Desperate Desmond: Claude Eclair is Made the Victim of a Diabolical Plot Conceived by the Villian Copyright, 1911, Notional News Association. By Hersfield OM WLL Kt t-r THE CUR SM AT BAY.SWEaT- '1 ' m Rruvo Claude Evlaire. with hi little machine gun, defies Desmond and all Ills Turkish friend to take Rosamond from him. And alongside Claude stands the temerarious war correspondent, Reck 1it Hardy Shavus, U. 8. A., who pro pose to take moving pictured of the at tack and thus convict Desmond of having treacherously sided with the Turk. 1 1 i TAT A TVTT1 AnC I announcements business peiwonals 1 business personal 1 i 1 3 usf s m iu m n n . i r : - . . . . . , i . . - i ub0i.i,9n rr.iuuiiAiA i hiuc ruiimTiiAB i iirrn n . Want ads received at any time but to Insure proper classification niunt le presented before 12 o'clock in., for the evening edition and before 7:10 p. m. for morning and Hundajr ll- i lions. 'ant ads received after audi Itoura will Iiavo their first Insertion under the beading "loo kale to Clasaify." CASH IIATKS Wll WANT ADS. . llECilLAJl CLASS! JCATION One inserliou 1 cent per word and X cent per word for each subsequent insertion, i&xh lnsertiou maue on odd days 1) cent per word. , 1.00 ptr line per montii. Want ads for ilia Kce may be left at any of the following drug store oue is your "corner Uiuggmt" Ihey ai all branch offlca tor The lUsts and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at tho mam oil ice In The liee building, bcvemutuilh and farnara streets! Albacb, w. C. 40tb aud Farnam. jiim Drug Co., awl N. lotn bt. Benson Pharmacy, liciisun. Neb. iieiaia l ark Pharmacy, m1 and Curalng. iciaufa, b. a., 1 i. lien bu illak-iriiulsii, a bheiiuan Ave. ttuyliau, u. u., ilt Leavenworth. , Cvriuak, Lmll. idM-ti H. lSilt bt. L'lUiun riili i'narnioy, Uu Military Ave. Cuonny iiiarmacy, iiM b. Kin Hi, C'rUiMy Pharmacy, i4lh and Lk. tbier & Co.. 2-KJ Lvenworth. l oir St Arnuitll, ill N. mh bu 'rytag, J. J., 1H4 N. Mth bi. i 'rcs-er rug Co., 10 N. lkib Bt. Flursiiue 1I ub Co., klorenca, Neb. Green i'harm'y, i'a'k Avu. and l'aclfio. Urouuugh hi Co., lulk B. lUth bt. tireenuusU t Co., luin anu Hickory. Goldman I'narm'y. IMih and Licavsnworth Jotuuikuii lirua Cu iiih and bpauiding. Jotiniwn 1'barmacy, Z&i r'arnam. lianixm l'xk i'narin y, li01 b. th Av. liiiiiarlong Diug cv., list Ave. and t ar. Holm, Jonn. u N. lfctli Hi. . Huff, A. Leavenworth. Klu. IL b.. 2-tib and 'arnani. KuuiiUm Plau k'luu v.wey, SJUi N. 34th. LAlbrop fharmacy, S-iih and llamlllon. Marva, Fred L... Ail Central Blvd. JJoumouth Pharmacy, iUi and Amos Av. I'stilck Drug Co, 1&U2 N Mlb bU boratusa Drug Co , Mth and Ainaa Ave. bvhaefer's Cut 1'rloe, lblh and CUIoago. Vaclial, P. J., 602 l'lerca bt. ' Walton Pharmacy, Ma and Oraoe. Walnut Hill 1'fcarmacy, 4om and Cuming DKAT119 AM) FUNERAL MOTICBI. LEIOHT-Rcbbena, aged (9 years, p- crmlwr IMK'U. Kunural will be held from Gentleman's clianel Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Prospect 11111 cemetery. iricnUs Invited. NORnWAIJ-John, Iecember . Wll, at famllyl-eMldence, ZM Mason street, funeral notice later, I'MPIIERSON-Mra, AnnarMed 5 year, December 1, 1311. bits Is survived by one son, John; one brother, Charles nudity; on slater, Mrs. Fred Ander son. Funeral will take plaie Thursday 'af ternoon at I o'clock from residence, 13 "mellr atreet. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. ' LODtiU NUT1CK. Altratlwa, Decree of Ile-aar. All members of Washington lodge No. tl. are requested to attend the funentl uf our beloved sister, Mra. Anna I'mplier on, from her late residence, UM Caa tellar street, Tliureilay at S p. tn. In terment Prospect Hill cemetery, bister lodges Invited. Hy order of 11KNIUKTTA 8TKINKRT. 1. 1 i- i- Chief of Honor. JOHANAU STRAWN. Hworder. nayal Achates, Take .Notice. Members of Union lodite. No. 110, are apprised, of the dratn of baiter Anna I'm plieraon, and will take notice that the funeral will be held at her late home. I Mi Caatellar atreet, on Thursday afternoon. James Kith. Pres. C. K. bllngerland, 8ea. HIKTHS AND DKAT1I8. Rlrths Thomas and Oruce McKeone, ST. North Twenty-ninth street, girl; otto K. and tMlth K. Tatiue. 