Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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-"nrntshed Hoomii
tFBIRAmB furnished room, private
fsmilr. ! N. MHh. 1'hone Webster to.
SiC iHJDOKTlsT. IVslrabl south front
room: everything strictly modern; walk
In distance.
MODERN furnished rooms; steam heat.
ri N. tid St.
N1CKI.Y furnished rooms for gentleman
only. 1 Capitol Ave.
MOPKKiN room, near good board; Hans
rom Pnrk llarnex
2nftl St. Mary's Ave. One large sleeping
room, modern; eultshle for two gentle
men or man and wife; also light house
keeping rooms.
15 N. 20th St.; for ladles; walking dis
tance, on car line. liefetenees.
MODERN furnished room; private
i family. Xi Park Ave. H.
lTtW JACKSON, upstairs, modern steam
heated rooms.
O KNT 1. K M"Tn roommate to share large
modern room, close. In. U 975, Hee.
503 8. TH Front and back parlor en
suit, alt modern, with gan range.. Phone
Harney 4fM.
fr'aralsbed lioaee.
7-ROOM, mod.: walking distance. ). 2477.
Famished HoaeL.rrplnaT Room,
2014 DAVENPORT, modern, furnished
front rooms for gentlemen; also furnished
housekeeping rooms.
TKHKK furnished llaht housekeeping
! rooms; gas furnished for light and cook
I Ing. 04 . 30th.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
room. 2018 Davenport.
I .1)5 8. OTH 8T., front' room and alouve,
for light housekeeping, or board and
I room; everything new.
20l DOUUKUght housekeplng rooms.
lufaralshrd Booms,
j TO RENT Three, rooms, modern, to
! ladv. alone; references required. .Mrs.
, Smith. IvUii Cass.
I Hetcls and Apartmeats-
tlemen. TUB CHATHAM. HQ 8. l.'lth at.
Hub Hotel. steam-heaied. i:WS Doug. SL
Excellent meals, noi N. Ztitu, Bo. Omaha
Howard Hotel, elegant mis. Mr. Howard.
HOTEL. Floinar. 17 th and Capitol Ave.
Burlington, nice raoms. 1 block to deput.
CAtiS HOIEU nice rooms, litis Cass BL
OXFORD and Arcade, special w kly rate.
Apartments aud l'"lat.
f-ROOM apartment In the Uintah. Ap
ply 418 Oman Nat 1 Bank JJlug , or phone
Douglas is.1.
(-room flat on Serrnun Ave. Web. 676
i and 4-r. mod. apartments. 81 8. 22J.
k'lVhl mumit. modern exceDt heat.
cheap. 2m S. 20th Ave.
PERFECT six-room- flat, 41st and Far
nam: Inquire 4M2 Farnam. Tel. Har. 77i!.
$1S 4 rooms modern brick flat with
bath room, ete, Z!10 N. 21st St.
435 "Paxton Hlock. Phone Doug. 11S.
Houses and Cottasrea.
j FIRST-CLASS 4-room apartment In the
I Alma, 17th and Harney. 37.oO, Including
.heat. J'hone Harney 3r.t.
Furnished lloaselteeplria; Hooni.
I 3 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, for
light housekeeping. 6U8 N liSd.
WALl, PAPER PaU". paper bang
, aiaj lr"Ir Ing, glaxiiiv, picture
i framing. Monson, S03 Park Ave. H. bSH.
Wt Faruani New modern stucco, 7-r.,
119 M, 38th Ave. Phone. Red 2M7.
warded;; cheap freight rates; moving and
storing. - Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel.
Douglas aw. City office. 21H ti. 17th bt.
Bee Bldg.
Ins. Ring wait. Brandeia Th. Hldg.
Central, stetun heat; 'all mod.; 7-r., n,;
liall. bathroom, basement. 220 N. 23d.
i OMAHA KXP. . COu moving vans and
storage.. Trunks, baggage del. D. UA,
1 41 N. 17th.
H-ROOM modern house; nearly new and
,i nicely decorated. Located at 2710 Decatur
(it. ya.w. rnone ii. wa or u-ims.
FOR RENT f our-room cottage on ZKta
Ave., between Dodge and Douglas streets.
He Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Hee Bldg.
7-ROOM, modern, walking distance.
Douglas UTt.
1 MODERN t-rixim house, 71U Capitol
Ave. Harney 1404.
8-ROOM house, modern except heat, MU
: K. 24th Bt., 120.
A 7-rooui hou.He. modern except heat. 231S
Charles St., 19.
rooms, sd floor,' 1108 N. 20th St. mod
ern except heat, 114.
6-room cottage, modern except beat, S34
N. 23d St.,
( 6-room licuse modern except heat. 161$
Corby .. 1.
6-roora, let floor. 1902 N. 26th St., partly
modern, fU.
6- room, 2d floor, 1903 N. 20th St, toilet
7- room house, modern except beat 20o
Izard bt., f.0.
i CHRIS Bo Y ICR, 22d and Cuming- SU
7-ROOM bouse, 14; ((-room, 5t Han
scorn park; modern. Phone Harney lixvi.
KK.VI-'.N rooms tmiflrri Itu; lia u.
near Farnam, 35. Ed O. Hamilton. Office-
Hamilton Apartments. Phone Doug
las 2&46.
Ml S. 18TH, & rooms; modern except
heat; key at grocery store, van be seen
6-ROOM, city water, 13th near Lake.
ind outers. Tel. Douglas 2107.
$20 4Vroom modern, up-to-date home,
010 N. 27th 6t.
4ti Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 24 18.
6-room house, all modern except heal,
140 So. 11th St.
IIOUSPS. ln " Prt of the city
"wuseB Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee H
2M0 MAPLE ST., 6 rooms, nioaern ex
cept furnace. JU. Hall, 4W Ramge. D.
'.ton; A -440b. fi.
FOR RENT All modern, newly paper
ed. 5-room cottage. Webster 4232 or call
at Ames Ave.
1 Boyd St., B rooms, bath and re
celion hall; electric and gas lights; all
modern except heat; hard-wood floors;
two blocks from car and store; water rent
paid: key at 3110 Boyd St. Tel. D. 12 or
W. 2045.
THINK Central, cheapest 7-room house
.with bath, basemen i. In city. Apply Uv
N. 23d."
-room house at lutt North 17th St
O. C. RED1CK, Attorney.
1M7 Farnam Street.
673 H. 2th tt. ti rooms, coinnleteiy
modern, '5.W). Hall, 433 Ramse. D. 1M.
