Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Xsr moot Prist It.
Omtto fesBsral vital, Dana;. &&
crpMa Chsoolrtsa 30o. Myers-Dillon
4m, Slso. matures. Barjss-Orandaa
Us Tobsoco to setliiora Juvenile Of
ficer Mogy IVrnrtelii has filed a com
plaint In police court charging H. K.
F.lehhorn, 2706 Ikc street, with selling
tobaroo to minors.
Many Waal Omaha roldor Tha
Omaha folder, prepeuvd by Uoorire W.
Craig and the city engineering depart
ment, ha brought numerous letters to
city officials requesting a copy of the
Information booklet. Tho latest Inquiring
Is from Holland Wheeler of ttn Antonio,
Fifteen Say for Stealing- atug Alex
Pears, who gave his address as Kunsaa
City, waa sentenced to fifteen days In
Jail by Police Judge Crawford on a charge
of petty larceny. Pears' was caught
Mealing a silver shaving mug and brush
at the Brandcls Stores Monday after
noon by Detect! vo .'Casey.
Breaks Z(r in rail lYank Kern. 3320
North Twenty-fourth street, received a
fracture of the left leg between the knee
and the ankle when he slipped on the
slippery sidewalk at Twenty-fourth and
Maple streets at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday
morning while he was on lils way to work,
lie was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
where lie was attended by Dr. Criss.
Will Present "Jnlins Ceaaer" An un
usually good program has been prepared
for the last meeting of Union Taelflc
council No. 1069, Royal Arcanum, Thurs
day evening. A scene from Shakes
peare's "Julius Caesar" will be given by
Hugh C. Robertson and Edward 8.
Thompson. Refreshments and cigars will
le served.
Tnneral of Joseph O. Doflgs The
i funeral of Joseph C. Dodge, who dropped
iead of heart disease Monday noon, will
le held at the late residence of the de
ceased, 2033 Maple street, this
Imornlng at 8:30 o'clock and from Facred
Heart church at o'clock. Interment will
be In Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Father
1. J. Judge will conduct the sorviees.
SmltH In Sew Offices Advertising
Manager Smith of the Union Pacific has
moved his office from the rooms formerly
occupied Jointly with , Colonisation Agent
McDonough to the rooms on the Dodge
street , aide of the headquarters building,
first floor, set aside as a file and record
room. The file and record department
will be moved to the rooms on the east
side of the building and which have been
occupied by Manager Smith's working
, f orce. ,
Red Cross Seals
Nearly All Sold
With only $100 worth of Red Cross
fceals left out of the $7,000 worth originally
ordered for sale In Nebraska, Mrs.K. R.
J. Edholm of the Nebraska Society for
the Prevention of Tuberculosis Is await
ing the arrival of another $1,000 worth
ordered. There are now more seals In the
field than last year, but whether more
tvlll be sold cannot be known until after
The money that Is allowed the local so
ciety out of the sale of the seals Is to
be used for the salary of a nurse to care
for Douglas county's tubercular poor. The
noclety and tho Visiting Nurses' asso
ciation v have undertaken to support one
nurse In this work and since December
J, ten tubercular poor have been cared
Seals are on sale In more than sixty
business places In Omaha and Mrs. Ed
. holm requests such stores such stores as
tiuve not already done so, to place In the
window the placard announcing the sale
of the seals.
Many orders' for additional 1 seals axe
Coming In by wire from various towns.
A second order .for 2,500 seals was re
ceived today from Alliance. '
Temple Israel Sale
;: On in Bee Building
The Temple Israel Sisterhood Is holding
a. sale of holiday wares In the rotunda of
the Bee building today and will
sonclude this evening. This sale will
close the big church fair wnlch has been
truing on there for two weeks.
Aprons, fancy work and books are the
specialties of the bazar. At the fancy
'white apron counter are Mrs. F. Hadra,
Mrs. U M. Cohn, Mrs. M. S. Miller. Mrs.
H. Rubel and Mrs. I. Gluck. Selling col
ored aprons are Mrs. Louis Wolf, Mis.
