Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 17

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OmU Geaaral Hospital, Dom. IS.
SfTlWtt Cliooolrtea 3t)g Mjrera-Dlllon
Ge, Hit. Jrlxtarea, Burroae-aranaea
Korean la Muok, Better The condi
tion of John Moreaux, the Council Bluffs
cook, who waa mysteriously ahot over a
week ao, la reported to be tomewhnt
Improved and he will be able to leave
the hospital some time next week. The
police, who are still looking for Moreaua'a
assailants, have not had any auccess.
May Lose Kia Bltfht It la thought
tt)t the sight of Michael LopUh, who
was Injured at the power plant of the
street railway company at Fifth and
Jones streets yesterday morning, la prao
tically lost. Dr. Peppers, who has been
extending the man at St, Joeeph'a his
pltal, has not much hope of saving the
laborer's sight.
German Claaa OiTta rrorram The
German club of the Omaha High school
win present a Christmas program In the
lecture room. at the publlo library on
Saturday afternoon, December 30. Miss
Abba llowen, head of the high school
German department, has charge of the
program which will be rendered entirely
In the language of Per Faterlajid.
Ask Bew Trial for Woleott Argu
ments on the motion for a new trial of
Orvllle C. Woleott, convicted of uttering
a forgery, were begun before Judge
George A. Day, before whom Woleott
wae tried, Friday, Stanley SI. Rosewater,
Wolcott'a attorney, arguing for him and
County Attorney James P. English rep
resenting the state. Mr. Rosewater apent
all morning and a considerable part of
the afternoon arguing that the over
whelming proof of Insanity precluded the
verdict of the jury.
Have to Offer
Americani "Hello, Billl"
Oayetyt Burlesque.
Xrog : Burlesque.
Orpuenmi Vaudeville.
Matinee at tne ttayety, Xrog and Or
pbeam theaters.
Hose Eytinge Dead.
Rose Eytlnga died at the Actors' home
from an apoplectic stroke on Wednesday.
She had been at the home for several
months, jnd was in goefd health up to
the tlme'she was stricken. Miss .Eytinge
was born in 1835, and spent many yeurs
on the stage. She will be recalled as
playing with Booth and other leading
actors of his day, and also as a success
ful star In serious and emotional roles.
In 1870 she went with her husband to
Egypt, where he waa appointed as con
sul general, ana uvea mere ror several
years. After returning to America ahe
returned to the stage, and was active in
connection with it till her accumulating
years rendered retirement Imperative.
Many ot the older patrons of the theater
will recall her aa Jean In "The Heart of
Midlothian," and aa the heroine in "Grif
fith Gaunt," roles she made her own.
flack In the Shnfeerta.
The Columbia Amusement company
has .turned the.BU Paul Shubert theater
back , to the Shuberts, and on Sunday
night "Alias Jimmy Valentine" will open
there... After that the Bhubert attractions
will be presented at the theater. The
Eastern Wheel people are planning for a
"one-night" campaign to fill the week
between Minneapolis and Omaha, but the
local house will not, be in any way In
volved in the deal. It waa found at St.
Paul that the Shubert theater, while a
really beautiful house, ia located too far
out of the way of travel to be profitable
as a burlesque house.
Sothera Defends Bhakeieare'a Title.
In January number, of Munsey's mag
axlne, K. 11. Bothern. it is announced,
will grill the Shakespeare-Baconian theo
rists. Yet, the editor informs us, that the
actor would not, as has been the oustom,
answer arguments by calling names and
the usual name for a Baconian in some
quarters is a "blithering idiot." It la
Maid that - Mr. Bothern has presented the
Shakespeare side of the case in a new
light, else, indeed, there would be small
excuse for reviving 4 subject which has
occasioned ao much heated passion and
bad languaga. It is not to be hoped that
Mr. Bothern will be able to lead any ot
the rampant Baconians into the light,
ahd still their ravings; but. if he is able
to steer-other, and mayhap younger, feet
away,, from the noisy madhouse, he. will
be entitled to the public's regard. .