12-RoOM house, all modern, hot water
heat. barn, 'i block 21th St. car, Kouniie
i'lace. Phone Webvter St8.
!127 IXJUGLAS rooms, modern except
heat V per month. Tel. Doutlas 1J.
1D 7 rooms, N. 27th; ii.71ll7 PaTi
Ave. 3i24 N. 27th. J12. Webster lti77.
For Rent
Brick House
Four bedrooms, buth and toilet on sec
ond floor; large family room, dining
loom, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room.
hall and vestibule on first floor; full
cement basement, with toilet; furnace
heat; everything flrn claas and strictly
modern. Located at 1611 Georgia Ave. b-a
'ha owner at lime Ueorgtti Ave., or phone
Harney 150K.
MOD. &-ruuui vottage; line rep r. 11. 3M4.
OMAHA Van and storage Co. packs,
moves, stores household gods. Fireproof
storage. MH S. loth. Branch 30V b. l.Uk
'iel. Douglas 41K3. A-13Jj
FOUR rooms. modertT la.i N. 21th. 4l)
FOR KENT New 10-rooiii modern
brick house, 2i32 Harney; ready Jan. 1,
Hot water heat.
1 mi utra T. J. O'Brien. Hensiiaw hotel.
'Phones. J), lilti, H-10V4.
llnasra aad l etusei.
COTTA1i: Sir rooms.
RiigKlea St., 11250.
full lot .rjl
PiiH RENT 4-rootn cottago. 2.TS pa
cificist., s a month.
2...1X 1HJI (1K Six-room i-ottnKe. strictly
2lh St. rr linos. I'hone Douglas 3770.
five-room brtck fiat, ik iaven
worth St.
Stur aad itffloea.
WISH to sublet suite of five rooms In
City National Hank Hldg, Call D 4131.
DESK room for reliable psrty and T
most entire use of one room, very reai
onable. Apply Omnhn National Banlt
HMf. Phone DniKlss 4S10.
Sti io at :wi No. ;th St., south Omaha.
Store at 2.S Cuming street.
Store at 21o Cuming street.
Store at ' North 24th street.
New store at 1.V04 Harnev street.
Office or salesroom at lMh and Harney.
4-rooin offiw suite at 1.M7 Farnam.
O. C. RED1CK. Attorney.
, . 1517 Farnam St.
BEDROOM furniture for sale. 221
.Tuck son.
FURNITURE of 7-room house, piac
tlcally new; will sell to one party or If desired. Thru Is going to be
sold at a bat gain. 2S1H S, 24th St.
Maaleal Instruments.
PIANO, slightly used, at a bargain.
Srgerstrom llano Mfg. Co., 19th and
Farnam Sts.
HE4JT bargains here in violins, bows,
caxes. Heskett, violin maker and re
pairer, $01 Boston Store Bldg., Omaha.
W RIThR CO.. 411 S. Uth. Phone D 4iW.
sate or rent; largest stock, best bargains.
B. F. swanson Co., 1314 Farnam St.,
RENT an Oliver typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 2l.
SMITH PREM1EHS. models No. 2 or
No. 4, ln exoollenl condition, rented thiee
months for i
U)IU and Douglas.
NEW No. 6 Oliver typewriter. Will sell
or exchange for other make. C 952, Hee.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all siees and nuikes; bargains.
Anierlrwi Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St.
Get in the Game
Eire. 11c pianos, tnu each; sot ma
chines, athletic aud poantii machines and
scales, hew and second-hand. Write for
our list of bargains. Better still com
and nee us. e also do repairing.
ACME MACHINE CO., 3124 Leavenworth.
Phones: H 243. Ind. A 2433.
BALDWIN piano slightly used; big bar
Cain; must be sold at once, loss No, Ijtli
FOR SALE New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard tables mid
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy payments. The
Biunswlck.-Balke-Coliandt.-r Co., 4'J7-40! S.
lmh St.
FOR SALE Two scholars. Hps in the
Omaha Commercial college and one in
Uoyiea college, uuslnesa office, Omaha
FOR SALE Fireproof safe with double
doors and money drawer, also filing cabi
nets for otttce uae. Colson & Reynolds,
Fremont. Neb.
ZU SAFfe.d. DKRjOHT, Ism Farnam at
KINIJUNt), 4 lOrtO. 1. Ortisa. W. XaSt.
r" Coal lor stove or furnace. Try' It
"P" Harmon & Weeth. Webster 848.
EXCELLENT range, cheap.
Webster 224.
HUHHOLUHH adding machine at a bar
gain.. Purchased cw about, one year ago.
Just returned to us rrom one of our
branch houses recently' closed. Addrass
A J. Ree.. ,
'FOR SALE Four-cylinder motor boat
engine, 4x5; perfect condition; cylinders
copper water Jacketed; price, 150 f. o. b.
St. lxttils, Mo. St. Louis Paper Box Co.,
St. louls. Mo.1
FOR SALE-Anthony "New York"
studio camera, Socio Inches, with stand,
cabinet attachment, lens and shutter. 2bli
N. lDth St. 'Phone Webster 1102.
FINE et orcheHtra bells; alo sot
mersmbapliones; bargain. 'MH N. Pith.
FOR to .E ladies' AKtrakan cuat; al
most new; sue 3d. 'Iel. H. Sa.i.
ONE m-k. diamond, perfect, 1240. Ad
dress, C SiX, Bw.
Two wall cases, two counters, cases
with tables.
S. V. LINDSAY. Jeweler,
151 Douglas.
Gladlsh Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge.
Massage. Klttcnhouse. SUH old Boston Bid.
YOUNtl women coining 40 Omaha as
strangers are invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building
at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave.,
where they will bo dlrerted to suitable
board Int.' places or otherwise asslstea.
Look for out- travelers' aid at the Lnuc
Mm Ion.
Mtfcs Lang, manicuring, vibratory mii
sago treatments. R. 1, 2d floor, ItWH Dorigo.
MOVING to San Diego, Cal., wish to
find purty who will share car for furni
ture either to San Diego or Los Angeles.
Address Norwall, 804 Bancroft. Doug. 2!t.
WE rent and repair all kinds or sewing
machines. Did. A-lOtf. Douglas 1K3.
lMli and Harney Sts.
HINDOO lAtoljt. Ih will build, brauc,
strengthen, &0c. BELL DRUO CO.
Af AXXAliKi iieatmenu Mis. Steele.
