1 rm: kk: omaha. tuknday. dwkmbkk i:. uui. Make (he Boy Happy Willi a Pair of Ihese High Top Doots It Wouldn't Be Christmas Without Slippers Will IMJYK Tan opera slippers, all kIzos $1.23 $1.50 filitl.H and CHILUKF.N Tan and red boudoir, red felt sad knit slip pers In pretty rolora, all alzes 75 SI. 25 lint IjADIKS' Red or brown boudoir, fell and knit slippers, alt lues $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Tollman Kll'wrn, which fold Into a tiny little bundle one can easily allp In a hand bag $2.50 OTIT r i w m i r i a a ownarowt 1 lianeTi iiia ,iiiii i "V i m - ISia 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET STOltK OPEX EVENINGS VNTIL CIMtlSlMAH TELLS OF HARRIMAN STRIKE Her. C. I Doolittle of Chicago Sayi Boadi Are the Cause. UNIONS ALWAYS WILL EXIST B-abrr at Iloyd Theater Mass Meet ing Say Labor Has a night la Oraanltr Strike l MoM Orderly. Talking to an audience thut compleleiy filled the loim floor and a greater xr. Hlon of the balcony of the r.oyd theater Hunday afternoon. Rev. Charles U loo illttle, ctrrgvtnen. of Chicago aad . fur many years mechlnlm In the shops of (the Illinois Central Railroad coinpauv at Hurnside, III., told the atory of , the atrlkt of ahopmra an th tines of th llarrl inan system. Tbe several hundred oeoiil who greeteJ 3v. Mr. Doolittle wer mostly men. though there wer a nnmber at women. For the most part the listeners wore nwm of the labortns clansm,1 yet titer were many others who were , aretnt to hear the story of the wrongs and Injustice dona the shopmen, as detailed by the sixxikvr. on the stage was Mayor Italilinan, menv of tho labor leediws. a number of the It-ray and lreliletit Jenkins of the I'nl verslty of Omaha. The address of Rev. Mr. Uoullttle was considerably in the nature of a plain business talk and time and again, was luudly epplaudt-d when he made his tell ing points. Refaaed Rereanltloa. Tbe aipaker explained that the Vtrlke was not brought about by any daair of the shopmen of the Harrlinun road. but instead by Mr. Knittschnltt and other la authority refusing to treat with the fed erated union, the. members of which (were employed by the lines that go tf make up the system. He asserted that they axked nothing uurearonable and that when they went to Mr. Kruttschnltt with thetr demands, be net only reruxed to consider them. but refused tu Itatrn to I ha plans proposed by the men. The feder ated union, tie showed, was not formu. lated for tae purpose tf Injuring the loads, but InsteHd, to protect the rights and Interests of th men employed tn (he shops. r calling the patrol from that point, they took the mea to a patrol box several blocka aeray and naturally a erowd eon Krecated as ttiey paeiwl a Ions the etrAt. a coimwjunKT, ine iwo men were t hargd altk Inuttkig .u-rlat . laera alr. 'J'be speaker paid Ms respects to ta J'i uf country, ronlswUsg tUat a iaico iMUtlun of them were either rub-Idlat-d. or controlled with the Interests, ima ieing eeoociaily trur U Chkaao.. He J explained tlat la Omaha tke eltuaibm Is yulls different and that here tbo !. ).! have sivea orgunlstd labor a o.ure , ilral autd tluit the stiika siiuallou baa ' hteu fairly Ueatrd. Ulacuaalng the taicaao papera and their aiUtuda, Key. Mr. lovLUUa pointed to the fart that the rlrrgy of the uliy h-kl inrptlngs and publtciy took a stand In aympaUiy IUi the striking maculiiUta, but inwtrad of aendtng their reporters to theae irtlng, tlvy were, attsolutely Ig nored by the prf of lhat city. The inattvr was taken up with editors and .proprietors, but ntrthlng satlsfvtory to the men was secured. The haptlet enin lolrrs, he wttd. ent even farttier. They preiared resolutions and sought their puhlicaUun, but nothing lame of thetr rforts, as they were turned down by tarh a ad every one of the big dalllea. -They would not have piloted this