Ltouise Strauss, Mrs. Kd Lang, Mrs. II.
Kosenstock and Mrs. Morlts Meyer. Fancy
articles are being sold by Mrs. II. I'n
versagt. Mrs. D. Degen, Mrs. J. N. Co
pald. Mrs. 1. Blath and Mrs. Frederick
Cohn. Books of popular fiction are being
aqld by Mrs. Sol Goldstrom, Mrs. Joseph
Rosenblatt of Council Bluffs, Miss Zetta
L'hlman, Mrs. Julius Drelfuss. Mrs. F.
Hadra Is president of the Sisterhood and
Mrs. N. Mantel Is chairman of the sale.
Boys in the city schools- of 12 years
of age and upward who cannot swim will
be given three lessons each of half an
iliour's duration in the Young Men's
Christian association swimming pool.
This action was taken by the Hoard of
Education upon the advice of Superin
tendent K. U. Uraff, who believes It will
be a "very practical course." There aro
now 1,600 boys who will need the instruc
tion. These wUl be taken In relays of
twenty-five from tho schools to the
Young Men's Christian association,
M. H. Cbrsan, an expert teacher and son
of an expert swimmer and teacher of
swimming employed by the Canadian
government and stationed at Toronto,
will give them instructions. The swimming-
tank will be refilled and heated
each day during the two weeks in which
swimming lessons will be given. Boys
who desire to enter the swimming class
IU send a card to the Young Men's
Christian association from a reputable
physician stating that no danger will at
tend the lessons because of physical cou
While the state Is supposed to provide
clothing for Insane patients in the state
Institutions, the county must do so at
this time, according to an opinion of
Deputy County Attorney George A. Mag.
hey. Just filed In the county clerk's of
fice. The opinion Is a reply to an inquiry
by County Commlxsloiier Peter K. El
taaaer, who objected to paying for cloth
ing for Insane patients sent from Douglas
county. Mr. Magnwy says the state's ap
propriation for clothing for Insane la ex
hausted. Conunliinloner Eltasser Is not
In Omaha. When be returns be may tuke
the poslUun that it Is for the state to fiod
rauua way tw rspUniah Ui tutu
Sitizcnt' Union Issues en Address to
Voters orXhnaha.
In lna M ill l K adorer Any Candi
date for lammlaalonrr Who Will
ot llmpert HUM of the
Wage Karnrrs.
The Cltliens' union has made another
appeal for membership. The following
resolution ha been adopted by the ex
ecutive committee and turned over to the
publicity mHnagers, with Ralph Sunder
.and's O. K.:
Oirtiha Is the home of neatly l.VO.floO
people. A large ratine of Interests and a
great variety of opinions are represented
o.v the Ifo.uuo voters of this city.
Any pian of government which does not
recognise this tact will full short of Its
Miriest usefulness.
The Cltlsens' union Is prepared and
willing to act as the servant of hII voters
who want Omaha to be the best gov
ern"..! city In the United States.
There am In this city tour classes of
citizens, via.:
Firet Those who earnestly desire good
city government.
Second Those who take no personal In
terest or responsibility in tne matter.
I hey don't care.
Third Those who would take an in
terest, but believe It Is impossible to de
teat the gang.
Fourth Those who do not want good
government and will do their utmost to
defeat it.
In our Judgment class No. Vat this time
outnumbers class No. 4 probably four to
one. In our Judgment claws No. i mav
be aroused to their duty and be added to
class No. 1. In our judgment class No. 3
is much less numerous at this time than
ever before, for there have been recent
evidences that the gang cannot win
against an awakened public. As for cIhm
No. 4, they vote solidly together like
clock work and they win whenever they
can scatter tho Interest and the vote of
classes Noa. 1, I! and 3. among a large
number of candidates. "Anything to win"
Is their slogan and they have won often
by using classes Nos. If 2 and 3 as their
Innocent helpers.
Next spring there will be elected seven
commissioners to manage the business of
the city for three years. The 115,000 voters
are entitled to representation, not mis
representation. Sterling; Character Kaaratla.1.
