Desperate Desmond: .JJThe Villain, Like All Good or Bad Actors, ByHershfield Knows IIow to Make Use of tho Spotlight W Copyright, lfll. National New Association. (( i YOU ALUX THIS SPOT iV MAM) J TO V V v. ) -V I Ei TMC7 MUTT EJ MT .A HAn lMMlr"l K , 1 '1 I P I. 1IIH1IIHIill!! Pf IIMH II I 'III II) . - S7 lirts. x XeV i fere h? ' j v y - p. awav ".t.rjth i.xesVoNPj &8&rx irr i) ft. BKMfeMir Wf Pll UVT.-' -r-:J aaa v f ' tfdii ri it ii t riti ill v. i 4iMi mm ii ii i v i.n ' a tt s wj a- m r-i .- --. .is .3- . i -i - s , . v - At laft th illaln Desmond In about to rolv' Ills desert. Bound and plard 1n the ppotllRht, the Italian marknman cannot pofulbly itiIkr placing a bullet In the counJrel. T4i crook, however, plpailr' for a moment's respite, promlnlng to algn a confPFnlon If his hands are freed. Naturally, Claude desires to have a document ohowintr that all lit accusations against Desmond are true, and accordingly-the-villain's bonds are looked. The sxioundrel begins to move his fingers tie take- the cramp out ot them, M he explains, and no suspicion l aroused by tills act of his. WANT ADS Want ads rrce IvhI at any time), but to insure proper rlawtfflcntlnn nmt be presented bWr 12 oUx k in., for the evening edition and before 7:30 ; p. IN. for morning and Sunday rtll 1 tiona. Want ads received after mu'li ' hoars will have their first Insertion ander the beading 'Too JUate to Classify." C.tSfl FOU WAXT ADS. ItKGlKAIt CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 H cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent Insertion. F.arii Insertion made on odd (lays t cent! per word". ttJtO per line per month:, Want ads for Tito Ilee? may Iwt left t any of the followratr druff stores -one Is yonr "comer lrmrfclt"-they are all branch officer for The flow 1 and) your ad will bet Insert) Jwf ft ; promptly and on the same rate aa at the main office In The Ilee building, .Seventeenth and Farnain strneta: Alharh, W. C ,. 40tH' and- Funis m. Panrn Drug Co.. 2ti.iT N. Wth Ht. ' Bnmn Phiirmwy, Uenson, Nl, Hemis Park l'harms-y, f.!d snd Cuming. Perane. . A , 140 B. UVr Sr. htuk.Brndifh, j!e lherman Avei , anhnn, R., 4736 Leavenworth,. Ormak, Emll, 13P- 8. IHth St. ' rilffon IPlI Pharmacv, Kfl3 Mlllfsry Ars. Conner Pharmary, jr.' H. 1ith t. . t'rtixwy rhsyrmery 24th and lke. Khler A Co., ZW'i TBvenworih. roster A ArnoMI. 21 N. 2Rtl t. . Freyts J. J,, 1M N. Mth Ht. , FWser Drug Co., mm N. Mth St. Florence Drug CO., Florence, Neti. Oreen's Phsrm'y, Park Ave. snd Paclfta. Orernoiiah- s Co., Vlk- and Hickory. .Ovttdman' Pharm'y, 2h nut Leaeeaw'th. Johansnn Drug C o., 24th and Hpauldltig. Johneoiv Pharmacy, 7H2t) Karnam. nanwom Park I'htfrm'y, 1WH 8. 2nth A. ii Ilinterlong Drug ;.. Slat Ave. and far. 'lllfil.t, Jske, m NT., lftlo Rt. Huff. A. I... lavenworth. . King. U. H.. 24th and Farnsm. ' Kovl Place Pharmacy, iiriot If. 341u Ijirttrep Phnrma-v, 24th ami Hamilton. Um, rrcrt U. 2W Central Blvd. 1 . Monmouth Phrma"V, ltd and Ames Av. t Patrlok Drug Co.. KM N. 24tli Pt. , PHrstoira Drug Civ... 24th anil Ames A. 8riiefnr's Cut Price, ilh ant Chicago. " . Varhal, P, J., 03 Pierce Bt. ' Walton Pharmacy, 2lth and Grace. Walsitt HIU VharmAoy, 4utl and CumlaK ' 1 -1 '- . death AKrvrtrxunAa. werrccs. ' SIAHoVKY-Wri. 77 years, r'imwtl 8urdiiy, December 23, at 8:30 a. tv. from the reMldence of James Leary, l:24 fini1K Firteontli street, to Ht. I'at- rU-Jk's church at a. ro. Interment, Holy Vepnlchrs semeUtry. AXN'Ol XCEHRXTS J. A. OKNTLrKMAN, UN?!,:SvR mlmlfvr. ill4Chtcagi Mt P, Wfit, B-'i. Moved to Jrtll Farnam. A-XX, II 2tA M. KTvirrill. otilna paint, ml HraiMlela Th liOXSE&lUEPEN, UDKPt TAKKM. 7 f"l lth Pt. Doug. 1228, A-2bd. FREE Colored Portrait with each wedding or- nr in month O A T ta K T U AND HOWARD T ft R B T H HEYN ij sheet iron and tank work. Omaha structural Kteel Works. Neh. fifed Co., 1JM Jones. Doth Phones. MuV'lN'U picture machlnrs and supplies. Nebraska Film .'o.. 1318 Karnam xt. 1KH UI.AH Printing Ce. Tel. DouK.' 1 J. r. li lary for shore. 413 N. 24. Bo. Oin. I.' 1 U II U1 Lj i" wnta ".is for price on s'l. gasoline and lubricants. The Oreat Western oil Co., , hm tie. Omaha, rs.n. we py tne treight rtwitchvs frm combines. Ktio LeaVwth, n.ilOAlrf-H'NCHKt HOT In our beautiful downstairs lunch and eoda water room at l'tS and Dodge we are serving dainty lunches Sod hot and sold dinl. Try tticml bilEltMAN A St.