Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    TICK KKK: OMAHA. KHIDAV. Im:MHKK-22, 101 1.
A Warm Suit or Overcoat
Arc the Bejl Gills (or a Boy
TIm jtrido which a hoy tiikes in
"now rlotlips" is doubled wlion llioy
bring with tlicin tho Itc-iuty mid
ploiiifUreH of a delightful Christmas
Indian Suit". . $1.00 .
Cowboy Suits,
at. ..$1.00, $1.75
Gloves. Sue to $1.50
at , 25c, uOc
at. . .76c to $2.00
-Tit Yonn$ ptopirs
h itsnaarsl ot Amiru.
15IS-20 FAR
President Affixes Signature to Paper
Abrogating Treaty with Bnssia.
Part Aatosnatleally C))tliiee la Kf
', feet for Anttkrr Year -Will
Try Segrollat a Xrir
WASHINGTON, Iec. 2L-WIth Secre
tary of Htste Knox aa tlia only wltnesa.
' President Tail today ; signed lh Joint
resolution pnesed by conKrca ratifying
his action In serving notice on Russia of
tha abrogatlan of tha treaty or 1S32 with
that country.
Tha treaty automatically will continue
In effect until January I, 1911 In tha
meantime effort will bo made to ncgoti
ato new treaty eliminating the causes
of friction wh'ch led to; tha termination
of the old one.
The hours yosterday accepted the sen
ats resolution k a substitute for tne
Hulxor reaolutlon whirl) Initialed the
legislation. ' 1
; On his' return from New Tort-, Presl
cent Ta U inquired-4f the reaolutlon was
iady ' for, IiIn signature. It had been
sgnedby Vice President Sherman and
Speaker Hark Inst night.
Pierldent Taft-afflxed his signature
soon aa he reached h!i deak In the ex
ecutive offices and tho last step of the
tbtog-it'.on ptoccrdlnga had been taken.
. Presldrat aara tola tea Caar,
Coincident with the aignlng of tha rtso
luilon of abrogation today there was
mrlt public at the White House an ex
u hangs of lelrgisms between rreoltlent
Taft and tha emperor of lluasla, The
president . ur.der date of December W,
bint his bent wishes to the emperor In
connection with the cclebrutlon of the
least or St. Nicholas, the name saint of
tha Russian ruler. The message fo.
, lows:
"I beg to offer your majesty my cordial
frllcllalloiia upon thU anniversary and
tha assurance of my high regaid and good
wishes for yourself and for tha nation
over which your majesty reigns."
The emperor replied:
"li-ay accept my cordial thanka for
our congratulations and good wlalus."'
Diamonds Stolen
From Man's Pocket
CHICAGO. Dec. (.-Report of a theft
of US.t.'iO worjh qw.iset diamonds from
the wallM f a diamond broker waa made
to tho police today. Samuel Scott, tha
broker, told the police that he lost tha
Jewels Tuesday and M-lleved that they
Mere taken from his ocket while he
was playing pool In a down town bil
liard and pool halt.
KANSAS CITY. Ic. 21. John It.
While, president of the Conservation Con
gress, tuday tiaim-d commltlses fur the
tnsulug yar, as fjllowa:
Kxeculivu committee: I'rof. K. Lee
Auoiiaiu. Aiianla. Ua., chairman: j.
l.twix ibonisiu. uourt.jn. 'lea.: mailer
41. run, euiiur Storms svork; Dr. Ii. k.
A-.aiiisuu. iiii.iaukpoi.a: airs. rntilp js.
!:. r.Oriit ol me rviifraleo tt'oin
ilia C.bue ot illnoull, and thrre exof
i.iw mriiikt r. u.lurd I'lm'hui. an
inkion, i. iiikrr, oaltiiiiorv. Md ; Di
Juniy C. Vallate.
italiicraia i.r. jv. fph A. Holmes. Vh
Inaion; ur. I harlrs H. Van Hlse. MsJ-
in. wis.; ur. l. i'. nlte, Mw
okii, v. Vsv.; Juiin Mltchull, .iin
Vun. c i j I'd l.lfc-Ben B. Undsay. Denver: lr.
ram si. i.india. tu.advlpnla; tlrnry I..
ic nn. Kka,k4 i'it ; Carl V ruo-
tii, . u.o jiniasiun, 111.
