Si nn: V.KE: OMAHA. Fill DA V. PECEMREK 22. 1011. SURVEYORS FIX BOUNDARIES kickaid Introduces Eill for Fundi ; to Continue Work. MANY DISPUTES ARE SETTLED Hara Trn.hU In lttj District ; Arlalna from I ncrrtnlnty nt ! Mark Will lip Hvlafel If This Work la llanr, I fr'rnm a Stuff Cor rep purulent 1 WASH INOTON, Dec II. -(Special Tele gram.) f'tmf uiiitin over tin- location of boundary linen of the ulllr liiml !n Congressman Klnkald district lias n the member from the Klxth lo Introduce hill In the (inure today to appropriate t!O.W for a re-survey nt such lands. Mr. Klnkald Raid the rnraiiro had thr tacit approval of the Interior; department, which recosnliea th necessity for the re aurvey cnntcmplntcd. Nearly M.0u0 a expended In this manner last summer unler an appropria tion secured by Congressman Klnkald, and five corps of purveyor ppent monthi In the, field completing purvey under the tllrertlon of N. I! Hweltrer, suiwrlnten dent of the purvey division of the land office. The mnklnc of thepe survey wa suggested by Mr. Fweltser, to whom great credit la due, as Mr. Klnkald my. Will Meatore Mae. Thtre are In all letween l) and 170 township In the Sixth Nebraska district whlth It In Intended to re-survey und-r tlx provision of the present bill, snd twelve corn of purveyor will be pluced In the field If the appropriation I made, nt Mr. Klnkald believe It will he. Much trouble now '-llng over the uncertainty of boundary line will be obviated by thepe re-purvey, aurti a law ult over the location of the fence, pettier' borne and other building, etc. "It 1 to be clearly understood," ald Mr, Klnkald, "that the re-urvey will cause tie chance In beundarle. but will pimply restore the monument marking; the original purvey under the supervision of disinterested official expert." Kearaaku I'Mtmaittra, . The 'senate today confirmed the follow. Ing appointment of postmaster In Nebraska: Carl A. Anderson, Waupa; Ethel Hop Kins, Oakland; Clayton Kellam, Franklin; U. II. Mack, Ilancrofl; rieth W. Wilson. Wood River; Ilobert J. Marsh, O'Neill. ) ilron aa Mesaeaje. Commenting; on the president's message on the wool schedule, Hcnator Drown tjald: "The message la good and strong. It Wrings home to the country and to con lire the fact that the wool schedule of the tariff law In to be revised downward, tfnd that the revision will be based on t)i facts a ascertained by a nonperll xkn board of expert. 1 do not believe the politician In congress will be able tp defeat the recommendation of tne jfresldent for lower duties In accorogtive vjith the facta reported by the board." j Vlrat lastallmeat Deferred. ! Senator Norrla Urown In reply to his endorsement ot the North Platte Valley "yvater t'ser' association' contract sug aieaied by them to the Department of the Jiiterior, ha been advised by the depart tent' (hat the dratt of publlo notice I now under consideration by the depart ment, which, If Issued, will defer the time when the first Installment becomes due fur th6 land Heretofore opened to Irrigation under the aald project and will aviso permit payments to be made in graduated Installments. . New Postal Savlus Ileaks. 'Postal saving bank will be estab lished January IT aa follows; Nebraska Grant, Hhelby, Utlca. towa Delta, riednck, inline Springs, Linton, isooi. tKiutn Dakota Oeddes, Leola, Montrose1. ' Wyoming Encampment. The following poatofflces will be be come presidential on January 1 and the salaries postmaster will receive will be a follows: Ulgston City, 8. D , $1,1U0; liabel, a I)., li.aui; "Menno. 8. D., ll.WO; Newell, 8. U., gl.tot); Timber bake, B. D., 1.J00; Vlborg. 8. D., ll.SuO; Wolsey, ll.OOu. Thomas W. lilackburn ot Omaha wa in (he senate galleries to hear the dis cussion on the Russian treaty. Mr. lilackburn, who has been In Annapolis lo ere his son In the naval academy, left last evening for Omaha. ' Government Files Suit to Dissolve Wa tch Case Trust PHILADELPHIA. Dev. 21,-The federal government late today filed suit la the United Htatea circuit court against the Keystone Watch Case company, declar ing It an unluwful combination In viola tion of the Sherman anti-trust act, and asking' eh st' twee restrained from carrying tn an' alHtVl monopoly In the manufac ture and sal of watch cues. The government declares that the com-I-any now "manufacture and sells U er cent of all watch cases manufactured and sold in the l.'ulted Stale," and that It la the "Intent and purpose of the defendant that the company shall monopolise the re mainder of the trade." lit addition to the Keystone Watch Case company, a Pennsylvania coriKiratlon. In dividual defendant named In the bill are; Theodore riurbrugg f Klverside, N. J., until recently president of ths company; Caleb V. Vox. Philadelphia. fvting presi dent; Kdward T. ftnU-elmry. Philadelphia, y)w president; John J. Mueller, Phila delphia, secretary; Charles II. Fogg, I'hilnd.