At the head of each department there
should bo a man of sterling character, a
man of unusual ability and a man who
will recognise the rights and the interests
of all of the people.
The wage earners of Omaha, the for
eign population, the colored people, the
business men and every division of the
voting population all of the voters mimt
bo faithfully and honestly served by the
Our opponents at the outset announced
that the Citizens' union wart an offshoot
of the Business Men's association. Noth
ing more untrue was ever stated. The
purpose wus. of course, to prejudice wajje
earners against this organization, it was
unfair to the voters and unfair to the
Citizens' union to create this laUe Im
pression. Tlie fuct as that two prominent mem
bers of organized labor are now acting
as members of the executive committee,
a tact which must convince the most
skeptical that the Citizens' union is not
in any sense opposed to the wage earn
ers. This organization can be of no
greater service to any citizen than to the
wage earners. The wage earner Is the
best friend of good government and good
government is tbe wage earner's best
The Citizens' union Is just what the
name implies a union of the citizens of
Omaha, Its sole purpose being good gov
ernment for Omalia.
Men of all positions and activities In
life can well atrord to Join flands on this
proposition. All men have a common in
terest In good government. All men have
eqvjal power to help secure It.
And light here It may be stated that
the Citizens' union will not endorse nor
recommend any candidates for commis
sioner who will not recognise and respect
the rights and privileges of the wage
earners as citizens of Omaha.
No ticket of seven candidates will be
satisfactory to the Citizens' union utile
It Is distinctly representative of the en
tire population.
First of all. the candidates must have
good character and ability to conduct the
business of the city successfully. Tlio
candidates must be free from entangle
ments with the gang which the Citizens'
union Is determined- to defeat.
The Issue next spring will be clear cut
as between government in the Interest
of the whole city and government in the
Interest of the corrupt machine gang.
Of necessity the voters who favor good
government will find it necessary to unite
upon seven men who deserve public con
fidence and support.
Any other plan will spell defeat.
Every citizen is invited to Join the Cltl
sens' union. All members 'will receive
each week the union paper with informa
tion as to what Is being done.
Bv Its Executive Committee. Office 1326
City National Bank Building.
Omaha, December 19, liU.
Charities to Get
Anna Wilson Money
Within Six Months
Child Paving Institute ami other Omaha
charitable Institutions which ar bene
fliiarles tinder the will of the late Miss
Anna Wilson will receive their bequests
within the next six months, according to
Abraham I.. Heed, executor of Miss Wil
son's will. From the personalty of the
estate $100,000 will be realized within this
time. Mr. Heed said. This will b enough
to pay the specific bequests to the chari
table Institutions and to the city of
Omaha. Mr. Reed then will have four
and a half years in which to realize on
the realty and make final distribution.
Min Reed has notified Clyde Hundhlnd.
clerk of the county court, that plans are
being made to pay the heirs of Dan "Allen.
Miss Wilson's common law husband, (the
tP.OOA bequeathed to them by Miss Wilson.
Mr. Allen's nine brothers and listers,
provided for to the extent of $1,000 each
by Miss Wilson's will, aie dead. They
ire survived by eighteen heirs, among
whom the $9,009 wilt be pro rated.
No claims aa yet have been filed against
the estate. The firi't day for, hearing on
cloltns will be March 28. 1912.
A Horrible Death
may result from diseased lungs. Cure
Coughs and AVeak, Pore Lungs with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 50c and $1.00. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
President Felton
Visits in Omaha
President Felton or tho Chicago lireat
Western railroad company Rpent yesterday
In the city attending the annual meeting
of two auxllliary companies. Ho arrived
on a special train and was accompanied
by a ntimWr-r of the railway officials.
I.elatlve to tho railroad situation, Pres
ident Felton reports It In a fairly good
condition. Tho liuslness of the Chicago
Oreat Western, ho says, shows a con
stant Increase and the prospects for the
future are good. A vast amount of work
has been done nn the Chicago Great
Western during the year that Is closing.