-- IHHll
Jgu. Ground floor.
MAAUh swetusii iiiocnicni; nuihng
better for iheumaumm; ladies. $1; gentle
men,J1.50. Apt. 2. iwi Faruain. D. 4i.
Af AfJN h.'I'H treatment. E. BrotT 7U
1-iVUlXlXl.Vv yt pith, 21 floor. D. f.2H.
THE SALV A'liON Aititl V solicita uaai
off clothing; ln fact, anything you do uo,
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114
llth St., for cost of collection, to to
worthy poor. Cull 'phoiis Douglus AU4
unu wagons will call.
w aroinatic
Mme. Allen
Chlcago. ll st.,st floor. D. 7ta.
Mrs. Snyder, massagx, electrical treat
ment. I Duusany, lotli & l'leroe. D. 43mj.
teinedy lor itching, bleeding or protiuu
ing piles. lAK' postpaid; sample tree, olier
man & McConneli Drug Co., Omaha.
Dr. Burke, Women's diseases. 41 D-JUg. ton
SCHK relit-ving pile remedy. 4ul Ware
Bik. M a. luth St.
Srretnluga, l.Ui per iw. Wagner, sol N. Is.
FOR SALE 100 pairs extra Plynuiuih
Rock l.omer pig"ons. with youngsters and
equipment; must sell, as automobile re
pairing require eiiilra time and room,
ivluard, 2hi N. Dth St. 'Phone Web.
Thoroughbred fox lei riei puppies. W.
'i HOKOt UtlUKED Buif Orpiugiuu
Stock lor s lie. Phuoit Web.-ter 24Jo.
ONE dozen Barred Bock chickens. Mi
Main St., Florence, phones. Ina. HiH,
s lorenre 4J.
FOR SALE Cheap, ten hens and two
cockerels; part of tns hens laying now.
Call Webrter Vui.
Electric gas futures. Omaha Silver Co.
ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuimug.
"Ku hs. Son Blind, painting. dacuratlngT
ROOFING PAINT, building paper, plas
ter tuard. Amer. Sup. Co., lis Nicholas.
"ilasonry con.. Jobber, ilealy, Web. 1211
k o i- iv 11 t i i- tTii u iT
ill V
Christmas Bargains
In Real Estate
11,400 Must be sold within two weeks; .
mom ii.iuse, rani. crucRen nouse,
good wt-ll gnd cistern., lot OH!';
within three blocks of car line; nl.-e
neighborhood; a few hundred cash;
balance like rent, owner refused
S2.O00 for this last summer, but
anxious to leave now uml willing
1 ti 'ail 11 nr.
$1,K Owrter sa 9 sell this w eek and
nuiivi .111" iiii't, n-rom
bouse, water. seer and gas. Lot
fronts on both Miami and Corbv
Sts., near 27th St. Make offer, as
property must be sold; 3i) cash.
" . in inn wii iiflinniT,
$1,300Full slsed lot. 1.0x11b; corner: wnlk-
tininiivn r.uiriii.i, I'aveil oil
lHtl sides, paving paid; nice shade.
Lies beairllfully.
307-S Mi-Cagu Bldg
Dougliia .sir. 1ml. A-l'732.
41 IS N. 1STH Si.
Five rooms, all modern, oak finish,
splendid furnace, the best of material
and workmanship throughout. Good lot
In a fine neighborhood of now- homes.
IK-cupled less than six months tiV young
couple. They are leaving city and win
be glad to show you through; splendid
value for the money.
Telephone Owner, D. 1S10; Harney M4ft.
1 HAVE a partially developed fruit
farm in northwest Arkansas for sale; bent
rllmato oil eanh.1 terms. Address Y 1SJ77.
We have a two-apartn,ent bouse, con
taining 13 rooms, two bath rooms, seven
bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and
kitchen in each apartment, with new
plumbing and good heatliu; plant.
This property is too Iarie tor personal
owner and it Is a splendid proposition for
some one who will buy 1t and divide It
into four three-room apartments. Owing
to the arriingement of the bouse tins
work can be done at a very small ex
pense and when completed the apart
ments will rent for J.' each. The buyer
can live ln one apartment, rent th rest
and maka a good investment out of your
The building Is vrll built and In Cood
condition,- only th.rteen minutes' tide to
th center of the city; one block from the
Dodge street car line and in good resi
dence district.
Hili Nl'MBBR 13 2C19
N. 2uTH ST.
It Is lust north of Ohio on the Flor
ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room
modern house will be taken In exchange
at the right price. . This proposiuoii is
certainly worth looking at.
400 Beo Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270.
15 ACRES Sl.lidO.
I2.V) cush. balance $200 per year. This
Is all good smooth garden land, 6 miles
southeast of Council Bluffs and about 2
miles of street car line at the Deaf and
Dumb Institute. It Is a good place for
gardening, fruit or small getieist farm.
No buildings, but good btiiioiug site. If
you build will reduce cash payment to $100.
We believe this Is the best l.i-acre tract
near either city for the price. Let us
show you.
10T Pearl St.. Council Bluffs.
for any man or woman who will look
after it. A large double bouse, modern
throughout and furnished for light house
keeping; renting for $12r er month.
Houses In first-class repair, on paved
street, 5 blocks of postofflce, 2 blocks of
2 car lines. Triced with furniture at $.'.70o,
$1,000 cash. 10 years' time on balance. Will
take property at cash valuo fur first pay
105, Pearl St.. Council Bluffs.
6-ROOM cottage for' sale by the owner;
$300 cash; balance monthly. Address 21,
SEVEN-ROOM house; electric lights,
gas, water and sewer; lot 5oxl27. 2714 Rug
gles. Webster 1211.
British 4 blambla.
Mild climate, no extremes, land located
ln the Nachaco and Fraser valleys, cloe
to Fort Eraser and Fort George, the me
tropolis of Central British Columbia, ln
the recent land show In New York British
Columbia surpassed all competition on
potatoes and other cereals, receiving first
prize. Minnesota second priie. Write or
call today for booklet describing this
wonderful country. B. Meyel, Dlstrlot
Sales Agent, 610 Paxton Bldg., Omaha.
. i,,i 1 r. . r... iinAninnl.lul
Grand Trunk can make you quick profits.
Frank Crawford, 313 Homer street, Van
couver, or Omaha."
We are offering 10. 20 and 40-acre tracts
and upwards located In Columbia county
near Lako City, Florida. W miles west of
Jacksonville und only 80 miles from St.
