Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Till: BKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, PKCEMBKtl 10. 1011.
tncrease of Two Millioni Compared
with Previous Year..
:apnr(a Jlr Mrmrr Than In my
Earlier Trap an 4 Manufacturer
. Rspcrta .Alu Makr Their
lllaarat rtrrorrf.
WASHINGTON,. Ieo. IS.-Tl.e foreiKn
r'smrnare or Ih 1'n to.1 Statin In lh.
-wr (.bout to ml ill luv an liic-rea.
of ovw t:.(TO.O(lO r-hrn conTared ulth the
llnmHlllply prrrrdinc and a lai art
total than In any curlier rar of our
eommrrce. Import", falling lrlow
ttlfw. of 1210 Lri llip rnriior month, liavr,
Itr the tioMiiK prrlort of the jrar uliown n
ipftrkod lnrrea, lurflra.InK that the tutal
fqr, the- j cur tylll diflor nut little from
that of 1S10. which made the
i"rord In the history of the lnix-i t trad.
Kxporte ere lurs'r than In any earlier
year, and manufacture exported ai,
rruike their hiKitfff record, reaching ap
proximately Jl.OOU.OUM.OOO In the raltendar
year 1911.. The at proximate total for the
Tear, baaed' Upon ten months' record, al
ready compiled, are: K.xporls, over COW).
i0.0O; Importa, fl.Mu.00O.M, of which over
one-half entered free of duty.
Contlderlnc the treat sronpa of articles,
the noteworthy chanri are. In the caa.
ef Importa, a falling off In manufacturer'
raw material and In flnUhed manufac
ture.; In the case of export, a Keneral
Inrrease participated In by all the Im
portant troop, foodstuffs, manufacture
and manufacturer' material. Compar-
the ten month' movementa In the
jeara named. Import of crude foodstuffs
lacreaeed from IllS.ftlO.OuO In 12110 to $146.
m.000 In CT1; while foodetuff. partly or
wholly manufactured, decreased from
H,000,OW to 1151.00,0u0; manufacturer'
raw material, from l4U.OoO.on to Ha.
b.00; manufacture for further u?e In
manufacturing: Increased 1lahtly. from
fsr?.W),0o to M2.000.000. and finished man
ufacture decreased from ISlO.OOs.OSO to
S2M.O00.O0u, Exports, on the other hand,
advanced In the case of crude foodstuffs,
from S70.0O,00 to .l.T0; foodstuffs,
partly or wholly mnnufartured, from
f.M,OuO,OO0 to IJ47.O0O.0nO; manufacturer'
raw material, from HJ7.0UO.OM to 1401.000,
000; manufactures for further use In manufacturing-,
from I-.T4 .000.000 to $J;T,000.000,
and finished manufacture, from J447.000,
W to $..3,000,000.
Trlnrlpal Kiporti.
Tli. principal Import of the full year,
Krouped according to magnitude of value,
wtll how: Hutar, over 4.000.t,000 pound,
valued at' about J10G.000.000; chemicals,
drugs, etc. i5,000.0W; coffee, WO.000.OUO
poiinda. valued at about IS4. 000,000; hldea
arid skins. SHO.OOO.OOO; India rubber, IIS.
(00,000; cotton manufacture . and raw
altk, about V&.W.CKO each; fiber manu
facture. 165.000,0110; wood and manufac
ture. VrO.000,000; frulta and nuts, over
540,000,000; block and pig tin, $t0,000,00;
diamond a,. $03,000,000, while copper manu
facture. Unmanufactured fiber, Iron and
ateel manufacture. ailk manufacture,
leaf tobaoeo and oils Will atiow a total
of about 10,000,000, Art wqrk. fur and
fur akin and wool will aggregate about
ono, 000 each In th yr Import,
lower price contributed to th fall In
value of Import of sugar and India rub
ber, the decrease In value being far
greater than la quantity.' Hide and vklns
how a,tuarked reduction In quantity a
well as in value of Import. Tin Import
are about th same tn quantity, but much
greater In value, due to hither price.
