Desperate Desmond: JThe Villain's by a Simple Treacherous Plot is Spoiled and Sunflower. Kansas Please Note By Hershffield H Cupyrlgh t, 1311. National News Association. (( wi pj Desmond He forces rigged up i vile plan Is now apparent. Claude to fire at a dummy as en Italian soldier, while Reckless H lng moving the film Is look aa If ardy Bhavus, V. 8. A., Is pirttires of the scene. When thrown on the srrccn It will Claude had turned traitor to the Italian schema to cause. A rruelly Ingenious blacken a hero's characters ; WANT ADS Want ads r reel veil at any time but to insure proper classification mut l presented before 12 o'clock in., !r the evening edition and before 7.5JO p. in. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received alter such hours will havo their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOIl WANT ADS. llLULLAlt CLASSIFICATION One iaiterlion 1 M cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent insertion. insertion made ou odd days 1 cent per word. , 1.50 iper Une per month. Want ads for The Iiee nuy be left at any of the following drug stores ioue is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The 11 oe and your ad will b Inserted just aa promptly and ou the aanio rale aa at itbe main office la The liee building, beventeeuth and Far nam streeui AJbach, W. C, 40th and Farnaia. muui Drug Co., 2631 N. Ibth Bt. lietiaon Pharmacy, treason. Neb. Aieniis l'ut 1'bsrmacy, wu ana Cuming, iieranek, 8. A., 1M B. 11th Bt. iiake-Hradlsli, blierumn Ave. lauKliun, C. K., 4 lie Lea veil worm. Ceruma, liinll. J Art- t. lJUi hi. cmiou iiill Puarmacy, ftu Military Ave. Cuunvy Puarmaoy, 'tul t. 14ta bu Cllsy Pliarinauy, i(4ta and Lake. Kilter c Co., ifcii Leaveuworlb. Fooler it ArnolUl. U M. tftlh at Freylag, J. J., lui4 N. Win St. Freggtu- Drug Co., lauJ N. 16th Ft, Floicuce Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Urirn a Pharui'y, park Ave. and Pacific, lirecuougu c Co., liUfe b. lutn HI. tjreeiiough t Co., luth ana Hickory. Goldman 1'harui'y, 2uli and Leavenworth JODaiiaoii Drug Co., 2Uh. and Spauldlng. Johnson I'harmauy, itl'At Fariiam. park Pharui'y, Uol s. mh Av. Hinieriuug Drug Co., Ave. aud car. iioisi, loliii, K. lrtlh Ml. lliur. A. L.., leavsnworth. Klim, iL b., H4Ui and fc'arimiu. Kw'.iiilsu l'laco I'iiajriacy, iMii N. I4th. L.alliiop Phurmacy, Mlh aitd Humlllou. lUreu. Krtd U., Ituut Central Blvd. ilcumouin flmmiai y; ua and Ames Av. l atnck Drug Co., luUl N a4lh bt. t-uraloK Drug Co, iAlh and Ames Ava hchacter's Cut l'rlce. ltolli and Cbtoago. Vacliai, y. J., m fierce St. aiiou i'harnmcy. loth and Oraoe. Walnut iiill i-linroihcy, 4Ann and Cuming DEATHS ASD FIMKAL NOTICES. lAMMKUT Henderson J., aged 00 years. Funeral from Cole-McKay company chapel, 1108 Douglas, Friday, Iec.ember 'ii, I 10 a. in. lulurment, V et Lawn ceme tery. Correction of nates. The funeral of W. C. Cain was held Sunday, December 17, from the home ot Ibis Mrs. W. C. Nollmitn. TkM Camden avenue. An error in a former notice made the date of funeral read bun day, December lit. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEL1AN, uwV-aker. 'embalmer. 1814 Chicago St. D. 1T, U-lbb. HEAi'EY & 11EAFEY, xlANKl DKR- Moved to 2(11 Farnam. A-SKS. 11. t&. M. K. Morrill, china paint. K33 iirandeia Th. I llULSE & lUEPEN, ,S ; 7W Bo. ISth ft. Doug. UN, A-l.iii& "RPTTThT Colored Portrait I v i a with each wedding or- Ar (Vila M,nn,w ID 1 A I tl K N T U ! AND ' HOWARD &.T.ILB.JS T.M . HEYN ' IiOlLtill, sheet lion and tauk work, t.iiuaha structural Hlel Works, Keb. bead Co., 1JUS Junes. Holh I'lioiiea, j MoVi.SU picture machines and supplies, rtvurwR rum ao., iis rarnuJil M lxjI'llLAt IVimlng Cu. Tel. Doiik. 641 J. K. (J Ufy Cor shoes. 4U N. 4A, Ho. Or KAItMKKK. ,rrte us for prices ou oil, gasoline and 'lubricants. The Ureal Western oil l.'o. Ilux Dmsht, Neb. We pay tlie freight. Kwltches from combings, 17n0 Ia-'wtt fcODO AbT l.f N ClTtSi 1 OT lu our beautiful downstairs lunch and aoda water room at into and Dodge we are serving (tainty lunches and but and cold Oil uka. 'i'ry them! tililtikLAN UoCONNELU DHl'O CO. Tlv Good Drug Stores tn Oinaiia. ftlaKsard Van at biorago. i' k, move. Store and ship 11. 11. goods. D. ltub, U-illi. Uet your JImjiioiiJ at llrodeguard's. Van liordon's lioie, Uog iiuvpilal K10 N. id. MONEY r I'llO To lyOAN IX) A In sums to . 