Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 14

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a' WalVUhaf w a Ml MAS'
Associated Charities Swamped with
Offer to Help Poor.
Ioniitlona (Vwne from n4nlde of
Cttrt While on Other Hand
Omahini Respond More
Ueneroanlr Than Erer.
"We are swamped with donations from
people who want to help somebody," says
Mis Ida V. Jonti if the Associated
Charities, i
"We have received checks from people.
In other states asking that money be used
to help those who would receive little or
no Christmas cheer. Omaha people have
Veen more than generous. They have
telephoned this office for names of needy
families and have even co-operated with
us ly going In search of those who
might have been ' overlooked."
A prominent business man went out on
Mich a mission. He found a family he
thought he could help. He telephoned the
Auunrintori rharltles and discovered the
amllv was listed for a basket of food
tilings Christmas day. "Just forget it,
said the business man. "I will take care
of them." And he did not wait until
Christmas, but went forthwith to a
grocery store and ordered a generous bill
sent around at once." "And I'll see that
they get more on Christmas day and
that the kiddies have some presents, too,"
lio said.
One man who has made much money In
business in the city, but does not make
a great display of charity, although he
Is godfather to many children, sent the
charities a fat check. "I have heard."
lie wrote, "that some of the old people
are about to be overlooked. Now, It you
need any more money Just let me know
and you'll get It." But there were so
many men like him that his offer to
Blve more had to be refused, as enough
had already 'been given,'
Help from Other Mates.
Over in Iowa is a famfly with relatives
In Omaha. These relatives do not ac
cept charity, but they are not always
ablo to drive the wolf from the door. Bo
the head of the family in Iowa mailed a
check to the Associated Charities and
-ioH hm to "make these people a
merry Christmas."
"jsee that 100 kids are given presents.
wrote one Omaha man and folded In the
letter was a check that made the Char
it ics gasp. Miss Jonti called him up by
telephone and asked if he had any prefer
encc or suggestions, but he did not, and
left the matter solely with the Charities.
A woman telephoned Miss Jonti from
l"ort Crook and said: "I want to do
something for somebody on Christmas
Can't you help me out. And my slater
also wants to help." Miss Jonti gave
them a list of families who would re
ceive no presents and the two good
women at once began their mission of
"It is so hard to find those who really
need something and whom you could
help on Christmas day," complained one
woman over the telephone. She was
given the names and addresses of some
poor people; and at once telephoned her
grocer that her account was open to
them and to see that they bought gen'
erously. ' . -
' Office Fore la Baas-.
MissJontz and the office force con
siHtlng of Miss Matilda Tost, 'Freda
T!mme, Miss Josephine Rnbden, Miss
Grace Parson and the volunteer helpers,
Mrs. If. Lloyd and her daughter, Miss
Lillian Lloyd, and the South. Omaha of'
flee. In charge of Miss Maud Cloud and
Mrs. M. Bourn and Mrs. Ellen Ffnch
lsavo been working night and day to
rack- the toys and the other gifts and
distribute them.
When Christmas Is over each donor
will receive a statement of Where the
money given waa spent and how and
where gifts were made. No needy family
will be greeted by old Santy more than
once as the various charitable organize.
'.on have prepared lists and compared
THK VIRGINIAN. Hv Owen Wlster.
'OS l'p. $1.50. The Macmlllan company.
A new Illustrated edition, which Is a
testimonial to the wide appeal of the
tory. The drawings are by Charles M.
Uussell and Frederick Remington, and
breathe the real atmosphere of the story.
JANE DAWSON. By Will N. Harben.
364 Tp. 11.30. Harper & Brothers.
Jane lawson injured In her youth by
a rich man who lives to match son ver
sus son with htm. The typical Georgia
urul community is here In all Its pio-
uresqueness and charm. The story Is
also one of that rare kind in which re-
iglous sentiment Is a real human factor.
Potter. 273 Pp. 1 .25. J. B. Llpplncott
In this breeiy, out-of-doors romance,
mysterious situation Is developed.
which holds the reader In suspense
and we arc kept wondering why Nell
.utphen, the charming heroine, should
be under an obligation of obedience to
Craig Schuyler, until we reach the un
usual climax of this stirring tale.
