Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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1 Vs. lAL.lJHst
i - - -
u) rnn?rr
J Thousands of These Practical Presents Have Been Reduced in Price for
The Imported Silk Four-in-Hand
and French Folds that
we- havo been selling nt 50c
and 75c, will go at 3 for $1;
or, eacli 35c
Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties
that we have been selling at
30c and 50c go at 25c
Fine Oor leather Cae With Silk
J!oe and Hllk Tie to Match, will be
specially priced
t 81.50 and $2.50
lirandeis clears away Christinas Goods before Christmas not afterward. Here are special prices that
will sell out all 6tock3 of Furnishing Gifts for men.
Last Day Before Xmas
Men's high grade Negli
gee Shirts in the newest
patterns, made of ex
cellent materials and
carefully sized; regular
$1.50 and $2.50 qual
ities, at 98c $1.50
Genuine Seal Skin Caps
at.. $5, $G and $7.50
Natural Muskrat Caps,
$7.50 values, at. $5.00
Auto Fur Caps at $3.98
Men's $1.50 Winter Caps
at 50c
and Smoking Jackets
For Saturday we offer
big varieties of these
house coats that havo
been selling up to $8.50
at .. r $5.00
Men's $5 and $6 Smoking
Jackets at $3.98
Perrin 's, Dent's and
Fowne's Dress Gloves
for men at $1.50 to $3
Men's and Boys' Fur and
Fur Lined Gloves at
pr., $17.50 down to 98c
illgaai i ii - in vu p -VI "J I ! vmm mvrm m VW " I J K ' "'..4. TJ r I .J. "
SuitCascs and Traveling Bags
Brandeis Stores of
fer special prices
on Traveling Bags
and Suit Cases.
Genuine Walrus
Bags at
$8.50, $10, $15
Fine Cowhlda Bags at
5. 7.oo. 10. 5
Suit Case f5 to 942
' Very popular gifts tf Suspenders, Garters and
Arm Bands in, a set, at....50c, 75c, $1.00
Silk Hose, Silk Tie, Silk Handkerchief
Popular Gift Sets
' The sets that have been selling up to $2, at $1
Sets that have been selling up to $1.50 at. .75c
Sets of Lisle Hose With Tie to Hatch
Scores of sets that we have been selling up to
'50c will go at, set. i.V.. .................. 25c
Hen's Cashmere and Lisle . Hosiery
All shades and sizes--our "25c' and 35b"quality
. ..Saturday at, rab.
Men Pore Thread ' ,
in Tan, Mark and Mixture.
regular 60o qualities; p
a. ' n
n 2- J I,;
i a Am
' Ml
These Reduced Prices in Our n
zf Oofldno Sale
MOT Enable Every Han in Omaha to Buy a New Suit or
Overcoat Just Before Christmas at FULLY ONE
THIRD LESS Than the Regular Prices of Two Weeks Ago.
Our Clothing Stock MUST be reduced before Invoicing. These reduced prices -will
force out the overcoats and suits. All Rogers-Feet, Hlrsh-Wlckwlre and Rosenwald ft
Well famous makes Included In this cut price sale.
and Lounging Robes
Terry and Blanket Cloth
Robes make welcome gifts
for men.' Here are spe
cials: Robes worth up to $4.00
at $1.98
Robes worth up to $5.00
at $2.50
Robes worth up to $7.50
at .....$4.98
Saturday at, pair.
