Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1911, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thirty Twenty Ttn Tears Age
Hdltorial Tgm of each Issus
Local Snows
VOL. XI J NO. 15!).
' fere--
Notification to Russia of Tennina
tioa of Treaty formally Ratified
by Upper tJaamber.
Debate Orer Biacrimiiiation Afainit
Jews Laata All Day.
Sharp Exchange Occur Between
Senators Root and Rayner.
Maryland Hu Ossraa Debate with
imlfimrst of Hlgfc-kanded
Methods of Russia Inter
motions Frequent.
"WASHINGTON, Dec 19. The senate by
unanimous vote tonight formally rati
fied Prealdent Taft's notification to
Russia of the termination of the treaty
of 1833.
The Lodge joint resolution, reported by
the foreign relations committee aa a sub
stitute for the Sulser resolution that
, passed the house 310 to 1, was adopted
after an all-day debate over Russian
discrimination against the Jews of
The house tomorrow ia expected to
agree to the senate measure.'
Senator Rayner Inaugurated the debate
and sharply criticised Russia. He was
Interrupted many times. Senator Lodge
followed la support of the resolution of
ratification, which he reported yesterday
from the foreign relations committee.
The treaty waa displaced temporarily
on the day's calendar, however, by the
house urgent deficiency ' appropriation
tilll, carrying an emergency provision of
more than 13,000,000 of funds for the gov
After the deficiency bill had been dis
posed of Senator Lodge moved for lm
mediate consideration of his resolution
Introduced yesterday ratifying President
Taft's notification, to Russia that this
government desires the treaty to end
January 1, 11)13. Mr. Lodge then yielded
to Senator Rayner of Maryland.
Itnyaer til Root Tilt.
There was a sharp exchange between
Senators Rayner and Root. Mr. Root pro
tested against a possible Interpretation
of Mr. Rayner's remarks to mean that
In Issuing passports the United States
asked questions as to the applicant's re
Mr. Raync said that the question was
asked by the Russian consulate. Mr,
Rayner quoted from a circular Issued by
Mr. Root when secretary of state.
"Do you dispute its correctness?" In
terrupted Mr. .Rout.
"No, but It was subsequently withdrawn
by the Btaso-department,"- e4ned Mr.
Rayner. ,
Representative Sulzer declared today
that there never had been any formal
protest by Russia against the language
of his resolution.
"I can state with authority that Rus
sia never nuidd any protest to the
American government against the lan
guage of that resolution," said Mr. Sulier.
No Jews Admitted to Haaala.
Mr. Rayner said he knew of no instance
In which an American Jew, whether Rus
sian born or not, had been given oftlolal
permission to visit Russia.
He said it was not a Russian consul's
business what a man's religion was. and
added, amid laughter, that be knew of
"no reason why any one Bhould want to
visit Russia anyhow."
Senator Lodge said that action by con
gress on the Jewish passport question
had been delayed because of the hope
that diplomatic negotiations would bear
Answering Mr. Culberson's remarks
vt yesterday, he said that It was a ques
tion whether the house had not been
more discourteous to the president than
. the president to the house.
Senator Lodge urged action that would
make the United States' position im
pregnable and forever stop "the dis
criminations against any of our cltlie'ns."
ST. JOSEF H. Mo., Dec. Captain B.
p. Buxard, civil war veteran and for
many yours prominent In' politics in
- w
rthweet Missouri, died at his nome
y, aged 73 years.
revrjje Weather
Vne A 30
l .to
i i3 m:.::??i
1 p. m.
I p. m
3 p. m
i p. m
6 p. to
t p. m
7 p. m
S p. m
Highest yesterday .
Lowest yesterday ..
Mean temperature .
Tempeiature and
Local kresrii.
liilt lKlO. U. 190a.
:a 3 it sc
SO 30 2S
SB 34 1 30
00 .00 .00 .00
precipitation depsr.
tuies from the normal:
Normal temerature ..
Kxce,,s for the day
Kxctaa since March 1..
Normal precipitation...
