Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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9 u.
Coma to UrandexO Tonight or Eariy in t.ia Morning ' fft
The Greatest Christmas Display-trie Host Attractive Gifts
Make the Host of the Money
You Spend for Xmas This Year
It is just aa essential that you should get your money's worth at Christmas time as
any other season: Come to the store where the moderate prices - save you money
every day in the year. ' :
You'll find it less crowded in the mornings. Shop on a Transfer, it will save your
valuable time..
I Mm: X
W I li'lllllOj I S I I fB v i. II
$ aft utp hi
You Can Buy th Gifts a Woman Lovea Best of all from tht
0! LaBook & Yost, Exclusive Omaha Furriers
Which we are now selling at just one-half the prices
La Book & Yost asked a few weeks ago. In this great sale
we also include our purchase of the
Entire Stock of High Class Furs
From Hall & Arbes, 40 W. 27th St., New York, together with
many groups of our own furs.
TIioko oro furs of the richest quality and the most fash
ionablo character. Furs of such elegance have never be
fore been sold at fueh reduced prices. Fine coats, beauti
fully matched fur sets, separate scarfs and separate muffs
that make the most delightful gifts.
Christmas Specials in Jewelry
Solid Gold Llttlo Finger Rings set
with coral, turquols, atone
cameos, etc., worth 15.00, pe-
clal, at . v . . ;'. .
Solid' Gold Stick' Plna. worth up
to. $ 4.00 and $5.00 at ..91.69
Sterling Sliver Cigarette Cases,
worth $5.00 at -93.50
Solid Gold Pendant La Vallteres,
worth $10.00 and $12.00 at 95
Three piece Comb, Brush and
Mirror Sets at ....'.$1.98
Three piece Silver Plated
Comb, Brush and Mirror
Sets, at $3.08
Quadruple Flated Comb,
Brush and Mirror Sets, $5
Women's 0 Sizo Watches, 10
year filled cases, fine Amer
ican lever movement, spe
cial at $7.50
Men's: Jas. Boss or Crescent
14 kt gold filled cases, guaran
teed 26 yeara, fitted with Elgin
movements, special at 912.08
Ik, ft.
10,000 Growing Christmas Trees
) In PotsOn Sale Tues. Etc., in Florist's Dept. lea.
V( . These live, growing trees were bhipped from Germany to us. Deco-
rate your windows with them, decorate your Christmas table or uso
' them for small Christmas trees. Transplant them in your lawn in tho
Ririnr nnil rhpv will wnw liitn bnntifnl vnlnn'hln Irnoc
...On sale in Florist's Department, main floor.
Tuesday; Evening at 7 o'clock at Ten Cents Each. ;
Women's and Men's Fine All Linen Hemstitched bordors,
hand enJroidered initials, your f irt namo embroidered
in full, dainty-hand embroidered corners, also Bcalloped
and lace borders values up to 50o each, 25C
Real Madeira Hand -Embroidered Handkerchiefs, real IrUh and French Hand
embroidered, real Armenian Lace Borders, real Princess and real Ducbesse
I-ai o Border Handkerchief a very special values, at
50 OS 91.50 up to 910.00
Woman's Fine Christmas Neckwear
Latest noyeltiesln Jabots, Side Frills, Cascades, ribbon novelties, Dutch
and Sailor Collars, Fichus, etc.; real lace and hand embroidered, also
Bimulations of ' real laco and embroidery, worth 6
Women's Exquisite Imported Neckwear, hand
needlework, real Irish crochet, real Cluuy and real
Princess Lace at, each
$1.50-$1.98-$2.50 up to SIS
Christmas Gloves
in Fancy Boxes
Moat practical ftft all lengths and
ahadea for atreet and evening wear; . beat
makes In French Kid. Mocha and Cape
Gloves : f!