-lplila, treasurer: 1". II. Kaln. ITIludelphla. assistant treasurer, and Irv li) MiUlh. New Yoik. a director. I" Defendants have also urged cuinpetl tr to sell their plants and business to tie Keystone company," the bill adds, "IhieatriiiiiK them with destruction pkould they refuse to do so, and have 'flared their Intention of acquiring the leinalnder ot the trade and commerce In watch rapes and have asserted that they Would spend II. 00. (AO If necessary to drive eome of ttst larger of Its rompelltors out of buainees. and that defendant would I kng crepe on the doors of such com petitors' factories' .The bill prays that the acqu'i'tl.m of xailous companlea. and the contracts entered Into be adjudged unlasful; that tile combination be disintegrated; that It 1 restrained from continuing It munopo l lt.c method and that Jobber be unre strained In their desire to handle all kinds of goods. MINNESOTA AND MONTANA j WIN CUPS AT LAND SHOW ST. PACK Dec n. Minnesota today t.a awaided the silver trophy cup of fered by the ft. fg ul Aasoclatlon of Com--mere for the most comprehensive atate etblbit at the Northwestern Products how. Tb announcement wa mad by tse management after tb Judges had rnt petrral days making comparisons. Montsi.a Ui the saeepstakes trupby V cup fur the largest and the best exhibit of products from any one ptte. The cup we originally intended lo go to one state making the "bpst display. Judged on quaMty of samples, arrange inent and the chenslve character of the exhibits." Guaranty Fund Law May Relieve Banks of Giving County Bonds fc EA TRICK. Neh.. Dee. 21.-Specal Telegram. I The former' Hiate hank of I'lckrell last evening brought mandamus proceedings against the Hoard of Ruber vlror to compel them lo deKnate the bank as a depository for county fund. The potltlon sets forth that the Pickreil bank has compiled with all 1 tie provisions of the statute and that the application a a depository map rejected by the county loard on the ground that the tte require a bank to put up a bond for the security of deposit of public money. The petition further a"t forth that the bank ha paid Its lvy to the depositor' guarantee fund a required by the Plate banking hoard under (he law. The case I set for hearing Peeember ?. Steamship Trust Must Stand Trial NKW rOTlK. Deo. "l.-The. full bench of the I'nlted State circuit cotnt today overruled the demurrer Interposed by the Hamburg-American Steamship com pany and other trana-atlanttn lines which form the "Atlantic conference" against the government's suit for their dissolu tion. The government's contention I that the "conference" Is by reason of an alleged pooling agreement on passenger rates, a trust In restraint of trtiriu and an In junction I asked to restrain the coin pa nle from further execution of the agree ment. The demurrer alleged want of equity In the government's petition and followed closely the petitions In the Tobacco and Standard Oil case auptalned by the I'nlted States aupreme court In the "light of reason" and under the "rule of rea son." Judge Nnyes, who read the opinion, aid the transportation of paeseng'er between the United State and , Europe formed part of the commerce of the l.'nlted State with foreign nations and that congress had the power to pro hibit all contracts, combination and conspiracies In restraint of the for elgn commerce of the country. He de clared that the agreement between the companies affected foreign commerce, because Its operation must divert a part thereof from the natural channel of free competition Into fixed channel. , Financial Districts Fixed by Commission WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Tha National Monetary commission today decided the general outline of