' Xornl fitnm Notre. '
.' The ptury of "A Romance of the Under
world," the big dramatlo - production
which will be the headline attraction at
the Orpheum during Chrlstmaa week, la
simple enough. It has to do with the at
tempt to U all road an Innocent man into
the penitentiary. The three scenes
show sentencing day In the court -of
general sessions. New York City, ' the
street In front of "The Bridge of Sighs"
and the interior of the Tombs.. In
.the opening soene a number of prisoners
' appear before Judge Uorth to receive
their sentence. 'Among the characters
are the "dope fiend," the amateur female
shoplifter, the Irishman, Slippery Jake,
Kliiult, the man unjustly accused,
O'Leary, the ward boss, and McDermott,
the young lawyer. The plot is a strong
one and the twenty-three parts in the
cast are excellently portrayed. The love
element in the story la full of human in-
. terest. s
' Aa it may be Imagined, it la the aim
of the theatrical manager to supply bis
patrons with the very beet the play
market offers as a Chrlstmaa offering.
The management of the Brandels theater
fels confident that in securing George
M. Cohan's famous comedy "Get Rich
tjulck Walltngford," as the Tuletide' at-
traction, it has obtained the very best
, attraction there la to be had. The play
' will be at the Brandels theater four
nights beginning Sunday night, with
matinees Christmas and Wednesday.
The seat sale at the Brandels theater
for "The Spring Maid," which opens lta
engagement at that house on Thursday,
December 28, is a good indication how
much mora generally the public Is in
formed on the newest of theatrical pro
ductions than In uut years. The seat
demand has kept pace with the reputa
tion of "The Spring Maid" in New York
and its later furore In San Francisco. It
will be the first hearing here In opera
of the much, praised little Hungarian
prima donna, Mlszl Hajoa. A matinee
will be given on Saturday.
Santa Claus was buy at tha American
yesterday afternoon banding out dolls
to little girls and toys to little boys who
were In attendance at the matinee per
formance of "Hello, Bill'." Th good old
saint will repeat tha stunt on Saturday
afternoon when every youngster who at
tends will be remembered. On Sunday
afternoon the first performance of the
Chrlstmaa week bill will be given, "Sauce
' for the tsooae, a charming comedy that
lias never been seen in Omaha although
it wad acted with much succuee In New
York by Miss Grace George for whom it
was written.
Persistent Advertising la the Roai to
Renewal Bonds Will Ee Offered for
Sale Tonight
Sanrnai Dealer Apvnr ant There
Are Evldeneee that Genalne
Competition Will Hesnlt
for Blsr lunar.
Tonight at a special meeting ot the city
council there will be offered for sale
an Issue of renewal bonds Involving
I110,8so. The city has offered them at
the rate of 4 per cent and If the Inten
tion of the mayor and more conservative
members of the city council carries, the
bonds will be aold at that figure and no
There has been considerable discussion
whether the city will be able to get bid
ders at the 4ii per cent rate, but since
the city clerk and the mayor have taken
It upon themselves personally to Inter
est different bond houses the country
over, the responses received have been
encouraging to say the least.
Yesterday bond buyers from representa
tive houses called upon the mayor and
It Is hoped that at tonight's meeting
there will bo enough competition to war
rant the sale of the bonds at the figure
mentioned by the city.
It Is, however, understood that there
Is a determined effort to make the city
pay 6 per cent on the bonds Instead of
the figure quoted. This cannot be done
unless the ordinance calling for the sale
of bonds at i per cent Is made to read
5 per cent.
Bald Mayor Tralnor yesterday: "Those
bonds will be sold at i per cent on they
will not be sold at all. I mean to take
a hand in this matter myself and If the
bonds are not taken at the figure of
fered by the city we will make arrange
ments that will protect the credit of the
city and at the same time leave the bonds
to a future date when our figures will
be accepted."
Aa to the further Issue of the 1912
bonds there Is a strong undercurrent of
sentiment that favors the postponement
of the Issue until a time when the money
Is actually In demand for the proposed
Maya Plronka I'narps Right.
Chief of Police John BrlKKs yesterday
charged Police Commissioner Joseph
Pivonka with overstepping the limits of
his authority In usurping the duties of
the chief of police.