Augustine. This property is Intersected
by three railroads of national reputation,
which furnish the best of services at
reasonable rates to all markets of the
United States.
The climate Is Ideal, lino farms are
now being worked ln our tract with
exceptionally good results. Own one of
our farms. Invest lgalo our offer. Small
cash puyments and easy terms.
Reduced rates every first and third
Tuesday of each month.
tSales Agents)
SflO Omaha National Bank Bldff ,
Omaha. Neb.
Traversed by the
Ijuifls adaptable to the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. Fur literature treat
ing with this coming eoijr.Liy, its soil,
climate, church und school advantages,
General Psssenger Agent,
FOR PALE Chicken ranch, t acres;
plenty of fruit and peaches; good build
ings; location central Illinois; fur par
ticulars write Laurens, Iowa, l.outa 3.
Box 11.
THIS Oj-acre farm must be hold this
month. It Is a part of section 4; 3 milci
northeast of Council lihiffn. It Is roll
ing, but not rough; every foot fs under
cultivation; Improvements cost $'-'.a0. 11 ml
are in first class condition. The naked
land la worth k.Ki, but It must sell, and
you can make the price nnd terms ex
cel I must have cssh. balance 1.
Agents and others who bavo had $!,0OO
iuted as their lowest price are re
quested to renew their offer. The first
party thut gets their money up gets the
Wl S. 30th.
Phone Ind. A-4160.
THE easiest way to find a buyer tor
your farm is to Insert a small want ad
in the Dea Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation In the slate of Iowa, 4:t,"0 daily.
The Capital Is read b und lelleved in by
the standpatters oi lo..a, who simply re
tune to permit any other paper In their Rates, 1 cent a word a divy: $1 25
per line per mouth; count six ordinary
words ta the line. Address Das Moines
Capital. Dea Moines. Is.
SCO Acp.KS. three miles from Elwood.
Nib. Deep, black soli, clay subsoil; l',0
In corn and wheat. 10 alfalfa, balance
hav and pasture. Price. $10 per acri. A
si ap for someone. Address Y 72.
N KBItA SKA and Oregon landT"$s up.
SS4 Brandeis Blk , Omaha. Neb.
BEST Rio Grande valley Irrigated land;
Winter Garden of America; have a few
tracts of 10. 20 or 40 aires at a trgain.
A tavlng of $1,000 011 price of 40 acres. W.
C. Htuhr, Box 2-4, Co. Bluffs, la.
FIIM . Itl ll l.M rnit 1I K.
Month Dakota,
pfl ACRES In Lyman county. South
Dakota, for s:ile. Address 1 !:t, Itee.
FOR SALE -Good farm tracts: !00 acres
diked tnii'land. 300 orn upland all thor
txishiy drained. Will furnish teed for 400
head cattle. Laud especially adapted to
oair.Ong and accessible to good market,
iliod water. House and bain Just com
pleted costing $,lilK Boundod oil two
siilc by county road. One mile from
school and postofflce. Ues suitable to
uhdlptc Into small trncts If so desired.
Price, $100 per ncre. Part cssh; teiin.i
on balance; no commissions. If interested
correspond Immediately with owner, Geo.
W. Warren, vice president Astoria Na
tional hank. Astoria, Oregon.
WANT El City loans and warrant. W.
Farnam Smith A- Co., 1.1)0 Farnam St.
OMAHA rroperiy nd NbraskaLand.
IMG New Omaha Nal'l Bank Building.
FARM LOANS near Omaha; no eomnia
lon, optional payments; cheap money,
orln 8. Verrill, UU City Nat I Bank Blug.
MONEY to loans on business or resi
dence properties. tl.Out) to $jou.ouU. W. 11.
T1IOMA8, WO First Nat I Hank nidg.
$100 to $10,000 niadii .proiiipliy b IX
Wead. Wead Bldg., 1st h and Farnam.
LOW RAT ii S. UK M is A' A it Lb E it ucoZ
510-J1J B.andels Theater Bldg.
AA1 -JAVV0,Omaha Naf I Bank
LAROIB LOANS, munlcipiii brndsT tnorl
gages bought and sold. STULL l.Rod.
WANTED City louns. Peiers" Tl ustCoT
IV) R SALE or Excliange--A well Im
proved ltW acres; iiiIIom from Trenton;
good buildings; well and orchard. Ad
dress Y 2,K. Boo.
1.V k II m I L1 1. .-..I... . ,. ... ."'
n.-m,f., 1 ,Ai-iiiipi.. acres irri
gated land In Jiilesburg Irrlgnllon district.
Cultivate!! and fenced. Address Y H7, Riv.
.viv .1.1,11, i.-v ni im nun I wo seis OI
new Improvement on table lands. Sedg
wlrk county. Colo., for lumber business.
Address Y 'JvO, Bee.
TRADE Land for lumber business. Ad
dress Y 73, Bee.
TO EXCHANGE A tiji-sere farm In
Spink county. South Dakota, valued at
J41.0U0OI. This farm Is highly Improved,
absolutely perfect land and one of the
best farms located In the famous Jsmes
River valley district. A hardware stock
In vslue not to exceed $:1UV00 will be
acrepted as port payment; $.1,0110.00 In cash
and the balance to remain on the lund
ution easy terms. Full description and
legal numbers will be furnished for in -vestlgHtion
upon application. This farm
is worth the money asked. Address,
Kverltt-Oenny Land Co.. Redfleld, s. D.
FINE 8-room home In the south pnrttif
city for B-room modern cottage. F. D.
Wead, lSol Farnam St.
TO R0RR0VV $mk, two years, 10 per
cent, secured in Improved farm worth
$7,500. Chas. F. Pierce. Gregory. P. D.
2d-hund goods, Kleser, 1020 tVnter. D. 65l
iOllWS Shames Fur Co., 7oi N. "liithl
X vjJAkj Umllh, Wn buy all kinds of raw
fur; pay high prices. Give us a trial.
WANTED An enstern flim wants about
4,000 square feet floor space in a build
ing having trackage; prefer to share
space with another occupant. Please give
full particulars, addressing B-Wi, care
The Bee.
WANTED Good table board by lady
near California and 2oth. Address G-971.
WANTED Light housekeeping room.
Address, J K73. csre Beo.
GENTLEMEN wants room with refined
private family; neat room; good pay. Ad
drehM, A. L. S., Rome Hotel.
AN euucaiea woman Oesirea wtrk In
Omaha or. elsewhere in Institution or fam
ily to usslst In keeping and taking cart
of chllflten. Webster 3177.