for l.o a line." added the speaker. Inloaa Alni)i vt 111 fcUlst. UikCUMlng uiiloulaia. Itev. air. loolltlle took the MiaiUon that It always ku es Ultd and alwaya will. Il iMitnted to the fact tliat 1n the Oarden of Kden, Adam and ifvo foruted the fust oaiun; and. as to the walking delegate, he contended lhat he Is not aucb a bad man as be has bii pk-tuied. The speaker, Jokingly otntad Jo Moai-a and Aaron as the first it the walking deleaatea. liack In an lent tlna, ba ahowed that over In l'-gi w haro i'haroeh as In control of the attuatlou, thinfs weio not entirely Mttlsfaclory to the people and the two walking tick sales. Mums and Aaron ili-d upon him In as effort to patch up an agrroiiiriit. They did not get lust olul they wanleg and too strike was tulle J. It was a long one, but It rnded la a victory (or the strikers. Labor lias Hlgbt to Organise While talking along the lines of union Inn- Hv. Mr. Ixiollttle contended tha JU,r haa a right to orgsnlse. In doln u. It Is following In the footsteps ut rap lUt and vapltaltuts. He showed lhat ti ers l trniiliou In ail lines of trade; tha tl.e lit tiufarlurers . hate orililid an Tlioy'H mnko Jiis very tors fairly tingle with pleasure hifch boots nrn the most prized possession of every red-hlooded, hus tling hoy. Msde of the very boat storm cair leather, whleh win not harden wheu wet, heavy oak leather Uoodyeer welt solos, gunnel sewed In all way up .front, tops reach above ralf of log, wide cuff at top fastened with two large brass buckles. A rertaln guarantee of warm dry feet all winter long. $3,09, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 fWPlTJ mm that tftday the railroads are maintaining a federation that Is so cMsely bound to aether that all of the lines are allied In the effort to crush the labor unions. futons, amnnK laboring men have come to stay, was the oplnlnn exprexsed by the speaker and they will continue working for the Interesta of those who are affili ated fur self-protectloa and the bettering of their conditions. TAFT ABROGATES PACT WITH CZAR (Continued from First Page.) controversies equally regretted by both governments, , ' 'In conveying tho' present formal notification to your excellency, I am In structed to express the duMlre of my gov ernment meanwhile to renew the effort to negotiate a modern treaty of friend ship, commerce and navigation on bases mora pnrtrctly responsive to tha Interests of both governments. I am directed to emphasise the great value attached by the government of thr United Plates to the hlelorio relations between tha two countries and the desire of my govern inrnt to apaia no effort to make the outoome Of the propoecd negotiations contrlbnta still further to the strength and cordiality of these relations. " 'I avail myself of this occasion to offer tu )our excellency the renewed as surance of my hlghoat ronelderatlou.' "I now cominiinkat) tills action to the enata as a part of the treaty making power of this government with a view to Ita ratification and approval. Signed.) W1LUAM 11. TAFT." Test of Resolution. The resolution presented In the senate by Mr. Lodge reads. "The treaty of commerce and naviga tion between the United Ktatea and Rus sia, concluded on December 1H, 1K33, pro vidua In article 12 thereof that K 'shall oontlnue In force until January 1, in the year of our Iord iST, and If, one year before tliat date, one of tho high con tracting parties shall not hare an nounced to the other, by an official notl flcation, lis Intention to arrest the operation thereof, this treaty shall remain obligatory uie year oeyond that day. and ao until the expiration of the year which shall coutmenco after the data of a similar notification;, and. "Whereas. On December J 7, Isll, tbe preairtent caused to be delivered to tha bnpnrlal Rusalaa government by tha American ambassador