Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
PAGES 11 TO 20
Everybody reads
Tht Deo
mm ti i
Everything for Evsrybod)
Store Closed Monday. You must
Do Two Days Shopping Saturday
iLP Everything for Everybody
Christmas Flowers
All Chriitmas Flowers at
Special Prices
Holly Wreaths, 15c and 25c
Holly & Mistletoe, 10c bunch
Evergreen, 5c a yard
Christmas Candies
ROo haml rolled and hand rtlrrt
chocolates, ."wnrted flavors, 93o lb.
BSo shelled Knitllsh Walnuts, BOO lb.
i'f.0 Yankpn peanut brittle, ISo lb.
IRo to assorted chocolate ' l P ' I
nuts, 19o. Rpsolsl prlcss on all
Christmas mix. 4 eandlss.
for Everybody U
Prices on Christmas Goods Are Lower : You Will Be Served Quickly Here
lOOFurSets at$10
Many stocks are too larce--we must forte the selling:. If la
fcimpiy due to the late hour at which many shipments of goods joined
our Holiday displays. Many of the biggest orders for some unex
plalnable reason were delayed several weeks In the delivery.
So a. visit to Bennett's Saturday will reveal many a plaasant
surprise for wo have gone through all of the stocks and thrown out
on tables and counters odds and ends and surpluses at prices which
will surely move them this last day before Christmas. Begin In the
basement and go through the entire store there are bargains you
will want In every department.
Articles you considered just beyond your purse are now within
easy reach. The frfend you wanted to give a good present or none
at all, and finally decided to neglect, can now be considered 'again.
Admirable gifts can be secured at a small expenditure-if you come
to Bennett's Saturday.
And don't forget that the Btore will bo closed all day Monday
Christmas. Two days' shopping must be done In one.
Last-Minute Reminders
from the Men 's Store
Men's New Neckwear
i 1,000 dozen men's four-ln-hand ties
'Vurchosed especially for our Christmas
trade; all the newest patterns and color
ings with flowing ends or reversible ?, 5c to $1.00 each
Men's 60c silk four-ln-hand ties in Christmas boxes, 35c each or
3 for 11.00.
Fancy Knitted silk four-in-hands at $2.00 each.
Fancy silk four-in-hands with stick pins and buttons to match,
packed In Christmas boxes, 75c.
Fancy silk four-in-hands with tie pins and claBps to match, In
handsome Christmas boxes, 75c.
Other Wanted Men's Furnishings
3-plece combination sets; silk
hose, tie and handkerchiefs to
match in Christmas boxes; $1.50
and $2.00.
2- piece combination sets; silk
hose and tie to match, $1.00 and
3- piece combination sets; sus
penders, arm bands and garters
to match in Christmas boxes, 50c
and 75c.
Fancy suspenders in Christmas
boxes, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Guaranteed Shawknit hose four
pairs in a fancy Christmas box,
50c silk hose with lisle heels
and toes, 35c the pair."
Extra heavy silk hose, 50c to
Night robes and pajamas pur
chased for Christmas gift-giving,
$1.00 to $2.00.
Fancy $2.00 night robes are
specially priced for' Saturday at
Fine Jersey sweaters in navy,
grey and maroon, 79c to $2.00.
Men's and boys' wool sweater
coats, all colors, $1.00 to $4.1)0.
High grade coat shirts in all
the newest colorings and patterns,
i.u ,e of best percales and madras,
$1.00. $1.50 and $2.00. '
English seal fur caps for Christ
mas gifts, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00
each. "
Men's wool caps with fur lin
ing, 6Qc to $1.50. , i
. All the new shapes In men's
sort and stiff hats at $2.00, $2.50
and $3.00 which is considerably
less than you will pay In any other
store for hats of the same grade.
Men's imported beaver bats at
$3.00 to $4.50. -f
A 11 Men 's $3. SO Bath Robes, $2. SO
- Neatly trimmed smoking Jackets
In plain colors, exceptional quali
ties, $4.95 and $5.95.
A large line of new fancy vesta
in flannel and washable fabrics,
all the most popular colorings and
patterns, at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00
and $3.50.
We made a special purchase a
short time since which allows us
to sell you the newest bath robes
at these marvelous reductions
$3.50 values at $2.50; $5.00 val
ues at $3.03; $6.00 and $6.50
values at 81.05; and $7.00 and
$7.50 values at .$5.05.
