Ik i 11 IK !U:H: OMAHA, SATtlUDAV. DKCKMUKK J.?, p.m. 3 Nebraska ALDRICH FILESJECLARATION Governor Deposit! it in the Office of Secretary of State. DOES NOT SECURE PETITION IWIoV. to l.rt Piling and Official Record Stand and Makes Xo State unit MrCook Protrata on rbone It a ten. (From a Staff Correspondent.) MNCOL.N, Dec .-(Special Telegram.) Governor Chester Jl. Aldrlch late this afternoon changed his mind about wait ing until next week to make his filing aa republican candidate for governor and deposited his declaration with the sec retary of state that he was a republican and that he would be a candidate for re election as governor and asked that his name be placed on the primary ballot. The nomination was filed on his own declaration and not by petition of elect ors, At on time he contemplated issuing a statement In connection with his filing, hut today announced he would let the filing and his . official record speak for him. for the time being, at least. The filing Is also taken among the politicians to settle the rumors he might enter the senatorial race. The citizens of McCook have filed with McCook Telephone Protest, the railroad commission a complaint al leging that telephone rates in that place re excessive. The rates are $1.60 for- a residence party line, $2 for an Individual line and IS for business telephones. It Is alleged the rates are 83V4 per cent too high. Aaylam Farmer Sella Swine. The farmer at the LJncoln 'Insane asylum today sold seventy-five hogs which averaged 240 pounds each, Lent year th easylum sold 18,000 worth of hogs, but the amount this year will not be so great, though the number sold will be about the same. The hogs today brought $6.10, while laat year some erouht as blgh aa $10. j . f Cupid Again Busy iniNeDrasKaCity NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. ' Dec. (.Special.) Guy Davis : Qrlffith and Miss Alalia Wissler of Splcer were married in . this city last evening. Mack Collier, a mi'tnber of the Nebraska City base ball team of 1910, who since lias been In tho employ of the Morton- Gregson Packing company, was married last evening to Miss Louise Bueis, daugh ter of Chris iiOesH, democratic candidate or sheriff this fall and one of the leading Jkrmera ot this aeotlon, They win make this city their home. ' Albert WeUfield. a traveling man with headquarters at Chicago, and Mips Myrtle Mackay ot Wrwolji were married In this city last evening: They will make Lin coln their home Icr the present. ; JkZc .l.rir- UUdl tJlUfcCnviayna rims Gi Jai tei Nebraska Sutherland Woman Drives Away Man Who Attacked Girl SITHEUUND, Nt-b., Deo. 2J. -(Special Telegram. ) In the absence of R. H. Calll han. watchman at the Union Pacific supply yards at O' Fallon, three mllej east of Sutherland, last night, the car In which Mrs. Calllhnn and her 12-year old daughter were sleeping was entered by a man. The cries of the daughter awoke Mrs. Calllhan. who rushed to the girls assistance. The Intruder ' then struck the girl with a cleaver and floored the woman. The later, who is quite fcusky, managed to get the better of him in o rough and tumble fight and he took flight receiving a blow, from the cleaver as he fell out the door. The man who attempted the a?eault Is said to have been employed as a laborer by the com pany. He made his escape In the dark ness after a mix with men who were at tracted by the noise. The cut by the cleaver on the girl's back Is not of a serious nature. Both are 111 '' from the shock. . . BROKEN BOW MAN ATTACKED BY FORMER EMPLOYE BROKEN BOW, Neb., Dec. 22 (Special Telegram.) James Thomas, proprietor of the steam laundry here, was assaulted this afternoon by Lowell Adair, an ex balloonist. Adair, who had previously been working for Thomas, wa let out of his Job last week, and today, it is al leged, that he went Into the laundry, caught Thomas unawares and struck him from