Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Bean Be pin Hammering Down Mar
. ket on Big Visible Supply.
Drprrulon a Fa tare Take risre
Far IVad Roads and Mild
Wratkrr Have Prfvfalf
ftellrerlea frnn t'oantry.
OMAHA. December L 1911.
Cable news today for wtvat trader was
II bearlah. Value at Idverponl. Bueno
Ayre and Winnipeg were ail lower ann
naturally the lutni began hammering the
market down on the hltc violnle supply
nd the lurk of anv adequate demand.
The only redeeming feature la the com
paratively firm rh values and winter
wheat market are shipping cut more
wheat than la arriving daily.
Deptmaiona m the corn future take
pla.e easily w nen long try to take
profits, fearing a hig run of corn. Bo far
bad Toads and mild weather haa pre
vented country deltverence. Condition
may easily -develop which will make a
loiiKMted market In the December con
tracts. The lower wheat cable this morning
bi-ought out the (Mattered long wheat.
PeMng was general on the swells. Caxh
wheat sold lower.
Corn ruled heavy and "a red lower
with the lower wheat market. Heller
were aKgreiuive and Hie country was of
fering freely. ( corn waa 'iUc lower.
Primary wheat receipt were 4W.W0 bu.
and shipment were i.'i"0 hu., against
receipt Ihi year of M,0"u bu. and arma
ment of 2t4,0u0 bu.
lrimary corn receipt were BOfl.OflO bu.
nd enlpmenta were iit7,'X bu., agtlimt
rec-Mpta IBM year of Mi'.wu bu. and shlp
ment of 7HO.oio bu.
clearance! were S,ou) bushel of corn,
.(! buehel of oat, and wheat and flour
e.iual to a,,Mi hiifhel.
I.lveipmil closed lSd lower on wheat
nd V'l Vl lower on corn.
T he following canh Mile were reported:
Wheat: No. i hard, 1 car wtc; No. 2
hard. 1 car iwUr: No. 4 hard. 1 car 7c.
Corn: No. 1 yellow, 1 car MMC, 1 rars
fike; No. 4 yellow, I car bV. 1 car ic,
X cars 67!o, 1 car 57'y, 6 car 674', I car
ic; No. 2 mixed, 1 car &4c; No. 4 mixed,
1 car hc, 3 car 67c Oats: No. 8 white,
1 car f,iv-: No. 4 white, 1 cr 45,io, 1 car
45'ac; no grade, 1 car 4fc. .
Omaha 1'anli frXee.
WIIKAT-No. 2 hard, MVtrfcll.Op'4: No.
ft hard, 'j74'ai'4o: No. 4 hurd, klV(i1
4'Oll.V No. 8 white, Wi'iC- No. 4
white, S74.'t8'ic; No. 3 yellow,;
No. 4 yellow, ix.fHiMlic; No. 8, B"ytt4c;
No. 4. 6t.v?i.'iic.
OATH No. 3 white. 45i title: tandnrd,
4o',4i4k'; No. 3 white, 4l.t tl4C; No. 4
white. 4.vt4.SHe: No. 3 yellow, 4rifiV4c;
No. 4 yellow, 44,46c.
BAKI.-:Y-Malting, fUW'l.iO; No. 1
feed 70h 00c.
lUE-Ko. 2, 8Cttf)lc; No. 3, SftfrJOc
Carlo! Het-ript.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
Chicago It 103 78
Minneapolis 1H1 . ...
Duluth 117
Feat area of the Trading Bad loalng
I'rlrea on Uaard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Dec. Argentina report
of perfect harvevt weather laid a heavy
hand tcKiay on wheat and Indirectly on
all other grain. cloning figure were
at net decline of V 'o to lulo. Latent
trauing left corn c to w!c down, oat
off So to lc. and hog product varying
from lat nlgnl'a level to 7wo below.
8o many anoriM had covered their line
of wheat on the closing bulge yexterday
that the market wu left without that
olaaa of support.. There waa no fresh
buying Incentive In the domestic news, ao
that prices responded at once to the de
pressing effect of dlspiitchea from fcouth
America. Favoring tains and anowa fel,
in the winter wheat enctlons of the
United Kiate. An additional weight wa
the fact that owners were uneasy about
attempting to carry holdings over three
holidays ahead. litis feeling became a
decided factor when word was received
that Minneapolis, liulutn, Kansas City
nd Hi. Loul t-xchangus, as well a Chi
cago had coiioiudrd to close Haturday.
A a reault final price, though steady,
wera at nearly the lowest point of the
esalon. Kelween the opening and the
wind up May ranged from to 97,c.
with last saiea Hwo down at kVii Wo.
In the corn pit the effect of the general
wet weather had been taken advantage of
before hand. 1'rtce sagged In sympathy
with wheat. May fluctuated from tMlio
to ttVkc, closing weak at tHV'n; .c, a loaa
of o net. There was a little flurry In
the cash market, shippers unHh! to for
ward In time for delivery this month
buying the No. t grade In lively
fashion at the aample tables and paying
lo advance. No, 2 yellow was quoted at
72o for old. v
Oata were heavy all day, Top' and bot
tom figures touched by May were dso
and 47o. with the close at the last
named level, a decline of ,o from last
There wag free selling of provisions by
houses with foreign connection. Pork
rlosed c to 7Ho lower and lard and
ribs eased off, but not to exceed a
Cash quotation! were as follows:
Artlo l Open. High. i.uw. Close. ts-y.
U beat I
M I W 9ft
63V.;03lii 4
Cxrn. 1
My.M -(
4',M'I tuVi
' s. 46
'-! 4,';1 4
4-l 44 (
May. I 1 124 1 12,1 1 0" I 14 02 Vi 15 niv,
iulKjMsU Hi Ju I It 1IM lu ai itriu.i.
Lard." I : r
17W ) 1 IS I 8 17W B 17U
0-3Vll 43's-5 40-iH4, 4o a 9 4i-7t,
iiSt t S3
8 30
8 b)
8 39
b to
8 I) ,
8 25
8 r
8 bi
May 2tt-4, 8 tu
FLAiLR tileady; winter patents, V.i ji
4 W; winter straights ta.'u I w.. spring
patents, $o.7tHi6 l, spring atiulghts. e..,t
tl; bakers, ki.Hnr. ,u; spring patents held
at ; w for bt-st hard.
RYK No. 2, U'U.WVtC.
UARLKY Feed or mixing, SOfo'Jio; fair
to choice malting, $l.Kul.24.
' BKHDs-Tlinutliy, i:.My 15.00; clover.
tlii iAtti JU.U.
PRoViblONH-Pork, incss. ir bbls.,
$H.;li.ow, lard, per 100 lb., $j.lo; short
MPs, eldes (loose). $7.inV.
Total cluarami.n ot wheat and flour
wers jumI to ZJi'.twO bu. Primary receipt
were 4..uu bu.. compared with bu.0u bu.
the corresponding day a year ago. Kstl
matod receipts lor tomorrow : neat, 2ti
t-ara; corn, 1J cars: oats. )j cars; hugs.
24.0UU baL
Chlcago Cash Prices win at. No. 2 red
Mic; No. $ red, tektftfec; No. t hard
sinctjUOl: No. 3 haid. K.u; No. I
norttisrn. $l.0Mcrl.u; No. 2 northern, $104
t1.07; No. 3 northern. llGj.jl.uu, No. j
spring, S7ci$l.; No. 3 spiiug, sonj$l.02;
No. aprlug. 8ictjl.u0; eivtl chaft. Kvi
$1 06. durum, Isk(U"J. Coin, No. 2. old
7oc; No. 3 yellow, old, 72c; No. 3, eiWi
fcsc; No. 3 white, Olv-Wc; No. 3 yellow.
l.iSc; No. 4. No. 4 white'
Oiikc; No. 4 yellow. iStilc. Oats)
No. 3 wldle. 4'4'c; No. whits, 4
47 c; No. 8 white, 4.iit7Sc; standard
hi t-No. 3, r'i24c.
HAKl:Y 7ivU 2j.
TIS4ul HY-$12 w-iliOO.
C 1 JU V K K 8 ItJMMi X. J.
liUTTKH-bieaoy; creameries
dairies. 2,ti31o.
KcrUA teady; receipt. I 4U case; at
Bvara, cases iix ludv1. Z'Jc, firsts, JJhu
tie; prime flrats, i-a tic.