at Bt. )etershurg an official notification on behalf of the government of the United Ntatea an noiinctng Intention to terminate the operation of this treaty upon the explra tlrn of the year commencing on January I. 112; "Whereaa. Hald treaty Is no longer re sponsive In xai'lous respects to the po litical prtncljiloa and commercial needs of he two countries; and, Whereas, The constructions placed thereon by tho contracting parties differ upuu matters of fundamental importance and Interest to each; therefore, bf It 'ileoolved. by the senate and bouse of representatives of the United Mates of America In coiiEresa assembled that the not toe thus given by the president of the 'nited States to the government of the einplie of !tuala to terminate said treaty a accordance altli tbe terms of the rvaiy Is hereby adopted and ratified.' C0E COLLEGE SUSPENDS STUDENTS FOR DANCING CEDAU It AliUS. la.. Dec. U.-Twent) five students of Coe eollrge were today I suMprnded by the faculty ou the charge of dancing. A resolution passed by t tie I member of the faculty about a month ago prohibits students from holding or at tending dance. Following the suspenakin the "lovers of dancing," students prominent In college atlileilcs, announced that they would no longer participate In any of the sports of the school. Thla probably will put an end to Cee college athletic for several month at leaat. BANKER IDENTIFIES MAN WHO SLUGGED HIM CHABXKd CITT. la.. Ih-c. IIL-Gleun Oullver. a resident of Osage, la., has been arrested on the charge of attempted rob bery at the Orchard tie.) bank at Osage.' 'a tiler K. O. Clapper Identified Oullver aa the man who slugged him. Had tbe robber not became frightened he would have been able to aeeure HS.ttJO. 1U t I at K A OI.lt 1 0K lAV Take UXATIVK HltOMO O.ilntna Tab- Ida. Inuralxa rvfund lauury il it fails to cure. K. W. tihj ll'f i' nature la on letit b"X. &-& f . ATTRACTION 1 OMAHA. Orpheam Yaadmlla Amerloan "Hello, 111," Woodward took company. Gayety Billy Watson la burlesque. Xrng "The Broadway Oalety Girls. " "Hello lllll" at the American. "Two men there were, and each named Kill, and each did work the other III." This, briefly. Is the etory of 'Hello Bill," a farce comedy In thre acta, with which the Woodward Btock company kept two audiences In throes of laughter yes terday afternoon and evening. There Is not a serious Una In the bill and the audiences aeemed satisfied that It should be tliat wsy. The comedy of errors originates from the arrest of a number of society men for Indulging In a quirt little game of poker In a sort of private gambling house. One of them Is Wil liam Fuller, His marriage to a hand some young widow has been set for noon. Ills hearing la set for 2 o'clock In the afternoon. He expects to be jailed for three months. Ills friend, Christopher Cutting, sees In a newspaper a report of tha appointment of a William Fuller as colonel of a regiment about to go to Cuba. He conceives the Idea of having Fuller pretend he Is the one who has received the appointment. By pretending to go off to war he will provide for three months' absence In all. ftaveral columns of space would bo re quired to relate the almost endless com plications that develop. It Is one laugh provoking situation after another for two hours and a quarter. Austin Webb aa William Fuller and Frank Jones aa Cutting play tha most Im portant comedy roles. Deforest 'Dawley aa Dr. Kllsha Hastings, an Kngllshman looking for an heiress, and Harry Ken neth as the real Colonel Fuller are another active pair that produce peal after peal of laughter. Mr. Webb and Mr. Jones hare scored heavily In weeka paat In comedy roles. but they fairly outdo themselves In those they carry thla week. Mr. Dawley aa the English fop shows that because a man can play "heavies" excellently It does not follow that ha