Also there are reduced prices on our entire stock of fur coats.
Rare Christmas Bargains in the Boys' Store
All suits and ovewoats worth $8.60 to $10.00, Saturday, $6.75.
All suits and overcoats worth 0.00 to $7.50, Saturday, $4.03.
All suits and overcoats now sold at $5.00, Saturday, $3.05.
A big lot of suits and overcoats worth to $1.00, Saturday, divided
into three lots and priced at $2.08, $2.45 and $1.08.
Hoys' extra trousers up to $1.50, Saturday, 50c and 75c.
Children's all wool rompers in
fast plain blue and gray colors,
regular $1.00 values at 75c.
Knitted toques, fur lined and
fur caps; all sizes and styles at
25c to $1.75.
Very elaborately trimmed Indian
play suits in sizes from 4 to 12
years inclusive, $1.00 and $1.50.
Hoys' nobby felt hats in tele
scope styles; all colors, $1.00,
si. 25 and ?1.50 each.
Hoys' pajamas, pretty colors and patterns, all sizes, 75c, $1.25, $1.50.
Christmas Memories are Cherished
Longest by those Who Get a Kodak
And the Christmas story is better told when illustrated with a
Kodak. So at the last minute, we suggest a Kodak. There's a model
here for almost every age and a price that suits every purse all the
way from the little $1.00 Brownies up to the finest specially equipped
machines at $100.00.
We will be p'eased to explain clearly and simply their various
.points of excellence and it will be our pleasure
to assist the recipient In every possible way
after Christmas has passed.
Here's how the famous little Brownles ure priced:
The Brownie No. 2 for 2 1-4
x31-4 pictures, $2.00.
Brownie No. 2A for 2 1-2
x4 1-4 pictures, $3.00 each.
The Brownie No. Three for
3 1-4x4 1-4 pictures, $4.00.
We fclso carry a coiiij iBie stock of Eastman films, papera and Kodak sundries.
All Dolls at Half Price
This moans that Saturday you can pot any doll in our hip
stook for exactly n half of its fonnor soiling ju-ioe -dressed
dolls, kid dolls, bisque dolls, celluloid dolls, wool dolls, etc.
The Entire Stock of Toys Must Be Closed Out Saturday.
Here's Evidence That We Mean What We Say.
All OUc mechanical toys go at 25c.
All 50c tin dishes c;o nt L'5e.
AJ1 magic lanterns, moving picture machines nt Half Trice.
All horses and wagons and animals at Half Price.
All china dishes and tea sets at Half Price.
Printing presses, trick boxes, games, soldiers, guns, fire
men's suits, etc., nt Half Price.
And many other things we haven't the room to mention
are underpriced.
Flyer Sleds
The only genuine Flex
ible Flyer sleds are priced,
for Saturday, as follows:
No. One size, $1.08.
' No. Two Bizt $2.50.
No. Throe size, $2.0N.
Hoys' Black Beauty
coaster sleds, $1.50.
Cloves for Men and Wo
men. Buy a Glove Certificate
if You Don't Know the Size.
Women's excellent qualfty P. K. sewn
kM gloves of the famed Fowne make;
a'l the staple shades and black and
white; J1.50 value, Saturday, $1.19 pair.
Women's silk lined Kloves In black,
brown and Kiav;- mannish In appearance
and made for service; $1.50 the pair.
Men's silk lined mocha Rloves In
browns and grays; very dressy and at
hp same time warm and comfortable;
11.60 the pair.
Men's fleece lined aloves made from
spclally selected skins, warm and ex
tremely durable: choice of various shades
of tan at $100 the pair.
Men's fur gloves of every stvle and
skin that Is reliable, $2.50 to $10.(0 the
pair as the quality warranto.
Women's Hosiery for Gifts
Women's silk hose with lisle tons and
soles; an extra heavy quality full regu
lar made, fast black. $1.50 the pair.
Women's 14-inch Hllk boot hose with
llHle garter tops, full seamless and fast
black, all sizes, 50o the pair.
Women's full regular made fast black
mercerized hose that looks like silk and
feels like silk but wears much bptter,
Hoc the pair or three pairs for $1.00.
Handkerchiefs Special Vol
I ues from Among Hundreds
Women's hand embroidered pure Irish
linen handkerchiefs, 15c each.