PRACTICAL nurse. Call 11. 5610. A -237 4.
YoUNO lady with one year's experi
ence as stenographer wishes a position
In a firm; salary according to ability.
O 763. Use
SITUATION wanted A manager of
general store, country town; experienced.
O til 2. Bee.
YOUNG man wants position aa bar
tender; experienced. 8 015, Bee.
BY high school graduate, stenographer,
clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced.
L fiio. Bee.
WASH 1 NG and curtains done. T. H. H20
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
respectable middle-aged lady. Prefer
home with children. Also experienced aa
nurse. Address Mrs. Marie Turner, gen
eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la.
BOOKKEEPING and clerical work
evenings aud Saturdays; use typewriter.
Address L 743. Bee.
THREE young ladies, piano player and
singer, want position In picture show, ex
perlenred. I Kuglaa 865. K. 77G. Bee.
POSITION wauled by competent lady
iitenogiapncr; references as to ability.
Harney 44.
Toung man needs work for board and
room. Plicn Douglas 4264.'
WHl'iH lady de-Mies steady places of
day work; neat, conscientious; does not
disappointment engagements. Phone U.
YOUNG mien with good habits wishes a
position in drug atoie; has worked two
years: pood 1eleret1. es. Ki 934, Bee.
WHITE woman wanbs day work clcun
Ing or M Wlnit. Douglas 2d.
COLORED isdy desires position as
mold for general hoiutowork. Doug. 47-"J.
WORK by day lor Monday, Thuisuay
or Friday. Webster 4207.
YOUNG man, 20 years old, desltrs po
sition of tinv Kind. Ray llallebeig, 2j02
South 2i0u Ave.
P1RI5M AN--Young man of So wnnts po
sition to h.m' cuaige of steam plant, high
and low prcsKt're; sober, i aiahle and In-,
liuninuuM, ii. .linn ins 11 vim. caro I,oet
ADY wunis pos't:ou us chambermaid
or silver B 2-. Mrs. Crawford.
ANY kind of tiny work. Address, 12u4
N. 24lii. Tel. Webster 4M7.
Will IE woman desires day work; neat
Und cru.ll. Tei. D. 40.
W A .N'T IC I - Any kind of Work. Address,
D Wi. Bee.
M 1 1 'DLE-AGED German ludy wants
pOhitlon us geiieiul housework, more tor
home than wag'-s. Phone 1 Kiuglas M37.
MAN bandy with all tools desires posi
tion. Joseph Konkel. l'iionu IhiukIun .27.
WAS i il N G-AI PkTnd s. H arney- Ittiil.
Ship our stock to South Otnaha; save
mileage and shrinkage, your consign
ment receive prompt aid careful atten
Byers Bros, at Co. BHong and responsible.
WOD BKtlS ,2 v4-JSEx liaiigellug"""
Gnat Wefcl. Coin. Co , oin.iha 4c Denver?
wTitBM I I 1 1 SON just haiidie slier p.'
W.F. DEN NV CO., .'k Exrh.Tdg7
TAGti BROS haiidla catiie, nogs, mivrp.
Clay. Rolinn Ar Co.. 2t Exch. Blug.
Interstate Co. Bel ter i suits Ship to us
T l.l Fl'ON ( 'oiuT " Co7Y22Kxcliairg"e"" Tiiiig?
HI' RK " K ' To 1 ' K T."v" ' ) 3.1E"ch"Bidgr
I E ItoliKR'i'M & t:.. 223 Excn. B.dg"
Cox A Jones Com. Co., bunch of huarlers.
Fanners L. S. Com. Co., 2o! I'.xcliunge.
Deposit proceeus of shipments in Stock
Ysrda Nat I bank Onlv bank at yarda.
Martin Bros. & Co. 2(12-4 Exch. Blilg.-
Nebraska-Iowa Gialn Co., Tis) Brandeis,
. WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants,
coiiti'KUiueiila tolicilct 1-'3 Uraudcis.
- Absolute Title Given the imalloted
lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Na
tions of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok
Ishotna and not Including the coal and
limber segregations, will be sold at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder at the
following terms, time and places St not
less than the minimum piles stated In
lbs advertisement: Grady county. Chick
asha, 5vt tracts. il7.fA acres, November
2, 3, 4; Stephens county, Duncan, 7S0
trucls. 69.300 acres. November; , 7 t,
Jefferson rounty, Ryan, 702 tract. 4 400
acre. November !, 10. 11; !ove county,
M.itletts, K..4 tracts. TySOO ci!, Novem
ber i:t, 14, Ki, ifi; Carter county. Ardmore,
I. ITS trncts. SC.) acres. November 17. IS.
20. 21 22. 23; Murray county, Sulphur, 1-1
tracts, 26,01V acres, Novt-mlier 24, 25; Gar
vin county, Pauls Valley. 621 tracts. ,T,mW
acres. November 27, 2S, 2; McClain
county, Purcell, Iss tracts. 14.000 acres.
December I, 2; Pontotoc county, Ada. OW
tracts. 4U.300 acres. December 4. 5, 8;
Johnson county. Tishomingo, 64 tracts.
39.200 acres, December 7. a, R; Marshall
county, Miidlll. 27 tracts. ll.Mi aores,
Decemiier 11; Bryan county. I'm ant. 504
tracts, 20.KV aores. December 12, 13; Atoka
county, Atoka, 1. tracts, 124.000 acre.
December 14. 15. Hi, IN, l." Coal county,
Coalgate, 6t' tracts, 64,t) acres. I ecem-
br 2U, 21, 22; Hughes county, Calvin 437
tracts. 4O.70O acres, lecember 2S. H7; ltts
butg county, McAlester, 1 ,b 0 tracts, 17.
1i0 acres. December id. 2! 90, lull; Janu
ary I. ; Haskell county, Sttgler. 41S
tracts, 30.300 acres, January 3, 4; lAtlmer
county, Wllbuiton, l'Jl tracts, 16.000 acres.
January 5; Leflore county, Poteau. 274
tracts, 21.XK0 acres, January i: Pushma
taha county, Antlers, til tracts, ia.uo
acres, .liinuary S, (1, 10; Choctaw county.