-TON'NELL, DilL'O CO. Five Uood Drug Btorea in tlmalia. Mansard Vaa c Hlurage. Pack, move, store und ship 11. II. goods. D. 14UH. H-S4. Get your oiainohds at liriWIrgaard's. Van Uonion s l)urs, doy hiwi-Uul tin N'. IU. MONEY Ttl 1AN IAW rale, In sums to suit. 110 Bee lildg. l'lione Douu. Ji I'XION LOAN CO. mono riixh ind doors. Welrivh. Well. 2.i.'7 1LEH GHAND Turkish liatha Mt Wedding Miinoum'eiiieiita. Iwmg. ptg. l.'o. 'iaeuiy er cent IrxiTtTian I imHlia pMcea HUMK FI'HNITl'ItK CO., Taenty-fouith and L Bts , Houth Omaha. SQ-'cr paper hansing. paint g. Ii. aT. NUUTHHUP I.eltrr liuplicatliig Co., M Paaton Lloik, circular letters, auy iiuan illy; oldmt rstabilslied company; ex ii tif Multlgrapli and NiHXitvle. i.u xarrti K, ni,ri. t ruot. loth at Lak. Tttuio"0. distiibutur ol uv, S N. H. II. l ile hlgn I n. I. f.ut. UH Karnam. t pholKM-rmg, piuno, turn, re itTtm tiT. I1AVK you dm-lded what to g- your ladr tiirnd for Chilstinas? There is Slothing that would piraae hw better than a dainty box of O l'-rten s candy. If W. f. .--v, Datenport tit., will tome to I he office within ttiree da we will lii e iilm an order for a 1 cent boa of o uriu s candy. AtTOK)Ullijcir' Murphy Did It RKHAIKINO, PAINTlNli, TKIMMIN'i OMAHA MACHINE WOliKS. Otneral machine and automobile repair, lug. lattern makitig. special n.achliiery ueaigncd. r.xptt die woi k, 4aiiai iaw- )ns. ff;? Houth 4ih St. Doug. ten. AlTOMOniLKS AUTUMOJULK storage, flrfproof Inilld ing, down' town;- very laaaunaUa. Phone iHaiglas 42M. WPIObKSALW prices on' olU Dong. tiiM. to DM, Ktloxovers. nnlntlnK. DoufflflK 01127. Auin lamps Pfelffcr Csrrlage Works, lapalred. Omaha Silver Ca H0NK,H':H0NK UKRETfl THW BfiHIT PLACE IN OMAHA, DKUMMOND WIB and' n'arney gis; KullU model key roadster for sale to pay tor overhauling charges. Including new Bccessorlra;. such sst wind shield, prfNto-llte tank, etc. J M, care- Bew. AfplVTYIfr! Aut Co.. OsUsnd and ainn a gteams Ka'ght; oaraalna in used cars. S2tt Karnam. Doug. 2e. HI fil.KH CHANCES USk. of the beHt buailv hotwU in oily, 4 rooms, steam heat and strictly modern and flrKt-clasa In every rexprct. Newly decorated throughout; walking, dletBsos, went Karnam district. Phone Harney 9m. 4 1IOX HALL allrys; Hue condition; money getter for sal to settle estate-. Martin tiros., 4T.S W, 7th St.. Chtcg go. TO wl in or out of business rail on OANtiMTsts m mh Bidg. ii, d. am. WILL sell I'M shares United Wireless Teleip-ak preferreit slock lor 20th Aox 7T. Little ftmk. Ark. W-lMJOM hotel In and Islaad, Neb., entirely mnikrn, with furniture, $4it)i nnr terms; a money maker. Investigate. v rn inn m nannn, uraaa Msna, IH-iHi, MOitTOAOEy, G ON GOOD . PAitMS Bsndnrs baada secured ay first mortgages aa our capital nrt ewrphis of atoKwu. NO SiUf'Ett INVESTMENT Bonds for 1100. 250 and up, aa suits your savtaga. Make your maaey hrtag yeu a gonJ Income. Ask for particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., tufa and Farnam Bts.. Omaha. Neb. WANTKU-A genthHnan ol mean to aet aa secretary of a tKM,(X onrpnratlon: must be able t Invest from $3,ou to ,. V. Koaersoit, JsiT 1)i-nao Ht., tmiha. Neb. WHT NOT INVEBTiaATE oar KkTrtdH prnpneitlonT ft Is good. HO BEHT 17. Dttt'KSEDOW A CO.. (Pales Agents.) , m On. Nat, tun. Wagj.. Oiwaha, Neb. itaowlag; H ..... for Male. HKHOOM rooming houurr strictly mod n(; alwsya full; suitable to keep boarders-; tntmnte 1JS per month; rail after noons, ao-A a 20th, Douglas sr. -4 SNA1J For Sale Downtown rooming house, or small hotel doing good bualuess. Have good reasons fur selling: all modern ex cept furnace; must be cash; give an offer. Write or 'phone. 1C. Jacob, 'MA North 18th St., orjphone Webster 6120. . KVKKY housewife desirous of a nice dessert should try Dalsell s pure Ice cream. If Mrs. Hubert Cox. S710 Urand Avaw win come to Th Bee offlue within three dsys we will give her an order for a ouart brick of this fine lc cream. BI'KIXRSa PERSONALS. Aasasemeats. - BFFORB and after 'the a how visit tb OLTfMl'IA for Ice cream and candles. ArleaUa) Wells. U E. N EBKROAI.L, 1011-13 fjlty Kat't .! HOWK. Well boring. Benaon J4S."" Arrhlteete. C. 'J. Bowell. architect. 