j 12 THK HKK: OMAHA. TUKSDAV. DKCKMBER lf, 1911. ill ; ? GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Jef ling: it Now More Friendly to the j Buying- Side of Wheat SMALL RESERVES PREDICTED Car Marl la roaltloa to Be Forced Higher hr Light Receipts and mall .4, meant of foe- tract t'orn In Stocks. OMAHA. lec. 18. 1911. There was a strong and hlahcr Liver. Pool a heat cable this morning, prubably reflecting mora bullish news from Ar gentina. Altogether the reeling Is more friendly to the buying side and there Is Jess fighting spirit In the bears. There la no doubt that 1912 a 111 start with the smallest wheat reserve on farms In many ) ears. The corn market Is In position at present to be forced higher by the light receipts and the small amount of con tract corn In slocks. Weather conditions over the corn belt are not favorable, trlvlng the market a stronger t jne. Hislier cables stnrtrd shorts 10 covering and bulls were confident buyers cm better iemsnd from all sides. Cash wheat was higher. crv light receipts owing to unfavorable weather gave corn a sharp advance. I'n less receipts materially pick up corn val lies will work steadily higher. Cash cum was Vulo higher. Primary wheat receipts were 903.000 bu. and shipments were IM.tX) bu., against receipts last year of 1,.1H,000 bu. and slilp tments of 197.UOO bu. Primary corn receipts were 877,000 hii. and shipments were . bu., analnxt receipts last year of l.U,v bu. and ship ments of fio7, bu. ' Clearances a ere f.9no bu. of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour etial to &41.400 bu. Liverpool closed .frl'd higher on wheat nil hiti higher on corn. The following cst.li sales were reported: WHHAT-No. hard: t cars, WSc; 4 rrare, tow. No. 3 hard: I car (choice!, W'ac; I oar, Hc; 3 cars, Mtc No. 4 hard: 1 car, 97o. 1 (X)RN-Ng. 2 white: 2 cars. 0c. No. I whits. 1 car. Tutc. No. 4 white: it cars, f.c. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, fc; 8 cars, MV; I cars, M'o. No. 4 yellow. 9 cars, 7Vc No. a mixed: I cars, ac. No. 4 Iwilxed: 1 car (part old), Sir; 1 cir, Wo, B cart, 674c; 2 cars, 67c. No grade: 1 tar, tie; 1 car. M'c; 1 car, WSc ' OATS No. 1 white: 13 cars, 4Hc. No. 4 white: t cars, 46'ic. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, ( Omaha ash Frisre. WHEAT-No. t hard. SHcf'l 01 : No. hard, Hscygtl-OO; No. 4 hnrd. WfltWViC CORN No. 1 white, Wttt0tojR; No. t white, 5K'nk-; No. 4 white, STVijCVic; (No. S yellow, Wkftic; No. 4 yellow, Sl'it 67Vc; No. I, WjUbtc, No. 4, 67fc; no ig fade, aSQKSc. OATH No. I white, iim'c; standard, j4;W46llc; No. t white, mQ1c; No. 4 whits. 4tu4.'i,c: No. S yellow, 43,46'Ao; No. aj yellow, 4fVMc. BARIJCV-Malttng, I1.HGL20; No. 1 feed, 70w0c. ' KYU-Ne. 2. SH'iyWHc; No. 3, tSVxtfW'.xC Carlot Meceijste. Wheat. Corn. Oats. C hicago 12 181 m Minneapolis 62 lOmaha .14 90 2G Iulirtn 141 CHICAGO GHAIM AMI ritOV ISIOX (re.t.r. of th. Trsa... sad CI..1-. Prices ss Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 18. Wheat shorts look (fright today at a sensational advance In prices at Huenoe Ayres, the result of In peasant rains apparently putting an end to bright harvest prospects In the Argen tine. The close here was nervous at c ,to lo advance over Hsturday night. Corn 'made a net gain of NVTc to Mf'o and oata a shade to Hfi'.c. Latent trading Uaft hog products varying from Zo lower to a rise of be. 1 Sentiment In wheat was bullish from the start. Cables from tha Argentina told not only (if much higher quotations and cf delay to the harvest, but also of the twor quality of the crop. A report that IH boat loads ol Manitoba wheat had seen sold fur shipment to Kurope had a further tendency to dishearten the hears. .1 addition there came word that 175.000 arrets of flour had been disposed of at tlnneapolia. Free selllna- near tha end uf tha session led to an unsettled feeling, but was attributed wholly to a desire to aeoura profits. May ranged from Dr. to ll.oo, closing at to:Uc, an advance of lc net. Forecasts of unsettled weather hardened tho market for corn. Huge shipments from tha lanube attracted attention, but Old not affect prices. May fluctuated from to W? closing firm W 40 up at MVUtV :h grades were In .canty supply. No. I yellow was quoted at "lc for old. Oata derived a little strength from other grain. t'pper and lower levels touched by tha May delivery proved to be 'Ho and 4xSc, with the close Ho net blither at 4XTc. Iilg exports of lard bolstered up the provision market despite a heavy run of lioga. At tha end of the day pork showed a gain ef IV to 6c and other product was within mo either way from tha figures of Saturday night. Cash quotations were as follows: rtlc 1 Open. Might. Ixw. Close. iSat'y. Wheel Dec. Nny. July. Cora. Deo.. May. July. Oata. ro.. May. July, fork. Jan.. May. July. Iard, Jan.. May. atlba. Jan iWVriiS si 'A I44jV ;4srv 47 4X ax li Kt 1 00 95i 4l4Vst,'M4r' HI i I" 47 4H 47S 4'V4eHJ,it6HjV IS 50 15 971 1 0i 14 10 CU'9134-In 1 u lur.K.v July. 1 ID s a IS K 111 S7-40 16 U U 14 974; ic ten 9 02V, ( 15 10 30 8 SO a 4Jvk474-60 I. -c. Harley 112 IiUii 16.W). Clover; pemher, ".'S'l; March, 7s44: May, 7a.1Sd. " ttiHN fot. firm: American mired 11I. rtitures. firm; January, SsPtd Fehruarv, hn 7'l FIAJl'R Winter patents. 27s d. SKW IOHK UEJKHAl, SI AHKKT . vmRim 1 nr.. , jfvi, . if.. r ri i r I. 111 , I. tiu.i .. 1 . . . . . . " ''i.", wimr rsinis, 11 ntieiw; spring cleirs, 4 Vii 4.SH; winter etra No. 1, i-1.70 J.S: winter extra No. 2, .1iV4tl B; Kan etralghts, I4MM4.7H. Receipts, K.OSH bu.; shipments, 21. 22 bu. Rye flour, stesrfv fal. .n 1 -s..tnr. .- .... f, , aHI, ,w JUIFU, fl.l.Flil.1.11, .nun n m 'viD.w, riucKweat iiour, quici, j,, nunared pounds. f'ORNMKAIj-flteady; fine white and Vellow, ai.il.W; coarse, tl.Se4j1.60i kiln dried. t3.b.Vb.'l To. lit F-Hledvr Vn i tTr. o I t Rnff.ln to srrlve. HA ni.KV Kln.Hv .llnrr 11 . C. I t M,,ffl " WKKAT Knot msrVet lloitv K'n 1 fd, 97hC .elevator, evnnrt tiaiila mrxA "" . ., anuai, io. i normern Iuluth, tl I4',c, t. o. b.. afloat. Futures . . , in mi mi a nnsrp anvance in Liverpool and lluenns Ayres, rain In the n. ii,n,nris ina covering ror the government report, closing 4o net i, 7... . . m . siar, h.'wiiiimw, cioeea at Il.Oi'sc. Re ceipts. 17fi.i0 bu. "RNspot market flrtl: exnort new 7V-, f. o. b nfloat. J.jtures market wne nominal, uecelpts, 49, bu.i ship ments, bu. OATS Hpot market firm; standard white, i4c In elevator; No. 2, 64Sc Kut tires market was nominal. Receipts 56.4:5 bu. . II AY Firm; prime, nominal; No. 1, V7('i:'; N"- 2' ' """I IS; No. 3, Oficeitl.OO. HOFB-Hrm: slrstly, common to choice, 1911. frKriSiic; wi, nominal; i'aclflc coast 191 1. 