South Omaha Police
Think Dynamiters
Operated from There
Thomas Geary, 324 North Twenty-fifth
street, and the South Omaha police are
erseaded now that John J. MoNamara
and Ortle McManlgal, were In this vlcln
ity last March near or about the time
v)ien the county court bouse waa blown
Thi men who were in this city at the
timer jailed upon Geary and made ar-
ptenta wlth him for renting a store
1 at 324 North Twenty-sixth street
..the understanding that they were to
tver the 'place and see whether It
.tit for their purpose the two atran
g obtained the key of the place from
fie key was not returned and Geary
ifled the police, who made a careful
.tjrestlgatlou of the premises. Nothing In
rtniinatlng was discovered, though later
t waa said that an officer found a piece
K fuse and some oil paper in the place,
I'm, taken with the fact that the two
Hangers were said to have carried grips
nd that they worked for a night or two
in the place, has led to the suspicion
that MoNamara and , McManlgal may
have made South Omaha one of their
Local labor leaders, who are personally
acquainted with McNamara and McManl
gal, scout the Idea that the dynamiters
weia here last March or any other time
without the fact being known to some of
the labor men at least.
New Books
FLEECE. By W. E. R Du Bols. 414 Pp.
1.3d. A. C. McClurg Sc. Company.
The story la laid In the south and In
Washington, and not only shows the
struggles often against Impossible odds
of the negro who aspires to develop
his personality, but shows the economic
roots ot many ot the injustices which
stand between the negro and the open
sky of real freedom.
the book seem like a Mt of real life, where good prevails and every evil, fear
The "Healer" Is a brilliant doctor, who let-sly met. vanishes Into riothlnsness. "So
early progress among conventional con- Ion as you do not fear no harm can
dltlona has been Interrupted by passion's come to you" inspires the rrlnce to over
mistakes. Instead of seeking a hermTlaxe come the threatening dangers of the en-
ss In the olden time, he betakes himself chanted forest and restore a princess to
to the wilds, where he achieves a mys
tical reputation as a healer. An acci
dent to a young woman, whose half un
conscious appeal confutes the "Healer's"
savage conception of modern life, almost
persuades his return to civilisation. The
reaction of these two characters upon
each other, the arrival of the other
woman, and the final adjustment, make
the story one of deep Import.
Bv Ellraheth
B. Upplncott
Dejeans. 374 Pp. $1.25. J
A romance of modern American life
The scene is laid In the Cumberland
mountains, and the reader's Interest will
not flag from the moment ot the open
ing of the story, when Esther's call "Soo-come-lee!"
echoes over the mountains.
The author touches on some phases of
society of momentous Interest to women
and to men.
William L. Hill. M Pp. 1125. Rand
McNally & Company.
No child who has read this story need
fear the shadow on the wall, nor the
weird creatines that fly at night, for
the witch proves herself the boon com
panion of a little boy who went to bed.
her natural form.
ney lfferts. 125 Pp. Cupples A Leon
A volume of verses, rhymes and stories
for the children. Illustrated In color.
HOME. H. M. Caldwell A Co.
Short stories, rhymes and verses. Il
lustrated In color.
fnbe. 16s) Pp. 1.2. Rand, McNally A
Six fairy stories, the kind children de
light to read, make up this volume.
Peattle. 4 Pp. 1 .25. Band, McNally
& Company.
This quaint little girl finds no end of
revels nnd responsibilities in the old-
fashioned garden. There are mad-cap
pranks and earnest endeavors every child
will appreciate. '
R. Hope. 2ft Pp. $1.50. Dana Estea &
This Is an interesting tale of a little
Tyrole.e goatherd, who after being abused
and discharged by his master, started
out to see the world on his own hook.
He met many adventures along the road,
had frequent hairbreadth escapes and
finally arrived In London.
Fitch. 309 Pp. t25. Little, Brown &
Rollicking reminiscences of under
graduate days at Slwaah college, sup
posedly ' "half a day from Chicago by
parlor car." Fraternity Initiations, foot
ball coaching and gridiron contests, the
distressing results to undergraduates
of faculty interest in athletics, the seem
ing unreasonableness of the local police,
the various means by which college boys
relieve dull monotony and escape the
consequences, the world as it appears
to them before and after graduation, etc.,
afford Intensely funny stories.
Thomas Hughes. 376 Pp. $1.60. Harper
oc urotners. .
There is an introduction by W. D,
Howells, and the illustrations were made
at Rugby school by Louis Rhead.
