victor record In stock A.
Uoepe Co.
I Printing and binding wall done. store
keuee at Co.
The bert wines for 50c per quart at
Hoxenfeld's, 61 8. Main Ht.
; Eyes tented and glassr fated. Lstffcrte.
registered opticians, avs Biascway.
Wo jive premium coupons at The Puff,
Hi Broadway. Cigar and tobacco.
I kleruhants' lunch. Sic. at Tony a cafe.
IT fcautb. Miith. A good place to eat.
Pictures framed to order for Christ
mas presents. We do not charge hnllduy
prices. J. fcorwlck, 2U 8. Mam l.
i If you want WlnltOW ULAFS call Bell
hone Uw, Bluff City Olam and Miner
(Work a. 16TH Wert Broadway. We make
I, specialty of ULAZ1JNU at low prices.
household goods, hoi-sex, cattle and all
chattel securities at a I'lg discount of the
usual ratea. . Ulrica over Kv Vi est Broau-
' .way.
Judge Mnyder, sIKLng In the suerlor
itourt, haa so ju clued lxui Johnson to
I ba aa Inebriate and ordered lit tmnmtt
1 ment to the Knoxv-ltle Inst Hutlon, sad
he was taken titer yesterday,
I W. II. Lnnjr. a young attorney of Chl
'rMO, la visiting bin aimer, Mrs. Kolert
ffienderrenn, at tne bHne of Mr. and 14 ra.
Mendereon on Benton street. Mr. Long
was an interested eecttcr at the Mara
trial yesterday. Me will be here for sev
rat days and expects to spend eonMldr
raws time at the county courthouse.
The local Grocers' and Butchers' as
sociation has agreed to close every mar
ket and grocery In the city on Chrlrrtmaa
i and to remain closed all dsy. Ordinarily
It baa been the ctmtom to keep tile, gro
ceries open part of the day", but this year
wilt be an esceptlon to the rule. Any
thing forgotten tor tba Christmas dinner
Will not be obtainable on Christmas day.
A ult for divorce was yesterday filed
by J. W. Picig from hi wife, tfadle B.
Pins' whom ha married at Aveea on
March 22 lt. lie state in his etltlon
that on May t, a fraction over two
moot ha later, atae left him and has sines
steadily refused to share tne borne he
had prowled for her near Hancock, this
county. He also alleges ah la now liv
ing Improperly, lie asks only absolute
The annual Christmas treat for the
members of the Ke ootid Presbyterian
church gunday achool will be held In
the churWi, Krtday evening. The pro
gram wiU eon slut of aeveral numbers by
tie members of the cbaoi, and the
choir. Uiti Swertleuder and Mix Orant
of tha Omaha tory Tellers' union will
be freartit and assist In the entertain
ment. All are aaked to fcrkns: sift and
any. other art lei e Loot may be given to
" inai are less lortunet.
Kri Patterson h returned to spend
the holidays with tila Brother and brothers
and sisters and wi metiritf Ma !i
I mesas aravnd tha poatuffice yesterday,
; where bis brother, touts Patterson, Is
n of the chief clerks. Mr. Patterson
-Is taking .'a three-year'.' course at aha
Hhattuck Military academy at" K&lrbault,
Minn., aad haa not been trams for two
years. He brings heme plenty of evl
leas of. the buth boaars be has won
In fcla studies and other work. ' Of
the many toadgee that . cover his coat,
one Is a rivs-potnted atar ae with pearls,
and la tha most ee-veted prise rWew by
tha academy. Master Patterson tuts oite
year before completing; his course. '
The temporary" dura 'and floodgates,
, which have been in process of eontruc
,tlon for some tlm4under direction af the
otreet railway company (or tha purpose
of controlling tha water In Mosquito
l creek, have been completed and tha full
.current at tha atream Is now flowing
Into Manawa. Tha tubes are so
arranged that when the stream.' which
lis more than alghty miles long, la carry
'ing its usual enermou burUSn of rloh
low farm land In Its frequent flood
lataaes, that tha currr nt. may be aiveKed
from the hike and turned Into the river,
tfaua preventing tha filling uf th lak
with the vim duantltlea of mud. The
water that tstyow coming down Is rteer
land wholeeome and the quantity Is su
jfidently lurge to caiue a perceptible rise
t the lake a level Hy the time tha Ice
