Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Eight-Ton Column Drops and Does
Considerable Damage.
Walls of err Win t the Omaha
Utah -! Are brndlikril
W arn nig Derrick Raeklee
I nder Heavy Load.
Celebrate Golden Wedding
Tells of His. Trip West in Search of
Perfect Health.
Krleail Adrian! Hint to Try a rn
"rlratlMp DUrorrrir Which la
llrlaa- Introduce il Here- ami
He Improved Raldlr.
AmonB tli many statements made In
connection with the Introduction of "Tona
Vita,-' the new tonic that Is accomIIiti
Inn such remarkable results tn Oninha,
none are more Interesting than the fol
lowing;, by Mr. I. Karnes, a retired capit
alist, residing at -l North Twenty-sixth
street, city. ' ,
Mr. tiarnes said: "J sufftrred from
catarrh of the stomach for years. I could
not dlKest my food and whenever I did
cat anything; Bas would form on my
stomach and trouble me for aoine time
afterward. Just the anvil of food cook
ing nauseated ine. I nl:x was bothered
with rheumatism- so bad that I would not
ials my arms and I suffered excruciat
ing" agony. I was In business In Trenton,
N. J aiid owing to falling health I had
to relinquish my business and come west
In search of health.
"I had given up in despair, when a
friend of mine recommended a new tonic
called 'Ton Vila.' I secured a treatment
and saw Immediate results and now after
only ten days 1 feel like a new man. I
digest my food properly and the rheu
matism Is entirely pone. I feel twenty
years younger und give entire credit to
Tone. Vita,' " .
The specialists who are Introducing
"Tona Vita" In Omaha are giving de
monstrations of what the medicine will
do In five minutes. All day long they
i meet callers at the Brandels Stores drug
department, Sixteenth and Douglas streets,
jsouth side, main floor, between the hours
of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. and try to produce
e. noticeable Improvement In all caaea of
nervous debility wjthln five minutes, the
peoplo who take the medicine to be the
judge. There Is no charge for this de
monstration and several hundred people
tried the experiment recently without a
single failure.
Ono of the specialists said: " 'Tona
Vita' will (break all records In Omaha
like It Is doing In all big cities of this
country today. We are Instructed by our
company to take no money for the tonic
unless the medicine proves satisfactory.
;Hundreds upon hundreds In this and other
large towns are afflicted ' with nervous
Idebtllty caused by the strain of modern
city life.
"The entire system becomes run down
In such casea and nervousness, stomach
I trouble, headaches, backaches, despon
jdency and loss of vitality result. Tona
I Vita' will work wonders In such, cases In
ia remarkable short time. If It doesn't,
we want nothing other than,1he time It
takes to come and get the medicine."
Adv. -
i IOY$TC&9l
Booth's Guaran
teed Oysters
Are sold only la termetically
sealed can at the "BETTER
SORT" of dealers. Delicious,
large, selected, raw oysters
packed direct from the shell
Into the neatest, handiest con
tainer ever . introduced. Sealed
by us opened by you, no wa
ter, no adulteration, no dirt.
INE TREAT of the beet sea
food. Remember there are
OTSTERS and there are
Booth's Guaranteed
They reach your kitchen the
way they leave the seaside"
Aluminum tag in each can ex
plains how you may procure one
of our silver-plated oyster forks.
Oar booklet, "Oysters la a
Hundred Ways," free for the
5rasf c3 (o Qvaaf&
W ruoa cearrai Vaw" f
Wednesday Specials
Christmas Trees, all sizes,
each 8So to $5.00
Tree Holders, each 8Bo an 36o
Fancy Oranges, per dot. too.