, t-i.uiai.oi,-. . vj.. v jlvln M. Kendall.
'.1'riui.olun. N. J.; Dr. David rftarr Jor
' oaaiand. Cal.; Dr. reward E. Ai
eiiran, Cblveisity oi Vuaiiila: Prof.
H.eois II. l-ov and. of j,e
Juiaaa; ir. a. t:. .'ralgnad. 'i ulana uni
eistty. Doulelau.
! tuiesliy vi. 8. Graves, Washing
ton. vliilan living. Oupus t-alU,
;i.; IWoiae K. fimth. Hi. IxjuU.
t Dauda and Agrituituis t'loi. K It
;i Cornt-ll tn.ivei s.iy : Jro.. Ueorss
ii. Coiidta, l!nlveriiy ot N'eoranxa; froi.
J. 1.. tnyur, linking. Mich.; Charles a.
Jireit, t'n.on i II y. Ua.
T llja,aMrs. ktiiitt V. Rroll, Wash
Jngtuu: Mia. Hairtct tt'allave-Ashby, les
lumea. ls; JHi. J. K. ithodea, ttl. l'sul.
l.uu , alia. Amoa . 1iaper, , aahma
.. Lssnstlc.
.. Irarsla
.. VliSlflC
'MV u
i 'okoN'sk
,l SUN.
i Hitart: .
knl TMAUrT.jX
I IVKr.p ,.,l.
a ni v ikr
.s set. s
i li,l. .(cU-HlA.
Ka w burs-.
. MMRofnluM
U U Maul.,
1191 n YV -v -
You'll find here the best-looking,
Icneogt wc-srlng boy
riot hog, made from the finfut
fabric by skillful boy tfillor.
Neat, son tec I stylos, pleasing
patterns and rrmnrkably reason
able prloea.
Overcoats for boys, " lo 10 years
;J.7r., W.OO. 90.00, 7.3t
Ovcrctuits for larKrr lm)'
W7..KI, KH..10, $10.00, JHU.30
Knits, Itussinn uml bailor Style
;1.73 to (
Suit for older boys
9S.OO, FO.W, $7..V. H.,0, $10.00
A fcplendld knife free with every suit
or Here aro the things a boy
llkfg '
Tics. . . .25c and up
at. . $2.9.i to $3.75
at. $1.00 to $3.00
IllKh Top Shoe,
at. $3.00 to $4.50
Mufflers Guc
Adulterated Paper
Will Impair Life of
Government Records
"WAKHINUTON, Ie. SI.-DIcorery by
tha congressional lolnt committee on
printing that '"adulterated" paper had
been UFtd for years In the government
printing office today led to tha announce
ment of a complete new set of govern
ment pape. Ktandarda. The paper adul
teration was accomplished by the sub
stitution of clay for tha mora substantial
wood or ras tibers, leading to the grave
fear that many of the printed records of
tha government will become unreadable
In lesj than century.
Tha Joint committee has endeavored for
mote than a year to bring about a re
form and etandardisation of paper pur
chased for tha government and amount
ing to more than yearly. Tha
PUblla printer today waa atuhorlied to
advertise for bids on 25. 900,000 pounds of
paper . for the year beginning March
1, nc&t.
' In tba new specification tha uset tha
rlav and li.lnrnl filler I closely re
stricted. 1 . ', '
Senator Brown '
Speaks for Sherwood
Pension Measure
WASHINGTON, Dec. :i." - Brnator
Brown of Nebraska today addressed he
senate In support of the Pherwood pen
sion bill, which recently paased the boost,
lie predicted ttte passage ot the bill
through the senate because he said there
would be a roil call.
