Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    TI1K HKK: OMAHA. N.vinWAY, DKCKMBETl 2.1. 1011.
Last Minute Suggestions
For Xmaa Gifts
Handsome silks In plain col
ors or figures and Kelser knit
ted silk tins with cross bars of
contrasting colors,
The new ."Hobble" knitted
silk ties In cross bar patterns,
and many plain silks,
Bilk Hose and Tie Bets
Kunpendcr .,.......
Gloves .... ;.,
Bathrobes . . . ;
Tajamas, 82.50 i 83.00- end
goods." :,."
Twenty-fifth street. Mrs. Harrlman wa
often with h.r and was nearly . her sole
woman friend, but ah never thought of
talking about the business the men ware
engaged In. She never, thought to aak
her husband why ha had so frequently
to skip out on short notice. Bhe often
aw him with largo auma of money, but
never had curloilty enough to aik him
where ha got It, even when he bought
n automobile and gave 'her $300 to buy
a horse at Fremont, Neb.
Mra. Mabray also knew Monte MoCall
and Warner and ata dinner often with
Brott and her huaband at the llenshaw,
but still knew nothing of the business.
She never asked why they had to Icavo.
Telia of Arreat.
Her testimony grew Interesting when
ah began to tell or the Little Hoc It ar
reata. Juet before her huaband left their
room In the Capitol hotel and waa ar
reated he gav her 'some money to keep."
Phs oould not tell how much It wa or in
how many packagea, but finally ad
tnltted there were about four each, an
Inch thick, aa they came from the bank.
B"h thought the bills war large, but
nerer looked at' them. Bhe put them all
In her boiom. '
"Wouldn't a "package Tout" tnchee thick
be noticeable there?" Inquired Mr. Or
gan. Although a very allin and petite
little woman ah thought It would not.
Mabra gave her this money before noon
and prior to any thought of arresta by
the Little Hock ofilcere. She said that
after the arrest. ' she took the money
down to the office of Attorney Helm,
wnom ahe fhftaged to defend her hus.
band. She aald ah turned It over to the
lawyer without counting It and never
knew how HiUch there waa ir What be.
came Of It: 'rilVnald the lawyer gave her
enough to live on for als weeka at the
hotel and paid hrivfar to the home of
her alster In Kansaa City.
1st Uttlt IU4 Book.
Ther la said to have been Stu,uO0 In the
package. Mra. Mabray told o'o of her
husband taking th fatal bunch of pa
liera. Including the llttl red book, from
hla own trunk and giving them to her
to keep. , fh aald ah hid them In her
trunk among her clothing, where they
were found when the officers raided the
room. Hh denied all knowledge of the
controversy over the money and attach
mrnta Issued to ratch thla money and
other Mabray property.
There wer only two thing In connec
tion with Mabray aha could remember
aiil thooerWr marriage and th vis
Its to th Marks' horn and what her hus
band aald he weht there for.
After a brief redirect eaamlnatlon of
Mabray In the morning, when nothing
waa elicited, Ira M. Day, an employe of
the' I. Muccl Ice cream plant on Bsnad
way, which la directly across th alley
In th rear from th Marks' barn. Pay
waa Introduced by th state to show that
ho saw Mabray often enter th Marks'
place from th rear during th latter part
of March and first of April. UK. He did
not know who th man waa, 'however,
until he waa ahown Mabray' picture In
on of th fake fight photo raptured at
Llttl Rock a long time after. The pic
ture waa ahown him by Attorney N. A.
Crawford when Crawford wa proaecut
lug hla civil autts in th federal court.
It waa brought out over the objection
o fthe atate that this federal matinee was
in th custody of Prosecutor Inspector
Kwenaon. and h was again dlre-tly con
nected with the olvil eaaea. He sajd he
bad understood that Pwenson had -given
the pictures to Crawford for the tArinise
of Identifying Mabray and as th fits
J Jay had aetn slipping in from th alley.
Turn Oar Maaid.