Cotton I (till th leading article of
export, it total for the year, over 1500.
4)00,000, exceeding' the combined value of
the two great class next In rank. Iron
and ateel manufactures, about tro.000,000,
and meat and dairy product, lt.000,0U0.
The export of cotton In ten month ag
gregated S,M&,900,000 pounds, valued ftt
xj7i.0O0.0O9. the larrest value 1n the his
tory of Amc.'W commerce and but
slightly leas' In quantity than the high
record total of S.OJI.OOO.OOO pound exported
In the ten month of X90O. Iron and teel
a I bo made a new high record In the ten
inonthe- of UU-I2W.OO0.000, against 14.
O.OJ0 last year, Substantial Increase
alo occur In other leading artlclea, and
th complete year will probaby record a
total export of over $l,0u0.000 worth of
breadstuff, over SiO0.O09.00O of mineral
vU. nearly lo,0U0.K of copper, 40.00v,00
of cotton manufacture. tU,0U0,000 of
agricultural Implement, about 3i.000,ts)
of. car and carrlagea and 135.000,000 of
chemical and medicine.
Considered by oounlrte. large Increase
occur In the export to Canada, Germany,
Netherlands, Japan, the United King
dom, Australia and Belgium and leaser
increase In those to South America,
Cuba, China and many other countries.
White Irubort ax A whole Increased, there
were Increase In those from . Japan.
Imjia, tgypt '"I other countries of
Afficl?! "
Move Started for
General Strike of
Western Shopmen
CHICAGO. Dec. !. After a merting
of representative of strikers on the Illi
nois Central nrnl Ilarrlmen railroads, con-
cluilcd here late today. It was snld
a grnrrul strike or hop employee may
result from a conference f Internntlonal
union official to be opened In f. I.oula
Pympathy for Hie striking shopmen of
the llliii'Jls Central railroad and the Hsv.
riir.iii system Is aald to have enured the
acrltatlnn. About Juft.oOO men are Involved.
The meeting at St. Iouls will be com
posed of union official from all the
western railroad. James W. Kline, In
ternational president of th blacksmiths'
wlio Is chief Olroctor or me sinse oe-
iwrted from Chicago for Pt. Ixmls tonight
Street Car Motorman Calli Down
Colonel for Blocking Traffic.
Former President Talks on Ite
llarlona ssbjerli l-'elloerlaa I
peeted .sppesrase ait ew
York Labor Temple.
Denver Throng Tries
to Put Man in Office
IVKNVER. Pec. 1. Colorado' state'
capltol wa the scene r an unusual
demonstration, participated In by more
than 10,000 person. Including women and
children, late thl afternoon, and It came
near resulting In a riot. The public had
been Invited to be at the west front of
the building to Join In a demonstration
against Mayor Robert W. Speer and th
city council.
The climax came near the meeting
close, when Henry J. Arnold was hoisted
upon the ahouldet of several antl-
Ppeer enthusUPt. Arnold wa recently
ousted as county asaeesor by Mayor
Speer. Illegally, It Is claimed by Arnold's
suporters. '
"We do not purpose to regain the office
to which tha people elected me by force."
aid Mr. Arnold, "but I shall reoccupy
the office under the law."
"Tou won't have to wait for the law,"
someone shouted.
"We will put you In the office where
you belong right now," another shouted.
Then an Immense throng crowded In
about the ousted official auid eager hands
caught hi in up and bore him upon their
boulders out Into tha crowd In an effort
lo reach the county court house, but a
few blocks away. Cooler heads soon
ended the demonstration.
Arnold wa pIe with fright and a
soon as he was released by hi admirers
he quickly worked his way out of the
crowd and was taken Into the governor's
office. Hut even then it required no little
persuasion by conservative to keep the
uoh from taklug possession of th asses
sor' office.
Mr. Arnold was the only official not
reappointed by Mayor Ppeer under the
consolidation of Denver county and city
under one government.