4Mj0c; mn, nomlnsl. HIIKH Ktesdyi Central America, 22c; Bogota. IWiXjir. LIOATH Hit Firm; hemlock flmts, 2!va 27c; smoiids, 2t.iR'; thirds, 2Kb'.'2c; re Jects, Ifte. I'ROVIHIONH-rork, steady; mess. tl7.45 I..M; fsmlly, tl.0fKo20.0i; short clears, I7.2.7tlg.2r1. Reef, firm; mess, C.00fiH.5O; family, tl4.fiUtilft.Wl; beeves, hams. ma .11.00. Cwt. meals, (Heady; pickled bellies, 10W14 pounds, 9',c; pickled hams, ll'yllc. Ijard, easy; middle west prime, 9. WaV.M; refined, barely steady; continent, H.0; Houth America. tl0.2f.; compound, titilc. TALUiw htesrty; prime city hhds., tc; country, 6ifi;p. IMJTTKR Firm; creamerv specials, Site, extras, tfc; creamery, held special, SM 3fiVc; extras. a3V'nJIVic; process specials. CH F.KCre Firm; skims, mnc. K.lOrt-Unsettleci; fresh gathered extras. 4446c; extra firsts, 414H2c; western gath ered whites, 8&(5c. ForLTUV-Allve. tincertaln; western chickens, llftimc; fowls, 124iifl3Vic; tur keys, 14c; dressed, quiet; western chick ens, 6ftlc; fowls, 6'rtlttc; ttirkeys, 13tj21o. t. I.oals General Market. ST. Dec. 18 -WHET-Hlgher; trsck. No. 2 red, 97HHc; No, 2 Kurd Ddcittl.ON; December, !Wc; Julv, MUP COltN Higher; track, No. 2, 4ci No t white, S0'lii2c; May, 66(B66Hc. OATS Steady; track. No. 2. 48c; No 2 white, 4'(B4lVic; December, 48'ic; May. 4" R YK Steady, at 4c. FLOl'R Firm; red winter patents. H 40 0 4 76; extra fancy and straights, f.l.Soy 4.8fi; hard winter clears. t3.IWtf4.15. 8KKI Timothy, I14.00ft-1G.60. CORNMEAL fa. 30. HRAN julet; sacked, east track, tl.witf HAY Lower; timothy, tX.OOWX.W. 1tOVIHIONS-l'ork, unchanged; Job b.rig. $15, M). Ijird. uncnanged; prima steam. tH.KOiiS.90. Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed, extra ahorts, IX.2&; clear ribs, tl ; ' short clears. tS.37H. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, fj.ij; olesr ribs, tS.24; short clears. tC tH. IWLTRY-KIrm; chlckena. 71c; spring. r; turkeys, ir; ducks, 124c; geese, 8c. Ml'TTER Hteady: creamery, a36o. EUUS-Unchanged, at 27c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bhls I4.M 7.H00 ..neat, bu 49.000 2s.000 Corn, bu 1W.0OO 44.000 Oats, bu 1W,00) 24.WI0 Kansas f'ltr C'rala aod Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Deo. II. IVMRAT- Pteady to 1e higher; No. 1 hard, Wcta$1.04; No. 8. 97c4i1.03; No. 2 red. 4i4ff9oc: No a. 8.1lJllci December, 97Ho; May, tl; July, 93V- CORN Steady to Me higher: No. I mixed, .1'i,(iifU4c; No, 3, (KuglHc; No. 2 white. 3iH:iStK: No, t. Mc: December. OiHc: May, 0V.i4c. OATM- unchanged; No. 2 white. 4SMS 49'ic; No. 2 mixed, 49e. 1 ill r. h:wov4C. HAY Steady; choice tlmnthv. 119. ftoa 20.00; choice prairie, tit. 25ft 13. fto. uti t rrJK t.reamery, bc; firsts. 33c. seconds, 31c; packing stock. 204c. l'juiis-cxtraa, sic; iirsts. Kw: seconds. 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu tti.ooo 'jo.ouo Corn, bu 123.OJ0 58,00 Oata, bu 44.000 8,000 Mlaaeaonlls ftrala Market. MINNKAPOLIS. Dec. 11L WHEAT December. tLKIHc: May. tl.07Vc: Julv. li on's. Cash: No. 1 hard, tl OS1; No. 1 northern, 1.0&'4iil.OTi; No. 2 northern, tl.OJI-iiJfl.Oa; No. 8. tLOO,4ti1.01'4. iiAiujii .Jrtjji.i;. CORN-No. t yellow. Mtfffrte. . OATS No. I white, 4i4iiSiC. RYB-No. 2, ITtttiSc. B VIA N 423.001 i. Ml. FLOUR Higher: first patents. 15.0of 5.30; second patents. f4.80tj-l.tiO; first clears, t3.b04r3.8S; second clears. t3.40ft2.Mk. tlsllite soaitlr at Orala. NEW YORK, Deo. It, The visible sup ply uf grain In tha I'nlted States Satur day, December W, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as fol lows: Wheat 71,738.000 bu.: Increaae, 1, 849. k bu. Corn, 4.03.000 bu.; decrease, 43.O0 bu. Oats, 19.240,000 bu.i decrease, "IK.uuO bu. Rye, 1,424,oiO bu.; Increase, 153. Ouo bu. Ilailay, 4,uii.0w bu.i decrease, 51,009 bu. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Pricet More in Hetitating- Way on the Exchange. SELLING MOVEMENT STRONG l aloa raelfla lasses t'ader Pressare Tbroagaoat Day aad Its lleavl. eas Arts as Draa; I'poa tae Market. Chicago cash Prices Wheat : No. 3 fed, 9H!9iV; No, 8 red, tMtttalc; n0 a hard, WHfjtl oj; No. I hard, Wc1.00; No J northern. ti.OVol.09; No. 2 northern, tl 04 tul.m; No. t northern, tl.tt."ul.07; No 3 aprlng, 9ctitl.0u; No. 3 spring, fc'ic'ijlf 04 No. 4 spring, Wcvll.03; velvet chaff, Weil 81 05; durum, aiMitl.Oft. Corn: No. 2 old 'lOoi No. 2 yellow, old, 71o; No. 3 alVsti fcio; No. 2 yellow, muti2ic; old, 70c; No. 4. 5Sii5!t'.ic; old, Cbviutibc; No. 4 white, WJtwc; No. 4 yellow, toaiHc. Oats No. a white. vt4H!tc; No. 3 white, 4.V !0V4c; No. 4 white, 40H447c; standard ye: ru Timothy: 113 "30.25. r UOL R Easy: winter patents, t3.70 4 HO; winter straights, t3 iii4.ho; spring patents. t. 7Uit -an; spring straights, U.Ua JlVfi-No. 2. 9Jo. UAKLr.1 Feed or mixing, 80c$11.00; B.r u viiuir nailing, 11 utl KKhUis Timothy, tl2.ioulo.oJ. Clover PROV1.SION8 Pork, nieks. ier 1,1.1 ll5.om15 2i. Ijird, per 100 lbs., t-i.ui. Short tibs, sldva (loose). r;.75. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 241,0u0 bu. Primary receipts ! were 9U,ou9 bu., compared with l.Htt.ouO bu. Tha visible supply of wheat In the 1 ulted States Increased 1.J.U.WO bu. for tha week. The amount of breadstuff on vcean passage decreased 2,33.OuO bu. Kelliuated receipia for tomorrow: Wheat. 42 cars; corn, 272 care; oats, Do2 ears; iiogs, iCi.ltM head. KUTTfc-R rirm; creameries, WjjJ4c; dairies. 2i31c rKJU Finn; receipts, 1.533 cases; at murs, cases Included. Ztii'Ae; firsts ' Jit itc; prime firsts. 31c. CUthinK steady; daisies. Hf16c twius, 'alWic; young Americas, liVu Ibc; long horns, liSlic POLLTRY-lrrtgular; turkeys. 14(21Wc chickens. loft'lVisc ; springs, luc VUAli-BiMdy; 7il Ho. Cxlot Receipts Wheat, 12 cars, with lions of contract grade; corn, 182 curs with 4 of contract grails; oats, csrs' 1tal receipts of wheat at Chicago. Min neapolis and Duluth today ware 716 cars ximpared with 1.0 cars last week and' 74 cars tha corresponding day a year ago. aarar Market. NPJW YORK. Dec, 18. tSlTOA R Raw Nouilnal; Musoovado, 9 test, 4.37c; cen trifugal, 9s test, 4 7c: molasses sugar, S3 test, 4.1tc; refmad, quiet. NKW YORK. Dec. 18. Prices moved In a hesitating way on the stock exchange. I n undertone wss heavy and the drift became more decidedly downward. tiraoing was lively at the opening. It was apparent that stocks were helps' sold as fast as the market could absorb them and traders on the long side were able to do little. A few Issues Including Lehigh alley, the Krles and some of tha copper stocks showed a fair degree of strength, but yielded later under a steady supply. Ihlgh Valley waa the excep. tlon. It rose to 1M"4. the highest once in