"If It could .hkve been passed by the
senate by this time, what a Christmas
offering It would have been to tha men
who mads Appomattox pceslble!" he ex
claimed. "Complaint Is mad that tt would be toa
heavy m draft on tha national treasury,"
aald Mr. Urown. "What la the country s
treasury for, but to pay tha country's
(Continued from I'aga Una.)
Very truly tours,
Hoosevelt'a Reply,
The OUTLOOK. P7 Fourth Avenue,
New York, Dec. 19, NIL Office of
Theodoi Roosevelt Mr. George H.
Sheldon, C3 Cedar Street. New York
City: Dear Mr. 8hetdon-I thank you
for your letter, and I am glad thar It
waa written. There Is little for me to
add to what you have said. I never
directly or Indirectly. In any shape, way
or form, anked Mr. llurrtman or anybody
rise to contribute a dollar to aid in my
election. Moreover, 6n the only orccaston
on which Mr. Ilarrlmun ever spoke lo
ma on the subject, he did so at bis own
Initiative, and no far from there being
any request from me to him, he made to
me Ilia request that I would aid hi get
ting the national committee to coa
tilbutc some of Its funds for the cam
paign expenses of Mr. Iligglns. the can
didate for fc-overnor In New York state.
"He, at the time, stated to mo tljut my
own e'.ectlon waa assured; tlitl the
election of .Mr. Hlcgins, In which he was
especially titereated. was doubtful, and
that he earnestly boned that the national
committee would divert some of Its funds
'from the national to the state campaign.
where the need was great anj where he
believed the election of Mr. Hlgglns to
be In Jeopardy. As shown In jour letter,
this waa prerlw'y what tha national
com mil tee did. Very Irvly yours,
Alleged Jury Briber
Arrested in New York
NEW TOKK. ltee. II Tha nn,.nl
of the trial of Georae llrsh
h.s associates In the firm of H. . Bchef
lels st Co.. char and with defruudins; In
vtstors all over the country throush i
chain of alleged bucket slio(s, was re
lieved tidey by the arrest of a man w
la charged with trying to bribe (he Ju
The prisoner. (J. 11 Htm, h...
ratgned pleaded not guilty and waa held
in oeisuii or liu.ucg ball.
It Is alleged Uyrne tried lo bribe
juior Frederick 8. Dale, offering 11,000
If lie would hold out asalnst a conviction.
I'll Y. I ktU IK io l UAVa.
Vour druggist will refund money If
Ps Olminrni falls to cuie any rase of
Junius. I'liuU. Kited ns or Irouudlng
lu,i ,n i to 11 das. .
t AI Rhoadi Draws Three Thousand
i as Ooes to Prison.
Makes ftlaajey Over la III Asted
Mather, Wkn Will ot ffer
While Hon Is In I'enl
fentlary. (Krom a Btaff Correspondent I
DEB MOINF.R. la, Dec 1.flpeell
Telegram.) A I Hhoads, a notorlnus safe
cracker, under sentence for a term In
prison for having arranged a robbery of
the Polk county treasury, started for
prison this morning, but with the cheer
ing thought that he I richer than he
was before. Ha had Just rinsed the ar
langements by which he received over
1.000 bequeathed to him by an lincl
who died In Clarke county. He mad
over the money lo hla aged mother, who
will thus be cared for while he Is In
prison. He was alao served with notice
that hla wife would sua him for divorce
while he Is In prison.
Open Market Desires!.
The experiment of converting an old
city building Into a market houae ha not
proved successful In De Moines. Today
when the market gardeners filled the
market house provided for them they did
not find business god and before the
day was half over they had all moved
out Into the open where the anow and
slush surrounded them, but where busi
ness whs good. Hans for ft larger mar
ket house will be made, but until that
Is ilone an open market will be main
tained. '
Ohio Mine Workers
Give White Majority
OBKADOOSA. Ja.. Dec. 21.-Returns re
ceived here todsy show that twenty-two
locals In tha Ohio district give John V.
