TUB HKK: OMAHA. TIH'l.'.SDA Y. IIK( KMIlKIt 21. hill. Mark Cross Gloves $1.50 Tlic cry beat leather gloves you ran buy made over In London ly the inoFt skllle! workmen In (lie world. Three plovoi oro carefully sewed by hand. Ihcy don't rln r lout shape. An Ideal Christmas gift. $1.50 Or any ot these nonld pleis: him Irrcnensely 'INSURANCE EXAMINERS BUSY j Frank M'Cann Found Guilty of Blowing a Safe Rfport on Union and Woodman Con solidation Comes Soon. OFFICERS ARE PAID TO RESIGN ..30c to $3 50c to noo S5 to $9.60 f.Oc $1.00 . . . 50c to $3 . . 1 5c to T.Oc Neckwear , Suspenders , Bathrobes Silk Hot Ha-o and Tie Set. Muffler Handkerchief Interwoven Hose, 4 pair, any color, In box $1.00 Uoy'a Ties 25e-50c Collar Bags Ath, Trays Bill Fold Tobacco Pouches Cigar and Cigarette Caaes. rat Ytnuo f tonn OWN TONE 1518-20 FAKNAM STKKKT. STOHK Ol'KX KVKMMiS t.NTIL CIIItlSTMAS. i I'll P k r-h. ill vran r4 ( in i READY 10 ACCEPT REPUBLIC Aent of Premier of China Makes Concession to Revolutionists. ACT IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL Maya He Meet t'oramanlrat with rrklnc Before It lleeomea Offi cial rorrlcn Coaenle ' Frraeat Xole. SHANGHAI. Dec. 20.-lurlng th peace Jronference between the representatives of the Imperial Government and the revolu (KonlKU thin afternoon, Tang" Phao Yl, "who represents Premier fuan Shi Kal, expressed .himself ai "ready to accept a republic, but must first ommunlcate with Peking." ' The consuls of the six power called 'en Tana Kilo VI and Wu Ting-Fang this 'morning and presented their note, ex 'iresstng the good will of their respective tiovrrnmeuts and the hope that the peace conferences now In sesnlon would be auo tessful. ', '1 he representations, first at the Itead ' ti:rtcr of Tana ".hao Yl and then at , the homa of t)r. Wu Ting-Fang made ' iiti Impieselon. The Uerman funiul waa the first apokes- iv n at each place. The American repre-is-ntailve. Consul General Amoe . P. - , wildtr, seconded the Herman address ' .knd as followed by the other four 'tlplomat In order or their seniority, an ui let mined by length of residence at Msargrial. Armlatlr la Kxteaded. ' Tho conference wu reautned at the .town hall thin afternoon, i' After 'the meeting had adjourned an . official statement Initiated by Tana Hhao Yl and Dr. Wu Ting-fang, the leader of ' the Imperialists and revolutlonarloi, re ' spccllvcly, was Issued to the pre. It ' , In substance that after Ir. Wvi Tlng-fung had presented the case In . faor of a republic a an' Indispensable condition of pence Tang Hhao Yl "ex : 1 -rosed hla readiness to accept Or. Wu Ting-fang's lcw, but the matter waa so important that he must first communi cate with Peking." ' The armistice between the opmslnt - fvrcea lies tern extruded to December 30, jForty-Seven Licenses Granted in Sioux City 1 SIOL'k CITY, la,. Iec. lo.-The saloon question, which haa been the main topic J here since the Moon law decision, was handed down by the Iowa supreme court 'Monday, waa settled aa far aa the city ' council la concerned this afternoon, when , pertnlla mere ' granted to forty-aven UtiufSftntT. tfcits eliminating thirty-one ' uf the seventy-eight saloon. The lucky dealers- will reopen for business a anon , aa the necessary bonds are filed. Plnce Monday all the salocna, except tuft, have been closed. RAILWAY COMMISSION HEARS NORTHWESTERN CASE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. 20.-8peclal.)