i THE HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. PKOEMHKR 23, 1011. omitwt von kext I -a".-.,;:.: - --- 1 - , tarnished Jlonae keeping Itoonia. I3- ..J Howard, 2-rooin, private bath. $.15.00. 2it .nd Howard' ,male back Prlor snsulte. frna.-e brat an gas;, also other rooms. Tyler is. Kurnlabral iaoees. uN,It!E' hoiiTof S room,, for rent for winter. Address 1" 7m;. lu-e Lataralsavd Mourns! " nllhedH10' . " M' ci-" wnfur- THk more you eat the more you want fastv i Vi1 nnB ,an,,y lH'-lcuw and h ee dl'VH ve V" ?lv "Pr aq ordwr for a ftt-.-ent box of o Brien's candv. Hotel stud Ayarliurult. N IC E LT K t; u Ni 1 1 K D UOOM S f or g n tlemen. THE CHATHAM. lid 8. i;:th St. Hup Hotel, nt-ani-heiiieu. 1;iuk loug. SL Excellent meala, iv s. Mtt, So. uuiahaT Howard Hotel, eiewaiu ims. HOj Howard. hOTLL Flumar, l,tli and Cauitol Ave Burlington, nica rooms 1 block to depot CASS HOIICU nice rooms. 17u3 Cass Ml. OXFUrtlJ and Arcade, npei ,al w klv ratal Aimrluitrnta anil llata. WODERJJ 5-room heated apartment on west Farnam street, vt-r choice. JOHN W. KOBHIXS. 1SH- FAKXAM PT Ely 418 Omaha Nat I Bank Llug., or phone ouglng ibs. . S-room flat on Merman Ave. Web. i7Si. a and 4-r. niuU. apar 1 tiients. MS 8. 2JdT 3-ROOM A l'AKTM K N'Es7n the Cali fornia. See Janitor, Douglas 6237. 1515 VINTON St. 4-rootu brick flats, modern except heat; water free: 113.30, 1)8.60 per month. Phone Doug. S474. Uoimi and lottagee. WALL PAPEK pamtinc PPr hang framing-. Monscn, 803 Park Ave. H. bm. 4-ROOM cottage, atrlctly modem, fUiiy walking distance, J. B. Sedgwick. Phone Harney 6m HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and Storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tal. Douglas 394. City office, SIS 8. 17th bt & Bldg. Central, steam heat; all mod.; 7-r., h.; ball, bathroom, basement. 220 N. 23d. OMAHA EXP. CO., moving vana and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 33it, 1 N. 17th. 'OR RKNT Four-room cottage on aith A vo., Between Dodga and Douglas street. rrq sexier kj. i nomas. 41Z Me Hlag. irnn trhjT am mAr- i .. . ed, 5-room cottaue. Webster 4U or call at 3668 Ames Ave. 3ill Jonns fit., 8-r., all mod., WO. 2f.23 Caldwell, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 16. 13 No. 47th Ave., r-r., mod. ex. heat, S14. 3117 Ohio. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 117. 2M0 Ppratrue. 8-r mod. ex. heat. SIS. 806 Mason, g-r., strictly mod, hot water heat, elegant location, 145. 1025 No. Kid. -r.. mod. ex. heat, 123.60. 4232 Harney, 8-r., all mod., 2S. BIRKETT & 423 Bee Bldg. D. 47M, A-1764. BARGAIN Suven room, modern; close to car. Web. 4304. A N INK-ROOM bouse at 3HW1 Hamilton St. All modern excepting furnace. Dot 100x120. Barn. Dargs shade trees. Plenty of room for frarden and chickens. Rent $2& House newly papered and painted throughout. Cn&s. 11. Brown, Telephone Douglas 1628. 7-ROOM. modern, walking distance. Douglas 11477. WA NTKD GOOD TENANTS. Will make most liberal concessions for immedlttto occupancy. Make us offers. .' 4 r.. large, mod., elec. It, 1508 N. 81st, 112. - 6 r., newly, papered, mod., 1608 Corby, $13. ;tfi r., mod., tmap, 1421 Vinton, waa $21, Ilti. , 5 r., mod., elec. It., choice, 1608 Docust, $17. ' 5 r., city water, 724 Hanoroft, S9. 8 r., part mod., 20 Hamilton, $13. ' 7 r., furnace, barn, SM1 Parker, $14. I r., mod., choice, 2712 Caldwell, $22. 4 r., city water, 141a Phelps, $, & r., city' water, 2923 S. 17th, $8. .4 r, 2707 8. ttst. $& G r.. city w., bam. 4101 N. 2$th Ave., $10. 5 r., part mod., 2407 fivant. $13. Rb'BHKULi & M'KITRICK, 432 Ramge lildg. lith and Harney. 7-ROOM house. $24; 8-iroom, $82. Han com park; modern. Phone Harney IhtA. Tlnnspq '" all parts of the city. IlUUBea Crglgn gone & Co.. Bee Bldg. 2609 MAPDK HT., a rooms, modern ex re pt furnace. $20. Hall, 433 llaruga. D. 1M; A-440U. $23. THINK Central, cheapest 7 -room house with bath, basement. - in city. Apply 224 N. 23d House. Ins, Klngwalt, Brandela Th. Bldg. ' ' CHEAP RENT. " 5-r. house, 709 N. 32d Bt., $. " ' 8-r. house, KtCT Kvana St., $10. J. II. PARKOTT, Board of Trade. 3715 No. 23d, 8-r. mod. house, newly paJuted; itorm windows; close to car; re duced to $21. Call Doug. 4754. 103 N. 41st, 1 room modern, nice home. Best reaidenoe district. $30. A. L. Patrick, 442 Bee Bldg. 8-ROOM house, modern except beat. 141$ N.. 24th BL. $20. 7-rooin bouse, modern except beat, SIS Charles St., $l. ( rooms, 2d floor, 1106 N. 20th St. mod ern except heat, $14. (-room cottage, modern except beat, S9U N. 23d Si.. $20. 6-roum Ucuse modern except beat, 161$ ,Corby St., $19. 6-roem, 1st floor, 1903 N. Zth Bt., partly modern, $16. 6- room, 2d floor, 1903 N. 26th 6 1... toilet $1S. 7- room bouse, modern except beat, tSOS liard St., tuO. CHRIS BOY ER, KA and Cuming Su. $TS 8. Uth bt, 8 rooms, completely modern, $&.00. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 74u. A-4406. 1127 DOUGLAb 8 rooms, modern except beat $W per month. Tel. Douglas li8. ' $20-7 rooii:a, S&28 N. 27th; mi N. 27tb, $18. Webster 1677. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and toilet on aee ond floor; large faintly room, lining room, buttery-klichen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule on first floor; full eament ' basement, with toUet; furnace heat; everything first ulaaa and atrlctly modern. DucateU at lill Georgia, Ave. boa the owner at WJi Georgia Ave., or phone Harney 1R4. 6-ROOM house, hot water heal, gas and electric light; shades. i;u2 Bristol. i-ROOM modern cottage, ex, heat 2&U2 Wirt. Webster 4308. MOD. -roun cottage; fins rap r. H. 844. OMAHA Van and bturage Co. packs, motes, stores household ouua. fireproof storage. 8ot a. loth. Branch s). litu. Uel. Douglas 41MI. A-13&. FOR RKNT New lu-roorn modern brick nause, 2622 Harney; ready Jan. 1, 11I. Hot water heat. Inquire V. J. O'Brien. Henshaw hotel. Phones. D. 1216. H-10y4. 238 DODGE rilx-room cottage, strictly modern, cloe to r amain, liainey and 4tti St. car lines. Phone Douglaa 8770. FlVE-RoOM brick flat, Deavn worth et. ' stores an Ufflvrs. WISH to sublet suite cf five rooms la Citv National Pank Ilhlg. Ca'jI4IJ8. Ahit store UuliUing wlih modern living rooms upiars; vtui ue ready 1, Write or phone 1i27 Grand Ijianu, Neu. J. H. AlUin. Grand In. and. Nub. OFTEHEb I OK SALE Kurailvr, FINE upright piano, vtry cheap. SCS N. laii m F1NH baaebiirner, usd one eeaaou, (irkl-ckii (.L'Udiliou. Wfiieter 6162. v" rwit, CVH.Iti I IEsV II, rKTlTl' I IPIVTrtvimilViAta I . ....... ... "i- .. I mw J- i w fhl( ii VI 1 MJ.BlgrVJ"ai I lilll r.H V ffl r, I 111 It 1'.. Maalcal laatraiaeats. TTANO. sllshtly ued. at a bargain. l.r.hT fcargalna here n violins, bows, cniies. llekett. violin maker and re pairer. UOl Hoston Store Bldu.. Omaha. MJX'TRIC piano and ralrlng. Acme Machine I 'o., 3m l-ev'w'th. Typewriters. MOHT TOl'CH MoVARfH VIPTRLH ?rp." -T"1?, MONARCH TYPIC m jnm rto.. 411 r lh. Phone i 4o. TY PEW R ITK Its. A iirMAK ii For sale or rent: largest Etook, best bargalna B. F. Swanson Co.. 1314 Farnam St.. Orraha. StKN'L an tyiriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Poiulas 2ld. SMITH PRKMUSRS. models No. I or No. 4 In excellent condition, ranted thro months for 15 EMI TH PRKMIKR TYPTW1UTER CO., lth and Douglas. Mtavvllaaeoas. Farm Machinery At a Big Sacrifice 1 Decrlng Hanester. 1 Ua.i Knglno, 20 H. P. 1 (irlnder. 2 Mowing Machines. 1 Ross KiiMtlage Cutter. 1 Manure Spreader. 1 Pekln Uster. 1 Cultivator. 1 Mccormick Binder. Miscellaneous lot tools. Make me an ofter for the whuia hit or will sell separately. Here's your chance. C. Y. SMITH, 1812 Farnam St., Omaha.' HA r'KS Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sizes and makes: bargain. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FOR SADE New and kecond-hand rarom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments The Brunswick-Balke-Collander Co.. 407-40$ & loth at. FOR 8ALK-Two scholarships in the Omaha Commercial college and one In Boylea college. Business office, Otnaba Bee. ELECTRIC PIANOS Peanut, gum, match and post card machines. Acme Machine Co., 3124 Leavenworth. $5 K Coal for stove or furnane Try 1L. Harmon & Weeth. Webster 848. 2D SAFES. DER1GHT. 1818 Farnam ht. KINDLING. 4 loud. ii. Gross. W. t8. ELECTRIC Dlano and music roll re pairing. Acme Machine Co., 31! I Leaven- warm. V.' . . . . . vV 't B ' 1 1 , 11141 VlllllVl J 111 small planing mill at Benson. Telephone i ..." i ... .i , . , , u. oo-yv, or suurtni ueorye oneil. ' w Doiiiji wvnv fu.wv cavil, A iivuv Harney ItiH. 4M4 N. 24TH 10-room rooming house. with bath, newly furnished, steam heat, gas, electric lights, hot and cold water; half block from car barn. If sold by De cember 28, $300. RATTAN baby buggy, good as new. Inquire 1128 8. 28th Bt. Phone Harney 808. MR. HUSBAND, If you are looking for something to take home for an extra fine dessert, step Into Dalsell's. If J. W. Nicholson, 117 N. 40th Bt, will come to Tho Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a Quart brick of this fine Ice cream. ' PERSOXAIj 68-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladish Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Massage. Rlttenhouse. 808 Old Boston Eld. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Heventeenth and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Unluc station. Miss Lang, manicuring, vibratory mes sage treatments. R. 1, id floor. 1603 Dodge. WK rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-10&3. Douglas 166$. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. HINDOO TAiiLB. J 8 will bull.1. brace. irrnnmen, ouc. ocULt UHUU CO. MASSAGE treatment Mrs. Steele. aLn.OOAVJPi 1T03 poay. Qround floor. MAbSAGUbwealah movement; noising netier tor rneumatism: ladies. 11; genus men. $1.60. Apt. 8. 1802 Farnam. D. 11240. MAGNETIC! treatment. E. Brott, 718 HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles: Wc postpaid; sample free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, LI EH EN, mask suits to hire, 1614 How'd THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything vm do no; Head. We collect repair ana eiL at IS N. 11th Bt, foi- cost of collection, to the worthy .poor. Call 'phone Douglas mi and wagons will call. WANT good family to adopt beautiful baby boy, less than 8 months old. Ex. eel lent parents. Address M-887, care Bee. MASSAGE bln lt 'ow romall -.vxiooiVJXj treatment Mm a. Allen Chicago. 