... .(J Inch
... .W .m;.i
I el.c.inv. .or iiie uay .
Total rainfall since March 1. .14.77 inches
Dencteucy since Marcli 1 14. 17 inches
Deficiency for cor. period litlO.. 14. 73 Indies
Lxcesa for cor. period l'JU9 4.4S Inches
Report from stations' at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weuther. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, snowing 22 , 34 .06
lvenport, clear
Ienver, cloudy
Dsh Mcines, cloudy
Dodge Ctty, snowing
l-aJider, clear
North Platte, snowing...
Omaha, rioudv
Pueblo, snowing
Kapid City, part cloudy.
Bait Lake City, clear
fcanta Fe, clear
Sheridan, clear
'.oux t'lty, cloudy
Valentine, cloudy
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates below sero.
U A. WLLoll. Local Forecast.
The National Capital
Tueoday, llrrtmkfr 10, 1011.
The Senate.
Met at noon.
Russian treaty abrogation taken uo with
expectation of nu!f Icallon of the. presi
dent's notmcHtlon to Russia before ad
journment today.
Leslie J. Taylor of Illinois, at the Lorl
mer hearing, contradicted the testimony of
l. D. Brownbnck. Illinois legislator, about
R. I Klmbrough of Harrlxburg. Pa.,
advocated the "square deal" as a busi
ness principle at anti-trust hearing.
Crgent deficiency bill carrying more
than ti.8rt4.7M as it passed the house was
considered ahea.t of the Russian treatv
question. The bill passed without general
Senator Rayner. (Md.) In a speech
urged Immediate action on Russian abro
gation. Senator Ledge (Mass.), led the fight
In support of the abrogation resolution
reported by foreign relations committee.
Senators Smith i Mnr IhikI Knot iNi..w
York) and others made speeches on Rus
sian trea'y abrogation.
Interstate commerce committee ad
journed hearings on anti-trust problem
until arter noitdav recess.
Russian abrogation resolution unani
mously adopted.
Adjourned at 7:36 p. m. until 2 o clock
The House.
Met at noon.
Major General Wood testified before
military committee regarding his army
conservation plan.
Representative Suiter (New York) an
nounced house would waive anv
technicalities In order to Join with senate
In securing action on Russian abrogation.
i onsldercd legislation for arrearages of
pay for congressional clerks.
"Steel trust" investigating rommlttes
heard John O. Brown of Chicago regard
ing ore rates In Minnesota.
Resolution passed calling for complete
Information 88 to proposed army concen
tration plan.
Steel trust Investigating committee ad
journed until after, holiday recess ot con
Adjourned at 3:37 p. m. until noon
Wednesday. .
Six Nations Assisting in Negotia
tions at Shanghai.
Little Probability that Ma nihil
Dynasty Will Survive Premier
Hopes to Retain Mooarehlal
, Form of Government.
SHANGHAI, China. Dec. 19.-Fromiae
of peace In China became more definite
today with the announcement that all six
of the great powers Japan, Great Britain,
the United States, Russia, France and
Germany arc united in a co-operative ef
fort to assist Dr. Wu Ting-fang and
Tang-Shao-YI in their negotiations.
There was rejoicing when It was learned
that the representatives of the six powers
were preparing to offer formally -their
assistance for the speedy conclusion of
an understanding.
It Is clearly understood that this action
by the powers Is taken In the most
Lfrlendly manner... . J
me .pourparlers between Wu Ting
fang and Tang-6hoa-Yt opened with
surprising smoothness and there was a
complete absence of shy strain which
night have seriously Impeded the dlplo-
natlc progress of the conference.
It is unmistakably evident, however.
that the continuation of Manchu rule
even as concerns the imperial throne at
Peking. Is considered unlikely by either
side. In this connection much significance
is attached to the statement of Tang-Shoa-Yl
that he does not represent the
throne, but rather the premier. Coupled
with Wu Ting-fang's early Insistence on
the establishment of a republic Is taken
to mean that Yuan-Shl-Kal Is prepared
to concede the ending of the dynasty.