can do nothing else well. ' Mls Eva Lang plays a role Mrs. Dare lhat gives her eonie rest. It Is an easy and aim pie one for her and no effort Is required from her lo meet Its demands. Miss Lotus llohb and Karle M. Gardner In Juvenile love offer some excellent scenes. Their quarrelling scene Is a bit of almost perfectly acted comedy. Alias Itobb does one of the cleverest bita of ctlng she aver has done. Bhe Is just Ilka a young girl making a desperate ef fort to quarrel with the man ahe loves. Miss lilancha Moulion Is the real colo nel's wife. Bhe la well suited to the character and plays It well. Miss Urenda Fowler acquits herself creditably as a. handsome young ' woman with money who finally proposes to Mr, Hastings and la accepted. Mantlet HI at the Oraheaa. Ham Mann has brought forth something new In comedy. He has undertaken the trick of doing the character of a Uvrman musiral professor without treading upon Teuton toes or lowering the dignity of lrgltimste character portrayal. And he turns the trick handsomely In presenting "The New Leader," which Is placed at the lop of the Orpheum attractions for the week. Necessarily the character Is exaggerated to an extent, but not beyond bare theatrical purposes. Mann' humor lies principally In his droll manner of expression, and his facial Interpretations of the generally accepted mannerlams of a German professor wbo Is aa much In love with his beer as ha Is with his music Mann presents tha longest comedy playlet seen at the Orpheum this season, and by hla drollery U able to create a continuous roar of laughter. Aa a matter of pure, wholesome comedy, nothing has been pre sented tills season to equal "Tha New Leader." Mann U assisted by six players. tivery act contributes' toward making the bill one of tha most attractive ef tha season. Chick and Clilcklet have a aeries of new wheel trlcka. Introducing tha cycling doll, a'prwtty little ntlsa of leader years who performs marvelous trlcka. Chlcklet. a led of , rldea a bike Just his else and contributes a full share to the entertainment. The Seven Belforda, all American performers, do astonishing stunts In Ridley and acrobatics. Pauline Moran, a healthy, buxom, romping Irish girl, brings on storms of appreciation with her don't-care style of stngTng. Dave Ferguson Is a good atory teller and a comedian. Alsace and lAirralne have a pretty musical production lu which they Introdure tha alsacephone, which Is a cross betwoen a violin and a phonograph. Ward Baker, throws his whole heart Into mssmnewmsmi AM For Indoor Lighting Particularly in factories, stores, and meeting halls The Intenso 4 0 a 500 candle Arc which consumes only 14 feet of Gas hour Is Unsurpassed Merchants add to the selling value of their stock when it is shown under good light. Landlords add to the actual value of their buildings when they show a prospective tenant the best lighting appliances. Merchants and Landlords should examine The Intenso today at office or send for our representative who will give you all details. Sold on attractive terms if desired. OMAHA GAS CO. t ra. av..--r,rr?.Tiraay.aigi t,- -..i... - ,. ...... V Ije V a i 7t' his violin, and gives a very pleasing en tertainment. Rnrlriqae at tbe Href. 'The Broadway Oaiety Olrls." current bill at the Krug. served the audiences at the burlesque house yesterday with very enjoyable amusement. There Is a deal of burlesque that la supposed to amuse, but which It does not; the bill at the Krug this week Is refined and Is a genuinely good production. There is ono bit of the bill that anybody who appreciates good singing would en Joy. That Is the vocal work of Miss Jennie Delmar. She has a mellow, sweet voice and renders several aongs with exquisite delicacy and much effectiveness. Two funny comedians. George Milton and Dick ftrown, furnished clean lines and