-The State Hallway commission today con tinued the hearing of the physical valu ation of the Northwestern lines. The company put Its right of way man, Mr. Cleveland, on the stand for the purpose of showing thut the multiple used by the state In fixing the ratio of railroad right ot way to adjoining land whs too smalt. Mr. Cleveland gave figures estimating the valuation of right of way In Wiscon sin, South Dakota and elsewhere and rearhed tho conclusion that the correct multiple was three, whereas Mr. Ilyrd, the state's represent a live, had fixed It a varying figure of from ono and a half to two and a half. The stale Bought to ahow by cross-examination that while the method of as certaining the valuations, as testified to by the witness, were Isrgely the same aa those used by Mr. Hurd, the lines which Mr. Cleveland had valued wera constructed under . conditions differing greatly from those obtaining In Ne braska. T. M. MeCague was on th atsnd this afternoon In behalf of the railroad for tha purpose of -valuing the terminate of th company In Omaha. He valued the new freight depot at SM6.W0. Asked whether tha etunpany paid anything for tha vacated street Included In th com pany property, he said ha dldnot know. GRUNTHER PETITION IS' ' CIRCULATING IN HALL GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Dec. 20-(pa- cial Telegram.) A petition waa circulated here today by some ot th foremost democrat placing C. M. Uruenther of Platta county In nomination aa candidate at th democratic primaries for governor. Th petition I being signed very freely. This would mean five candidates In sight for that office, R. I,. Metcalfe ot Lincoln, Tom Smith of York, J. II. More head of Falla t'lty and C. W. Pool of Tecumseli. Called up over the telephone today Uruenther, who I In PlatUmouth, said he knew nothing about the circula tion of th petition and would make no statement cf his Intentions. Yoansr Farmer Killed, FRIEND, Neb., Dec. S0.-(Pclal.-Yesterday while engaged in shelling corn at the Kveret Illanchard farm, four miles northwest of, town. Carl Johnson, a young Danish farmer, waa caught In the fly wheel of a gasoline engine and re ceived Injuries from which he died In about two hours. Johnson waa unmar Heatrtce Pastor Umr Bnokaae. BKATK1CK. Neb., Deo. .-( Special.) Rv. J. K. Davis, who haa been paator of the First Christian church In thla city for th last sis' years, haa accepted a call from tha Ctntrnl christian church at 8pckane. Wash., and will local there about March 1. Ills new position carries with It an increase In salary of 11 per year. Strong Healthy Women II a worms) is strong aad healthy in a womanly nr, moth erhood mean to hr bat little suffering. The trouble lies a tho (act that the maay weati taller Irons weakness and disease of the dittiaotly lemiaia organism aad era unbtted tar motherhood. Thi caa be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weakaesses mmi diaordere of womao. It mu directly the delioat aad important organs eonaeraod ia motherhood, aaekiaf theaa healthy, ttronl, vigorous, virile aad oiattlo. i r ot women htv Favorite Prescription" baaUhea th indispotitioat ot the period of expectaaoy and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It quicken aad vitalixe th leminin oi-gans, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousand t3tined to its marvelous merits. It Mak Weak Womtn Strtutg. It AUken Skk Womea Welt. ji. ,,U Uo "ot ff,r ub,ut. d r then upon you a "just a tooi. Accept eo secret nostrum ia place of this aea-srirrf remedy. It rantsiot aot a drop of alcotiol aad not a fraia of habit-torming or iajuriout drugs. I par el)ctri rxtrsct ol l.celinj, a&tiv Aaierivao roots. rJ3WEY TO'LOAW In auy amount uu improvej (or to improve) Omaha find South Omaba real estate Hesidence or business. Money On Hand No commissions to pay Interest rate reasonable Inpayments of $100 or more on prin cipal received any day vrithout notice. Prompt action assured. THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 1614 Ilarney St, Omaha, Neb. Geo. F. Gilmore, Prest. Paul W. Kuhns, Secy. nrfltr llartmi tlnltls Thta la Diver sion of l'sni nail Mnj nt t onie I luler Xlrlct I n terprela t Ion of State l.ona, ri'i-om a 8laff torrcspondent.l LINCOLN, lrr. W. fHpeclal.l The stotm clouds which have been hanging over the Woodmen and Cnlon f'lre In suraii'e companies are l.kely either to de velop Into n downpour or