Prepare Evidence
in Dynamite Cases
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. lg.-AnxloUs not
to delay the government's Investigation
Into tha dynamite conspiracy, detectives
and employes of the district attorney's
office were busy all todsy preparing evi
denes to be presented to the federal
grand Jury.
Outside of hearing a few stenographers
and clerks formerly employed lit the head'
quarters, of the International Association
of Brl4e and Structural Iron Workers,
where 'John J. McNamara, the secretary
treasurer, had hi office, the grand Jury
up to as i na gone over oniy the pre
liminaries or us worn. Tomorrow more
clerk are to be examined. The Juror
probably will adjourn on Thursday until
after New Years.
Every person whoa connection with the
dynamite case Is regarded a vital I
being watched by the government. This
scrutiny appllns to witnesses in t itles scat
tered throughout the country, It I said
tha government has put more machinery
In motion In this - respect tbsn In any
similar esse In reoent years.
NKW VOKK, Dec. IS. 4,'olnel Theo
dore Hortsevell, emerging from Ijibor
Temple this eftrnioon, where he had
inn da an unscheduled speech, could not
find his automobile, anil vthile looking
around for another caiiKod u. crowd to
collect that blocked Street traffic.
Homebody shouted ."There's Teddy,"
e.nd In a moment he was surrounded hv
a throng that grew larger as the coonl
strode eilong Fourteenth street looking
f'r a tnxlcsb. When two policemen
forced their way Into the crowd to find
out what the trouble wa the colonel
good-naturedly explained and they held
uft a psSKlng automohilo. It we a pri
vate machine and the lone driver was
for gill rig on until the colonel took a
hand in the, conversntlon himself. Mean
time a trolley car had come to a stop
behind the automobile.
Itelmked by Motorman,
'Ifey, you," the motorman -shouted to
the former president, "run your blnmed
machine up against the curb If you want
to get In. ixm't you know anything?
Get off the track."
With a grin for an answer Mr. Hooae-
velt hopped Into Iho tonnnau and the
machine bolted off, amid the cheer of
the crowd.
Colonel Ftoosovelt' speech at Labor
Temple was mainly of a religions char
acter. Rev. Charlna Stelsle was down
on the program to speak on "What
About the McNamarn Case?'' but on the
unexpected arrival of the former presi
dent he cut short his address end In
vited Colonel Roosevelt to succeed him.
About half of the audience were Hebrews.
"I believe In ' a living; church," the
colonel aald, "but not in a religion that
does not translate Itself into activities
for decency for ttle masse. The worst
reflection thnt can be cast on any church
I that a' the population become dense
the church moves out. The church should
fight for the masse. We are a democ
racy, and our national experiment can
mean nothing unless we keep It a democ
racy, livery reform, every social move
ment, miii-t be for the masses or it has
to place here."
Necklace of Pearls
Gift to Mrs, Gould
NKW YORK, Dee. 1.-An exquisite
necklace of pearls, of an estimated value
of H00.000, la tho Christmas gift or Frnnk
Jay CJould to bis young wife, according
to a story published here, this morning.
The rope of pearl is arranged tn two per
fectly graduated strands to which a
third may soon be added. The necklace
was recently received from I'arls, where
Mrs. Ooutd saw the gem several month
ago, negotiation for their purchase hav
ing been begun shortly afterward.
Four Arrested on"
Blackmail Charge
CHICAGO, leo. 18.-Kour south aide
Armenian buxineM men were arrested by
I'OKtoftVe Inspector Jauio K. Btuart to
day, charged with attempting to secure
$10,000 from tv,o of Chlcago'a wealthiest
Armenians by mean of alleged black
mail. Carabed.T. I'ushuian and Kareliln T.
Pushmun, ' rug merchant, are the men
against whom tho blackmail plot ras di
rected, according to the InMpector.
Ths m n arrested' are Dr. Alfred (lei-
bert. Barkis DeckmedJI. Am P. Chutljan
and Apkar 11. Jatferla. Inspector
Btuart said tbat Dr. flelbert and lHk-
lucdjl had made confessions.