CHk.fc.riK irregular, daisies, IsAieVc
twins, lualSc. young Americas, ii--4
JAf) long hum. UvutlfrVc.
POTATOt Biroiig . to fancy 83
(B-'i fair to good. avtUAic.
POUWRY Kasy; turkeys, litflTHc;
viiivbviw, (vv., Itniuil, ivtiwstc,
VliAXe-44ieady at '.tfilo for bu to 80
pouud weights.
Carlot Kiclpts: Wheat, 12 ran. with I
of contract glad. Corn. 1"1 can with 1
of cutitiaot grade. Oats. 78 car. Total
rooaipts of wheat at t.u , Mlnneaputis
and Duiuta today we i0 far, com
pared with ude cars last week and 442
cara lum corTcsvouatng aay a year ago.
MlLWAl'KKK, Doc 31. WH CAT Ne.
g awrutcrn, n-v.t.i; o. I Dortbero,
81 OT.ffl tv.i,: No I hard winter, 3l.01iri.02;
May. v: July. MS'f "'So.
a i r Mannarn. 4.1v
BARLEY Mai tin g. 81.13431. 23.
m:w voiik r.Ki:Ri. M(rket
Qaottlons of the Itar n Varies
Commodlt le.
NKW YORK. Pec 21.-FlXfn-Qi)let ;
pring patents, xsooas w; winter straight.
l4.Kfu4.2i, winter patents. 34 &W4.70: spring
cletr. 4 Wit. .It; winter extra No. 1, 3.170
t7l M; winter extra No. 2, 3.1 Mtl.ffi; Kin
sns straight. 344.70. Itecetpta, 32,099
bu.; shipment. 21.2a bu. five flour.
teady; fair to good. 34.7MM.Mi; choice to
innry, a,.wo ai. Hiirgwneat flour, xirm,
I-'AiiIM per hundred pound.
' ihn M K A 1 Klrm ; fine white and
yellow. tntinr,; cjare, 31561.60; kiln
dried. 33. (Mf 3.7b.
HYK-Hteady; No. 2, 97c, c. 1. f. Buffalo
to arrive.
HAKLKY-Hteady; malting, 31.1881.25,
c. I f. liufflo.
fiifcr elevator export basis to arrive, and
to r. o. n. arioat; No 1 Northern lmiuth,
31.17U f. o. b. afloat. Future market.
weak, under selling on the favorable Ar
gentine new and weakness abroad and In
sympathy with the outside market!, clos
ing 'ftc. net lower. Oecember closed
Hi; May, 31.02 13-141.
tjHN-Hpot market, easy; export, toc
f. n. h. afloat. Futures market, nominal,
OATH ripot market, easy; standard
white, M: In elevator; No. 2, M'r"; No. 3
and No. 4. Mr, and natural white and
white clipped, 624ftjc on track, futures
market, nominal.
H Y Firm ; prime, nominal; No. 1,
ll.2r.ft 1.30; No. 2, f 1. 104 I.lo ; No. 3. H.V'gll.Ov.
HOI'H Firm; steady, common to cholco,
1911. fto-riMe; 1910, nominal; Pacific coast
lltll. 4Mjr; 1910. nominal.
HIOKR-Bteady; Central America, 22c;
Hogots, 12'a2a',ic.
Lk-A i'H Kit yilet ; hemlock first. V.Q
S7e; second, 24:w; third. 21J22o; re
Ject. rKOVIION9-Pork, steady; meg, 317.45
fil7.M; fsmllv, f omif 20.00; ahort clear,
3l".!l.M. Ileef, firm. mer. 313.0Tti la.eiii
fnmlly, 3l4.5y,( I5 0II; beeve, ham, ."
II 00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies,
lot 14 pound, U pickled ham. DtiDVtc.
lard, steaily; middle went prime, tUMrtt
&; refined, barely steady; continent,
$n, gmith America, $10.25; compound,
... .7.12.
TAll,tnv-rtill; prime city, hhd.,
$(.: country. 6T4i6Tc.
falJTTKIlFIrm; creimory special, 40c;
extra, !ikc; creamery held specials, Mc;
extras, UW&c.
KHUH Weak, frexli gathered extras, 41
ti44o; 'extra first, Sniyc ; refrigerators,
spei'lal marks, fancy, local - storage
charges paid, ZSi'Xc; western gathered
Whites, lMi44c.
POI iyrRY Alive, weak and unsettled:
western chickens, lfrollHo; fowl, 12SiW
13 Ho; turkeys, 14c; dressed, Irregular;
western chicken. Otitic; fowls, 6'ilc;
tut keys, 12'ulVc.
fit. I.oals General Market,..
HT. 1111S, Dec. 21,-vVHKAT-Cash.
Lower; track No. 2 red, 7tf97V4c; No. i
hsrd, Wcti iMMV,; May, DHHc; July, Mc,
COHN-Firm; track No. 3. lX4jC: No. 3
while, MaMc; May, dnSo; July, 64a.
OATHWeak; track No. I, 47tc; No. i
white, 4p; December, 47Wc; Mav, 48 tic.
FUH'R Unlet: red winter natent. 14.40
fli'i; extra fancy and straight, jlWCtf
4.3T; hard winter clears, 3agH4r4.16,
FKKO Timothy, $14.U0rtK.vX.
It RAN bull; racked east track, $1,111
20. - '
lfAYHteriv tlmnlhv. OTVfi'U AO-
prairie. $12 dra 14.50.
l'KO Visit )Nt Pork, unchanged: Inh.
blng, $I.7G. Iari1. unchanged; prime
steum, Dry salt meat, un
changed; boxed extra short, 3.2ft; clear
rib. 1 23; short clears, $ 37. Bacon, un
changed; bnxnd extra shorts, $9.26; clear
rib, ' .; short clean, 3D.87H.
i iji lii m nteauy; onirken, sc.;
spring. RVtc; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 12Hc;
geest- Sue.
rii'TTuiiv Higher; creamery, aivajec.,
. KOa8TWeak. 27o.
Piiralnfi RhlfimMaSia
Ftour, bbl 6.000 1,800
lira,, vu, ,,,, , 0o,i""ir os,uw
Corn, bu 4. mm tit.Oiio
Oats, bu S2.0U0 11,000
Kansas City Uralat and Provisions.
Cash, tmohanged; No, 2 hard, HKrxul.06;
No.- i,' No. 2 red, IK4i97o; No. a.
tt1u'.Go; May, 3:tiH6"l4c.
lUHN-LuiCHungeU to HO. lower; No. i
mixed. tWfcc; No. 1. ti.'Mtc; No. 2 white, PB
i&o; No. 3, tJc; December, 6GUc; May,
OATS Vnchnnged to V,o lower; No. I
while, 4MHWs: No. i mixed, 47Vj,'o4c.
IlYK-MiCij!t,c. .
HAV Mrudv; choice timothy, $l.irt
20.(i; choice prairie, $13.2(ti;13.50. '
11UTTKH Creamery. "; flretg, 83c;
cennd. Vic; packing stock, jnVjo.
KUOS Extras, it!c; first. 3uc; tecondi,
Receipts. Bhlpmeht
Wheat bu 24.000 $.000
Corn, bu M07.0HO 4ttM)
Oats, bu. 11,000 11,000
Minneapolis Uralat Market.
(ecember, $1.02; May, $1.00; July, $l.06
(ll.OtPs; cash. No. 1 hard, $1.04; No. 1
northern, $1.0f.ini.o.Hl No. 3 northern, $1.08
41.03: No. 8, li.ooVitfl.OH,.
t LAX-2.0M.'2 iW. v
rlAHl.EY-;oil 15.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 67(Me.
OATH-No. 3 white. 44'c.
IIYK-No. , 87VuSV0.
HHAN- $3.0iklW.fiO.
FU)l'R Flrsl patents. ItOOiRiRM; sea
and patents, M.liUjUti; first clean, 33.60
tVJ.U; second cleats, $J.4vur0.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Firm, lo higher; western creamery special,
4ic: extra 41cj, nearby print, extra, 4::c.
KOOrt Flrtiii Pennsylvania and other
noirliy firsts, f. c. $1020 per case; cur
renin receipt. r c. per cae; western,
fint. f. c. $10.20 per case; current re
ceipts, f c. $!i.80 per case.