be dissipated with the filing of the report of Ihe ex aminers, whn hnv teen at work on the hooks of th" two companies. Tha re- I yiti i iTuuauiy win oe rueo wiTnin a rew days. The proposed ronsolldstlnn of the two Lincoln comrmnlre hns been In the courts and an Injunction Issued restrain ing sich consolidation previous to the snnuel meeting of Ihe stockholders Jan uary 4, when they will vote on the ques tion. Auditor Barton objects to the wording of the circular which has been sent to the stockholders, which by Impli cation, says that Ihe Insurnn" depart ment and the -auditor approve the con solidation, whereas Mr. Harton a f erts the fact to bn that neither himself nor the Insurance department has officially endorsed or opposed tha consolidation. Whether In the finality they will endorse cr not rtependa upon conditions of the companies and whether the terms of the consolidation are equitable to all con cerned. Payments to Officers. Methods pursued to bring about the consolidation, however, are likely to pro duce the real fireworks and according to Auditor Harton may result in action against some prominent men In Lincoln i ami iiiv emir, ii Hiijrrnrs irJin me rec ' ord In the Injunction case that the offi cers of the Woodmen company paid the officers of tho t'nlon, which has been In existence for sbout twenty-five years, IM.OUO to resign, that the officers of the Woodmen company might succeed them. This was previous to the Injunction pro ceedings and they actually did succeed the old officers of the Cnlon. Mr. aBrtnn holds that such payment was a diversion of funds of the Woodmen company and that those, who authorised It payment rnuet return It to the Woodmen treaaury or the Insurance department may be Im pelled to takn legal action to compel them to do o. Former Oovernor Sheldon, Mayor Arm strong of Lincoln. J. W. Walt and K. II. Marshall of this city are Involved In th payment or receipt of the money. Whether the payment of the money will have any effect on the flnlnclal stand ing tff the Woodmen company, Mr. Bar ton declared, would only In disclosed by the examination, but whether It did or did not ha held It waa a di version of tha funds of the company. Still another act of the officials in the proposed consolidation has come ' under the ban of the Insurance department. A considerable amount of the business of the Cnlon company. It la charged, ha been reinsured In the Woodmen and that commission had been paid for such re Insurance, which the auditor holds is contrary to law and In addition he Is pot pleaaed with the reinsurance pending ac tion on tha consolidation, as such act. If the consolidation should fall of approval by either th stockholders or tha Insur ance department, would tend to weaken the Union company. . ' Governor to Aabnra. Governor Aldrich and Adjutant General Phelps went to Auburn today, and to night Inspected Company f of the Ne braika National guard. The governor will deliver a nonpolltlcat address In the opera house at that place. Inapert Taben-alosle Hospital. Land Commissioner Cowles Is In Kear ney today Inspecting work already don and arrangements made for opening th Tuberculosa hospital at that place. Ar rangements have about bean completed and It la now anticipated tha Institution will be opened January 1. Barton to Slake Speeehea. Ktste Auditor Barton has three speak ing dates for the tiear future, at! of them of a nonpolltlcat nature. January 1 lie will go to Sutton and deliver an address at the fraternal rally, January S to Ila'a tlqgs for Institutional work for the work men, and January SO to Wilcox, where he will speak before the farmer's Insti tute. Halsh Must Oet Petition. John K. Walsh of Humboldt, who aspires to be a delegate to the democratic national convention will find nior trouble In accomplishing his desire than he anticipates. II sent to the aecretary pf slate an affidavit of his intention, sup posing that waa