Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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Lome to urandeis Stores Tonight
' or In the Horning
Stores ."..l i.n-WB.yojMMim. I n0
I y ! Tim-
"BV V 1 I 1 V.M
Women's Felt Slippers, fur or
ribbon trimmed, pslr. $1,40
Women's Crochet Slippers
made of warm,, soft Zephyr
yams or Peerless soles, rib
bon trimmed, worth 1 1.00
t 75
Men's Romeo, Faust or Everett
Slippers at $1.49 to $2.08
Children's 1.00 Crochet Slip
pers at, pair 50f
Misses' and Children's Felt and
Leather Slippers; worth up to
$2.00; at, a pair 75
50c Slumber Slippers In fancy
boxes, at 25
Women's fl and $1.50 Boudoir
811ppers at 50
Men's and Women's Velvet
Slippers with Carpet soles, at
pair 25
Women's Fur Trimmed, Felt
Slippers, at, pair 08
Women's Crochet Slippers, at,
Plr 40
Men's Velvet and Imitation al
ligator slippers, at.... 30
Women's reliable quality rub
bers; worth 70c a jalr, 30
Women's Storm Alaska In all
sizes, at a pair. . . .-. . . .50
Men's Buckle Arctics; all sizes;
at, a pair -OS
Men's reliable quality rubers,
at, a pair 50
Women's and Men's
plain hemstitched
sheer linen handker
chiefs, many tine
Swiss embroidered,
many real Armenian
lace edges; real cro
chet, real princess
and real duchess lace
borders; also simula
tions of fine lace and
handwork, as well as
many In fancy Christ
mas boxes at, each,
23c, 80c, 98c and up
to $5.00
Yomen's Holiday Neckwear
Beautiful Net Lnce and embroidered
Fichus, Dutch 'and Sailor Collars in cro
chet and Vcniso ideas, Coat Sets, Fancy
Lace Jabots, '.Side Frills, Cascades and
many new ribbon . novelties exquisite,
new creations at.
25c-50c-93c up to $5
Jiaast Kid and Lambskin Gloves in all shades and lengths for
street and evening wear all the best makes.
Long Cloves, at, a pair S2.75 to $3 7
3 and 3-clasp Gloves, at, pair ,1a j o-e t0 So'A-.
Women's Street Cloves One and two-clasp. Mocha anOCape
Gloves; Northrup and l'errlns makes In black, brown, gray and
white, at, pair $1.25 to $1 75
Special Oo lUrnaln Square Two-clasp Kid Gloves In black
white and colors; worth $1 a pair, at, pair CO
Suitable Gifts for Hen
Men', Sample Hath ltobes on Special Sale made
or Terry and Blanket Cloths:
Men s 3.50 Bath 1 Men's $4 naih (Men s $6 Bath
Robes. ...$1.08 I Hobes. $2.50 Robes, SI. 08
-Neat Practical Shirts in all the newest colors
and patterns; excellent values at 98c to l 50
Men's Silk Four-lu-Hand Neckwear; 50c values,
l 25
Imported Silk Four-In-Hands and French Folds
6O0 and 75o values, at 3.V, 3 for....i Ort
Suspender, Garter and Arm Hand Sets; specials
ai ouc .
Bilk Hose. Kllk Tie and Silk Handkerchief Seta
at 75c and...... QQ
Christmas Candies
FRIDAYS SPECIAL-Delicious Cliocolates and Bon
Bons put up in handsome holly boxes with neat Christ
mas cardfull pound a limited number of boxes,
special at ttm 25c
Fancy one-pound boxes of Chocolate's or Chocolates and
f T
ixu xwns, ppeciai ai, dox , 20c
Fresh, home made,
broke", lulled can
dles at 8c lb.. 2
lbs. for ...-15
Royal Gum Drops,
pure and whole
some, per lb., 8c
2 lbs. for... 15
Chocolate Cream
Drops; very spe
cial, at, a
pound 15
The Christmas crowds come to
Brandeis Stores every year.