the fifteen districts Into which the United State would be divided ynder tha Aldrlch plan of finan cial reform. , ..i " . , In the sectional arrsngenient of, districts It 1 declared apeclal consideration j was given to the Interest of - the mailer banks. In order to gratify the popular demand agalnat'any possibility of th,e big.' Influential bank getting control ot the propoaed National Keaerv associa tion, thirty ot whose forty-five director would be elected by the districts. Under tha division agreed upon New Kngland would constitute one district; the eastern state, two; the aouth. four; the middle weel, four, and the Pacific coast state, four. One-fifth of the banking power of the nation la concentrated In New York, but It I pointed OUt that all tha eastern states will form only two districts. Th I regarded a advantageous to the mailer bank and out of proportion to the Invested capital of the east. ' JOSEPH DEWEY CHARGED WITH KIDNAPING CHILD nox'KWEUi CITY. la.. Dec. a.-tHpe-clal Telegram. -Joeph Dewey and a party representing himself to be an of ficer from New Mexico are under arrest and will answer to a charge of kidnaping. The Dewey formerly lived In this county and removed to New Mexico some month ago. Mr. Dewey began ault gainst - her husband for a divorce charging criminal . and inhuman treat ment. " ' After beginning the' action in New Mex ico, Mra, Iiewey brought the two chil dren back here. Soon afterward Dewey came here and filed Information aaalnst hia wife and had her examined by the Insanity commission. Palling to succeed in havm' ber sent lo Cherokee, Dewey returned to New Mexico. Last night abovt It o'clock Dewey, ac- cu,mpaiud by a man declaring himself to be an officer, appeared at the home of A. N. Sumner, j southeast of Rockwell City, wlio fa an uncle ot Mra. Dewey and where she ha been Staying, appearing to have aa .order of court for the custody or tno two children, and took them aaay. Mr. Dewey Insisted upon going with them. After they hud left the Sumner home an attempt was made to telephone to town to notify the officers of what had happened and It was found that the telephone wires had been cut. The slier Iff wua finally reached and he started In aearch' of the party, which was located this forenoon at Jefferson. Upon order of Sheilff Wheeler the two men were arrested and they will be brougnt here. CUMMINS AND COCKRAN GIVE VIEWS ON SIMILAR SUBJECTS CHICAGO. Dec. Sl.-W. Hurke Coch ran, and 1 nlted rUales Hen;or Albert n Cummins, addressing different gathering here toiilght agreed In stout defense nt the Kherman anti-trust law, but without knowing of the nature of each others' dls. ruMilons, touched on many common mb- Jects from diametrically opposed ana-lea Cochran wanted no changes In Hie Sherman law, no new legal means of ad Justing buslnops; ho criticised the supreme court of the I'nlted mates for its attempt at licensing business, saying It wa too definite In Its leniency toward "trusts.' Cummins would change Kherman law; he would revise the ctatutea gov ernlng commerce and hi criticism of the supreme court was that 'It rendered the law vague, harming tho business man be cause It did not concisely tell him a hen he a a a laa breaker." v The Yellow Peril. Jaundice malsrta biliousness, vanish whan lr. King's New Uf rills are taken. tay. safe, gusranteed.' 'Ac. l'or sal by beaton lrug Co. INSURANCE MEN AT OUTS Efforts to Consolidate Atlas tnd Anchor Companies the Cause. BIO INCORPORATION FEE FILED Consolidation of Minneapolis A St. I.oela nllh Iowa t rslral llrlna In Uoodly am to trite of Iowa. ( I'roin a Staff Con pondent.) DKH MolNKH. la.. Dec. M. (9pclal Telegram.) The effort of stockholder of the. Atlas and Anchor Insurance compa nies, both of Hit city,' to effect a con solidation, I now up to the iitate Insur ance department. The officials have got Into a tangle over the matter and are divided so that It Is possible they will have to go Into court for an accounting. John D. Perry, president of the Atlas company, refused to sanction the merger. The ptochhnidnrs deposed him and elected K. O. Driner of NewhalU la.. In his place. State Auditor Hleakley heard the contending parties today. Ilia Incorporation Fee. tThe state received a fee of S1!,S00 today In one check from Oeorge W. Heaver. ttorney for the