is rsady to givo .way In tha aprlng the
lake will be up to Its normal level. Tha
atream always oarrlea a atrong currant
and it la believed that the problem of
J maintaining a prorer water stage haa
i been aolved no tiutttrr how dry a sea eon
! prevails. Manner lUraet la greatly
Vlasea wth the restilta of the experi
ment. The dam ant floodgates requirid
tha driving hf a Urge number of ptlea
and the Una of aeveral 4-arloada af atone,
but tha cot haa been small In comparison
with the bmu-flts assured,
j Member of the local Theoaophloal ao
c'i,l,lv alve4 baAdeoni utementoi
ef CtirletniBa and e enyetle meaning
from far aay Macraa. India. They
jara from Irving 8. Cooper, who on two
occaslona gave ari- of lectures Iter
.and went to the headquarters af th
International society the purpua of
,tudyutg ther a ysar or two under tha
Tnasiers. For a year or snore ha has
teenfcee the MHiatants of Mr. Lead
'beator;' Mr. Cooper Is a graduate f
the y of California and a post
! graduate of one of the great medical
college. He turned down a position of
fered by the apreckeui company that had a
atlary atta. bn.eia of r.M a year to de
Vote all of Mb life enl l.te eplrtidid talent
to tha work of the Boctety. lite Christ
Miss rnMmlranuea were placed In the
malla at Madra on November IV and
eie received her December . lie
sends his kindcat regard and Wall
wlahea to the hundred nt people whom
he mat in Council Bluff and Omaha.
Mr. JinaralaKlaea, another of' th areat
Intellect, devoting hi Ufa to the work
la .pending the winter In Italy and also
rwnembrances to hi Council
illluffs and Omaha friend. " '
Real t:stat Traaafers. '
Ileal aetata transfers as reported to Tha
,Ba December Si by th Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
i Bluffs:
George Wla and wll, to C. V
Meier. t; sek, naki
neW. aeotton to, part u4a Be1,, at
' w, d... ...l",Up
Lara C. ' Ha.muexen and wife to
Merlon Baemuasea, eW nev, 34-
- 7;-i, w. d l hM
,C. V. Wilder and wtfa to Albert
i Johapaon, n U feel of a feL
lot a. block II, Avooa, la., a. w. d. t U0
, Greenwood Uimtwr Co. to Fullerton
lumber Co., lots (. I, g, t 10
and 11, Karrer'a addition to Trey-
nor, la., w. d ag
Wary Morgan to Cnrl A. Morgan. '
part saie, h. S7i-a w. d 1
b let era of Mrcy to John K. Wllcoa
lrt lot . Bock a aubOlv, In Coun
cil Bluffs, w. !.., I
Klg transfer total .. ,
faeket Kalvea, Hclaesra, Hasors.
Bean pota, chafing dishes and cas
erules. W invite cornparlaoa. Our stock
ta large and our prlcaa reaaanabla. p. C,
1 Vol Hard Tar Co., SM Broadway.
Marrlaya Ure.wt.
Marriage llceaaea war Usued ycaterday
ta th folloarlnc navied1 persons:
Name and Addrese. . Age.
IuiM e tevena. Couurll plufr a
Mjrrtia Koaa. Coicsl Ulun " it
It- J. ' Paterwusv 1 (
lara CaoU I'ueKt, Uaeul .
Uaorga r. TiVi. Baacrort. !eb.. B
Tlya OetaaJuaryer. Bawrofi. Neb.... U
rtuaaell t UUrheJl. Persia. la m
item M. Htauh. Persia, la. jj
W. A- FakJan, Baatrhta. Nh M
aJia ..itaiJ. Beatrita, K--s , i
Mayor Maloney Gets
Eeady for His Visit
to the City 's Needy
Mayor Maloney'g pretty act of 8anta
C'laus promises to b pioductive of better
results this seaaon than It was lat
Ctirlatmas when the city building wa
turned lnt a general headquarters for
old Ht. Ni,k. The major, with th
co-operation of all the member of th
city council, collected yeetorday 1en
sacks of flour, ten bushels of potatoes
snd a great assortment of canned good,
meats, nut and candles. In addition to
this there haa bean contributed about PA
In cash which will be used for relieving
pressing wants during th winter. ,
The work of gathering up the stuff
will be done today and the city building
will Bgaln he transformed Into a real
provision stois and Chrlntmaa tieadqusr
tera. The whole cltv hulldln fnrce .-in
be pressed Int.i the work of making up
th large store ef donations Into sultabl
packagei which will be delivered to those
draervlng them on Saturday.