Why! Because Brandeis is
Omaha's real Christmas shopping
center. Because the varieties are
greater, the displays are
more attractive, the novel
ties are more numerous,
tho aisles arc wider, the
air. is better, the service is
quicker and because your
Christmas money buys
more and better K"ts at Brandeis.
Every item in thia ad is a specially prepared lot
fot Friday's selling.
Slippers Storm Footwear-Leggings
Children's Illack Jersey Legging)!; regular price Is 69c a pair;
Friday, at,-a pair 25
Women's Illack Jersey liPg- I Children's ran (a Leggings In
(Idks, at, a pair 39 colors, at, pair 08
Cordurop, Velvet, PluMi and Bearskin I.egglngs for Children;
special, at 75
It's the eaRl
eBt way of
sending gloves
for after Xmas
they can be
exchanged for
the color, kind
and size the'
recipient ' prefers.
7 his' Store Will Be Open
Every Evening This Week
Ih oar other a4 oa pars 3.
pure silk hose
with lisle and '
silk tops and
llgle soles;
black, pink,
blue, grey and
lavender; $1
and 11.25 val
ues, at 76c.
The Climax of Christmas Bargain
ing Attained in This Jewelry Sale
jr--r' t a t
V4T m
Ww 1 A A M V
It isn t a sale of odds and ends or stocks
purchased especially for . the occasion but it in
affected. Positively nothing will be reserved. It was simply a case
of the buyer being a little bit too enthusiastic over the wonderful values and beautiful
creations that forces this salo now. 1'lnd presents acceptable to every member of the
family and your personal friends at t
Savings of 10 to 25 Per Cent on Every Line
Advertised. Sale for Friday and Saturday Only
25 Per Cent Discount on Ornamental Clocks of Cold, Silver, Bronzed
and Oxidized Metals.
20 Per Cent Discount on all Wm. Rogers Flat Silverware-Teaspoons,
Tablespoons, Knives', Forks, Etc.
.10 Per Cent Discount on All Hollow Silverware, Including Our Very
Highest Grade Quadruple Plate.
20 Per Cent Discount on All Cold Filled and Solid Cold Jewelry, Such
as Rings, Bracelets, Brooches, Stick Pins, Cuff Links, Chains for Men
and Women, Lockets, La Vallieres, Etc.
JEWELRY and Sterling Silver Goods.
The Book Store
Receives Reinforce'
merits Every Day
from Our Mammoth
Reserve Stock
There's absolutely no danger of
your not being- ahla to find ex
actiy tlia book you want In our
bofj tr It's ths largest store
of fie kind In either Iowa or Ne
b "'a. All ths nsw books most
1 ,tnnd srs here, as well as
.tandsrd works, for all aces,
never grow e)d.
nother lot of the fam-
ous Alger books, for
boys, on sale Fri q
day at . . '. . X
Ths "Live Doll" series for lit
tle (Iris up to twelve years of
are, Friday, lo the volume.
U Frank Ileum's new book,
"The Sea Falrles"wtll delight
any child's heart--8o the copy.
One lot-of flrls' books that pub
lishers sell at too the volume; In
cluding such authors e Carey,
Whitney. Meade, etc; Friday, 2io
the book.
Men s and Women s
Slippers at Less
One lot of about 1,000 pairs
of Opera and Everett styles,
none worth less than 1.25 the
pair, Friday. ,
98c the Pair
One lot of women's all felt
house slippers that formerly
sold at 75c, Friday.
39c the.Pair
Solid weathered
oak smoking
stands, like the Il
lustration, made
to last a life-time;
the kind we have
always sold at
I2.S5. Friday, or
while they last,
Cut Glass & China
on Sale
One lot of out glass salt and
riepper shakers with rich, eimrk
iiik cultlns and sterling silver
toiia, large slxe. each ilr parked
In a special box, regular J 1.50
values, Friday, 11.00.
IX 60 bans painted china sal
an, pepper skakers, Friday,
the pair.
Imitation Copenhagen plates,
howls and fancy aapptas In hand
some '.pen work designs, values
up to $12i at 4c
10-place taking sets of ronia
flv ware, consisting of one cas
serole, one bowl, one nappy, six
custard cups and one asbestos
mat: special for Friday, l.vO
the set.