Minneapolis A St. I -oil Is railroad, who filed an amendment to In corporation paper Increasing the capital stock by 112.500,000. This Is the tar-rent fee received by the state thl yesr. The Increase Is made In iiccord with tha merger of the Minneapolis and the Iowa Central. lleeve Arrested In Ilea Molars. A man, giving his name a John Wil son was picked up by officers, and the chief ot detectives Identified him a Cleorge K. Iteeve. a mm wanted by the Minneapolis police for safe blowing. The man also ha a record, having served term In both the South Dakota and MIsourt penitentiary for safe cracking. When confronted with hi picture thl morning he merely said, "It look Ilk mo, doesn't It?" Otherwise he was non committal. Reads- to Com ale te .Merger. Attorney Oeorge W. Seever for the Minneapolis ft St. Louis and the Iowa Central railroad today stated here that the detail for the merger of these com panies are now complete and the stock holder of both railroad have all agreed to the term of the exchange of stock. In the end all stockholder of the Iowa Central will have received stock of the Minneapolis railroad. Mr. Seevera, In or der to complete the preparation, today filed an amendment to the article for the Minneapolis & St. Ixul Increasing the capital to t,00n,ooo. The Minneapolis today took over the actual operation of tha Iowa Central, at oreeeat under lease, but which will become an actual merger In due time. -es Creamery Cosnpaay. There waa filed with the secretary ot state today the artlclea for the Northern est I'olnt Creamery company of Greene, Butler county, with $2,600 capital. j ne Bpringviiie Savings bank filed ar ticle increasing capital tock from U,000 to $25,000. The W. C. Davenport com pany of Bloux City filed with S10.0C1 can- Hal. Preventive Medlrlae Fratared. In the forthcoming bulletin of the Iowa State Board of Health Secretary Sumner I preparing to make a apeclal feature of preventive medicine, and will discuss the varlou step which may be taken by the public to prevent epidemic. There hag been no aerloua epidemic in Iowa thl season, hut the atate board la taking tep to prevent any danger of that kind. ' Conclasloa of Coafereaee. Tha state conference of head of Insti tutions came to a conclusion thl after noon. The attendance was larger than uul. The feature of the meeting wa an addres' by pr. Rogers, head of a state institution for feeble minded at Faribault, ' Minn., formerly of Olenwood, who allowed what Is being done In various state In the direction ot study of hered ity In Ynatt'er of crime and defective Intellect. It I probable that the Iowa board will ask for an appropriation to carry on some of this work here. Find Joker In fcow Law. The railroad commission and commerce counsel fur the state have under con sideration the meaning of a new law which wa prepared for the purpose of granting larger power to the state In de fining a "switching set-vice" on the rall roada, and It la represented that the bill was the victim of a Joker which changed Its entire purpose so that ths commission has absolutely no authority to deflno a switching service. Arguments have been made to the commission by the attorney on both aides. The railroads contend that Instead nt enlarging the power of the commission, the law aa passed, restricted Its power. The bill a originally Intro duced, wa quit different from that which passed and It was re-wrltten In committee and rushed through In the closing days of the session. CORN CONTEST RESULTS WELL FOR TWO SISTERS WATERTOWN. 8. D.. Dec. Jl. -(Special. )At the Codington county corn ahow Just closed In this city the first snd second prise were won by two sis tersthe first prise by Hllrired Madsou. Ked 13 years, and the second by fCthel Madseii. aged 15 years, daughters of a prominent Dan farmer residing near the town of Henry. The cash value of the two prises won by thu two young ulaea la $H0. Ity the Industry and pluck shown by tho young misses they have made themselves tho most talked of young people In the county. Fifty exhibits of corn were made by boy and girls of the county and con- lderlng the luck ot moisture of the last aeaaon and the poor quality of seed corn furnished I lie contestants were rxcep. tlonally good, II. hv Dawes of Fulton president of the State Corn and drain