, Women's pure Irish linen handkerchiefs
In all of the newest and most wanted de
signs, a regular fiuc quality at 35c each
or three for $1.00.
Men's extra heavy pure Irish linen
handkerchiefs with neatly embroidered
Initials an unusual bargain at vmc each.
Mens pure Irish linen handkerchiefs
of a very superior grade, have neatly
embroidered Initials, 2io each or $1.40the
box of six.
Slippers Walk Out Saturday
Underpricing to Help Them Along-All Kinds
Suitable for Gift-Giving
All of our Men's $2.50 slippers, Saturday, $1.08 the pair.
All of our men's $2.00 slippers, Saturday, $1.48 the pair.
500 pairs men's black and tan slippers at 08c the pair.
One lot of women's fine slippers at $1.25 the pair.
Misses' and children's high-top pony and Jockoy boots have
either red or black tops as deslredt-'aturday
Sizes ll)a to 2, $:1.50 values at $2.75 the pair.
Sles M to 11, $3.0o values at $2.50 the pair.
Sizes 5H to 8, $2.75 values at $2.25 the pair.
... Jot of mlssss and children's patent colt button shoes
with cloth tops and turned soles; very best styles for dress wear,
regularly selling at $2.60 the pair, Saturday, SI.4H.
Rubbers for Men, Women and Children
...,..Tno ''.e8t Btock, f rubbers In the city, for men, women and
children, In to he found In our shoe store. Maxlmuii' of value,
too. A pair may save a big doctor bill.
The Immense Sales of the Past Few Weeks
Have Given Us Opportunity to Bring Forward
Some New Lines of Books in the Book Store,
And although we haven't the room to list them here vou
know from past experience you always find the largest and best
stock here. Everything properly arranged for quick choosing
and service. a
Also there are dressings of all kinds In the stationery dnpart-
Heal", tags, cards, etc. And possibly you will
$17.50 to $19.50 Values
This is the opportunity you have been waiting for
a sale of fine fur sets at prices that would be reasonable
in an end-of-the-soason sale. The sets included in this
wonderful Saturday sale that will now enable you to
send furs when you thought you would have to give up
in- uifn mo inane ui sincny rename inhik ana uruwn i-oney, iibib
ntld tmltnflnn hlaclr Ivnv TtiA ttnili.nUrn. mav Ha hn1 In invnrfll i
largo ana medium styles wnne me nuins are, ior me most, part,
of the large pillow kind. Borne are trimmed with silk ornaments
and the others are plain. Lined with high grade satins.
500 Silk and Satin Kimonos at
$4.90 and $6.90
Choicest patterns in medium, largo and small de
signs and a most beautiful range of colorings. They
are made up in the latest and prettiest kimono fashions,
worth from $7.50 to $15.00. Saturday, whilo they last,
in two lots at $t.W) ami $0.90 for your choice.
, -Hsu
mi &
i I jw
x '...t Sv--'
;t . ..."':""" luunmni pen to sena to some
frlend-$2.60, $3.50, $4.00. $5.00, $6.00 and ud.
7ft "Lai. Fiction" count tr hat been heavily reinforced
with new arrival, of the bett teller., white the gifTbooh
section is filled with timely worht for all.
tSave 10 to 25 Per
Cent On Jewelry
There will bo absolutely no reservations in the lines ad-'
vertised-every item will go nt the reduction quoted. Stocks
are larger this year than ever before, nffording a range for
selection that will please the most fastidious and particular,
All Watches, Diamonds, Diamond Jewelry and Sterling
Silver Goods Are Offered at the Extra Special Discount .
of Ten Per Cent on the Entire Line You Are Privi
leged to Choose from the Lowest to the Highest Priced.
25 Per Cent Discount on Ornamental Clocks of Goldj.'
Silver, Bronzed nnd Oxidized Metals.
20 Per Cent Discount on all Wm, Rogers Flat Silver
wnrp-Tenspoons, Tablespoons, Knives, Forks, Etc.
10 Per Cent Discount on all Hollow Silverware, Includ
ing Our Very Highest Grade Quadruplo Plate.
20 Per Cent Discount on all Gold Filled and Solid Gold Jewelry,
such os Rings, Bracelets, Brooches, Stick Pins, Cuff Links, Chains'
for Men and Women, Lockets, La Vallleres, Etc.
The shelves and tables devoted
raphy, religion, poetry, wit, music, and
complete In their class.