several months. The onlv explanation of the strength was the railroad report mat tne management would soon outline plan of segregating the company's coal lands from the railroad property. t niiefl mates hi eel moved with the other Industrials and closed a point off. Manufacturers reported that there had been no falling off In Incoming business and It was expected that the demand for rails would become more active. A large part of the speculative Interest waa attached to trading In I'nlon Pacific, which had been sold freely for several days. The stock was under pressure throughout the day. Its heaviness acted as a drag on the market. The fortnightly figures of the Ruropean supply of copper were more favorable than had been expected. Monds were Irregular. Total sales par value t3..K8.000 United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of salex and leading Quotations uf slock were as follows: Bt!a. Uixb. Low. Clot. Aini-cniimers Mi Amalsamited Copper v. Amerlrtn Agricultural .. Am. beet Kiissr Amertrin rn Amsiiras (.'. 6c K Am. 'ottofi oil Amerl.'ia H. a- I., std... Am. Ic surttle Amsrlran l.lnaeeil Amsrlran Locomoflvs .... Amsrlt-sn 8. at H Am. 8. A It. pld Am. Steel Foundries Am. Husar Heftnlns Americas T. 4fc T. ....... Americas Toharce pfd.... American Woolan Aoaronda Mining Ce Aiihlaon At.hlaun pld Atlantic Coaat Una Baltimore Oslo Bathleliam Htael HrooKlyn Kapld Tr anadlan Pacific 'antral Leather Central Leather pfd antral or r.aw Jersar.., rtioeapeake at Ohto....i.. "htcso a: Alton i;hlcao O. W., saw 'hlcase . W. pfd Chlcaso N. W Chlcaso, M. St. P.... t:.. ".. C A 9t. L 'olorado T. A I Colorado A Hnutnera onaolidatad Oaa 'orn Frnducta Delaware a Hudaos benrer A His Uraads.... t). ft. O. pfd ntatlllars' Racuritlaa .... Kris Kris lat pfd Krla td pfd Oanarsl Kleotrio Oraat Northern prd ((mat Nortbara Ore ctfl.. Illinois Central Intertorousk Mat 1st. MM. pfd International ttarvestar.. International Paper International Pump lows Central Kansas 'ltj Ho K. C. So. pfd Laclada oaa Lonlavllle 4k Nashville.. Minn. 4V Bt Lou la M . ft. P. A S. S. M.. Mhaourl. K. A T St.. K. A T. pfd MUaourl Paclfte National Rlarult National Lead N. It. It. of M. M pfd.. Naw Tack Cantrsl N. Y . O. A W Nnrfntk Wsators North American Northern Paolfia ,- faclfln Mall Pansaylvanls Paopla'a Uaa P., '.. -. A It. U PHiaburih I oal Praoaad Stool tar ,. Pullsiaa Palace Car Railway Stool gprtnf.... Head ln Hepubllo Stool H.publlo Stasl pfd Hock Island Co.... Hvrk laland t o. pfd St. U 4 I, r. M pfd... St.- Louis a. W m, I, s. W. etd Sloae-Sttofflald S. A Snuthara Psclfle , Southern Hallway .... So. Hallway prd Tennaaaee Vepar ..... Taaaa A Pacific T , HI. L A W T . St. U A W. pfd.. t'nlon Paclflo t'nlon Paclflo pfd I'nlted Statea Realty., t'nlted Ktataa Rubber. I'nlted States Stoat... V. I. Htael ptd t'tah Cupper Va -I Vrollna Oiaislcal Wabaah Wanaah pfd Waatera Maryland ... Waatlsshouae Blactrle weatars unloa Whaallsg U C Lehigh valley I.. 4o t' 8 !' K.ino ' (ii fi' a.7io a.14 1 I'a i.OOO t IiuVt lis l.inii u it mi, eno M K (4t4 t)0 44 44 44i K" 1) 'i H lis) MS ti 3.M0 74Vt TSNa 7)H 104 104 UK 1WH 33 . 1 l4Vs l.tdO 140H W UV'M 1,4(10 103S IWH 10214 t t.tOO IHi 5H 3.4C0 10S 10414 l'S 400 104 104 10:1 1.IO0 l.M4 1544 1,400 IMS 10S I"3 "4 2S 400 77Vi 77 7 l.MMI Hi 240 240 too tl ST tni 100 tlH II4 404 lit 1,(00 744 7344 7 IS 24 . ion 4 100 4 It'; l1i 14 1.400 111' 1U) 1U 41 700 2H 21 27't MM 47 47 4s 400 1J M IDS 44W ll'i 14 I0S f- 1'4 aw IIS 21'4 tos 0 44 S 44S 44 S SM ' IIS S II 10,400 SI 14 31 S 12 1,4011 14 f3S tl 100 43S 4IS 424 400 lf,IS 1M IMS Lino I2s 12'4 12s 1,400 ir KS iks 100 141 141 140 404 IIS H 144 1, 000 4IS 41 41 700 104 17 107 . S US 100 17S 17 17 200 fSS 211 S M4 104 4IV- 44S 44 144 S l.SOO 117 - 144 164 14 tOO 1US 1'4 IMS 100 IIS MS I4S 44 1,100 40 IIS IIS loo ins IMS IMS 2.4(10 H 1,3 MS U0 34 S I4S MS ,1l 107 0S KMS l.ioe 40 i ivtt 1.400 ioS 10744 101 too TIS 7S 71 a.4K 114 IHS 11KS 4U0 1144 90S M 4.400 !?IS 171 171 2O0 Ki 10IS 101 400 17 44 S 47 ... ... ' II 100 ,X3S US US H7 too IIS US "S I.4H0 IMS ISIS IMS 1,400 MS JiS 14 (04 4S 4S 14 1.4O0 14 24 S I4S 400 44 4S 4S 440 41 41 41 . It .. 71 . la Retain Opper. rS " p'd 4S Kerr lkm l't 'ah ton 1S lha Copper li a copper Co.... 14 la sallc I'nnpper .. Rv.lnnna a Miami Copper 11 Wolverine li Ka-dlYldcnd. I.oadoa Stock Market. lNTON, Ieo. 14. Amerlcsn securities were quiet and steady during the first hour today. At noon prices ranged from unchanged lo Vi higher than Saturday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Conaola. money ... 77!,nwtsvtl!a aV Naab lSflS .. TTSalo.. Kan. a Tea.. w .. SN" York Central II0S .. "a Norfolk A Weatara.lltS ..lots do pfd II .107 Ontario A Western. 40 Raltlmors A Ohio. .104SPenneylanla H Canadian Pacific . 247 Rand Minos rneaaneoke A Ohio. 7SRea'tlns 71 l.l. ureal Waatarn. lOSRoutharn Ry 40 mi., mm. su P lus dn pro ?m aera II Southern Paclfle ....114 . Iienrar A Rio O... tt t'nlon Paclflo 171 do pfd 4s do pin Brla 14 f 8. Steal 7 60 lat fpd MS do prd 114 do Id pfd 44SWahaab 7 Orand Trunk do pfd 17H Illinois Ontral 144 hilvkr Bar, steady at s 6-lOd per ounce. MONET tV34 peP cent. The rale nf discount In the open market for short bills is a 15-134 per cent; for three months' bills, i 13-1&&3T4 per cent. An account Amal. 1 Vppor Anaconda .... Atchlaon dn pfd ... 1 ...424 ...100 ...144 ...140 ... 40 44 . I. KW 111 112 11; 1.4O0 100 44 11 14 ! 71 47S 71 17 ' 22 S tOO IMS 144 tOOAS ... 11 70.000 171 U4 lis 171S 4rt Peoria Market. PrcORJA, Dec. It. CORN-Hlgher; No 1 white, 6Jc; No. 4 white, 0c: No. I yel low, Jc; No. 4 yellow. 60c; No. t mixed. t!c; No. 4 mixed. Hoc; aampla, 57c tiATrV-Hlgher; No. t white. 4'4x!; stand ard. 4Mc; No. t white, 47Sll44o; No. 4 White, 47 S. M'.lsvaahee Urala Market. MILWAITCKP, Dec. ll-WHKAT-No 1 northern, tl-Otf; No. t northern, 11070 l.074; No. 1 hard Winter, 90o,u3; May. Wc; July, U0S. tAT Standard, 4c. UARLKY Malting, tl l2l!4. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 1 -MKTAI Jft-tand-ard copper, firm; spot and December, $13 .ootaua.ib; futurea, tlt.oiia.). London market, steady; ix)t, Icy t-m ad; futures, Ii3 as 9d. ljtks copier. ltip'USc; electroly. tic, 13'.tiHc; casting, 13SdUc. Tin, firm but quiet; spot, t!4 bovjttl 0U; futures $12 JOW4S.UI. London market, firm: spot lAJi; fiiture, (194. Lead, firmer at tt 40 tit 50. New York, and tt :U14i4.40, Kut hi. Louis. London. Hi as 9d. Shelter, .inlet .;a"i436. New York, and t U04KL20, Ksat St. Louis. Ixindon. in 17s W. Antlmunv, dull; Cooks. ill's. 17. 7S. Iron. 'Uv.l.n',1 warrants, 4s 7d In Txndon. Ixically Iron wss quiet; No. 1 foundry northern, lit 7f.4ilb.00; No. i t!4 btna 14.7; No. i southern and No. 1 southern soft, tl4-26 tf 14 75. HT. IXIl'lS, Dee. 1.