A rather Interesting witness during th
afternoon wa Thomas Gay, on of th
professional wrestlers and active steer
ers of th gang. Uay testified that he
cam from his horn In Htreator, 111.,
where be a employed th a cigar store
wljh poolroom and card table attach
nionta. since last September. 'He said
he was on of the. fak wrestlers for
two years, a di king also as a steerer
with good results. , He aald he had been
a coal miner ' for thirteen year. He
became Identified with the Maybraylua
til 177. II told of bringing hla first
victim to Council Bluff. B. W. C. Shull.
of Minneapolis, in July, IS, and assist
rig in robbing him. He connected Marks
with Ibe gang when he told about trouble
of the mlka in getting hla persona! check
cashed through an Omaha bank, and
wbca he complained to Mabray about it
Ui latter aald he would "call up th
Id man and ee what Ui trouble was."
mil iioii Mu.
Gay then tvM f Mabray asking over
th phone If this was "th old man."
aod heard him tell him t go to th
bank ' and m why th Omaha check
w- not Jut lu ihai. II aald this was
Of all the. many things one
ran select for a man's gift,
neckwear Is InTartebly the
moat appreciated.
We've a (treat display here,
nnd In the colors ani pattern
which men like and will wear.
An unusually complete
ahowtng of allk ties, either
tabular, straight or with wine
ends, all colors,
Wide end silk ties of finer
silks Hi beautiful colors and
The celebrated Kelser acror
deon silk knitted ties and wide
flowing end ties with self col
ored figures,
A particularly handsome
Showing of Kelser silk knitted
and "Hobble' ties,
; ,' ,
t ..... .ISO4 and
. -81.50 to
k... 81.50 to
the famous Mark Cross
1 -eather
sufficient, and the fake fight came off
In a field north of Manawa. Jle .said
thoy went through a gate on the wert
side of the road and that Kills broke the
padlock explaining that ho had access
to the key.
On rroS-mlnatlnn .Mr. Tin'.c- -'ked
Ironically whv th attorney j fa
miliarly called the witness ,,n."
"You are commonly called Tom a. norm
your . paU, co-eohsplrator and fellow
thieves, aro you not?" Inquired the at
torney. The witness admitted hn was.
Tho questions then led to disclosing how
the witness happened to come here to
testify. II admitted that It waa In
response to a telegram from Kwenaon
ordering him to be at Council Bluffs on
Wednesday of thla week. Th telegram
waa from Ht. I-oUls.- He aald he had a
letter from Hwenaon two weeks ago, ex
plaining the altuatlon. He aald ha had
not '" tn answer to a subporr., but br
eeder of Hwenson. . . ,
The history , of, ,Ln,unroua indictment
against , him.. In th federal ?ujrt upon
which he had never been tried after his
arrest waa. gone Into. 11 told of bring
tried after his arrest .kaETAOINSHHD
In Jail in Ottawa, Chicago.. 6amha and
Council Bluff, but' could not tell why
he had never been brought to trial, lie
aid he got out of jail in Council Bluffs
on a bond signed by his uncle, which had
oen procured by Hwenson. day was
compelled to. recount many of th numer
ous instances in which he helped; to rob
nis rnsnd. th confiding mikes, and tho
thousands of dollars that had been nalrf
ulm as shares of the spoils. He described
the robbery of Khull here at areat lenirih
and fully admitted his connection as
stewrer and fighter.
Kansas Judges Draft'
Law to Restrict Issue
of Marriage Licenses
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Deo. 22,-That a
"declaration of intention's be filed by the
prospective bride and groom thirty days
prior to th laauance of a license to marry
Is one of the requirements of u bill to
remedy th divorce evil to be presented
to th next aest-lon of the Kansas legis
lature. Thla requirement, judgo Kims
holds, will diminish caus.e of "love at
first sight" and mak marriages more
A tentative draft of the bill waa com
pleted today by Judge John T. Wins of
th probata court of Wyandotte county,
Kan. Judga Sims preps roil the bill at th
request of th iCaiiai Association of
rrobat Judge i.
The bill also requires that a publlahcd
announaameat of th marrlag in th
official county paper b mad during two
consecutive week folowlng th filing of
th declaration. Another requirement is
th paaaag of a physical examination
to ascertain that ther is no Insanity or
hereditary disease on either aide. Kai-h
county la to hav a board of thre phy.
alclans appointed by th governor to make
th examination.