50" For Choice el AH the
Men's Suits and
In Our Stock That Have
Been Selling up to $12.50
50 For Choice o! Oar
Men's Suits
& Overcoats
That Have Been Selling
up to $22.50
It .; "j li
New Overcoats and Suits (Worth Up to $27.50)
This Includes many of our hand tailored overcoats and suits
of Rogers-Feet. Hlrsh-Wlckwlre, Rosenwald & well makes
Mens Overcoats and Suits (Worth Up to $35.00)
In this group are our fjnest Rogers-Peet, Hlrsh-Wlckwlre
and Rosenwald & Well clothes. The best clothes in town
Bays Clothes for Christmas Season
Boys $0 Suits for $3.50 Guaranteed absolutely pure wool
pants are full peg top and full linen lined, actual $6 values '
at ..........$3.50
Boys', $6.0 Suits for $4.50 AH new, up-to-date styles in all
(Sizes your boy will be perfectly fittedin this group at $4.50
j Boys' $3.50 and $10 Suits at $6.50 Many serges included
pains are juu peg iop mey ar ma? suns ui 90. OU
la Basement Clothing Department
Boys' Overcoats, ages 3 to 8 years,
$3 values; also Boys' Winter Suits,
$4 values, at .....$1.98
Boys' Winter Overcoats, worth $4 and $5,
Russian styles for small boys, convertible
collar coats for larger boys, at.. $2.08
Boys' and Girls' Indian and Cowboy Salts,
at 81.00 $1.50 "d $1.08
Great special sale of Men's
and Boys' Sweater Coats Sat
urday in our Basement. Ox
ford, tan, navy and fancy trim
med, worth up to $2.00; big
special bargain before Christ
mas at
50c and 98c
Main Floor Old Store
All the broken lines of Men's
Slippers, in tan and black,
Romeos, Operas and IJver
etts, worth up to $2.00; at,
a pair ... .....$1.39
Regular lines of Men's Slip
pers, in all styles and colors; on sale at, per
s pair $1.98 to $2.98
Men's $1 Clog or Low Rubbers .......... .50c
Three Basement Specials
Men's Tan and Black House Slippers at. .. .98c
Men's Velvet and Imitation Alligator Slippers
at ...........39c
Men's High Grade Rubbers at i 50c
Stetson Hats at $3.50
Men's -Imported Beaver
Hatg at .......$4.00
Men's Scratch-Up and
Velour Hats at $2.00
i Bronze Bait Typifying Nation to
J Show Friendship for America,
- Ficar. of Venae W.maa Will D
MHt4 Vim f Moi.ain.iit
to R Drlra4 t aantarl
From Our Near Neighbors
; TAMS, Deo. M. Franc li arranging
another Imposing testimonial ot It friend
tMp tar th United States. Tomorrow a
jmbllo subci-1(lon Is to be opened to
offer a lirunse bust of "La France," by
th. lUustrkius French soulptor August
Bodln, which will be placed at th baa
of th monument to be dedicated next
June to Bmua! Da Champlpln, the
Krenca navigator, explorer and discoverer
of th lak that bears bis nam.
IJk the gift from th people ef Frano
of, Bartholdl'a "Statu of Liberty," th
presentation ot "La France," which I
th figure of a woman, marks blstorlcally
another epoch lit th relations of fra
ternity between Franca and th United
a tea of America.
estdent FalUerea will head th list of
ubscrlbers and will be foMowed by For.
ln pttnletcr Justin Pe Belves. Arnbu
sador Jul Juseerand, Oabrlel Hanolaux,
president of th Frsneo-Ame'rtcan com'
Bilsoloa for th development ot political,
economic, literary and artlstla relations;
and Count D Rochambeau.
, The Inltlatlv of th movement eman
ated with Ambassador Jusaerand, In ac
cord with th French foreign office, but
as It waa wished to have a publio rather
than a governmental testimonial, th
franco-American committee was re
auetd to aasum th direction,
Klmer Peln nf Montana Is visiting hi
uncle, A. C. Celn of Irving ton.
Mrs. B. A. Itataa entertained Mra. CL 8.
Wlllard Saturday and Sunday.
Th lrvlngtnn school, district No. T,
111 rive a box social and proaram De
cern brr tt.
The gospel revival meeting of th
Irvtngton Congregational church closed
buntlay evening.
IXntrlct No. SO rave a protrram and box
social last Friday evening, which brought
snout xai. Ail Present enjoy eu tne
evening. ,.
An eihlbttlnn of western lands was
given through stereoptioou views by one
th railroad companies at th Modern
Wloodmen of America hall Monday even-
In. , ,
Will lllmmelreloh. who waa taken to
th nwedteli Mission hospital about a
week ago. Is not recovering as well as
could be wished. It I paralysed in on
sia ana cannot ti.