behind, knocked him down and then kicked him in the face and side, break ing his nose and, U Is thought, fractur ing some of the ribs. Adair was ar rested at his home by Sheriff Kennedy and taken before Judge G. Schwlnd, who placed him under $400 bonds to appear January 2. The ballonlst failed to secure bonds and 'was placed iu Jail. On two previous occasions when Adair had beon In trouble Thomas had gone on his bonds. Adair gives no reason for the alleged as-eault. a a expert;, : accountant 6ROKEN BOW, Neb., Dec. -(Special.) The Board of County -Supervisors, in aeBeioh this. Week. Jia tly expert ac countants befoi-p Jhem who were anxious to secure the contract for exnmlnlng Into the records of the county treasurer's office for the last eighteen years. The finance committee recommended that the contract be given to J. 8. Thompson of Oklahoma City, 01:1., whose bid was very much the lowest. The work will be done at $10 per day for the first thirty days, J7 per day for the second thirty days and 5 per day for the remainder of the time h la emraeed. the county" to . supply clerk nd atenographat- and pay hotel hill and, railroad expenses of the accountant hlle engaged in the worn. A comraci . . i . i ... rrWinmnartn anA was entered into wun an. a bond fixed by the lworfl In the sum of $1,000. It lB,arrsn!reJ tur.t me wont anau commence April 1. ana it i- pi w iimi the record books of the various offices will he installed in the vaults of tha new court house and will be easier of access In cqnaequence . . DODGE SHERIFF ARRESTS MAN WHO TERRORIZED CROWELL FREMONT. . Nob., Dec. 22.-RlierIff Bauman and his deputies came back this ynornlng from Crowell with Charles Les ter, who terrorised the town and at tempted to hold up the postoffice and general ntore of Herman Piers last night. Iter was - captured In the kitchen at, the home of Roy Kills, two miles from town, where he was formerly employed as a farm hand. In the Crowell saloon last night Les ter, who claims to be a cowboy from Oklahoma, tried to induce several men to help him hold up Piers' store. Get ting no reply, he made the attempt alone. Covering Dlers and a customer, Ben Janesovsky, with a pistol, ho de manded money. Janesovsky knocked lister down and a general fight ensued, in which Dlers, who attempted to aeUe Lester's -gun, was knocked unconspious. Lester ran out and got away. A posae followed him to fills' farm, but was afraid to attempt to enter. Lester sur rendered to the sheriff. FARMERS' INSTITUTE HELD IN RED CLOUD RHD CLOUD. Neb., Pec. 22. (Special.) . a a-alLattunH. fArmcru' Institute was held here Tuesday and Wednesday.- The exhibits this year, were large In number, both In the men's and the woman'8 de partmenu, and" Were a- a whole of ex cejtlonally fine quality... , There was aUo a large stock show In connection, tbut' owing to the severe storm the parade that was billed for 1 o'clock Wednesday was called off. The speakers for Tuesday were ex Governor hhallenberger, F.'W. Chase and riarl Hamley. Those for Wednesday were 3. P. Brown and Miss Louise Sabln. Two Weddlnara In Gave Cooatj. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special.) Alva D. Rice of Virginia, this county, and MUi Bava C. Sherwood were mar ried at the bride's home at Barneston Wedneaday evening. They will make '.heir home on a farm near Virginia. Michael Richardson, yardjnaster for the Burlington road at this point, and Mias Pearl Douglas of Wymore. were mar ried here TaBt evening by Judge Walden In county tourt. After a wedding trip of a few days to Kana City they will make their home In Beatrice. Tha key la success in buaineaa Is the Judicious and persistent us of newspaper advertising. POULTRY ASSOCIATION IS FORMED AT CENTRAL CITY CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Deo. 22.