310 lie H11m 1 1 1 1 m liuuir !SU4 1 Nil f.X I .OA N CO. e.i.iiiii iiavh and doors. Weiilch. Web. 31,71 i luni.. ii. dietiibiitor ut adv. 'jmi S. li. H. ki. t. uia Hik n Co. D. ulttM. Kmntiu I t'tiuikierins. piano, f jrn. rrp. 2.4 Far. 1LEH GHAN1) equina amiotiiu eiiients. liig. l t. Co. 'iMeuly per mil It- limn innalia pile 11UME FlllNill.UK CO., . -lain in mug i. mum umana lltir .i.ri lifciisiiia, palin g, ii. 3-ii Null! iiltl. F Dclier Duplicating Co., frUti 'uiuu uiw-n, circular ledeis. any quau Illy; oldest established cumpuny; tx yria of Aiultlaropu iLnd Neooiyle. i.d l'.rn k. aiairel. tar ruuti. uVh St Ika LLlAHTIc? mum bin.. .......i... .....I tmlac. stuck ilt)i new. because we eii so inauy. uuuta lilted, very tiling tuuwinu. . u. cievolana i'rug to. li.e lul suiglcal supply huUae. 141U-1 .V.4.a buuwle deNlruus of a nice deceit should try Dalseii's pure ice cream. If Mrs. M. M. liaj-t. 4l() Chltsso ot.. will cume to .,e hv oftice w iti.iij lUiree oavs we will give r an order for a quail brick of tb,s I. no ice cisaut. Reckless Hardy Shavus, the great war correspondent, having met brave men all over the world, cannot bear to be a party to the ruin Of a real hero. Consequently, he attempts to rave Claude from unde served contumely. Hee the Reckless One reaching carefully around for a large sun Tower, which rears Its head In the Sa hara just as bravely as Jf it were the stats of Kannas. tak- AUTOMOBILES AUTOMuHll.K storage, fireproof bulld InK. down lu; very reasonable. I'lione ln.iiKlnfl 4.'M. WIIOl.KHAI.K prices on oil. Doug. VflUKIWinlJSl Auto bodies, tops, w ...... , ... , ,i over. DnlntlliK. Douglas 1'felffer Carriage Woik. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Hllver Co. HONKfTHONK "iininih wheel. HERE'S TIIK HKST J'DACK IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND IMth and Harney Bts. h'OHIl model key roadster for sale to pay for overhauling charges, Including new accsKsorlea, such ss wind shield, prrxto-llte tank, etc. J S14. rare Hee. AfMNITVlfP t-o- Oakland ami J. Iiu; gtearns Kn'giit; bargains In used cars. 2203 Farnam. Doug. 24O0. 1U8INEHS CHANCES MKItCIIANDIHkT A lunaari P,l...i reasonable. Can also furnish buyers and irauea ior siocss ot merchandise, hard ware and Implements. Write us today. Magnca Auction t:o., Bt. Lawrence, B. D. ONK of the best family hotels in city, 4& rooms, steam haat and strictly modern and flrst-clnas in every renct. Newlv decorated throughout; walking distance. wm ram m nmirirt. i-none Harney W0. 4 liOX HALL alleys; fine condition; money setters For sale to aattla entata. Martin Hros.. Wi W. 7(h St., Chicago. T( 1 Out tn wCTT-T Z ITT! 1 1 . w p'. . ..u. v, IKIDIIICti. hii it 11 OANOKHTAD. 44 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8477. WILL sell KM) shares United Wireless Telegrsph preforred slock fur $300. Uox 76. Utile Hock. Ark. fcVKOOM hotel in Grand Island, Neb., entirely , modern, with furniture. I40.00J on terms; a money maker. Investigate. ryiim nil nusion, (irana isiana, Meo. MOUTGAGES, ii'o ON GOOD FAUMN Ravings bonds secured by first mortgages and our capital and surplus of $wo,iiO. IMU KAt UH 1M VESTMENT Rnndi for tlOA VXA anil nn - - savings. Make your money bring you a good Income. Ask for partlmilars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., lMh and Farnam Bis.. Omaha. Ne. Heoialac lloasaa for tale. 10-ROOM rooming Iiouks; strictly mod em; always full; suitable to keep board ers; income 12H per month; call after- noons, w . nun, Iotiglss 3.ri. A SNAP For Sale Downtown roomlns hnn nr small hotel doing aood business. Have good reaauns for selling; all modern ex cept furnace; must be cash; give an offer. W rite or 'phone. K. Jacob, 2Vza North Mth St., or 'phone Webster !. ti,UM WILL buy a country newnDaner In a good live Nebraska town. This is not a trading proposition. It must bs rash. Write M. Currie, Broken Bow, Neb. TIIK more you eat the mora von waul of D. J. CKllrten's randy. Delicious and lasiy. ix k. v. cpnike. 14 Fowler Ave., will come to The Jiee office within three days we will give linn an order for a filk. cent box of O'Brien's candy. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Aaaasesaeats. BKFORE and after tha show visit the OlVMPIA for Ice cream and candle. ALWAYS want Vaud. and Amateurs for large picture show. 701 Omaha Nai'l. Bank Bldg. Artesian Walls. I E. NEBEROAT.Ii, 10U-I3 City Kat'l. Arekltects. C. J. Bowtll, architect. 171 Brandsls Bldg. Attoraeys. O. W. Flilelds, attorney. J17 B. of Trade. PISTON U 11 ALL. LAWYER. 4M Bee. C E. Smith, att'y at law. 611 Bee. D. Udf. Awalaca aad Teats, OMAHA TKNT CO. Tel. MS Douglas. llag; Alanafactarere. BF.M1S OMAHA, Ba6"cO., Omaha. Neb. ( aatd la a leaks. THK ONLY "WAT. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi cabs and touring cara. Tel. Douglas li. Bird Stores uaiiuo 0era15r Blr(l Cw 161f Frn,m iloa aad 1'ackaa Alan a tact are re. Wooden Box Package Co. 1.M4 N. ISth Carpets, Haas aad Draaerles. P0LCA11 & CO.""" "tV- r, cr- . w "" v ''lrla ,k poi tleru. carpet cleaning, l&ti tf. :4. 1). 23a. A-4145. t arpraier aad tea trite tors. W. P. Ileverell, contractor. Ramye Bldg. Sievenaon. carpenter, cont. Both phones. A. IJnborg, carpenter, contractor, H. rs7l Chiropodists. DR. ROT. 1308 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clears aad Tsiiacss, TUB Panltary Crown Pipe. 115 8. Kth tlotalac Maaslattsrert, Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. K. Smith Co, Coal !ralers. Powers-Ileafey Val Co. Tel. D. tt9. Sutler Feed it it Co., SiU Far. ii. bO. 1'pdike quality yd., ii 4V lkdge. H. COAIj ''P''1' prices by ton. e bu. fof K.JilJ t, Tf J( S47S, H-fci 4J C. H. Johnson, voal, l.Mh ixard. 2 'phones, FtfclKll FI KNAC13 COAL. P. lfl ( harlea A. esterfield. A-VJii. I1AL and kindling. Wagner, 'i N. li. lollee, Tea), kptcra aad lssr. Moyuue Tea C. o N. W. Both 'pbonca Holding the sunflower right up against the lens of the camera, Bhavua keeps on turning the crank, to the delight of Desmond who thinks that his plan Is , succeeding to perfection. It Is Impossible to beat Shavus; he la never without some really good scheme. Otherwise he could never keep up the fiction of a continual war In some part of the world, usually In the Balkans, where nobody goes. . UrSINESS CHANCES Creameries, Dairies aa4 applies. Fairmont's Dlalem butter. Always good. DAVID COI.K ("RKAMKRY COMPANV. Cornice aadterl Ceillna. CARTER HHRKT metal works, Omsha. Ilani'luf Academies. Msckles Dancing Academy, 1S18 Harney. Dally classes Mon., Thurs., Kat. evenings. M1HH MARY COLL. W KB. Willi. 1 O lessons Mon. or Frl. 8 p. m., at Mo rand's. Indies, $3; gentlemen, U; private lessons during the day, II. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist, 706 City Nat l. D 23. Mach Mach. ltd fl. Paxton. D. 10SS. Detectives. Omaha secret service dot. agency. Inc., bonded. 42S-H Paxton Rlk. D. UL. A-1319. I W, Ixingnecker, 817 Karbach block. Dress snaking, Terry'g Dressmaking college, 20 A Fsr. 1RK8.SMAKINU by day. Phone Web. S718? KXl'KlUKNCkUJ dressmaking. 2U Harney. Harney 1648. Draaalats. ( DRUC18 at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4b McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Kverythtaa Electrical. Burgess-Oranden- Co., 1511 Howard. D. VI. F.lectrio lighting fix., wholesale and retail. SECOND-HAND KLKCTRIC FANS, dynamos. Igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. l,e Jlron, 313 B. 12th St. Doug. 1175. Feed At 11 is and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2232 Iiard. Florists. BnjNNKTTB. ciit flowers. Doug. 137. A. Donahue, 1(107 Farnam. D. lOfll, A-1001. HESH & HWOHODA, 141& Farnam Ht. Stewart's, Florist 4k seedsmen. 11B N. I. PAUDSlfiN, florist, 1712 Brown St. BRANDBIH FLORIST, Urandels Bldg. Ij. HKNDKHSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1X. BATH'S FI)RIKT8, Boyd Theater Bldg. HRUBAN cut flowers. 2th A Dorcas. PROSPECT Hill Florist. W. 4W1. Fooadrles, McDonald brass and bronxe foundry, alu milium, tin, lead castings, mth 4t Jackson. Faraaeo and Stove Repairs. Olson Bros., furnace repairs. 2R70 Peav. FUHNACE AND STOVK HKI'AlltM tn fit your stove or heater. New furnace. laundry tank healers, gas heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot water heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1206-Ki Douglas St. Tel. Douglas K: Ind. A-2821. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Gooda. Wlchert.harnem, leather goods. CM 8. 11 HARNESS, saddles and lr.vlln Alfred. Cornish A Co., 1210 Farnam St. Hospitals. WISE MEMORIAL, 24th and Harney. BETHANY. 