-MBTALB-I- easier, at tt.tf. Bpelter, firm, at ta-Al tlvaiMtraleal Aisles sal Itrleat rnli. NKW YORK Iten tl -irvinoDieirn . - , , I-XJ ArpLKS yulet and steady with little in sen, aunougn receipts con tlnueheavy for export: on the spot fancy. lltollOWV I'hlll, kLllVUo hrlm. LT. .. IlKlKll l'KI'IT-b'lrm '. -'., demand and small offerings; quoiatloiis rsnse irom 110 lor 4. alllornlas. up to 40-s. loSlSu for Oregons. Apricots, quiet, but firm in sympathy with the coast: choice lSifil&u. - r- u A, ... . ' - - . V.iviui, ioxi loc; fancy, 17qisc. peaches, steady, but "wu.no. naiaina, nrnt. vuk 1 iuivt, muse iiiuscatela, eaj7c choica to fancy, seeded. 7tiSc; seedless Llveri4el Orala Market. LIVERPXL, Dec. la.-WHKAT-Slot, frm; No, 1 Manitoba, 7silSd; No. t JUsm-Us. 7s 7,4- Iraiuraa, strong; Da- PklUdlelakla PrtKrare Market. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 11 BUTTER ririu, amrrn creamery specials KJw . . , r. wt. . . ,w- - ' i" " rjirs, euc. K4ii iB-Steady. I'eimsylvatila and othei nearby firsts, free cases, la so ur current rcelpts. free caaea, 4409 per case western firsts, free cases. ! to per case current receipts, free cases, tv 00 per caee! CHILK8K Klrm; New York full creams fu n . . u Ik r fHlw . n it,. . . I j 'f I BVCU, tftf lD4b 1.904 48 47 111.400 4 ITS I.00O Ills 111 an. 7os toif, 400 44S .. 1 100 7 1.4O0 US too 41s 400 44 400 40 10 4 44 41 lis 0 41 S 90S 4S lit 4S in 44S t 14 40 4S l7.tO0, 1I4S 14144, 1134. Total sales tor the day, 444.104 abarea. Naw Yark Meaey Market. icw 1 ui.n, i .". jn. sniff Ei X tfl call, steady, at tSy3S per cent; ruling rate, 1. per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, u , , ft ,nil Hill!" alvlu anil nln.u . i . . , i. IS Ier cent: six months, 4 per cent. I'ltlMK MERlUNTlLE PltKR-lUHiU per cent. BTKRLINQ EXCIIANOE-Klrm. with MV.Ukll WMaillwa .,. wills HI . tVO ... . I , u Amvm mwtA a, 1 1 VtLU C. 1 . v, ,j.jr wnj m f l.prp, Bv UVIIIMIIU, oommerrlal bills, 94. KI. SILVER liar, bt'mc: Mexican dollars 4c. HOND8 Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows- V.'t. rat. . rag. ..140 Int. M. M. 4Ss 44 do ooupoa mo 'Japes 4s , as I. B. la. reg lu,1 4Sa lis do esupos USK. C. So. 1st la 71 . 4. 4a. ra 111 U S. dob. 4a i41... l o nuw m .n. uni. 4a.... as AIIUV-..IUU. I" "" '. as t. lac as.. M "Amor. Af. 4s 102 do (so. 4Sa -. llu A. T. A T. o. aa...iw,Mo. Pacific 4. n? . . . am aitAar u t. . . . do sa nj SN. Y. c ,. ... as Amour A 4S. 4Sa.. US do dob. 4a a At.-e.laoa son. 4a.... 4ISN. Y. N. H. A M. WIm -m mm 104 V eff mm tmtmi ado c. la 1"4SN. A W. 'iat'i.' i.' a.u A. C. L. lat 4a 4ftv a er. , 10a Hal. A Ohio 4a 4asNo. Pacific 4a i.i a ae mo aa A aa.. H w ivaa. ... 40SO. a. I. m. Bnoi. Tr. . 4a.... 4ISPaua. CT. Iks ilia! a It Can. el OS. la ! do roa. 4a liuv Con. Latltar la M Haadlns (vn. 4a law atv-of H. J. s. fca..iiis. u A r. Is. 4a sow Ctiaa. Ohio 4a..lls s son. 4a aa ao roi. aa t e. w, a. as., 71 rhla0 A A. ISO.. 44 4o 1st (old 4a ... kit C. b. A W . 4a.... 4Sa. Pac, col. i, ei do gen. 4a 44 do cr. 4a tl Kerr York Mining: Stocks. NKW YORK, Dec. 18. -Closing Quota tions on mining stocks were: Alloa 20, Little Chief , rom. Tunnel stock. 22 Mexican , do honda II Ontario Con. Cat. A Vs.... 74 Ophlr , Iron Silver 110 Kiandard l.ealTllle Con I Yellow Jacket Offered. Kl-(tT. OMAHA OKI KRAL MARKKT. BUTTER No. 1. l-lb.. carton, l.c: No. 1, In o-ll. tubs, 4'xc; No. 2, tfc; pack ing, 1c. CHKK.Sj-Imported Swiss. 32c: Amerl- csn Hwlss, 24c; block rlwlss. 19c: twins, JDc; daisies. 19c: triplets. 10c; young Amer icas, c; blue label brick, i'Jc; llrabcrger, Z-lh., 1'jc. PtiULi'RY Broilers. 18c; springs, Z4c; hens, 12c; cocks, 9c; ducks, 10c; geese, lsc; turki ys, 2uc; pigeons, per dos., tl 20. Alive, broilers, 12-yc; hens, Tc; old rooster and atags, fc; old ducks, full feathered. ll'c:. geese, full feathered, Sc; turkeys, loo; guinea fowls, l&o each; pigeons, per dos., toe; nomera, per aox., 1 Ml; aquabn, No, 1. 1.5"; No. 2. 00c. jcisil fickerei, nc; wnite, c; iiiae, lfic; trout, lc; lurga crupples. lUflHc; tiuanlnh mackerel. Idc; eel. Lsc; haddocks. l.'lc; flounders. 12c; -green catllsh, 10c; roe snaa, ii.w eacu; anaa roa, per pair, oTc; salmon. 1m; halibut, lie; yellow perch, Dc; buffalo, 9c; bullhead. 14o. . Beef cut prices: No. 1 ribs, 18c; No. 2 ribs. 13'Ac: No. a ribs. 9c, Chucks, No. 1, 8c; No 2, 7'Ac; No. 3, W4o. Loins No. 1 liiSc; No. Z, 14'c; no. u, iusc ttounus, No. 1, Ho; No. 2, 9Vc; No. 3, c. Plate, No. 1, h4c; No. 2. be; No. 3, 6',4c. FRUITS Apples: Cooking varieties, per khl ml 7r- Junmlian and tirtmes tioldsn. per bbl., 4.50; Ben Davis, per bbl., 12. 7D; California Hellflower, per box, tl-86; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy, per box 42.50; Washington Bpitzenoerg. per box. 92.60: Washington R. Beauty, per box. t'2.6o; Washington Staman Wlnesaps, per box. t2.W. Bananas: Fancy selected, par bunch, t2.254j2.60. jumbo, per bunch, 2.7t4J 3.75. Cranberries: Wisconsin, fancy, pr bbl., $9.00; per box. 94.26; extra large Jumbo, per bbl.. 910.60. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs., In boxes, per box, $2.60; Dromedary brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkga., in boxes, per box. 13.00; bulk.. In 70-ib. boxes, per lb 8c. Figs. California, per case of 12 M-ounce pkgs., 8&c; per case uf 36 12-ounce pkgs., RW; per case Of 60 tj-ounce pkgs., 32.00; New Turkish, o-crown. In 20-1 b boxes, per lb., 15c;' 6 crown. In 20-lb. boxes, per lb., lfc; -7-crown. In 30-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c Urape Fruit: Florida. 4-8ti sixes, per crate, $4.7 6.00; 90-64-4)4 sixes, per crate, 96.26. U rapes: Malaga. In bbls., to.6OC-tl.00. Lemons: Llmoiielra brand, extra fancy,' 800 slxe, per box, tr 2b; 360 slxe, per box, t6.00; Lomo Llmonelra, fancy, 300-360 sixes, per box, t400; 240 and 420 sixes, 60c r,er box leas. Oranges: California navelj, 9-lj slses, per box, 33.16; 160-17V200-216-2o0 sixes, per box, 13.26; 160-174-200-216-260 sixes, per box, K.2u. I'ears: California ii. Clarlgeau, per 60-1 b. box, 13 00. V EOKTABLES Beans: String and wax, per mkt. bak., tl.0iKnl.i6. Cabbage: Wis consin, per lb., 2c. Celery: Mlcnlgan, per dos., 40c; California jumbo, per dos., 90c. Cucumbers: Hot house, per dos., tD. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos.. 12.00. Uarllc: Extra fancy, wblte, per lb., iso. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40u. Onions: California, white, per lb., tic. Wis consin, yellow and red. In etveka, per lb., 2Vc; (Spanish, per era to, tl-KO. Pars lev: Fancy southern, per dos. bunches. 