alt that waa necessary, btu Seoretary Walt ha written hi that a regular primary petition ia required and thut he will have to obtain 500 sig natures to the petition and that the signers must be distributed among two thirds ot the counties of tha First Con gressional district. Mr. Walt I preparing a circular setting forth In concise form all of the requirements of the primary law, which he will send to anyone ap plying for the en me. He siys he finds considerable apprehension regarding the provisions of the law and that such a circular will be the boat and most expe ditious way ot anttlng Inquirers right. He will consult th attorney general before completing the circular to obtain an opin ion whether or not the petition provision applies to purty committeemen. t ouali Asaeasor l.as. In response to an Inquiry from Reward county the attorney general haa ren dered an opinion construing the law ex tending the terma of county aeaeaaora for one year. Cnder th old law theae offi cials would have given place to new one January I. and the question was whether the old officials simply held over without any formality or whether It wax neces sary to requallfy and gtve a new bond. The attorney general rules that the old official must requallfy and give, a new bond, all th procedure being th same aa though he were taking orflce for a new term. The decision of the supreme court in th case of Andrew Koewater, city engineer cf Omaha, is cited by th . attorney general as a precedent, cafeteria, fur. Ittadeats. I nlversity authorities are seriously con- smarm ine esiauusnmcnt of a restaurant on the cafeteria plan, at which students cen be fed at coat, for tha noon luncheon, .conserving both tha time and the finances jof the students. l 8. Allen, prostdrnt of me Jioaru ot ttetfenta, and Chancellor Avery are now working on the plan. Hreaka l ea While Wreatllag. DAVID CITY. Neh.. Dec. I). (Special. ) -At the Young Men'a Christian aaaooa tlon gymnasium last evening George Quade. while wreatllng with one of the other boys of thla place, was thrown and sustained a broken leg just above lh enkka. I LATTSJIUCTII. Neb., Dec. 3.-Frnk Mi'Tami. ( ne of three men held on Ihe crarne of being connected with a series of hank and pontnffice robberies In this , section of iWhraskii last s.immt r. was I foi nd guilty of blowing' open the safe of j a Jeweler In UtulsvlMe. The Jury wan out one hour. His sentence . !e from twenty years to JJfc; lis termination depending on the stale pardoning b.ard. sjQCPHSJHSajjejgjejjjjg ouaautai ! iismss ansa jsjh ( ieJiBi.mil OLDO I'sllH lit; iu.t UK. LAXATIVE HROMO Qulmne. the world aide i'oI.I and lrlp remedy reniutea tauae. full tor full name. Look fur mu i.Uis fc. W. UKUYb. 3Jc. STOLEN GOODS FOUND . ON MEN WHO ARE TAKEN WiATRICE. Neh.. Dec. I).-(Hperla: Telegram.) "Deacon" Burroughs and Clarence Cain of this city were arrested on the charge of robbing Klein's store here Hunday night. They were brought here tonight and lodged In Jail. Home of the atolen goods were found In their possession. Cain Is believed to be Im plicated In the robberies which have oc curred at Htelnauer recently, as a sult cane belonging to W. If. Huff of that place was found among the articles taken. Carl Helman was arrested here today and lodged In the county Jail for trying tovpass a bogus check for IIS on a bank at Wmore. He saya Columbus. Neb.. Is hi home. Whrn he called at fie bank he gavethls name as Harrison and said he was employed as a farm hand' near Wymore. The sheriff was notified and he was arrested when he stepped from the truln here. R. J. HOLMAN OF ANSLEY ACCUSED OF EMBEZZLEMENT mtOKEN ROW, Neb.. Dee. 20.