26i4 Marcy. Doug. 2J4. It Rhodea-Mowtgnmary Co. Ins. Ramge Blk. Ire a and Wire Feacln. Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17. Tel. Red 814. Laaadriee. FRENCH Hand laundry. Tel. H. M24. F.MKHSON I Allnili u lTil " KJ c.- i ... -.ii, Both phonea. OITAltANTKhl l.kiin.pu n.k .. . . B.WUW work. Douglas JJ74. Curtains laundered. ac per pair. D. 27S2. Llaatalagr Roda. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co.. jig N. 17th. Laiaber. H. Gross Dumber Wrecking Co. Bar gains in lumber, plumbing, machinery and stesm fitting. 21st and Paul. Web. 2t4. lisearssl Maaafaetarera, Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti. lOo pkg Movlac. atoraa. .d I leaala. KXPRESSMEN'8 Delivery Co-Moving, furniture packing, fireproof storage, city office. 216 8. 17th. Ixug, !H, ind. B-K't. OMAHA Van mwxA ... ' ' ' " v u. l l ( . your carpets on your floors: electric yaouiyn cleaners, tot b. 16th, 309 b. 17th. - ' Twin City Express. U14 Howard. Both Tel. Furniture mov.; 2 men 81 per hr. W. 178. -J".11?! Jsjr!erpiu. B-17W CALL Vernor for moving a ltd "fireproof storage. Office, A-21S7 and loug. 2iU; WAKEHOLSE. Tyler 1111 and B-118. Maalc, Art and Laagaaaes. VIOLIN lessons, experienced teacher. Vim. U Patten, lsul l.o. ut. Web. SJ. Orchestra, pianist for dances. D. 4377 Moaaaaeals aad Maaeoleaaas. J. F, Bloom 41 Co , 171 h and Cuming 8U. Uallelaae. B. V. Wurn, Tttlng tt rep'r4tjj Brandels. Osteoaaiar. Alice Johnson. ltrsnJels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. C4-8 Urandels TheaterT Uyslera. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. 1'laathwr.a Omaha Plumbing I'o., 8611 Sherman Ave. T. F. halfe, plumbing and hratmg, lJj Howard St. Tel. p. 74l. Ind. A-:41. Paper loasaaalea. V astern Paper Co., lith and Howard. Now comes Desmond before the Italian general. He accuses Claude of shooting down an Italian soldier In cold blood and declares that he has the pictures to prove It. The camera cannot lie, says Des mond. Kven the general cannot but think that Claude Is guilty, In the face of the vlllian's evident assurance. Bo everything Is arranged to ahow.the pic tures before an Impartial jury. BUSINESS PERSONALS Patents. HIRAM A. BTt'ROES, patent lawyer. IT. H. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; 25 years' experience. 46 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel Doug. 349. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllaid Eddy, U. 8 patent attorney and solicitor. 153U City Nat I Hank. Tyler 1610. Phoaoa raphe. Kdlson phonographs. Shtilts Bros.. 14ffl Far l'hotographera. Rlnehsrt. photographer. 18th & FYirnam. Sandberg s Studio. 107 S. lfith. Take elev. Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO., 814 8. 13th. Printing, Lew. W. Raber, Printer "Kou caul nutiti, KHIUAWIE ON COURT Phone Ind. A-J20 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th A Capitol Ave. AM. Printing Co.. 2304 Cuming. D. 6817. Rles-Hall Itg. Co. 109 8. 14. Ind. A-Ji24. Restaurants. Baxter's fine quick lunch. 1815 Farnam. 1,' at r a fir it ...i ... - - . ' ... ' .-.a A ; . aBijruyuy riu wun me. 1610 Capitol Ave., north side postofflce. C I erk Cafe, home cooking, 1618 Dodge. PET the habit; eat at Uneeda. Cap. Ave. MORRIS Cafe, home cooking. 218 8. 2oth. manuirrlnx and Stuttering. CURED. Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. Sporting Uoods. NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Qun Co., 1514 Farnam. leaographers and lonrt Hewortera. Myrtlo A. Kelley, 706 Bran. The. D. 5682. Miss Miller. 1526 CltyvNat'i Bk. D. 47ttT eel Tank aad Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company. 14th and Nicholas. D. 8fW. TallorlnsT. Dunham' ft Dunham, 116 suits. 118 8. 15. R. A. Williams, clothea altered, 21 & Lake. OMAHA r 1 rU t. .... McCague Blk. Ijtdlea' work a specialty. FINNEY Tailoring Co., Web. 2S94. Taxidermists. AtiUTbaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 3221. Tents aad Awnings. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 822 Douglas 'iruska liii SUII Frellng A Btelnle. 1803 Farnam St. Wig; Alannfactnrrre. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frenxer Blk. W ines aad Liquors. MT CO" family liquors, 1303 Douglas. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, ssndwlches. Alex Jetes, 1:403 Douglss. Loftnian. -yr-old why, 10c drink-14 4k llur. Hansen's. Family Liquors. 1231 Chicago nSmu'?"?. m"" wlne, nd I'PUoro at rl"'th Schmidt. 16i4 Capitol Ave. EDUCATIONAL T11E MID-WINTER TERM of B0YLES COLLEGE Opens Tuesday, January 2 In the day srsalons. Night school Wednesday evening. Jan uary 8, 7 p. ni. Complete codraes In Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil service and Salesmanship. The catalogue la ready and free for the asking. trail, write or phone for it at once. Address 11. B. Boy lea, President, Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zaitman, Pres.. 18th and Farnam. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Complete courses for 8tenographi a. Twenty years of success. lone c. ouify. Prop., Elisabeth Van hint, Prin. Corner imii ana remain Bt TCToKIN'a. 1st to 8lh srade. If 1M4 No iK.Kl) of worrying about dessert when Dalsell la In town. Mrs. D. M. Wentworth, (004 Webster St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. FOK CHRISTMAS. The Detroit Fireless Cooker as a Xmas Gift to Mother or Wife will be appreciated not only by her, but j me wnuie laniliy, 1st Aa a saving o cent. vlng of fuel Save SO per 2nd-As a saving on labor and time. Don't need watching. Put the food in to oook. and go calling or shopping. Srd-Kerpe things hot. Won't burn or dry up food. thrikv" on rooery UU. by retaining all of the nutriment. Simple to operate; durable and clean Buy her one for Christmas if you wish to please her. OMAHA SALES ROOM, 11W Farnam St. Phone Doug. Sung vr A-asM for Pamphlet BUSINESS TEKSONALS FOIt CIIIUSTMAS. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE NOW. CALL DOUGLAS 1261 Come In any time and, pick out your tree. We will tag it when ever you say. HOLLY, MISTLETOE, WREATHS. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1G13 Howard St. Manicuring, Hairdressing, etc. FREF coupon in every package of Vel- vetlna, Creams and Powders purchased from our druggist, entitling OUrChaser to lirnfeaulnnul of charge, at The VELVETINA SHOP Finest shop of beauty culture in middle west. 1819 Farnam. Doug. 1936, A-1996. Xmas Tokens At Dunning's 1612 Harney, . ...ut. , ul , orio, rciBBor sets, safety raxor sets, shears, scissors, pocket iiniu iiiwrurs, root cnesis, ice skates, sleds, wagons and hundreds of useful articles. All at attractive prices. The Best Xmas Present is a scholarship In the MOSHEU-I.AMP-MAN COLLEGE. Its great benefits last a lifetime. Send to MOSHER & LAMP MAN. NEW LOCATION, 1815 FA RNVM ST., FOR CATALOGUE. TERMS, ETC The Ideal Xmas gift Is a bicycle or motorcycle. Reduced prices, on new and used ones. 1 VICTOR H. R003, 2703 Leavenworth St. BAltKEli BK0S. PAINT CO. 160914 Farnam St. Doug. 47rA Ind. A-SS21. A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and tSherwln-Willlams goods. We do glazing and picture framing at moderate prices. GAS AND ELECTRIC TABLE LA MI'S are alwaya acceptable, always appreciated and always used $5 TO ikS"l Other electrical f,OJ suggestions. BITHOEflS-OH ANDEN CO.. lal Howard. LEFT IN PAWN Gent's diamond ring, 1V4 karat blue white, $150; also pair of diamond earrings, karat, each at 175; big lot of other Jewelry and diamonds to be told at auc tion at FRIEDMAN'S LOAN BANK, 13th and Douglas Kts. Xmas Leather Novelties. All kinds moccasins, all sizes. Xmas candles, perfumes, cigars, fancy packages. ABIS, ILER GRAND PHA1... T TTV1TIJV and UTILITY f'OM. UAU1V1 HI NED In ELECTRICAL t niiiaiMAB uit is. Everyone, men or women, young or old, will be glad to re celve an electrical gift for Christmas. DIAMOND KINGS Jrarmti Y5 per Karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas St. BRANDEISCUT SLOWER DEPT. IVAlllrilOA lari,e BUppiy of holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices. FOIt XMAS SHOPPING CAlL Til W ACME TAXI LIVEIiY & C Bhowalter. Tel. Douglas 376. A-3S6A. ALL diamonds and Jewelry left In pawn at rneamsn ixan Hank to be sold at auction every day at 6:30 p. m. Corner uin ami uougiaa. White's Loan Office, liM3 Douglas; spe cial sale on overcoats left In pawn, $2 up. Special liar trains In watches and diamonds. Women's Exchange "."ov! eltlea; lunches. 