1,000 Alger books, for boys, that publishers sell
uiuny, .UIUIIIQB Kir IDC
to books, on travel, blog
d other things are eauallv
t 60o, Sat-
boxed 50c l,M"11" woras in pauued leather bindings, all
.nMaie con,taln,n?, big variety of children's books, worth
up to 3oc the volume. Saturday, choice, 10c.
Useful and Handsome Presents for All
in Our Hardware Store
Coffee percolators, baking dishes of copper and nickel, cas
seroles and ramikins In silver holders, steak planks, fancy
trays, etc., at 15 per cent off t,he regular prices.
IVo o'clock teas In brass, copper and
nickel finishes at 25 per cent discount
COc pocket knives at 25c.
$1.50 razors at 69c.
uuit-ii. sulci; razors, id 10 fb.ou.
Diamond Edge, lenders and Star
- saieiy razors, ll.uu.
12.50 U. S. Club hockey skates,
j Miot guns ana shells at 20 per cent
; discount.
W une lot or chafing dishes worth ud
to $8.00, Saturday $3.50.
Complete lines of aluminum cooking
uieusiis, baiuraay only, at 20 per cent
Base burners, heaters and ranges will
per cent reduction Saturday.
iv" iV. I I W 'IV
a 10
Several of Those
Electroliers are
Seeking Owners
We told you how they were de
layed In transit In yesterday's
papers and how, because of the
lateness of the hour and the fact
that Christmas shopping is practi
cally over, it was neceosury for
ua to offer them at
Christmas 1
This Christmas we have
been offering the great
est umbrella values In our
history. For example
pure silk covered umbrel
las with sterling silver or
14-kurat gold detachable
handles only
In the Jewelry
Annex We Have
Displayed a
Lot of Jewelry
Novelties Suitable
for Christmas
Gifts at
25c, 50c and$l
Hand Bags
Hand bags make an ideal
Christmas gift for a
woman, and for Satur
day we offer one lot of
novelty hand bags and
beaded tapestry and vel
vet bags, worth from
$15.00 to $40.00 each, at
Half Price
be subject to
There are tdxteen different styles
In Colonial and Kiuplre brass finishes
and you will find them displayed on
npeclal tables set aside fair the
Selling prices are $8-95 to S17.B5
which is exactly one-half of their
true value.
How Long Has It Been
Since You Gave Your Wife
a Box of Perfume?
Saturday we will dispose of
all of our boxed perfumes at a
third less than the regular prices,
this means you get a $1.00 box for
7c, a 75c box for 50c and a 50c box
for 34c.
Other Specials Are '
75c Azurea toilet water at 65c
$1.50 La Trefle and Azurea toilet
water at 91.UO
$2.00, 4-pIece manicure sets at $1.09
75c buffers at lt!)c
Powder and Jewel cases, worth up to
$7.50, whilo they last Off
$1.00 rosewood back clothes brushes
for 70c
$1.50 Pyrolln hair brushes 75c
Large 15c chamois skin 10c
$3.00 natural ebony military brushes
for .2.25
$1.00 Azurea and La Trefle face
powder 85c
EOc Pebeco tooth paste 30c
Isabell's 50c face powder :)t)c
15c bottle Antlchap 12c
Pond's 25c vanishing cream 10c
Mahogany Rockers, Like the
Illustration, $4.75
Beautiful In design and solidly made,
they will carry the true spirit of practical
gift-glvlug Into any home. Have comfort
able saddle seats and" are of the r
correct proportions throughout.
Sewing Rockers at $2.75
A most excellent $3.50 value
made of quarter sawed golden oak
and specially priced for Saturday
only at $2.75 each. Very comfort
able; made In the finest manner.
$2 Book Racks, $1.25
inese book racks and troughs are made
or weathered oak and are quite the thing
for the den or library table. They are
gifts any person of a literary turn of mind
wui appreciate.
Foot Stools
$1.75. weathered oak
foot otonls with uphol
stered leather tops, full
nine Inches high nnd
measuring 10 H X 1 4 V -Inch
at the tp, will be placed
on sale for Saturday only
at 88o each.
Pure Food Extras
Don't forget that there Is an extra day's shopping
to do this week, for the'store will be closed all day
next Monday on account of Christmas.