Gent-rally, It has consisted of betterments
along the line, the construction of now
bridges, building and enlarging stations
and terminal facilities and enlarging and
Improving the shops at various points.
The key to success in business Is the
judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Rear. fivWrt Prasi
Ceecelale f KtTnV ?! FsMiaf
Your Christmas
Plum Pudding
doesn't need to be the heavy,
Indigestible, only-eat-a-little
kind. You can make delicious
plum pudding -light, whole
some and easily digested with
, ,
Chocolate PluraPudding-
li boa KaB Gelatine. A cup cald water.
Vateaapoonful vaallla. 1 cup fteaaoa raiatna.
5a cup aliced citron or sou. cup currant.
1H Muarea chocolate. I copautar.
I plat ml 11c riach of aatt.
Soak rdattaa la o14 warn. P Bilk la daubla
boiler. Malt cfcxolata ; add t S aillk a4 KM ati(M
and alt. Scald and nirte tmm ai. Add fattia ;
when becinc la Ml add rnikaaai rvafilt. SaxvawiUl
Mlowing iK or whipped, croaea i Seet white el
1 eal ; ada labteepeveAol certeiHOBre eugar and
H cup Milk elawly. f Uvar wita vealila.
Hranr Kaoa package reatalaa 3 envelopea af
gelattae, the I Kakiaf 2 full quarts at Jelly.
Oar Raeipe Book (Irei naupbera of re
el pea for dainty dreams, salads, etc. Sent
free (of your grocer s naxae.
Pint sample for 2c stamp ajtd graetr'l namt.
400 Katoa Atronue Johaaaowa, N. Y.
' Variable and Universal Line Spacing
One of the satisfying conveniences of the I.
Smith Premier Typewriter
which saves time is the variable and universal line
This deviee brings the writiug point just whre
you want it in order to insert a letter or word in
any given line of typewriting, and also permits of
writing on the lino of ruled paper even thbugh the
distance between lines'varies. At the right hand
end of the platen you will find a small knob. Press
this knob and you can bring theaper exactly to
the line required.
The perfect alignment of the Smith Premier type
writer need never be marred in making correc
tions, once the operator loams to use the variablo
and universal line spacer. Also writing on the line
on ruled paper is as simple as writing en unruled
paper because of this device.
Ajid yet it is but one of the 28 Smith Premier ad
vantages. The business men of Omaha are generally acquainted
now, with the fact that this is the tyxewriter office that
doesn't "pester" a man tabuj They ask for a dcraonstra-
tor with full knowledge that "all" their time, from then ,
on, will not be taken listening to typewriter salesmen.
They feel safe that's why they call.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
19th and Douglas Sts.
Branches in
Any Svmntom! !"
nr lymptora or aiitua. tin mnltuf Conat nation mm ..... ... lit
& . T. " JU01 nieuicinss cootalnsd In Blatkkara'i Cases,,
fr Ills.
ealaatoa first, then Nauaea, I p f It I I"l A
llousiieaa. with Waslcn.ea M..t. IUIIUIJI I f
arhe. Backache, languor, ilalarla.
Kidney and IJvor Ltor1ers, Worn,
anlr Daraiio-mcnta. Holla. Plmni.a
I i Mental HluKKiahneas. Nervousness
and Hleeplfsaiifas.
4at a. oil! You rtrtalnlv will If
Uvou tak. these swart, uiiU t aaea.
AH Oru,nrlsts tOe. Mo.
Tbe Blackburn Products C ,
VW. Hat. .,1.
Old Folks to Dine
at Payne's Expense
ThroiiRh the som-roHltv tf f.,oiKe n.
rn, fifty 1,1 folKs i,f the worthy cir
cle maintained tlnotigh thr rf forts of
Rev. C. W. PavlilK-r. enjoy an elrrnnt
Christmas fllnnt r. Mr. Tayne has dlrertoil
a letter lo the inlnlxter offer Inn to bear
the extra expense of a ytiletldt repnst,
making It nosHihlo to use donation
previously nmde for olhrr purposes. The
dinner will consist of tnrKey with all
the necessary trlmmlntts. the finest of
puddlnna and other dellcnrlc.e. NrtthltiK
will he left undone by Itiv. avidite to
make Christmas clay the happiest 411 the
lives of those, who are dependent upon
Teachers' examinations will be held st
the Omsha Ulun school, room ; Ieceni
ber 27 and 2ft. Applicants for hlxh scjiool
examination must report to the examining
committee between the hours of 9 a. m.
and 10:30 a. m. Wednesday, to register
and select their subjects.