WABIUNC1TON. Pec. K.A awecping
change in military prison methods mas
instituted today by order of the War
department. Ali of the short term pris
oners of Alcatra Island. Kan Francisco
harbor, hav been ordered transferred to
Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
All of th lopg term prisoners in the
latter Institution are to be transferred
to Alcatrans, which will thus be made
the place of confinement for the criminal
element, while l-eavenworth will be the
place of detention of soldiers guilty of
purely military offenses. To save the
prison expenses a second criminal jail i
created at Fort Jsy, tlovernor's Island.
N. Y.
The effect of these change la to carry
out the recently developed British system
of treating deserters and other soldiers
guilty of breaches of discipline as sub
ject to reformatory Influences and of,
segregating them from the absolutely
vicious clas4.
MAMtfON. Neb., Uec. 2-Hpr lal.)
Al 7. thla evening, at the home of the
bride's parenta. Mine Nora Klixsbeth
ailland was Joined In marriage tu
Raphael Orant Iwwlliig. The bride la a
daughter of Mr. and Mra. t'al CiillanU
and has growa to womanhood in this oily.
For several years she lias held a re
ponalbl position on th staff of the Mad
ison Fost. Mr. Iowllng Is a eon of Solo
mon Iollng. Judge William Bates uas
th officiating magistrate
Business with British Lands Shows
Great Increase. "
Fur ISirry Dollar rnt to Knalaad
mil rnflnn for (-nodi Two
Are Itcrelted In Ilelnrn
for Kt porta.
WASHINGTON, Tec. 12 -Over a billion
dollars' worth of merchandise passed be
tween the 'lilted ftates Hnd Prltlfh ter
ritory !n the ten months ending with
October 'or which statistics hav beeVj
-implied. The bureau of stntlntlcs of the
lepartment of t'ornmrrre and Labor re
ports that export .im tho 1'nlted
l-'tstes to British territory In the period
named aggregated S7l'.on,0'iO and Import
therefrom ttMt.orjO.OOO, thus Indicating that
for every dollar's worth of merchandise
mported from the territory In question
Vi worth of American products are ex
ported thereto.
The growth of Amerlcen eommere
with countries and colonle tinder th
British flHg ha been steady ami in the
rase of certain countries, notably Can
ads, very rapid. In 1"5 the ten months'
record of Imports from British territory
whs twa.Offl.WiO and in 1911 $J,(0,(W. an
increase of I.OOO.Oco. The 191t figures
arev h'lWever, slightly less than the
total for 1!)1, when the ten months' Im
ports atcgreated SK,nOi,00n. F.xports to
British territory for corresponding
perlodH of the years named meantime
grew from Ssn,(io,0 In WZ to S7r.000iOO
In W1I, nn Increase of Sl7tS'jO,000. The
share of the Imports Into the t'nlted
States brought from UritlHh territory Is
about an per cent, while uhout tr,V per
cent of the export K' thoreto, and of
the total foreign trade approximately 40
per cent Is with Biltlsh territory. The
term British territory here used Includes
England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand. India and other
British Kast Indies. British Honduras,
British (lulsna, Aden, (llhr.iltnr. th
Falkland Islands, licng Knng. British
Africa, Newfoundland and Labrador, the
British. West Indira and other British
islands. To all these, with unimportant
exceptions, the exports from th t'nlted
States are larger In 'Ml than In 1910 or
earlier years.
' (iroerth (ieneral.
To th United Kingdom, th largest
market for American products, our ten
months' exports Increased from S393,O00,0OO
In 1910 to . $419,000,000 In lull; thoxe to
Canada, next in rank, tho exports In the
ten moiithH' period advanced from $'301,
CGO.000 In 1910 to :M9.O00,O0O In 1911. a figure
mora than double the total for th corre
sponding period In 1905. Australia and
New Zealand rank third among the
British domlnlona as a market for Ameri
can roods with a ten months' totnl of
HCOOft.flW, compared with S:i0,O00,0OO and
$21.000,000 . in IMS for Ilka periods. To
Britlfli Africa the' ten montlm' exports
Increased from $11,000,000 In 1905 to $1$.000,
000 in 1910 and $n.000.C00 In 1911; tlioso to
the British West Indies. from $8,000,000 In
11WS to $9,000,000 In 1910 and $10,000,000 In 1911;
and those to India $4,7(0,000 In 1906 to $A.