HARRY. By John Preston True. 332
Pp. 11.50. Little, Brown ft Company.
The author narrates the adventures of
young Thomas Ludlow from the time
when he won his spurs at Bunker Hill
to his appointment to his first command
at the hands - of General Washington.
later on aeanng witn tils exploits as a
captain of scouts under Colonel Harry
Lee. '
THE HEALER. By Robert Herriclc
11.86. McMillan A Company.
Bomewnat unconventional in tone, its
logical development and conclusion make
CHATTERBOX FOR 1911. 412 Pp. 11.25.
Dana Estes A Company.
This volume contains about forty short
stories with Illustrations, anecdotes, nat
ural history papers, poetry and articles
of general Information.
good Grover. 80 Pp. 75 cents. Houghton-
Mirnin company.
The queen of the kitten country gives
a party in her palace to which she . in
vites all the cats and kittens. The guests
have many Interesting haps and mishaps
which are illustrated by two score di
verting photographs, many of them In
amusing costumes.
Baum. 240 Pp. 1.25. The Rellly-Brltton
The author takes the children on a
most exciting expedition through, the
ocean depths. Illustrated In color by
John R. Nelll.
Ham. Dana Orcutt. 131 l'p. SI. 60. Harper
& Brothers.
In this attractive book of fairy tales is
told how the Princess Kalllston, together
with the determination and perseverance
of Prince Bootes, overcame the evil ef
fects of the sun's Jealousy; how Pattlktna
and the Sea Maiden both learn the lesson
of contentment, and how Prince Otto wins
the Princess ot the Rainbow and learns
the secret ot the rainbow's colors.
LIGHT. By Ida M. Huntington. 167 Pp,
S1.2S. Rand, McNally ft Co.
Delight is a charming little girl who" at
her birth was presented by the fairies
with a pair of fairy spectacles, enabling
her to aee with understanding eyes the
wonders of nature..
Actor Folk to Have
, a Christmas Tree
E. L. Johnson, manager of the Oayety
theater, has arranged for the Oayety'l
yearly banquet and Christmas tree on
Christmas night at 11.30, Immediately fol
lowing the performance. The dinner will
be given by Moo Messing, representing
Gordon ft North, and manager of "The
Pnsslng Parade" and by the Uayety
Theater company. Tables will be set on
the stage and the hungriest bunch that
ever graced a festive feed will gather
about the board on the Oayety stage that
Ice Cutting Begins
Along the U. P. Lines
The Vnlon Pacific has commenced rut
ting loe at lAramle, Wyo., where eighty
men are given employment. The Ire Is
sixteen Inches In thickness and fifty car
loads per day are being harvested. The
t.aramln Ire Is stored along the Kana.
line, with a considerable quantity shipped
Into Denver and other Colorado points.
Fifty men have commenced cutting Ice
at Grand Island and Tuesday a big force
Is expected to go onto the lake at Goth
enburg, Neb., where several thousands of
tons of Ice that is now twelve inches
thick will be cut. A large portion ot
the Urand Island and Gothenburg Ice will
be distributed to the louses along the
Nebraska lines.
Alvln Smith and Henry Borsky, the two
chauffeurs who were Injured In an auto
mobile wreck at Eighteenth and leaven-
worth streets early Thursday, are slowly
recovering at the hospital. Borsky, who
suffered a slight scalp wound, will b
able to leave the hospital today.
Cured in One Day
A Jew doses of Mupyon's Cold Rem
edy will break up any cold and prevent
pneumonia. It relieves the head, throat
and lungs almost Instantly. Price a
renis it any oruggist s, or sent postpaid.
if you need Medical Advice write to
Munyon's Doctors. Thev will rif,,ii
diagnose your case and give you advice
by n.all absolutely free on any disease!
13d and Jefferson Bta.. Philadelphia, la.
TO :
Shaving and Saving
ore accomplished - at one
"" II-, . k V, ,
, i u-9f zr ix
tima by the man who uses
Gas Lamps
He saves time Or, the
light saves it for him.
lie saves money The con
sumption of Gas is low.
lie saves his temperWho
doesn't' lose it after
due to inability to see properly f
The type of lamp shown here costs complete,
Ornamental glassware at reasonable prices.
Rome-Made Dallydills Sunday Bee
Oyster Cocktail.