2UI2 North Klght eenth street, girl; Murl and I-na Jours, lilj boulh Fouiteeiilh strnvt, gui; into and liarbara btraube. W bouth Six teenth mrer t. boy; William and Alta Pliil l.ruk. 1012 Martha, boy; D. C. and Elsie Kuril, Methodist hoepital. girl; Anton and Mary luwsl, IUM boutta Twenty, lourth strevt, boy. lM?ath Irene Jalin. U years. Twenty fourtli avenue and Harney; Mra Mary Lynch. 00 years, bt. Joseph'a hospital; f Mra. Ureaie baw yvr, W years, Twenty fourth and llarnry; Joseph 11. btaras, 4 years, bt. Joseph's hoplial: Samuel C. lu-nea, fcl year., m boulh Twenty-fourth . street; Tony balls, tkt years, Pacific. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLKMAN, tN Hkkh. einbalmer. 1614 Chicago bt. D 16."J." li-W.' liiWtFiijBXf'KafS Moved to Sill Farnam. A-J2i5, 11 W6. 11ULSE&UIEPKX, CNIiKK Ta k i- hm 70 Bo. Ittth bt. Iioiig. lws. A-3J. PPTTTT Colored Portrait X M j1 f ech wedding or- H O WA DU D H K Y N b T R K K 'f M - A XI MK. Moi rill. cliiiia paint. Ml Hrandela Tb". she.l 'linaiiu blructural iron and lank bleel Work. work. Xeb. teeed Co.. Im Juliet, llo'th I'lionus. MoVINU picture machines and auppiTaa! .ibniikt tutu ca., jais Karnam bt. l'i'LAb Printiiis Co. j. F. uWk tor atMjea. 4i2 N. U. imj. FAKMKRi! write ua for Prices on oil. gasoline and I'lbrtcauta. The Oreat Western Oil 'o f1"" j.. Omaha, Neb. We y the freight. aolUbta fruiu combing. 1,'uo Leav'wliil Demond, while not afraid to rink hi life at time, doea not believe In need lessly exposing hi miserable self to leaden message from a machine gun. So he begins to paint a Red Cross sign, knowing that Claude, at whatever rout, will refrain from furlng onhat badge. Further. It will prevent R. II. Shavus from taking any moving picture. HODUAHItt I.UNCHKM HOT In our beautiful downstairs lunch and sodu water room at ifcth and Dodae we are serving dainty lunches snd hot and cold drinks. Try them! SllfcltMAN MrCONNKLL, ' liilUO CO. Five Good Drug Stores In Omaha. Mugaard Van A Htorage. I'nck, move, store and ship II. 11. good. D. 1W. Opt your dlanmnds at Hroilrgaard's. Van Gordon's horse, dog hospital (10 N. 23. MONEY ! TO DOAN-DOW tte. In sums to suit. 810 Bee Uldg. Phone Doua. 2SHH. UNION IX)AN CO. Htorm sash and doors. Welrlch. Web. 2077 Thompaon, distributor of adv. ami N. 15. H. II. Cole blgn t!o. l. 8Ts, 131 Karnain. i:ili(ilstrrinK. piano, furn. rep. 2;)04 Vs ILKlt GRAND Turkish Batha Finest In the west. W H. lKth atreet. Wedillng annoiincenienl. Doug. Ptg. Co, Twenty jer cent less than Omaha prlcts. IIOMK FI HNITl'KK f(1 Twenty-fourth and D 8U., Mouth Omaha. Harpaler paper hanging, paint'. H. 37. north rup i.u..r iintii...n. Paxton Hlix k. clrctilnr letters, any quan tity; oldest established company; ex pert of Mu ltlgrn ph and Neostyle. Kd Barrlck. Kravp, tar roofs, ltith ft Dake. KUAHTIC stocklnKS, supporters and bandages; ntock always new, because we sell so many. Trusees fitted. Kverythlng guaranteed. W. O. Cleveland Drug Co., the largest surgical supply house. 1410-12 Harney bt. BUB naturally ta looking for a desxert that needs but little preparation. Tell her of Dalsell's Ice cream, If Mrs. 11. (. Edgerly, 6110 Cuming Bt., will coma to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOHILB storage, fireproof build Ing, down town; very reasonable, phone iiougias 4ZM. Murphy Did It RKPAIIUNCl, PAIAI TINIi, TRIMMING. VIIOLKHAl.B price on oil. Doug. 63t8. winj jvwiitj ,11K.0Ver, painting. Douglas 8923. pfelffer Carriage Works. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver. Co. honk.h:;honk HKRE'B THK pKbT Pl.ACK IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND , IKth and Harney Hts. liE BUILT STODDA11D DAYTONS ' 1. It 7-pasaenger 7ii0 . F. ?-peaaenger 1.200 - 8. F. Limousine S,im t. A. (-passenger two KEVKRAL. OTH KH MAKKH OF CAR! AT VICHY IAW PRICK. J. D 10 II 1 G II T COMPANY. UW Farnam bt. Omaha, Neb. J. FORD model key roadster for sale to pay for overhauling charges, Including new accessories, auch aa wind shield, presto-llte tank, etc. J 814, care Bee. MelNTYIfK Au, . Oakland and . A lxlJ Blesj-ns Kn'ght; bargains In used cars. 2201 Doug. 24.