One lot of old brass novelties,
smoking tray a. Jars, baskets,
vasts, candle slicks, etc., wortit
up to 12.50 the piece; Friday,
choice at f 1 00.
To Help Prepare the
Christmas Dinner
risk and Savory roasters at re
daoed prices Friday 13, in and
XO-lb., ira--2.3 values at tl.8;
tl 'tb value at ll.t; t2.DK values
at t ;.-., ti.ii values at fl.7a;
12 00 vulues at ! . 11.75 values
at 1 1.3. $1.:S values at 8c.
$0U carving sets of Sheffield
steel with silver trlii tiled stag
handles, '-'..
S5 per seat off oa aAl o&er
carving; sets priced at So to S3.0
the set.
ST at Crackers sad picks, loo and
tOc the set.
loc cookie and sandwich c attars
of heavy pressed tin, different
styles, be each.
VSe tim Sal Irons for S9c.
Boeette aad patty Irons for SOc
aiamlktna at iVc
v a
Dolls at Half Price Friday
All 25c dressed and kid body dolls at 15c.
All 50c dressed and kid body dolls at 25c. J ,
awSB s - - a, a; i
Ail 7oc dressed and kid body dolls at 39c.
All $1 Of) r1reaor1 onrl 1H1 Vtnrltr rlnllo RfU
All $2.00 jointed French dolls at $1.25.';
One lot of wool, drsVsed and celluloid dolls worth up
to 75o each. Friday, to close. 25c
Natural finished shoofly rooking horses, at J5c.
XiChmail's minliftntn.1 a.tnK i
- - - wwiv,, u.iftf muien, run-
away sisters, etc.. Friday or while they last, 85c. w
Frtdayil.60d bb7 um,r" "aularly sold at li.60. Z
i.iaruiopaeBas, with folding legs, $l.s.
But Two Days Left To Take
Advantage of Special Fur Pricing
We have told you In previous advertisements how this sale of Tiirs
and each price tells of a sharp reduction. They are made of mink
black fox grey fos. Imitation black lynx, etc. Reliability and auaHty
warranted by both the maker and ourselves. - quality
Broken -lines, samples and odds and ends of good
fashionable waists are reduced for a quick selling
Friday. AlltheestmateriaU are included in the
making and you willindjtverynewworthy style.
Selling prices, $2.95 $3.95, $4.95 andW.75for
choice-reductions range from a fourth to a half.
Infants and Children's
la crowded with useful gifts. This
synopsis may aid you In choosing for
the little one.
Infantt' lilk caps, 50c fo $1.00.
Infanta' clooht, $2.75 to SS. SO.
Knitted tacquat, 59c to $1.00.
Childrtn't kimonos, 75eand$1.50.
Childrmn't coats, $2.00 to $4.00.
Cirls' drtma, $2.75 to $5.00.
Children's iwsatsrt, 59cto $1.25.
Aviation capsat 98c sack.
Robes, Dressing Sacques
and Kimonos
They're always highly appreciated
and acceptable. For Friday we have
arranged a special showing of all the
P"rns and materials
suitable for gift purposes.
Flannelette sacques, 59c to $1.
Eiderdown sacques at $1.50 ta
Flannelette and crepe kimonos.
$1.25 to $2.00.
Blanket robes, $3.75 to $5.75.
Silk kimonos. $4.90 to $6.90.
Are Cut Price Days in The
Big Pure Food Grocery -:-
In. order that your groceries may reach
you promptly, we advise as many as possible
to place their orders for Friday delivery. The
natural rush of the last shopping day before Christmas al
ways causes more or less unavoidable delay. And don't for
get that there Is an extra day'a sapping to do this week, for the store
will be closed all day next Monday rn account of Christmas.
We are headquarters for
miH iouMi.x
Vt T E av-The lb, 30
sac, iuo. Silo and See
24-lb saxk "Queen vf
1'antry" pastry Hour
and 40 stamps, S1.8A
Bennett's Kiielnlor Hour
special offer of a
sack at Sl.BO
Bennett's Best coffee
ami 10 a tan pa, lb., S6o
i I ha. Bennett'a Beat
coffee and (0 atampa,
for 91.00
Aaaorted teas and 76
stamps, lb. Sao
Assorted teas and 0
atampa, lb 4tto
Tea sifting and 10
atampa. lb l(o
west Cider, gallon, SSo
40o Jar ollvec atufted
with almonds ....30e
Snider a chile aauce and.