Long; Gloves, at a pair 82.75 to 93.75
1 and 2-cUsp Kid, Mocha and Cape
Gloves, at pair $1.25 to $2.00
Slippers for Christmas Gifts sL
Men's House HUpper Tans and blacks. In Operas, Velvets, llotneos;
worth 12.00 and $2.&0. at 91.30
Women's Felt House Slippers- Haudsoine, comfy styles in the newest
patterns, ribbon ana fur trimmed; all colors, at 91,75 91.41)
BUl1 '.. 1)8
Children's Holiday Footwear High top Jockey Boot in white buck
skiu, or patent leather with velvet tops, red tops or dull leather tops;
Prke r 92.08 to 82.48
Children's Slippers in felt and leather, at OS d 75
Women's First Quality RjJM j ?Z 3 SSTZZ Bkle Arctic, in all
bers, worth uoc, at...3Dcj imed; worth ix oo, at ...GO sizes, at Q8e
Fancy Christmas Box Candies pom.n
One pound boxes, at 23c, 20c, 40c,
5Ur, bUc and 754
Two pound boxes at fl.oo, i.3
"1 91.50
Aluo three and fire pounu kus
at special prices. .
Freuh Broken Candles, per lb.
8e; 3 Iba for 15
Satin Lined Baskets filled with
.delicious sweets, at .fl.25 up
to ...........910
Japanese Mixed ' Hard Caudles,
at. per lb 10s
Cream Mixed Candles, French
atyle, per lb 15,
Chocolate Cream Drops, at, per
,b- ; 15
Candy Cones, at S f or 5
also each 5 up to 25
Candy Buds, IS feet for ....5
Small ChrUtmas Trees for table
decoration, at, each 5
nlMllllLdi Ji
J J This Store Will Be Open 7 j J
JS Every Evening this Week.
Various Furs at Little Prices
Old Santa Claus Himself ould
Not Be Real Without Furs
There is something about Christmas
that makes it a really and truly happy day
when furs of Borne kind gladden the heart
of both giver and recipient.
To further aid you in the matter of
practical gift giving, we are offering great
lines of the most reliable furs at prices that
would be considered low in an end-of-the-season
36 and 40-inch Coney Coat$, $20.00
54-inch Russian Pony Coats, $39.50
54-inch Russian Pony Coats, $45.00
Russian Pony, River Mink and Near
seal Fur Coats at . . . $49.50
Other Fur Coats Range up to $75. 00
These fur sets come in both black and
brown furs. Each set consists of a large or
medium size pillow muff and a shawl neckpiece of
almost any fashiouable width or length you wish.
$22.50, $25 and $27.50 Sets at $17.50
$15.00 and $11.50 Sets at - $11.50
$35.0Q and $37.50 Mink Sets. $27.50
r Jva ax s ". . im
1 I Diamond Rings
5peca(y Priced 'JjJ
1-8 -carat para whitt
diamond in 14 -karat
lalid gold mounting,
$9.60 mack.
1-4'Cmrat pur whitt
diamond in 1 4 'karat
tolid gold mounting;
S 20.00 eacA.
1-2-earat pare whit
diamond in 14 -karat
tolid told mounting.
I $ 60.00, ach.
Andther ars other'
in proportion.
The Ring Annex
Contains Some Specially Fine
tSargams For Gift-Gwers
The line of rings to be found in
cur King Annex, right side of the
center aisle, Is made by the Win.
Loeb Co., of Providence, Rhode
Island. They are specialists In solid
gold rings and produce the fines
made to sell at the price. Here's
what you will flnd-
-i.V r.nIJ ?... J?; or ir
mK uiiu Kjp.
old Gold Ring for Signet Engaving,
SOe and Up.
Plain Solid Cold Ring at SOe and Up.
Stont Set Solid Cold Ring, SOe and Up.
Fancy Solid Cold Ring at $1.00 and Up.
Stirling Silver Ring at 50c and Up.
Note the Guarantee
All Rings stamped W. L. & Co. are
warranted to wear five years' constant
use. Those that fail to give satisfac
tion will be replaced in any store In the
United States where W. L. & Co.'b rings
are sold.
(Signed) Wm. Loeb & Co., Makers of
Rln8- Providence, R. I.
Date of Sale
Specials in the Book Store Tuesday
Thoueanda of people have already found Jimt what they denlre for rift.
Iflvln p.irp,we In our book Ktore-weTe prepared to .erve thouLands more
fcvery ute In literature can be eatlsfled at price, that iri per-iMentiy - low.