300 and 0o
Larre i'omegraiiltes, each loo
t plain lettuce j
bating or cooking apples, per
bus tl.00
New mixed cuts, per lb. ..BOo
K.JOO lbs. New Vork -ea'n
cheesv, per lu nSo
Large KJam rheeus, eacli,
t tl.10
Domes tig Units ilieeae, per
Kancy Jr cheese lOo, 18a, Sfte
Mince AWet, I sr Jar ISo, BBS
sod ,
liulk, per lb He
1'remier Plum I'uJJings. per
tin .... 86 aaa 41
Plum fuddlng Haiue, per but
tle BOo, too an
Preserves, Jams and Jellies,
assorted BSo aal aoo
facey baskets, each SBo rt
IV ...Willi
(juert Jare gueen olives ..Mo
Juhnsun s aweet eider, pel
Jug tOe aa SOo
i lbs. 10o Jap rlus
C2rsc$ CbceS ZB&Z
Less than a penny
" svnd better than any.
An eight-ton stone column crashed
throuBh two stories of the north end of
the west wing of the new high school
building, now tn course of construction
and caused damages to the extent ot
about Xf yesterday morning. Singularly
none of the workmen was Injured, though
about eight of them were dangerously
The accident was caused by the col
lapse of a derrick which had been rigged
on the second story wing. The maxslve
column, twenty feet, and eight Invhes
long and two feet In diameter, was be
ing hoisted. It was suspended about forty
feet above the ground and was being
swung to a position avove the half com
pleted structure, when the boBm of the
derrick buckled.
With a thunderous crash the column
shot downward to the ground floor. Its
tremendous weight demolishing the ma
t-onry. Only an estimate of the dam
age can be made at this time, but Thomas
Stafford, superintendent of masonry,
thinks the loss will be about $8,000. The
building is being erected by John H.
Harte, on whom the loe will fall.
. Masons Have arrow Karaite.
About twenty brick masons were work
ing on the second floor of the building,
directly under the boom of the derrick
when It began slowly to twist nnd
crumple. A shout from one of the work
men caused several others to look up and
Jump to one ride ae the heavy mass of
Iron buckled and swung around, then,
with a sudden snapping, It fell between
the parting of workmen. Charles Mack,
FYed Webber and XV. H. Young were the
closest and missed being struck by about
two Inches.
The damage done amounts to the break
ing In two of part of the eight-ton atone
column and the wrecking of considerable
temporary flooring. A "cap' made of
stone and weighing avout two tons was
knocked off the northwest corner of the
west entrance by the swinging boom and
waa demolished. In falling the boom
smashed against the side of the building
and shattered several pieces of stone til
ing which had already been placed.
Postoff ice Box
Rent is Increased
In conformity with the postal regula
tion which says that lock box rent shall
be increased corresponding to the amount
of business handled by the pnstoffice,
Postmaster Thomas has Issued the notice
that beginning' January 1 boxes formerly
renting for 11.60 will cost 2. Boxes rent
ing for 3 will be Increased to 14 and 14
boxes will cost $5.
The old rates were In effect as long aa
the Omaha postorrice did a business less
than $1,000,000, but now the postofflce has
grown so that the business ' handled
amounts to between 11,000,000 and H5.000.000,
and the Increase must go into effect Mr.
Thomas says that when he prepares his
yearly report he believes that the figures
will show that almost twice as much
business was handled In 1911. as in 1910.
Father is Arrested
on Son's Comlpaint
On complaint or his own son, William
C. Toder, James Yoder, veteran of the
civil war, "4 years old, was arrested and
Jailed for alleged lnebrlacy Tuesday. His
hearing before the commissioners of In
sanity was begun In the afternoon. Bitter
neaa between the son and his wife on one
side and the elder Y Oder's son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Johnson,
on the other, was apparent. Mr. John
son, through his attorney, Bophus Neble,
Jr.. declared young Mr. and Mrs. Yoder
had the old man arrested when he went
to the younger Yoder's home to see his
sick wife.
Pharmacy is Looted
by Festive Burglar
It was a festive burglar that looted the
Walnut Hill Pharmacy at Fortieth and
Cuming streets Monday night. Gaining en
trance through a window he had the en
tire store to hiimalf. Being not In a
hurry to complete his Job he sought to
slake his thirst, and the display of grape
Juice looked down smilingly upon him.