We are headquarters for
lb., 860, 900,
30o, 32o sad 34o
24-lb. sack "gueen of l'an
try" pastry flour and 40
stamps $1.83
liennelt's Excelsior flour
special offer of a sa k
at l.M
Hennett's best coffee and 20
stumps, per lb 35o
8 lbs. Hennett's best coffee
nnd 60 stamps 11.00
AHNorted teas and '(;"
stamps, per lb 68a
Assorted teas and o
stamp".' per lb 48o
Tea slftlngs and 10 stamps,
per lb 15o
Sweet Cider, gallon ... .860
40c Jar olives stuffed with
almonds 300
Snldor's chile sauce and 10
stamps, bottle 38o
Hennett's Capitol extracts
and L'O stall ps, bottle. 18o
2-lb. pkgs. Hennett's Capitol
oats and pancake flour
ami 10 stamps loo
Virglna Swlhs cheese and
10 stamps, per lb 85o
Full cream cheese and 10
tamps, per lb 80o
2 cans hulled beans with
chicken and .to st'ps, a So
3 pkgs. Hennett's Capitol
mlnceriiest A 10 st'ps, 85o
2 cans Country Gentleman
corn and 10 stamps... 86a
2 cans Hennett's Capitol
whole tomatoes and in
stamps S6o
2 pkits. seeded raisins ami
10 stamps 25o
Medium bottle C.alllard'tt
olive oil and 60 st'ps, 45c
6&c bottle Imllilet's mar
aschino cherries 45a
llHtuvta aspaiflKus tips ami
10 stamps, can 8 So
2 cans Hennett's Cupitil
lifted early June peus ami
10 stiiinpH for 86a
Hnlder's salad dressing mnl
10 stumps, per bottle. 86o
Diamond Crystal table salt
and 10 stumps. suck.,10o
40c bottle Queen olives
stuffed with olives or al
n on ils 30a
Ckmo and maple butter and
20 stamps, Jar 8So
2 cans shrimp and 10
stamps 86o
Candled peel, assorted, and
10 stamps, per lb 8 So
Nuts, Oranges, Figs, Dates and
Vegetables for the Christ'
mas Dinner
Choice mixed nuts, lb. 15c
Kxtra fancy lingllsh wal
nuts, per lb -Oc
Fancy dates, per lb., 10c
California Mission figs,
something new, 1-1 b.
brick for l!Oc
Seven Crown flRs, lb., liOc
3 large Florida grape
fruit 25c
2 quarts Cape Cod cran
berries if 5c
Fancy Sunk 1st navel or
anges, sweet and Juicy,
at, per dozen r
25c values, for....2k
35c values, for....2.V
40c values, for. . . .:
45c values, for....;i5c
Ten S. & H. Green
Trading Stamps with each
3 large bunches lettuce
for 10c
3,000 lbs 1 Ql
Fancy Geese 1 Ql
at IO2C
Young Chick- 111
ens at ... . II2C
Pork Loins ...... 101,.
Pork Roast . .'. .v. .T7f
Pork Butts 10
Pot Roast, sy2o and 7i
Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs.-
for 25
Hamburger, 3 lbs. ..25
Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. 25c
Lamb Stew 41
Lamb Legs 9
Skinned Hams, lb. 12-
Lean Bacon 18Vc
Cudahy's Diamond C
Bacon 22V2C
10-lb. pkg. Leaf Lard $1
7eal Stew 514c
From 8 to 10 P. M.
vork Chops 9r
r -
$9.98 Fine Ostrich Trimmed Hats $9.98
. . . . .. -
,inis extra special sale ot tine velour hats, trimmed with two beautiful willow plumes, is for Saturday filK
onlv and because there is nnr verv mnnv in the Int we rmir pnminit no or1,r oo noc.;kis Tu c ..i i AtV m
fCJLn and sme establishments would charge as much for the shape as we arc asking for the entire hat and willow plume trimming. In MSh 4ll
fa.ct, each plume is worth nearly what the entire hat will cost you if you get here in time Saturday to secure one of these bargains. rJ
Saturday You Can titty Any ot Uur Guaranteed Willow Plumes, French Plumes, Bird nf
I Paradise and Aigrettes at Exactly Half Price- Which sum will be deducted at time of purchase
fiim exU0 diamnds a woman loves a Willow Plume and this is the only store in Omaha that guarantees Wil
IhTk low Plumes. Every Plume packed in a handsome Christmas box and accompanied'by our written guarantee