CHBFHK-IIrm: New York full creams,
fancy, HHttjliiV;-'r to good, 15SxUltic.
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady; No. 3 Manltolta, T 'i; future,
steady; December, 7s 4HJ: March, 7s 8Sd;
May, 7
C.)RN Spot, firm; American mixed
As 7tl; futuivs, easy; January, 5a tA:
February, 6s 844.
Peoria Market.
ri-nnti tw t I'.itiM I..... x
3 white. lc; No. 4 white, &9n: No. 8 vel
low. LHc: No. 3 mixed, die: No. 4 mixed
VV; sample. 67c.
oa is iower; stanaara, tJc; No. S
wnite, c.
Umakn Hay Market.
nu 1 It 1 fw,. 1 1 1 . v , mtm m.
No. 3. 310.50: coarse, $.U0: packing stock.
$7.00-, alfalfa. $1400. ftiaw: Wheat, $5.00;
rye and oata, $8.50.
toffee Market.
Futures opened ateady at unuliaiiied
pricea to an aavanve i i points on cover
lug. but soon weakened under liquidation
of Ieoeniber report that tirasll waa of.
terms cost couee ana ire ana easy
C reiich cables. t luctuatlons Were some
what Irregular ajid leading roasters
svetned to b taking the offerings ot the
near months, while fresh business was
probably restricted by trie approach of
the holidays, as the market will be closed
on both Saturday and Monday. Th
final tone wa steady with, closing prices
two points lower on December and fro
unchanged to 6 points net higher on ether
months. Hales. M.0U0 bag. December,
l.i'Mt bags; January, 1 833 bags; February.
1318 bags; March, l.Sut bogs; April, l.4
hags; Msy, l.aoj bags: June, July, August.
September and October. 1.387 bag; No
vember, l.tsti bags. Havre was unchanged
to 1 franc luaer. Hamburg was un
changed to Vpfg lower. Rio, to ret
lower at 4M, Kan to. 150 ret lower at
Kti'M: 7$' Receipts at the two Braitllan
port. 22. Out bags against i!!,0U0 bags last
year. Jtitidlahy recalpts. 17.0MI bags
againa t.nou bags last year. Rata was
reported in all districts ot Fao Paulo.
New York warehouse deliveries yesterday
I? ti6 bag amalnst 12.3j6 bag last vear.
Today's patal Hanlo cable reported
rours unchanged: eoa Paulo receipts,
2,lo bag againal 300U0 biigs yesterday.
- hpot coffee, uuiet; lUo'No. 7. 14.ltl4Uo:
Kantoa No. 4. lhe: mild, quiet; Cor-
dova. IttStowSiC; nominal.
Dry GMMla Market.
The primary cotton goods market waa
quiet but with an upward tendency.
Tarn quiet and Inactive. Fair trade
In woolen good for men' wear (Or th
next neavy weight, saaav
Operations Consist Mainly of Short
CoTering- During Day.
Mevement of Prices at First Decid
edly Irregalar, rrltfc Proaoaneed
Weakness In the Gonld
Railroad lssnes.
NEW YORK. Dec. 21. For th greater
pari ot tonay session the stock market
bore the familiar aspect of approaching
holiday, the three flavM' resrutf. Iiavinir
Ihe effect of curtailing oieratlon which
consisted largely of short covering by
the professional element. The movement
i rim waa decidedly Irregular with pro
nounced weakness In the flould issue.
particularly In Texa & Pacific and Den
ver A Itlo Grande shares. A severe de
cline In the preferred stock of the latter
gave rise to rumors nf noaslhle receiver-
snip proceenings, but Uieaa Were authori
tatively denied.
Iater the market grew gradunlty
firmer under the leadership of 1-ehlgh
Valley, Amalgamated CoDDer. American
Smelting and other active lstie.
J n market as a whole waa narrow.
The purchase bv a lendlnif hanklns;
house of the New York Central' lsue
of $H,w,(M) of equipment notes, which
are to he offered at public sale, was the
one Item of bank In interest, the recent
demand for money from German and
other foreign source having suddenly
Time monev was sllshtlv hlsher. a re
sult of the recent outflow to Kuro e, and
a further stiffening of 30 and 80-day ma
turities Is probable.
Advice from ljndon and Merlin were
mostly of an adverse character.
one of the recognised authorities an
nounced that contracts for 6,000 to HOii.O")
tons of steel rails are to be placed by
the end of th year with a very large
order for can by the i'ennxylvunia
Apart from a 3 point decline In Denver
A Rio Orande 5 the bond market wn
firm. Total aalefl, par value, $4,o40.000.
I'nlted States bonds wers unchanged on
Number of sales snd leadina catotatloni
of stocks wera as follows:
'. 11 1 h. low. Cln.
Allla-hstraer pfd
Am)mmteit Copper ... 14.) Hit
Amerl'in Agricultural .. i.o0 .14 'S
Am. Beet Mur I. MM Mt US
Amrltan (n 1. loo It lo 104
Amrlen C. at F l.oo Hi t'
Am. Cotton (Ml loo 47 44'4i
American II. I pfd II
Am. Ice Heeurltle H4)
Amertnan Llnaeed 10Vi
Amerlran JxHemotlr ... 400 il M'4
Amenran . H 7. K)0 74 it H 744
Am. R. prl
Am. Steel Foundries IS
An Sugtr Heflnlng JIB
Amsrieaa T. T MX) 1184 ll
Amarleaa TnMrca pfd... 1.400 1044t 11
American Woalen 2i
Ansi'ohd stlnlag Co.... 8.D00 WH t7H "
AtrslWB 1.(100 104 S 104' VM,
Atrhlwn pfd ln.1'4
Atlantlo Cnttt Un too 134Uj 1x414
hiitimor Ohio........ tin 10:14 10:114 I"-1
HethleSem Hll 4li Xl 10 10
BrMkirn tUuld Tr lo 77U 774 77
Canadian Pavirio V 140'a iiou, 1114
Antral Mather MO 12 II 4 ill
Vnlral Leather pfd 100 It l HI
'etltral ot New ereJ 315
Cheaapeak Ohio 4.000 7114 T4U 7l
i'talraso A Alton ii
Chlcaso u. W., new 100 II 14 1S
tili-o O. W. pfd loo SH MS
t ni.iao at . w nz 4
Oilrato, M. A W. P.... 1.000 1104 U0S H0V,
C. :. C. A St. L. 7B
'Ymra4ft P. A 1 17
'olorsdo A. snuthara 41
onaoltd.tM lis 4X0 1MV 1M4 jmH
Cars Product 10 H lOVa 104
Pelawar Hudson 144
rxnrar A Itlo Orande... t.WO J0t4 in 14 14
Denver A R. O. pfd 8, loo 414, JH
DlatllUr' aacarltlM .... too US ' Hit
Brl 8,400 I1V4 3 4
Krl lit pM 100 81148 MS 41
Krl Id pfd 41
Oenaral Elactrto 100 IMS IMS IMS
Oraat Notiharn pfd 400 1S liS ltRH
Ureat Northam Or etfa. 8, poo H 15 38
tlllnol Central 100 141 141 10
Intarbnrouth Mat 1.000 li 16S IIS
nt. MM. ptd 100 4 S
nternattonal Kat-esatar.. 8.700 tit llou. 111
Intar-ldaiiM pfd I.S00 II Its 1S
International Paper , S
International Pump St
Iowa Oantral 1 II
Kenaa City Snutharn... 408 It 17 37
K. .'. So. pld MS
lrlda Oa 100 If 14 1 06 14 106
1nuiaTtlle A Kaahrlll.. 4,100 IMS IMS IMS
linn. St. Lmila. 14
M . St. P. A 8. . S4... 130 135S S IMS
Mtaaoorl. K. A T 1,400 Us ' 9S
M . K. T. pfd 4:l'4
Mlaaourl Paclrlo 11,100 I IIS 37 S IKS
National Biacult IMS
National Lead 1.400 It US 54 S
N. R. n. of M. Id pfd. 100 I4H . US S
Naw York Ontral l'S
N. V.. O. W SIS
Norfolk WMtera I"0 pits 10S 10S
North American ' toe- 7SS 7S 73
Northarn- Paclllo i.0 IIhS IKS 1IH
Pacific Mall 100 IIS S014 SI
PannaylTanla 80 1I3S "3 lll'i
Peapla Das 101
P , C, C. St. I. VK) K14 Kt4 H
Ptttamirih Coal 100 IIS US "S
Preand Steal l-ar M 1114
Pullman Palae Cr 100 IMS 1"IS lS
Ralloty Steal gprlag... 300 SIS SI SOS
Headlns 41,ixi lis -4 PUS P'S
Republle MhI I.ftoo IT '4 S7S, ITS
Hcpublle Steel pfd too H.'H M I4S
Hock laland Co 8.100 Its US tss
ll'jxk laland Co. Pfd POO 45 S 44U 44H
St. U A S. F. Id pfd... :0Q 41S 4IS 'S
St. Loula g. W to
St. Loula g. W. pfd tl
loat.Hhaftl.14 8. 4 1 41
outhara Paclfla 1 Ills 111 1"T4
Soulham Rallasr 1.7oo 1114 tt ju
So. Railway ped 100 71 S 7IS IIS
TennaeaM OopPr 100 S7S 7S I7S
Texas A Pacific I too 3t 1S i
T., St. L. W M tOO 15S 1S It
T., St. 1, A W. pd 100 3714 38 14 S4
t'nlon Paclfla 81.000 115S 1TSS 174S
t'nlon Pacific pfd IS
Pnlted Stats Realty. 1(14
I nlieJ Slate Hubker.... 40 41 4 4
t'nltsd State Steal 80.400 II M'4 M14
V. B. Steal pfd I Sou 1114 11114 11114
Plah Copper H.000 M MS 55S
V -Carolina Chamlcal .. too 55 S 64 '4 5S
Wahaak 1,100 44 tS BS
Watnah pfd 5.100 1114 14S 144
Wester Maryland 400 41 S US N1
WeatlnshnilM Electrl ., 1.700 K4 u4 14
Waaler t'nlon t"0 74S 7i 7SS
Wheallns A U. E Imi 4 Its
l-hgh Valley 87.700 IWH 1'S HS
Chin Copper 4,100 MS tS !