604V1S0.. Potatoes: Minnesota Early Ohio, per b'L, Il ia, Wisconsin wnite siock, per bu., 4110; in lu-sacn 10m, eu leas, swell Potatoes: Kansas, per bbl., $1.00; per bu. bsk., 116. Rutabagas: In sacks, pr lb. ISC Tomatoes; California, par crate, tl-60. M 1 su KLi,AAtuu o a unona s : Tarra gona, per lb., llc; In sack lots, lo lees. ttraxll nuts: rer id., mc; in sacg lota. lo less. Cocoanuta: Per sack 96.60. Fil berts: Per lb.. 14c; In sack iota, lo leee. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8Vto; raw, per lb.. 7V4c. Pecana: Large, per lb.. 17o; in sack lots, lo lewi. Walnuts: New crop, 1911. California, per lb., 17c; In sack lots. lo leas. Cider: New Nenawka, per 16-gal. H bbl., t3.00; per 80-gal. bbl., t6.60; New York M4t s per 16-gal. H bbl.. 1:1.60: net 30-gal. bbl., 98.W. Honey: New, 24 frames, t3.76. Krout: Per 16-gal. keg, 2.75; per S gal. keg. 11 10; Wisconsin, per Vs-bbl., t3.M. t It K124 i mas i..-uttAi luno-cnriit-maa trees. 4 to t ft., 12 in bdle., per dos., tl.60; 9 to t ft., 12 In bdle, per dos., $2.26; I to 10 ft., t In bdle., per dos., 33.26; U ft.. Der trea 60c: 13 ft., per tree. 76c: 13 ft., per tree. tl. 26; 14 ft., per tree, $1.80;. 14 ft., per trea, i..waz-u; 1 It., per tree, $t.76SS.60; 20 ft., per tree, t3.6oy4.60. Wreaths, etc.: Evergreen wreathing, natural, extra heavy. 30 yds. In coll, coll, $100; evergreen wreaths, with Immortal flowera, per dos., tLM; with holly, per dos., $160; holly wreaths, fancy Dela ware, per dos., i.ou; extra tancy, uaia ware, extra heavy, par dos., $2.00; mag. nolia wreaths, per dos.. tl.60;. holly branches, Delaware, It lbs. In bbl., per bbl.. $1 U; regular pack, slxe cases, ax 3x4 ft., case, $4.60; selected florist holly, per case, 2x3x4 ft., $71.00; mistletoe, shipped only by express, per lb., 20c; needle pines, per dos.. t-' OO. - toffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 18. CO FFKE Fu turea closed steady at a net advance. of 6 to 11 points Bales, 63. MM Dags. Decem ber, 13. Mo; January, 13 46c; February, 13.30c; March, 13 Jbc; May, 13.11c; June, 13.10c: July. 13.09c; August, tVptember, October and November, 13.0KO. Spot coffee, steady: Rio No. 7, 1444?14Vsc: Santos No. 4, I6,c. una, quiet; coraova, 14 SjHi ISHjO. nominal. . Olla aadl Roala. SAVANNAH. Deo. 18. TURPENTINE Firm: 49li!wu. Bales, 697 bbis.; receipts. 6441 bbls.; shipments. III pdis. ; stocks, 41.710 bbls. ROSIN Firm. Bales. 2.H0 hbls.; re ceipts, 3,310 bbls.; shipments. 3.697 bbls. stocks, 132, sib btil Quote: H, sii.7(ii.w . . . 1.- 1, ...-1 a,,, t. ,1 l a ..j u. . I. 3o.7n"7H: K. $7.10; M, $7-25; N, V 30; wa, 17.90; ww, j.76. n . . m m m m m t. , . . v. as. mm - m cot. aa pa O. K. 1. A r. a 4a. Tl mm Hallway 4s. lo7 r.t 1,4 km 1 71 a, u..,,,. 11 .ols. Mid 4a Ii n 4a C. A 9- r A a 4Sa ns do lat a raf. 4a. m, U mm ST C I. ...... . i a M D A R. O. 4 mm Ml mm ... rSallllara's la . Kris . I. 4a..., Sa ss. 4a.... 4, ci. 4s, Bar Am series B.. 111. Vvs. 1st est. 4a. 4e-rasswa la lot. Mot. 4Sa. 71 Bit. Jftorad. HSU a Hum., a. "HI' S. Stool Id to ., 44 Va -t-ar tt.si. j,., 14 Wabash lat la. 44 do lat H ax. 4a 'llHiae. 144. ...,, ItSWaat. Clac. e. Is 74M. Wla. Control 4a isa Ha e. Tt 141 101 47 104 101 loini 1W , 11 , Ml4j , 41 , 14 .101 laaloa Stacks aadl Baada, BtWSTON, reo. 13. C'loatrur quotations on stocas were aa louowa: AII40SS IS Mohawk Amal. Capper 4-.SNai.ada Cuo A. . L a liS.NlBl.rtm Mlsas B. . C. C. A a. 41. ISNurtS Hutu EMUS Conlllloa .... 2SSNortk Lake Cal. A Ariauss aoyold Uouiatoa ... l al. A Hwla HI uasois CeateaataJ II Parrott g. 4V C... Haass C. 1?... 41 Uulnc Keel halts C. at... t'SShaanos , franklin ItHsSutiortor Glru Cos ISSuporlor 4 9 1J Uranb-r t'oa II Tamarack trosns U44M4 4SU, A tf. L H 41 II tS MS 41 ISO II tl II I4S S Ms S Dry OaMsda Market. NKW YORK. Dec IS. DRY OOOD3- Reoueata for prompt shipments of cotton goods not due on order until January 1 were common In the nialla during the day, showing the growth of more confidence among distributers and retailers. The local wool market was steady, but gen erally quiet on forward business. Yarns are quiet with prices Irregular. Silk piece goods are ateaaier. t'ottoa Market. NEW YORK. Dec 1. COTTON-Snot closed quiet; middling uplanda, t.4uc; mid. dllng gun, s.'oc; asuaa, s.iuu Dales. Fu tures opened steady; December, 9. inc. January. 7Jc: February. 8 Tko bid: March. I 90c: Way. 9.04c: June. 9.OX0 bid: July. 9. lsc; August, 9.14c; September, .iio bid October, 9.22c. Futures closed barely steady; Decern ber. 9 22c; January, 3. 64c; February. 9. 90e March, ..; April. 9.VI0; slay, 9.07c; June. 9.12c; July, 9 lsc; August, 9.17c; Bepiember, 9. lsc; octobar, 9.240; Novem ber, 9.2c VaMil Market. ST. IXJC18. Deo. 11 WOOL Steady ; territory and western mediums. 17tJ0c. fine nieuiums. 103 ic; una, iituic. Elala Batter Market. ELGIN. HI., ro. 18. HI "ITER Firm at 6c. Output, 424,700 pounds. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt! Moderate, with Pricet Generally 8tetdy. HOGS SLOW AND' TEN LOWES Reee-lpta of dhres aadl l.araks Not Orerly Lara-e, with Very ralr Denaaad aadl Prices Gea r rally A boat (Keady. POUTH OMAHA, Dec. Is, 1911. RecalDts a,r, rHi 1 1 j ShMD F.stlmate M indly .... t.HO 4.000 11.000 me nay last week.. 8,174 me day 3 weeks ago. 4,9.18 ma day t weeks ago. 6.G7H .me dSV 4 WeeWa m of t OT.". Kama ,4uu 1 . . . . , ..a v a j rrar,. a.oiv ..i, v,nm i ne roiiowing table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with last vear: ion tain itaia. I'm Cattle 1.147.W7 1184.W6 47,288 HK 2.2M.3T9 1.834.036 460,303 Sheep 2.937.0U1 2.940.249 ..1.... 3,130 Th. C. !!.. . , . .. . .,w . v.,,, ..ins tauit nnown tne avciaao prices paid for hogs at .South Omaha for . v icw wim cumiimrisuiie. 6.760 4.819 6.633 6,278 4.419 11.144 9.464 8,476 18.SSS 8.813 Data. I Ml. ln. ilti. 1. . ii . il0n. I llKa. Dec. .. Deo. 9.. Dec. 10. Dec. 11. Deo. 12. Iec. 13 Dec. 14. Dec. 16. leo. It). Dec. 17. Deo. 18. h 97SI 01 SJ 7 321 9 221 5 421 It 161 4 87 7 46 8 90 6 48 4 47 ) 4 44 I M I I 331 6 63 4 34 1 4 21 4 MSI I 4 3b 16 41 4 49; 6 14 6 7'J 4 96l 7 64 16 33 4 71 03 4 83 i 97 7 411 I 29 f 4 491 t 06 4 88 6 9S 7 38l236t8 43nj08 486 OO'sl 7 661 8 091 6 871 I 11 4 el Oul 7 63 8 14 t 301 4 33 4 76 I 7 601 t 15 i 14 4 471 t 18 I 1 8 81 6 821 4 40( 18 4 81 'Sunday. U 1 . a .u , . . m . , ...... ..CTCijua KIIU ineponitiun OI live Blocs at tha Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 viuca suonoay; RECEIPTS CARS. M. & St. P. ny.. 22 abaah R. R, 1 Jnlon Pacific R, II, 3 -'. & N. W.. west... 12 St. P., M. A O.. U ., R. A. Q., east.... 6 '., U. St (J., west.... 33 R. I. At P., eat. U "... H. 1. Jtr P worn lllnnln lotitrnl Ru cnicago 0. w. Ry. 1 10 Total receipts ..164 DISPOSITION HEAD 7 i: 'i 24.. 