A v - V -1-- ' -
All Things Ttiat Aid tiis Eye! I
Are here when you need them. There
are msaWUnr Olassss, Opera and Field
Olassss. Z.lnsa Testers, Lorrrsttss anil a
host of others. Not fnraaltlns; our
superior Kye Win sue Kitted to your
vision after an K.pcrt l:amlnatlori.
Corns In and est a pair. You'll look
well In them; you will see well through
:1 Nutcson Optical Co.
Red " -
Bring a Merry Christmas
A bottle full
of quality and
a glass full of
that Is a dellcht
.,aM tea the VA JUlfl A
joy 10 me paiaie.
Blatz Company
SOS -BIO DeeflH St
Oaaarta. New.
Douglas see
1 Low Round
Trip Rates
A and 3ILM
Also to All Other Winter Tourist
Points in the South and Southwest.
Doublo Daily Gcrvico
All information regarding rates, routes, berths,
etc., cheerfully furnished.
Agent for All Steamship Lines
H. C. Shields, 0. A. P. D., Omaha Neb.
ONE ; V r j ONE
CENT 5t U '')? CENT
Red Cross Seals Provide
These Things
Public Education
Hospitals and Sanatoria
Dispensarira and Visiting Nuriea
These Prevent Tuberculosis
and Protect Your Home
Last Tear $300,000 Worth Were Sold
This Year a Million la Needed from
Red Cross Seala
Red CroM StnU Cost only On
Cent erh, pud iihould he lined
om tit iMt: It ol all C hrntmai Mm I
Comic Section
The Sunday Baa
With Happy Hooligan, Little
Nemo, the Katxenjammer Kids
and the whole intereeting family
U res caisot tar Croia lean Is you rlclartr.
V wilts ts ,
Stats A(inl -
93 City national WMk BnllAlnr. Omaha.
MJ HUM HW aaaJluiji1jWiWa
Cacklay Sails Only tha Bast
1 1 era. ar Bonis siik KPMllons for
laikloy Special, full quart. Hot-
;;,n ....$1.00
Welrlon Bprlnss, a fins aj I flf)
bourbon, full quart. U U
8unklat California Port. Slierry,
MiiMiatol. Angpllra. Tokay or
Rlailelra, per Kflf
full quart WalW
Apricot, Manana, arh and Apple
llrunily t cordial Ueil) per bottla
35c 50c 75c $.Q0
SI. 00
tloinq Muds tlrupe Wins, rtxl or
per itallon
Also fancy bsakele. of combin
ation liquors, clollKhtful I'hrlnt Rifts, at reaaoimlils prices.
Ws aivs Oresri Trading Btampl.
Uall Ordsrs Promptly TUS.
Opposite P. O.
' s. I t.
,4. . . XV '!!'
This Is the Last Day
1 of the
hnstmas Jrair of the Churches
Beautiful Court of The Bee Building
Conducted by Women of The Temple Israel
The Best and Biggest Christmas Fair
Here are displayed in almost countless variety and numbers
gifts that will be cherished most highly and remembered the
longest. They are gifts that will be valued for their perma- .
nent character and their cheery Yuletide sentiment ....
The right gift at the right price ic here
Some of the Christmas fair suggestions are: Water color novelties, fancy
paintings, aprons, hand-painted china, handkerchiefs, comforts, fancy
v baskets, Mexican stamped pocket-books, fancy dusting caps, porcelain
wear, dolls' outfits, cjelicious home cooking, fine candies.
Under auspices of The Omaha Bee