Par Ctine.lldal.O 4 100 U 17 17V
Total aalta lor th a. IS. 100 atiaraa.
New Vork Moaey Market.
call, steady: SSiM per cent: ruling rate.
4 bar cent; dosing bid, 3 per cent; of-
reted at I per cent, rime loans, steady;
sixty day and ninety days, 4gpt!4 per
oent: MX months, 44j4'4 per cent.
44) per oent.
aotual business In bankers' bill at $4.SS
for sixty-day Din ana at t"a for de
mand. Commercial bills, $4.82.
SILVER Bar, Wc: tUxlcau dollars.
UOND9 Government, steady: railroad.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows-
V. 8. rat. a. rag . KM Int. M. M. 4Sa.... S
do ctupo I' Japaa 4a St-
V. 8. . WIS o 4S Its
8a coupon lol'4K. 8. So. lat Is ... 7114
I). 8. a, rag liS L. S. e. 4 1ML.. 114
do coupon l' U A N. sol. 4 ... II
Allla-CUl. 14 a... 4 14. K. A T. lat 4.. Hyi AS do 4S .
A. T. AT. ci. 4..HhMo. Paoino 4 tS
. . m . . - U. , V, Ik n .... ..
Am. iwww " -a,-.. I. 01 m w ptu
4 4 T. c. s. 8S ... 17
Armour A Co. 4S- ' o dab. 4a
Alchtaaa gaa 4.... N. T. N. H AH
do c. 4 11 . ct. la 11144
do c. la loas'N A W. lat a. a. nZ
A. O. U 4a lo c. 4 lo
gal. A Ohl 4a MSNa. Pclfi 4 loo
ad ISa -. !S o a ,,u
co S. W. IS ... Iusf. A L rfd. 4 ... 1414
Brook. Tr. ct. 4... .iSPen. er. It, int.. MS
lS. of (la- U lo 4a ran. 4a. 10JI4
Can. Laathar la..... MSRaadla (a. 4a.... Mk
O. f N. i. g la . .HIS U A t. r. fa 4 3
Chaa. A Ohio ISa. lulS da ra. I ,u
! nf. H S t. l S. W t 4.. 7v
CMvf A. IS 5S da 1M sold 4.... II J
C. a. A Q I. 4a... t J A 1 4a nu
da Ban. 4a MS'Ao. Pc. col ... II 14
C. M A 8. P. 4a US do e. 4a i
C. K. I. A P. . 7S4 o la4 rat. 4a hu
do rf. 4 ktSo. Ralloar a 101 V
oi'olo. Ind. la 71 do ia 4 nil
aoha. Mid 4a 4 l nlos Parlll 4a... n,,
C. AS r. A e. 4S4 t d air. M
D. A H. ct. 4a P7S o lat A raf a. ITU
D. A H O 4 0 V. s Rubber ta... 1044
" - ! - a. o M I'll.
PUtlllor' 5a 71 V.-t'r. rharn. U..I0
"a p. I. 4 MSWh.k 1st u pvtu
do 4 TI- 4 lat ,s 4,...
do cv 4. atr. A 4iWatani kid. 4 it u
do earta B
Oa. I lav. a
ri e.i. aiac. c. I.. 2ttw
. 5a.. . 1M 'Wta. (.antral 4.... n
Hi. .a lat rat. 4 M Pas. cr. 17
in iev 4s,a. ri 4 -ran a ma la luia;
Bid. Otttnt.
Dank af fnalaaa Slateaaeat.
LTINIxyN. Deo. 21-The weekly atate
rnent of the Rank of Kngland ahowa the
following changes: Total reaeve do
tTeaaed 1 4os.tA) pMimda; circulation In
cteaae.1 &iw iu pounds; bullion decreased
I.81 1, pMiUaaA, other securiUca tucrouKwd
8 lll.faai pounils; other deoslt Increased
j.J"l,f pounos, puldlc deKits lncreed
7ll,fl IKtinds: notes reerve decreased
2. ..isa pounds; rovernrnent, ectirlte
inrreaseti M,v pound. ihe proportion
of the bank reserve to liability this
week I 41 5f per cent; last week It wa
43 v per cent.
l anda gok Market.
IjONDON. Dec. 21 American securities
opened around parity and later moat of
the llHt advanced on light covering. At
noon prices ranged from unchanged to
4 higher than yesterday s Aew 1 org
t'oniola, money 77 Lnulavllle A N 141S
do account 77SM.. K. A T S
Amal. t'oppor l N. V. Central no
Anaconda TVNorfolk 4k W lit
Atrhlaon !"' do efd M
do pld 107 Ontario at W 40U.
Baltltnor A Ohio. . . l4Pannlranl US
t'anaillan pacific .. .147 Raad Mine H
I btaliutl A O ifila Kcadln 71 '4
Chlcaso O. W Iti'iSoutlicrn Rr ,nS
hl . Mil. A St. P. .IK' do pfd l'
V' Baera I8outhrn Pacific. .. ..IIUS
Danver A Rio 0 ll',lnli,n Pacific HS
do pfd 4l do pfd KS
Erla 3.1 SI-. 8. Steal 70
do at pfd I4 do Pfd 114
do Id pfd 44 Wananh IS
Grand Trunk !fS do pfd US
llllnol Central Hi'
"il.VKK liar, stertdy at 25 3-lSd per 01.
M O N K Y ;iV,"fi Au tier cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three
months bins, J l(J la-lti per cent.
Itnaton gtock and Bond.
HUSTON. Dec. 21- Closing quotations
on stock were as follows:
Allnur 4014 Mohawk M
A ma I. Coppar ftlN,ti4i Con IIS
A. I, dt B to Nlpl.alns Mine ... 1
II A I'.f, A. S. M. 7 V North llirtt S"t
Dull Coalition .... t3'4Norih Jahc 7
I'll. A Arlaona 4.1 old Lmmlnlon ... 4?S
f'al. A Heels 437 Oacaola 1"
Centennial 14 Parrolt 8. A C 14
Cop. Hana C. C... 8nUiilncv S
Raat Butt C M.... 12Hhnnon l'"4
Pranklln 11 Superior 30
Olrnu On 4'4Hnterlor A B. M.. 1
flranby Con JiHTamarack
(iraene Cananea .... al'. S. S, R. A M.. 17
lale Hoy ale Hopper. 11 4 do pfd 4
Kerr 1-kc 11'tah fun 174
Lake Copper 34 ! tah Comer Co. US
Sails Copper fcswinon IS
Miami Copper Wolverine lOOvt
ma. Asked. '"Kx-dlvidend.