-(Spe eial.) Central City and the surrounding country possess a number of poultry fanciers and a movement has been on foot for several months to organize a poultry association. This sentiment was crystallized Into action Tuesday evening when the Merrick County Poultry associa tion was organized. The purpose of the or ganization, aa set - forth In resolutions. Is, first, to promote In the county the breeding of tho best kind of poultry; .second,, for . promoting aji. annual poultry show; third, the mutual protection ' of poultry raisers against theft. The assof elation adopted a constitution and bl laws, 'and elected the following officers: M. G. Scudder, president; F. R;' Sweltzer, secretary; -George Wolcott, ichajrman of Biombership committee. ' "! ST. LOUIS FIRM PAYS BACK TAXES IN JOHNSON COUNTY ... i TECUMSEH, Nb Dec. 22.-(8peolat) In the year 1897 the Wrought Iron Range company of 8t. Louis had a number of salesmen nnd teams In this county at the lime the assessing was being done and the Fame were promptly assessed. The company did not pay the taxes, how ever. Last week one of the agents and a team was In the western part of the county,' engaged In delivering stoves, when the fact become known to County Treasurer. C. Redfield. Sheriff E. .L. Roberts attached the rig for taxes. The agent made arrangements with a Beatrice bank to stand good for the taxes and he was allowed to go. Today the county treasurer received a draft from the range company for-$223.71, the amount of the taxes, Interest and costs of collection. SHERIFFS WILL HOLD NEXT. MEETING IN LINCOLN FAIRBURT, Neb.? Dec. 22. (Special.) The' Nebraska Association of Sheriffs, which has been In aesslon at Falrbury, concluded Its meeting with a banquet at the Merchants hotel. James Dunkel of Grand Island, president, acted a toast master and each member responded with a toast. The following officers were elected for 1912: President, George Dun kel, Grand Island; vice president, John A. Jones, Nelson; secretary and treasurer, James Chlrnslde, , Falrbury. The asso ciation selected ILncoln as the place for the next jeml-annual meeting, which will be held in June or July. Owing to the inclement weather that prevailed the at tendance was not large. FAMILY OF NINE IS STRICKEN WITH TRICHINA CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Dec. 22.-8pe. cial.) A family of nine stricken with trichina poisoning lMthe report that )r. Earl E. Boyd brings In from Prairie Creek township, the afflicted parties being Fred Nickel, a prominent German farmer, his wife and seven children. It Is supposed that the family contracted the' aliment from eating some underdone sausages. Although none of them are re garded as being in a dangerous condition, all are very sick. This I the first case of 'genuine trichina poisoning that lias occurred In this locality In a long while. THREE LINCOLN BOYS CONFESS FIFTEEN ROBBERIES LI"COLN,'Neb.. Dec. 22. Three boys. , 10 and IS years of age, are accused of having committed fifteen robberies in I'nlversity Place, a suburb. In the last few months. The youngest of the trio was discovered robbing the residence of John Iloisch last evening and confessed to his complicity with the other lads in former crimes. The three lads, whose names are suppressed by the authorities, will be tried In Juvenile court. The sums secured In most cases were small. Merrick Count? Laud Is Hick. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Dec. 22. (Spe clal.) That Merrick county land Is still advancing In price in spite of the rather poor season Is shown by the sale this week of eighty acres of the old J." R. Ratollff farm Just west of the city, across the road from the Teschmacher ranch. The owner, p. C. Smith, has this week sold this eighty, to Charles Erlcaon of this city, receiving In pay ment $11,000. Two years ago Mr. 8ml th bought this Xarm for $12S per uti Hal:-Hlnult Storo Twk f Soon ou will be Betting up the lhrlsUM tree getting ready to decora U It putting .on It all aorta of pla .nlngs and remembrance for the little ones ami their el. lots aa Well. You'll be brimming over with the spirit of gi.oil will, lou'll be wishing nry one a Merrv Chrlxunun and every one will be winning you the same. Hut, we want lo say It first. This great store appreciates your patronage and wishes you and your friends a most Merry Christmas and long airing of them. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS. OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE J""" "TV THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES It's Worth a Special Trip Down Town to see the splendid H.liday show this store is making in all departments This store never entered the holiday season so splendidly prepared to supply every masculine want, need or desire Our stock contains thousands of articles particularly selected to attract givers of useful gifts. Also, our salespeople are carefully schooled in the gentle art of gift giving and their suggestions will be valuable to those undecided. Their advice is only a part of our superb store service. If you are not on the lookout for appropriate gifts, but a man with notions of dressing up for Christmas, this store should claim your first attention. In no other store can you see such an array of desirable thirurs -mm to wear. What Man Wouldn't Appreciate a Gift Selected From This List It's more difficult to answer that question than it is to solvo tho problem of what to give. Anything you get here is precisely like what lie wauM get for himself. SUk Hose Dress Olores ata Robes $3.50 to 915.00 Smoking jackets 94-00 to 918-50 Shirts 91.00 np Wight Shirts 50o to 95.00 y y Jamas 91.00 to 910.00 Collar Bags 7 So to 9a.60 Tie Blags SOo to 93 00 Taney Saspendere 600 to 99.60 rilk Kafflera 91.00 to 93.50 Knitted Mufflers 500 to 918 50 Vne Glovaa 98.50 np to sia.so 600 to 91.60 91.16 to 98.60 Collar and Kdkfs. Seta 98.60 to 93.00 Toilet Seta 9X60 to 910.00 Clothes Bruahea 98.00 to 96.00 ilk Ties Boo to 93.00 Knitted SUk Ties 600 to 93.60 Initial Kandkerchlefs 91X)0 and 91-50 red Box Milk Bandkarehlefa 600 to 91.60 Cambrlo Handkerchiefs 91.00, 91.50 and 98.00 Per Box Tie Pins 50c to 95.00 Caff Button 600 to 96.00 A Good Suit or Overcoat Makes an Ideal Gift AVhile our stock is selected to meet tho approval of the man who is going to wear tho garments and while wo sell many thousands every year to actual wearers with never a complaint from them a great many people see in our garments the realization of their desire to make ideal gifts. We wuut tosee every such person and we want to see every fellow who intends dress ing up for the greatest of all holidays. Suits $10 to S40 Overcoats S10 to S50 Oar $15, $20, $25 garments are the best ever sold at those prices. If you would make a real, royal gift to a man give him one of our elegant fvr lined overcoatt at $40 or better TfiV-'M I 7N m mm. ."li'jf I I'M 'vrll II 1 i.H tt ill Ml' , ivIK' 1 II I III! I "JT. liPWffl. M QwM.ewt aw. rf..-i. 111. ,. I ii42 h.,-;. ti . Ul3a If You Need Shoes You Need Crawfords Because they satisfy every shoe desire you ran have and the additional desire which you probably have to save $1.50. alft A V A A Vf k T at ar V S&t $2.50 KHOK8 OF (ilWAT MERIT jV. SLIPI'KHH FOB GIFTS $1.50 TO $3.00 t . Hats and Caps for Holiday Wear Make fine gifts and an unusually large number have been sold by us to gift glvfrs HTKTHOMH 83.50 ROUGH HAT $2.50 VP . FITR AMI KKAIj DAI'S 82 OO VP CLOTH CAPS 50 11 Blackhand Letters : to Crete Men S6nt to Postal Authorities CRKTK, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Anonymous Black Hand letters have been received by Mayor Dredla of Crete, as well as by Joe Splrk and Frank Osborn, a negro hack driver. Rev. Mr. Huntington also received an anonymous letter, but it contained no threats as the others did, and is not considered . seri