White, president of ths I.' tilted Mln
Workers of America, a majority of 701
vote over hi opponent, T. L. Ivew'.s, for
ra-electlon to the presidency, according
to an announcement by Mr. Whit.
Returns Indicate that White has tar
ried districts one and five In the anthra
cite region by a big majority.
The official count will not be made
public until January 1.
W INFIELD, la., Dec. Sl.-Rewards ag
gregating 1VK were announced today
for the apprehension of the assailants of
Dr. Dicy Howman, .the young woman
who on Monday was attacked and held
captive In a building on tha outskirts of
lawn for several hours,
Tha city and county authorities have
offered several hundred, the cltlsens MOO,
oltlsens of adjoining towna l,009 and the
college with which Miss Bowman Is
Identified II, W0.
Dr. Itowmsn. who is slowly recovering.
today, reiterated her original story that
three men held her up on the street.
blindfolded her and carried her to a va
cant building, where sha was subjected
to indignities,
IOWA CITY, la, tie. ll.-tbperlal
Telegram. )-yne woman wa Instantly
killed her lata this afternoon and a man
probably wss fatally Injured when a
northbound Dubuque street car, collided
with a farm wagon at the corner at
llloomlngton street. The woman, Mrs.
Henry Bpringmlre of Tiffin, la., waa
thrown to the pavement and killed, In
stantly. Her eon, W. C. Hprlngmlre, ' I
now In the University hospltsl. ,
' lows IMvwa -Notes.
FAIRFAX While trying to drive
a rabbit Irom under a vacant house,
Mark Morlarity , accidentally llscharKd
the rifle he was carrying, the bullet enter
ing his stomsch. He died a few hours
M ARKH ALLTOWN Miss na Pearl
Cunkilng of this city and J. A. Mitchell,
a merchant of Denlson, were married
at . tha home of the bride's mother
here today. They went to Omaha and
later tha couple will go' to Denlson ta
(Continued from First Pag '
roll." "
"Did you have a snfe In your office or
a Vault?"
"No, wa only had a deak and a type,
writer stand."
"When did you give the bank this
"In 1WT."
Maya fiot Moaey'a Worth.
"And you got your money' worth?"
"I gucxs we did. We did our business
all right."
"When did you give Hess his 1 per
"In ItOK when w d'd our big business."
"li d you get results?"
"Uuess w did. We got letters and
telegrams the mikes sent to him."
In substantiation ot his allegation that
tha bunk officials had all been corrupted
Mabray aald he was with Marks fre
quently when tho bank people telephoned
to Marks that mike paper had been
cleared, but he could not recall a aingl
Instance and n d It might have been
half a dosen or a dostn times, and finally
fixed It at two or three. Pressed further
he mentioned the paper of a Wlsoonsln
mike. . '
lie teas latrotlaeea l'aser.
Concerning County Attorney Hesa' par
ticipation In the deal the confession de
clared. that letters and telegram to
let and Chief of Police Richmond, had
been turned over to him by Mark." but
hi memory entirely failed to recall speci
fic Instances or get within months of
It wis regarded a . very significant
that the defens and nut tha slat In
troduced th alleged confession. It
eemed to worry Mabray very much and
he evinced a strange untamlllarltay wttb
It, reading Intently the passagea to which
his attention had been called. Tha attor
neys for the defense wer jubilant over
this phaia of tha rase and will endeavor
to use It utterly to destroy every vestige
and credibility th liner a may have had
In tha minds of th Jury, and to show by
outside evidence taat the whole story of
the division of the spoils was on of
Mabray's echrmca to rob his partners In
crime cf Just that much of their plunder.
Offlea lor Mlseoarl Maw.
WASHINGTON'. Dee. Il.-PreshlerU
Taft today sent th forrowlng- nomina
tion to th senate:
George T. Wettsell of Missouri, mi l
ster to Nlrsrragua.
tiTORZ OLD KAXON DHH'. it's the
talk of tha town. Get acquainted with It.