r.acta box will be filled to meet the
wants of Ui family o which it will be
nt. and th yut pose 1 to make each
package sufficiently large to provide for
tli wsnts of th family for a week at
least, lo give substantial reason foe
thankfulness lttrojghut the whols buil
ds y period.
Tl) llt of needy famllis Is now very
much larger than a year ago. but the
mayor atuted last evening that he would
be thankful tor th names of any other
known and needy persons. Particularly
does he desire that It shall be the names
of families alter there are children. ' The
work or soliciting addltlaial donations of
food will ba continued today and It Is
expected that ther will bo aufflclent In
store to meat all flemandx.
Th Christmas spirit has been unus
ually strong, this season. All of tha
charitable institution have planaed to
look ajter th wmn's of many of tha
needy, and snany ' paraurM havs assumed
heavy responsibilities of th same char
actar. On of th most generous persons
In tha ctty Ja A. A. Clark, who has per
mitted to grow each year a custom that
was Instituted by Airs. Clark before shs
lost her health. H. was to give on each
Thaaksglvlntr and Chrlstniaa suitable
gift to families deawtvlng them, and to
attempt to brighten tha lives af th chil
dren of needy famllleg. It Is th on
tiling shs has taken an increasing inter
eat in. On Thanksgiving Mr. Clark pro
vlded a feast for 1T families, furnishing
a turkey, chicken or fat goose ta each
altli aystara or whatever other trim
ming war desired by their preference,
and all of th other provisions neceasary
far a real feast. For Chrtstmaa aa v
peclal effort haa been mad to bring joy
to Hi hearts of th 'children. He baa
bought . and haa read for delivery f us
worth of sensible and practicable toys
and $60 worth of candles, Including one
large barot af Woodward' beat: product.
In addition to thee generous gifts ma
terial for many Christmas dinner have
been prjvlded. Every one of tha em
ployee' pf ' Mr, CJarli has been .included
in the visits to be mad by tanta and
also many of his customers. .
? IQ . '(9.
a. a. jgw i .ear m r a i .mr m mt a m mm a
Wines autd whiskies far family use
Keeenf1d'a Paimly Uquor bouaa, ill .
Mala "t.
F. E. Pleraoo, eecretary of the local
Yaaac Mau's Cbrlsllan aasovlatlau, Bald
yasurday tbat mora than (08 tickets had
been laaued to the grade achool boy for
use at the gymnaalum pool when II. H.
Coraan, the expert awtiamlng Instructor
of tha International committee of the aa
soclstlon, returns to Council Bluffs for
tha purpose of giving a aeries of swim
ming lessons from January 1 to t The
business college and tba buslnsss houaoa
ar yet ta be taken car of. Mr. Coraan
la a leader among the instructor , of
the world In tba art of teaching men and
boy how to handle themselves la tha
The lessons are absolutely free to all
bay over 11 years st age.
Every boy who may be able to awinf
the length of th tank will receive a star
ling silver button which Is given by Mr.
Pratt of tha Pratt InstltuU. New York
Mora than sO.000 of Ihes button
wera awarded last year. Council
Bluffs buys earning aoroethlng Ilka seven-ty-five
of them In last ysar' campaign.
During' th last month mor than I.M0
of ., theae buttons were awarded to
boys who hsd learned to swim the
length of- tha pool of soma Y." Tba
board of director want It understood that
theae lessons are free and ticket can
be secured for th asking from tha asso
ciation building. The lessons ars .for both
men and boys, and the date are from
January 1 to of the new year.
