20 TIIE BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1911. I!" Shop Tcnight or in the Homing Branded Stores Offer Every Advantage to the Last Day Christmas Shoppers. JAp jk D D til A-. Sec Brandeis Big Ads n Page 4 and 10 Christmas Neckwear! v . -j THREE vBIO BARGAIN SQUARES PILED HIGH WOMr.wq NECKWEAR SUITABLE FOR GIFTS All newest creations many in fancy boxes, fancy lace fichus, Dutch and sailor collars in crochet and Venise effects, coat 6cts, cascades, jabots, side frills, etc., many trimmed with hand crochet and cluny laces. Worth from 75c up to $2.50; on sale at, Each... O-CO-tpl.O1 WOMEN'S AND MEN'S FINE CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Fine, sheer linen hemstitched border handkerchiefs, hand embroid ered Initials, hand embroidered corners; real Madlra hand em broidered, real Irish hand embroidered all new designs in an endless variety, at .. , 2SC, SOC, 98C andSfBO Christmas Glove 13 Are Practi cal Gifts i A f 1 Finest French Kid dhH hades and lenRthi for street and evening wear Perrln, Monarch and Northupa makes. ...... ..$2.75 to $3.75 ..,.f!r.:l.:!!,....$i.2 io $2 maKH Gloves for Boys and Girls One clasn: Bilk lined, unlined and fleece lined; white, ira and $1.25 Hierll in Iiontc Gloves Fine French lamb skin, 16 button gloves, 8 clasp fasteners; white, block and tan worth $3 pair Sat urday on bargain square, tfs no at, pair MJfl .Women s 0e and Two-Clasp Kid Gloves Black, white and colors: H "'""a; worth up to $1.00, at, pair ... Chr a mas loxes free with Gift (Jloves. , Glove Tonds are on sale at our glove counter. The gloves may be fitted arter. Christmas. ' Hosiery for Christmas Women's Fine Imjort-d Kilk Finished IJsle Hosiery Wide hem , tops, high epllced heels, double soles; black, tan and ' ir fancy colors; worth Boe. pair. at. .Z5C ' ffonirn's inire Ki:k Hoot Mack Hosiery Wide lisle garter tops lisle , double soles, heels and toes; worth 60c pair. ' fri aa P1'. 35; three pal ra for ... Jl.UU Women's l'ur Thread Hllk Boot Hosiery Wide lisle garter tops. lisle soles, heels and toes; black and fancy colors- worth 76c. at, pair. t , ; t J Men's Women's suul Children's Kverwenr Hosley Guaranteed six pairs for six months. Black, tan and colors in cotton mer-t o in cerlted Male and cashmere, at box, 81.50. $2.00 nd. . 30. JU Wofnea's Italian Silk I ntlerwear Vests, tights, bloomers and union suits; plain aud embroidered in sky, pink and w hite. t a &L;39.S1.08. S2.08 nd -. . . . 13.510 WMMB STOBES QIOlST flOU-VOD AY BOY Ml. u ,A M H H 'A" V-o a MUM I U 'W 200 Brands 60c to $10 por Dox The Choicest Kinds All Glzo Doxes 100 Kinds Hero 25c-$12 Oottlo For Men aqd Women $1 to 520 At llic Sherman & CoConncll Stores rare Saturday Positively the Lost Day of Our Ccccmbr Clearing Sale Take advantage of tlie opportunity to Rave Money In aft your needs rn Men's, Women' and Children's Wearing Apparel, Shoe. Furnishings, rtc. Only a minutes walk from 10th Street.- Here is a few Items advertised. Hundreds of other ere awaiting yon, RAPHAEL-FRED CO., 13th and Farnam 85c $1.48 M.Gi) I SI S) For Men's For Ls-llen' For Men's For t4klle"' lIilJ heavy All Wool Hhoeii tn fihoe, any For 11 the fleeced Hweater dreen anil stylo, dress Ladles', Union Hults Coat, sood work, all or every Mlneex' and of the style and style:, tan day wear. Children's Onets mllln, rolorn, and black, worth up Hats left In worth $1.60. worth 3.E0. worth IS. 00. to IJ.60. stock. $945 39c 98c 5c ,, For ladles' For Men's For For Chil- fretty entllfH llntA Glv Men's Stiff dren's