223 Bd. of Tr., 1603 Farnam. YOUNG WOMEN wtmld PPrecUte the V. W. C. A. as a Christmas gift. YOU'LL always be happy If your wed ding ring comes from iirodrgaard's. Hi B. 16th St. At the sign of the crown. SPECIAL Xma? le H to h off U1 vxvtJ on pictures and framing. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 S. 16th. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dre.s pleatings, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. 2o0 Doug. Blk. Doug. 1936; A-lSUii. Wedding Cakes f. v FINE LINE Airiu candles, cigars, per fumes. Ci lasey Phar., 24th & Lake. W. 6tM lQPLINGEH'S Xmas cigara, pipe V Af ( 7 A membership makes a present j...m.vy.tor every day ln the year Gold lettering on books, purses, leather gooda. E. A. Tryon Co.. 1316 Farnam. J. Knox O'Neill, art lot and photography Pictures enlarged. Studio, 16 8. 15th St. Xmaa packages, candies, oerfumes. ci gara, Lathrop Pharmacy, 24 & Hamilton. MOYEK STATIONERY CO.. 1G16 Farnam. Chrixtmas novelties, cards, calendars. Safety razors sharpened. 3.1) Ramge Bid. THE BOURGEOIS CO.. I!u7 FARNAM. Out-of-date garments ex. for new. W.3O20 IF you have a sweet tooth be sure to try a box of 1). J. O'Brien's candy. Al ways fresh and pleasing to candy lovers. If Rev. P. H. Lindberg. S&6 Meredith Ave., will come to The liee office within three days we will give him an order for a bO-oent box of O' linen's candy. HKLP WANTED FEMALE lluasckeesters sail Uxueslica. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Pee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A conieteiit girl for general housework 210 S. 37th St. WANTED A girl for laundry work four aavs a week; references' required. it N. Jdth St. WANTED-An experienced nurse glri; reference required. 4J6 N. SSth St. WANTED A girl work; small fanuly. nr:t Pacific St. for general house Phone Harney 633. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Pacific. WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages; small family. Sit) 8. J71U fit. Harney iiii. All Is ready. The screen Is In place. The camera Is ready. The audience la ready. All Is expectancy. And then on the screen Is shown a sunflower. It Is an excellent picture, of a sunflower, but the people came to see a crime portrayed and not a flower If you can call a sun flower a flower. Desmond Is at once stamped as a fakir and Claude's Inno cence Is taken for granted. HELP WANTED FEMALK . Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED A girl for general house work; must be a good cook; bring ref erences. Apply Lieut. Bowman. Ft. Crook. WANTED A young girl to asHlt with housework; no waHhlmr. D. C. Edgerly, 5110 Cuming. Harney 34i4. WANTED A young girl to care for two children and do llttln housework. 1417 S. 6th St. Mrs. R. Saitta. WANTED A good cook for family of two. Mrs. . A. P. Guioti, Beaton apart ments. Phone Harney Sf.S7. Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building, at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlxe assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. Apprentice girls to learn hairdressing. Oppenhelm, 226 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Practical Nurses' exchange, Tel. D. 112. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. CALENDAR SALESMAN WANTED We want a reliable and capable salesman at once to carry our Attractive line of calen dars, fans and advertising specialties ln Nebraska. We have a splendid line, care fully selected by men long In this busi ness, and who have themselves sold this class of goods on the road for years. On our liberal commission basis plan, a sa lee man who will devote his time exclusively to our line should have no difficulty In clearing from liA to-$104 per week. If you are a man who will work and can sell goods, address Sales Manager. KALAMAZOO ADVERTISING CO.! KALAMAZOO, MICH. Attach thla ad vertisement to your reply and give full particulars regarding your past business experience. Live city and road salesman. O 794.- Bee. LOCAL salesman to sell 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida, land. Produces splendid crops. A first-class proposition that will stand the closest investigation. ROBT. C. DRIIKSKinriw a. cr 800 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha,' Neb. A Bfent a fit .ml V . AmnlrvnAr . a " " ..,.7 !.