Keg-eat Hopes for Monarch.
Even though the present dynasty is
ousted, the premier evidently hopes to
retain the imperial form of government,
possibly the present emperor designated
aa the first ruler' of a new Chinese dy
nasty and with Yuan-Shl-Kal as regent.
The personality of Yuan-Hhl-Kai
dominates the convention. The great
fight among the delegates will be as to
whether the form of government is to be
Imperial or republican. If an empire,
Yuan will be regent. If a republic. Yuan
will be the first president.
The revolutionary delegates believe that
they will be victorious In their demands
for a republic. Kven the staunchest of
the imperialist delegates admit that Man
chu rule is doomed.
Republican Sentiment Is SIronK.
The morning had brought from the
north many bureaucratic Chinese, who,
after twenty-four hours In Shanghai, ex
press unbounded astonishment at "condi
tions south of the Yang Tse. Chinese
and foreigners coming from the north
alike admit that within the last sixty
days an astounding political change has
come over the south.
Tang-ghao-Yl's delegates are evidently
deeply impressed with the widespread de
mand for a republic, but they till hope
that the combined authority of Tang-Khao-Yl
and Yuun-Shl-Ka! will prevail.
jThe action of the powers undoubtedly will
ID im i;oiiiueraoie neigni in pressing to a
satisfactory outcome the negotiation.
most SiVvlfluuU move has been taken
hv .,vku
I, ho has authorised Wu
nils'-fang to use his (piemler s) name In
his telegrams, so that lm will be able to
utilize the telegraph wires which are now
lu imperial hands, while Yuan-Shl-Kal
will u-e Wu Ting-fang's name In order
to obtain communication ever the wires
in republican hands.
I nlted States Initiates Concert.
'WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-To the I'nited
States belongs the credit of bringing
about a concert of action In China by the
six great powers of the world. The Wash
ington government Initiated the move
ment, wuich now has taken definite form
at Shanghai.
'1 ne United States has boon the agent
to bring the powers Into a common agree
ment based on a recognition of the ne
cessity of preserving the Integrity and
autonomy of China.
It appears that the diplomatic repre
sentatives of all of the powers at Peking
now are working with a common pur
pose to terminate the present conflict
upon terms that will safeguard the rights
of all concerned.
WASHINGTON, Dee. IS. The president
today nominated Wllliard S. Itidgely to
be United States attorney for Wyoming
and William II. Grlmahaw to be United
States marshal for Ulnnesotr
Twelfth Man Agreed Upon at Noon
and the Panel is at Once
Sworn In.
Others from Small Towns in Illinois
Only Two Farmers on List.
Complete Engine for Systematic
Suppression of Competition.
District Attorney, In Opening- Ad
dress, Saya Nature of Uualneas
Made It errs.r- to l ie
Great Secrecy,
CHICAGO, Dec. 19 -The Jury which will
try the Chicago packers Indicted charged
with violation of the Sherman anti-trust
law was completed and sworn In at noon
today. The taking of testimony will be
gin at once.
The men who will try the packers are:
Asa Rannlster, farmer, Nnpervllln.
11. I. Buckllti. farmer, Dundee.
Uurton H. Meyers. Insurance solicitor,
W. J. Thomas, clerk, Ottawa.
C. 1. Nare, drug clerk, Chicago.
11. a. Hales, taHor, l.aoranxe.
J. H. Kdwards. tolephono Inspector, Ot
Jacob Glnlm, baker, Ottawa.
Mlam Clow, farmer, 1'lalnfleld.
Thome Scott, millwright. Chicago.
J. K. Harvey, grocer, Wilton Center.
K. J. Ryon, salesman, Streator.
The selection of the Jury was com
pleted after ten days work, during which
147 veniremen were examined. District
Attorney Wllkerson In his opening nd
dress pictured the course of the alleged
combination which Is accused of con
trolling the meat packing Industry In
violation of the federal law and char
acterized it at one point as "the most
complete and systematic engine for the
suppression of competition known to the
Industrial world."