drew many laughs. Tanna, an eccen tric and artistic deffeer, was given a deal of applause. Bhe does an Interpretative dance that Is pleasing. "In Search of a Widow" and "Two Lucky Tramps" are tha two acts offered. Milton and Drown have the parts of tramp comedians In the second burleta. Both are reminders of Nat Wills. Two of their best sonars seemed to tickle every body In the audience. "The Railroad Rag," a new novelty dan cing tune, was one of the musical num bers that scored heavily. Tho chorus dis played many costumes, danced gracefully and pleased. This organization Is one 'of the largest that has been at the Krug this season. Four acta compose the olio. Mile. Barto lettl and her four Parisian dancers were excellent. Mile. Eartolottl U a toe dancer and she la artistic and masterful. Brown and Bragg, comedians, had a good act. Miss Emma O'Nell, comedienne, was forced to answer three encores. Christmas Week at American. "Forty-Fve Minutes from Broadway," the musical comedy thHt was to have been the Woodward Stock company's Chrletmae week attraction at the Ameri can theater, will not be produced, accord ing to Manager O. D. Woodward of tha American. In lla stead the company will offer "Sause for the Goose," which Mr. Woodward auya la a roaring comedy. Tha plan to produce "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway" was abandoned for the rea son that this bill was offered Christ mas week a year ago and It Is thought many who saw It would like to see some, thing else this year. Mr. Woodward has derided not to have dally matinees Christmas week.. There will be matinees on the regular matinee days, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and on Christmas day. MRS. SPARLING PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO MURDERING SON BAD AXE, Mich., Dec. IS Mrs. Carrie B. Sparling pleaded hot guilty wneh arraigned today on a charge of murder ing with poison her son Cyril. Her ex amination was set for December 28. The prisoner' husband and two other sons also have died mysteriously within the last two years. Dr. MacOregor, the ianltty phryalulan and Mlsa Margaret Qlbbs, a nurse, were laat week bound over lo rlroult court for trial in connec tion with Cyril's death. . . - -i Robbers Level Klrla Ktore. BEATRICW, Neb.. Dec. U.-(Spectal Tel egram.) The department store of tha Klein Mercantile company of thla city waa entered Sunday. night by robbers, who carried away about ITS worth of cutlery and dlothlng. Mr. Klein la of tha opinion that the .robbers were left In the store Saturday night when It waa closed, aa they broke In the door leading to the basement and escaped through a rear window. Bloodhounds were put on their trail, but at last reports the robbers had not been apprehended. et wmm AT THIS T1MB- SS.00 for a Safety Boa In our , burglar and Fire Proof Vaults. . it not only 8AFUGUARDM your Private Papers, Bonds and Jewels over the Christmas Holidays, but for one year from the data of rental. Rent Vault apaea for Trunks and packages, If o need It. Omaha Safe Depoiit Co. Street Lave, Kn trance to Vaults. 1114 Famara Street power Gas in an CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr, and Kit. Nat Sheppard Paw Fiftieth Year of Wedded Life. MANY 0FFEB' CONGRATULATIONS La rare Crowd Aaeemblea at I a formal Entertainment. ( ile l'- ve Lived la toeaell Itlnffs y Over Thirty Tedrs. More than 209 peopie gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Sheppard In ("ounclt Bluffs Sunday afternoon to congratulate them upon their fiftieth wedding anniversary. , Letters and telegram came from fully as many others and many of the callers were from out of town.. Many baautiful token of the esteem In whleh Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard are held by their friends were left In the form of beautiful gifts and great