One tablespoonful lemon jutce, one
tableBpoonful Worcestershire sauce, two
tablespoonfuls tomato catsup, two table-
spoonfuls of grated riorserudish, one
teaspoonful salt, one-half teaspoonful
paprika, dash cayenne pepper. Mix all
the ingredients thoroughly together.
I "!J'NJJli Kim.
Julia Brown. 136 Pp. $1.25. Rand, Mc
Nally ft Co.
These stories present a fairy world
and other ills, dua to an inactive conai-
tioa of A Liver, Stomach and Bowels,
may ba obtained moat pleasantly and;
mast promptly by Ming Syrup of Fig
and Elixir of Senna. It is not a new
and m tried remedy, but b oacd by
millions of we&4nf onned Families through
out A world to clean and sweeten
and strength en tha system whenever
laxative remedy is needed.
When buying note tbo fuO name
of th Company California Fig Syrup
Co printed on every pockag f th
Regular prfc &0 per bot on mm only.
For aal by all leading drvgststa.
o Saves Life
in Sudden Plunge
Through Thin Air
FredV Gates, a negro, known as "Golden
(late," employed as a laborer on the new
Woodmen of the World building, saved
Mmself from certain death Thursday night
by grasping an Iron rod on the second
floor ot th building after he had fallen
two stories from a scaffold, which gave
way beneath him while he was workinc
on th fourth floor.
Gates, who bad bsen working on the
scaffold all afternoon, waa lowering it by
the hand pulleys about t-t o'clock, when
the .cabl broke and on end of the scaf
fold dropped. Gates shot downward, feet
first, and, as he was going by the nccund
I.OOr D9 nut)im m . wi tw wttiwt "
extending out over the side of the build
ing. He managed to hang on to the rod
until u fellow workman on the second
floor assisted him to safety.
From Winter
to Spring in a day.
Measured by the calender, Spring is months
away. Measured by the
Kansas City-Florida Special
spring is but a day away. This
splenaid through train will take
you from Kansas City to Jack
sonville in the 6hort time be
tween tonight and day-after to
morrow morning.
Your transition from winter to
spring will be pleasant, for the
time will be 6pent in a complete
Leave Kansas City, daily 6:15 p. m.
Arrives Memphis. " 8:15 a. m.
Arrives Birmingham..." 3:45 p. m.
Arrives Atlanta " 9:20 p. m.
Arrives Jacksonville ..." .7:40 a. m.
train of Electric Lighted
Pullman Sleepers, Fred Harvey
Diners.Electnc LightedCoaches
and Baggage Car. This is the
train that goes through by the
route of shortest distance and
quickest time the Frisco
Southern Railway.
His Sprmf In Florida now.
The air is balmy. Gull. tennis,
boating, bathing, fishing, mo
toriug are lo lull swing Uur.
- Train from points north and west msk good eotmeo
tloo la Kansas City with Ibis splendid new train.
For tickets, steering ear reserratloM, and a free copy ot a
beautiful book about Flo-lda, call oo or write
Frisco Ticket Office, Waldheim Building,
11th and Main Streets, Kansas City.
J.CLOVRIN,D.Tiaioa Passenger A gent, Kansas City
exclusive, excellent
eatures in
ew '
A few hints as to the delightful treat
which awaits you:
Christmas Girls
ti full page illustrated with photographs of
Omaha's pretty youngsters. ,
Hutt and Jeff
the inimitable characters that make Omaha roar.
New Year's Fun
Four pages jammed full of colored comic pictures
from the greatest living humorous pen-artists. -
At the Seat of Government
with the country's legislators a chronicle of the
latest work of congross.
la Foreign Lands
Carpenter, famous description writer, provides
another of his famous human-interest letters.
Lady Duff-Gordon
Greatest living creator of fashions, tells women
what they should wear to meet Fashion's latost
How to Retain Beauty
Mme. Cavalicri, most fajnous living beauty, gives
more of her wonderful helpful hints.
Many other timely, eiclusiyc features, and all ths news of all the world
The Omaha Sunday Bee, with more circulation
than all other Omaha Papers combined, brings
quickest, best and greatest returns to advertisers.
Break all January sales records by using .
It goes into the most Omaha homes
One paper in the home is worth two on the street
The Omaha
Key to lb itu4UonlJe Want Ads.