After partaking of refreshments, the
festive visitor turned his attention to the
cash drawer, which contained about su.
The old ladles at the Old Peoples
home are busy making dolls' clothes for
Miss Magee to clothe the dolls for her
City Mission children. The old folks will
have their Christmas tree and entertain
ment Saturday afternoon ond both will
be provided by the Westminster Pres.
byteiian church.
Tuesday morning at the meeting of the
Woman's Christian association, which
maintains the home,. Mrs. J. W. Bedford
was re-elected chairman of the board of
managers lor the coming year. Mis.
Charles A. Tracy was elected a member
of the t board and Mirs Crawford was
elected clerk. The following chairmen of
home comnitteea were chosen and they
will select their committees: Mrs. Tracy,
house; Mrs. Charles n. Sherman, ward
robe and linen: Mrs. It. S. Wilcox, de
voliunttl; Mrs. K. O. Ioomls, admissions.
Tike annual meeting of the Maaon City
& Fort Dodge Railway company, the con
struction company name of the Chicago
Great Western, was held in this city at
the offlcea of the last named company
Tuesday and the old officers elected. It
was attended by President Felton, Vice
President Bisbon and fecretgry Coyken
dall. who voted their own stock and the
proxies of stockholders. l waa simply
the formal affair, required by the char
ter and bylca a of the company.
The BabOBle l'laa
destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver
and Kidney dtseasts, for whhii ICIectrlu
Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. 60c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
:"... ft
LF.IGH. Neb.. Dec. 19.-Mr. and Mrs.
Washington Hardy have rounded out fifty
years of happy nmn ieil life, v The anni
versary date foil on Sunday, hut the
event was celebrated with a family re
union at the Hardy home on Sntunlay.
Washington Hardy nnd Sophia Willis are
both natives ot Ohio and ere married
In that sMte lu ISill.
As a oung man Mr. Hardy traveled
over a great portion of this tountsy on
foot. In ls,'i7 ho walked from Sonora, ().,
to Black Klver Kalis. Wis., and Astoria,
III. In 18f9 he ' undertook a walking ex
pedition in search lor gold, going to
Denver, Pike's Peak and back to Sonora,
O. When the civil war broke out Mr.
Hardy volunteered with the Ohio National
Guard as n member of the One Hundred
and Sixtieth regiment; at the expiration
of his term he re-enllsted with the Ono
Hundred and Ninety-eighth regiment. At
the close of the war he and his family
made their home at Hoone. Ia., until they
came to Colfax county, Nebraska, October
7, 1K71, and settled on a homestead four
miles south of Ielgh.
Kigiit childi'in were born to Mr. and
Mrs. llarily, who, with the exception of
Ihe elder (Mrs. T.lrsle Brlsack, who died
In 1SH1) all survive. They ore May, Mrs.
Mrs. F. D. Perry of SUnton. Neb.: (I.
ltron Hardy of Surrey, N. D. ; Kl'ner
Hardy of Seattle, Wah.: ('. C. lliirdy of
Columbus, Neb.; Mrs. I.inna Hilssck,
North Bend, Wash.; Captain A. 11. Hardy,
!enver, and Mrs. F.thel Russell, Duvall,
At least two of these children ore de
serving of special mention. Some years
ngo Byron Hardy lost his slsht, but In
spite of that has reared a family and
operated a North Dakota.' farm success
fully and Is now In comfortnble circum
stances. Probably most prominent, how
ever, Is Captain A. H. Dardy, who has
a world-wide reputation as a crack
marksman and fancy shot artist. He
lias given exhibitions of his marksman
ship all over the country.
Secures Four Floors of Space in Old
People's Store Building.