-(Special Telegram.) Charged with embetxllng ttie sum of SMi6.1T, Ross J. Holman, a citizen of Ansley, this county, has been arrested by Deputy Sheriff Penn and brought to thin city. Holman was arrested at the Instance of "the Loup City Mill and Light company, which iharges him with re ceiving and selling goods on commission and not turning In the cost jirlee of same. Holman will probably have a hearing today or tomorrow. ' Lyo sis ur. PERFECT Tooth Poudor cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. Mothers should teach the little ones its daily use. Use the same care in buying 1 your Drooms as you do in select ing your erocenes. You don't just ask for crackers or baking powder. h '"si for Ask also t i zfellTTLE POLLY BROOM Usai Jar earn eaiasftaes'J.) and receive the most for your money. Evtry Little Polly ii guaranteed. Ilorrah & Stnqart Mfg. Co. Dei Moinct, Iowa Its i tags Extraordinary Piano Announcement! New 1911 Styles Steinway Grands and Uprights At Important Reductions Also a Few New 1911 Styles Webers and Mehlins This is the first time during out many years of piano business that we have offered the above three makes of pianos nt reduced prices. Our reasons for doing so now is on account of exten sive alterations we anticipate making throughout our entire building. In order to facilitate a quick sale of these instruments, we offer them during the week of December, beginning Thurs day tho 21st. Bear in Mind That This Special and Unheardof Sale Will Only Last for One Week, Ending Dec. 28, 1912. '"'"''''''''''''asaaaaajaaan Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Manufacturers Wholesalers Retailers 1311-1313 Farnam Street s? mi a u i jje fesqajr f' a Omaha, Neb. If your rocer does not aopply ut ile Polly J '.rooms, nand a post card to ilia Online. uJisnt. John t?erJ. U Ave D. Coun.-4l Bluff, Iowa, ,vso will supply one 'trough your rrucaiv IJt tla Polly iJ-onnta tsa twU-e urn Innr." Christmas Suggestions Good Leather Goods i Bllppara for Us In. Pullman Car. Art Colon-'al SJlieap Bales. . Traveling Bar with Toilet let Xaalde. T.aaiea' Shopping- Bar. Oxford Bag. Bait Case. Toilet Beta. Ma' Card Cassa aad BUI Folda. Mdlcla Caaes. Stasia Son. Lawyar'a Brief Caaea. Wardroe Trunk enr own mak. at Trunka. Steamer Tranks. From the Cheapest That's liood to the llest Made. Freling & Steinle Trunks m R,J: 1803 Farnam Street Gifts of Diamond Jewelry Diamond Jewelry gives life-long pleas ure, not only because of its great beauty and lntrlnelo value, but also becaase or Its enduring remind er of the donor's generosity and t houghtf ulnesa. We show a large and most interesting col lection of rings with settings In clusters of diamonds alone oc In comblnatlona of diamonda with other precious stwnes. The n.ountlngs of plati num and gold are the work of experta anil show rare beauty and originality of design. Necklace,- ' rings, ararf pins, earrings, pendania, etc., are ahown - in exclusive and . charming dei .signs and at a very attractive range of ielces. , '.'.- Boat Merely Bar-taetr 'A Albert Edhblm - aUateoata aad Uaraey IR.oinmoyail gBaillo To the Public: M.(Wit., f"ering our Cut Ctlass, flocks and Hated Hollow Ware at cost. We do not want to rr-ove any of these to our new store In the Paxton block. . . Our store la full of bargains, as everything (excepting Hated amorist . . j,i. .. will pay you to spend a few minutes In our store. - LOOK rO TUB BTAJdX S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler Site Douglas Street. l JaVaV I t-Vnfi C3cfQ C5 Z3a JJ tOOD OBtfTg'Js Tstrassiri pbczai.b Only a few more hlce Christ mas tree left, each . ...Oflo to gsxs Uellevu celry, per bunch, at aso to SOo fancy baskets of frutt ' to order, eeoh . ...BOO to $8.00 1.00 fancy baaketa, all colors and B.see,aeu , .IS t MOO Kew mixed nuts, par lb. ,.aoo Jllauh walnuts, par peck . .0e Uwx applea. aw oh ai.OO, 01.39 a.0o aad B3.O0 Una more siaininwin utieeaa. New tork, per ib aso Large Kuan.' cueese, each ai.tu impurtea Mwism wkeaasi ivli rream. per lb. ,Sj Queen olives, per nt. jai' ,,o. .envy clutter lalslna, per U., at tsa aad 9d Joiil-.son's sweat elder, per Jug. at aoo aa aw Cttran, orange and laiuou peal, !' 