Hose, Ilandker- BilkVolU,,h Mittens Hats '' hoy' box. worth IIS. worth 78c. worth 11.00. worth liUc worth 60c. WMBBBHraMB KawjaaBBMaaBsBBai mmmmmmmmm 6c S6.50 11.85 79c 69c For Ladles For Men's For Men's Tailored For Coys' Ilandker- elegant lleautlful white and Shoe, odds chiefs. make over- Fanrv rev flannel and ends, worth coat, worth Vtn, alilrt waists, worth 12 He, llic. 112.60. worth $3.00. worth $1.60. $2.60 a pair. 25c 15c J8.95 $4.95 $11.75 For Tnfanta For Infants' For Men's For Fur For Men's AH Wool and Chll- arid Wets of overcoats Hweater dren's Knit- Youni French of the Coats, ted Caps. Men's Coney, highest pretty Shawls or Suits, all very larfra grade tall collar, hlsh Children's pure wool collar and orins; and neck, worth 1'etttcoats, and worth nvuff. Bet, material, 60c. worth 60c. $K.60. $4.95. worth $22.50 $1.79 95c I $5.95 65c I 16.95 For Plllc Will buy Fof T.adtes' For Men's For Ladles Waists, Men's All and Misses' ... ipoiin black and Wool Caracul n J colored; all Bweator Coat. Usu- Coats In Mads Bults. eljes, Coats. Hsu- ally sells brown, gray Bold Rer worth ally sells for $S00 and red value. $12.60 up to $4.00. for $2, $2.60. and $10.00. worth $1.60. $13.86. "aararaBasaraaaMraai SSararjaasan aaBfaBrsBBMBaaBrsnaaTaBrsHBrMBrsBaBra irawlaraaBBBBwjMiBai $4.95 $11.95 25c $1.59 $1.15 For For Men's For Ladles' For Little For Ladles' Ladles' Silk Suite) of the and Misses' Gents' Hulls Shoes, tan, and fterse finest cloth Uolf Gloves, in light velour, kid. dresses and make, assorted and dark patent worth up , worth colors. shades, leather, sto., to $11.00. ' $22.60. worth 60c. worth $3.00. worth $2.00. 45c I 39c 67c I 85c For Men's For Ladles' For Chll- For Men's For Men's ... V"" . n Hwt,r den's All Wool Shirts In fhtrts. coat Coats, gray Coats, Under- assorted ! "Ill hd?" or,1"d. usu- all kinds of wear colors light shade. ally sells materials Samples, flannel, worth 76o. at $1.00. and styles, worth $1.60. worth $1.60. i RAPE-3AEL-PESED CO. Wholesale) and Retail Cor. Thirteenth and Farnam Streets THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE 8 5'! FOR MEN . FOR YOUTHS THE USEFUL XMAS GIFT s 5 Onimod Shoes 5 $2.50 and $3.50 $ W are showing a compltf ttock of Mn't and Boy' SJ!ppn-.buy a pair for 9 gift if not tho comet aim; wa will fit thtm of ft Xma. lj j REGENT SHOE CO. 205 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET r It's Summer in Texas When Winter is Here lou can take th. family an? escape cold, blustry days for surprisingly llttlo money If you run down To Beautiful San Antone Troplo jlnta bloom when wintry days are blowing up hers. Let me' tell you details ot the Low Rates Via I he 74itri ParlHr wT w- - " -s'wvwas A WaV. Thos. F. Godfrey, tMtnKtr Md Tlcket Agtnt 1413 TAJtMATst BTRTJET, cr VVZOIT BTATIOR E3K Free Land Information Tbe Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know ' About government land laws, location of land of fices, eto. How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws governing same, etc Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock 'raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. .'Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraslia b" r UK THE BOY h The Ideal Gift The American boy does not enjoy a toy or plaything like he does the outdoors. We are a nation of pioneers and Young America simply cannot stay within 4 walls. Give him a pair of High Cut Boys' Scout Shoes. They wUl keep his feet dry and please him more than any thing else. A small edition of our Men's Sporting Boots. According to slz -i 4 1 I $2.50(0 $4.50 Ideal for Skating and Coast ing. DFEXEL 1 SHOE CO. 1419 FSrnsa Street UiikU.'siiit&ijLiittid Selling Women's 1 Warm i Slippers In dark blue dark gray black and brown moder ate prices and comfortable shapes. The Sorosis Shoo Certificates are made in regular greenback )form and make an acceptable Christmas gift. You give the certificate. We fit the shoes when the lady brings us the certificate 'after Christmas. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 So. 15th St. Frank Wilcox Hlpperr tSs The Last Gall Tomorrow is the last shopping day your time Us short, but no rr.ntter how far you look you will not be able to find a sift that will please them more than a pair of handsome slippers. We have them In the followlns styles: Men's Men's Opera Slippers, in tan, black and chocolate from 91.00 to 93.00 Men's Borneo 81tppers from (1.BO to S3 .OQ Women's Women's Felt Slippers and fur trimmed Romeos from 91.00 to 9a.oo Women's Kid and Patent Leath or Slippers from 910 to 98-oo Boys' Boys' and Youths' Slippers at Ill th Cut Shoes for wlntsr wear. the kind that the boy will like and keep his feet dry 940 to 94-60 Fry Shoe Go. "The Shoers," SUteeata and Xou-ls s treats. Christmas Dinner The dinner ot all dinners of the year will be just right if the Turkey comes from our market. We have the choicest, fattest stock we're ever sold in Omaha. Extra Choice Fancy Stock .'.2 2 a Choice Geese........ 15d Choice; Chickens 13 H Then We Hare Extra Choice Oysters and Crisp Celery, Jos. Bath's Gash Market 1021 Pau-iuun. V- 1 Reliable Dentistry AT Taffs E::f:l Rcns . SATUDDAY wk$m, a t ' , THE RELIABLE STORE will be the big gest of all the big sale days N All holiday Goods uct Go at Once And all along the line throughout all our stocks sweeping price reductions have been made that will move the goods in short order. I Toys, Dolls, Games, Etc. at f.lanufacturers' Cost Prices 1,000 fur sets, scarfs, muf f s-- at just HALF. Toilet sets, manicure sets, travelers' sets, etc. Big line of samples at HALF. Men's & Ladies' Furnishings. Hundreds of most delightful bargain offer ings shown. A big sample line of fancy silk ties made to sell at $1.00, choice, at, 35c Tailored Suits . at Half. Children's Coats at Half. Christmas Slip pers at 20 per cent discount. ... Suit Cases and Traveling Bags 1-5 off regular price. Your choice of w x our entire line of House Coats. Regular $4.00 to $6.00 values,, all go at one price Saturday to close in Clothing De partment, at $2.75 Do your shopping early Saturday 1 Bf hiJM 1 il IV FIRST ESayden Bros.' eat Dept. TyirCieys; US eese . - .. . 12c Chickens ..... 10c LAUD LA HO LAMB The ones we bought from Armour & Co., that were on display at the Sheep Show. ' Hindquarters Mutton, pound....... 6c Forequarters Mutton, pound...... .. 5c Mutton Chops, 3 pounds for.....;...... 25c Mutton Stew, 12 lbs. 4 . .25c U Pot Roast 8c, 7c and Gc Sirloin Steak 120 and : 10c No. 1 Hams, pound U 12VaC Picnic Hams 9c Bacon Strips, pound . . . , 10c layden Bros.' .leaf Dept. Low CuOt5nd Trip Elates to F Wfflilfl and glBA Also to All Other Winter Tourist Points in the South and Southwest. VIA SHORTEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS Double Dally Service All information regarding rates, routes,: berths, etc., cheerfully furnished. Agent (or All Stssnship Lines SBrararsrararsrar.rarararararsrarsrsBrsBBBBrsraBBBBBBBBt H. C. Shields, O. A. P. D., Omaha Neb. WABASH CITY TICKET OITICT, 1S16 Panram St i a J.V 4.