ously. The threat against the mayor was of the worst character, that of dynamit e. The following Is the letter to him: Mayor Uredls. You are hrre notified to get Nigger Krank out of Crete within threo weeks time. If not your house will bo dynamited and the undertaker will hiva von. HaM nIkkpi- Frank move on and you will be a gentleman. Now. be- ware; your time is nmiiea irom nn Hand, not the Preacher 11. If .you wou'.d of searched that old nigger's barn you would have found Talley. From Black Hand. Dead nigger soon In Crete. He was starter of all this. Lt a poor wnue man have that job hack driving." Jos Splrk, . a young . rciiow naving a room over the smoke house, also received letter telling him to leave that room and the town or he would get treated badly." Frank Osborne, who ha been a hack driver at the Burlington depot for many years, also received a letter of the same character, lie Is accused of knowl edge of poker dens. Improper relations, etc., and ends up by saying: "If you don't cut this out you will b loaded down to the bridge with a rope around your neck." Osborne, who has known many people s questionable secrets, says Talley ha not been in his barn for over a year, and that while he has known about the gam bling joints, he ha not been In league with them. He Is a Jolly old negro who everyone In town know and trusts,' and suspicion doe not rest heavily upon him. The mayor Is wrought up over the case. He has submitted the letter to the pos tal authorities at Kansas City for in vestigation, and says he thinks he knows who the guilty parties are, and tht he has evidence that will put the officers on the right track. He' says he knows no reason why he' should drive Osborne from town. The Huntington letter only contained a few suggestions as to the future con duct of the minister's prosecution, and no disclosures as to what these were have been made. Chief of Police Atteberry went to Omaha today on the report that Talley had been seen there, and wll be arretted shortly. MORE CHRISTMAS TREES SOLD Fifty Per Cent More Children Will Have Treei This Year. MILFORD MERCHANT IS SLUGGGED BY HIGHWAYMAN MILFORD, Neb., Dec. 22 W. D. Alex ander, a merchant of this place, was slugged by a highwayman last night and Is In a dangerous condition. The robber got away with $200. He Is thought to have made his escape on a train paaulng through here shortly after the robbery and police In other cltiea bav been noti fied to be on the lookout. 1.14 Uara Us at Wauore. WYMOllE. Neb., Dec. 22. (ISpeclal.) Mayor Mauck has ordered out all slot machines, die games, raffles, card games and all gambling devices of any rt The order has teen- complied with.. . Old Maaston Uernea. QL'INCY. III.. Dec. 22 Fir deatroved the realdenc of Mia Clara Koch at Lagraniui, Mo., laat night. The loss la about m.eoo. The horn wa one of the oldcfct in northeast Mluurl. Key t U Situation Be Advertising. OMAHA MERCHANTS ABE SMILING Ilualaea Ilaa Ileea Great and Jbe Colder Weather Friday- Helps Oat All A Ions the Start of Trade. Omaha will use SO per cent more Christ mas trees than last year. In 110 Trimble Bros., the big handlers of the trees In Omaha, bought sJx carloads of trees and had some of them left. This season they bought nine carloads and have sold every tree. The retailers report a big sale and say they will have very few left by to nlKht The Missouri river, into which the left over Christmas trees are usually dumped, will have to forgo Its annual meal this Christmas. yesterday's fair weather made Omaha merchants smile, for It filled the stores with people, making up for th discour agement of yesterday, when "soft" weather kept shoppers away. Had thei weather been bad, th merchants feared that Saturday, the final Christmas shop ping day, would find the store so filled with people that they could not be waited on properly, . Burr Brothers Enter Pleas of Guilty NEW YORK, Dec. 22.