171 Brandels Bldg. Attersteys. O. W. Shields, attorney, ill B. at Trade. IMTOH L. 11 ALU LAW"VKlt. 4.s BoeT C. K. Hralth, att y at law. fill Bee. D. Ml, Analtra aait Teats, OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. (2t Douglaa. Magr Msaslactarrrt. BKMIS OMAHA BACJ CO.. Omaha, Neb. Jaae aad. 1. a leaks. THE ONLY WAT. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi. caba and touring cars. Tel. Douglas ii Bird ateres. BIRDS ?10VTl,,h ca'- M Mux aad Parkas. Maiitsrlanrt. Wooden Box Package Co. 1514 N. lth. t arrets, Hmi iwa Uraaerlea." POLCAlt & CO ."I"' cr- .... Pets, slik portieres. carpet eleanlng. VM B. 84. D. mi. A-M. tarrralers aad leatrseton, W. P. Deverell. contractor. Ramge Bldg, -ffi"v carpenter, oont. Both plionea. A. IJnborg, carpenter, contractor. H.ltTfi 1 btrepuelata. DR. ROY. 150t I'arnam. Douglas W-1'7. 1'aara aad lessees. THW Psnltsry Crewn Pipe. 1U B. Wt h . lethlns Maaafaelarere. Wear Ideal dteas shirts. M. K. Smith Ca. teal Ueelera. ' ' Poaers-Heafey Coal Co. Tel. D. t. Hutter Kefd c Coal Co.. y Far. H. W.,. Hdike Quality d., o AtDodae. H. il COAL .pw':1, price by ton, t bu. for C. el. Jutineon, ctMil, mth Ixaxd. t 'ptaonea. RtEDKR JLRNACK OUL P. 1C. fharies A. Wenlerfteld. A-1'3. )AL and kinJuag. V agncr. tui N. liT ,! fee, Ira, leea aad Beg.r. f Moyune Tea C. 4o N. sJ. Beth 'plicae Irraaaerlra, Dairies aad keaeltca. Fatmiotit'a tiladem butter. Always good. DAVID tOV.VtAMfcbY Vv34PXNi On the outride of the tent In which the moving pictures had been shown the In tense Utit makes every shadow visible. And to the Arab lurking outside It Is clear that th silhouette they behold Is that of Desmond, the renetrsde white man Turther they sooa perceive that their chief crook Is trying to signal them, and as tliey watch they observe that Desmond bolda up four fingers. Quickly the Arab guess that this means there are but four of their opponents In the tent, and they steathlly approach to overwhelm the little band, forthe Arab loves nothing better than to get a small party of the enemy at his niercy. nesiM:ss CIIAJSCFJH lorslre and steel Crllluas. CARTF.R RIIERT metal works, Omaha. Daaeinic Academies. Markle's iianrlng Academy, 11 Hi Harney. Dally claaaes Moo , Thiirs.. Hat. mreniogs. M IXH MARY I'tfLI. wT.lTuS I 9 leasoas Mort. er Frk. a s. m, at Mo- rand's. Ladles, t3. gentlemen, vj; private lessnna during the day. It. Dentlata. Bailey, the dentist, 706 City Nat l. D. 23ft. Mach A Much, ad fl. la ton. D. llMtu. Oeteetlves. Omaha secret service det. agency. Inc., bombidk 42-s Pax ton Blk. D. 13IS. A-13H. Lv W. Ingnet-ker. .17 Karback bl-k. JAMKH ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tyler 11. Breseaaaltlag;. Terrt's Dressmaking college, 59 A Far. DKK.SHMAKI.NO by day. Phone Web. 37 IK. r.Xl'KKifciNCKD uresBiaaklng. Harney. Harney 1M4, Mi Drngaiats. , DRI'IIS at cut prices; freight psld on 110 orders; catalogue. free. Sherman t MeC'onnHll Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Kverythtaaj KlectrfeaU. Burgess-Oranden Co., 1R11 Howard. D. SSI. :tectrle lighting fix , wholela aad retail. BhX'OND-HAND ELECTHic FANB, dynamos, igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. La Bron, M.1 ft. 12th Kt. Ioug. M7&. Peed Mllla and Stores. Feed, aH kinds. Olencon MlHs. tat Isard. ft'lerlsts. BENNHTTB, cut flowers. Doug. 137. A. lonlte, WW Farnam. D. HMI, A-Hml. HKHM ei HWOBODA, 116 Karnam 8t. Htewart's. Flertsl seedsmen. Ill N. I. PA ULK BN, florist,. 1712 Brown Bt. BRANDEl FIjOHIST, Brandels Bldg. L HKNDKHHON, Ul Farnam. D. 12'H. BATHS FLOHlTH. Boyd Theater Bldg. HNI'HAN cut flower. ZKh A lorcaa PHOXPMrr Hill Ftortst. W. 43I Koendrles. McDorahl brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lesd castings, l&th A JackHnn. Farasea aad Uteve liepalrs. Olson Bros., furnace repalr 2570 Lear. KtJKN At'iS AND tiTOVt; KEPAlltH to fit your Ktove or heater. New furnace, laundry lank heatera, gas heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot watw heating. Oittsha Mtove Repair Works. 