Heir to Millions is
Found in Temple of
Sun Worshipers
CHICAGO. Dec. 2I.-llow George Lind
say, 12 years old. and sole heir to the mil
lions of the late W. II. Unites r of Phila
delphia hud bef n removed from the temple
of a ''sun worshipers" cult and placed
undir the charge of the Juvenile court at
the request of relatives, was revealed
here today.
Charles It. Lindsay, une'e of the boy. Is
reKpnnslhle for the action. After a nation
wide search the uncle found the boy In
the "temple" here. Detectives in the
employment of Llndssy, who attempted
to tako the bny away, were sttacked by
worshipers. It Is said. The toy's mother,
who placed him in the ' temple" is said
to be known among the cult as "Vahdah."
One of the charge made by the boy's
uncle Is thst the lad was given A diet
of grapes end beer. He is said to have
been In th "temple" six months.
The boy's mother has been ordered not
to return blm to tha "temple." Judge
Plnckney will hear tha case January 4.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 21.-Llttle Is
known here of ths family of George Lind
say, the boy who Is said to have been
taken frpm a "temple" where sun wor
shipers gather ip Chicago. A Mlsa C. R.
Lindsay waa found who admitted she
waa a member of the Chicago family, but
she refused to discuss the case.
The police do not recall a millionaire
here named IJndsay. I
Sioux City Wins
Fight for Lower
Rates on Freight
WASHINGTON. Dec. 21,-A contest be
tween Sioux City, la., and St. Paul and
Minneapolis was decided today In favor
of Hloux Cluy by the Interstate Com
merce commission. The hioux city torn
merclal club complained against the Chi
esgo & Northwestern and other railroads
averring that the class freight rates from
Ploux City to points In tha northwest
were unreasonable in that they exceeded
the rates from ft. Paul and Minneapolis
to the same destinations.
Ttoth sides fought the Hloux City con
tention, but the commission ordered a re
tention of the Bloux city rates to a point
equal to the premnt tates from St. Ps,ul
and Minneapolis to "sirhstantlally equi
distant atatlons In th same territory."
Kansas Man is Killed
For Money Supposed
to Be Hidden in Shoes
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 2l.-"He hide
his money In his shoes."
This story had been freely circulated
about Kdward E. Jackson. 64 years old,
an employe of the Atchison. Topeka St
flanta Fe railroad, whose dead body waa
found hidden under the stairway of the
ral'.road company's pumping plant , In
Kansas City, Kan., today.
The police believe that Jackson was
murdered by someone 'who had heard th
story of . his hidden , wealth. Jackson's
shoes were unlaced end . evidently had
been rexaved, by the murderer. Tjiere
was a deep cut across tha dead 'man's
forehesd and a beavy shovel nearby prob
ably was the weapon used by ihf1 mur
derer. - ' ""
. i ,
Our Store
Will Be
Closed All
Until 12 o'Clock Noon.
C. B. Brown Go.
Jewelere V Silversmiths.
HJlli and Farnain 8te.
What a Women
We give special at
tention to our dia
mond trade, and at,
this, busy Christmas
seaaon we are allow
ing a large assoi t
nent of th rarest
and richest of (hea
ii.oat precious atones.
Bolueir diamond
rlnaa, which ar al
ways In favor be
cause they display to
best advantage tha
else and purity of
in alone, are among
t io most prominent
if this collection.
We show th finest
white diamonds In
fany distinctive set
tings lor men and
w imien.
' No better gift for
permanent value and
, a for expressing tha
i . "" Chrlatmaa eentlment
I can ba given than
VN.( that of a pure dia
mond. We Invite In
spection cf our stock.
Boat Merely Bay laveet I
iataeatk Md Maraey
Exceptional values in Fur Coats.,
An order for a Stetson Hat
Fur Capa
Sultg and Overcoats for Boys. . . .
Smoking Jackets.
Bath Robes
Boxed Neckwear..
Cloves ,
Boxed Hose
811k Umbrellas. . .