A series of spevlnl delivery letter was
received by the l'nahman tn which they
and their families were threatened with
death unless the money specified was de.
Ilvcred to the writer according to di
rections. TUs i'UDhinaiui were toltl to
wrap the money in a .indulge, take It
to a duwntown huirl, where they would
find auohrr"l,.1er awaiting them at the
clerk'a dk and follow the directions
contained in the last letttr.
A decoy package was prepared and
under guaxd ( federal Inspectors the
J'ushnuLUS did M unit red. Th letter at
lb hotel desk ordered one of the Hutih
man brotliers to take the money to a
south skle drug store. When i'ushman
cu.ted tk drug store, however, plans
miscarried and J'uahman could not find
th to whom he Was to deliver tha
moneys Information 'secured by th In
spectors at this point led to the arrest.
Envoy of Premier
Arrives at Shanghai
SHANGHAI. Dec. lS.-Tang tliso Yl.
the representative of Premier Yuan Bhl
Kal, accompanied by hi suite, arrived
hers this afternoon and was met by a
great concourse of people. Including tlte
fqreign consuls. The streets were densely
crowded with people, who, however, ap
peared apathetic.
.Tang Khao Yl mad a formal visit to
Pr. Wu Ting Fang, the foreign secretary
In the revolutionary cabinet, and agreed
to the proposal that the meetings of the
government and republican delegates
shall begin tomorrow at the town hu.ll.
Each side Is represented by five dele
gates, who Include Tang hao Y'l und
Dr. Wu Ting r'ang.
Dr. Wu made a formal complaint that
Premier Yuan ha violated the arnilHllc
by attacking tho revolutionary force in
Bhang (51. rhen 81 and Anhwel. Tang
promised to convey the protest to the
Dalliasore Ac ! Itatlrosd.
Winter tours to r'toilda point and Ha
sjui, Cuba, via Washington, D. C.. or
baJtiiuoie, Md. Liberal stop-over. Va
riable routs tuket via tail and water oi
all rail at reduced fare. Betid for llius
tieted booklet.
W. A. Preeton. T. P. A.. Chitag. er
b. S. Austin, U. P. A., Chicago.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. -There are
stroti),- Indications that the coming week
will be marked by ralu or suow and
generally unsettled and disagreeable
weather throughout the Vnlted Htutcs,
sccordlng lo the bulletin tseuetl tonight
by the weather bureau.
"Temperatures generally," the bulletin
say, "w41l undergo decided changes, and
th precipitation, which will be lit the
form of snow and rain In northern anl
i slits in southern districts, will be stun
tho normal.
"A disturbance that Is now over the
western plateau will advance ciMtward
and cross the treat central alleys Mon
day and Tuesday and reach the eastern
state by Tuesday lilglit or Wednesday.
Another disturbance will appear tu the
far wet about Thursday, cross the
Rockies Friday and the great centrnl
valleya Saturday or funday and the rust
em states at the beginning ef Christina
"These disturbances will be attended
by general precipitation and decided
change In temperature."
Youth Kills Small
Boy for Snowballing
HPU1NG FIELD, III., Dec, lS.-Klmer
Gilbert, years old, was shot end fatally
wounded this afternoon by Angelo Lorn-
bardo, 18 years old. The Gilbert boy and
a number or other children had erected
a snow fortress and when Lombardo
came along, It Is said, they directed
fuslllado of snow balls at him. Ixunbardo
was carrying a .22-callber rifle and fired
at tho group of children. Tha bullet
struck the Gilbert boy in th abdomen.
He was hurried to a Iioipltal and the at-
tondlng physician sys he cannot recover,
Lombardo fled after firing the shot.