Cut-out and whapel book, for the little totWThe Mfjht Hcfore Chrtat
ma ' Puppy Voga." and kindred tltles-sper.lally priced at 10c
All of the AlKer. books for bo vs. that niitllxhr. at r.n.. i.
price for Tuesday only, choice, 19c.
"The Five Little Peppers," Tuenday. 29c.
"The Elsie Ulnsiuore" aerlea, Tueauav, 29c.
Three Lots of Holiday Stationery
Xiot .Wo. One connlut of
beautiful boxea of sta
tionery that regular sell
at 60o to 11.00 the box.
Tuesday, or while they
la-.t your. oq
choice at OCTCI
Lot Ko Two la made tip
ui riegum Doxes con
talnlnK three and four
quires of paper with en
velopes to match, priced
as a special
for Tuesduy at
. iioxea con
taining two quires of
paper in polite corre
spondence 6lze with 4 8
envelopes to match, very
much under- OC
priced at tOC
Gloves for Men oe Women
Buy a -love certificate If you
don't happen to know exactly the atie
and kind to send. .They will prove
Just aa satisfactory.
Mens fine quality fur itlovea or
mittens with long gauntlets, heavy
fleece lined, $4.00 tho pair.
Men's fur sieves and mittens of
specially selected. pliable skins;
heavy fleece lined. 16.00 the pair.
Men's coon skin cloves or n.1t tens
with extra long- gauntlets. ($.60 the
Men'a coon akin aioves with finest,
toft, pliable leather palms and extra
Ions gauntleta; lamb's wool lined,
110 00 the pair.
Boys' fine fur gloves with extra
quality leuther palms, gauntlet styles
with fleece lining, 12.(0 the pair.
Boys' extra quality fur mittens
with heavy fleece lining. $3.00 pair.
Women's Ill-button length glove
In biuck, white and all the most
wanted evening shades, all sizes, 13.60
the pair.
Women'a 2-cla-D lamb-skin gloves
In black, white, tan, mode and brown,
Sc the pair.
Women'a 2-clasp superior quality
cape gloves In black, whit and tan,
11.60 the pair.
sMitomubile gloves with extra long
gauntlets, choice of tan and black,
I J GO I' no and 14.00 the pair.
Handkerchiefs of the Bet
ter Sort
Fine, Irish linen, hand embroidered
handkerchiefs at 25c.
Kxtra fine and sheer hand embroid
ered handkerchiefs. 35c.
Fine, sheer, hand embroidered
handkerchiefs of an extra quality
linen. 60c each.
Kxtra fine Swls. embroidered hand
kerchiefs made of finest pure Irish
linen. 75e each.
Kxtra aoallty Irish linen handker
chiefs with hand embroidered cor
ners tl no each.
Women'a very beet nualltv pure
Irish linen handkerchiefs with ex
qultltelv emt'roti1eed corner tl.SS.'
Armenian hondkerchlefa with hand,
hemmed and hand made edges, 25c
eac h.
Fine nnalltr Armenian handker
chiefs with pretty hand embroidered
Initials. 60c.
.Women's extra, fine end sheer hand
hen. mud handkerchiefs with hand
made Armenian lace, fl.Oo.
. Kxtra wide Armenian lace hand
kerchief of superior quality sheer
linen, hand hemmed, il.60.
Fins and sheer hand made hand
kerchiefs with linen renters, trimmed
with pretty I'ucheas lace, S3. 00.
Women'a Iiuchese lace handker
chiefs with fine linen renters, (4.00
Women'a extra wide Duchess lace
handkerchief with fine and sheer
linen center, tt 00 each.
Women'a finest quality Duchess
lace handkerchiefs with fioest linen
renters, 17.00, M 0. 00 and .0
The Famous Bradley Muf
flers at 50c and $1.50
These are the original and only
good V neck Mufflers. Knitted to
fit the neck-will lay perfectly
smooth and not interfere In any
way with the coat or outer gar
ment. 6
At 50o is the regular stvlne
mm,.""d w,omen' "W'tl nd wUho '
military collara White, black navy
cardinal, scarlet, etc. ' Vy'
meViu-V'00 mu,fl"- designed prl-
fo? iSl ZZX.t0 V- bu,J" ''""celled
. . hi"ds of weather that rt.
from' whe.Ull?r rotm?l,on "hoos.