Hugo, 561 tracts. $7.5i4) acre January II,
12, 13; McCurtaln county, ldabell, 770
tracts, 54, MO acres January ii. Jti. 17. IH,
IS1J. Not more titan lilt! acres t agri
cultural and 040 acres of other lands will
bo sold to one person In any one nation,
minimum valuation of $S.0O or mora per
acre. Terms are per cent at the tlms
of sale, 2i per cent In twelve months.
and 60 per cent In two years, with per
cent Interest. Payments must b mads
in the form of drim or certified check,
payable to J. G. S light, commissioner.
Upon full payment being made at any
tlma deed will l.ssua. Immediately after
iipprbval of sale certificate of purchase
will Issue nnd possession be given, but
cutting of timber or drilling or mining
for minerals thereon will not be per
price. Right is reserved to reject any or
all bids. For information apply to the
Commissioner to th Five Civilised Tribes,
Muskogee. tkl noma, or any of the Dis
trict Agents as to lands within their re
spective districts. Lists of these lands
have been prepared ty counties, snowing
the terms of sale, tho description of ths
various tracts and minimum price, it
will bo tmpractli able to furnish each In
quirer H of these lists, and It is sug
gested that verson desiring such Infor
mation specify the locality In which they
ro Interested. Blue prints of ths various
counties, showing the location of the land
to be sold, will be furnished upon appli
cation ti the underalgned upon the pay
ment Of lor eaen county in nm
form of draft or postsl money order.
J. a. WRIGHT. Commissioner to th
Flv Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Okla
homa, August 1. 1911.
mHHter, Fort luvenwortn, ivansas, ieo.
1R1HI1. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will
be received here until 12 m., January 1",
1(112, and then opened, for the construction
of a Hangar for Slgnnl Corps. Full In
formation and blank forms of proposal
furnished upon application. The United
States reserves the right to accept or re
ject any or all proposals. Knvelopea to
be marked "Proposal for Hangar for
S-gnal Corps" and addressed to Major
G G Bailey, Constructing Quartermaster,
Pott" Leaven worth. Kansas.
Stockholder Meeting of The Union
Iind Company.
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of The Union
Ijind Company for the election of flv
directors and the transaction of auuh
other business as mav legally oome be
fore the. meeting, will b held at the
orflce bf the General Solicitor, Union
Pacific Headquarter Building, 15th and
Dodge streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on
Monday, the Nth day of January, 11)13,
at 10 o'clock A. M.
Tho stock transfer bonk will lie cloaca
10 (lays previous to th meeting
Alex. Miller,
New York City, N. V., Dec. 18, It'll.
braska, December S, 1111 1. Notice la hereby
given to the auicgnoiaer 01 iee-uiass-Andiecscn
Hardware company that th
annual meeting of the stockholders of th
company will bo held at the offices of
aid company, corner of Ninth and Har
ney streets, In the city of Omaha, In th
state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January
V, A. D., 1012., at 3 o'clock u. tn., for the
purpose of abiding a board of director
for tho company to serve during th ensu
ing year, and to transact such other
business as may be presented at such
meeting. Attest: W. M. GlaM. Secre
tary; H. J. Ii. President.
The annual meeting of th stockholders
of the Bee Building company will bs held
h tho office of said company, Omaha,
Nebraska, at 4 o'clx-k p. m. Tuesday,
January 14, 1H12, for the election of th
hoard of director for the ensuing year,
and for the transaction of such other
business hh may properly come before
the meeting.
By order of 111 president
N. P. FlilL, Secretary.
UNION gTATlON leulh and Mason
Union Pacific
Depart. Ban Fran. Overl'd T,..aH 4sm
China & Japan F. M..a4:05pm
Atlantic Express
Oregon Express all lo pm
Ixis Angelas Limited. .a!2 45 pm
Denver Special a 7:04 am
Centennial Stale Bps'). all : pm
Colorado Express a .t sg pm
ie;on-Ws"h. I-I'd. ..all 5. pin
North Platla Local.... Hi am
Grand Island Local. ..a 5.30 pm
Kroinsbui'if Local. . .b!2:41 pm
a T 40 pm
a 5 -4." pm
a :4K am
a 5:10 pm
a 8:30 pm
a T IT am
all $5 am
a 4 50 pm
a 8 TO pm
a 4:45 pm
a 10:30 am
Dim pm
Chicago A. .N01 Omesieni
Minn. -St. Paul Ex. ...a 7:00 am
Mlnn.-St. Psul L t d. 7 00 pm
Twin City Express ,.a 7.4a em
Sioux City Local 3:4u pm
Minn. & Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pm
t win City Limited ...45piii
Mtnueaota Express
Carroll local 7:00 am
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am
Chicago Local allu6 pir.
Colorado-Chicago a 5:10 put
Chicago Special a ( 02 pm
l'ac. Coast-Chlcgo a S HA pm
Ixis Angeles Limited. .a $ .50 pn
ove-Und Limited a 7:55 pm
Carroll Local a 4 30 pin
Fast Mall a 4.30 pin
Cedar Rapldu, Sioux &
Centennial State Lltn. 12 40 am
Long Pine a $; ro
Norfolk-Dallas a $.00 am
Long Pins Lincoln. ...a 2:15 pin
Haktlngs-Superlor ....ti 2 la pm
Deadwood-llot Sp'gS..a 2:5j pin
C amper-I-ander .a 3-55 pin
l'reuiuut-Alblun b 5 30 pm
a K-flO am
a 10 JO pm
a 2:2$ pm
a i.S am
a 7:30 am
aiuoo m
a C:10 pm
al0:40 pm
H i M pin
a 3:2$ pm
a :4'4 am
a 2 21 pm
ali 30 pnt
a s:ij aiu
alO oO an.