120S-l'Jm Douglu Ht. Tel. Douglaa W: Ind. A-MC'l. Harness, (iaddlery, l,ea later Uoods. Wtchert.hsrness.leather goods. SM ft. It HARNESS, saddles and traveling goods. Alfred Cornish Co., 1219 Farnam Ht. Meanltals. W13B MKMORIAU 14th and Harney. BKTHANY, Marry. Doug. V.4. lasaranee. T Rhodes-M ntsoniery Co. Ins. Ramge Blk. Iron aad Wire Kcaelag. Anchor Fence Co.. 27 N. 17. Tel. Red 814. Laaadrles. t FRENCH Hand I sundry. Tel. H W. F.MLKHON Lauitdry. IMi N. 24Lh Ht. Both phones. OUARANTKB Laundry. Hlah e-rada work. Iktuglaa 3373. OirtaliiH laundered, toe per pair. IX I7H2. l.iahtalaa Heda. Nebraska Lightning Hod Co.. 506 N. 17th, Leaaber. H. Gross Lumber A Wrecking Co. Bar gains in lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21st and Paul. Web. 2Hk. Macaroal Maauf act arera, Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti, 10c pkg Isi.ic, Art aad Lssgsstn. VIOLIN lessons, experienced tescher, Wm. U Palten, lwt Locuxt. Web. (. Otxhestra. pianist for daucen. D. 4374. Meaeuteata aad flauaoleauta. J. F. Bloom A Co.. and Cuming Bts. SlevlaM, aua lleaalaavl KXPBESSHKN'b Delivery' Co.-Movlng. furniture lacking, fireproof storsge. Uuy office. 214 8. Dili. Ikiug 8i4. Ind. B-124. OMAHA Vau and Btorage Co. cleans your cajpeta on your floors: electrio vacuum clanen. W & ltith, m It. I7ih. louglaa 4161 Twin City Kxprese, 1314 Howard. Both Tel. Furniture mov.; 2 men 11 per hr. XvTrw. W.CKerrin, t an, storage. TyWr lw. B"l74 CALL Vernm- for moving and fireproof storaxe. tifflee, A-21&T aad Doug. ZU: WAhKHOl'SK, Tyler III) and B-M1S. Vpllrlau. B. F. Wurn, fitting A rep'g. 443 Brandets. Oatrweatar. A Hoe John wen. . IVandels Th. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, a4BrandVlii Tlieatrr u at era. DaAld Cole Oyater Co. Wholesale only. ruaiki-n Omal.a PUiialiing Co., U2 Sherman Av T. K. Bait. plumUag and beating, lW Howard w Tel. D. 143. Ind. A-2I41. ' Pa I eats. HIRAM A. STl'miK. patent lawyer. 1'. H. and forrlun patenta, trademarks snd noprtghtsi it vrara' experience. M Brandets 'I heater Bldg. Tel. Doug. S48. ! O. BarnelirpaTm tonHlIl keTRed"TI ITT W lllard KilJy. I!. 8 patent attomvy and soJloHur. LJu Ctty Nat i iiDk. Tyler i nrrr r - i. m - -ri rkthrf7raguu.7jr; TTlfT --li , yCft i i i Y if &USINKS8 rKHSOXALS fsser lompunlea. Western Paper Co., and Howard. 1'honoara pha. Fdlson phonographs, Phulti Bros., HOS Far Pbotographers. Rlnehart, photographer, 18th Farnam, Bandherg a Studio. 107 8. Kith. Take elev. I'latlBK. OMAHA BlfWRR' CO:, '.Tit' 8. 13th. 1'rlatlnti. ' La?w V . icaber, Printer oUBh?(?,3 tv.rj iiijjii. KMHANCB ON COURT, Phone Ind. A-2(&) for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co., Pith A Capitol Ave. AM. Printing Co.. 2304 Cuming. D. 5847. Rica-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 B. 14. Ind. A-3.24. Restaurants, Baxter's fine qtili-k lunch. 1615 Farnam. EAT CL.WV IV., L. ' nyg., nnn stoe postorrice, Clerk Cafe, home cooking, liifd Dodge. OKT the habit; eat at Lneeda.. Cap. Ave. JlOIUUa Cafe, home cooking. 31 8. 2oth. Biauimerma aad Htutterlna. C1TRFJ. Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. Sporting; tioods. - -"-'-" pmii, i iuw urioes. Townsend Oun Co., 1M4 Farnam. atrnowraphers aad Court Iteuorters. Myrtla A. Kelley, 7U6 Bran. Th. D. 6S82. Miss Miller, 162ft City Nat l Lk. D. 4VU3. kteel Tank aad Calvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company. Hth and Nicholas. D. 3S.!0. Talierln. Dunham A Dunham, tIS suits. 118 8. 15. R. A. Williams, cluthea altered, 24 A Lake" OMAHA Cleaning and Pressing Citib, 81 McCague Blk. Ladles' work a specialty, F1NNKY Tailoring Co., Web. 2t,4. Taxidermists. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 3221. Teats aad Atvnlans. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 822 Douplas. irssk) and u Frellng A Stelnle. 13 Farnam Bt. Wig Maaufaeturers. P. 8. Orlfflth, wig mfr.. U Frenser Blk. W ines and Llqaors. MAY A CO.. family liquors, 1300 Douglas. WIIXOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Ale Jetea. 1302 Douglas. Loft man. a.yr.0id why( 10o drink. T4A Har. fc Hansen's. Family Liquors. 1213 Chicago. GET yourXmua winea and liquor at Griffith A Bchmldt. 124 Capitol Ave. ANY connoisseur of confe ilunery will readily tell you that there are no candles which can outshine o'Hrl.n', n n...iu Vrn.d.ulnJ,","!, Jt MrB- L- K- Livlngaton. 