When I'nlted States National Bank
Builds Brandels Interests Will
Join In the General Scheme
of Architecture,
The Brandels Interests have come into
possession of a part of the second and all
of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors)
or the Peoples store building at Sixteenth
and Farnam" streets. The part of the
building on Sixteenth street Is taken under
a long-Ume lease, but tnat on the Far
nam street side from month to month
until such time as the United States
National bank, the owner, decides to
erect its .twelve .story building, aa has
been contemplate for some months.
When the bank builds the Brandels
Interests, owning twenty-two feet of
property on the west and facing Farnam
street, expect to Join In construction and
erect a building similar la architecture,
thus providing a Farnam street entrance
to their big stores.
The building acquired under the lease
will be connected with the Sixteenth
street store by means of a bridge across
the alley at the third stories between
F arli am and Douglas streets.
The acquisition of the four floors and a
portion of another of the old People's
store gives the lessees nearly two ad
ditional acres of floor apace. For the
presents at least, this additional space
will not be used for sales purposes, but
Instead, will be occupied by the reserve
and surplus stxks.
Dr. R. W. Connell Is prepsrlng a cir
cular letter to be sent to all councllmen
asking that, the dairy Inspector, Fred
Bosse, be purchased an automobile, so
that he can visit all dairies In the city
Without additional help. The first cost
or an automobile, ';20. and the up-keep.
$300 per year, will be leas expensive, says
the health vommlKsloner, than another
inspector at a salary the city would be
compelled to pay.
Hill Line to Keep
Open House at Its
New Freight Depot
General Manager George W. Holdrege
and General Freight Agent C. K. Spens
of the Burlington will be hosts to Com
merclal club members and the shipping
public at the formal opening of the Bur
lington's new outbound freight depot at
eighth and Farnam this afternoon.
The Commercial club has accepted the
invitation to the opening and has ar
ranged one of lta "home trade excur
sions" for the event. Members who wish
to go wll meet at the club at 1 o'clock
and go In a body to the freight house,
through which they will be personally
conducted b Messrs. Holdrego and Spens.
High school Vlrls ai-e busy this week
making up Individual packages of candy
and popcorn for Christmas gifts for the
little tots at the Creche mission. ' Miss
Neva Turner, the domestic science In
structor at the school, planned Oil
scheme of gift giving and inspects each
package before It Is scaled up.
Willie Williams, the South Omaha
negro, accused of murdering Robert
Bentley, another South Omaha negro,
was acquitted in district court. To the
satisfaction of the Jury he showed that
ho shot Bentley In self-defense, the lat
ter having attacked him with a gun, ful
lowing a quarrel.
Here Is a remedy that will cure your
cold. Why waste time and money ex
perlmenting when you can get a prepara
tion that has won a world-wiUa reputu
t lun by its cures of this disease and can
always be depended upon? It Is known
everywhere o Chamber'aln's Cough Rem.
edv, and Is a medicine of real merit.
For sale by all dealers.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Bulldlaac Permits.
W. J. Naylon. ir,L' South Twenty-fifth
avenue, frame dwelling. 12.508: Fred Kruu
Brewing company, Twenty-sixth and Cen
tral boulevard, boiler plane, 12$, UU).
Christmas sale of band-painted china,
third floor Brandels theater building,
room 22. Miss Dunster,
Why Electric Lamps Hake Splendid Gifts
"DECAUSE of its beauty and usefulness, an artistic Elec-
trie Lamp received as a gift becomes a treasured heir
loom. Its enduring qualities withstand the ordinary usage of generations.
Our stock of Christinas Lumps live been most carefully selected this year, and never be
fore have we had such a beautiful display of useful Klectrta Lamps. Make your choice
now nud we will deliver on Christmas day. Prices from $5 to $Sri.00.
Klectrlc Coffee Percolator '-98.00
American Ueauty Iron $5.00
Klectrlo ToarUrs 93.50 to 97.50
Klertrlo Chafing. Dish, 5313 to 314.50
Klectrlc Warming Pads for the ulclc. room, now
at 90.50
Electric Washing Machine . . . . $GOiOO
Also aold on payments.