R. S. Wilcox
Christmas. Caodles2
All the World's Best and Most Delicious Brands
in Attractive Boxes at Attractive Prices
We have at least as GOOD an assortment, and as LARGE a one, as has ever been offered to the publio
of Omaha. All our Christmas Candles are attractively packed in special Christmas Boxes, and we
receive them FRESH EVERY DAY, assuring quality that is roost unusual. Fancy Baskets, instead of
Boxes If desired, in all sizes, from Vt to 10 pounds.
PARK & TILFORD'S from New York. These are easily the most popular of ail Eastern Mada
Chocolates and Bon Bons to 10-lb. boxes at 80? Per lb.
GUTH'8 Chocolates and Bon Bons Always popular always dependable and most delicious 'A to
5-lb. boxes at 80e Pr lb.
LOWNKY'S CHOCOLATES 50 GO 80s nd $1.00 Ier pound. All size boxes.
O'BRIKN'8 to 6 -lb. boxes, also fancy baskets, 30 to $12 00-
WOODWARD'S tt to 5-lb. boxes, at GOs P'
WOODWARD'S famous Stick Candy, in rolls, 10d to $1.20-
VOKGRLE & DINMNG'S, tt to 5-lb. boxes, at GO Per
JOHNSON'S MILWAUKEE CHOCOLATES, tt to 5-lb. boxes. 30 to $4.00
Orders may be left for Christmas, and delivery will be made at exactly the time specified, or shin
nients may be ordered to reach their destination on Christmas morning.
Mary Garden
Ctc o ites
No special "ChrlstnBs'' cigar, but practically
ALL of tha astabllahed brands of High Quality, at
tractively boxed for Christmas Trade,
Box of SO $1.45
Box of 25 tOa
Box of 50 Bl.YB
Box of 26 Sl.flS
Box of so. . aa.eo
RETT. l6c
' Box of 10 BOa
Box of Xo S8.00
. Box of BO. ...... .83.7
concha 81xe
Box of Hi.: Bl.BO
Box of 50. ....... .$3.00
10c TOM MOORE Club
or Invincible slue '
Hoc of 26 at.fs
Box of 60 S0.S0
Box of ;& la.88
Box of CO sa.oo
16o REIOa
Box of 25..
-" Box of 60..
You simply can't beat these prices, and you can't
get better quality anywbere. We are sure of our
cigar stock very sure.
"Follow the Beaton Path"
Good I'Jhislues Pure Wines
Everything in (As liquor lint from champagn down to or.
free with two
Wholesale Prices by
If it comes 7Z?
72? ' X?
1309 Farnam Street
Omaha's 0ljr Exclusive Family Liquor More.
We lellver Promptly. Both I'lioura.
Kend for Our Trire List We Ship Prepaid.
Farm Lands
On the Want-Ad Pages of today's Bee
will be found a great number of choice
farms, ranches and western land offered for
sale at reasonable prices.
Look them over. The property you are
looking for may be there.
Turn to the Want-Ad pagts now.
Eleventh Hour Hints
In Practical Gifts for Men and Boys
Two days left. The gift
again emphasize the fact that our store, especially invites
women who would buy gifts for men and boys. We special
Cl ite on these lines. We know what they want and our kind
-Nof merchandise appeals to them. If in doubt what to buy
purcnase one or our merchandise bonds and let him make
his own selection.
Pullman Slippers
Laundry Bags
S5.00 to S22.50
$3.r0 to $35.00
50 to $3.00
81.50 p
31.00 and 81.50
$3.50 to $7.50
While comparatively new. these chocolates have made a Inatantan- 4 m T '
entis hit with Omahk Candy lovers. They are mnde by a manufacturer 1 ID. jjfl tJVC
who specialises on Just these two centers, consequently, it Is possible to
offer then.- at this price. Fully equal to any SOo goon's. Vanilla Cream 1 It D. IO
and Vanilla Nut ana Maple Cream and Maple Nut centers. L ID. COX OC
Box of 2B........SU0
Box of 26 ta.33
Box of 25 too
10c ROBlERT Bt'RNS -
Box of 25........S1.M
Jacqueminot Rose, Mu
guet. Violet. L'Alglon,
etc., In bulk; or fancy
packages. Coty's are
world famous for their
delicate and. delightful
fragrance. .