10 stamps, buttle, Sao
TEKlNtt. Bennett's Capitol ex
tracts and 2i stanipa,
bottle ISO
2-lb. pkgs. Bennetts
t'apttol oata and pait
cake flour and 10
atampa lOe
Virginia. Hwlaa che
and 10 stamps. It, aoe
Full cream iheese and
10 atampa. lu..,...80e
3 cana hulled beans with
chicken and 10 atampa.
for 8Io
t pkgs. 'ennetta Capi
tol mincemeat and 10
atampa Sao
'i cana Country Gentle
man corn and 10
stamps , Boo
2 cana Bennett's Capitol
whole tomatoes and 10
atampa 8 So
3 pkjs. seeded ralatna
and 10 ata.'i ps. . . .86c
Medium bottle I'.ail
lard'a olive oil and 59
atampa 490
C5o bottle Ialldet's mar
aschino cherries. . .4.6c
Batavia asparatius tips
and 10 stamps, can, S5c
cans Bennett'a Capi
tol sifted early June
I'eaa and 10 stanipa
for 8c
SnUler's salad dressing
and 10 stamps, bottle,
for SSo
Diamond Crystal table
t and 10 atampa.
0c bottle Queen olives
stuffed with olives or
almonds 3o0
Cane and maple butter
and 20 stamps. Jar, ado
2 cans shrimp and It)
stamps aoo
Candied peel, assorted, .
and 10 stanipa, lb., 85c
Fruits, Etc.
Fancy large Engllah
walnuts, lb aoo
Choice mixed nuts, per
Fancy dates, I0.....IO0
Fancy large and sniuil
hickory nuts. 4 lbs.
Extra large bunch fancy
Kalamasoo celery, asc
Fancy t'olorado apples
box 91.4S; peck Boo
Good cooking apples
bushel sso
.P"1"- 85c
Fancy Gano applea bu.,
S1.O0; peck 30
lancy tree-ripened gun
klat orangea, dox., SOc,
an. iv. 1 . -
-.iiu aoo
sack 10c
Friday Meat Bargains
Best Shoulder Hams.
Calumet Bacon
Choice Corned Beef . .
Boiling Beef ........
. .lsttc
. . .OJ.e
Dig Clearance Sale of Toys,
Dolls, Games, Sleds, Etc
All Holiday goods must go and the val
ues we're offering in Toy Fairyland Friday
and Saturday are sure to clear our shelves
in short order. Will help you decide the
Christmas tree and fill the Christmas stock
ing at greatly less expense. Biggest Stock
and Best Values shown in Omaha this
Shop early
in the day if
you'll find it
more pleasant
l i B ,."'U ABLE' STORE.' V'"'
SBfjaaiyiMaii mm nifciMi tn ilmai
Only two
more buying
days 'till
Lots of Attractive Bargains
Friday in the Men's Fur
nishing Section.
Men's Pour-ln-hand Ties, 35c values,
Friday I7g or 3 for 50f
Men s 81.00 Silk Ties, newest shape;
and colors, on sale, at 45
75c Sets Silk Ties and Sox to match
Men's Fancy Surrenders in nice Indl- J
..I 1 1 . a a nn "
viuuu.1 uuAes, vuiues up 10 fi.uu, on 4
a!e. at 49Vand 25,
Mena anil Ilnra t-tr Haiintlet. r.lnvn. -
$2.00 and $2.50 values,
t, pair 8 and 49(W
Men's Handkerchiefs at just half regu
lar prices 49 75 and $1.35 for
Box of Six.
sr f ; in ii ari u
Special Pricings That Will Interest
91-00 Genulns Briar Pipes Vulcan
ized stems with (Sterling silver-
mountings 50e
4.00 Briar Pipes at 91.00
Genuine Meerschaum Pipes with real
amber stems; up to $6.00 values
choice $3.75
Hand Bags
The Best Line of Leather
Goods In Omaha for Selection.