-rea of guilty wer made today by Shelton C. Burr, president; Eugene II. Burr, secretary treasjrer; Charles H. Tobey, vice presi dent, and Kdwln Wesley Preston, an of ficial of the Burr Bros, (incorporated) stock promoters. Their offices here were raided last November, the men being charged with using the mail In a scheme to defraud Investors. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS FOR CHOPPING OFF MAN'S HEAD COUNCIL DROVE. Kan., Dee.22-N. T. Olsen, who was convicted of chopping off the head of 'Walter Newrarmer, his hired man, with a corn knife, was today sentenced by Judge King to twenty-five years In the penitentiary. II was granted a stay pending an appeal and wa re leased on 20,0QO bond. SANTA CLAUS FATALLY BURNED AT COSHOCTON, 0. C08HOCTON, O., Dec. 22.-Whlle play ing Ftnta Clau In a school entertainment Melville Bhryock, lrt, probably was fatally burned, and Jessie Turner, 13, his as slstant, was seriously burned when a lighted candle fell and set fir to a Christmas tree. The school building was . crowded with person, and In the panic lhat followed several teachers and a number ot others were more or leas seriously Injured. WILL LOCK OUT HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND MANCHEJiTBR, England. Deo. 22.-Tho committee of the Lancashire Cotton Spin ners and Manufacturers' association to day decided to lock out the whole of the workers In the mills belonging to mem bers of the federation, beginning on De cember ft. The lockout Is a protect against the at tempts of trades unionists to fore weav er not belonging to the union to join their ranks. No fewer than 100,000 operatives are Involved. Key to the Situation Be Advertising. TYS Half Price on Hundreds of Sample Toys, Games and Dolls in good and perfect condition, some slightly soiled. Must be sold Saturday. Dolls $2.25 18-inch Dressed Doll . .$1.10 $2.25 15-inch Kestner Doll 95c $1.50 12-inch Kestner Doll 50c $1.50 16-inch Doll 50o $1.10 Dressed Doll GOc $2.10 18-in Unbreakable Mama Doll, at ..95c $1.G5 16-in. Unbreakable Mama Doll, at 75c $1.50 Jointed Doll 23-in 95e Doll Ready-to-Wear Clothes Dresses, Under Clothing, Hats, Don nets, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery and Feather Boas all at Half Price. Christmas Tree Ornaments All kinds at just one-half price. Horses and Wagons ' Busses, Wagons, HorBes and Carts, Farm Wagons, Trucks, Automobiles, Coal Carts and Milk Wagons all at One-Third Off. Animals Teddy Bears, Wooly Dogs, Monkeys, Sheep, Foxes, Baboons, Scotch Collies, Pigs, all at One-Half Price. Children's Furniture llockers, Chairs, Tables, Setees, Dressers, Commodes, Doll Houses, Canopy Beds all at One-Half Price. Tea Sets 35c Tea Sets, 15 pieces 15(5 75c Tea Sets, 21 pieces 4Q A Great Special for the Last Shopping Day Before Xmas English Boyal Stafford Cup and Saucer. Colored or gold rims. Popular size for tea or coffee. lQfl Kegular value 30c. Special Saturday only . XlC Six for $1.00 Orchard & Wilhelm arpet 2o. Hotel Loyal WILL SERVE Two Special Dinners . ON CHRISTMAS At 12 to 2 p. m. fit 6 to 8 p.m. At $1.50 Per Plate Tables may be reserved in advance Christmas. Suggestions Good Leather Goods 011pprs for On la V oilman Oar. Art Colonial mp Skin. TttiU Bar with ToUt Bt Inatd. Ldl' anoppUtf Bag. Oxford BVtt Caaaa. ollt BU. WUnu Out Ohm a Bill Fold. kUaioln Oaa. Koala moll. Lawjtr i Brlal C. WarOrob Trunk a our ewm nuU. Sat Trmnka. IInmi Trunk, From th Chaapeat That Good to th Beat Mad. Freling (St Steinle Trunks 1803 Faroam Street i i ii m 1 h mill IMJBJfl AT THIS TIME 13.00 for Safety Box In our Burglar nd Fir Proof Vault. It not only SAFEGUARDS your Prlrat Papara, Bond and Jwla OTr tho C'hrtatma Holldara, but for one yaar from th dat of rantal. Kant Vault ptc for Trunk nd packagaa, If you nd It. Omaha Safe Depoiit Co. Straet Lav el Entrance to Vault. 1614 Farnaro 8trt.