Chief Briggs says that in effect the
system being pursued by Commissioner
Pivonka will demoralize the discipline of
the police department. The chief in
stanced several cases where officers were
given directions by the commissioner in
the face of counter commands from the
chief and captains.
In one case where the chief for the kotoI
of the service refused to accord a ten
days' leave to an officer the request was
repeated during the chiefs absence to
two of the captains, who flatly refused
to accord the permission. In this In
stance the' chief avera Commissioner
Pivonka told the officer In question to
take the ten days' leave.
Chief Briggs mentioned a case where
an officer was relieved of his club and
star by the police commissioner without
having any recourse to the chief.
"This state of affairs cannot go on
without detriment to the police depart
ment," Bald the chief as he concluded his
interview. " .
Mayor aa Santa Clans.
Mayor Trainpr will act .as Santa Claus
to the poor of the city this afternoon
when ha gives away the Christmas good
things collected from the packers and
some of the merchants.
Early this morning wagons will be sent
to the merchants who have promised gifts
for the poor and it Is expected that a
large amount of goods' and eatables will
have been collected before noon.
Mayor Tralnor has carried out hla in
tention of helping some of the deserving
poor of the city unaided save for the
merchants and packers who responded
to his appeal. Not all of those who were
approached in the good cause came tor-
ward with the generosity that might have
been expected from the prosperous at
this season of the year. One grocer when
asked to contribute in money or goods
declared that he had not seen any of the
city's trade on his order books.
The donations collected consist of
meats and chickens from the packera,
clothes, groceries, toys, fruits, vegetable
and everything that goes to make up a
happy Christmas for the poor.
The distribution will be made thla
afternoon at the city hall.
Ill Werk at Y. M. C. A.
Next week will, be a big week with the
local Young Men'a Christian association,
who have prepared an entertainment that
will dazzle the eyes and tantalise the
ears of the citizens of South Omaha.
The affair will open on December 28
with an art exhibit of the Young Men'a
Christian association gallery. On Friday
and Saturday evenings following there
will be a grand indoor .carnival consist
ing of the following numbers:
The laughing gallery, sleight of hand
and prestidigitator performance.
Just discovered love germ..
One oast In the fish pond.
Madame Slpawhlskl, fortune teller.
World famous ventriloquist.
Wild man: from desert Island.
On Monday evening, January 1, there
will be a gymnasium exhibition of regu
lar class work.
Harks for Private Calls.
Give us your private calls for funerals.
Price reduced, J4. Broderick & Maslow
sky, 2S01 Q St. Bell South 1531, Ind.
Bowling Scores.
2d. 8d. Tot.
14 1x1 611
154 133 4f,7
113 147 476
Hall 1U
Chrlstenlan 170
Weeka 183
Totals 4U7 45 Ml 1,443
1st. 2d. Sd. Tot.
Young US il,S 1M 4.17
Harris 149 m 115 33
U. Julinson Uu 1J0 1
448 405
1st. 2d,
s;i 1.214
3d. Tot.
211 544
Winter ..
830 878
lxt. 2d.
144 Jf
, 13 129
lis 163
123 171
104 Ul
m 2.5S7
Nolan ...
Mann ...
Thomaa .
Totals 7U 830 811 2,n
Saturday Caadr.
Saturday we sell Allegrcttl's genuine
60c candy at 89c. One pound boxes. Satur
day only. Melcher Drug Co., 418 N. 24th.
Historical Society to Mm.
Members of the Houtb Omaha Histori
cal society are looking forward with In
terest to a program of development dur
ing the coming year. At a recent meeting
it was determined to hold the election
of officers on the last Tuesday ot Janu
ary. Early In February a banquet and
ruusicale is projected by the society.
Slaglc (It) Brlrfe.
The Youug Men's Independent club
miixl mivm t in ma li-. h
"Mannattan" Shirts Made exclusively for our selling,
Plain Negligee or Pleated Bosom. - Patterns you won't
see elsewhere here at $1.50
Suspender Sets Men's Lisle AVeb Suspenders pair
Arm Bands and pnir Garters to match, all in a Christ
mas box . . .' 50c
Men's Pure Silk Muf
flersreefer style, $2
to $4.00 grades
-y a"r
Twentieth and S streets, tomorrow even
ing. ,
Policeman Charles Morton Is on hla
annual viication.