United States District Attorney Wllker
son In his opening address said In pint:
"We will find that as far back aa 1894
there was in operation a well established
and thoroughly effectual combination
which with comparatively slight changes
In membership has continued In exist
ence and operation to the present date.
"The parties to the combination as It
existed In 1884 were Armour & Co.,
the Armour Packing company. Swift
and company, Morris & Co., the CK II.
Hammond company, Bchwartssehlld. &
Sulzberger, and Cudahy & Co.
"The peculiarity of the meat business
rendered necessary the adoption of un
usual methods of combination. This was
required by the perishable nature ot the
product an.d t,h difference In the frade
of the meat produced.
"It was not possible to organize a com
bination with reference to the price of
meat auch as could be made with refer
ence to the price of steel, flour and etc.,
in which there were fixed grades of the
product. i
"There was aluo necessity of conceal
ing from the public and from all but a
few of the Important employes the ex
istence of a combination to control prices.
Pinchot Will Say
That Roosevelt is ,
Not a Candidate
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 19. That Theo
dore Roosevelt will not be a candidate
for the republican presidential nomina
tion next year is the message that will
be delivered by Glfford Pluchot in an
address at Medina, O., Friday night next.
This Information came today from
Washington In a telegram to Secretary
J. D. Facler of the Ohio Progressive
league from Walter L. Houser, national
manager of the La Follette campaign.
It Is also announced that only three of
the speakers previously announced will
make the whirlwind campaign In Ohio
during the unrlstmas holldays-Oifford
Pinchot, Senator La Follette and Senator
Moses IS. Clapp.
House Asks About
Closing Army Posts
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19.-A resolution
passed by the house today calls on the
secretary of war for full information rel
ative to the proposed abandonment of
certain army posts throughout the coun
try and the redistribution ,f the standing
The house asked specifically for the
names of all posts to be abandoned ana
the amount of money that the war ae
..... .mi'mioi can be saved by a
more efficient and economical dlstrlbu
tlon of the army.
VreMsure from Individual congressmen
.... the War department to prevent the
proposed abandonment of many military
poets was given today by Major General
wood, chief of staff, as the principal
.........i. mir ulun of conserving the
,Hiturv strength of the country.
He appeared before the house commit
tee on military affairs.
Victim of Wreck is
Identified by Teeth
ORTONVILLK. Minn., Dec. 19. Identl
fled by the teeth, the body of the
tenth victim of the wieck of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway train, the
Columbian." which was struck yester.
day by a :11k train. It became, known
today, was that of Hayes Caldln, aged
3ft, of Hutte. Mont. The body U being
held heie. i
SWANi-KA. Wales. Iec. 19. The floods
throughout the southern part of Wales
have subsided to a great extent.
The damage ia widespread. The luaaa In
the Avail and Neith Valleys, which were
most affected by the inundation, prob
ably vUl amount to II, 0X, WO
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Open Board of Trade Building in
Chicago is Burned.
iiiilv V" "8cced Sn ' Anakralng
TO to Mind Persons and All lis
cape necords of Labor
I'nlooe Are Horned.
CHICAGO, Dec. Ik Fire which alerted
early today wrecked the Open Board of
Trade building, one of the land marks of
the loop district, routed 1.000 guests In
three big hotels and destroyed the record
of the Chicago Federation of Labor and
of a scare of unions housed In the Open
Board building. The loss W estimated at
After four hours hard fighting the fire
department declared the fames were out
and there was no further danger to ad
Joining buildings. A report thut three
furnace stokers had lost their lives was
found to have been untrue, all the em
ployes of the building being accounted
for. .
The flames " had gained such a tart
when the first of the firemen arrived that
there was little hope of saving the build
ing and the department devoted niost of
Its efforts to arousing the guests of the
Kalsrrhof, Stafford and New Victoria
hotels and to preventing a spread of the
The Open Board, which Is an organiza
tion for transactions In small lote of
grain and provisions was only a few days
ago cut off from receiving quotations of
the regular Board of Trade, having been
charged with countenancing operations In
puts and calls, a form ot business pro
hibited by the state laws. It was an
nounced the Open Board would be open In
the Traders' building, next door.