New York Mining Stock.
NEW VORK. Deo. 21.-CIoslng quota
tions on mining stock were:
Allcs too Little Chief I
rm. Tunnel stock, ft Meilcan 400
do humla 11 Ontario 100
Con. Cal. A V II Ophlr 145
Iron Hllrer 110 Hlandard 100
Leadvlll Con 10 Yellow Jacket 60
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Pee. 21 Hank clearings for
today were $2,436,510.64 and for the corre
sponding day last year $3.822,B3.30.
New York Markets Clnate.
NEW YORK. Dec. 21. All markets here
will be closed Saturday, except dairy and
BUTTER No. 1. l ib. carton. 85o: No.
1, In tSO-lb, tubs, 34 Sic; No. 2, Sou; packing,
CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; Ameri
can fciwlbs. ,24c; block Swiss, lc: twins,
lHc; dailies, luc; triplets. ltc; young Amer
ica, aic: blue label brick, 19o; llniberger,
i-lb., 18c; 1-lb., 11.!.
I'OULTRY Broilers. $4.005.00 per dog.;
springs, 12c; hens, lc; cocks, 8c; ducks.
lac: geese. 13c; turkeys. Be: pigeons, peir
doz.. 81.20. Alive, brollern. 12 'c; hens. 8c;
old rooster and stags, be; old ducks, full
feathered, U '; geeeae, full leathered,
loc; turkeys, loc; guinea fowls, 16c each;
Diseone. per doz.. boc: homers, pur tiox..
$1.50; squabs. No. 1, $1.60; No. i, 50c.
FISH ( resn frozen) fickerei, 70:
white, 100; pike, 8c; trout, 11c; large crap
pics, It'u l.'ic; Spanish mackered, 18c; eel,
18: haddoks. 14c: flounders, Uo; green
catfish, l&c: roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe.
per pair. Sue: salmon. 14c: halibut, loc;
yellow perch, Sc.; buffulo, 8c; bullhead, 13c.
Heel cui prices: rso. 1 rios, isc; no. z
ribs, 13Vc; No. 3 ribs, c. Chucks, No. 1,
kc; No, 2. 7c; No. 3. 6o. Uoins No. I,
19 He; No. 2. I4'c; no. s, IUV40. ttounas.
No. 1, llu; No. 2, 8Wc; No. 8, b0. Plates,
No. 1, U'c; No. 2. oe: No. 3. 6o.
FRUITB Apples: Cooking vailetles, per
bbl., $176; Jonathan and Urlmea Oolden,
par bbl., $4.50, Wen Davis, per bbl., $2.76;
California Helleflower, per box, $1.38;
Coloiado Jonathan, extra fancy, per
bug 1260;' Wanning ton Bpltxenotrg, per
box. 82. tO: Washington it. Beauty, per box.
$2.00; Washington ataman Wli.asaps, per
box, $-60. Bananas: Fancy saleoted, per
bunch. li.ZiruieO. Jumbo, pur bunoh, 2.'i5a Cranberries: Wisconsin, fancy, per
bbl., $u.u0; per box, 8o.2t; extra large
umbo, per dpi., ftu.ou. uaies: Ancnor
nand. new. 30 1-lb. bkg.. lu boxes, per
box, aifco; Dromedary 01 and, new, 80 1-lb.
pkgs., In boxes, per box. 83.00; bulk In
i0-lb. boxes, per lb., 80. Figs. California,
per caa of 12 U-outice pkgs., Hlio; per
case of So li-ounce pkgs., $ii.0; per case
Of oO 8-ounce pkgs., 8J.O0; New Turkish,
8-crown, In 0-lU boxes, per lb., loo; 8
crown. In 20-lb. boxes, tier lb., loc; 7
crown. In 3o-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Uiape
Fruit: Florida, 4o-3u siaea. per orate, 84. 114
a.i4; en-M-04 sisea, per crate, $6.2o. Grapes:
luaiuaa. In but., ao.wuo.uv. iemona:
L,linoiiira brand, extra fancy, 8uu size,
per box, $5.26; 860 size, per box, $o.uo;
liimo Ijllliuilt'li a, 1 a 1 iv , wow aua3B, per
Lux. 84.0U: 240 arid 420 sizes. 0O0 vsr box
less, oranges: Calilornia navela, 8-18o
sisea, e-r , box, hi A, 150-1. 6-AK)-2io-2u0
sizes, per - box, 5Aa; 160-17-2iM-21tt-2oO
sixes, per bos, 8-i.X. 1'ears: California &.
Ciarlgeau, per 5v-lb. box, $3.00.
V tolLTAbLbB-ciuia: biriug kjid wax.
per nikL bek.. $l.ouul.2o. Cabuag: Wis
consin, per lb., 2c celery: Mlutugao, per
doz., 40c; Cailtoruia Jumbo, per aoz., two.
Cucumbers: Hot house, per doz., $2.00.
lgg t'lant: nancy Dioriua, per ooz.. 82.00.
Garlic: fcxlra lancy, white, per lb., loc.
Lettuce: tin tunuy leaf, per dux., 400.
Oulona; California, while, per lb., 80. Wis-
oonsin, yellow ana reu, in eacka, por
lb., 2Vc; bpanlsh, per crate, $i.t. Pars
ley: Fancy southern, per doz. bunches.
6uai5c. Potatoes: Minnesota tarty Ohio,
per bu.,; Wisconsin wnue sweg, per
bu., tl.iv; in iv-aaca 101a, oc leas, sweet
Potatoes: Kansas, per bbl., $3.00; per bu,
bak.. Jl.oo. Rutabagas: In aaok. pr lb...
lo. Tomatoes: California, per crate, $1.50.
Mli3Ch.LU.Vi t-UC S AiinuiiUs; 'larra
gonu, per lb., lVrJ. in sank lots, lo less.
Brazil uuu: 1 er id., !:. n sack lots,
lo less. Cocoanuts: Per sack $6.60. Fil
berts: Per lb., 14c; lu sack lots, lo leas.
Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8tiu; raw, par
lb., 7V8U- Pecans: Large, pr lb., 17c; lu
sack lots, lo lebs. Wulnuis: New crop,
mi, Calilornia, per ib., l.c, in aci lots,
lo loss. Cider: New Nehawka, per U-gal.
hi bbl.. tVJ.uo; per JU-gai. bbl., Iu.u0; fMew
i oi-k Aiott s. per ia-gai. vt uoi.. 83.50: par
30-gal. bbl., j.o0. Honey: New, 24 frames,
$Xi&. Krout: Per 15-gal. keg, 82.76; per
gal. keg, $1.10; Wisconsin, per H-bbl., $i.M.
irilKio l MAO uauiiA 1 1U.N j (JhrlSt
mas trees. 4 to 8 It., 12 In utile., per Uoa,
$1.50; 8 to 8 ft.. 12 lu bdle, per doz., $2.86;
6 to 10 ft., 8 In bdle., per doz.. $3.2S: 11
ft., per tree 50c; 12 ft., per Dee, Toe,
13 ft., per tree, $1.2.'; 14 ft., per tree, $1.6o
18 ft., per tree, $UM2.&0; 18 ft., per tree,
$2,754)350; 20 It., per tree, 14.51414. &w.
VS rcatns. etc.: b.vergreen wrealnlng.
natural, extra heavy, 20 yd. In coil, coll.
$1.00; evergreen wreaths, with Immortal
flowers, ' per dog, $1.50; with holly, per
doz.., holly wreath, fancy Dela
ware, per doz., $1.60, extra fancy, Dela
ware, extra heavy, per doz., l-.Oo; mag
nolia wreaths, per doz., $1.60;, holly
branches. Delaware, 12 lb. In bbl., per
bbl., II. U); regular pack, six cases, Ix
8x4 ft., case, $i.50; aelccted florist holly,
per case, 2xx4 ft., $5.00; mlatietoe. shipped
only by express, per lb., 20u; uell blues,
par dog., $J.oo.