Special Bargains. Prices on
all Grades
$1.T)0 Hand Bags. . . . .-. .49
$2.00 Hand Bags 75
$3.00 Hand Bags. . . . .$1.50
$6.00 Hand Bags $2.25
Regular $3.00 Box, Ladles' fine
Handkerchiefs on sale Friday,
- $1.25
910.00 Toilet Cases 94.78
97.00 Toilet Cases $3.80
9S.00 Toilet Cases 93.7B
93.00 ToUet Cases 91.78
weeping Bedaotlons In all Toilet
Cases and Kanioors Bets.
Evening Clothing Sale
Thursday and Priday, beginning
at 7 P. M - in onr Clothing- Sept.,
Boye' and Children's Bolts and
Tour Choice of onr 95.00, 90.00,
$8.60 and 97.09 Suits and Over
ooats The cream of our stock,
the very beet makes Included,
the "Woolly Boy", "Best Kver",
the "Tuffnut", the "Duplex"
fancy cheviots, worsteds, cassl-
niere-s, Dine serges, etc.; many
witn iwo pairs 01
pants all at one
The most sensible g-Ift for
your boy and at a bis; price savins',
too. In addition to thin liberal
discount we will Give Pree with
each suit or overcoat, a Xotary
Same, 9 games In one, no matter
what the nrlcA nf th Mult.
T -
Some Remarkable Values
in Furnishing Goods
Ladies' Silk Hose Very best Qualities,
well worth double. Special Sale Prices.
$1.50 08 down to, 40 pair.
Ladies' and Children's Hose, worth, to
60c pair, on sale at. -25 and 12 W
Ladles' Gloves, Best makes, all guar
anteed. .S2.0O $1.50 $1.00 49
Ladies' Silk Vests, hand embroidered,
regular $3.50 values on sale. .$l.f)8
Ladies' Union Suits, values to $5.00, on
. sale Friday at
$3.50 $2.98 $2.50 down to 49
Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, values
to $3.00, on sale,
at $1.45 98 and 49
Ladies' and Misses Sweater Coats,
values to $7.50,
at, 83.08, 82.08, $1.08.,.. 9g
are very popular this season for
rifts. A XTlos Waist Pattern is
certainly appropriate and very
desirable. Friday we show a fine
line of waist patterns in novelty
weaves, plaids, stripes and Jac
quards; messallnes and taffetas,
beautiful colorlnss, in 3 Ma lots
at 91-80, 910 and $3.50 a Pattern.
850 Auto Scarfs Must Oo They
are $1.25 to 12.50 values, In all
silk crepe de chines, Btrlpe,
check, dot and bordered effects,
2 yds. long, to close, 680 and 880
2 Rousing Specials
In Wool Dress Goods
Beautiful Wool Dress Fabrics,
that sold up 10 1.2& a yard
plaids, stripes and plain weaves,
36 to t4 Inches wide; hundreds
of pieces In these lots to select
from; on sale Friday at, cliol.-e,
per yard 38o, 48 and 68e
Tennis Flannel Waist Patterns
Beautiful imported goods, Just
47 patterns left, pretty color
combinations, Juet the thing for
tailored waists; a fine gift, reg
ular 13.00 values; per pattern,
at 91.79
Make mother a nice gift of a Bissau's Ball Bearing Grand Bapids Carpet
Sweeper at $4-75
Kztra Heavy Velvet Bags 27x54 Heavy Axminster Bogs
blze, on sale 91.35 ' 27x60 sixe, each $1.35
Extra Heavy velvet Hogs ibx:.i 1 27xft4 size, each $1.!
wo 1
alia at.
S6x72 size, each ..
Blankets and Comfortable Sale
Every Blanket and Comforter must be sold before , Saturday.
Flankets. per pair SOc, 7So, $1.00, $1.15, $1.50, 91.9$ Up.
Comfortables extra heavy, very warm. .780, $1, $1-25, 91.80, 91.78, 91.98 Vp
Closing out Hath Itobes unmade.