Ind'.l.'' black nav' 1 cardinal
A Sale of Christmas
Articles in the Toilet Goods
& Drug Sections, Tuesday
6-pleoe. ebony and hone manicure
sets, worth IJ.76. at il.gii. "n,cur
4-pleoe, ebony or bone manicure
sets, worth .00. at 11.59 ,rur
J 1. 00 boxes perfumes at 7c.
60c boxes perfumes at 39c
7ac boxes perfumes at 6c.
at Vi" ' 76 rlent1 tolIe watera
8-ol. bottle Iloubiganfs Ideal
toilet water for 13.95.
75c box of Plnaud's soaps for 9c
.&! lottle Axuiea or I Trefle
toilet waters. 6Sc. The same waters
In the 1. 50 bottle size, 11.39
bruits. Ti eb"ny t,0theS
brSsl?e.. 69TeWOOd b"Ck Clth"
ha!? " urhes.nViU4ral ,n'UUry
$1.60 hair brushes with celluloid
tacks. 98c.
Large. 10-lnch sire. $1.25, hollow
back combs, 7yc.
An Elegant Goiun Oak
Rocker Only $5.00
The rocker that we shall place
on aale Tuesday at thia special
price is made of heavy solid
golden oak and, in appearance, is
very similar to the above illustra-tlon-the
kind that will last a life
time. Formerly we sold them at
18.00 each.
Come to the Christmas Store
House Coats
Fancy Vests.
Great Bar
gain Offer
ings on Jew
elry Tuesday
visit Toy Fairyland
ti-Toys, dolls, games, sleds, wagons and
Vt v "S everj thing and anythiug to make
the hearts of the little folka happy
Most Complete Stock Shown
o sj-
in Omaha.
Drlng the children; let them enjoy
themselves with old Santa Claua among
the toys.
Gift Hooka at, H nrgnlar Itetail rrlcoa. A
clean sweep sale of our entire stock. this week.
Suggestions in Our
Silk Section
Of bordered or Jacquard Crepe
de Chines, ready hemmed, 2
yards long, all colors, regu
lar values to $2.50
OS and 81.25
Silk Waist Patterns Put up in
fancy Xmas boxes, come in
fine novelty, bordered or
stripes and checks, no two
alike, $4 values, at $2.50
Wm. F. Reed's
Are beautiful for waist of
dress and a pattern would be
a splendid gift. We show
75 different shades, giving a
wonderful assortment for
your selectfon, at, yd. 81.25
Imported Tennis Flannel
Walbt Patterns, fast colors,
thoroughly shrunk, Just the
thing for stylish tailored
waist, $3.00 values,' on sale
-at-;-.-; ... ..-.v. . TV. si .TR
Gift SugKCstions
You" rJll Ai,cur
Find i gT-- ;Xma$
of Almas W'W W' m
Half "fe "TT". , Moii' . ''
Here This 13 P , ' ' ' '1
Week ' i 3.' '
Men's 33c Silk Four-in-Hand
Ties put
up In fancy box,
at 17
3 for 50
Men's Fine Silk Tlci
Men'a Gloves -Values
Men's Gloves Values
Men's 50c Set
Ties and Socks to
match. In fancy
hot for gifts
at 2S
Men's Suspenders
Values up to $1.60,
In fancy box, great
bargains, 75c, 4lc
and 25.
Regular values up to $1.00, on sale
4fl and 2Rjt
to $2.50, lined or unllned, ons ale
f)8t and 40
to $2.50, lined or unlined, on sale at
$1.08 to S4.50
An Immense Stock of Holiday Slippers
The floor stock of two of the largest manufacturers In' the
United States offers to buyers a magnificent assortment for selection
at wonderful eavlng prices.