Growers' association, did the. Future corn con testa In th! county are being planned tor on a much larger scale by tlios interested, as the great Interest being awakened by the farmers and their children will make the event the most lniHitant In the county. A Ileal Treat. "Nothing like It Lrewed In America nothing quite so good," Is what every one says of fciTOUZ OLD 8 AXON HIIAU. If ou enjoy a glass of rich, rare and mel low bo-r try OU SAXON RUAt'. There's lornu class to It. At all first class bar or cfe. Phone Cha. Stor for a case. Web. 1M0; Ind. B-1K1. MORSE NOT SICK ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY INTERFERENCE Y'A 8111 NQTOS. leo. St.-l'nlesa the condition of Charles V. Morse, the con victed New York banker, become des perate, rrrident Taft. It Is declared In official circles here, will not Intervene In the ras. at this time with a commu tation of sentence or pardon. Reports received by the Department of Justice from army surgeon at Fort Mc Pherton, Ga , where Morse I a prisoner- patient, are said to Indicate s?tn slight Improvement In hi condition. Heplylng to criticism of the president hr aus he does not parole Morse, offi cial toe's." pointed out thst the hanker will not be eligible for parole until hen he will have served one-third of hi ffteen- yesr' sentence. Ilelee at thl time must bo commutation of pen tenre or pardon. Otto Feekin's Case Comes Up on Friday WILBKR, Neb.. Dee. 2i.-(flpeci Tele gram.) The trial of Otto Feekln of Crete on the charge of criminal assault and at tempted assault upon the person of two young girls at Crete about two weeks go will take place In district court her Friday morning. The case wa originally set for today, but other case on trial delayed the proceed'ng. It I possible the work of Impanelling the Jury will be gin tomorrow. County Attorney Ireland sayg that no word had been received of the whereabout of Alvln Talley, the other young Crete man, who Is accused Jointly with Feekln of a Plmllur offense. WYOMING VETERINARIAN FINDS OJHOG CHOLERA CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Dec. 21 (Special.) Hog cholera or swine plagu is an un knowii quantity In Wyoming, according to the report of Blate Veterinarian JJavIs, Just filed with Governor Carey. During the last year the veterinarian and his deputies vlHlted nearly every hog pen In the state and made a careful examina tion of all animals, and while the disease la not common to thl section, and is sel dom encountered here, the veterinarian determined to find the dineae If any ex isted. The report shows that range end climatic condition In Wyoming are espe cially favorable to the growing of hogs, and those who have heretofore engaged in thl Industry have made satisfactory profit therefrom. The report of Mr. Mavla show that 714 hone were examined for glanders dur ing the year, and eighty-seven other horse were examined for other diseases. Of the fi0 horse nineteen head were de troyed for glanders. During the year the veterinarian' force Inspected 41,019 cattle for scable and other Infectious and contagious dis eases. Of thl number, 7.SI6 were found Infected. A total of 67,349. cattle were dipped during the year for mange, or cable. All , cattle shipped Into or from the tat during the year have been care fully Inspected for tuberculosa and other disease! with but few nu bin emmA The dairy Inspections are looked after by the city authorise, so the atate vet erinarian' report doe not show tha number pf animals, killed for tuber culosis. MILLS COUNTY SHORT COURSE DRAWS FARMERS OLENWOOD, la., Dec. 21.-Specla1. The second annual Ames-Mills county short course In grain and stock Judging, dairying. horticulture and domestic science opened- here yesterday. The en rollment In grain and stock I 151, in domestic aotenc eighty-one. - .The dates being ao eloae to the holiday ha out the domestic science attendance 25 pet cent below last year. Tha other depart, menta arn 55 per cent Jergur. The follow ing Instructors ace In charge: Uv tockg Oeorce W.Undfrey and Theodore; Mark, lln; farm cropn and oil, A. !