108 B. 17th St., 1st floor. D. H6, Mrs. Snyder, massage, electrical treat mant $ Dunaany. iOirt A Pierce. D. 4880. Dr. Burke, wwuien s diseases. 41 Doug. Bk rOULTKl AXP VET STOCK Bcreenliigs, $13 per luu. Wagner, sol N. Is. WHAT is Christmas without a nice bux of the famous candy made by D. J O'Brien? If Mrs. Arthur Traill, 4616 L St., South Omaha, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order tor a 60-ceut boa of O Brlen'a candy. REAL ESTATE BLlLDUata' IMKORMATIOS. Electric gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Stone Co.. 17th and Cuming. Fuchs, Son Blind, painting, decorating. ROOFING PAINT, building paper. piaa tar board. A mar. Sup. Co., 118 Nicholas. Masonry con., jobber. Haaly. Web. 1141. i fry ritoeuHTV rou sale. Field Club District 14 S. SSth St., 8-room, entirely molern new house, built by day tabor for a home; bast of material and workmanship; liv ing rooms finished In oak; beamed ceiling In dining room; colonnade opening In re ception hall; parlor, reception hall and dining room nicely decorated; four bed rooms; No. 1 furnace; cemented cellar; large attic; east front; lot nicely sodded; cement walks; In good neighborhood and olose to school. Just completed and now ready tor occupancy. Price, $r,500. Will make terms, if you are looking for a home, go and look, at this. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-3)2 Rrandoia Theater. 5-KOOM COTTAGE NORTH SIDE Look at $701 Plnkney St. Thie will please you mid it can be bought for $HA) down and $20 per month. Payne Investment Co., Phones iMiuajlas 17X1, Independent A-1188. A BIO SNAP. For quirk aale. nearly new S-room. cot tage, located near 34th and Parker Sts, All modern except heat; cemented cellar; larj,e lot; one block from car line; this piace la worth ftsuu. But non-realdent owner auys 3E1.L, so make an otlti quick. B. E. WAIT II CO, 617 Bea Bldg. tlTV PHOI'KKTY KOH SAI.K THREE FINB LOTS on 14th Ave. and firand Ave. for sale at a bargain, lswl liard Pt. Phone Red 4.vft. Xmas Present GIVE yourself a nice, new all modern. 8-room house; I ran give you your choice of two of the bext In the city at abso lute cost. Telephone Harney 60. Harry H. Putnam. Mt Hurt St. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Riand new 7-room hou.se, hall and bath, oak tininh downstairs, bln-h upstairs, full cemented basement, furnace, gas, elec tricity, North 41t street. ?..On. Fesy terms. Phone owner, W. J. Keane, Red 6144, If interested. Station B. Route 1. IlKAL ESTATE FARM Jk ItAMTH LAND FOR AI,R Arkansas. I HAVE a partially developed fruit farm In northwest Arkansas for sale; best climate on earth; terms. Address Y 1977, Bee. "My knowledge of land on uncompleted Grand Trunk can make you quick profits. Frank Crawford. 313 Homer St, Van couver, or Omaha" Florida. TEN-ACRE farms accessible to Jackson ville. Fla. Excellent for winter garden truck. Thirty dollars per acre; fifty cents cash; fifty cents per month. Write for particulars. Jacksonville Heights Im provement Compafty, Jacksonville, Fla. FLORIDA, THE LAND OF SUNSHINE. We are offering 10, 2c and 40-acra tracts snd upwards located In Columbia county near lake City, Florida. 60 miles west of Jacksonville and only 80 miles from St. Augustine. Thia property Is Intersected by three railroads of national reputation, which furnish the best of services at reasonable rates to all markets of the United States. The climate Is Ideal. Fine farms are now being worked In our tract wltb exceptionally good reeults. Own one of our farms. Investigate our offer. Small caah pay ments and easy terms Low rates daily. Tickets good until ,UnROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., (Sales Agents) 860 Omaha National Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, Ita soil, ollmate, church and school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Paasenger Agent ATLANTA GA., lUluols, FOR SALE Chicken ranch, 8H acres; plenty of fruit and peaches; good build ings; location central Illinois; for par ticulars write Laurens. Iowa, Route 8, Box It lowa, THE easiest way to find a buyer tor your farm Is to Insert a small want ad in the Dos Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of lowa, 43,000 daily. The Capital la read by and believed In by the standpatters of lowa, who aimply re fuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.8$ per line per month; count iilx ordinary words to the line. Address Dew Moiuea Capital, De Moines, la. Aebraska. NEBRASKA and Oregon land. $$ up. (94 Brandels Blk . Omaha. Neb. HALL COUNTY FARM. 60-ACRE daiiy larm, all new buildings, bringing owner $6,ouo per year. Only $,60u. A snap. Write Dili at Huston, Grand Island, Neb. 166 ACRES; 10 miles from Red Cloud; 26 acres alfalfa; 100 acres cultivation; good Improvements. Price, $8,000. Ml acres; 7 miles to Bladen; 200 acres culti vation; 30 acres alfalfa; 120 acres pas ture; good Improvements. $18,000; good terms. Write at once. Carpenter & Son, Red Cloud, Neb. New Mcalc, CLIMATE, HEALTH, SOIL, WATER, crops and profits sure. Fruit and alfalfa. Government Irrigation. Considering cost aud profits, we ofter the beat on the mar ket. Come all right. Hartshorn ft Co., Carlsbad, New Mexico. ' Ortfas, FOR SALF. Good farm tracts; 800 acres diked ttdeland, ) acres upland all thor oughly drained. Will furnish feed for 400 head cattle. Land especially adapted to dairying and accessible to good market Good water. House and barn Just com pleted costing 86,000. Bounded on two sides by county road. One mile from school and uostofflce. Lies suitable to subdivide Into small tracts if so desired. Price. $100 per jcre. Part cash; terms on balance; no commissions. If Interested correspond Immediately with owner, ueo. W. Warren, vice president Astoria Xsa tlonal bank, Astoria, Oregon. tiiutb Dakota. 