- 11181XKS3 CHANCES MKHCHANDlbK' Auctioneers. Prices reasonable. Can also furnish buyera and trades for stocks of merchandise, hard war and Implement. Write ua todav. Magness Auction Co.. Bt. lwrence. 8. i). 4 BOX HALL alleys; fine condition": money getters For ssle to settle estate. Martin Uros.. ! W. 7th bt.. Chicago. TO get in or out of buaiiies call on GANGIsbTAD, 4' liee Hliig. Tel. D. S477. WILL, sell loo shares United Wireless Telegraph preferred stock for lltW. liox i i , ..... . i. Rikiiruiu v. ... -1 i . . 7 . . . ' entirely modern, with furniture, tto.tmO on terms; a money maker, Invratlgate. Write Lull 4k Huston, Grand Island. Neb. MORTGAGES, (i'o ON GOOD I'AKMS Savings bonds secured by first mortgages and our capital and surplus of lm,iku. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bonds for 1100, fcUtt and up, as suits your savlnga. Make your money bring you a good Income. Ask for particular PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 15th and Farnam Bis . Omaha, Neb. I3.&UU WILL buy a countrynewaper In a good live Nebraska town. Thla la not a trading proposition, it must be ash. .Write F. M. Currie. Uroken Uow. Neb. He.l.c Hmw. for ml., 10-RO1M rooming house; strictly mod ern; always full; suitable to keep board ers; Income ia per month: call after noons. 8. aith. Douglas :.: el SNAP For bale Downtown rooming house, or mall hotel doing good business. Have good reasons for selling: all modern ex cept furnace: must be cash; give an offer. Write or 'phone. K. Jacob, 2oj Nortlalsth Bt., or 'phone Webster tM ' WHAT Is Christmas without a nice box of the famous candy nWde bv D. J O'UrienT If Mra. K. La.ten. imn tas bt.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a no-cent box of O'Urlen's candy. VUKINKS8 PKKSONAL8. Araaarasesita. BFFORE and after the show visit the OLYMP1A for Ice cream and candlea. ALWAYS waul VaudTand Amateurs for large picture show. 701 Omaha Nat'L bank Bldg. Arleslaa Wells. JU E. KEBKROAU 1011-12 City Nat'l. Ld Ilu, well boring, tel. Bcuson t A the villain had guessed, Claude la too gallant to fire on the Red Croa. even although he believe It I being ued aa a mean to entrap him and the beautiful Rosamond. The camera man also stop hi machine, lest a atray bullet be fired, and hi picture convince the world that Claude's party had failed to recognize the International badge of mercy. Architects. C. J. Bldg. Bowell, architect, 71 Brandeii Attorneys. O. W. Shields, attorney. 227 B. of Trade. PISTON L. 11 ALL, LAWYER, 428 Bee. C. E. Bmtth, att'y at law. ClFllee. D. 3267! Analisi and 'I eats. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 822 Douglas. II as; Mssalsctireri. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., OmaKa, Neb. THE ONLY WAY. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring cars. Tel. Douglas Illrd Stores. . BIRDS 5,0?2i-0,1 c,- Ma iJiiVLkj aersTTr Bird Co.. 1617 Farnam. nam. Uog a.d Package Maaaraet.rera. Wooden Box A Package Co. 1514 N. Mth. Carpels, Hags aad Draperies. POLOAR&CO. .T'p-o'rTie.: carpet cleaning. 164)1 b. 24. D. 232L A-44. Carpeaters aad Contractors. W. P. Deverell, contractor. Ramge Bldg. fltevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. A. Llnhorg, carpenter, contractor, . 27l Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1R06 Farnam. Douglas 497. f C'laars aad Tobacco. THE Sanitary Crown Pipe. 116 B. 18th. Clothing- Maaafactarers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Rmlth Co. ' Coal Dealers. Powers-Heafey Coal Co. Tel. 1). . Sutter Feed A Cosl Co., 2863 Far. H. 64S. Updike quality yd.. 46 & Dodge. H. 73 COAL SP"1"1 prices by ton, 6 bu. for wa" II. Tel. D. 347. B-23. g C. S. Johnson, coal, Pith isard. 'phones. FEEDER FURNACE COAL, 1583. Charles A. Westerficld. A-UAX COAL and kindling. Wagner, il N. HI Coffee, Tea, Spleea aad Begar. Moyune Tea C 408 N, 1. Both I'phones. Creameries, Dairies aad Sopplles Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Cornice aad steel Ceilings. CARTER SHEET metal works, Omaha. Dancing; Acadeaniea. Mackle's Dancing Academy, 1816 Harney Dally classes Mon., Thum., bat. evening. MIH8 MARY COLL. WEB. M30. 1 O lesson Mon. or Frl. p. m., at Mo- rana a. ladles, 3; gentlemen, j; fnin lessons auring ine oay, i. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist, 70s City Nat'l. D. 231. Mach It Mach, Jd fl. Paxton. D. lOfe Detectives. Omaha secret service det. agency. Inc., bonded. 42H-S Paxtnn Hlk. I. 131, A-131. K W. Longnecker, 617 Karbach block. JAMM ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tyler 113. Dressmaking. Terry'a Dressmaking college, 30 A Far, DRESSMAKING by day. Phone Web. 4713 EXPERIENCED lilt Harney. Harney 1K44. making. I0U - Droaalata. t dki um at cut prices; freight paid on 310 order; qatalogue free. Sherman McConnell Drug-4,0., Omaha, Neb. Kverythlng Electrical. Rurgeaa-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. I). 8S1. Electrie lighting fix., wholesale and retail. S EVON 1MI AND ELIxJtIiiCT FA NaT" dynamos, Igntitng dynamo, motor, re pair. I Hron, 311 a. 13th bt. Doug. 3176. Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, alt kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2232 Isard. Florists. BENNETT'S, cut fower. Doug. 137. A. lkmahtie. ltW7 Farnam. D. Will, A-1H01. lltSS & bWOBODA. 1415 Farnam bL btewart'a. Florist At seedsmen. U N. 14. PAULSEN, florist, 1711 Brown bt. BRANDKIS FLORIST, Hrandels Bldg. U HF.NDEItbON. lil Farnam. D. lis. BATH'S FLOKLSTS. Boyd Theater Bldg. HRUBAN cut flowera. Twenty-ninth and Dorcas. Harne PRlWPECT Hill Florist. W. 4. 1'srssrs aad Steve Hepatre. Olson Bros., furnace' repairs. 2f70 I-eav. FU RN ATrKAND bTOVB REPAIRS to fit your stove or healer. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot water heating. Omaha btove Repair Worka. law-is Douglas liu Tel. Douglas ); lnd. A-3eUl. Foaadrle. McDonald brsss snd bronse foundry, alu mlnum, tin, lead castings. 16th Jackson. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Uood. Wh hert. harness leather goo1s. C30 8. 13. HAIiNKSH, saddles and traveling goods. Altred Cornish A Co., 1214) Farnam bt. Hospitals. WISE M E.MORI Al724t h and Harney. BETHANY, 4 Marvy. Doug, ' Again Desmond I victor. Through hi treacherous plot he has captured Claude, Rosamond and the Great War Corre spondent. Of course, such things are but Incident In the lives of a hero and an up-to-date correspondent, but It Is rough on a girl, however brave she may be. Bo It goes, though. In this world, and Rosa mond cannot escape the common lot of less beautiful mortals. Isisraare, I .... . . o . : ., rrr-r- I Rhndes-Mr-ntgcmery Co. Tns. Ramee Blk Iron and Wire Fencing;. Anchor Fence Co.. 207 N. IT. Tel. Red S14. Laundries. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6324. EMERSON Laundry, 1303 N. Both phones. 24th bt. GUARANTEE Laundrv. High grade work. Douglas 3373. Curtains laundered, ste per pair. D. 2732. Lightning Hods. Nehrsska Lightning Rod Co., 2A5 N. 17th. Lssikrr, H. Gross Lumber A Wrecklnir Co. nr. gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and imiii iiiiini. jim ana raui. Web. 2HH4. Macaroni Maaafactarers. Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti. 10c pkg Marine, Storage and Cleaning. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Moving furniture packing, fireproof storage. City office, 216 8. 17th. Doug. 34, lnd. B-124. OMAHA Van and St orage Co. cleans your carpets on your floors: electric vacuum cleaners. 804 8. ltith, 300 8. 17th. Douglas 4161. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel. Furniture mov.; f men tl per hr. W. 2748. W.C.Ferrln, van, storage. Tyler 1200, B-1786 -CALL Vernor for moving and fireproof storage. Office, A-2167 and Doug. 215S: WAREHOUSE, Tyler 1118 and B-5118. Mnslc, Art aad Languages. VIOLIN lesson, experienced teacher. Wm. U Patten, 1801 Locust. Web. .3930. Orchestra, pianist for dance. D. 4376. Monuments aad Mausoleums. J. V. Bloom tc Co.. 17th and Cuming 8ta. Uptleiaaa. F. Wurn, fitting A rep g. 443 Brandeis. Osteopaths'. Alice Johnson, 808-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandeis Theater. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Plumber. Omaha Plumbing Co., 2H12 Sherman Ave. T. F. Balfe, plumbing and heating, 1607 Howard bt. Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-2741. Paper Companies. Western Paper Co., 16th and Howard. Pateata. II I RAM A. STURGES, patent lawyer. U. 8. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; 26 years' experience. 646 urancims Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3460. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Bill. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy. U. B. atrnt attorney and solicitor. 1630 City Natl Bank. Tyler 16;). Phonographs. Edison phonographs. Shults Bros.. 140 Far Photographers. Rlnehart, photographer, 18th A Farnam. Bandberg's Studio. 107 8. 16th. Take elev, Plating OMAHA SILVER CO., 314 8 -13th. Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer Irdugh?oi3 BEE BIJ)G. ENTRANCE ON COL;RT. Phone Ind. A-aiiJO for good printing. Lyngstadljmingo..J6thJkCapllol Ave. AM. Irinting Co., 2304 Cunilng.DiBMt Rles-Ilall l'tg. Co. 109 8. ltTlnd. A-3C.24. Hesta. rants. J'atcTsflne quick lunch. 1615 Farnam. EAT CAFE. Evervbodv eata with 110yapltol Ave., north side postofflce! Clerk Cafe, home cooking, liils Dorlsiv Tjlhe habit; eat at Uneeda. Cap. Ave. MORRIS Cafe, home cooking. 816 8. 20th. stammering; and Stuttering. fy RED. Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. STAMMERING nd stinierin ...,.i Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. Spurting Uooda. v NEW shopworn runs at Inw nrl.. Townsend Uun Co.. li14 Farnam. Stenographers aad Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 706 Bran. The. P. 6681 Miss Miller. 15.6 City Nat'l Bk. D 47i)I Steel Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank 1. D. SSS3. Company. 14th and Nit hoi Taaldersatats. Aulabaugh. 1701 leaven worth. Doug. $1, Teats aad Awulug. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 823 Douglas. Tallorlaa. Dunham A Dunham, 115 suits, lis 8. 11 R. A. Williams, clothea altered, 24 A l.ake. OMAHA Cleanlna and irilii l'h,h n Mc4.'ague Blk. 1 .ad tee' work a specialty. FINNEY Tailoring Co.. Web. ' Truaks aud Salt Cases. Freling tc Steinle, 103 Farnam St. Wig Maaufuclurere, D. B. Griffith, wig mfr.. It Frenser Blk, lues aud Llaaors. MAY A CO.. family liquors. 1S0S Dourlaa ILIX)W Springs beer. Ihiuor. cigars, audwlthta Alex Jetes, 13 Douglas. like a stray I " .iuuwr. 1 fmriy naura snarpenca, zaj rtamKn Bid. I Miscellaneous Loftman, -yr-old why, 10c drink. 14 A Har. Hansen's. Family Liquor. 12 Chicago. GET your Xmas wines and liquors at Griffith A Schmidt. 1624 Capitol Ave. YOUR husband and son are looking for ward to deeeert time they know that you have ordered some of Dalzeil's Ice cream. If Mrs. George Madison, 4913 N. 35th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF Boyles College . IS NOW OPEN IN BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT SES SIONS. Students admitted at any time. Complete courses In business, bookkeeping, stenog raphy, telegraphy, civil services and salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and frte for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boyles College, Omaha Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening session all the vear. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman. Pres., 19th and Farnam. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL" Complete courses for Stonogiapbkrs. t wenty years of success, lone C. Duify Prop., Elizabeth Van Sant, Prin. Corner 18th and Farnasa Sts, TUTORING, 1st to th grade. H. 3044. FOK CHRISTMAS. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. dress pleatings. buttons covered, all aim rH styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Doug. 1936; A-11W6. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE NOW. CALL DOUGLAS 1261 Come in any time and pick out your iree. rye win tag 11 wnen ever you say, HOLLY. MISTLETOE. WREATHS. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 Howard St. Manicuring, Hairdressing, etc. FREl coul'on In every package of Vel " vetina, Creams and Powders purchased from our druggist, entitling Purehser to professional treatments tree w vuui se. ai j ne VELVETINA SHOP Finest shop of beauty culture in middle we. isis r arnam. Doug. !!. A-1896 The Best Xmas Present Is a scholarship In the MOSHER-LAMP MAN COLLEGE. Its great benefits last a nrettme. Send to MOSHER A LAMP- MAIN, NEW LOCATION, 1815 KARKVM ST., FOR CATALOGUE, TERMS. ETC The Ideal Xmas gift Is a bicycle or motorcycle, tieduced prices, on new nnd used ones. VICTOR H. ROOS, 2703 Leavenworth St. BARKER BROS. PAINT CC7. 