(, 'Snyder and 8. L? Moore; horticulture, J. C. (Tun nlnghani; domeatlo science, Mra Louise II. Campbell and Mrs. L. J. Lynch; ex hibit car, K. V. Cable and F. H. Carter; alios. K. V, Cable. F. K Tracey and II. U Bas are assisting In all departments. J. M. Leffler Is advance man. Last night short addresses were made by the Instructors and local speakers at the court house. Tonight Trot. Cunningham poke on horticulture, a( the same place. Friday night an all-county spoiling con test will be given at the opera house. Proft Oeorge Masters has the most com plete acuool exhibit In connection ' with the (hurt course ever given In Mills county and J. W. Murphy has a display of Mill county apples that has, taken premiums at Denver and St. Joseph. Prof. Hoiden gave a snort address last night and presided at the meeting with Chairman Bruce. FIRES DO FIFTY THOUSAND DAMAGE IN MASON CITY M-VSON CITY. Ia., Deo. a.-(Bpeclal Telegram.) Three tires today In different parts of the city did damage to the amount of $."0,800. Firemen Dan Barron and James Kelley were Injured In the Wler wardrobe fire, a wall falling and catching Barron and crushing hi hip and injuring him Internally. Kelley fell from the toof. Kstlmated loa on build ing and furnishings I $30,000, Insurance $2.00. The Ilalph fitanberry block, together with the Stewart grocery, Barber book more and Home Tea company, suffered losa of $10,000 by a basement fire this afternoon. Advertising for Teachers. BAC CITY. la.. Dec. 11. (Speclsl.)-A Forced by the dearth of teacher for the rural schools to advertise In the papers of the state for teachers. County Superin tendent. Slnck has at last been able to supply the shortage. More than twenty vacancies existed which It seemed Im possible to fill from this county or sur rounding counties. Mr. A. It. Tauur of Crlder. Ho., had been troubled with sick headarho for about five years, when she began taking Chamberlain's Tablets. (She ha taken two hottlea of them and they have cured her. Sick headache Is reused by a disor dered stomach for which thepe tablets are especially Intended. Try them, get well an may well. Sold by all druggists. LEADS . IK SALES LEADS IN DELICIOUS FLAVOR, - aW r i ram t 1 X A , prices III ' Men's Suits. Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Etc., at HALF price, $8 Stetson Hato at 02.50, Christ mas Neckwear worth to 75c at 39c, Ladies9 $1.50 Silk Hose at 69c, Mufflers worth $1 at 49c, Smoking Jackets worth 37.50 at 34.79, Bath Robes worth 37.50 at 33.98, Shirts worth $1.00 at 69c and hundreds of others at like prices. ale of Clothes J FemembcrETcryltem Is of CCLP-LANGWORTHY Grade ChrlstiBsis Shoppera! To those shoppers who have not already finished their Christmas shopping for this year, we want to say that shopping during the early hours of the day has many advantages. There is less crowding on both the street cars and in the stores, and both you and the sales people are not as tired as later in the day. And when shopping in the afternoon, we urge you to start for home before 5 o'clock, if possible, making it possible for those compelled to re main down town later to" find room in the cars. at-. . . 1 Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. Interest allowed in sayings department at 3 per annum . . The United States National Bank of Omaha gives prompt and courteous service, affords absolute secur ity and has a most con venient location. Norfbwtst Corner Slxltenlh $nd FaroMm Captttl , $600,000 Surplus S600.000 XMAS SLIPPERS for Mama, Papa and Baby. SHOE MARKET 322 South 16th Street. LEADS IN QUALITY CaTAB. BTOmS Coasamera' Dlatraatai iat7-ta aerssaa A ve er ot a rkoui a a . 5 aa ' Jjrr You've ONLY Two Days in MAN'S Christmas Gift Buy it HERE, becauM it will prove a high-clait, typical "CulpLang worthy" gift Bay it NOW because you buy at true "Bankrupt Sale" price$ that are not likely to be quoted in Omaha again for years. Cidp-Langworthy Shop Bankrupt Stock 5. E. Cor. of 16th & Harney Ground Floor City National Bank Building Phones, D 3867; A 3867. 309 South Seventeenth Street, Omaha9 H FLORIDA and fiOSfl Also to All Other Winter Tourist Points in the South and Southwest. VIA SHORTEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS Double Dally Service All information regarding rates, routes, berths, etc., cheerfully furnished. Agent for All Stefmhip Lines H. C. Shields, 0. A. P. D., Omaha Neb. WABASH CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1316 Farnam St. TWO Days! Which to Select Guaranteed on " v Home Builders Shares rBw