KvanorntrU Apples ni4 Dried Prall
NEW YORK. Dec. 81. Evaporated
apple quiet ana steady with little pres
sure to sell: 011 the spot fancy. luglOtoo;
cnoice, sa'lfsc; tnrline, ssvs Sc.
DRIED FRUITS. Prunes, quieter, but
prices are steady with tight offering's;
quotations range from 5Vtu'lle tor Call-
lornias up to 4O-s0a and lostflio lot
Oregon. Apricot, 'quiet and steady:
choice, lfvtfl.'iitc; extra choice. lt.ul.oSo;
fancy, 17 Uc. peaches. Inactive, but
price are stnady; choice, llStrllVtc; ex
tra choice. llVill2S4tl24c. lLalslns, firm
in sympathy with the coast; loose mua
cutels, 6,oTc: choice to fancy seeded,
7S.t?cSc: seedless, frnlc; London layers.
rattan Market.
ciootd quiet: middling uplands. s.5c;
midland gulf. 8 sue; aaues, .BX) bale.
Future opened ateady; December, 8.42c;
January, 8.82c; February. 6M; March,
l.ltic; May, l.ZW: June, s.zjc; July, I x-vc
August, 8 27c; September. 8 81c; October,
UVKKHOOl., Dew. .tl. Th following
are the weekly cotton statistics: - Im
ports, all kind, U'l.taO bale, Import,
American. 12tLVi4 b.vles: stock, all kind.
IbT.OU) bales; stock. American. Mi. 000
ba'es; American forwarded. 84,014) bales;
total exports, s,aw bmea. -
Cattle of All Kinds Strong to Ten
Cents Higher.
Fat "keep glroag to Ten tent
Higher, with Fat I.ambs and
Feeding Stock Moving; at
Steady Prices.
SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. a, 1911.
TXecolDt wera:
Cattle, Hog. Pheep.
Official Monday
.. 4 f 6,17 8.;:u
.. 3.17 12, W0 4,tC7
Official Tuesday ..
fflclal Wednesday
.. 2.3h2 ia.2S7 f..:M
Estimate Thursday 2I00O 3U0 4800
Four days this week. 11. H 38.465 24.653
hams days last wetk..2ts.1 I,642 S41S7
Hame days 2 k ago.1.647 39.K 27.WO
Mama days S WkS. ago.10,719 22.154 22.412
Sama days i wki. ago.22,758 28.577 44.011
Same days last year.. 16,708 20,167 23,130
Th following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and hetp at South Omaha
for the year to date, as compared with
last year: 1911. pun. 1908. laoa.
Cittlej L154.KI1 l,i(r;.727 62,736
Hogs ISP!, 1.8f,2,"4l 464.0H3
Sheep 2,800.816 2,958,728 7,077
tho following uoie shown the average
price paid for hog at douth Omaha for
the last lw days, with comparison:
Date. mi, 1 ,io. .itfua.naui ,
Dec. 12. 1 b UVI 7 61 I I Hi 1 71. a 4 1U
uec. u s .) I (II ti - It 0 U)
4 88
Dec 14.1 6 7 281 8 28 16 38 4 tM 8 OS
4 86
Dec. la. I 8 OOtal 7 601 8 tJI 6 8il 18 11
4 01
4 70
uns. 10.1 s 00i 7 68 8 14 6 801 4 S3i
Dec. 17.1 7 601 8 261 6 341 4 47 6 IS
Dec. 18. 1 5 KI'AI 8 811 6 S2 4 40i 6 U
4 81
Dec. IK. I 6 tU-tal 7 571 I 6 311 4 D41 6 11 4 M
30. 8 OOW 7 48 I t6l ( 4 U 8 181 4 IW
i-l .. ( db s e) 0 ao 4 i s us 4 so
SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 21, 1911.
riecelpta anil uistiositinn nt live stock
St the Union Btock Yards, Bouth Omaha,
for the twenty-four hours ending at 8
o clock yesterday:
Cattle linn Bhun
C. M. A St. P 6 6 ..
MiHuourl I'acino 1
Cnion faoiilc 12 21 1
C. & N. W., east 16 2
C. N. W., west 10 2:1 1
0. lot. P. JL 0 6 1..
C. 1). 4 Q.. ernst ..- 6 1
C. H. y., west 83 25 li
C. li. 1. a p., east 8 8 2
Illinois Central .. 1
C O. W 11
Total Receipts.
. Vuj
.. 420
Omaha Packing Co.
tiwlu & Company
cuaahy Pacxiug Co...
Atmour 6c Co
.. . M
.. 2ol
Aioireil 2
i.enton Vansant A Dush.. 152
mil et Son " an
8'. B. LettWIS 1 ...
B. Root & Co 47
J. H. nuila 47
Mccreary c Kellogg 8
vverihemier At Degen 117
H. K Hamilton 7
Dee Roiuacaud 2
ii o. oc Kan. -Calf. Co 69 ..... ...
Cilne A cnristie 43 ..
dtner buyers 2j2 .....
Totals 2,180 6,969 4.704
CAllijlS Cattle receipt continue Ilirht.
only seventy-elgnt cars being reported in
touay. For the tour a Ay a mis week the
total amounts only to 11.814 heau. the
smallest of any week In several months,
uarnng only inatiKagiving week, other
niaiket points were aiso poony supplied.
At the same time tnere waa a varv tair
demand, with the result that prices of all
sinus were strong ana the trade active.
wnat lew beef steers there were In
signt changed nanus very reaonv at
prices that wero strong to loo higher than
ycsteiday. This means that the mar
ket 011 oeet cattle Is around tn4uc higner
11. an it was at last weeg a close, t he
advance this weeg leaves tho market
very nearly as hign as It was at the best
lime two weeks aao. There were a few
cattle . here good enougn to bring 87.26.
t.ows ana nelters have experienced
practically the same advance as have
beet steers and thev. too. are verv nearly
as they have been at any time, althougn
poastoiy not Quit up to tna extreme high
there were only a few fresh stockera
and feeders In the yards this morning
and as speculators had cleaned up their
supplies they were all looking tor a few
cattle. Too result was that feeders also
were a little stronger today and every
thing changed bands very readily. Th
beat feeders have sold as high as any
time, but the common light cattle are a
little lower than last week'a cloae.
uuotauons on cattle: Ctood to cholc
beef steers, $0. 7&$.oo; fair to good beef
steers. 8ti.tfJtotS.75: common to fair beat
leers, ea.ift.ii0; good to choice heifer,
84.764j6.6o; good to choice cows, S4.2otjto.26;
lair to good cows, S3.&x$4.26; common to
lair cow, fii.76ij3.6o; good to choico Block
ers and feeders, 86.2a(t8.00; fair to good
stockera and feeders, 84.i&6.26; common
to lair Blockers ana lesaers, 82.6Oi0i4.76;
stock heifers, 8J.60tui4.60; veal calves, li.U
tl.M; bulls, stags, etc, s2.uO4i6.OO.
representative sales:
At. Pt.
II.. ,
t ,
T. ......
At.. Pr.
,...ll 41
,...U1 54
....1071 f 75
,...11U 4 14 '
....1211 Sit
,...1141 1 00
,...1HII 1 14
,...174 1 tl
..10ll 4 10
....1075 4 It
,...U40 4 14
,.lo4 4 15
,...1004 4 Ii
,...1111 4 J4
8 tow uo
at 00
..100 00
..17i J 8 14
.. m in
it. ......
..1147 8 40
,.lv7 t 40
, Tt 8 08 M
I 55 I 0 1.....
T. Mil I II 8
71 8 75 4...
I. 1040 I 74 10........
8 lull 8 10 tl. ......
8 Kl Ikl
8 1110 4 00
I tM it)
8... 104 4 0(1
8.... 11M 4 00
8.. .......... luOJ 4 40
tl .1(H4 4 44
.1404 4 14
..HIT I 04
..)0W 6 14
10 so 4 10
1 140 8 40 8
... M 4 tl
... 415 4 44
... 74 4 40
... Ml 4 44
...IKK) 71
... 4 M
...1750 4 18
...1710 44
...1470 4 40
...MW 4 40
...17ae 4 to
...1500 4 50
...1(0. 4 5
...1410 4 50
...1654 4 70
...150 8 00
8 7H 8 40 tO...