a i.'Jt pm
$ 35 pn
11.14 pm
all:00 ant
aiv.ij pi,)
a 6 50 pm
a 20 pm
a $.20 pm
ail 00 pm
b 1 5i pa
llllnuls Central
Chicago Express a 7
Chicago Limited a (
00 am a 1.45 pm
.00 uui a i oo aiu
1 hlcugo, Ituck Istaaa A Paclfl
Rockv Mountain Liu..al2
2:Z am
alO:3J pm pm
j. 4.W pm
a to pm
al2:U pm
a 7.41 am
Chicago Local Pass...bl0
Chicago lay Express. a 4
Chicago Express a 4
:3u am
4u aiii
:lo pm
lies Moines Local Pas. a 4
1.2 pin
Chicago-Neb, Limited a t
i.lS pill
Chi -Neh. Lmtd to Lin
coln $
Cld. -Colo. Express a 1
1:01 ta
a 1.6$ pm
a 4:00 pm
a 11. 45 am
a u.3o am
li p'a
tiki. 4t Tex. Exults.. a ft
i.OV pill
Rocky Mountain Ltu.alo
42 pIU
Iblesss t.reat Wester
Chl. aeo Limited a $
Jj pra
Twin city Limited a $
Tuin City Expieas....a
I'liii.Mi.i Exoiess
i.o pm
1.4J am
a 7 41 am
a :50 pm
a $ ii pia
Local l'aSi.uger a t.lti pin
I 1. I a u 1IIIh.bL.ii a Ei 1
Ovoriui.d Limited a 7 50 pm 12 am
Perry Local a A 30 aui 11 tm pin
Colorado iiApress ,. im) pin $.:'u pin
Culorado Special a 7:42 aai aui
Pcuy Local .. , b b.tit piu Li.uo pui
IV alah
Omaha St Ionls Kx..a 30rm 1.1 am
Mall in.1 Express. a 7 03 am all. 15 pm
mMii lit r,ivnn. aiu ni,..w
Stanb y L. tfrom C.B.)b B 00 pm blO.14 am
ttlssonrt raclfle 1
w C. 4s St. li Ex..'!.ali:ib pm a 5:60 pra
Rnrllaaton tatatlon lnta & Masua
, 1 1 mi ,
a 8:4i, pm
a 8'4i pm
a 6:10 pm
a l is pm
a 12. l.i pm
a 7:00 am
a 8 :10 pin
a r. b pm
n 8 0S am
b!0:20 am
b 8 os am
a 8-30 am
a 3 40 pm
all is pm
a 7:00 pm
a S '55 pm
a 8 w am
10 30 am
bio 45 am
all 50 am
a ti 4o am
a (.10 pm
Denver Cnllfot nla . .a 4 10 pm
Puget Sound Express. a 4 10 pm
Nebraska points a $:!" am
P.iai k Hills a 4:10 pm
Lincoln 5111 b 1:30 pm
Northwest Express. .. .all 3 pm
Nebraska points a $.20 tun
Nebraska Express a $.15 am
Lincoln Locsl
Hrhiivlar-Plattamouth b 8:05 pm
Lincoln Local
Plnttsmouth-lnwa a 9 IS am
Hellevue-I'Ir ttsmouth at- 30 pm
Chicago special n 7 15 am
Denver Special all sTi pm
Chicago Express a 4.20 pm
Chic. Fast Express... a 6-: pm
low-a, Lociil a l.' sm
Creston tta ) Iral....b 8 !1 pm
St. Louis Express a 4:85 pm
K. C. St. Joseph. ...alO-45 pm
K. C. A St. Joseph. ...a 8:15 am
K. C. 4c St. Joseph. ...a 4:30 pm
Websttr Dtatlon intti and Webster.
Missouri rartrio
Auburn Loral
Ch4ea, t. Pa
Plotix City Kxprs.
Omaha I.oral
Sioux City Pass... ,
Twin City Pass
Emerson Local.. .
rrpnrt. Arrive.
,..b3..'0pm bll V am
il, .M lane poll A
. ...b 8.25 pm
,...C 8:25 am
bl3rfl5 pm
e 6 35 pm
b $.$$ pra
....b 4S am
,...b $ 56 pm
Sunday, to)
b .H am
lb) dally except
only. I) daliy.
by 1b iiprh
Iraotttlanllo lint
th lirgeit as4 Biiwt hixurt.o, stesmer ef
th Haibnri-Amrlcss srrki. Kiilpped
with Rim tJsrlton KiUurnt. Fslm turtles,
OranMliim, Elsrtrls Hatha, Kiel tori.
Mil tea? New Tark
risRUARV 14, M12,
tt Madeira, .ibraltar. Algiers.
Ytllef raorbe l!Vle, (ieaea, Na
ples, snd l'orl Halsl. .
Tin for el(bt-lng st Meh port. V 4;
To or frrtnt fort fHR ni1 so.
'in or from til ether port. 9115 smt np.
Alto :ni' to IM Vrtmnt, Wnt Initn, I
sVowf Jb AmTif, V"4 tM IvarU, I
j Stud fur llhTatnitrd booklet. I
150 W. Randolph St.. Chlcsg j, or local agt.
Self, Highest Gift
of Man to God
"When any man beirln to really know
Clod the thnuRht of Riving- something to
God Is a most natural thought," spoke
Dr. M. V. lllabe at North Presbyterian
church Sunday. "One man say 1 will
giv my Hoods. Anothor will uHn obedl
erice. The httfhnst Rift Is self. A mis
sionary told a new convert' smon" the
Indian that hi saddle and bridle was not
enotiRh. The Indlun then offered his
pony, but was told this would not suffice.
Then came th highest offer: 'Then take
poor Indian himself:' That Is what God
Triers Is a vi y real sense In which w
Rive ourselves to our country or com
munity or family. It I our hlfihest gift.
Our country, our city needs nothing and
wants nothing so much as men and
women; devoted cltlsen giving them
selves to the upbuilding and preservation
of th land v. love and the city which
holds our home.
"The most blessed of all land I the
land which r Inline the largest number of
cltlsen who hav given themselves to
"CJJvIng ourselve to Ood Is the very
first step toward gaining all thing, the
chief of which gain 1 happiness, com
pleteness and contentment. There wilt
still ba difference In the character of
two men who have with equal earnestness
given thomselves to Clod tho differences
which distinguish 'Hilly Hunday from
'Gypsy' Smith. Kach will bo happy In
large gain and frultaRe for Uod. Kach
will be brought to aeo hi own worth and
be humbly nnd happily thankful for that
worth. The r 11 test source of happiness
lie In consciousness of tho real worth
of self.
"May this Christmas of 1011 ee u giv
ing the greatest worth by giving the
greatest gift to God."
Tells Police He's j
a Missing Cashier
ty. J. Coca, arrested Saturday for at
tempting to pas worthies check, con
fessed to th pollre yesterday that ha hud
decamped with $KK from a MarkBvilla,
La., bank of which h was assistant
cashier. Incidentally h told th de
tectives that bis father formerly was
Cnlted State district attornty with Iiead
yuartcrs rt Narksvllle.
When arrested ha wa accompanied by
his Wif Who Insisted that eh be locked
up Willi her husband thnt eh might
console liltn.
Th authorities of Marksvlllo have been
Informed of Coca's confession. The police
are awaiting verification of the prisoner'
story from there.