00,000 In 1910 and $9,000,000 In 191L The re
maining British communities which show
In each case a total In excess of $1,000,000
In tho ten month Include Hongkong, to
which ' our ' ekpnrt In ten month were
valued at $7.OB0.000r Newfoundland . and
Labrador, $4,000,000; the Stralta Kettle,
ments. $1,760,000; British Oulana, $l.N)0,000;
British Honduras, ll.TM.eflo, and Aden and
Bermuda each about $1,000,000. To Olbral-
tar the total wh about $400.000;. to Malta,
Closa, etc., about $:MO,000, and to British
China, the Falkland Islands and mis
cellaneous other British possessions aa a
whole about $:CO,000.
Nome of 'Imports.
As sources of Imports into the United
States. Cirent Britain Is again first among
the British comuunltles. with a ten
months' record of $aM,000,000 In 1911, com
pared with $;':is,ooo,ooo In ll10 and $1K8,COO.OOO
In 1906; Canada Is second with $7tiiO0O,OO0
In 1911. against $V!.000,OM lu the like period
of 1910; India, $11,000,000, compared, with
$.-,8,000,000 in tho preceding year; the
Straits Settlements, $20,000.0)0; other
British Kast Indies, $7.M0.000; British
West Indies. $11,100,000; Australia, New
Zealand, etc., $10,000,000; British Africa.
$3,000,000; Hongkong, $2,000,000; Aden. $1..
6t)0,000, and British Honduras and New
foundland each $1,000,000.
Raw cotton, meats and breadstuff
form tho bulk of the exports from the
I nlted Rate to the t'nlted Kingdom.
though certain manufacturer, such as
agricultural implements, leather, ma
chinery and pig copper are ImportHiit
item in the yearly sales to that country.
Our exports to t 'a inula cover a very wide
ariety. Including manufactures of Iron
and steel, automobiles, Illuminating oil.
conn, cotton, coal, tobacco and practically
every article enumerated , la the export
scneuuie. Australia and the various
colonies of the t'nlted Kingdom offer
lurg and increasing markets for our
manufactures. On the other hand. Brit
ish territory supplies a large proportion
of our Import requirements manufactures
or various kinds from the 1'nlted King
dom, and foodstuff and raw materials,
auch as cocoa, tea, tropical fruits. India
rubber, clothing wool and fiber from the
British colonies.
(Continued from First i'age.)
should destroy the autonomy and inde
pendenee of rersla, the latter country
might be in a position to refuse to pay
the money and say Russia was responsible
ror th existing condition, thereby throw
ing th claim upon Russia. In that event,
tho extent th t'nlted rtate would i.-
able to go In obtaining fur one of Its
cltlxen.i a compliance with Ills contract
with a foreign goxeniment is a problem.
C harlea A. Ilrena.
FAIRBI RY, Neb.. Iec. t;'.-tSpe. al.
Charle A. Brenu. aged 73 year, and one
of the earliest settlers and pioneers of
this county, passed away at hla home in
thl city after a lingering Illness. De
ceased was born In Hwitxerland In ISM.
He cam to Nebraska In U'0, locating In
Jefferson county, taking a homestead In
Washington precinct, where h raelded
continuously until 1910, when h removed
to Falrbury. He Is survived by a widow
and seven children.
Ilruaglal Illea of Arrlilrut.
FORT Im.)mjk. la., i,H -(Special
Ti-li'gram.l Amu I". Forsthe, a young
druggist at Yetler died In a hospital here
today aa a result of a bullet wound
through th head hist night when he was
cleaning a presumably unloaded rifle.