Desk Sergeant William P. Corrigan haa
returned from u visit at Atlantic, la.
Gilbert Rolen, who was Mugged three
weeks ago, is Htlll In a bad condition.
W. E. Ball of David City Is visiting
with friends In the city for a few days.
Lrfrnt Gold watch, hunting case; finder
return to 13. N. Rembl, 2S24 F St.; re
ward. The condition of Frank Oolesal,
Twcnty-becond and N stretts, Is reported
Amanda Johnson, 13-year-old daughter
of Street Commissioner Uflorge Johnson,
is critically ill with pleurisy.
Phone Bell Bouth 80S Ind. F-18BS for a
case ot Jetter Gold Top. Prompt delivery
to any part oi tno city, wimam jetter.
St. Agnes court, Cathollo Order of
Foresters, will hold a meeting this even
ing at the Workman temple and elect
A DUblio Installation of the offloers
of South Omaha camp No. ill. Woodmen
of the World, will be hold on the night
of January 3.
The Sunday school department of the
First Baptist church will hold their
Xjnas exercises this evenknr at the
church. Twenty-fifth and H streets.
Mrs. K. A. Dearie of Mlddlessex. Eng
land, who iuus been it guest of her
brother, 1L J. Brooker. the last sevon
months, has returned to her home.
filled with gifts for men that they ap
preciate most. Look for the lighten
Christmas tree at 43U N. 24th Bt. M.
The members 'of the United Presby
terian Sunday school will give a Christ
mas cantata entitled "A Surprise for
Santa Claus," at the church, Twenty
third and J streets, thla evening.
At a meeting of the school board held
last night It was determined to allow the
teachers pay for this month. The war
rants can be obtained and cashed this
morning at the JUve Stock National
Eddie McOee, a negro charged with
the theft of $20 from Sadie Mltrhell of
&2A North Twenty-seventh street, was
caught yesterday morning at Atchison
Kan., on information furnished by the
local police. litfdie Is charged with tak
ing the money and Frenoh leave Wednes
day night.
President Does More
Christmas Shopping
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21-Preeldent Taft,
who began his Christmas shopping In
New York yesterday, made a trip through
the downtown section late today and
selected a number of gifts.
The president's objective, point was a
bookstore, but en route he spent some
time at a silversmith's, where he made
Beveral purchases. Ills advent Into the
shopping district Was made in the quiet
way in which Mr. Taft moves about the
streets of the capital and hundreds among
whom he went missed Keying him al
While in the store, a young army lieu
tenant. Intent on his examination of soma
editions do luxe, pushed against the presl
dent, oblivious of the fart that he waa
Jostling the commander-in-chief. Mr
Taft waa equally absorbed with Major
Uutt In selecting some volumes and failed
to observe the officer's presence.
The president confined his purchases to
standard works and let the "best sellers'
go by.
He returned to the White House shortly
after 6 o'clock.
Diamonds Stolen
From Man's Pocket
CHICAGO, Dec. 2L Report of a theft
of SU.tiOO worth of unset diamonds from
the wallet of a diamond broker was made
to' the police today. Samuel Scott, the
broker, told the police that he lost the
Jewnla Tuesday and believed that they
were taken from his pocket while 1 he
was playing pool In a downtown bll
lhird and pool hall.-
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Dec. 21. A flight
of more than ISO miles in a hydro-aero
plane wan completed when Harry N. At
mood, the Iioston aviator who left Point
of Pines, near Lynn, Mass., at 10:65 a. m.
alighted easily on the waters of Narra
eansett bay here at 1:40 p. m. At wood
claims his flUht exceeds by fifteen miles
the tent previous record in a machine of
Most "Givable"
Gifts for Hen
Neckwear Men's Christinas Aii&iik
w'e open-end Four-in-hands in
I'lfiuusi piiuii snaui's Hini sen uguit's,
each tio in a pretty Xmas box.. f0(
Silk Knit Ties Handsome silk Accord
eon Knit Ties, in plain colors and cross
stripes that look like $1.00 ties, spe
cial 50c
Xmaa Gloves A special lot of Men's
English Capeskin Gloves, out sewn
senms with one clasp Spear point
back nnd self stitching at ... . .$1.00
Xmaa Shirts 7usJt received. Beautiful
patterns and fine fabrics; plaiu negli
gee, pleated bosom and plain negligee,
separate collar to match, $1.50, $1
Men's Silk Hose put up
0 in a box, assorted
colors, 35c each 3
for $1.00
Crane Company Christmas Gift An
nounced by Officials.