Culled from the Wire
The upreme court will adjourn on Fri
day until Monday, January IK.
Cornelius Vanderbllt and Dr. Charles II.
Mayo of llox hester, Minn., each of whom
was operalod upon In New York for
appendicitis, were reported us recovering.
Iteporl hav been received In London
that tho health of Luieror Francis
Juseph of Austria is acatu causing great
tiiieaKiness. He is said to bn suffering
from a severe cold and rheumatism.
Hear Adinlrsl Aaron Ward, acting commander-in-chief,
I'niird (Mates Allunilc
fleet, and Mrs. Ward announced the cn
Kiigenieiit of their daughter, Llnu, to
Chief Constructor Washington Lee Cappa,
I . H. N.
Killed a Trailer Wreck.
WHITK PLAINH, N. Y.. Iec. 1x. One
mun was killed and ten persons mtured
toduv, two seriouMly, when u ruiiuvtay
patrol team, dushmg down a steep grsde,
crushed Into u trolley cur. (ieorge Knapp,
21 years old. driver of the team, was
killed. Hht neck was broken. The uaffnn
pole went thruuuli the ride of the cur
and broke the leg of Oressen Hubbard,
a lawver, and Injured the spmo of Prank
Thai key to success in i;. unices ! Ih
Jiullcio. s and pcts.itciit u.c of luasuaoer
Letters Come in Connection witli
Sale of Bonds.
rrnhlem of Disposing- at Sloney Dae.
Ina Month la WMrh Improre
ment Most llo Delnyed
Ptlll Remain.'
letters arc dally ciomlng to thi myirt
nnd tl.y clerk In rMpons to Ihl recen.
announcement of the : t lirsVIs In
volving $llt,Mo. Whan th nctJoea nri
first sent out t V kjt fsajrad t t estss-n
bond buyers would not hae flrft t t?
In their hid beforo . thn daXa ci v-k
I'ecember 22.
Mayor Tralnor and City Clark K.-anK
(iivkI. In order to exprdito matter, la
closed a f iii.tiii'in t stutcnient in tho Itl?rs
sent to each bond buyer. A ft. riuK !t
Is expected that theio will bo CUl'o a
number of bidders lit Ih sale
Thero still remain Ihc ciuaellon o? ils
poslnjf of tho money In a depository for
the months of tho winter, dtnlntr ikh
time the improvement work nocrtril
must bo delayed. Heretofore tbo lots',
hnnks havo been nccu.trmied to pay J
per cent on tha deposit. Recently
move Kit startod to obtain tho ralw over
the old rnte of Intcrrst. nie local bonks.
It Is understood, arn unwilling to pay
more than the orlslnsl S per cent, . whlrtt.
they malntiiln. Is all the money In worth
under the clrcnmstanrM. One bank t
understood to have made nrt offer ef
3 per cent on the deposits, but the otfr
Was never made formally.
Spider &: Co. of Toledo havo slsnlfle!
their willingness to pay 4 per cant
money renllred from lnvprvemsnt bonfla
during the time that tho money U tiot
actually snibjert to the city' call. CKr
Attorney It. C. Murphy favor Uil last
plan and ha nd vised tho comic!! of ti'.t
stand. On the other hand, the office of
the city trwiaurer object to the transfer
of the money to a foreign corporation
because of the fact that they would be
liable for the money taken out of Its)
charge for the time of lla deposit. Tho
treasurer In the event that the council
adopt the Toledo plan will ask to be
relieved of hi official bond Insofar as)
the fund In Question are concerned.
Another program contemplates th
withholding of th sale of bond until
such time a they are In absolute need,
it Is maintained that by euch an arrange
ment the city would not be called upon
to pay Interest during tho four or else
months of winter and early aprtmr itt
which the work cannot be carried on. .
Thames Power Dies.
Thomas Powers, aged 74, died Saturday
evening at the residence of Ma on, Peter
Powers, 230 South Twenty-fourth etreet.
Mr. Powers had been retired for several
year. lie was the father of TeteP
Powers, formerly captain of police In this
city. The funeral will be held Tuesday
morning at 9 o'clock at St. Agnes' church.
Interment will be In St. Mary' cemetery.
Maalo tlty Uosslp.
William Nash of the postofflce Is recov
ering from a sick spell.
The local national bank will hold their
annual election of officers aom time In
John J. Ryan anil Jack Hvatt returned
H.tturday from a three weeks' trip to
California and other western states.
Phone Bell South ftiSIndependenf F
1RKH for a rase of Jetter 41old Top. lYompt
delivery to any part of city. William
Mr. and Mrs. W. C.'Rronson hav gone
to Brush. Colo., where they will spend
th Christmas holidays with Mrs, lirort
on' parents.
A union service between the 'Hebrew
school ,f Houth Omaha and Council
Hluff took place yesterday at 3 'olock
In the Jewish synagogue, Twenty-fifth
and J streets. The occasion was the
"Lighting of the Candles," with Hebrew
teacher, 8, Webber, In charge. The pro
gram was carried out exclusively by the
children of the two congregations, much
to the admiration of a larg audience of
grown folks.
Nearly 1,200 member of the Beth
Hamedrosh Hagodol congregation at
Nineteenth and Burt street heard Tlev.
A. A. Itoaenbloom, the Minneapolis
Hebrew eantor, lust night. Cantor Koeen
bloom gave a number of ancient Hebrew
election to the accompaniment of a
special orchestra.
All of the songs which Rev. Mr. Roeen
blooni sung were composed by him, and
th orcheatra, which wa one of th
feature of the services, was brought
here from Minneapolis.
r. R. Throop Vaugban and hi wife,
formerly Mis Loulan Ijord of Omaha,
suited yesterday for Kurope. When they
arrived at the pier they were met by s
host of friends, who showered them with
rce. The oouple will make, an jtded
trip through tho continent. ' " '
Bring a Merry Christmra
Red Cross Seal Provide
These Thintrs
Public. Education
Ho$pitalt and Sanatoria
Dispensariei and Visiting Nune
These Prevent Tuberculosis
and Protect Your Home
Last Tear $300,000 Worth W'er Sold
Tbla Year u Million is Needed from
Red Cross Seals
Red Cross Seats Cost only One
Cent each, ntl etmultl b used '
on the bat: a of all Chruunas Mail
U to uokH ! SU Cro.1 tMit la feat sUoaltr.
V iua ta
. Stat Agent
iii City Nitlioual UuAJ. MiUlalng. Ouaka.
CENT ffemjj CENT