Forsythe never regained consciousness
after the injury. He leaves a widow and
fu:nlly. The body was taken to Britt for
Jefferson Man
Recovers Large Sum
Stolen by His Son
JEFFERSON', la.. Dec. !2.-(Bpeclal.)-
Three thousand, six hundred dollars
stolen and all back with the exception
of $0, Is the report of tgnats Algner, who
recently had this amount stolen from
him by his son, Anton Algner. When
Anton got t Chicago tie ran up against
the wrong fellows and they induced him
to deposit all hut $e00 of this money In a
bank in a disreputable part of the city
They had learned who he was and when
they had mattera pretty well fixed up
they told yming Algner that he had better
skip to avoid arrest, that the cops were
after Mm. II did leave for Madison
Wis., arriving there about the same time
that fiherlff Noah did, and he Was placed
under arrest. The next day Anton Alg
ner suicided. About $M0 was found hid
den In his clothing. In one of his pockets
was a memoranda showing that on a
certain day he had deposited ,000 in a
certain Chicago bank. After the funeral
of the young man the father secured an
attorney and going to Chicago wa finally
able to secure the deposit of his son
Outside of the attorney's fee th .senior
Mr. Algner ws out only $).
Balky Automobile
Prevents Elopement
NORTH WOOD. la., iJec. 22.-Special.)
A balky automobile and a stubborn
magneto prevented a tile llttl elopement
sensation here. Deloa Cornick, son of
ex-Pherlff H. B. Cornick, ha not yet at
talned the age of 21 and consequently
when he applied for a license to wed
MIhs Orace Lundberg, daughter of a
prominent farmer north of town, It was
refused. ' Th young couple then decided
to go into wome state where, they could
get a license. An auto waa chartered and
away they went for Minnesota. Albert
Lea being their destination. The storm
cam on and there waa much ugliness on
the part of th auto and It finally ceased
going. A neighbor took pity on the young
folks and gav the use of his telephone
to cull an auto from Albert Lea, and
when that got well on the way the mag
neto trouhlo act In. Meanwhile the fath
er got busy and lit out for, Albert Lea
When the young couple reached the city
the train had arrived and the fathers
had no trouble in Inducing their children
to accompany them home.
Traction Traffic
Stops During the
McGowan Funeral
JNMAN'ArOUH.. Dec. J2.-Street car
traffic waa stopped for five minutes to
day in honor of the funeral, of Hugh J.
MoOowan, president of th Indianapolis
Terminal amd Traction company and
leading) figure In national Interurban'
electric transit development. i
At Teter and Paul cathedral, 'reqlilem
high ma wi waa celebrated by . Right Rev.
Joseph , Chartrand, coadjutor bishop.
Among the honorary pallbearers Were
former Vie President Charlea V. Fair
banks, former United -State Senator
Albert J. Ueveridge, Randal) Morgan and
J. Levering Jonea . of Philadelphia, and
Thomas Tuggart. s
GUAYAQUIL, ' Ecuador, Dec. 22.
Emllio Katrada, president of th republio
of Kcuador, died here auddenly at mid
night. President Estrada waa elected to office
on January 11, 1911, and waa Inaugurated
on September 1. lie waa taken aertously
111. on the lXth of the same month 'and
went to Quito to recuperate. During hla
sojourn there an attempt to assassinate
him was discovered and several conspira
tors wer arrested. Th tmat of Quito
had deleterloua effect on th health of th
president and he went to Guayaquil on
November 18 in a serious condition.
Owing to hi Illness Franelaco Andrado
Maria, president of th Chamber of Depu
ties, assumed temporary charge of th
executive office.
VIENNA, Dec. a.-Emperor Francla
Joseph I making favorable progress in
hi recovery from hi recent alight in
disposition. According to th latest re
ports from J he palace his majesty ia In
excellent spirits; his cough la much bel
ter, hi appetite good and hla general ap
pearance healthy. He walked today for
half an hour In the great gallery of th
palace and tomorrow he t to go out into
th open air if th weather should prov
HUMBOLDT, Neb.', Dec. 22. (Special.)
Ralph Garrlee, son of Rev. and Mr.
Uarrles of Verdon, and Mlas Kate Bren
ner, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Brenner,
who live on a farm near Vrdon, fcere
married at noon Wednesday by Rev. H.
1. Keefer of this city. Th roupl will
spend the holidays here, after which
they will leave for Omaha, where th
groom is employed In. th automobile
( outirll order Track,
CHKYKNNK. Wyo., Two. a.-tSpeclal.)
The city council has issued an order
that th. Cheyenne Blectro Ktreet IUI1
way company must construct two mile
of new track the comli.j year or forfeit
its franchise, the franchise having pro
vided that th city could order th com
pany to build new track when the need
of ama wa apparent. The company,
however, ha planned for a long time to
build a branch line through East Chey
enne, and will doubtless comply with the
city order well within th time limit.