Th Irvlngton Congregational church
will give lis Christmas program Batur
day evening. Everybody welcome. Ihe
hurcn ot iTirmt will give .is nunaay
evening. Kveryon welcome here, also.
II. Melots waa Pleasantly surprised by
a number of Ills friends Monday evening.
nis ptrtnuay, at ma nome. nie evening
was spent in games ana conversation,
All present enjoyed the evening very
Th Ladlna' auxiliary of C. W. B. M
hel da conference Maturday evening and
an open meeting Sunday evening. At
this meeting Mrs. C. H. Wlllard delivered
the address of the evening und Mrs. Ham-
u-l Cotner of tnnaha gave a recitation,
Tbeso wer the two out-of-town speaker.
Weald ltetara Favor..
; An appeal to th publio for subscrlp,
tions will appear In th newspapers to
morrow. This will Indicate that Franc
la deeply touobed -by th frequent manl
testations of American friendship for
this country througU th dedication of
statues xf Kremihmen In America.
Th approaching glorification of Cham,
plain, who conceived a vast project o
a Freaua America from Canada to Louis,
inns, on which later th great American
repubUo waa developed, was admirably
suited to express th warmth of French
"Oabrlel Hanolaux will relate In FI-aro
th story of how Augusta ltodtn's "La
France," happened to be selected. 11
says th committee was at a loss to know
juet what offering to send to America
which would barmonlsa with th imposlu
architecture of th Champlaln monument.
It flually decided that th offering must
be a true Jewel. Tiis members first
visited th atudlo of August Hodln, b
caus he la popular to America, and
walked through th various salons.
"Suddenly they discovered, th brons
bust "La France, th writer continues.
"J magi ii our amotion when w sought
symbol and found Franc Itself a pretty
franc, full of grace, vivacity and cour.
age, a young French woman with a fran
atid loyal regard a yourg woman who
replica of th Clotildas, Henrtettes
Hiaaoho and Jeanne. Her hair la ar
ranged ilk a helmet and her attir la
culraea W sought a French though
and found an Imsg of Fiance her
lf." ,
snd cards wens played, after which re-
majorlty of th member wr
treahmonl wer served.
News has reached us from Rushvllla.
Neb., of the marriage of Miss Alice Jen
sen to jacK von ljonren, jormeriy
Millard, Wednesday, December . ine
brtd is a school teacher, who resides at
Rushvllla. The groom has for th last
several years spent his time at the von
uonren rsncn near numviti., ud . -newly
wed couple will now live.
A. If. CaniDbell wss at Atda th first
of the week. He returned Tuesday after.
Jacob Hush marketed a couple nf hogs
here the la.n week that weighed D4
Henry Ronsteln returned Monday from
Colorado, where ho has been working th
last fall.
Mr. and Mrs. O. CV Finney entertained
a company of friends Tueedny at dinner
in honor of their daughter, Mrs. i-ayion
of tiilver Creek.
Mix MurKaret Pt-nton went to lilalr
Tue.iia)' afternoon to be present at th
marriage of her sister, whlcn Hhk piac
Wediivedsy inoriiing at 1 o'clock.
Daphne llohwer went to Omaha Thur-
day nuirnlnii to attend the wedding of
Mlits Miller or Valley, sister ot J. J.
Miller. The wedding took place at th
latter horn at I o'clock Thursday aft
Miss Elsie McCllntork and Troy Kan
of Fremont were married lit Council
Uluff Monday and a era at the home in
Waterloo that night. The couple went to
Fremont Tuesday morning and will make
thciir bom there.
' Blatr.
M a Prone and daughter Will spend
Christmas with relatives at St. Edwards,
Mr. Nit t'nie waa taken to th Omaha
Oeneral hospital last week to be operated
on for hernia.
William Huntlna- of Iak City. Ia., has
been spending several day with hi son,
Ed, th jeweler.
viu Helen McKeen returned bom for
th holidays from Smith colleg at North
Hampton, Mass, ...