masses of flowers. The recep tion wa of Informal character and lasted all afternoon and late tn tne evening. No Invitations were Issued. Mr. and Mro. Sheppard have lived In Council Bluffs for the last thirty-one years, and during all of the time both have been prominent In the business and social life of the city. Their lives have been rich In happiness. They were born In the aume little village in Ohio, knew each other almost In babyhood, were school mates In childhood and throughout their school days and were married under the parental roof with the blessing of all who knew them. Their whole Uvea have been free from sorrow and few shadow have clouded their sunshine. Burglars Go to Sleep; Are Taken to Jail CHICAGO. Dec. 18 With their heads pillowed on . kits containing burglar'a tools, two men who had forced an en trance into room above a North aide saloon early today, went ao sound asleep they were awakened only when ahaken by police. The men had en tered the room above the saloon, but An Optical Certificate That we issue for any amount you deal re, makes an appro prlate and most acceptable holiday gift. We make tlila sntrgeatioa tor the benefit of the many who desire to accomplish some good vlth the money they ex pend. Globe Optical Co. 218 South 16th St. Omaha ' - - - Nebraska Christmas Suggestions Good Leather Goods Slippers for Use la Follmaa Oars. Art Colonial SJaaep Wcine. Travoltaf Bag with Toilet Bat Xaald. Ladla' Shopping Bag. Oxford Baga. Bait Osas.' Toilet Beta. v Ken's Oar Oaaaa and Bill fold, at H loin Caeee. ICuala atoll. X,awyr'e Brief Cases Wardrobe Tranka oar ears make, at Trunk. Steamer Trunk. From the Chaepeet That'a Good to tho Beat Made. Frelind (& Steinle Trunks" 1803 Farnam Street REMOVAL SALE Still going on. We are offering some extra good bargains In Clocks, Cut Glass, Stiver Plated Hol low Ware and Flat Ware. We feel sure It will pay you to spend a few minutes with us. This is a bona fide sale. You know when Linaay says it. it's so. LOOK FOR THE NAME S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1818 Douglas Strrt. HOLIDAY RATES ILLINOIS POINTS IN CANADA Hates, Routes, Sleeping Car Reservations and detailed information at City Ticket Office. 409 South 16th Street. City National Bank Bldg. " Telrptioars: Douglas 264 A-2lttl. arXEESSSSS decided to wait until It (ioxed at 1 o clock before attempting roblicry. 7Their sleep wan so heavy, however, ttint fliey did not wake up until discovered by a porter, who opened the building this morning and called the police. COMMITTEE ELECTED TO PLAN FOR DANISH PARK CHICAGO, Dec. H Announcement was made today ef the election of an execu tive committee of Danish Americans to make plana for the dedication of the pro posed Danish-American National park near Aalburjr, Denmark, August 1. Iffli The committee consists of Dr. Max Hennius, chidrman; 8. O. Aneonlan, sec retary, and C. H. Hansen, treasurer. The men will direct plans for the opening of the park from the offices In Chicago. Members of the committee said they had bouKht 400 acres of the picturesque Jutland heath, and that more than I.0.O Danish Americans from all sections of the country had subscribed to the purchase fund. It Is planned to deed the park to tha government of Denmark for use aa a public playground and that on the Fourth of July each year the park be given over to Americans for a celebration of Inde pendence dm'. SaMSa Hanan's An Ideal Gift For Men Or Women No shoe Is so much, a standard of shoe values as Hanan and make aa ideal gift for Christmas. They are termed the shoes without a hurt and justly so. The Hanan shoe conforms to the foot like a kid 'glove does to the hand, and they wear like Iron. We are well stocked w ith tbe latest styles of Hanan's. Give him or her a Hanan shoe bond for Christmas. Trices : Women's 85 $5.50 86 Men's 5 $6 am 87 1419 Farnam Street. Interest allowed in savings department at 3 per annum The United States National Bank of Omaha gives prompt and courteous service, affords absolute secur ity and has a most con venient location. fV rlh weif 'Csrner Slxittnlh and Farnam Strtefa Capttal $600,000 Surplua $600,000 at Our Children's Endowment Policy X Aa Ideal Christmas FTesant.