160 ACRES. In Lyman county, South Dakota, for sale. Address D 868, Bee. A FINE quarter section Stanley Co. land must be sold In 10 days. Address Owner, L. B. 302, Fort Pierre. S. D. Texas. SEND for description of beautiful 8.(0 acre farm at $100 an acre. No TRADING. W. H. Graham. Cuero, Tex. REAL- ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and wairanta. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam Bt OMAHA Property-and Nebraska Lands, O'iCEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no commla. sion; optional payments; cheap money. Orln 8. Merrill, 113 City Nat l Bank Bidg. MONEY to loans on buvlnesa or resi dence properties, l,0uu to $mjo.uu0. W, H, THOMAS. 03 First Nat l Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. 1A Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Varnam. LOW RA I MS. BEMld-CARLBERti CO $1-312 Biandels Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS uiUH 4JiirVkJ.0ra4)lt Natl Ban It Bank LARGE LOANS, municipal bonds, mort gagee bought and sold. toiULL BROS. WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Co. YOl.'R husband and son are looking forward to dessert time they know that you have ordered aome of Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. 6. P. Boswlck, 1U N. 4Jat St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE The moat up-to-date modern atore for its alae in northern South Dakota. Stock invoice $12,400, can be reduced. Positively no stickers. Want unproved land up to JlO.oui, balance caah. Good territory. No agenta. Land moat be south of Sioux City and not far weal. Write Lock Box 86, Garden City, S. D. WANTED TO BUY td-hand gooda, Kleaer, 1020 Center. D. 64W1 WANTED Second-hand aafej give name maker, height, width, depth, weight and price, F. O. B. Omaha 8KB naturally la looking for a dessert that needs but little preparation. Tell her of luJsell's Ice ortam. If Mrs. A B Curry, 126 8. 42.1 St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order, for a quart brick of this flue Ice cream. WANTED SITUATION YOUNG lady with tine years expert, knee aa stenographer wlsl.ee a position in a firm; salary according to ability. O HJ. Bee ' LADY wants position 17t h St Mrs. Lay. as cook. Hi N. SITUATION wanted A manaaor of general store, country town; experienced. O H. Bee WA8H1 NU and curtains done. T. n7u30 AN 1 to.i t Cfiwon a honweaeei'ar by respectable middle-aged lady. Prefer home with ehlldrwn. Also xparteooeel as nuiae. Add re .is Mr a. Mario turner, gen eral dell very. Council Bluff a, la. "Bi HJ K.K K EPlNG and clerical work evenings and Saturdays; use type writer. Addreae L 748, Bea. YOl'NO married man would like posi tion of any kind where he could work from 11 to p. m. N !, Hee. '1HH8.S yeung ladies, piano player and slnaer, want portion In p'cture show, x pries)cel. Douglas 8KN. K TTk. Bee. YOUNG man wania position aa bar tender; experienced. 8 61.1. Bee. POSITION wani by oampetent lady etenogiapher; references aa to ability. Harney 644. MUST HAVE WORK Toung man needs work for board and roam. Phone Douglas 4384. WHITE lady deeirea steady place of day work; neat conscientious; does not disappointment engagements. Phone H. 3fc7. BEGINNER wants stenographic po sition; will work for low wages. F IISI. Bee. WH1TN woman dealree day work; neat and clean. Tel. D. 640. A MIDDLE-AGED man; sober; of good habits, handy with carpenter or mason tools, must have work of some kind soon; can nil mil as janitor in or near town. Write B W0. FIA0R1ST, Gardner and Horticulturist wants private place. Address H S3 Bee. WASHING All kinds. Harney 8661 YOUNG man wants Job with own wagon and horse; will work for $16 per week; no dirty Job will be accepted. Address L bx. YOU Nt) lady wants poHtilon aa stenog rapher; small wages to start: best of references. Phone Webster S076. LIVE STOCK MARKET OV WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage, your consign men ta reuelve prompt aid careful alien- LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER. CHANTS. Byers Bros. A Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS.. Irt-m Excnange Bldg. Great West. Coin. Co., Omaha di Denver. W. R. SMITH A SON Juat handle shaep. W. F. DENNY CO., lie Exoh. Bldg. TAGU BROS, hauule oattie, hoga. sheep. Clay, Robinson A Co., 8uu Exch. Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. CLIFTON Com. Co. 821 Exchange Bldg. BURKE-R1CKLY CO.. 801 Exch. Bldg. 1,. E. ROBERTS CO., ta Exon. Bldg? Cox 4k Jonea Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Farmers L. 8. Com. Co.. 8u r.xcnecige. Deposit proceeds of shipment In Slook Yards Nat'l bank. Only bank at yard. Martin llroa. ac Co.. 808-6 Exch. Bldg. . OMAHA, THE GRAIN MARKET. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co., 764 Hrarwleia. WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain marohanta, consignments solicited, 7BJ Brandela IF yffi have a sweet tooth be sure to try a box of D. J. O'Brien's candy. Al ways fresh and pleasing to candy lovers. If & 8. Packard, 414 South Uth St, will coma to The Bea office within three days we will give him an order for a (0-cent bos of O'Brien's candy. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION -Teath aa Maaoa t'aloa Pacific ... . Depart Arrive. San Fran. OverI'd L..a :46am a 7:40 pm China & Japan F. M. .a 4:03 pm a 1:46 pm Atlantic Express a 6 4$ am Oregon Express all:pm a 5:10pm Loa Angelee Limited.. aH:46 pm a8:Mpm Denver Special a 7:04 am a T:t7 am centennial state Hpe i.emiwpm aiJ;HS am Colorado Express ..a i:o pm a 4 w pm ..all:eo rm a 1:39 rra Oregon-Wash. L't'd North Platte Local. Grand Island Local, Stroma burg Local . . . i:umi ae.etpm ..a 1:80 pm .bli:41pm al0:80ara b litOpra a: am all: 18 pm bl0:li am W abash Omaha St. Louis Ex.. a 6:80 pm Mall and Express a 7:03 am Slanb'y L. (from C.B.Jb 1:00 pm Cbioawo, Hook Island, at Paclft EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd..al2:28 am Chicago Local Paaa...bl0:86 am Chicago Day Express. a 4;U arc Chicago Express ..a 4:10 pm Des Moines Looal Pas.a 4:i7 pm a 10:85 pm bl0:10pra a 4:80 pm a 1:10 pm aU:lJ pm a $ 00 am Chicago-Neb, Limited. 6.0S pro VY Mi, Chl.-Neb. Lmtd to Lin coln a 1:01 am a (:$$ em Chl.-Colo. Express. .. .a l:2t pm a 4:00 pm cni.-coio. express ....a in pia a :uv pm Okl. Tex. Express.. a $:uo pm aU:4 am Rocky Mountain Ltd.alO:47 pm aU:80 am llllaola Cetrl . Chicago Express a Tr09 am a 1:4$ pm cnioago umitea a e:w em a $ 00 am tblcago 4 rVartbwestera . NORTHBOUND. Mlnn.-St Paul Jf....a 7:0 am Minn.-St Paul L t d. .a 7:00 pin Twin City Express ..a 7:46 am a'i'oo'am al0:80 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a 3:28 pm Minn. Dakota Ex.. a IMi pm a IB am j win city umiin ...a s.e pm Minnesota txprs EASTBOUND. Carroll Local ...-a 7:0o am Dayllgbt Chicago a 7:40 am Chicago Local al05 pm Colorado-Chloago a 6:10 pm Chicago Special a 6:02 pm Pac. Coaat -Chicago.... a t;86 pm Los Angeles Limited.. a $ W pm Overland Limited a 7:65 pin Carroll Local a 4-80 pm a 7:10 am aU.-oo am a :10 pm al0:ii pra a 3:28 pin a I U pm a :4 am a 8:88 pm au:8u pm a t:u ait, al0:00 an. Fast Mail a 8.W pm a tM pua Ltnar napiua, dioux ax Omaha Centennial State Lira. 12 40 am WJ20TBOUND. a 8:15 pn U.i pm Long Pine a 8:0$ am all:00 am Norioik-oaiias a w am aiv i pra a 6:80 pm a 6 DO pro Long Pine-Lincoln. ....a 3:16 pm Haalinas-Sunerlor ....t 2:16 pm Deadwood-Hot Sp'gs..a 8:66 pm a $:20 pm Casser-Lander a $.66 pm all.eo urn Fi enionl-Albttfn b 60 pm b I4i pa Mlaaoerl PaclfU K. C. St L. Ex....a :J0 am a 7:48 am K. C. St L. Ex.,,. all. 16 pm a k) pm Chlraso Great WMtira Chicago Limited a 8:86 pm Twin City Limited a 8:86 pm a 7:48 am Twin City Express.. . .a t.tt am a $ M pra Chicago Express.... a $- pm Lscal paaseucer a 6.18 pm laieaara, Mllwaakt ak St. 8a Overland Limited .a 7 60 pm :U am Perry Local Colorado Express Colorado Special , Perry Local .. . .a 4 0 am .a 4.00 pm .a 7:42 am .b $:U pra 11 eo pm 8:ti pm :6o am n .06 pia Borllaftoa Btatlaa Tenth Maava Barllae;taa . Depart. Denver California. .a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express. a 4.10 pm Nebraska points a $:80 am Black Hills a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mall b 1:80 pm Northwest Express.. ,.all:86 pm Nebraska poluta a 8:80 am Nebraska Express a -li am Llnooln Local Sohuylar-PlattsmouUi b $:0$ pm Llnooln Local Plattamouth-lowa a :18 am Bcllevua-Platlaniouin al8:8tt pm Chicago Special a I II am Denver Special 11:16 pm Chicago aixpreaa a 4. 80 pm Ckiu. Fast ibxpraas....a 4 80 pm Iowa Local a 616 am Creston (la.) Local... .b 8:86 pin at Louis Express a 4:8i pm K. C. ex St Joseph. ...alO:S pm K. C. 4k St Joseph. ...a 6:16 am s. C 4k bt Joseph..,. a 4:41 pot Arrive, a $:4fc pm a 8 46 pm a 410 pm a 8:48 ura ail . 16 pm a i .w am a 4 .10 pm a 6:1$ pm a 8.08 am bl:l am b 6 08 am a $:60 am a S:0 pm all:16 pm a 7:00 pm a 6:U pm a 8:00 am alo.M am bl0:46 am all 60 am a 4 46 am a 1:10 piu Webstar ta.il 0 la aad Wskstsr. xtUssart Paclfle Auburn Local b tM pm bll:(e am Cfcasra, It. Paml, jsTIsuasapertU A Depart Arrlva Rloux City Express. ...b 8:86 pm bU.DK pm Omaha Local o 8:36 sia o t u pia Sioux City Pass b $.86 pm Twin City Pass b 4:46 am Kmaraon Local b 6 at pia b 6:10 am tb dally exoept Mitaday. to) Sunuay only. ta daily. GOVV.HNMENT SAI.K. INDIAN LANDS Absolute Title Given the unalloled landa of the Choctaw and CMckasaw Na tions of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma and not Including the coal and timber 6esregatlons. will be sold at pub lic auction to the hts-hest bidder at the following terms, times and places at not leas than the minimum price stated In the advertisement: Grady county. Chlok aaha, 6s$ tracts. 87.MO acres, November t. 8, 4: Stephems county, Duncan, 7!W tracts, iW.SOO acres. November; 6, 7 8; Jefferson county, Ryan, 702 tracts, 4.400 acres, November 8, 10, U; love county. Marietta, 8'-4 tracts. 