Electric Curling Iron .$3.50
Electrlo Vacuum Cleaner, Santo $123.00
Also sold on payments.
Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits:
8 lights .........$5.00
10 light ,h 1 m. 1 ... 87,50
2 lights - $10.00
We Hav Many Other Ueelul El.ctrio Christmas Gifts
Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard Street
"A Metry Christmas to You"
There's cheer and warmth in'thoae words as
they flash over the wires between friends near and
Show your good feeling by calling your distant
friends on Christmas morning. It will do you good
to hear their voices and their laughter. '
Use your Bell Telephone, or order one installed,
and you will not need to be worn out by Christmas
shopping. Most people buy their Christmas gifts
over the telephone.
Bell Telephone Lines
Reach Nearly Everywhere
O END us a trial order TODAY for HAYNER fine old
Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey on our positive guarantee
you will find it the richest, purest, most delicious whiskey
you ever tasted or it will not cost you one cent
THAT guarantee is as fair and 1
square at ' we know how to
make it. It means what it says. It
is a guarantee backed by our $500,000
capital and our 46 years reputation for
honorable business dealings.
Send us yottr order for four quarts of
this magnificent Hayner Private Stock
Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey. When it
arrives, open one, two or all of the
bottlesTRY the whikev -and if you don't
find it all that we claim, and up to your
highest expectations in every way, send it
back at onr expense and we will return
every cent of your money. v
we must send you a quality that will win
your instant favor and we will do it.
T ET us show you what a magniftV
cent quality we are producing.
Let us convince you of the great saving
LERY" plan of selling meant to yoo.
Don't put it off. Use the coupon below
fill it out and mail it to our nearest
Office and Shipping Depot and we
will surprise and delight you with the
quality of the goods we will tend you.
Rtmember. you take no chtncM. WE taka all
the riik and wt stand all the expense if ws fail to
Note the price only 80 renti a mutt (express paid)
for this highest grade hottled-in-bond whiskey a
whisker that is distilled, sped and bottled under
U. 6. Government supervision nd every bottle
sled with the Government's official bottled-in-ind
stamp positive assurance that it U a
STRAIGHT whiskey fully aed full 100
'proof and full measure and absolutely
to the very last drop,
wtni gimme can
wan mi mmmsr,
please you. A' letter it utettiary
Cut Out and Use This Coupon
AUnm Our Nwnit Of flea.
KkImmI a4 H IS lor wkkkwa FOU Ml Wn
kwtlw Nithi Prl'ti ck BiU-Iii.B Wkiicrr
ttm ls at af rot Ml., It ( uraM4 tati II uli
kliar U aol totiiU at taarawaaal In4 uilrfacurr la si la
r. It any maiaaS ruin ssessas sns air I1.M
li w k sraaatlf rstaasa. OS)
Ktmt .
"i-TV!.4 H?" n.uvn.u: st. ram. mm. ftrwetiiits.u. mttdh.. nesTeM, ass. jacksonviui. ru.
1 aa 1 1 1 jBksP saV ak 6 TpAtf nmlai SaT aVJ aai am stt S gas ajl aar saa. ai a a a . . .
SlLSStfJi ' than 4 Mu.rf
Orsan tot Haa. Calllerali.Calora4o. kilw.Maaisaa. Smli,
hmw Mnko.Oraaaa. ViiIi.WiiMum -
S. t?L l '" r aU M IS Quarit tat
Distillery at Trey, Ohio
Capital OSOO.000.00 Pull Pale
Christmas Shoppers!
To those shoppers who have not already
finished their Christmas shopping for this year,
we want to say that shopping during the early
hours of the day has many advantages. There is
less crowding on both the street cars and in the
stores, and both you and the sales people are
not as tired as later in the day. And when
shopping in the afternoon, we urge you to
start for home before 5 o'clock, if possible,
making it possible for those compelled to re
main down town later to find room in the cars.
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.
i 1