1 3 H 12 16 6 ,. ..3 2 6 .. ., 2 71 63 2 .4.1a Una--. 1. Omaha Packing; Co 192 tj9 173 Swift & Co 659 1,1X9 1,886 Cudahy Packing Co 706 1,595 2,008 Armour at 1:0 162 1.JW0 873 Hchwartx-Bolen Co 12 Morrell . . a W. R. Vansant Co 60 wenton, Vansant fe L.. 206 Hill A Son 070. F. H. Lewie aa '" Huxton A Co 114 J. B. Root A Co 112 J. H. Bulla VA L. F. Hues r,7 McCresrv A Kellne-ir 9J Werthelnier A Degen... 279 ." H. F. Hamilton 12!) Lee Rothschild i! Mo. A Kan. Calf Co..., 10 " ("line A Chrmtle si Other buyers 1,000 4.120 Totals 4,493 4.83S ,062 CATTLE Reoeluta were mndsrste for a Monday, the arrivals being only about half as large cs they were one week ago, but still Just about as large as they were , the corresponding day of last year. At the same time Chicago reported an overwhelming flood of cattle, with prices way lower. With thla bear feature It waa Impossible for sellers here to raise prices materially on the moderate receipts. The demand for beef steers was verv good and the trade fairly active. Here and there it was possible to find a sales man wno nad something fairly good on which ha thought prices were a little strong as compared with the close of last week. Still it was hardly possible to quota the market any higher and the trade.mlght best ba summed up as gen erally ateady on desirable grades. In terior stuti would naturally be slow and weak, owing to the . adverse reports from Chicago. Cows and heifers also were In fair demand and commanded prices that were generally steady wtih last week's close. Strictly good feeders were scarce and they could be quoted steady, but there waa quite a little sprinkling of medium kinds of feeders and light stock ers, for wnicn tne aemana was poor ana prices lower. . Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. t6.T6trti.0O; fair to good beef steers. 36.OOAx6.76; common to fair beef steers, t4.7646.60; good to choice heifers, M.76(a6.0ti; good to choice cows, t-i.26itu.26; tair to gooa cows, a.uxfl-.io; common to fair cows, t2.764i3.66; good to choice atock ers and feeders, 36.26uj6.00; fair to good Blockers and feeders, t4.76ii)&.26 ; common to fair Blockers and feeders, 33.oOty4.76; stock heifers, t3.o0w4.60; veal calves, tJ.26 U7.&0; bulls, stags, etc., J3.OO4fu.00. BEEF STEERS. Ne. A. Ft. No. At. Ft. . 4 441 l 71 111 I M COWS, 1 ..1011 a 00 1 ii4i 4 11 4 in II 11M 4 11 4 9 44 I IS 9 10-1 4 24 4 114 3 to I NO III I HI I 14 41 Ill 4 21 4 720 I 44 I s7 4 M 1 771 1 14 U M0 4 40 I 1U4 a in HEIFERS. It 471 1 14 II 901 4 10 1 441 I lo II 724 4 14 14 4110 I 14 4 176 4 40 14 4 14 47 Ml I u 14 Ill 4 14 4 144 4 II BULLS. 9 UI4 I 44 1 12M 4 M t 1IW 4 M 1 mo 4 la 1 11M 4 40 1 1160 4 71 1 1!0 I IS 1 1110 4 11 CALVES. 9.. a. 924 4 IS 1 144 I 00 4.... 124 4 40 9 , 110 l , II. .. M III 1 ISO 7 OS 4.... 421 4 71 1 1M f 00 4 120 I 04 170 1 M 1 10 0 00, liO 7 44 I... at!".'".', is 10!!!!.!. 104 ll!.... 14!!".'.'. 11 11. '8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. M0 1 40 ., 4l 4 00 .. 121 4 II ..447 4 15 .. 147 4 90 .. 124 4 to .. 141 4 40 .. 124 4 40 .. Ill 4 41 . .lc 4 10 .. 4J4 4 14 ..WO 4 44 ..414 4 14 .. 444 4 40 .101 4 44 10. 41.... 41.... 7.... 4.... 21.... II.... 1.... I.... 11.... II.... II.... II.... I.... 11., - 744 4 S .. 114 4 M .71 4 70 .III 4 40 . 470 III .171 IN . 44 I M .470 i 00 . M4 4 10 . M0 I 10 . K-l I 10 . MO I IS .147 lo .1061 I 26 .lul 9 S4 HOGS Argument for cheaper cost of hogs centered about A price-smashing supply at Chicago, that market reporting over 66,0110 head. Locally the run was limited, but thla phase of the trade did not enable sclera to hold out against the combined influence of heavy eastern re ceipts and bearish wires. Prospects early in the session pointed toward a lvtaljc lower set of prices, the actual market ruling slow, about a dime off. Offerings amounted to something like 4.00 head, an estimate that naturally lacked the variety of recent runa, but preference for heavies was only a little mora pronounced than usual and margins between lard, butcher and bacon grades showed no quotable changes. . Shippers and speculatora purchased with some allow of freedom, furnishing an outlet for fully one-fourth of the tola). The yards were practically cleared at 10:3o o'clock. The best heavies on sale dropped to til 10. as compared with Saturday's top of 46.17's, and good butchers landed around 46.9Uiao.96. Bacon grades sold from 40.45 down to t6.60 and less, a spread that also claimed salea of high-mixed stuff. There were no pigs of consequence on sale. Tha key to euocese In business Is tha Judicious and persistent uaa of newspaper ad vex Using. No. At. 4k. rr. Ne. . is, Fr. 11 14 ... 4 74 II 224 ... I N 14 1 ... 4 11 02 IK ... N II 1st ... 4 II I Ml ... I IU II 171 ... I 7i 44 M 41 I I2W 11 201 ... I IS M 1:7 ... It II la ... I 10 II K4 a I si 70 14 ... 4 SI 4( igi K 41 IM ... I a Tt Ill WIN II ..lot ... 4 I M 144 ... ft 44 7I ... 4 4 41 144 44 4 W 17 IM ... 1 14 77 14 IS I a 77...... .14 44 4 14 14 11 ... 41 IM ... I II 11 IN 40 I st IM 171 ... IIS 17 .MS ! 7U 71 Ill 44 I 14 4 Ut ... d SO II Ill ... Hi II lae ... I si II I 6 s4 4 11 10 4 00 41 14 ... I 44 44 211 IM as II 211 44 4 U T 204 4 I a 71 HI ... I 44 41 14 I, H 14 '4 44 I 14 M Ill 344 4 44 M 117 ... I M U 11 ... a s 4. ...... til M 4 10 II 17.... a 00 Tl lit 100 I M 11 211 ... I ao s4 22 14 I lo 14 lul US I Is 14 Ill ... I M 1 tt ... I 5 II Ill IX IN II IM ... 9 4 U M ... 4 4 SO 271 11 4 4 II 1H 44 I M II is, .' -11 H Hi u til 4 4 02 ... 114 44 I M ....19 ... I M ....2 4 120 I M ....210 ... IN 1". 40. S7. II. Sr. 90 4 021, 307 ... I tv, 374 9 4 on 114 ton I 10 PIGS ODDS AND FNDf. 3? ... 4 40 1 49 ... 4 90 71 14 40 I 40 SHEEP Conditions in the sheep and lamb trade looked rather doubtful for traders on the selling; Side, as receipts at most of the eastern markets were bur densome. Chicago reported the largest single day's run since the close of the range season, and other points In the big consuming territory beyond the Mis sissippi river were also well supplied. Despite these bearish contritions local packers made only a half-hearted effort to cheapen cost and started out buying at prices steady or very neary so. txcal offerings were fairly large, but by no means excessive, amounting to aomethlnn like 12.000 head. Medium stuff proved the rule and attractive classes that were properly corn-fed proved the exception. It follows, of course, that strings with plenty of finish met with the better de mand, and usually brought figures little different from those in force at last week's close. Weakness wan shown largely by sales of medium quality kill ing stock, prices ruling weak to some lower, with the packing demand none too active. Toppy fat lambs found an outlet at to. 75 and good weighty lambs moved around to. 60. High-grade ewes sold at 93.40 and choice wethers brought liberal premiums over this limit. Some choice handy wethers, an offering having a very fair sort of 2s, reached 34.10. but the big weights, none of which were breakers, had to move at 1-75 and less. There were only a few yearllnga on sale. Feeder trade was well sustained, but lacked volume, as the supply and demand were both small. Desirable ewes went back Into the country at 13.15. and one string of warmed-up lambs moved on a finisher's order at t4.8o. Feeder ewea were mora plentiful than any other kind of thin stock. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, t6.KU'r.75; fair to good lambs, to. 266.60; good to choice year lings, f4.40CrM.7D; fair to good yearlinKS, ti.lO!t4.40; good to choice wethers, Vi.'tSti 4.00; fair to good wethers, 33.604)3.76; good to choice ewes, 33.204(3.40; fair to good ewes, 9j.oirjj3.ao. No. Av. 204 fed lambs 85 76 fed lambs 76 10 fed lambs 96 92 fed ewes 121 16 fed yearlings 110 63 fed ewes 120 38 fed lambs 66 60 yearling wethera 117 840 yearling wethers 119 118 fed lambs 74 258 fed lambs 91 274 fed lambs 87 326 fed yearlings 84 bs native ewes 133 36 native lambs 91 Z33 native ewes 107 205 native wethers 117 16 native ewea 109 222 native lambs, feeders 64 s natlvs lambs, feeders 61 native lambs 52 174 native ewes 100 10 native ewes, culls 79 Pr. 6 85 & 44 2 60 3 40 4 40 3 25 4 75 4 35 4 36 6 b0 6 60 6 60 4 65 3 60 6 75 3 40 3 75 3 40 4 70 & 35 4 00 3 00 2 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Hogs glove Cattle and Sheep Lowers CHICAGO. Dec. W. CATTLE Receipts estimated at 32,000 head; market 104115c off; beeves, t4.604ttl.9O; Texas steers, 34.10 416.75; western steers. t4.50fi4J.6o; stockers and feeders, t3.254r6.80; cows and heifers, tl.90fr6.25; calves, to.60$.00. HOUS Receipts, estimated at 68,ouo head; market slow to Wo 15c off; light, t5.664l.10; mixed, o.7f&6.;2'; heavy, 16.86 4i.2&; rough, 9o.8.vgj.oo: good to choice heavy, t6.0oro6.26; pigs, 84.&O4r&.70; bulk of sales, 35. 967, . 16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts esti mated at 40.000 head; , market Iu4tl5c off; native, t2.5O4j4.00; western, 32.70fd4.00; year- lingo, ,wyu.w( 1.1JUUB, uauvi, fi.wu.ev, western, ti.264jt.90. Kaasas t Ity Live Stock Market. KANSAS C1TT, Dec. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head, including 1,300 south erns. Market steady to strong. Stockers and feeders, strong to 10c higher; calves, 26c lower: dressed beef and export steers, S6.304i8.75; fair to good. 35.0OOji6.25; western steers, t4.60tuu.50; stockers and teedera, t3.964io.7o; southern steers. t4.60J.50; southern cows, 4X004N.60; native cows, 2.764(6.25; native heifers, tl.0O4j6.75; bulls, t3.754i6.00; calvea, t4.0Ofi7.75. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head. Market lOo lower; bulk of sales, 35.654j)6.1i. Heavy, t6.104T6.20; packers and butchers, 36-4J 6.15; lights, 85.S64i4l.10; pigs. t4.0O4lS.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS 'Receipts, 6,000 head. Market steady. Muttons, 34. 60 a) 5.90; yearlings, 34.004i6.00; wethers, t3.404j 3.75: ewes, t2.75fi3.26; stookers and feeders, t2.264Tl8.75. St. I.onla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Deof 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Including 900 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and ex port steers, 38.00470.35; dressed beef and butcher steers, I5.254i41.00; steers under 1,000 lbs., t4.0O4i8.25; stockers and feeders, t3.004tli.00; cows and heifers, t3.OO4V7.0O; fanners, tl.Oo-g'J.OO; bulls, t3. 754)6.26; calves, t4. 264(8.26. Texas and Indian steers, tl-OO 4l7.00; cows and heifers, t4.6O4V7.00. HOGS Receipts, 12,300 head. Market Ec to 0c lower. Pigs and lights, t4.754Hi.00: mixed and butchers,- t5.764)6.26; good heavy, tii.liXii6.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,700 head. Market weak.- Native muttons, t3.004r3.75; lambs, tt.2546.00: culls and bucks, 31.254j2.75; stockers, tl-S04)'2-75. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Dec. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head: market steady to strong; steers, 44 5038.23; cows and heif ers, S2.654i6.50; calves. S3.50&7.60. HOGS Receipts, 6. 000 head; market 10c lower; top, t6.20; bulk of sales, S6.704J6.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,000 head; market steady; lambs, St.604J6.00. 1 Stock ra Sight. Receipts of live stock at the flva prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis Chicago Totals .. 4.400 .. 1.200 ..10.O.O 11.000 4.000 11,000 5,600 l.OliO 4,000 1 2,300 6.000 2,700 ..32.000 58.000 40,000 ..61.600 90,800 69.700 DRAYLOAD OF GOODS TAKEN FROiyi YANKTON DEPOT YANKTON. S. D.. Dec. 18. fSnertal i The biggest robbery on a wholesale scale in tha history of the city has just been uncovered here In the arrest of Peter Thompson, a brewery driver, who Is charged with grand larceny. Thompson, whose operations have, been on a large scale, has been removing 'from the Mil waukee freight depot here. In the course of tha last three months, goods amounting to tSOO to S 1.000 in value, so far aa at pres ent discovered. One dray-load of goods has been re moved from Thompson's house and much mora was left. Handsome curtains, even to tha kitchen, were in place all over the hause. Clothing, dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc, In quantities to stock a store, were found In the house when searched by the sheriff. A Milwaukee detective, at work on tha case for some time, finally raa Thompson to earth and tha prisoner is now in tha county Jail unable to furnish SI. 000 bonds. LITTLE BOY NEARLY CUTS OFF YOUNG GIRL'S THUMB ABERDEEN, S. D.. Dec. lt.-A story of an inhuman and cruel act on tha part of a 7-year-old boy comes from Mllbank. Uttle 7-year-old Alvlra Prior, who had started to school with two boys of her own age, came running home, screaming with pain and with one thumb almost severed from the hand. She said on of tha boys, Stanley Leach, told tha other a boy named Defleld, to hold Alvlra. Tha boy did ao. when tha Leach boy whipped out a knife and attempted to cut off her thumb. Ha had almost succeeded lo his attempt before tha Defleld boy and tha little girl realised what was going on. A surgeon by careful work saved the thumb. Tha perpetrator of the act gives no reason for It and tha Defleld boy claims ha was entirely Ignorant of what Stanley intended to do when ha told him to bo.d tha Uttle girl for felia. MACYEAGH PREDICTS DEFICIT Secretary of Treasury Estimates Year's Eipenae at $6;.5,184,563. HE PROPOSES TWO REFORMS Flaaaelal System aad Methods ol 1 Collewtlaax t astasias .Ohoald lie Revised la Light of Ex pertenmr. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18,-Appeals for the immediate reform of the country's banking and currency system and scien tific tariff legislation, based upon en tirely new reasons tha practical experi ences of the customs service stand out prominently In the aruv.-.al report of Sec retary of the Treasury MacVeagh, sub mitted to congress to-lay. The secretary of tho treasury foresees, according to the estimate of experts, a surplus In the treasury at the end of tho fiscal year 1913 of about t29.000,000, exclu sive of expenditures on the Panama canal. Including the estimated canal disburse ments the treasury will face a deficit of approximately tl8,000,000. The total esti mates of expenditures for next year, ex clusive of ttie Panama canal and tho postal service, payable from postal reve nue, are tC37,M0,8O3. Th estimates of re ceipts available for the general fund aro 3667,000.000. The estimates for the con struction of the Panama canal during the next year are t47,aa,700, making a grand total of estimated expenditures of I6S5, 184,563. With all the preliminaries for revising the financial system accomplished, Mr. MacVeagh declares there is no reason to postpone action. Tha tentative plan of the National Monetary commission,' outlined by its chairman, former Senator Aldrlch, he says, satisfies In its essentials the larger part of the expert opinion of the nation and is supported by the business men. The secretary pledges the administration to do its part in keeping this financial Issue wholly nonpartisan, believing that the result should be the product of both parties. Ranks Moat D Independent. In the contemplated reorganisation of the financial structure, Mr. MacVeagh emphasizes the absolute need of prohibit ing all banks, national and state, from holding stock In other banks, as a safe guard against any possible formation of a much feared money "trust" In the fu ture. He urges equality of national and state banks in doing trust company and savings bank business. The new banking system, the secretary of the treasury avers, must provide with distinctness ' and .completeness ample banking facilities for the foreign com merce of the United States, which, wit'.i proper government encouragement, he believes, wlll be world-wide and world varied. "It Is Idle to expect," he adds, "that we shall ever have a developed foreign commerce without a developed foreign banking system. Our present By-stem grew up In a period of Isolation." To a congress which la expected to remodel some of the tariff schedules Mr. MacVeagh urges from the standpoint of experience the establishment of specific duties, Instead of ad valorem, wherever the nature of the article involved makes that possible. He says: "The practice of adopting' ad valorem duties adds to the ease and quickness with which legislation nicy be prepared, but that Is Its only helpful quality and that lonely quality has Its palpable draw backs. Ad valorem duties lead directly to the great majority of all the frauds upon the revenues with which the Treas ury department has to contend, and they do all they can to drive honest Importers out of business. They add exceedingly to the expense and responsibility of ad ministration and are responsible in larg est measure for whatever demoralization exists In the Importing and customs business. Theoretically ad valorem duties may have an appeal, but In practice they are a delusion and a snare." The principle of "sclentlflo revision" of the tariff, Mr. MacVeagh continues, should be applied not only to the ques tion of duties, but also to classification of articles and the language of the law so that there may be no doubt as to the Intent of oongress. "There can be no question," he con cludes on thla subject, "that the need of rendering the administration of tho cus toms business of the country simple, prompt and certain, with a rational sav ing of useless expenditure Is an additional reason of great weight for the enlightened method of tariff legislation to which the best sentiment of the country has been looking forward for more than a quarter of a century." Iladacet System Proposed. Mr. MacVeagh recommends the appoint ment of a commission, consisting of representatives of congress and the execu tive departments, to evolve a budget sys tem for the government. This is neces sitated he says by the widely scattered and disintegrated responsibilities govern ing estimates, appropriations and revenue. The abolition of all the assay offices, ex cept the one at New York is urged by tha secretary. They cost the government fl&5,000 yearly, and "the whole amount is thrown away," ba adds. Declaring that the work of rehabilitat ing the customs service has been vigor ously prosecuted, the secretary says that developments as to undervaluations and frauds "continus to be most impressive and to make it evident that the end of the reform la not yet In sight" He hopes to complete the reformation within a year. The customs districts are being reorgan ised and (he secretary announces that ho will ask congress later to abolish a con siderable number of useless and expensive customs offices. Other recommendations ,.t Mr. Mac Veagb Include: A contributory system of civil service retirement; transfer to the classified civil service of a number of cus toma officials from collector down; the imposition of the nominal fee of 31 for protests to the board of general ap praisers in customs assessments; extend ing the tloO exemption from duty granted returning residents to Include articles for household use, souvenirs, curios or gifts provision for at least two vessels a year for tne revenue cutter service; authority for the use of certified checks in the payment of all dues to the government; revision of the sinking; fund law so as to make U something mors than practi cally a dead letter; laws adequately pro hibiting the importation of opium; and a revision of the oleomargarine statute. TROOPS RElUrtN 10 FORT MEADE FROM ARIZONA 8TUROIS, 8. D.. Dec. U.-(Speciai Tele gram) Troops I and K. Twelfth cavalry arrived hare at t:S0 this morning from Fort Huachuca, Arlx. Both are cow at Fort Meade. Troops L and M. of the same regiment will arrive in a few days. A Krlahtfal Kxperlrace with billlousnessi malaria and' constipa tion. Is quickly overcome by taking Dr King's New Life Pills. Only 2o. Vu, sale by Beaton Drug Co. I K 1