Nebraska City Team Give Ua.qnet.
NEBKASKA CITY, Neb.. Dc. a (8p.
rial WTii. member of th. Nebraska City
High achool foot ball team gav a ban
quet last evening at the Frontier hotel
In honor of lr. J. K. Bloomlngdale, their
trainer and Prof. Anawalt, their coVh.
There were some twenty-eight platea laid
and it was one of the most enjoyable af
fair held in this city In some time.
tattle Thief llea..
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Iec. ::.-tSpe lal.)
-IVputy. Sheriff Wr.ght of Ft.,I.ramie
arrived last night with Ueorge Weuel,
charged with cattle stealing, and today
Wetael pleaded guilty and will be sen
tenced to th. penitentiary In a few day.
Wetael was caught In the ait of placing
hi brand on a cow and calf belonging
to auothir.
Billy Bourke's
Sale of Benjamin clothes never
before equaled in worth and value
giving. Bourke needs the money.
That's the reason. Needless to say
S20.00 Suits and Overcoats
$22.50 Suits and Overcoats
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats
$27.50 Suits and Overcoats
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats
$33.00 Suits and Overcoats
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats
Any Hat
Republicans Are V
, Drafting Revised
Wool Schedule
' WASHINGTON. Deo. 2!.wRenubllcan
members of th way and means com
mittee, summoned bv Renrwsentattve
Payne of New York, former chairman' of
th committee, began the preparation of
a revised wool tariff schedule based, on
the xeport of th tariff board and the
message ot President Taft. ' " ' :
( President Taft having- Pronounced the
report of th board aa the meet aeientiflo
ever mad on the subject, the adnilnla-
trauon and republican leader in the
house have determined to draft a hill
founded entirely on the, dat., Wth thla
bill they will go before th country. .
me republican members of th com
mittee who began work on the bill were-
Payne. New York: Dalxell. Pennavl
McCall. Massachusetts; Hill, Connecti
cut i Needham. California: Fordney,
Michigan, and I-ong worth, Ohio.
Tho president. It Is aald. will co-onerat
with the republican memhera in their
work or drafting tha bill, which, it la
claimed, will give all branchea in the
domestic wool industry the crotectlnn
necessary to place them on an equality
witn foreign branches.
It is the purpose of the republicans to
present their bill to the full ways and
means committee and urge the demo
crat to accept this.
Thla culmination nrobahlv will' not re
sult, as the democrat Intend' to write
their own bill Immediately after the
They will compare the statistics' of tho
tariff board with tha figures . of their
own bill on which to make a campaign
before the people.
ALEXANDRIA. Eavnt Ien. Th,
Italian erulaer Puglla seised the British
steamer Mensaleh of the Khedlveal Mail
steamship and Ioek Qravlna romnanv
with flGO.000 in gold ooln on board, des
tlned for the payment of the Turkiai
troopa at the port of Hodelda, In 4hi
Turkish province of Yemen on the Ret
A flotilla of Italian cruiser la keen
ing a aharp lookout for vessel touching
at Turkish porta on th Arabian coast
of the Red aca.
Ida Urov l'aer in gold.
IDA OROVE. Ia.. Dec. 22.Kneeii
A. J. Bciiaetfer of Hot Hprlnss. B. D.-
came to Ida Grove looking for a news
paper location, and Inside of four hours
he had bought th Record-Era and waa
In possession. A. 11. Harrington, who
bought the paper from S. L. Friable In
August, when the later went to Blloxi,
Miss., left town after getting out the
Issue last week and turned the property
over to the bank. II suffered a nervous
breakdown, and is now with his brother
at eious City.
Sterling Silver
- An enduring gift
of beauty and eleg
ance I. found
among the large
collection of sterl
ing silver offered
at this store.
Whether th gift ba
for man or woman,
you can feet r.-
aonably certain of se
curing something ac
ceptable here. Special
attention is directed
to our new pattern of
sterling sliver toilet
''jt fered In complete set
i . A or separate pieces
mirrors, brushes,
combs, manicure sets,
etc. Our allv.raar.
in replete with set
for sideboard or din
ner servUe. Every
ounce or it is guaran
teed aatlsfactory in both Quality
and aervlc.