Fire Marshal Seyferlecht declared he
would Investigate the cause of the fire
and hinted that early Indications were
that the fire had been of Incendiary
Employes iitktn tines Is.
Bell boys, elevator men and even the
city firemen did heroic work in
hotels. Every room waa visited in
(Continued on Second Page.)
Can You Vrite
a Daffydil?
It'a easy try it.
Seud it lo 'Daffyull Editor"
of The bee. Look lor rules of
content ou page b.
Following are the merchants and
tlic pnites tney uiiur tor tue bust
fiii iyJU suunulieu lo tneiu:
vvoit Jeweiry i.o , genuine dla
inuuu ring: value, li.
Uinalia lUtcinc Lignt ft Power
Co., eiectric toaster; value, I J. I J.
mimieriund bin. ( oal Co., i
creuit on an oi-uei of one or inure
luiia of coal.
Aiamlto Creamery Co., flr-it
pine, M mila ticaei; bocond prlxe,
tJ mil ticket; tnlru prlzo, i
milk ticket.
Tailor rieck. f a due bill on a suit.
Krug iiiewlng Co., one case
Luxus beer.
lliller t.njuor Co., on quart best
port wine.
I-an til .Syrup Co., one case as
sorted tyrup.
lteu biscuit Co.. 1:1 assortment .
of iten package goods.
Hiephena' ' ctnupa lor Men," a S3
ilayden Bros, (piano d'---t-men!)
a handsome lady's um
brella. Tracy Bros. Co.. a "Tracy" sani
tary silver mounted briar pipe or
a box of lwei,l -live "'le-U-''J."
iiyuall'u Cuiiuy Miup, one large
Lm. of isndy.
In addition to the shove 'l i e Bee
will award five II prises to the
five I. til beat Duffydi! writers.
Lest We Forget
President Will
Favor Downward
Revision on Wool
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 After a meet
ing of tho'i'uhlnct today at which Presi
dent Taft'a message on schedule K, wool
and woolens, finally was revised. It wss
reported that the president has dm-ldcd
to recommend a revision downward. Jt
was said that the president would not
recommend any specific rates of duty,
but would Indicate that the present rates
should be materially lowered. Tho mes
sage probably will go to congross to
John Bigelow Passes Away at His
Home in New York.
lp to n Few Days Ann He Kept
Abreast of Current Affairs and
Took. Part In Many
fEW YORK, Dec. 19.-John Bigolow,
the venerable diplomat and author, died
at his home here today.
Mr. Bigelow died In the ninety-fifth
year of his age In the old-fashioned house
on Uramercy park that had long been
his residence. Tliren.days ago he suffered
a return of an ailment Incident to ad
vanced age which confined hi in last June
to his summer home In Highland Fulls.
For more than two days he suffered In
tense pain, but eight or ten hours before
death there oame a partial paralysis of
the senses and he lay smiling at those
about him. but unable to speak.
At the bedside were two of Ills four
children Major John Bigelow. Jr., and
Miss (J race Bigelow, and his grand
daughter. Miss Charlotte Harding.
One of the first to be notified of Mr.
Blgelow's death was Andrew Csiucgle
whose blrthduy, November coincides
with thut of tho aged diplomat. The two
were close friends and they spent part of
their last Joint birthday together at Mr.
Blgelow's residence, as had been their
custom for several years.
Arrangements fur the funeral have not
yet been completed. The family an
pounced, however, that Mr. Diftclow would
be burled at Highland Falls by the side
of his wife, who died nearly thirty
Mr. Bigelow had displayed ulinost to
the day of Ills death amazing vitality
and mental keenness. lie had kept
thoroughly ehreast of current affairs
and recently took part In many public
CHICAGO, Dec. 19.-An Indictment
containing thirteen counts charging Mrs.