4J01 Dodge tit., will come to The Bee office mree oaya we. will give her an order for a wl-cent box of O'Brien' candy. FJUCAT10AL THE MID-WINTER TERM of B0YLES COLLEGE Opens. Tuesday. Januarv 2 in the day'sesnions. rwgttt school Wednesday evening. Jan uary 3, 7 p. in. Complete coursea in Rimln.., ni.. keeping, htenography, Telesraphy,- Civil Service and BaieHinanahlp. The catalogue Is ready and fiee for th inking. Call write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boylcs, President, Boyleg College omsha, Neb. ' OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BUST IN THU WEST." Day snd evenlna KcHaiona ml ih, vu. Bhorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping Agriculture. Civil Service, Salesmanship. r.. a. tiliimn. Pres.. lth and-Karnam. THE VAN SANT SCilOOLT Complete courses for Btenographa,rs. . -tv.,. ymtm ui uu.'VH, tone V. llUlfy Prop.. Kllxabetli Van hant, Prln. Corner lkth and Farnam. Jits. TUTORING. 1st to Slh grade. 11. SIAi. VOTX CII1USTMAS. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE NOW. CALL DOUGLAS 1261 Come In any time and Dick out vour tree. We will tag it when ever you say. HOLLY. MISTLETOE. WRKATH8. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1G13 Howard St. . Mauicurinir, Hairdressiuc. etc PREF coupon In every package of Vel- DUrchaae.4 fium nnr Hn.iiriHl ,iltli purchaser to professional treatments free of charge, at The VEXjVETINA shop Finest shop of beauty culture In middle weat. 1S1V tarnaili. Imui. 11. A-iir.-ti. The Best Xmas Present is a, scholarship In the MO.SH Elt-LAMP-M AN CULLi-XiB. Its great benefits lait a lifetime. Send to MusilKK A 1.AMI'- St AN, NEW LOCATION. IMS FAHNXM bT.. FOH CATALOGCE. TERMS, ETC The Ideal Xmas! gift Is a bicycle or motorcycle. Reduced prices, o new and used ones. , YICIOR 1L RU04. i'lui Leavenworth St. FOR CHRISTMAS BiUiKEli BKOS. PAINT CO. 1C03V4 Farnam Bt. Doug. 47.V), Ind. A-3S2L A beautiful assortment nf stencil out fits and Sherwin-Williams goods. We do (flftzlng and picture framing at moderate prices. OAS AND KLKCTRIC TABLE LA Mi a are always acceptable, always appreciated and alwaya used, $5 TO $8a Other electrical' suaffestlona. BUROESS-(7RANDEf CO., U19 Howard LEFT, IN PAWN Gent's diamond ring, m karat blue white, $lig; also pair of diamond earrings, " karat, each at I7&; big lot of other jewelry and diamonds to be sold at auc tion at FRIEDMAN'S LOAN BANK, 13th and Douglaa Hta. Xmas Leather Novelties. All kinds moccasins, all sixes. Xmas candies, perrumes, clears, fancy packages. AB18, ILKR ORAND PilAh.- i. T.TT YTTI? V and UTILITY are COM HINED In ELECTRICAL t fUllBTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men ot women, young or old, will be glad to re ceive an electrical gift for Christmas. DIAMOND 1UNGS .'V ft 90 per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas St. BRAN DEI SCUT flower dept. JJAWIIXLJjIOa large ,Uppy 0f holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants aud evergreen at special prices. FOR XMA-H SHIIPPINia fAl.t. TUB! ACME TAXI LIVERY u. Hnowalter. Tel. Douglas 876. A-S9. ALL diamonds and jewelry left In Pawn at Friedman Loan Bunk to be sold at auction every day at 6:w p. m. Corner 13th and Douglaa. Women's Exchange vmnada"'nt elties; lunches. 223 Bd. of Tr., 1W8 Farnam. YOUNG WOMENr-LVbttL' the Y. W. C. A. aa a Christmas gift. YOU'LL- always be hanny if vour mI. ding ring comes from Brodegaard's, 11$ 8. lth Kt. At the sign of thecrown. SPECIAL Xma" 1Mllc- t0 " OA. SUKJXHJ on Pctur anrt framing. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 8. 16tn. THE ..IDEAL PLEATING CO.. dress pieatingn, buttons covered, all slses and styles. 200 Doug- Blk. Dot iff. 1936; A-l3tt. Wedding Cakes FINE LINE -.mas candles), cigars, per fumes, crissev Phar.. 24th A Lake. W. M) KIPUNrtKR'S XmeM cigars, pipes. 13th and Farnam. Y Af f! A membership moiies a present T 1 if Lull.. ...1 1 r a 1.... a.njvtw. a. yy. iryun ii., t' arnam J Knnw f 1 ' V u i 1 1 .-,U - n .1 u . . .. Plcturea enlarged'. Studio. 216 8. lath St. Xma packages, candles, perfumes, ci gars. Lathrop Pharmacy, 34 A Hamilton. MOYER STATIONERY CO., 1618 Farnaiu. Christmas novelties, csrds, calendars. Safety rasors sharpened, 328 Ramge Bid. THK, BOUROF.Qlfl CO..' 1SU7 FARNAM. Outi-if-date garnienta ex. 'for new. W.3020 HELP WANTEDrFKMALK Hoaae keeper and Ikenseatlea. THK SERVANT OIRIa PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get th desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. GIRL for general housework. 610 o. 3tn Ave.' ..s.. . -x. wiiiiicuk aii aui svuetai hnua.wn.1, " Irt U T , I. U U' I V'1'L-h A ............ . - , n .. .... isuiiuj j vura four davs a week; referencos required. 4s .v mn Mt. A.r.l.'T'I.'T. . .1.1 Sr.w ) ..., . WANTEIV-An experienced nurse girl; reference required. iN N. 8Stb 8t. WANTED A girl fur general house work; small family.- phone iiarney li&i. 302! Paclflo 8t. WANTED A gill for general house work; must be a good cook; bring ref erences. Apply Lieut. Bowman, Ft. Crook. - WANTED A young girl to assist with housework; no washing. D. C. tdgerly. 6110 cuming. iiarney 4,. WANTED A young girl to cat for two children and do little housework. 1417 8. fith tt. Mrs. R. Kaltta. WANTED A good cook, for family ot two. Mrs. A. P. Oulou. Beaton apart ments. Phone Harnee' frV7. WANTED Middle aged woman to help with general housework, bring references. 4115 N. Uth Ave. Phone Web. ST5. M lecellaaevaa. YOUNG women coming ' to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building, at Ht. Mary's Ave. and lrtli 8t.. where they will bo directed to subable boarding placea or otherwise aselsued. Look for our travelers' guide at the t'nlon station Anurantlca kirla to learn hairdrssslna. Oppenhelm, City Nat l Bank Bldg. Practical Nurse' exebanga. Tel. P. 112. HELP AVAXTliD MALE Areata, atemea aad Solicitors. CALENDAR SALESMAN WANTED We want a reliable and capable salesman at one to carry our attractive line of calen dars, fans and advertising specialties In Nebraska. W have a splendid line, care fully selected by men long In this busi ness, and who have themselves sold this clae of Rood a can th road for year. On our liberal rommlseton basis plan, a sales man who will devote his time exclusively to our line shosild have no difficulty in clearing from Sid to Hj0 par week. If you are a man who will work aad ran sell goods, address Hales Manager, KALAMA.00 ADVERTISING CO., KALAMAZOO. MICH. Attach this ad vertisement la your reply and give full particular regarding your past business exprrlemw. WASn--idl-JVEKAL EX PEJUnXCED STORE SO LICITORS AT ONCE, GOOD PROPOSITION. P 990, BEE. WANTK1-Salesmen calling upon mar. chaat tailiara to tarry oui aid line. Due Sttlrsmaii's commission for Hire consec utive day was eSl.oO. Addrea E, W. Co., 7U Medloab Bldg , Chicago, 11U Once the Arehs get Into the tent the result Is a foregone conclusion. No matter how brave Claude is he cannot defeat ten opponents unaided. And so the villain Desmond once again gets Rosamond Into his clutches, and has the hero Claude bound and placed In a dungeon, where he starves that nlfti-splrlted young man Into a state of extreme emaciation In the hope of either breaking his courage or ending his existence. But Rosamond, grieved though ahe is at Claude's appear ance, does not cease to defy Desmond, and Claude still has hope. Tomorrow's pictures will show if. his hope Is justified. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, galesmen and Solicitors. AGENTS We pay well and give valu able premiums free for a few hours' work. Sample and catalog free. Success Supply company, H"3 Locust St, Des Moines, la. AGENTS We pay well and give valu able Premiums Free for a few hours' work. Sample and Catalogue Free. 8. N. lancaster, 1118 Butter Bt., Vallejo, Cal. GET busy making money selling Con vent Brand embroidered Waist Patterns, robes, aprons. $15 starts your own busi ness. W illiam R. Hildebrand tt Co., 184 W. Washington St.. Chicago. Live city and road salesman. O 7M, Be. LOCAL salesman to sell 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida, land. Produces splendid crops. A first-class proposition that Will stand the closest Investigation. ROBT. C. DRUE8EDOW A CO., 800 Omaha Nst'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Clerical aad Office. FULL dress suits, evening party dresses for rent, 1 to 11. SO a night. JOHN FELDMAN, 808 N. 17th. D. 8128. "CANO" High-grade positions. 000 Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knleet, Bee Bldg. Mlscellaaeoas, WANTED Musicians for the 16th Inf. band: must be single. Addresa all let ter to Emanuel Klein, chief musician. Fort MacKensle, Wyo. Reliable Emp. Agency, ltUO Davenport. TAKE Instructions 1 maasag and Swedish movement cur. 401 War Blk. WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried man. between agea of Is and lb; cltlxena of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write th English lan guage. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, lath and Douglas Sta., Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th St., PloUx City, la.; ISO N. 10th fit.. IJncoln, Neb. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Paotfio and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training in our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. YOU are wanted for government Job. S0 per month; send postal for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 118- K, Rochester, N. Y. Uft J1U0 MONTH AUTOING: N AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NEB. '"Guarantee more actual repairing than any three other schools. Come see. GOVERNMENT positions open; Hat showing salaries free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 213-K. Rochester, N. Y. ABLE bodied men. wanted for the IT a Marin Corps between the age of 19 and sa. Must t native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, 16 to 9. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After tO year' service can re tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ances, service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Orps Recruiting Office, 1408 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. - STOP! READ! ?Ss55 - .... iion:niu. Learn automobile engineering in our lau-g raining soop. Hundreds or suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment ot automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Aasn., S3 Brandels i neater niog.. umana. Neb flit AIM niivir.nii;ui-j . i i ' -- - - . . -in. v. a, BVuu araiii man to travel In Iowa and Nebraska, and buy corn. To th right man, able to m lid! a. S-rVui ll.VHl . Im 1 n ... ... ........... , i, a. awu,,n Cir- vator in Kansas, a good position will be given. Address Y 79, car Omaha Bee. iuO.OOoOO haullna conLrui. Ilauli,,. lumber In northern Arkansas, for Calloo planing mills. Calico Rock, Arkansas. Twelve to fifteen teams required. For particulars, address Frederick Weltser, Grand island. Neb. NO NEED ot worrvlna about draaar when Dalsell Is In town. If Mrs. Amil Lovegreen. 4116 Farnam St.. will mm i Th Bee office within three days we will give ner an order for a quart brick of this fine loe cream. . LIVE STOCK UR 8 ALE Wants aad Vehicles. rfltl fllTJ? All Irln. mnst V. - . . -- r i ..u v. nnM uvi ara 918 N. tlm tst. Phone Douglas 6600. IA)ST AND FOUND IX)ST Long, white envelope containing miscellaneous business papers. Finder please return to Hee office. Of no value to any one except owner. Liberal reward. CARD case containing a diamond ana pearl sunburst and wedding ring; on 24th street car or Brandels Stores. Finder return to 3723 N. Uth t. Receive liberal reward. PERSONS having lost some article ould do well to call ur the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articlca each day are turned In and the company 1 anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug las 4. OMAHA A COI'NCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. IF PARTIES who lost good vision will call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., UU9-11 bo. mm, same win ue restorea. WATCH FOll, with Phi Delta Theta riled ge pin attached. Finder please call tarnev nl7. LOST A small Shriner pin with dia mond settings; reward. Call Doug. l.. MEDICAL NO MATTER WHAT VOI R TROUBLE. NOR WHO KAII) YOU WERE INCUR ABLE. BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PROBABLY DO THE WORK. WHY NOT TRY? CALL OR WRITE "BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE," .82 NE VILLE BLOCK. PEST -bracer for men. Gray s Nerve Food Pills, fl per box, prepaid. Sherman & McCooneil Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MOXLY TO LOAN alary aad Chattels. USE OUR MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS W mak loans on all kinds of chatte'a quickly and privately. Phone Doug. 1A HOME LOAN COMPANY 1CJ Farnam Ut- Room t Patterson Blk. MONEY TO LOAN alarr and Chanel. STOP Right here It you are Looking for. . tbe ' Best Plac to Borrow Money. LOOK The city over and you can do no' better, no matter how cheap others advertise. ' LISTEN We will loan you all the READY CA6II you need on your FURNITURE. PIANO. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT AUTO, REAL ESTATE or ON YOUR LAIN NOTE, if steadily employed. Such loans are procured In a few hours' notice, pri vately, confidentially and In a way pleas ing to all. Why take chances of having your busi ness peddled about th city when you can get the money promptly of us, THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND BEST RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 308 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St. 'Phones Douglas 1411 and A-1411. w w MONEY FOR EVERY BODY K ft tt II $1 w H S S10 TO $100 ft LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. 5 11 SALARIES, ETC?., ' ft ti U at charges you can afford, and tt without tbe red tape and delay you W experience with other companies, if ' ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT U HERB. It's aa GOOD AS A BANK fl ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED, M NOTE THESE RATES: ft flo, you pay back fit .60. ft . 115. you pay back fl7.0). ft you pay back fJS.OO. ft too. you pay back foo.W. if NO OTHER CHARGES, ft , Weekly or Monthly Payments, ft Open every night tUl Xmas 9 p. m. ft OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., n 309-10 Brown Blk. Opposite Bran- ft dels.; S. E. Cor. Uth and Douglas, if . Phone Douglas i.1X26. emSff?ftttfm$tfttffCT!ttffttfWfttttl I $10 TO $100 s I LOANED S I TO ANYONE 8 It We -will procure a loan for any- aj ft body who jwm furnitur. pianos, ft H horses, wagons, or anyone holding tt t - ....n .. ....... J . . . . IT It a steady nosltlon at tha mnat ru. tt sonable charges. Alt we sale is vour ff promise to pay. No red tape. No ti rr v,jr. wuuoij, privately, cneapiy. XJ e iu iriniaiimenis 01 11. i, tf t- In Installments of f 1.85. ff M in installments of f2.46. It Loans made from one month to ff on year. Terms to suit you f GUARANTEE LOAN CO.. It (Stnull l.nan n.n..,-,... It tt t I S04 Wlthnell Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. If ft N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. tt . - m , . .. v. . mm ft Open Every Evening Till 9 O clock U uuuimi ova ina. teaaaa nr -'iilll AIUHB. DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW, GET YOUR XMAS MONEY, FROM THE CITY LOAN COMPANY because our rates are lower, payments easier, bualness confidential. 'r,C1TY VOAN COMPANY. 20-21 Douglas Block. Opposit Hayden'a. Phones Douglas 8159-lnd A-25K6. CHATTEI SAt.AIJV iniura" If you can use from flu to flOO or mor to a good advantage, come to., us. W do not advertiae any misleading ratea, but we have the lowest rate in th city. We guarantee you a square deal. You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. We allow a discount U paid before time. Call, write or phone appli cation and you will get prompt attention. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Douglas 1306 2J0 Bee Bldg. A-ltCfl. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Leaned on furniture, pianos or teams at low rates and easy terms. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN Room It Arlington Blk., 151U Dodc St. Phones; Douglas 24tm, Independent A-24tit. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and othera, without se curity; easy payments. Office In 7 prin cipal cities. Tolman, 60S Omaha Natl Bank Bldg., formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. GET IT OF Miss Snow, C. L. B. at Star Loan Co.. 44 Tatnn flOO. without security; to suit you. PLATA U, 1514 Dodge. Tel. Red 661. OFFERED FOll RENT Board aad Reams. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 11. A-KU. Portola. family hotel. S5th Ave. and Har NlCb! ,.i r,.w Hn. . . ffi . I ... k , . t ISON. ?lMt anH Phl... uu at .. - - - a..w inn uiv Uudrr new management. Bt. James, mod, fl.26 day; week tt up.( NICE room, suitable for two people. i., , uu.iu, i m iorrn sotn. UEAL'TIKTI. Millie ,. .n" ' : board; West Farnam. Call Harney 46. FaraUhed Heoaua. Dewev European Hotel. lth A Farnam. FOIt RENT-Two furnished parlor room with heat and gas, sa g. J2d Hu ALCOVE room, hot water heat; Han scorn park dlstrlot: strictly private; could aocommodat man and wife; would not object to child. References required. Addrtis G 912. Bee. DEalRAULE furuished room, private family, ails N. t&th. Phone Webster u;i. 170S JACKSON, upstairs, modern gtsem heated rooms. ROOMS for rent b dv t.r . terms to two or more; modern; a'aecu: a, . ji. grown, THREK furnish! wvgvi;Mnfa'