Boat Merely Bay Iavt.
Albert Edholm
Sixteenth and Harney. .
-aaaaBhvMM, -,., ' ' "-"ihuw. ..i.i.i , t V' mm J
" - j"4fYl '
"w'rrlfiawisiii,,lJit , fl imttr f In-"
1 - - - - i . . ., . .,. . ,
aiiaajBBWaaaSBsaBBiS I , BMflMalsjBt, aj-LULL
Half Price Sale
Still Going On
Any Hat
318 South 16th . Street
r Jjsuwass..
Watch Us Oust the Combination.
Guckenheisner Rye, Qa
S. I'ULL QUARTS ...... .
YAM I Ar'AnrilH DAliailian ffc STS
viu bug vauiu uuuiuuii mm a
For This Week Only
A cboic. bottl of win giTn with rry half
gallon purcha of wblakay.
, .....,,. ... "Je,wssaBaassu.aBitii.iiais
Most desirable offices, formerly occupied by Union Pacific Purchas
ing Lparttnent
Newly Decorated
' l.rge8t window area to square feet of office apace of any building
in Omaha. "
Pilo wdrat. Offlo right and Airy.
" JTatioaal na.llty ft Oaaualty Bldg.
. m. . Gat tha , v
Original ud Genuine
Not in any Milk Trust
XZT Insist on "HORLICK'S
v pkmf boo-)
, We take pleasure in announ
cing that, we liava bought all
the prise lambs exhibited at
tbe Sheep Show last week, con
sisting of Soropgblres and
Tbete lambs are on exhibi
tion at our store and we Invite
you to call and inspect thtm.
Vcst End Harltct
N. E. Cor. 40th and Dodge
Tel. Harney 188 Inil. A'1304
ayaawwwMW jil -M wjwas-serjw
Honc-madc Sausage
Buckwheat Cakes
And better coffee than mother
ever n.ade that la th. reason for
the large crowds at th
Belmont Restaurant
15ie Dodg St. C. V. Ball, Prop.
a Two Xmas Dinners
Sunday and Monday
11 A. M. to 8 P. M.-50c.
Christmas Furs
Reduced Price
1613 FammSt.
i i
t m - w w-m ..... . ... - n i-1. .
........... .... f , I,,.-, r- r - - - '
Tl. It. 1A1B
Si Cstraae Ooaxt ji
-m ! - im aa ii
-4.1y! Bflflnlag ua. Mate. Mob.
(Sana) and Wed. A BSAX OaTaUaT.
waa irmBsai JTZ-
nrg- Taaaaaaaaaaaaa M Jilt
Get Rich Quick VYallinefcrd
Anotb.r P.O. Cohan Ineeegg
9 Xv . "nn . g MatT
Th Joyous Yiaanas
i . -.s-rt.
With Mlaxt alajos, F.oplas.
"QKAJtA'a tr- vnw j
k "a, Xs-aa-SO-7S
Ki, iT7 ri..
at i-aa-1 "f-. S-al I - . . .
Uayety dark'' tho week before Christmas 1
-Should say not ! Selling out at every
performance. Haven of rest and Joy for
tired shopper - .
taaies' Bin Matin VT.rr W.k Day.
Sunday A Week "The Faming Farad-. '
xonigTJt oU Mattel T.arr.w.
aTio.s, aao oalf.
acxsa BVA l.AW Wag th
; . Ktq.o.jeii.i.."
Next Week Th Laughing
Saac for tb. Ooo, epa j Mat, xroa.
i laya Com. Sun., Dc. J4th. Mat
Xms and Wed "i rh gvlag, In
Iler New Musical Comedy. The Wall
treat Olxl, with Barrr OlUotl.
fboBeet DovgLM iiM: IaX
Note: Early Curtain Saturday
Night 8:15 Sharp.
alat. Today S:30i Blgj,, irt0
Beat ImU ao.
BroaAway Oaiety CMrLs a&4 Tun.
th Ourl Wit va. Drnw
oatraaire to lVaAiM Ball Btm
M9 i
f I
H f