160HH Farnam St. Doug. 4750. lnd. A-3X21 A beautiful assortment of stencil out' nts and Sherwin-Williams goods. We do glaslng and picture framing at moderate prices. GAS AND ELECTRIC TABLE UMl'H are always scceptable, always appreciated ana always useu Tl ) Other electrical iU suggestions. BI' RG ESS-GRAN DEN CO., loi Howard. LEFT. IN PAWN Gent's diamond ring, lVi karat blue- white,; also pair of diamond earrings. karat, each at 175: bla lot of other jewelry and diamonds to be sold at auc tion at FRIEDMAN'S LOAN BANK. 13th ana fougtas ia. Xinas Leather Npvelties. All kinds moccasins.- all aizes. Xmas candies, perfumes, cigars, fancy packages. A ri IB, ll.e.K liKAMI PI1AK-- LUXURY ",,d UTILITY ai are COM CTRICAL t'tlHlHTMAH GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or old. will be glad to re ceive an electrical gift for Christmas. DIAMOND RINGS & 7l Z wu per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry To., 1124 Douglas St. UIMVlH'IViClT FLOWER DEPT. un.i.wuii suduIv of holldav neens. l ui nowers.v tuooming plants and evergreen at speigi prices. Ft 111 XMAS SHOPPING PAlL THK TAYt T.TVTi'WV Cars tl C. Show alter Tel. Douglas S7. A-3StW. White'a Loan office, 12u3 Douglas; spe cial aie on overcoats lert tn pawn. 33 ud. Special bargains in w atches and diamonds. Women's Exchange naud-made a mas nov elties; lunches. tJ3 Bd. of Tr., Itiu3 Farnam YOUNG WOMEN r"id XESX?!? ina i. y . a. si a 1 nrisunas gin. YOU'LL always be happy if your wed ding ring comes from Brodegaard's, 11 j 8. lriih St At the sign of the crown. SPECLVL Xm" ' to " OX xvxvxj on plclure, and framing. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 7o7 K. lhth. Woil.iino. (IfPS i ad. 1515 . . o Ij, leav'n. IMer liii FINE LINE aiiim candlea, cigars, per fumes. Ci tssey Phar., 24th A Lake. W. SCO KIPLINGER'S &rVT4S!K: Y M l? uiembersliip makea a present Gold Uttering on books, purses, leather goods, b A. Tryon Co.. 131 Farnam. J. Knoa O'Neill, artist and photography Pictures enlarged. Studio. il S. 16th St. Xmas packages, candies, perfumes, cl gara. Lathrop Pharmacy. 34 4k Hamilton. MOYER STATIONERY CO.. loli Farnam. Chrlsiniss boveltlea, cards, tialendara, Even the great Reckless Hardy Shavus mbst now bow to the Iron will of Des mond. With a malign grin, the villian order the correspondent to destroy the film on which was pictured one of his crimes. This done, he orders a new film to be placed In the camera and Shavus, wondering what the villian's purpose may be, Is forced to comply or be wiped out Arab. win THE BOURGEOIS CO.. 1W7 FARNAM. Out-of-date garments ex. for new. W.iUiO HAVh you decided what to get your muy iriena ior uiu mimas .' There la noth ing that would please her better than n dainty box of O'Brien' candy. K Mrs. 8. H. Burnett. 4'm Chicago St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's enndy. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers aud Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted sd FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to 1 no nee oince or teiepnone Tyler 1000. WANTKtl A cn,m.,.n .Irl . I housework 210 8. 87th St. WANTED A girl for laundry work four days a week; references required. 426 N. 38th St. WANTED An experienced nurse girl; reference required. 426 N. 3Sth St. WANTED A girl for general house work: small family. Phone Harney tJ3. 2022 Pacific St. GIRL for general wages. 3022 Pacific. housework; good WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages; small family. 21U ti. 37th St. Harney 6314 WANTED A girl for generul house work; must be a good cook; bring ref erences. Apply Lieut. Bewman,' Ft. Crook. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework; no washing. D. C. Edgerly, 6110 Cuming. Harney 8454. WANTED A young girl to care for twb children and do little housework. 1417 S. 6th St. Mrs. R. Saitta. , ' WANTED A good cook for family- of two. Mrs. A. P. Guiou, Beaton apart ments. Phone Harney tW7.' Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building, at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tho 1'nlon station. Apprentice girls to learn hairdressing. Oppenhelm, 220 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Practical Nurses' exchange. Tel. D. 112. RETOUCHER wanted. 612 8. 16th St. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Kalcauieu and Solicitors. CALENDAR SALESMAN WANTED We want a reliable and capable salesman at once to carry our attractive line of calen dars, fans and advertising specialties In Nebraska. We have a splendid line, care fully selected by men long In this busi ness, and who have themselves sold this class of good on the road for years. On our liberal commission basis plan, a sales man who will devote his time exclusively to our line should have no difficulty In clearing from tM to 1100 per week. If you are a man who will work and can sell goods, address Sale Manager, KALAMAZOO ADVERTISING CO., KALAMAZOO, MICH. Attach -this ad vertisement to your reply and give full particulars regarding your past business experience. Live city and road salesman. O 794, Bee. LOCAL salesman to sell 10. 30 and 40 acre tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida, land. Produces splendid crops. A first-class proposition that will stand the closest Investigation. ROBT. C. DRCE8EDOW A CO., 860 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. THIS offer will not last long. I need three ladies or gentlemen representatives, steady position; salary and commission, experience unnecessary. Edwards, 611 North 23d, after 7. evenings. AGENTS Steady employment and-good pay for three months to a few reliable men. Write at once for particulars. The Calumet Mall, 9223 Marquette Ave., South Chicago, III. AGENTS make ISO a day selling pat ented specialties: send for., free catalog and sample; every article a gold mine. Ihrig A Rhodes, Room 131 Perkins Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. Clerical and Office. FULL dress suits, evening party dresses for rent, tl to 11.10 a night. JOHN FELDMAN. 206 N. 17th. D. 3128. "CANO" High-grade positions. 600 Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snaps) jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED Musicians for the ISth lnf. band; must be aingle. Address all let ters to Emanuel Klein, chief musician, Fort MacKenzle, Wyo. Reliable Em p. Agency. 1610 Davenport. WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 13 and 35: cltlsens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Ro crulttng Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts Omaha, Neb.; 1,07 4th 81., Sioux Cily la. 130 N. Ph St., IJncoln. Neb. ' TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gala your training In our scnooi. rracuce on it. n. wires. Ad dress for particulars, 1L B. Boyles, Pros. Boyle College, Omaha, Neb. MAN wanted with rig to take chirn 01 aaie 01 our meaicines. extracts, sploes, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc. In your county. One man made one week. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful, uless. ant. very profitable. References required. Write us. We mean business. Shores Mueller Company, Dept. Is, Tripoli, la. YOU are wanted for government lob. P4 per month; send postal for list of posi. tlon open, rranaun institute, uept. 31 J K. Rochester, N. Y. U(V tlOt MONTH AUTOINO. X AUTO SCHOOL, OMAllA, NEB. 'w Guarantees mora actual repairing than any three other schools. Come see. GOVERNMENT positions open: Hat showing salaries free. Franklin Institute. Dept. il3-K. Rochester. N. Y. IF out of a position call at Interna tional Motion Plclurs Schools, at Bee Bid. "I'm the boy!" -cries Desperate Des mond, "and I'll make a monkey out of Claude." That unhappy hero Is compelled to fire at a dummy rigged up like an Italian soldier, while Shavus. II. 8. A., must take moving pictures of the Inci dent. On the film It will then appear that Claude has been nuilty of gross treach ery. How Desmond's vile play succeeds ue snowu tomorrow. W ANTF.D Men to learn the best busi ness In the world, the barber trade; car have your own shop or earn big wages; light.. clean Inside work; an army of our Ei ad dates running shops bend for help; qualify lor these positions; few weeks re quired; our manual is splendid for home preparation; tools given; wages In finish, ing department. Write from distance or call from cily. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. ABLE bodied men, wanted for the II. 8. Marine Corps between the ages of 19 and 35. . Mast bo native born or havfe first papers. Monthly pay, S15 to $t9. Addi tlonal compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years' service can re tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ances. Service on board tiliip and ashore in ail parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Oftice, 1401 Fnrnam St.. Omaha, Neb. STOP! READ! Get Into a paying; uuiuiiiuuua engineering in our large training shop. Hundreds of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address t? 1. to Tr"' A68n- Brandeis nieater BidK., Omaha, Neb. MR-HUSBAND, if you are looking for something to take home for an extra fine dessert, step into DalzcllV. If Joseph onnolly, 1716 Pratt Hi., will come t,. Iho Bee office within three days we will glya him an order tor a quurt brick of this fino ice cream. iavu stock i on sale iloi-e Knil clilcles. QirJt1f-L?fA,,,"ds of Kood horses. 918 N.Jllst bt. Phone Douglus 6000. LOST AXX) yotM) PEUBO.N S having losli some artice would do well to call up the office of the Omaha As Council Bluffs Street Uailwa Company to ascertain whether they kit it In the etreet cais. Many article's and the company is anilnu, tr . ..,'.. lua 8 tU riihtful o'ni'1-- Doug OMAHA & COUNCIL E LUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPAN. - Li!:S.T1'.e', 1! '" t,r ner nuf-'l'ost ofleu at 2Uth and 1-eavenworth a p.,lr of ladled' eye gluacs In case; reward . Harney or return to Bee office. LOST A small Slimier pin with a.u niond settings; reward. .,,i Doug . 6351.. LOST Laaie's gold sutcn; owner .1 numo engraved on Lost Saturday a. m. Address , City Mali; reward. IF PARTIES who lost good vision w.Ti call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-H Bo. ltith, same will be restored. LOST-Lady s Bmaliold watch. Initial E. J. on the front . f case. In or about Brandeis Stores. Suitable reward on re turn to Superintendent s office, Brandeii .JlV -Bracelet, initials "J. R.. June 17 07, return to J. O. Jakobson, manufac- ii g !wt'lt'.r.' " e- corner, 16th and Dodge Sts.; to reward. MEDICAL vmS WAT-TKfi. JVHAT YOUR TROUBLE. NAID YOU WERE INCUR ASH3, "OHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTa nsv? cdal,;h BES bracer for men. Gray's Nerve IMcPon'.,f1rPcr PPH'd BhermaJ & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. STOP Right her: If you are Looking for the Bent Place to Borrow Money. LOOK V Theclty over and you can do no better, no matter how cheap others advertise. LISTEN We will loan you all the RKim- rAau you need on your FURNITURE PIANO WAREHOUSE RECEIPT AUTO REAL ' ESTATE or ON YOUR "PLAIN NOTE ii cuifiujreu. ouuo loans ara procured In a few hours' uotlce, pri vately, confidentially and In a way pleas ing to all. r Why take chances of having your busi ness peddled about the city when you can vhhr&&r& besut' THU RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor. 208 Paxton Block, 217 S. lfith Kt, 'Phones Douglas 1411 and A-1411. $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE We will procuro a loan for any body who jwna furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, or anyone holding a steady position at the most rea sonable charges. All we ask la your promise to pay. No red tape. No It uciay. viuicujy, privately, cneaply, 3 IS In Installments of 1.3t. 33 Jj in liiktalimrnla of 11.83. j j0 In Installments of 12.45. U Loans made from one month to 11 one year. Terms to suit you. U GUARANTEE LOAN CO.. 1 Small Loan Departments 11 II 104 Wlthnell Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. tl It N. E. Cor. 13th and Harney. 9 iraugias o-no; lnd. A-13u6. ( I Open Every Evening Till t O clock 13 It Until Xmas. 11 iwttsttmtmHttwtmitiMuwmtwttitmd USE OUR MONEY FOR " CHRISTMAS W mske losns on all kinds of chattels quickly and privately. Phone Doug. 15. HOME LOAN COMPANY Id Farnam Bu Room I, Patterson Big,