Raaeafsld's Family Liquor house han
dle all klnda of wines, whtaklaa, brand lea
and tha original biudweisar
N. T Plumbing C. Tel. SO. Ntgat tVlTO
Cob aril Blaffa Pradaee Market.
The following quotationa, show tag
prlcaa paid to producers, are corrected
dally by ' William Jtlggeeon. city weigh-
ma i nr. for pubUcatlQA la The Bee:
Corn, 5t"?i oc per bu.
Wheat, (Wc per bu. .
Oata, 46.4u per bu.
liay (louse), tll.vtSglAav per too.
Alfalfa (loose). tltiMvllw per too.
WINP1BLD. Ia., Dec, II.-Reward ag
grecatlag AMI wera announced today
for the apprwrooatoo of tha aaaallants af
Dr. Lacy Bowman, tha young woman
who ca Monday waa attacked aaa hahl
captlT la a building an tha outskirts of
town for aeveral fcoar.
Th ejty anal axamty authurtUaa haw
offrrsxl swearal hundred, tha cltlaasia CSat,
cJllsan of adjaJnlrm towns l.Bts) and tha
collago with which Bias Bowman la
Identified Sl.Ouf.
Ur. iknatnaa. who la alowly raooverinS,
today reiterated ber original atory tbat
three triea held ber uo on tha B treat,
blindfolded bar aad carried bar ta a va
cant bulla, waar ah -waa aubjaeted
to IndlgnlUea.
Whlsklea. Tim per full uoart. at Jtoaro.
feldc all a Mala t-.
FAIBFAX Whlla . trying to drive
a rabtat frees under a vacant house,
Mark Morlartty aii'klenlaJly dterharged
tba rifat he was carrying, th bullet enur
ing his aiuroauJx. lie died a few hours
iSUT. .
ij . ui i. m yt .""'"TV 1 1
11 IV
You Young Men and Old Men will appreciate the overcoat or suit we make for
you. Our winter garments possess warmth, style, originality of design and skilled
craftsmanship. We have an endless assortment of all wool fabrics in all the latest
co.ors and patterns. Now is the time to select your suit or overcoat.
Gentlemen Find It To Their Advantage
to be stylishly dressed.' There is no better way to make certain of it than to insist on
TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING, the clothes beautiful.
T !
Q l
With every order for a suit (taken on Saturday and Tuesday only) we
will give absolutely free of cost a
37 Fancy Silk Vest
Our Value-Giving Power
The mwliant hn arils good clothes at rxhorbltant prices is not likely to roll up a great
volume. We are doing a large business a steadily Increasing business because we make
(JOOD CLOTH EH on a small margin of proHt and your money is merely on deposit until every
rtalm we make is verified to your satisfaction. All Suits and Overcoats made by us are
guaranteed strictly All Wool Materials, Made In Our Own Mills, therefore saving you the
Middleman's Profit. They are Strictly Hand .Made ,by Our Union Tailors, Insuring you Per
fert Fitting and Hliape Retaining Clothing.
' Let Us Make You Your Net Suit or Overcoat. A trial is all we ask. Refined Taste In Matters
of Dress Will Find Gratification Here.
We Press and Repair all Clothes Made by Us for Six Months Free of Charge
lf tt . I'j .. t I MITll 'WtU J If LrluUn I . I
gasaaaaaaMaaaasaMaasaa . ... - Vfm " MO Jsa ftfW ' rTJmaP JukMrnW -
"V " '- - - """ 1 -mmmmmwmwmmmmmmmmmwmmmmm-. . . -
r- : T
"Builders of
"Sooner or Later
SUIT Every Han
in OMAHA."
Cy t Uae BHuauoo Ues Want Ada.
Implement and live stock
IOOAN, Ia, Deo. K. (Spadal l-By the
eo-operatioa ot the baslneen: turn of
Omaha. Routh Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Waterloo, Logs) and vldnlty, the Har
rison oounty-Amee short course, to be
held kare January 15-M, , will opea with
the largest list of contributluna fur prem
iums among the different short courses to
be held In western Iowa. . . '
, Omaha contributors are as follows.