Men's tan or black hand turned Faust Slippers; regular price $3.50,
&t. .82.50
Men s tan or black Romeo, Everett or Opera Slippers; regular prices
$2.50, at .. '' t v8J,75
Men's $2.00 black or tan Everetts, Operas or Romeos, kid' of chainoli
lined .... .$1.50
Men's tan or black $1.60 Everetts, Operas and Romeos,. .... -81.00
Women's $1.50 and $1.75 Fur Trimmed Juliets; red grey, blue,
brown, wine and black ' -SI OO
Child's Plush House Slippers and Women's comfortable Slumber
Slippers t
Queen Quality Shoes, all kind 84.00 nd $350
Grover's Shoes for tender feet, up from .8225
Buy him a Stetson or Crossett Shoe for men who appreciate the best.
Women's Crochet Slippers with warm lamb's wool soles, hand or ma
chine' work, , up from ,. s ; 50
Why Not a Kitchen
Here's a perfect beauty, on
sale ..................
Golden Oak, dull rub finish, nlc'k
elold, full sliding top, ' removable
bread board, la 75 inches high, top
Is white enameled inside, large re
movable flour bin with sifter at
tached, Florentine glass doors,
glass spice, coffee, and tea can
nlsters, large cupboard with slid
ing shelf, two drawers, removable
metal bread and cake drawer, a
fine gift, a handsome piece of fur
niture, on sale
Other Cabinets up from 9 15 to 835
. A.. s
'I .'
X 1 V
. ' t
Closing Out All Blankets for Christmas
All $1.25 Blanket
All $1.50 Blankets
All $2.00 Blankets
AH $2.60 Blankets
All $3.00 Blankets $1.90
Cloning out Comfortables, 5J)
75 85" Sl.OO 81.25
81.50 82 $2.50 $2.05
$3.05 $4.95 etc
Extra Special on Lace and
Cluny Center Pieces; prices cut
deeply to clear before Xmas.
Silk and Mercerlied goods for
party dresses, dark, light.
printed, plain and Jacquards;
worth up to $1.00 yard, t
yrd 18 25 39 50
Good Things to Eat for Xmas
Anythtnr you want, ws fcava It, 4
ava yoa irom as to 60. Iava your
ordsra sarly.
iH-ih. sack Uian.ond Flour, made
from the best aelecteU wiieat, pnr
1 lt. best tSranulatetl Sugar .. .Sl.OO
Vork State Bolleil Ciller for your puit-
UIiik. bottle, prr bottle SOO
I.aiK bullies aorlrd Fl.'kles, Vor
ieter tauca or Klne Tomato Cat
sup, bottle 8 'so
Jello or Jellycon. pka: 7l0
lib. jars lire Fruit Preserves. . .S5o
Fancy Queen Olives, quart 40o
HI De Oil vex, ran 8 Jo
Oil or aluatard Sardines, can 4s
Imported Snullnes. ran SSo
3-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy
or S')uan S'.0
1-lb. cans Assorted Siups T'iO
Hurt,' Puddliia. per can... 100 and 380
Pure Apple Cldar, ttallon, Jus In
cluded 36o
DrUd Traits. Tin for Pnddlura. F!s.
Cakes aad Sane.
Tlia best t'amiied Lemon, Orange or
ltron Peel, lb ...SOo
Cleaned I'urranta. lb ..loo
Muscatsl tulalna. lb ...10o
Mulr Peaches, lb , '
California Cookln FUs'lb iS2
bultana Kulslns, lb iai
Italian I'runes. lb '. ioS
.SfIikK8" beBl t,ond'fcoa Wlnci'Mrut
v.... v-w, v ; ; i.?0
Boat Mlxsd jrnta. par lb.. . . . . .. "Ho
Our famous aTUrhlaad Mavsl Orair.s
par dosau 16c, Sue, 8 So and 300
Boy Tour Frssh Vserstablss at Hay
dsn's. Oet the Bast sad Sara
The rrult and v--.abU Market of
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or RaiJ-
inhea, 3 bunches for 10a
Fresh C'abbaice. Km aba gas or lub-
tiard Kquauli, per lb IHo
Old Keet. Turnips. Carrots or lir-
sntpa, lb. tCtO
Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes. lb.)i,e
t heads frerh HotlioiiHe Lettuce. .. to
Fanvy Cauliflower. lb... THo
Lariia Cueunitxrs. each..- TV.0
Cape Cod t ranberrlcs, per it loo
a Kotle c? V004I wine or liouor
for Xmaa, try liayuen'a. It pays.
Try UAYDEtl'S First