Force ot Employes Includes Shipping-
Clerks, ' Packers, Book
keepers, Stenographers
and Others.
Fifty Omaha employes of tha Crane
company will receive aa Chrlstmaa gifts
10 per cent of their annual salaries. An
nouncement ot the gift, was made at the
Chicago offices yesterday, and It affects
2,000 employes of Chicago and the forty
one branch houses of the company. In
all $500,000 will be distributed.
The Omaha fore includes shipping
CHAS. STORZ distributor 1827 SHERMAN AYE
This big, roomy, day
light store is the quick
store for those in a hur
ry. Intelligent, painstak
ing service by a trior
oughly trained store or
ganization makes chopping
here easy no matter how
great the crowds. The
"what - to - give" problem
loses all its perplexity here.
Vou'ro sure to get vliat you
like and like what you get.
Men's and Women's
Pullman Slippers, new
soft sole styles, all
colors $2.00
Omaha's Largest and Dest Equipped Clothing Store
clerks, packers, stenographers, book
keepers and other employes under Vice
President R. B. Busch. The treasurer of
tha company Is J. P. Fetter. Other offi
cers are located in Chicago.
Gifts Ulren Annaally.
From 1900 to 1902, Inclusive, the yearly
presentation was fixed by the company
at 6 per cent ot annual pay, J8S.000 being
given away the first year. Since then
the number of employe has grown. Then
the amount- waa raised to 10 per cent
becauae the company found tha gift "pro
motes faithfulness, loyalty and efficiency
among employes and at the same time re
wards those qualities which promote and
Insure the success of the company," ac
cording to a statement Issued yesterday.
"Thla year's gift will bring the total
amount given to employes during the
thirteen years the plan haa been In
operation to M,7SO,000," said an official.
"Last year and this year the profits of
the company did not warrant tha gift.
Boys' Suits
(8L Overcoats
At a Reduction of
25 Per Cent
In our boys' department you will '
see on each table signs reading4 'Over
coats or Suits at 259o discount." You
walk right up to. these tables, select
the boy any suit or overcoat you liko
and deduct 257" off tno marked price--.
. . , i ? -1 i
tnat same marnea price is
low all others. All the models of a t'
dozen big children's tailoring houses make it
us to fit the boy to tho fraction of an inch.
Special values in Boys' Storm Shoes "Water and
snow proof; absolutely the best values in the city,
at .., $12.50, $300p $3.50
A line of very swell
neckwear for men,
worth 50c, here Satur
day 25c
Nevertheless It has and will be cheer
fully given."
The - gift money will bo paid In gold
coin and will be In a container with an
engraved card of appreciation by the
company. No conditions ai'ach to the
distribution. Each employe can spend
or save t the money aa he pleases.
OTTAWA, Kan.i Dec Il.-Bellevlng her
Ask Your Doctor
We have had seventy years of experience with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great confidence in it for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your
own doctor what experience he has had with it He knows. He can
advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with him. iJkJtFVZ?
aiwnys ue- l
Men's Initial Handker
chiefs, 6 packed neatly
in Xmaa box, 75c val-
brother dead because of a silence Of forty,
years, Mrs, Rebecca I'owera, wife ot a,
truck gardener here, was surprised today
to receive notice that by his death, which
occurred recently, she will receive tha
larger part of a fortune ot Her
brother was George Bennett, a newsboy;
of Chicago, and his estate, she states,
will be divided between Mrs. Powers and
a half-brother, Charles Lovett of Woos
ter, O.
Ker to the Situation Bee Advertising.
easy for
, liig ReUraa,
lit t vl im wkitili k ri&.