I.lnlngsr Implement company, manure
spreader, ItiO; Janesvllle Machine com
pany, corn planter, W, Parlln & Oin
krff mow company, riding plow, .iH;
John Doer Plow company, aisk harrow.
JsK; Kaclne Mattlsy company, riding disk
ruiuvator, Kingman flow roinpajiy,
Ne. rclentlflc fed arlndrr, a0; T. O.
Northwall oompany, riding ctdtlvator, 117;
Western Kock Inland Flow oompany. tid
ing cultivator. 3; Nebraska Molina Plow
company, riding cultivator, I3: Avery
company, riding otiitivator, IX; Kraerson
Hrautligham company, riding cultivator,
25; K. llurschel Manufacturing oom
pany, crate of double treea aisj nck
yoka. U; IVmster Milt Manufacturing
company, lawn . mower, 919, farm gatea,
ta m.
South Omaha: Howies Live PtocK com
pany, cssh, $ti: Wood Uros. IJve Ktock
CommiMslon oompany, cash, 1 10: Great
Western Uve bitock company, caati, flu;
Byron Clow L.lve Htock Cmnilslon oom
pany. rash, 110; Tagg Proa. Uve Stock
oompany, $10; Kraaler ' Uve Stock Com
mission company, i.
Ootinrll lihiff; International Har
vester company, hay rack and faed
grlndr. $UI; Council Bluffs Remedy com
pftny. 10S pounds stock food, $10.
Waturloo: Associated Manufacturing
company, gss engine. ti&.
Itfgan 'business houses give substan
tial aid.
Contributions fur premiums received
from different saurces now amount to
$1,00. Farm implements otMitribuUd by
different wholesale houaes will be placed
on exhibition here thla week, and will be
on exhibition until January to, wha they
will be awarded ta the contestants at
tha close of the abort couse.
lawa ew Note.
LOOAN The marriage of lllu lva
a ray and It. L. Kemralah of Prsla waa
aolMnnlBed here yrMiruay at the Meth
odist pareonege, liev. C. . JLylea offi
ciallag. UK1AN- Mlsa Iteaala R. rainier of
Ixgaa waa married to Arthur Hlllman
of Toley. Minn., at the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mr. U. Palmer.
here yesterday, Hev. V. H. Credaon of
tne ihriatian church orriclatlng.
MARSMALI.TOWN-Misa lna Pearl
Conklliig of thl city and J. A. Mltrhall.
a -mere ban t of )enlont vsre married
at the home of the bride's mother
here today. They went to Omaha and
later Ike couple will go lo lmnison to
OENIBON Mrs. Harriet K. Stone, who
died recently at Loa AutrrWa. Cal., was
brought, hers (or burial ihla wtak. fih
and ber husband. M. Hlone. cam to Io
ison In 1MT7, when he built an elevator
and did the leading bualnee In grain
and Block buying. The funeral was held
In Ihs fc4lscopal church, Kev. Mr. Oorbilt
of Sioux City vfflclaling.
DEMHON William Flaming, a promi
nent farmer living ten nillea north of thla
city, waa foumi unoonadoua in the cellar
ot bis home and died soon after, lie had
luat completed the building of a fine new
house, and there waa to be a great fam
ily reunion wtth him Chrlatmaa. It la
thought that ha was atandlng on a bencn
la the cellar to make soma finishing al
terations on the housa when he fell oa
the reaient floor. Burial was made at
OdebolL l
CRKdTON Thompson Bros. Cass,
owners ot the (.Jem theater here, have
sold the as me to Huibert. Bauson
Hulburt, clusens of this city. The
playhuese will be managed by Mra
Ualay Hall Henaon. who ia well known
hare and all over lu miuu!e weat
as an orsjils.-r of home minstrel
talent. On Chrtstmaa day thla housa will
fve tha pnx-ewd oi the entire day te the
nkn Hejtevlent society of tha city for
charitable work.