1U ,,,,,,,,, IM Ohio o- Vermont mania augwi, per lb. , aoe Uiuw.i utla-irotgj -riJie, n le Lsa SOI.IDAT mOXLZM Premier l-lum Pudding, per tin it at aso, o asd 1 I anco-Ainarlvau Pium fun ding, par tl:l Its, :0, M fl and , aoe ti Plum Pudding sauce, per bot- I tier .BOO, 800 aa (So jf Mini Meat In glass lfle, aso (f, and Oe t Sulk, per Ib 160 C8' CSXJ C3 aCHOOI.M AXU C OI,LK(.i:, SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER We will give I'rea of Charge with 4 full quarta of Prl tub Ryo at 13.10, charges prepaid, "5 Premiums consisting of a fine hand painted bread and butter china plate, a bottle ef fine California port wine, a gold etched whiskey glass, a pocket coClucrew and a lKli calen der. This whiskey Is bottled expressly for our trade' and ia aold direct tp you. We guarantee thla whlakey to be better than other high grade old rya that sells at dou ble th price- Orders west of the Rockies must call for 13 quarta prepaid. Our reference I Omaha National Bank. Mall your ordera to Meyer Klein Liquor Company, eaa W. lzteeaU Street, Omaha, Kab, . i sum i i 'C5 a Wffl 1 lUi 9 rjKi-i,i-wvji',j 2 'LZ." AMI $SMETS. 1 Aiuj&AiUixXi 111ISATEK ToBlgbt Doll Matinee Today ' ' . Prices, 86o Only. , Miaa xv a tAWo aUd the WOODWilD STOCK COtAJrT In "AEUO, BIXIm Next Week The laughing Suceesa. Samoa for tke Oooaa. Bpe l Mat Xmaa r v - -- CHRISTMAS ATTKACTIOH 7, 7i, Bifiniisg BoBday ' The Qraataat Cmiui. n Bet Rich Quick Wallingford 3 Says, Beginning- Thnrs., Deo. 8S THE SPRING MAID WITH MX8SX XAJOS COKYAJTY Of ae Spate Mow Selllng- f IJ'' .'.if.'.' !L?- K' Ifj . a, , m I E Shenandoah Dea't. el Vsalsra Mersl CsiUfr. Commerciallnstitute Tke Batlsra .as tkwtdto ila. I. us In t Un Our caitMl iftwl silt cut .lM-br.. Cr.l Ml.ti. Thi. I. fa.f ! rMs.r. Ir sotMiMt. F.rai cayrM .Misl'i. is ... aisuc. tn.nk.ti4 ... ,T,Swllllli 'Mka tiiaet tt t rttt Wtiw. J M HuMrr. Pi.a I. "Bhtt, leva. tt, r.ili... lu. I. Mill ieie. AT THIS TIME S3.00 for a Safety Box in our Burglar and Fire Proof Vault. It not only BAKEOUARD8 your Prl.ate Papera. Bonds and Jewels over the t'hrlstmss llolidsys. but for one ear from the data of rental. Cent Vault apace for Trunka and packages. If you need It. Onaha Safe Deposit Co. Street Level R-.trance to Vaults. Hit Farnam Street. art BOYD'S THEATER 4 Days Com. Hun., Doc. 24th Kl , Xmas and Wed-BlaSoh. mat" "'r uirl, with Xarry OUfoll. Seats Helling 'asr f W W -Phoaesi DooflM 404; IniL A-iatw Uatliu. - uakerr !hlck and Chlnkl.t "in... cfP Orpheum Concert oTc.tra.' nee 10c, beat aeats. iSc. except 8,u, day and Sunday. except Satur- ....KROG THEATER.... , Mat. Today 8:90; Bright S:S0. . ' Bee Beats 80a. Broadway Gaiety arm aad Taaaa. the Oirl With tho Dreamy Xyea. 8ouvenlra to Z,adlea at BaUy Dime Matinee. "OMAHA'S TV OZHTM JJX4J Dauy Mat, l-3J-Ci fianla Claun' Only Opposition. SLIDING BILLY WATSON Hnd "The Olrls From Ilappvland." GXTAAVAQAHlSa. AID TinilEvn.T.S oaycty dark ' the week before Christmas'.' t-noiiio: say not ! belling out at every performance. Haven of rest and Joy for meil shoppara tadle' Dim Matins atvary Week Say. The Omahn liee reaches moro readers in Omaha than any other paper. 3a T it , . rfrf n-y !,, ? ' i m " i ' w & 1 ''MP 5? ?3 i a. a .. . iy . a . a ih k - ', (- - -1 V - -i - t i. i. . ij.4' .. TaaBBBaaTalaBa CITY NATIONAL BANK CHRISTMAS, The Time of Gifts Some for use, gome for pleasure, but all carry the true gplrlt of the aeiton. Of useful glfia thero are none better for a Mid than a Savlnga account In ttiia bRtik. It Is the primer of financial education, the germ of prosperity !n after life. Include with your glfta a bank account which will row with the child. Give ua big or ber name and It will be delivered on Xmas morning wrapped In an appropriate envelope. YOUR PATRONAGE IS INVITED. John F. Flack, Free. J. A. Sunderland, Vice Pres. V. 8. Hlllis, Cashier. J I). ltnl(rfcr, Asst. ('ashlar. Resources Over S3.000.000 s