Leslla Haller has been re-elected cap
tain of the Blair High achool Wot Pall
team for th year
mm m if. wm.ev left this week to
spend the winter with her daughter, Mr.
lien Haller, at uoiurege.
- Itana Krum nf Omaha waa In Blair this
weak on business connected with ills re
cent purchase of th Clifton hotel.
Unci Johnnie Robblns left th! week
to spend th holidays with his grandson,
Kara Olmstead, at le Moines, la.
Jonan rturcham and family went to Tenet,
la this week to attend th fiftieth wed
ding anniversary of Mr. Burcham's
parents. -'O.
O. Nohrenberg has received an ap
pointment as railway man clerk and on
Friday waa anslimed to a run from
Omaha to hloux City.
Miss Ada Jackson waa taken baeh to
the clarkson hoepttal, Omaha, where she
will be treated for a lame foot waa
operated upon wonie two month ago.
Attorney Vlotor Johnson of Bhoshene
Ida., wss a guest of his brother-in-law,
Will Clieslv, and family last Munaay. ne.
Ins In attendance at th Wool Growers'
ooiiventlon In Omaha.
Miss lot hel Denton of Kennard and Ber
nard Haller of this city wer married
Wednesday morning at th t'Httionc
rliurt-h. Father O'Drtscntl officiating.
They took th early morning train (or
Miss Jennie Rodgers and Wlnfleld Foote
of Missouri Valley, la, wer msrried at
the home of the bride's parent In this
rliv nn Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Lr
Braden of Heilevu officiating. They left
for Waterloo, la., r. roote s parents
America Will Have
Potash of Its Own
WASHINGTON. Dec. Jl.-Tho United
States will not hav to depend on Ger
many much longer for It potash with
which to make fertilizer, Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson said today.
In th near futur th United State
should be able not only to supply Its
own need but also to export a consid
erable amount of potash, ho said. Th
principal source of American potash, the
Xpert of the Agricultural department re
port, will be in the kelp or seaweed of
the Pacific coast. The plant extracts
potash salt from aea water and from 25
to SS per cent of It weight la potassium
chloride. The Faclflc coast should yield
annually about 1, 000,000 tons, worth $40,
000.000. In addition to th potash, kelp contain
chloride and many . other by-product
which may "mora than pay th manu
facturing expenses, leaving th potassium
chloride free' of cost." the Investigator
report. Cattle food, glue, shells, paper
and ven candy can be mad from the
If properly harvested and protected
the Paclfio kelp growers, it Is said,
should yield annual harvests Indefinitely;
and along th southern coast It la possible
that two crop a yar may be obtalried.
" i
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 21 Governor Jud
son Harmon was given a surprlne party
In the executive offices today and his
presidential candidacy endorsed by the
meeting and organising of democratio
stat . officials to begin an active cam
paign for a solid delegation from Ohio
to the democratio national convention.
The delegation of state officials gath
ered in the corridor outside of th gov
ernor' offices and marched In on him
just as h was closing Ma desk at the
finish of his day'a work lata today. The
state executive was made a spectator In
his own office while Judge R. M. Plttey
of the state tax commission was named
chairman of the meeting.
In addresses by Secretary of State
Charles 13. Graves, Attorney General
Hogan, 8 Late Treasurer D. 8. Creamer
and others, the Harmon administration
was commenced and the declaration made
that hi record as governor Waa Itself
a platform on which he could go before
th people of th country.
LAFAYETTE. Ind., Dec. 21.-Nathanlel
Towles, a negro, captured with blood
hounds following an attack on Miss Iva
O'Connell, a telephone operator, last Sat
urday night, today confessed to an at
tempted assault and waa sentenced to
serve a term ot from two to fourteen
years in prison.
Feeling against the negro had been
high and the officials, when they heard
his confession, hurried him In an autom.
blle to Linden, Ind., where he was placed
aboard a train for JeffersonviUe.
Towles cut a gash four Inches long In
the girl's throat, but waa frightened
away by her screams.