I.oulse Vermilva with having murdered
Polleernin Arthur Blssonetle, by poison
ing hliu, was returned by a grand Jury
today. Hie wai ordered held without
Mis. Veinillyi. uUi is In Jail, expressed
herself without sympathy for the four
me,i lu a nearby cull Mho are sentenced
to be hanged Friday for the murder of
Fred W. Uuvlsuw.
Ni:' YOltK, Dec. I9.-A CUrl.-tinas
Jplefclit of l.7 CO voted today to the
j employes of the Cential Trut company
l by directors of the coiKwrn. For jears
jthe company han presented its etnpluyu
with a year's salary at Christmas.
M i ii
Opponents of President Desperate in
Effort to Hold Delegates.
Ions Senator tomes Home and
Is Hald Will Annonnne tile Pnr
IMise to Hold Iowa Dele,
gallon In Line,
From u Ktuff Col-resiiniident.l
WASHINGTON, Dec. in.-(Speolal Tel
egram.) Senator A. B. Cummins left for
Iowa tonight and those who pretend to
know say that on his arrival In the
Hawkeyo statu lie wil lannuunce his can
dldacy for president.
And therehv hiinus a tali. Foe some
days past forces antagonistic to the re
nomination of President Tuft huve been
thrntA'lliir linoitntu fit (lift lllull from lowu.
They have been saying complimentary
things about his achievements, not only
aa governor of a great state, but as sen
ator. with the result that Iowa's pic
turesiiue statesman, possibly recognis
ing that Ia Follotte'a boom Is growing
gradually weuker and weaker, finds In
the situation an opportunity to slip over
im rli.lcuiili.s from Inwit fur himself.
The same Interesting game Is being
played in jnmana with ex-Menator uev
erldge as the rallying cry for those op
posed to the present occupant of the
White House and It is Intimated that
avra.1 rither favnrltn amis In addition
to La Follette will ho commandeered to
hrak down Tafl's Ktrnsth In the no-
called Insurgent states to the end that
If there should be a stampede away from
Tsft one of the galaxy of Intrepid war
riors might become the beneficiary and
the nominee.
To hark buck to Kenator Cummlngs.
It U generally conceded that if he should
Indicate when in Iowa he would like to
have a delegation from the state It
would be hard to beat hlin, even though
Senator Kenyon la a pronounced Taft
man. It shows however the desperation
in which La Follette's followers are
placed and that they are playing the
honored "favorite son" rucket to beat
the generally and loy.lcal candidate.
President Taft In the meantime Is "put
ting things over" for the honor and
glory ot thu entire people, wholly obliv
ious seemingly to politics beings being
played agxinst him.
Hitchcock's fturccU Del I r red.
Almost at the close of a long hut ex
ceedingly Interesting ai.d historic session
of tho senate today (Senator Hitchcock
succeeded In getting the floor to chain
uion the substitute he offered testerday
to Henutur ledge's resolution abrogating
the treaty of l';.' between llusnia and
United States with references to pass
ports. Senator Hitchcock started out by
saying that tho controversy over the
ouestion of naKbiiorts of former Uuh.'Ian
citizens was u-i old a tho treaty Itself;
that ever since the first passport was
turned down by Kussla sentiment iiad
reached congress and had been growing
ever since, lie insisted that the language
of the resolution aa reported from the
committee on foreign affairs was evasive
and really dishonest and the Nebraska
senator insisted that the resolution shotilu
state in plain terms the reason why the
treaty was abrogutcil. Hitchcock's sub
stitute v.uh difeatcd by u vote of 64 to
It.? the Lodge resolution then beliu
adopted unanimously, seventy-two sen
ators voting In Its favor.
II loom Kull-Fledued Officer.
Frank Bloom, son of a Fort Meyer
tailor. In whose behalf President Taft
Interceded and whose case was the cause
of a. reprimand for Colonel Joseph Gar
rurd of Fort Meyer. Is a full fledged of
ficer of the I'nited Htutes army. The last
formality was completed yesterday when
the senate confirmed his nomination as
(Continued on Second Page.)