Closing out Children's Crib Blankets ,..19Ho up to $1.98
, Cluny pieces to close very cheap from .i ;, ,69o up to 93040
Why Pay More for Drugs and Toilet Goods
Toilet Bets, Manicure Sets, Pancy Combs, Brushes, Hand Mirrors, Im
ported and Domestlo Perfumes; also btaple Articles at Prices that Have loo,
UOMi tO 1W
COc Hinds Honey and Almond Cream
for 33o
25c alze Sanltol or I'eroxlde Fare
Cream for ISO
$1.00 size pure Hydrogen I'eroxlde,
extra aize for 35o
26c Sanltol Tooth Powder or Paste
for 130
Four bars of Ivory 8oap for . ...16o
ISo package 10-Mule-Te&n- Uorax loo
10c Jap Kuse or Palm olive Soup at
two bars for 18o
100 Ir. illnkle's Canrara Tablets 35o
JDc slxe Iludnut Violet tiac Toilet
Water for B9e
$1.00 ox. Plver'a Le Trefle or Azurea
Perfume at. oz 6S0
$3.50 Manicure beta go at 98-00
DOe. Manicure Sets go at. .... . .'. 95e
12.00 Set go at '. U0
Military Hair BruHhua at jutone
half regular prices.
$1.00 Traveling Cases go at '.49o
3.00 Safety ltazora with 12 blades
for .....91.00
EOc values in Package Perfumes, 38o
12.00 and 12.60 package Perfumes at
one price 9 so
$1.25 No. 'i Fountain ojiiiifce or Pot
tle for S9o
$2 00 No. 3 Wellington Hot Water
Pottle for . 91.80
$2.00 No. 2 Tied Rubber Syringe ami
Bottle for 91.00
$3.00 Wellington Hyrlnge and Bottle,
guaranteed for five years 93.00
Buy Your Nuts, Oranges, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables at Hayden's
Ton tret the Beat and Save from
88 to 60' i.
48-lb. aack best IMamond H h';li
grade Family Flour for your
puddings, pies and cakes.. $1.25
lb lUi. l-t Uianulbted 'Suicar. . $ 1
Large bottle Assorted 1'lcklea.
Worcester fcauce or Pure Tomato
Catsup, bottle bljO
1-1U Jars Pure Fruit Preaervea 2io
Imported Surdlnes, can 4u
Imported Sardines, can 40
Boiled Cider, per bottle 25o
Xmas I luiu Pudding, 1-lb. can
for 39e
1-lb. cans Ciolden Pumpkin. Hum
any, tSquash or Baked Beans It Wo
Fancy Asorted Cookies. 40 vari
eties, lb lOo
The Best Creamery Batter for
Zmaa, per la. 38a
Full Cream cheese, whits or col
ored, lb. 20o
Neufchatel Cheese, each to
Full Cream, Brick or Llmberger
Cheese, lb. lfo
Strictly Fresh Egfrs, per dozen Sc
The beat Ktorage Fags, dozen, 25o
The Best Candled Lemon,
and Citron Pevl 30c
Cleaned Currants, per lb lOo
Muscatel Km tains, prr lb 1uo
Urled Peaches, per lb Vic
California Cooking Firs, per lb..lic
California Seedless Kaisina, lb 10c
Hultana lUiulns. er lb l'Hc
S pkiis. llebt Condenaed Mince Meut.
St "i3
PKit LoZ., lbc, 20c. Ha and 30e
UE.S l- A Nil HAVE
Fresh ileeto, Carrota, Turnips or
ttadlshes. 3 bunches for c
FreKh Cabbage. Kuiabdgas or Hul-
bard 6'iuabh. pr lb.. mc
Old BeeU, Turnips. Carrota or
I'arsnlps, lb 2uj
1-aiu jersey Sweet 1'otatoes, at
a lb 310
J heads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce. .iiu
Fancy Cauliflower, lb 71, c
Large Cucumbers, each jiij
Cane Cod Cranberries, (ier gt....iOc
For a bottle of good wine or liquor
for Xmas, try Hayden's. It pays.