NEW TORK, Dec. 1. -Stockholders of
urn American Btigar iienntng company
will be called upon at the next annual
meeting to approve a plan to provide
pensions to th company's T.600 officers
and employes. lK-talls of the plan In
elude provisions ror retiring employe
pver 13 years old, or after thirty year of
service. An appropriation of UOO.OOO Is
suggested a ths neuclcus of the pension
No pension under the proposed plan will
be less than $30 a month and none will ex
ceed 10.000 a year. In women tliu age
limit Is set at 60 und tho term of service
at twtnty-flvo years.
urn " -
Cleanses the System
effectually; Dispels
colds and Headaches;
due to constipation.
Best for men, women
and children : young
and old.
Toqct its Beneficial
effects always note the
name of the Company.
(miforiiia Fig Syrup (o.
plainly printed on the
front of every gackaqe
of the Genuine
NEW YOKK, Iec. lS.-Hre broke out
In th. basement of Keith's theater at
Fourteenth street near liroudway, tonight
while a performance was in progress.
Brook, was making It way Into the audi
torium when a fireman went to the stage
and explained the situation to the audt-t-nce.
Wu'a almoi-t ptrfect oidir the
crowd filed out and joined a throng iu
the street watching the firemen fight Hie
bisie. Th. damage waa confined to itje
basement .....
Christmas Furs
Reduced Price
1613 Fa mam St.
M HOnl.M AMI l OLLIlllM.
Do'l el Westers
Hsrsul Cslltgt,
Tk gutiiMM ii4 hoitkr4 lisa U ap a it ,r,.
Out imiki iwul kt t im lMr. C'KW (toll.
I nil It rir l ref tot sotiuwtt. strai cmim
4 la inic. Mihii4 n4 Ttili
il" umrt cimi Siuicic M inc. J M Hiwi. m k
" la. aw 1 1 nitansmll twti.
1 HJfy - U 'r. i?iV'n r- L s
i iaW. . i . in y s r
. MM- - VilS irf V? eiVSO
t " .-zirj- n - 'zi hi h
f it Mil I 1 ' "WW kt
I VI " 1 L . "VbbbbV
Bargain Prices on Christmas Gifts
During the final Christmas shop
ping days we are making many-start-
- ling offers. Some of these are in our
imported Italian marble department,
i where we have an extensive assort
ment f tne mst exquisite Ital-
5 lan ousts, ngures ana peaestais.
- All these go at big sacrifices dur
Cing the present week. They are
the most beautiful carvings and were
done-in Florence, Italy.
Many special offerings are made in
'furniture. Our Colonial and Crafts
man clock section is replete with a beautiful assortment of the finest
timepieces in the city, The scope and character of this clock exhibit
makes this pre-eminently the hall clock store of Omaha. The prices are'
lower than ordinary. The assortments embrace practically all the prin
cipal decorative periods, and include especially liberal representations of
mahogany and English period clocks. Some are equipped with chimes,
and many have special features that make them wonderful creations at
the just-before-Christmas prices.
Our assortments of, Florentine electric lamps and lamp shades, representing many classic periods, are the
highest types made. Special reductions are given' on many pieces of furniture for Christmas. This is a never,
before-heard thing; this cutting of prices on furniture just before Christmas. We have done it in many cases, and
you get all the advantages of the usual January gale by buying here this week.
Imported Italian Marbles
$42.50 Italian Marble Bust16 in.
high, "Devotion" .$30.00
Two-Toned Italian Marble Figure
L'3 inches high, "Iris" .$47.50
Italian Marble Bust 13 inches high,
"Joan of Arc" $40.00
Similar Busts of many familiar fig-.
urc8, from 10 to 10 inches high, at
from $7.50 to $13.50
$15.00 Italian Bust Beautiful crea
tion $10.00
$75 Italian Bust "American Girl" $55.00
$75,00 Italian Figure' ' Music" . . $55.00
$30.00 Italian Marble Pedestal . . . .$20.00
$17.50 Marble Pedestal Imported
$30 Italian Marble Bust "Moth
er's Lovo" $G0.00
Italian Marble Pedestal - "For
Mother's Love" $25.00
Italian Marble Bust 23 inches high,
"Coquette" $75.00
$25.00 Italian Marble Bust 19 in.
high, "Holland Lass" $18.00
Italian Marble Pedestal For "Hol
land Lass" ........ ............. $12.50
Italian Marble Bust 20 inches high,
"I'riscilla" ;w .......... ..'..$60.00
Italian Marble Pedestal For " Pris-
cilla" $25.00
Two-Toned Italian Marble Bust 8
. i ....... ,
inches high, ' Laura ";....;...... $15.00 ;'
n :". .:''. . Lamp. Shades ::. .. .. ... .