Xj. t. rrrxB co.,
I -a -Trefle, Kloramye,
of 60 :, .
sng .otnera.
of 25.
of. 50.
. ..$1.85
Box of 25 B1.S5
Box of 50 SS.&0
Box of 2&. ...... .13.60
Box of 60 $0.00
Drug Co.,-
57 a Christmas Souvenir to every
purchaser. A Bottle or line Wine
quarts or more of Killer's
the Gallon or Half Gallou.
7 S? . J It must be
buying period is short.' We
$55.00 to $175.00
S3.50 to '2AHi
$2.50 to $20.00
" $3.50 o $25.00
$1.50 nd
.$2.00 nd
Traveling Bags. $5.00 to $30.00
Boxed Initial Handkerchiefs i K.n
-aii a saasr
$1.50 to $3.00
50 to $10.00
Open Evening
Parisian Ivory
Toilet articles mounted In Ivory are rapldlv tak
ing tha place of Sterling Bilver one. W have a
moat complete aaaortment of Brushes. Mirrors, Maul
cure Beta, etc., at Just the price you want to pay.
xovMiQAavm, vabis
Ideal, Lily of the Val
ley, four Da Jeanette,
Rose, etc., in bulk or In
fancy packages. Houbi
ganta have practically
all of the popular odors.
Ulchard Hudnul, Solon
Falmer-Hanson Jehka,
Vantlne, Hlcksaeker, Coi-
rii. A I 'n a n rl nth.,.
atax tAj.xaar TEsrrXEs
Mad by Rlgaud, Paris. A beautiful asaortment
of fancy packages or In bulk.
We are featuring Concentrates," better known
as Concrete Essence." and carry - HOUBIQANT'S
:nd$VLE?TO.mFLWER PK " 9lM
Leather Goods
Shopping Bags, Purses, Manicure Sets, Bill
Books, etc, A full line of Leather Novelties of High
Quality. Articles that we cheerfully recommend.
Special for tha balance of the weeJf. a $2.t0 black
leather Hand Bag at $1.00.'
I5th and
Get Rich Quick WalKngford
, j-" vyimai UOC
. . . nes uperetta
With Xisxl Hajos. People S4 .
eats Mow Selling.
"OMAXA'I ypg CinTIB"
km'4ZJt-J DaUy Mat, la-8a-ie
Santa Claua' Only Opposition.
siJS.'Ji'li'i" Krom HaPPyland."
.t'ly,Jd'rk ' before Christmas''
-Should say not .'-Selling out at even:
performance. Haven of test and Joy lor
ured shoppera
talIa MatlBesjBTarr Wi Bay.
Teaight Soil Matinee Todaj
rrlces, s Only.
-A ,! tk
vrooowAmo stock Cocpaj(Y la
"SStiLO, BIXX.."
Next Week The Laughing Success.
Saaoe for th Oooa. spa 1 Mat. Xmas
4 I -ays Com. Sun., Kec. :'4th. MiT"
Xmas and Wed Blaaohe BUng, in
ller New Musi, si t'omedy. The Wall
Ueet QlrL with Harry aiitoU.
eats Now Sellini;
Phoauasi pottcUa 494; lad. ArtiUi
Katlaaa Every Say, Silt,
Vatl-Sam Mann and Uia I'Uyera
Seven Balfords Dave Ferguson 1'aul-
In Moran Alsace and Lorraine Ward
Baker Chick and Chlckl.t-!in,o-scope
Orpheum Concert Orchestra
lrkea-Niglit. 10c. . 60e, 76c. Me,":
iiaa He, best aeata. Use. axcapt Batur
uay and Sunday.
....RnUC THEATER....
Mat. Today S-.30, aright BUtO,
Beet Beata BOc
Broadway Oalety oirU aa Taaaa.
tha Oirl With t&e Sraasay
Boovenlr to X.aia at Bally Blma