-' It guarantees your children an education or a start in the bunt neas world. Issued exclusively by the. Herman la, of New York. for rates write or call CLARENCE N. ANDERSON Manager.' 421 Bs BUf. Tel. Dong. 8368. ni VIA CENTRAL TO -tl tlaa. O.f .fMa,l a. . 4 f . wB WIIMfltl ft J Its. WVAISlilaf EI01LIG'S MALTED P.1ILK Th. Food-drink for All Ages. ForInfanta,InvsIid8,and Growing chOJrCT, PureNubrkicm,upbuildingthewhoIcbody. Invigorates the nursing mother and die aged, gffh fnill matted grant,, b povvdet form. A quick loncli prepared In a minute. Take no substitute. Ak for HORUCK'S. Hot In Any fJIIIc Trust John Says: "Get Bosy if you are going to open your heart." "When it comes to 'Men's Christmas Gift3' I am headquarters and then some." SEE ME FOR Boxed Cigars, Tobaccos In fancy package, rbanm. Calabash, Peterson. B. B. B., Wellington ajid Turkish ripe j Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Homldara, Cutlery. Safety Baaora, Kirrora, Z.ather Oooda, Poker Set. Smoking Stands, Pocket Cigar Xdghtars, Poun taln Pens, Xanioare Beta, Tricks, Gag. Ink Pencil, Collar ana Cuff Boxes, Boxed Caadlea, Cigar Cnttara, Tobao co Poach, and a million and ona otbar thing that amoker lova to have around their pock et or In their home. John's Cigar Store 321 So. 16th St. Western Canada is attracting thousands upoa thousands of people. Immi gration returns show that over half a million people .have gone into this section of the Amer ican Continent this year.' HERE Homestead Land is Available Cheap Land Universal , 1 producing the greateaf return v r per ncra o a. 11 products. ... - -, On your trip to California or to North Pacific Coast points, have your ticket read Canadian Pacific Tha Real Scenic Route and get in and taka advantage of opportunity,- as Western Canada offers tbe . greatest. Literature and complete . details on application. GEO. A. WALTOX. Gen'l Agt. 834 Soatb Clark Street CB20AGO, ILL. Reliable Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rccnis iiiirjianHiiKiaai-YiiK BOYD'S THEATER 4 Saya Com. Sunday, Deo. 94th. Matinee Xmaa and Wednesday BLANCHE K1ISG : In fr Hew If natr.l flnni. " THK WALL HTKKKT CilltL , with K4&BY OILPOIX Beats How Belling 4 Says Beginning Sun., Deo. 94 Mat., Monday (Xinaal and Wed." GET BIOH QUICK WaLUiarOkD Seats on Sale 3 Days Beginning Tbnra., Deo. 98. Mat. Sat. -TME SPBINO MAID," with Mlail Hajoa Peats Bow Balling C$XrrV!ar Phoaest Douglas 404; laX A-14M Matins I very Day, 9:15, Bvery Wight, 8H6 ADTABCED VAUDB TILLS fain Maun and Ills I'layers Krveu Helfords Dave Ferguson 1'aul Ine Moran Alsace and Lorraine Want Baker Chick and Chicklet Kineto scope Orpheum Concert "Orchestra. Trices Night. 10c, l!5o, 60c, 7ic. Matl- nee lr, bst seats, 15c, except Batur- aay ana Biinaay. "OMAHA'S TVS ClgTZB" A-5A aiiy Mat, IS-as-SCn Sun la Claua' Only OlHXwIU.m. SLIDING BILLY WATSON and "The nirla From I1aipvlanl " CXTBATAOABSA ABD TADDSf ILL1 l.a ely "dark ' the ww k bofoi Christmas .' Should any not ! Selling out at every performance. Haven of rest and Joy for tired ahoperg. Ladles' DUne Matinee Every Week Say. ....KRUG THEATER.... Mat. Today 9:30; Bight SO. Baat Seat 6Uo. Broadway Oaiety Qirla and Tanna, tha O.rt With tae Dreamy Byes. Souvenir to Ladle at Dally Dim Matinee a. AMEKIUAK THEATER Tonight Mate. Tuas., Taura. Sat. Fricaa, 85e Only. MISS BTA LA MO and tbe VOOBWaSD stock coatPAsrr tn BEI.I.O, BILL." Next Week The !.aug)iing Nuiceax, Baace for the Oooae. p 1 Mat. Xmaa