UEN1AON IVnlson arfntikrepeTS do
not expwl the Moon law to effect them
until Juiw W. mi. They believe their
permits will allow them to run until thst
date without decrease in tb number. To
tenia put una utaa whose case seamed
weaJc the city, council haa a nnaelal meat.
ing on the evening .of Lex-vmber l and
gave him a permit to run until the time
when It was held all the -other permita
will run out,. Uanlaon has five saloon
and the enforcement of the law will ilet
out two of them. T
CRKSTON Four deatha of Union county
people have occurred In the laat few
days, and yesterday a teleerram came to
relatives announcing the death of Mrs.
Fred Allison, formerly Mlas l'alsy Clarke
of this rlty at the family home In Ta
nema. Wash, from tuberculosis of the
lilp. Three small daughters aro left
motherless by her death. The other
deaths are those of C. IT. Orlnnell,
an old soldier and an early resi
dent of this place, from pneumonia at
the age of 74 years. He came here thirty
three years ago. A large family survive
him. Mrs. Ruth Rridge, aged 85 years,
passed away yesterday at the home of her
daughter, Mra. Sarah Thompson. Death
waa due to apoplexy. 3. A. Buh of Adair
county died at Unity hospital here yes
terday from cancerous troubles, sated
7 years. His home was in Orient.
Oaben Untger, one of the early settlers
of Platta township, die yesterday morn
ing from heart failure due to old age
He waa-Tt years of age. Ha waa one of
the wealthy farmers ot that section. He
came to Iowa In 1KT7 and for aome years
resided la Ringgold county, coming to
Union county In JNSa.
Two Conatlea Go Wet.
COLUMBUS. O.. ' Dec. tl.-Two more
countlea which had been "dry" under the
Rose law elections for the last three
years, voted toduy to return to the "wet"
column. . Fourteen countlea which voted
county prohibition three years ago have
recently voted to return to pen saloons.
Four counties have reiterated their antt
saloon stand.
STOItZ QvW tJAiu.N MRAU. tha best
beer brewed la America. Have you
triad It?
Alderman Convicted
of -Taking a Bribe on
Dictaphone Evidence
CROWN POINT. Ind., Dec. Si-Alderman
Walter E. Gibson of Gary, Ind., was
found guilty tonight of taking a bribe
in connection with the passage by the
Gary common council of a beating fran
chise ordinance secured by Thomas B.
Dean of Louisville, Ky., who was the
state's chief witness. Thla ia tha flrat
conviction on evidence secured by a dicta
phone on record. ,
The jury was out fifteen minutes and
only one ballot waa taken. Thla waa tha
second of several trlala of Gary officials
on charges of taking bribes which will
ba held In Crown Point. A. previoua trial
of City Engineer. WHUeton of Gary Te
aulted In bla acquittal.
-.Dean testified ba came to Gary to In
vest In a heating plant. Ha waa told,
ha said, - .he oould not get a franchise
unless ha should "see" aome of tha city
officials. He testified that Gibson waa
one of theae he "saw" In tha way of
paying a bribe, In consideration for, a
favorable vote.
Dean substantiated his statement by
causing to ba made dictaphone records
of his conversations with Gibson.
Tba dictaphone, an electrical Instru
ment, which gathers even minute Bounds
In one room and transmits them to a
telephone -receiver elsewhere, carried con
versation in this case to stenographers.
The stanoKrapbars read into tha record
what purported to ba tha conversation.
Railway Upheld by
Court for Denying
Ride on Old Ticket
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Dec. 22.-The right
of employes of a railroad to eject pas
sengera who attempt to ride upon tickets
which - have- expired, even though the
date of expiration la not plainly stamped
tnereoa, is upheld ia a declelon banded
down today by tba Illlnola aupretne court
In the case of Albert 8. C. Pennington
against tha Illinois Central Railroad
On December 10, 1893, Pennington
boarded a train at Douglas station, after
being admitted through the turnstile
where he claims to have shown his ticket
ana 10 nave oeen informed tnat It was
good. He was going to Kensington, When
the conductor came to Pennington the
latter waa Informed tha ticket waa value-
leas; that the time limit had expired
about two weeks prevloualy, and that ha
would have to pay tha full far pt 51
cents or get off.
Pennington elected to take tha latter
course aad alleges that as a result he
trose his bands and feet and suffered
permanent injnrlea. Ha brought auit In
tha superior court and secured a Judg
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