7N&00 scree, Novem ber 13. 14. b. It); Carter county, Ardniore, 1,178 tracts, )), acrea. November 17, 18, 30. 21. 22. 2$; Murray county. Sulphur, 8T4 tract a, ai.ixio acres, November 14. 2S; Gar vin county, l'aula Valley, (ill tracta. S:".ho0 acres. November 27 . 28. 8: MoClaln county, Purcell, tS8 tracts, 14.400 acrea, December 1. 2; Pontotoo county, Ada, 688 1 rivet a. 46,300 aorea, December 4. 6 4; Johnson county, Tishomingo, 6M tracta, 38.300 acres December 7, 8, ; Marshall county, Miidill, TT tracts, 18,500 acres, December 11: Bryan county. Dtirant 608 tracts, 26.100 acres. December 12, 18; Atoka county, Atoka, 1,3ns tracts, 124.000 acres, December 14. 11, 14, 18, 18;' Coal county, Coalgate. 04 tracts, 64.400 acres, Decem ber SO, 21, 22; Hughes county, Calvin 487 tracts. 60.700 acres. December 20, 27; Pitts burg county. McAlester, l.tiQ tracts, liH,. 1U0 acres. December 28, !9 JO, 1011; Janu ary 1, 2: Haskell county, S'.lgler, 418 tracta, 30.800 acres, January X, 4: Itlmer ounty, Wllburton, l'Jl tracts, 16.000 acres, January 6: Leflore county, Poteau. HI tracts, 21,800 acres, January 4; Pushma taha county, Antlers, Mi tracts. 62.004 acres. January 8, , 10; Choctaw county, Hugo, 661 tracts, 37.500 acres January 11, 12, 13; Mccurtain county. Idabell, 778 tracta, M.600 acres January 16. lfi, 17, 18. UilS. Not more than ItW acres cf agri cultural and 640 acres of other lands will be sold to one person In any one nation, minimum valuation of $80 or more per acre. Terms are 2i per cent at the time of sale, 25 per rent in twnlvs months, and 60 per cent In two years, with $ per cent Interest Payments must be made In the form of draft or certified check, payable to J. G. Wright comtulaaloner. Upon full payment being made at any time deed will issue. Immediately after approval of sale certificate of purchase will Issue and possession be given, but cutting of timber or drilling or mining for minerals thereon will not be per pries. Right Is reserved to reject sny or all bide. For Information apply to the Commissioner to the Five Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any of ths Dis trict Agents ss to landa within their re spective districts. Lists of these lends havs been prepared by counties, showing ths terms of sale, the description of the various traots and minimum price. It will be Impracticable to furnish each In quirer all of these lists, and It Is sug gested that persons desiring such Infor mation specify the locality in which they aro Interested. Blue prints of the various counties, showing the location of the land to be sold, will be furnished upon appli cation to the undersigned upon ths pay ment of $0.60 for esch county in the form cf draft or postal money order. J. G. WRIGHT, Commissioner to the Five Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Okla homa. August 1, It'll, LEGAL NOTICE:. NOTICE. Stockholders Meeting of Ths Union Land Company. Notice la. hereby glten that thn annual meeting of the etockholdere of The Union Land Company for the election of five directors and the transaction of such other business as may legally come be fore the meeting, will be held at the office of the General Solloltor, Union PaclflO Headquarters Building, 16th and Dodge streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 8th day of January, 1H12, at 10 o'clock A. U. - Ths stock transler books will be closed 10 days previous to the meeting. Alex. Miller, Secretary,. New York City, N. T-, Dec. 18, 1811. DISdWt STOCKHOLDERS" MEETING. Office of LEE-GLASS-AN DREttS F.N HARDWARE COMPANY, Omaha, Ne braska, December 8, 1811. Notice la hereby given to the stockholders of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware company that the annual meeting of the stockhpldsrs of the company will be held at the offices of said company, corner of Ninth and Har ney streets. In the ctty of Omaha, in ths state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 8, A. D., 1818.. at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the ensu ing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meetlna. Attest: W. M. Glaas. Secre tary: 11. J. Lae. President ANNUAL MEETING. Notice Is hereby aiven that ths An nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Omaha Uas Company will be held at the office of tbe Company, ldOv Howard St., at 10:30 a. m., Monday, January 1, 1012, for ths election of Directors for the en suing year, and for ths transaction of such other business aa may corns before ths meeting. FRANK T. HAMILTON, President. GEORGE W. CLABAUGH. Omaha, Deo. 16, 1911. Secretary. D 22d lOt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bee Building company will be held at the office of said company, Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday. January 16. 