T 744 I II
704 4 10
I ta lo
1 444 8 78 1....
1 114 8 71 1....
1..... lit 8 It 1...,
1 117 8 It I....
1 151 8 5 1....
1 ti a it 1....
1 140 8 at 1....
I Ht llu 8....
1 llu 4 0 1....
8 410 4 0 1 ..
311 I 11 I.
la t OS
too 4 00 1 lit 00
290 4 10 1 170 I 00
KM 4 14 1 144 4 Ui
114 8 1 1 14 4 50
ill 1 im 1 00
IM I 14 4............ 10 1 16
110 6 14 t 110 T 81
30 8 50 1 1(0 1 5
114 6 5 1 150 1 54
lis I 54 1 M Iki
300 4 00
a. i a 11 a iu 4 1
a 540 I 10 7 Ill 4 14
f. 40 4 14 8 751 4 74
8 4 40 4 150 4 lo
8 ! 4 40 i 5 00
447 4 50 S 414 i 14
I til 4 50 1 403 I It
4 45 4.40
HOOS No complaint was heard in sell
Ing circles about the condition ot hog
trade. In most respects the market was
A continuation 01 yesterday s nigh close,
ruling strong to a nickel higher than yes
terday average market. 1 ne demand
front all tiuarters proved active through
out the session and the Improvement was
In some measure due to tree buying. Lim
ited rffotpts also altorded an argument
in sellers' favor and the entire ealimate
of 4.8u0 head found an outlet In very good
Shippers and speculators took consid
erable Interest In that portion of the mar
ket, holding good butcher hogs and
bought about fourteen loads In all, some
thing like one-sixth of the aupply.
The range in prices (bowed a slight
tendency to narrow at the advance, but
Ihe relative positions of heavies, butchers
nd lights remained unchanged and usual
luwl6o mtralna were generally ahown be
tween th three claars. The best heavy
hog on sal brought 86 ?0, Identical with
ytrday top, and good butcher grade
(old around 86.1101 4. 10. Light average
moved largely within the S5.8V4i4J.00 spread.
Pig prices ruled steady, only a few
bunch showing up.
Na- A.
II 14
44 ill
4 ill
54 14
Pr K. l Sk. Pr.
8 M( its t 44
IS 41 I'll ... 4 44
4 55 It........
I 80 54
.11 84 4
i 4 4 44
8 88 . 81.. ...... SU W 8 tl
74 ...
.i ...
I ...
SI ...
C( 0 8 C74
ri w u
f w 10
141 lio I 1U
r.'i io 4 10
2(4 ... 4 In
I .
71. .
14 .
4.1 .
40 110
4J 144
71 It
K 1st
i ;st
... 4 10
... 8 10
... 10
... 8 10
10 4 10
74 tsl
90 4 10
ii M4 40 4 lo
19 '5 ... 4 10
41 17 40 4 10
M 114 40 4 10
4.4 ..M 40 4 10
71 HI 140 8 10
H 88 ... 8 1
4 171 200 4 lo
50 Mi ao 4 10
3 V I 10 8 10
7 147 ... 8 10
4 Pil 200 8 111
Tl ... 8 II
54 )' 10 4 1$
44 799 40 15
51 r.o so 4 it
(I tliO so t II
i7 lo ( li 10 ( It
1 4.t5 40 4 1714
4 t4 40 17it
5 "1 120 4 til
40 to
11 311 no to
74 3U so i to
10 ... 4 00
o .2:4
40 4 00
74 llT 40 8 04
19 ir ... 4 oa
4 1J7 ... (OS
44 114 ... 04
77 S24 11 4 04
7: Ml 2K0 4 OS
i 211 ... 4 M
If. 260 ... 105
44 U'l W 4 (H
ti". 2 ... 4 06
41 2:1 ... 04
J til ... 4 or.
4 ri :no 4 05
41 144 ... 4 04
40 tn ... 05
41 Ill tn 4 OS
17 . . . ret 1A a AC
8M 4 10 II 131 ... 8 43
4J 140 ... 6 75
SHKEP Trsde In sheep and lamb
proved active and short-lived, a modest
supply of 4,500 head selling within the
f I rat two hnnr n( -....... t..n. -t
. ....... v. , . 1 . 11 tie,, a in Mirep
ruled strong to about a dime higher. Im
provement being due to scarcity, and fat
iium-u on a generally steady nasi.
Aside from stronger trend In wethera,
ewes, etc., the situation, as a whole,
presented few phases that were not
shown yesterday. Demand centered upon
the toppy offering, especially suitable
for hn lw.1 1 .1 .. MA . , ,
-- - . , , , u i. j 1 r. i, 1 , 1 1,1 t'ii 1 n ui reian-
er, but discrimination against the medium
;,n"3rl am nut amount to A refusal to
buy. Everything sold.
Borne choice fed western lambs changed
hands at 86.00. also yesterday's top, and
a string of near prime corn-feds landed
at So 8J. Anything selling below 86.50 lacked
OUalitv re TinluK AH W ,. . I. H' I.
native lambs of consequence on sale, but
...w iimu 01 natives claim a set of
values little, of any, lower than those In
force on tut , - . . . .
last week s close, good to choice lambs are
aooui, 100 higher, common classes
ayei aging very nearly steady.
Business in matured muttons was
featured by the sale of $4.10 wethers,
mtl?.v''cond', and trln' 0 ewes at
W W). There were only two or three small
bunches of yearlings available, attrac
tive breakers seeling readily above the
84.60 mark. Compared with last Friday's
prices, the present sheep trade appears
strong to a little higher In spots.
Keeder trade consisted of less than a
half docen scattered sales, supply and
demand both being very limited Three
Q&Vsn DlirfhiM on --. .
- w. vvwiiii imcjcTciiinr
amounls to 6,100 head.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs
fL to.e'-cei 866O)'i.00; fair to good
w iooo.OT; good to choice year-
t. iii. 1 aA J r'i V . a meaning,
t in- tit g to cholce wethera, S3.Jii
"mi eiiirr, j.ootgro,ie; good
to Choice ewea t(IMi7l!. 1. . j
ewes, 83.0OJtJ.4O. "
P ed ewea n .A
266 fed ewes !!!. 7:1 1 s Z
liSJSS !HmK8 73 6 "
231 fed ewes ..""""""wi 1 60
262 fed lambs si a f
b fen iHmh, .k , .
r.. , . j : , ---.... , o.T o 1J
4 fed lambs c no
z9 red lamha on e Dr-
429 red yearlings un 4 go
7 ,2 ,ewe- cul, 84 2 00
rifl lamb". culls 61 3 85
4W1 fed wetbeni.... ng 4 in
120 ed wetherg iU 4 J0
Demand tor All Classes of Stock Is
ci rTC a nn n,n 91 . t-o-r -
. - ' - t. ua. .uiir-neceiuia
estimated at 600 head; market steady,
1?a,uPU beve' K8O48.90; Texas steers.
84 J0ii6.75; western steers. iM.m; stock
ers and feeders, S3.2&(&6.5; cows and
heifers, S2.O0tl.6O; calve. S5.001j7.50.
wb iuxiiu, esrimaiea at 27,000
head: marknt atnrtv F". . 1 . nu. an
6.16; mixed, S6.80B6.S0; heavy, S6.90(S.3(j;
rough, 5.90(6.06; good to choice heavy.
86.0fc4j4J.8O; pigs, 84.50iS.70; bulk of sales.'
ww w y v. aw.
mated at 15,000 head: market atnarfv: na.
Ove, 82.50 4.10; western, 17634.10; year-
llnfS. 14. aWtJin 9fi 11 rvi ha natlua 4TA WJ JC .
' ' "r t waH U4l niTJerU..
western, 84.25a4i.3u.
Kanans City Live Stock Market.
KANSAS OITV. nv 01 r -r-r T
Receipts. 3,300 head. Including 700 aout'h-
erne; market steady to strong; dressed
oeei ana export steers M.7&tfi 7S- tair
good, J6.254i4J.S0: western steers, S4.oo5.50;
tuckers and feeders. 84.0Otiiluo: muth,rn
steers, J4.50.5O; southern cows, S3.00fti)
4 I ' Mtlu rv.mjM t ) 7f. . .1 L . . "
--w ,.iiri,u..w, iiau.B iit: 1 1 1 n .