Nebraskans Form League to Advance
Interests of Present Executive
for Renomination.
Aim of Party Men to Avoid Multi
plicity of Candidates,
E. M. Pollard of Nehawki Chosen
Secretary of League.
John I.. Webster, A. W. JefferU and
Others Dhow Record of Presi
dent Has' lleen One of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 19.-(.pecial TclC-
grain.l organisation of the Nebraska
Taft lraaue was completed at the Au
ditorium here today by the election of
A. Adams of Superior, president, and
K. M. Pollard of Nehawka, secretary.
both holding these offices In the tempo
rary organisation formed at a previous
meeting. The men who accomplished tills
came from all parts of the state and
were in all Instances representative re
nubllcans. From the very nature of the
gathering It waa minus the excitement of
the old-time political convention, aa thero
waa nothing to scramble over, all pres
ent having come with the one purpose
In view, the formation of the organisa
tion which should crystalllso the senti
ment which all believed to exist, tnst
N-hraka renubllcans favored the renom
ination of President Taft and that througii
Its Influence the president might be as
sured beyond a shadow of a douht not
only votes of Nebraska In the national
convention but Us electoral vote as well.
The hotel lobbies eearly in the day
gave evidence of the gathering of the
clans and were a reminder of the con
...... in Hum Men from all parts of
the state who had been in the thick ot
the fight for republican supremacy of
tho state for a year and men of the
younger generation, who were Just tak- .
tng up the burden, were there, an oeni ,
on the same purpose. The convention
was composed of about four hundred
pennons and all sections of the state were
Avoid Many Candidates.
A touch of color was lent to the affair
hv tha fifa and drum corps of the voter-
eran's organisation, which played some
stirring music before the meeting semea
down to business. Conspicuous on the
procentum arch were the flags mid the
pennant which fly dally from the etars -In
the yard af M. J. dreevy of Omaha.
The plan of organisation reported by
tha committee provided for the selection,
In addition lo the president and treasurer, Jeaan C. McNlsh of Wlstier. wae
chosen vice president and 8. II. Burnham
of Lincoln treasurer. The presiaem sou
secretary will name a committee of
five to act with them In organising
Taft clubs In each county in the state
and the same central committee will
name a committee of five In each con
gressional district, which committees will
meet on or before January 8 to name can
didates for delegates to the national con
vention in their respective districts. The
committees from the congressional dis
tricts will have a Joint meeting in Lin
coln to recommend the names of four
candidates for delcgates-at-large. This
prooeedure was taken to avoid, If possible,
a multiplicity of candidates for delegates.
At the same general meeting In Unooln a
candidate for national committeeman will
be recommended and also eight cnndl
daten for presidential electors.
The report of the committee on organi
sation was adopted unanimously although
for a time It appeared there might be
ii break In It on account of the desire of
Mr. Adams that he be allowed to retire
In favor of. Mr. Pollard and or me ex
pressed wlsft of Mr. Pollard that he bo
not chosen secretary or president. Ha
evr.lalnml that through purely uninter
ested mover he had called the prevtoui
meeting In which the present one nau
... t nn,t kuil luVuired to millll
US 1111. I ... 11 U .1. I -
the organisation effective. His personal
business demanded so much ot ms time
that he did not feel that he could give
the work of the league the attention It
should have. Mr. Pollard's wishes In tho
matter were Ignored, however, and ho
was unanimously elected along with the
others recommended by the committee.
t'alderhead's Address.
Former Consressmau W. A. Caldel -
ion. i of Kansas was the principal speaker
of the aflurnoon. His address occupied
the time between tne appoinimeni ot com
mittees and filing of the! rreports. He
reviewed the history of the republican
party, showing how it had always been
party of progression along safe and
sane lines, and snowing ui riwiuwu
Taft had not been engaged In beating
the tom-tom. but had been a man of
deeds. He reviewed the acts of the ad
ministration In detail and Indicated.
ia herein they had redounded for the best
Interests of the whole people.
Mr. Calderhead discussed the Initatlve,
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