1912, for the election of the board of directors for the ensuing year, and for ths transaction of such . other business as way protferly corns before the meeting. By order of the president N. P. FE1L, Secretary. D17toJlS Retiring Members of Board of Education Execute Their Exit Retiring members of ths Board of Edu cation, assembled in their final session yesterday afternoon, took leave of the remaining members. Following the trans action of minor business details. Dr. Holovtchlnar expressed the board's appre ciation of the services of Alfred C. Ken nedy, twlco elected president, and Presi dent Kennedy replied, stating his regret at their departure and the pleasure with which he had worked with them during their term. Another meeting will be held ths lat ter part of the month when reorganl na tion will be effected. Ths first session of the new board will be held ths first Monday evening in January. Jt V. Cole, S. P. Bout wick, Alfred C Kennedy and Grant Williams are the re tiring members. The new members are O. T. Walker, Dr. J. J. Foster and F. J. Streltx. James Richardson succeeds Rim aelf. The board reorganises wltb twelve Instead of thirteen members. A special seaaion may bs called within the month by President Kennedy, but such action will bs taken only in tbe event that Important business calls for transaction. Tba last official act of the old board was to hear unimportant com mittee reports and to pass ths pay roll. No Indication of ths probabls slats of committees for ths new board or as to tho new president has been given by soy of the remaining members. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL CELEBRATES YEAR'S CLOSING Union Faclflo council of the Royal Ar canum closed Its official year wltb a special celebration at Continental ball, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, last night. Ths feature of ths program waa tbs sn turtalnment offered by the Diets Baraca octet, which was presented n tbe bumanophone. The octet was com posed of the following singers: George Robb. R. H. Chenowsth, George tikov mand. E. L. Consollver, C. C. Wemlell, George Board man. Frank Hamberd and A. J. Alvord. 11. U. Crosuley wa director. Key to the Situation Bee Adveriistsi;. SCHOOL BONDS TO BE PAID Board of Education Will Retire iArge Amount First of Tear. ALL NEEDED CASH AVAILABLE Allknitk tinO.AOO Was Needed Meata Ago, Finance Committee Has Arraaated to I.lqal dae All Bonds. With the beginning of the year the Board of Education will retire $Vi.Ono bonds of the school district of Omaha. At the last meeting of ths old board yesterday afternoon n. V. Cole of the finance commit tee requested the author isation of a warrant for $77$, 000 to meet the obligations January I. The board still needs $A2,000 to meet the bonds. (Tut there Is sufficient security ir transferred tu liquidate all bonds. A month ago $180,000 wsa needed. Since that time $190,000 wortli of securities have been sold. A warrant for the required amount to pay ths warrants falling due January 1 will be drawn In favor of Frank A. Furay, treasurer. In accord with the action of the bosrd. Interest In the amount of $37,668.10, payable semi annually on ths bonded Indebtedness of ths district, hss been authorised for pay ment. Invested la Mnalclsjal Bonds. Omaha school district funds havs been Invested In Omaha intersection and sewer bonds and have been drawing 4'4 per cent Interest. The rate of Interest that could havs been secured from banks Is 1 per cent. In 1818 the next school bonds will be come due anj payahle. In tho amount of $3u0,000. Ths finance committee recently disposed of $7.0,000 school bonds at a prs- mlum of $4.3$l7. Ths policy of ths retiring flnsnce committee has been to Inveet In Omaha securities at a rate of Interest higher than would havs been paid by banks, and this hss Increased ths avail able funds by a substantial figure. Eligibles Selected For Debating Squad The High school debating squad for this sesson ,was picked yesterday after noon when the candidates met In the as sembly room st the school and argued the Immigration question. Professor Herbert A. Senter, Professor J. K. Woolery and K. K. McMillan of the fsculty, acted as Judges. Tho following twelve were re-elected: Edwin Landale. George Grimes. Phillip Johnson, Paul Mackin, Waldo Shllllngton, Fred Rypins. Milton Petersen Karl Hath- away, Harold Torrelt, Morris Clark, Mat Block and Barney Kulakofsky. The squad will work on the Immigration question through tho holidays, dividing In two groups and taking opposite sides on ths subject. Coach Edward R, Burke of Bellsvus will not pick ths regular team until aftsr ths holidays. This is Shortest Day of the .Year Today is ths shortest day of ths year nine hours and eight minutes long. At 4:63 this afternoon ths sun will hang di rectly over ths Iroplo of Capricorn, In the southern hemisphere, and will Immedi ately begin Its sis months' niarch north ward. Tho sun will rles today at 7:11 and set at 4:84; tomorrow It will rise at 7:31 and set at 4:3$. Astronomers say that ths sun has been running; fast all month, but is now slow ing up and will rise exactly on time on Christmas day and be three minutes slow on December B1. In January It will catch up again.' MRS. CHARLES WARE DEAD: LIVED THIRTY YEARS HERE Lucy Furness Wars, wlfs of Charles Ware, assistant general manager of ths Union Paclflo railroad, died Thursday afternoon at t o'clock, after an Illness of several weeks. Ths funeral will bs held on Sunday afternoon from Hansoom Park