840Ot7.00; bulls. S3.40ii6.u0: calves. 14 OkD
HOOS-Receipta, 10.000 head: market
strong; bulk of sales, S5.70Ui4i.20; heavy,
S0.150i6.25; packers and butchers, tviooij)
8.25; lights, 8650(&6.124; pigs, S4.25g.6a
BllHtt-r" AIN1 LAMUH KecelntH 7 000
head; market 10c to loc higher; western
lambs, 86.20: muttons. 84.406.20: vearllnas.
84.00a).00; wethers, $3.2&3.75; ewes. 8210
tya.v; siocaers-ana leeuers, i.SoHJ'
St, Joseph. Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 21. CATTI.E
Receipts, 1,600 head; market, steady to
strong; steers, $4. St ml 8. 26; cows and heif
er. S2.66(ff6 50ii oalvea. 83.61 Ktrt.Oa
HOOS ReceipU. 8,600 head; market,
steady to 5c higher; top, 86.25; bulk of
sales, 85.756 6.1S.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800
head; market, steady; lambs, 84.6006.00.
St. IOnla Lire Stock Market.
ST. IX)UIS, Dec. 21. CATTLE) Re
ceipts, 2,400 head, including 600 Texans;
market strong; native shipping and ex
port steers. 88.009.35: dressed and
butcher steers, S5.25iji3.00: steers under
1,000 pounds. 14.001.(8.26; etockers and feed
era, 83.00iiji6.00; cows and heifers, SS.OOj
7.00; canners. 81.00ta3.00; bulls, SS.75ao.2&;
calves, 4.268.26; Texas and Indian
fO0 ... 10
t "t ... t 80
.10 ... i I"
inj ... S 0
t. i: 5 M
.171 ... i 0
til 40 I M
.11 10 4 to
.111 ... M
HIS ... 4 00
12 ... 4 00
.217 40 4 On
1"S 40 4 (HI
.iH 40 4 Ot)
III ... too
tl7 100 00
51' ... 4 00
111 ... 4 00
.10 ... in
The Best Known Office Buildi& ia Omaha.
There is great advantage in being in a
building which people can find easily. No
building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in tho
entire west, is as well known as
The Bee Building
Every man, woman and child in Omaha
knows where it is and everyone who has ever
been here knows how to find it. This is only one
of tho many advantages in having an office in
Beoas 880 Is a choice eornr office having a north and west exposure,
making thla space attractive at any season of the year, on account
f good Ugh and ventilation. We will arrange this space, lu,
suitable for tenant, and there being a vault In the rooni. it afford
extra protection for valuable Kent, per month 980.011
Stooa. 418 Has A south and west exposure which makes a well lighted
office, 18ttx20Yt feet In alae. We are only asking 7 8c a square foot
for this space which ia very cheap rent, considering location and all
coovenlencea furnished by The Bee Building, fries, par lupoid, glgJ
coat Bit Don't pay for desk room space when you can rent a private
office for the same amount Thla room is 8x14. has a large window
en the court, affording plenty of light and ventilation, irlc per
month 910.0
com 4M0 Else 8x18-8, having a frame and glass partition across center
of room making two good sised offices with every convenience, and -the
rental pi Ice only, per month , 818.0S
Koom 401 Thla room la located near the eleVator and haa a total of l
square feet of floor apace. This ta a very desirable small office and
location is convenient .Rental, per month S17.&0
com 40T Is 11x184 feet and haa twe large windows 03 the court
Rental price, per n.uula , 917.M
Bee Business Office.
steers, $4.tOi7.00; cows and heifers, $4 50
MIS Receipts. 11, (WO heart: market 8o
higher: pigs und lights, 84 iVn.6.30; mixed
and butchers. t SOy'i.3o; good heavy, Stt.lS
head: market strong; native mutton.
S.t.fl0r(iG.R5; Ismhs, t4.:."ti.l."i; ctills ant!
bucks, 81.252.50; stockers. Il.50tf3.55.
Stock In Sight.
Receipt of live stock at the five prln
clpej western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
South Omaha 2.0nfl fi.imrt 4,Sf)
St. Joseph l.Art 8S"rt fVO
KansAs City 3,m 10.000 7.0n0
St. Louis 2 4") o
Chicago 6.600 27. 000 15.000
..15.800 63,100 2S.100
Metal Market.
Standard copper, steady; spot, SU.S7Mi'r8
14.12H; futures. tl&93Hi'rr14.15. London
market easy: spot fi!S Is 3d: futures. PU
Pis 9d. Ijike copper, HVrH lc; electro
lytic, 144lrl4Sc; casting. i:tVti!4c. Tin,
dull; spot and futures, 842 O'xii 45.00. Lon
don market strong; spot. f.W. 6s:, futures,
192 5s. 1-ead. quiet. S4.4o4i4.50 Now York;
84 32Vi.37 East St. Idul. Ixmrton.
15 15s. Spelter, quiet; SS.25'fr6.35 New
York: S6.Kif6.20 East St. Louis. London,
f-'6 12 6d. Anltnony. dull; Ojokson's,
$7.75. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 50 W
In Londoin. Locally iron was steady.
No. 1 foundry northwestern, SltT.Vn 15.00;
No. 2, 8l4.5Vn 14.75; No. 1 southern and
No. 1 southern soft, S14.25Jrl4.75.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Deo. 21 METAIS
Lead, firm at 14.35; spelter, firm at $6.20.
Sugar Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 21. SUGAR Raw,
barely steady; muscovado. 89 test. 4.23c;
centrifugal, 96 test, 4.73c; molasses, 88
test, 3.98c; refined-steady.
tills and llosln.
Firm, 4f49V,c.
ROSIN Firm; 'type F, IS.RZH: O, S0.S5.
Wool Market. '
ST. LOtTIS, Deo. 21.-WOOL Stead yl
territory and western' mediums, 17(&'20c,
fine mediums, 16'y'lSc; fine, 1 I'd lie.
With the beginning of the mid-terra
In the public schools 384 eighth graders
will cease to be eighth graders and will
be eligible High school freshmen. Two
hundred of this number are. expected ta
enter the High school, the ' remaining;
184 being the per cent of eighth grade mid
term graduates who leave school anil
begin earning a livelihood. The students
who graduate into the High school are
now in class B of the eighth grade.
Twenty students will graduate at the
close of the first half of the year from
the High school. A few of these will
begin university work at . once. The
graduations will occur early In February.
Following are the schools which furnish,
the eighth grade mid-term graduates!
Bancroft, 9; Caas, 9; Castellar, 28; Cen
tral,., 15;, Columbian, 13; Comenlus, 11; Ed
ward Rosewater, 11; Franklin, 16; Howard
Kennedy, 12; Kellom, 16; Lincoln, 20;
Long, 25; Lothrop, 42; Mason, 24; Mon
mouth Park, 21; Pacific, 6; Park, 17; Sara
toga, 14; Saunders, 9; Train, 16; Vinton,
12; Walnut Hill, ; Webster, 17; Wind
sor, 14-384.
Frank Thornton and E. Christopher,
two visitors to the city, paid 146 for one
hour's ride in a taxicab. ' The two men
ordered the machine early yesterday morn
ing and after An hour asked the driver.
Thomas Frankle, how much they owed
him. The driver told them and they ob
jected. An argument followed and Thorn
ton fired four shots at the chauffeur, but
missed. They were later arrested and,
released on bonds of 825 and 820, respec
tively,. These they forfeited by failing ta
appear in police court.
Booker T. Washington, the noted negro
educator, haa written to Henry F. Klescr
a strong endorsement of "The Testing
Fire," the latest book of Rev. Alexander
Corkey, the clergyman, living at' Wayne,
Neb. Mr. Washington says he believes It
to be a strong message on the race ques-
The West End market, at Fortieth ami
Dodge streets, is making a fine display
of the fat Iambs which were on exhibi
tion at the recent Omaha Sheep show.
They are especially nicely dressed for
Christmas display.
llarrlman Line Clerks Strike.
HOUSTON, Tex., Dec. tl. Striking
freight clerks of the Harrlman lines her
today announced that a general order had
been Issued for all freight clerks on the
Harrlman lines in Texas and Louisiana
to go out tomorrow because of the refusal
of the management to grant an eight
hour day with time and a half pay for,
17th and Farnam Sts.