-'.. .1111 gUUU IiaV file 3 mn . n earn. mII.1.1. . . -- Z ' ' , , , i.uauio ll ir II. write at. once for particulars. Herman mu. wsrpan, mate St., Ottawa, 111. AGENTS We pay well and give valu abln Premtnma Vrm fa, v. . work. Sample and Catalogue Free. Com- f I . . . T 1 ...... . in ma uimu pvk fn, uoaunga, uai. Clerical and Office. FULL dress suits, evening party dresses ior rein, i to t. ow a nignt. JOHN FELDMAN. 206 N. 17th. D. 8128. "CANO" High-grade positions. 600 Bee, Factory and Trades. Drug store (snaps') Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED Musicians for the 18th Inf. band; must be single. Address all let ters to Emanuel Klein, chief musician, Fort MacKenzle, Wyo. Reliable Emp. Agency, 1610 Davenport Take ins. in mansage and Swedish move ment cure. Reasonable. 401 Ware Blk WANTED, for U. B. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of li and 25; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can IJeiiH, reau anu write me .ngusn ian' guage. For information aPDly to Re. crultlng Officer, 13th and Douglas Eta., Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th St., Sioux City, la.; iji n. ivtn pt., ijincoin, i h n . TCLiCtiitArn position guaranteed you Kir ITnlnn TMr.flr m nrl I ' 1 1 r, I , tral railroads if you guln your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. YOU are wanted for government Job. ISO per month; send postal for list of post, tlons open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 216- K, Rochester, N. Y, U.S.5! 1100 MONTH At'TOING. AUTO SCHOOL, OMAllA, NEB uarantees more actual repairing man any tnree otner scnoois. come see. GOVERNMENT positions open; list showing salaries free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 213-K, Rochester. N. Y. IF out of a position call at Interna tional Motion Picture Schools. 218 Bee Bid. WANTED Men to learn the best busi ness ln the world, the barber trade; can have your own shop or earn big wages; light, clean inside work: aa army of our graduates running shops send for help; qualify for these positions; few weeks re quired; our manual la splendid for borne preparation; tools given; wages in finish ing department. Write from distance or call from city. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Bt. ABLE bodied men, wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps between the ages of 19 and 3b. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, $15 to Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 yeans' service can re tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 14o; Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. STOP! RpAD! Get into a paying Drofesalon. Learn automobile engineering in our large training shop. Hundreds of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Assn., 63. Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE liorsee and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horsea tig N. 21st St. Phone Douglas MOO. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having loat some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Hallway Company to ascertain whether tbey left It tn the el reet cars. Many articles each day are turned ln and the company is anxious to restore them to the ngbtlul owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. IF PARTIES who lost good vision will call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., Mt-U so. iotn, same win oe reaiorea. LOST Ladle's gold watch: owner's name engraved on Inside. Lust Saturday a. m. Addreas Sot City Hall; reward. "I'm the boy!" cries Desperate Des mond, "but I'm getting too much notor iety." The villain Is posed In the spot-' light, and In a few moments he will be shot. Everybody will rejoice at the end-' Ing of such a criminal career, but some how or other Desmond has a way of sneaking out of difficulties, and al though It seems Impossible, be may be safe In tomorrow's story. LOST AND FOUND WATCH FOB, with Phi Delta Theta pledge pin attached. Finder please call Harney ol7. LOST A small Shrlner pin with dia motid settings; reward. Call Doug. 63D1.. , LOST llrmvlut Initial. xj r..... i-j 07;" return to J. G. Jakobson, manufac turing Jeweler, s. e. corner, 16th and Dodge Sts.; to reward. MEDICAL NO MATTER WHAT YOUR TROUBLK. NOR WHO SAID YOU WERE INCUR ABLE, BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PROBABLY DO THE WORK. WHY NOT TRY 7 CALL OR WRITH "BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE," 329 JE V1LLE BLOCK. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 1 per box, prepaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels, STOP Right hert If you are Looking for the Best . ' Place to Borrow Money. ' - LOOK The city over and you can do no better, no matter how cheap others advertise. LISTEN We will loan you all the READY CASH you need on your FURNITURE, PIANO. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT AUTO. REAL ESTATE or ON YOUR 'PLAIN NOTE, if steadily employed. Such loana are procured ln , a few hours' notice, pri vately, confidentially and in a way pleas ing to all. Why take chances of having your busi ness peddled about the city when you can get the money promptly of us. THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 308 Paxton Block, 217 S. lfith St Phones Douglas' 1411 and A -1411. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY K -tt tt II l $10 TO $100 U LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. II SALARIES, ETC., f! t ai niaisra yuu can aiioro, ana it ft without the red tape and delay you $ 1$ experience with otner companies. tt $1 ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT H IS HERE. It s as GOOD AS A BANK! St ft ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED, ft NOTE THESE RATES: n $10, you pay back S11.50. SIS. you pay back $17.00. tJS, you pay back S'JS.OO. &"0, you pay back $:o.0o. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payments. Open every nlRht till Xmas 8 p. m. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. SS 309-10 Brown Blk. Opposite Bran SS dels. 8. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. SS Phone Douglas 2UJS. WSSSSSitSeSStSStSSWStSWSSSSSSSSSSSIWWS4f S I $10 TO $100 st t tt LOANED u It TO ANYONE I! SS We will procure a loan for any- t SS body who jwns furniture, pianos, $4 14 horses, wagons, or anyone holding St SS a steady position at the most rea- St SS sonable charges. All we ask is your St SS promise to pay. No red tape. No SS SS delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. St SS $25 In installments of SliXi. SS S$ $35 ln installments of $l.sG 44 SS S60 ln Installments if $2.45. SS tt Loans made from one mouth to St $$ one year. Terms to suit you. Si SS GUARANTEE LOAN CO.,. SS SS (Small lxian Department.) St SS 204 Wlthnell Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. SS SS N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. SS SS Douglas 5045; Ind. A-1&6. $s $S Open Every Evening Till 8 O'clock it ft Until Xmas. $s uwwussssti$wsttsst4et4tssssttw;stswui DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW, GET YOUR XMAS MONEY, FROM THE CITY LOAN COMPANY because our rates are lower, payments easier, biiKlness confidential. CITY LOAN COMPANY, 30-21 Douglas Block. Opposite Havdcn's. Phones Douglas Jnd A-iVni. I'lUTTKISII.iBV 1llK'S If vnu can use from 1111 in lino r.r mn to a good advantage, come to us. We do not advertl&e any misleading rates, but we have the lowest rates in the city. We guarantee you a square deal. Yuu can repay us In small weekly or nionOily ayments. v e auow a mscount tf paid .' f , I r. time. fAll Writ. rr . , V. . , n .... I i cation and you will get prompt attention. 1. P.ultAPlvA LOAN CO., Douglas 1&6 2J0 Bee Bldg. A-IK. USE OUR MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS We make loans on all kinds of chattels' quickly and privately. Phone Doug. 1235. HOME LOAN COMPANY 16a Farnam St. Room 8, Patterson Blk. MONEY FORHRISTLlAS Ii&nd nn f urnit tir dunfii n tAani. low ratei and easy ternm, . STATE MORTGAGE LOAN Room It Arlington Blk., 1511Vi Dodgs St Phones: Doiiglas 466, Independent A-24bC f f 1 N K V T, nrl i.l.rll 1 - - - ' , vuuien keefllns hftiiMa anil nth... u,. .(..... curlty; easy payiiwnts. Offices In 67 prln! cipal cities. Tolinaii. 5i Omaha Nail j-lJ-'j'1' formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. GET IT OF Miks Snow. C. L. B at Star Loan Co.. IM4 Pitinn kia.,i, .i tlOOwIt hp-it security ; to ault you. DIAMOND LOANS at 2and 5 per cent! FLATAU, 1514 Dodge. Tel. Red bil OFFERED VOIX IlKNT Board aad ttooaaa. O. M. E. haulsJrunks. D. tn. A -Wit. Portola, family hotel, tMk Ave. and iia N 4 V i