Small Silk Shades-Ook'laco' and gilt bead . ' rA ...French Shades-Plain silk,
fringe, champagne colors $8.00
French Lamp 'Shades All colors, 14 .inches
diameter, finished with beautiful silk braids '
and fringe ...... ..' .$15.00
French Silk Lamp Shades liosc color, with '
medallions in panels, scalloped. bottoms, f ring- ;
ed with gilt beads ........ ...$17.00
trimmed 'with - " r
palin braids and silk fringe, 16 inches, cham
pagne and rose colors $8.00
Florentine Electric Lamps
Dresden Parlor Lamps Beautiful designs. .$22.50
Brushed Brass Lamp Beautiful design ....$10.50
Hand Carved Italian Portable Lamp .$17.50
Furniture Gift Suggestions
$45.00 Mahogany Hall Clock Six feet high;
beautiful design; accurate timepiece .$35.00
Many Oak and Mahogany Clocks in all. the
most desirable designs at prices ranging up
from $25.00
Mahogany Bedside Table Special adjusting
feature $7.00
$40.00 Circassian Walnut Table Desk
Chinese Chippendale; beautiful; largo roomy
drawers; neat compartments ..." ....$30.00
$25.00 Ladies' Writing Desk
any; French legs; three roomy drawers; new
.style arm support; exquisite design .$18.00
$35.00 Ladies' Writing Desk Beautiful wal
nut; colonial design; roomy compartments;
1lieavy writing bed . ... .Vi. . . .. '. $25.00
$30.00 Ladies' Writing Desk Handsome
birch; two spacious drawers;, very excellent
model; roomy compartments; thorough con
struction ....$22.00
All-Over Wing Spanish Rocker An article
of great comfort; inviting; genuine Spanish
leather covering ........ . : . .$41.00
$29.00 Music Cabinet Solid mahogany, ex- -
quisite article; strongly made; roomy shelves
for the accommodation of player-piano-rolls. .$25.00
Spanish Leather Table Covers Genuine
Spanish leather, handsome;' size 3x4 feet $2.00 and up
$27.00 English Arm Chair Beautiful oak;
leather slip seat .$18.00
Smokers' Stand Oak and mahogany,
at $1.50 and up
$15.00 English Chair Solid oak; excellent
design; leather seat; strong legs; high back;
comfortable $10.00
$63.00 Davenport Solid selected oak; gen
uine Spanish leather seat; two leather pillows;
comfortable; thoroughly made; will endure for
years: length C foet. (5 inches $39.00
$20.00 "Tip-Top" Table Solid mahogany;
beautiful pattern "....$14.00
$90.00 Ladies' Writing Desk-Crotch mahog
any; stout legs; slide writing bed support; two
ppacious drawers; private locking , compart
ment; handsome $70.00
$35.00 Ladies' Colonial Desk Solid mahog
any; handsome design; heavy legs and solid
base; roomy drawers; neatly arranged com
partments $25.00
Solid mahog-
r hi i i
mvLJjioer0 polk f
Table Desks Mahogany; disappearing writ
ing bed and compartment; handsome design;
strongly made $10.00 and up
Tea Tables Solid mahogany and quartersaw-
ed oak; graceful and charming designs $8.00 and UD
Y-- !J n 1 r "
xireame unair jianogany; roomy and corn-
Remember, good furniture may he cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good.
Miller, Stewart 8l Beaton Co.
Established 1884
The Tag-Policy House
413-18-17 South Sixteenth Street.