' a
COLUMBUS. O., Pec XL-Upon request
of Glasgow, Mont., officials Vernor 11.
Bostwlck was arrested here today and 1"
being held pending word from Sherlff.
Stephens of the Montana town.
The sheriff had asked that Bostwlck
be apprehended on a charge of having
appropriated 115,000 of funds of the Farm,
era and Merchants bank of Culbertson,
Mont., of which Bostwlck formerly waa
Bostwick's mother Uvea In Columbus
and the police have been on the outlook
for htm for a year. He characterise his
arrest aa a "joke" and aald that tha
matters In dispute between him and tHa
bank had been settled month ago. t
Persistent Advertising 1 the Road to
Big Returns.
,jliy to the Situation liee Advertising.
Mr. and Mr. K. A. Rosker were Omaha
vlKilors Thursday.
A surprise party was riven In honor
of Crlsele Kim'U last bunday evening.
A. Ii. Detweller returned from Colorado
last week, where he purchased some land.
Mil's Kilns Baldwin, who attends
school at Helhany, Is home for several
werks' vacallou.
Miss Rena Wltte, who Is attending
sawing circle here, spent (Sunday at her
home near lkhorn.
Miss Jennie Rain of Creaton, Ta., via
llrd several dn.ys last week with her
sister. Mrs. Walsh.
Mr, and Mra William von Dohren, jr.,
and niece. Fern Tallon. spent several
days In tnnaha last aeek with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. William von Dohren, lr..
ave a party Friday evening la honor of
von lnren s Dirtnuay auniversary.
Mrs. A. A. Taylor and daughter of
South Omaha were cut last Thursday
and Friday to see Mr. Taylor's mother,
Mrs. ijchata
Mrs. Chris Koch entertained th I-ar-kln
tlul last balurday aiteinoou. The
1510 Douglas
jm LrVk U LKJ
, .
1510 Douglas
Sale of
iresses of the
Will Start Saturday Morning at 8 O'Olock-
A Wonderful Purchase and Our' Entire Stock of $19.50, $25.00,
$29.75 and $35.00 Dresses
i i
Season !
1. Answers must l ' aOdreued t
"Lialtydil 1-xhtor" of 'the )w, and reach
Th Bee office not later than p. m.
inursuay ot each weea to be considered
tor prise aaard of that week.
1 Contestants may submit on or mo r.
answers tor any or all of the prlsea. -
I. Winner to be selected on by each
advertiser on uaifyail contest page and
printed lu his advertisement, whlcn will
also announce pine for nest contest.
4. fetich Liaftydiii must be written on
a separate sheet of paper and must dea
tgnaie the advertiser lor wnow 11 la iu
leuded. a. Winning naffydll will be chosen for
their originality, wit and humor and
preterence will ke shown those pertainitix
to name or business of the advertiser
. Winners must call In person for
prises st sdvertiaer's place of business
1. la audition to advertisers' prise The
Be a III award five l prises to the five
t brat 1'aifydil writer and wui print
them, togatasr with all ulnar wona
publishing on Patfydll Contest fsg.
THIS sale-'vre inaugurate tomorrow comes about through the most satisfactory purchase we have ever made.
.These are the smartest styles, the best made dresses we have ever offered-the regular lines not accepted.
You will be so taken up with this sale that you will want more than one of these dresses.. The volume of dresses
involved guarantees you thorough satisfaction.
Dancing Dresses, Party Dresses, Afternoon
Dresses, Eeception Dresses, Theater Dresses and
Street Dresses. Every shade imaginable is to be
had light blue, pink, helio, Scandinavian blue,
Nile green, white, reseda, corn, velvet, black, navy,
brown, coronation, wisteria, Copenhagen, etc.
The materials are Velvets, Corduroys, Bedford
Cords, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Chiffon,
Messaline, Taffeta and French Serge; in fact there
are all kinds of dresses and for all occasions.
$22.50, $25.00, $29.75 and $35.00; ON SALE SAT
rilo J
1510 Bouglas COKPS - 151 Souglas