Methodist Episcopal church, wltb Inter ment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Ware was 49 years old last Sun day, and was ths daugbtsr of Dr. and Mrs. Furness. lats of Bells Plains, la., but now residents of Guthrie, Okla. She waa married to Charles Wars at Balis Plains about twenty-flvs years ago, and came with him to Omaha lo (ha 1s te 80s. They havs mads their horns here ever since, with ths exception of a couple of years when Mr. Ware waa stationed at North Platts as division superintend ent for the Union Pacific She had no children, but her husband, her parents and four slaters survive hsr. The Best Known Office Building in Omaha, , There is great advantage in being ' in a building which people can find easily. No building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the entire west, ia as well known as The Bee Buildieg Every man, woman and child in Omaha knows whero it is and everyone who has ever been hero knows how to find it, Thia is only one of the many advantages in having an office in THE BEE BUILDING ftosa aao Is a choice corner tfflca having a north and west exposure, making; tbls space attractive at any season of ths year, on auouunl of good light and ventilation. We will arrange this spaoa, lais, suitable for tenant snd there extra protsotlon fur valuables, 41 Has a south and west exposure which makes e well lighted office. lltiXlOS feet In sUa We are only asking 78o a square fool for this spacs which is very cheap rent, considering location and ail venvealeiiccs furnished by The bee fiulldlug. fries, per month. aia.Cv (Mom 81 e Don't pa for dssk room space when you can rent a privets of ties for the same amount. This room is 8x14, has a large winds w on ths court affording plenty of light and vsuuiauuu. fries pes " ;u esa 4V40 Else 8x18-4, having a frame and glass partition aersas center of room mailing two good sised offices with every coBvecleoo. ana lbs rental piles only, psr mouth 7TT5i.OS Boom Ml This room Is located near the elevator and has a total or 188 square feet of floor spave. This U a vary isliabls small otflcs aud location is convenient, lien tal, per month 1T.SS com 407 Is 11x1814 feet snd has two !arga windows oa the court ltautal price, per n.ojith 7T.I17.4 THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. 17 Judge Redick Has Heard His Last Case Judge William A. Ilerllck. who will re tire from the district bench to give place to District Judge-elect Chsrles Leslie on January 4. has heard Ms last case. It was the $iV0H alienation damage suit of William Tlghe s gainst J. f. Kemp, which was finished Wednesday afternoon. From now until his term expires Judge Redick will be buy of disposing of odds snd snds of his work, such ss passing on motions and demurrers. SHOPPING THROUGH SKYLIGHT NOT PERMITTED MR. M'GEE Vv. M. MrGee. who lives at the Peo ple's rooming house, Fifteenth and Far nam streets, Impersonating the anthropoid ape, climbed up the fire escape In the rear of Kllpatrlck's department store at 10 o'clock last night and It took ths hand of the law to pull him down. O. F. Thomas, manager of Kllpatrlck's store, suspected that McGee was trying to do his Christinas shopping through ths skylight McGee declares a band of Vik ings pursued him until a flight towards ths clouds wss his only hope of escape. He was booked at the Jail aa a sus picious character, v DAMAGE AT HIGH SCHOOL WILL NOT EXCEED $3,500 Thomas Stafford, superintendent of ths masonry on the new High school build ing, says the damage resulting from the falling of a hugs column of stone wss overstated In the papers. Instead of being SS.OOO, the total loss aa ths result of ths sccldent will not exceed 83.600, This includes ths damage to ths der rick as well as to ths masonry. UNEXPECTED LEGACY COMES AS BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT ST. PAUL, Minn.. Dec. H-A Christmas surprlss In the naturs of an unexpected legacy of $2,000 In English money (about $400,080) has corns to the family of Thomas L. Winn, manager of a stock brokerage firm in St Paul. Tho letter announc ing the bequest came from England without warning. i About a month ago Lady, Harlan of Belfast, Ireland, and of London. ' died, leaving no immediate relatives. She wss sn aunt of Mr, Wann, being a slater of his father, John Wann, a pioneer resi dent of St. Paul.. . who died five years ago, leaving a largo amount of real estate In the heart of the St Paul busi ness district. . . Lady Harlan was the widow of Sir Edward Harlan, head of ths firm of Har lan & Wolff of Belfast, shipbuilder. Red Cross Seals Bring a Merry Christmas Red Cross Seals Provide These Things Pnbllo Edteailot Hospitals and Sanatoria Dlipentariei and Visiting Nonet t These Prevent Tuberculosis and Protect Your Home Last Tear $300,000 Worth Were Sold This Year a Million is Needed from Red Cross Seats WILL YOU DO YOUR PART? Ited Cross Sests Cost only One - Cent each, and should be tiaed oa the back of all Chi iatmas Malt M M MM. k-, tt-J -. I J.l.I StaSa Agen : ;-, , v 433) City sratloaal Bak MaUdlag'. Onvaaa belne- a vault lu tba roum. it affords ltsitt r-er month ttOJM ON 5 ONE CSNT l Cl I J CUNT EACH $ Ytm7 EACH 13 ! i I baton' !.