Desperate fine hMM, A (iL,". S!?62lT 1 f AS Twe X&sZ&SOP. sSo- JwrtAr'J Wii 1 (cufiicJ! I t"0 vLU ,- A mcK ok" , KTWese rioviA- Vi . I (ilWi!iiU! J jLa.tttKy SpjSg NVp ? Jp ljSj dll P'fc-BK SBillf sJ" lift PS' s tba tovera. aseaated aa eaaaela aad la trur wfa Iteckleae Hardy karaa.tka fasaaaa war cerreepeBdeat aad aae-Hag-pte. lara ma a, harry ever ka desert ta tha Ital laa ramp, they ara Beraeed by Deaperate eeBead. Tka levere have a at noticed kla preeeiiee', aad tka aeeaadrel aaeaaa ta give uaaa kr laaalBa; at tka revelver la kla kaa4. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time bu (u Insure proiercUairiraLloit mut le reentMl before 12 o'clock m., I (lie evrnluii editkm ami before 7:110 p. m. for morning anil biuirtay tlona. Waat ads received after auch Itours will baro their flmt Insertion under tlie beading "loo lti to Uaaairjr." , CASH RAiu VuK WANT A1S. HKCiLLAJt CLASSIHCATION Oue inaerUou 1 H cent per word anil 1 cent r word for eacli atibaequent insertion. Rich Insertion niiuio ou odd days 1 cent per word. , flU per line per mouth. Want n) for llio live mnf be Irft t any of U10 following drug atorea one la your "corner uruKJt'at" tbuj .r all brajntli offices lor Xbe llev and yonr d will bo liiM-rtod Juitt aa promptly aiid on Uie a&ine rate aa at Hie uiaiu oitlce in 'i'lie IVjo building, bcveuteonUi and raruMiu atreeU: Albach, V. C, totli'and Farnura. uum Drvf Co., WJ1 W. Ititlt hi. Uenaon liitriim!y, liciiMou, Nab. iM-mia Park. Pliarmacy, ikxi ana Cuming. UcTKIlek. H. A., lu i. llih Si. v iJtaka-bradlali, '41 dlieiuuin Ava. . augnau, c. K., I2l Lvnwuru. ' Carutak, Kmil, i2iM- b. 1311a Hi. 1 ileum ilill Puttnimcy. 2tu Military Ava. Cuuney -tnu inacy, ni H ldin at. Crlaacy flmrmauy. kith and Lka. k.ltmr & Co., ifavaawortu. l''(lir & Arnuial, iti N. ttiili tit. jh'ivyiiiti. J. J lull N. 24 ill tit. t'rtnur iJrug Co., la N. Win Bt. Klomica Uru Co.. i'lorunca. Sou. lr.m l'lim-m'y, l''k Avw. and lJcaflc. UraanuUKh at Co., I'M H. lwtu bt. Ureaiiuuali ft Co., luib alia Hickory. UolOmait 1'liarm'y, Mtli and laviiwurU JcliuiiMun 1iuii Co., Mill anil hpauiUm. J omiaon 'Pharmacy, Farnaio. llmn.Loin 1'tLrk. l'harni'y, ibul a. nVth Av lliiilarlonjf Lru Co.. ilel Ava. aui t tu kw.r jonn, N. Hth ft., A. K, Uui lauvenwonh.-, lvlna, li. (., Mitt anil r'arnam. Kuiuitan I Ul'o 1'haj-riacy, M N. 2411). l.ailirop I'tiurmsA-y, mih anil Hamilton. Mum, Kr-d L... IMIk Central Blvd. loumouth t'liarmai y, und Ainaa A v. Patnck Lnut Co., Irtri N Mttl St. Kim.ina Hrug Co, Uth and Auiaa Ava. BchHeicr's Cut ITUo. )tth and CUtvavJ. Vaihal, 1-, J.. M1 Plerca Ht. . Walton PBarniacy. nn n.nd Oraea. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. vvn kud Cuming UUATH9 AND KISKKAL MOTICklS. "AKNKS Samuel C. 8unday, Daoember 17, Wll, aged KJ years. r'un. ml tiom realaence, Jit South Twenty-fourth atreet, Tueartay, December 11), at H p. in. Interment, Korea". Uwn. HARRY Mrs. Johanna, aged HI years. Funeral Tuesday at K a. m. from the reslt-nca of her daughter. Mra. Martin J. lilneen, Vit North Twrnty-tlfth avenue, to St. Jolin a church at W tu. Inter ment Neola, la. CARD OP THANK. We desire to 'thank the Danish society. Tailors' union and friends lor thi-tr kind ness and avmpulhy In our recent bereave ment. IHjIIVo, K W. and I. Jensen. ANNOUNCEMKNTH J. A. GENTLER I AM, UNTKR. embwlmer. 1614 Chicago tit. H KM. H !' UEAi'EY & ilEAi'E Y Moved to Mil Karnam. A Siii, II 2i. UUIJSE & ltlEPEN, TUANK1 TW Bo. ltith Bt. loug. 123(1. A--wi. FREE Colored Portrait with each weeding or- w inia mon 111. HEYN SIXTEENTH AND II O W A It BTHKBTI vl. H. Morrill, china paint. KM iiruniieia Th bUlLJK, sheet Iron and tang, WOIkT iimal.u Ktruciural Kteel Works. fscb. baed Co., Jonaa. ilom ptiouea AluV INU picture tnachlnea and aupptlea. .. Mi aaKu r 111 nil Co.. i:t; Karnuin Bt. IM'Jlil.S Pnntinr Co. Tel. Doug. Ml. bwDUAO'lB Ll'NCllKHTlOT 7 In our beautiful downstairs lunch and soda water room at 1m h and Dodge we ara serving dainty luuchts and hut and ooid drinks. Tiy them! fcUKliilA.V & WcCONNKIJU DRIH1 CO. Plve Good Drug Bloraa la Umaha. Maggard Van ax eloiaiia. Pack, move, stuie ai.a htp H. . gooda D lea. B stJS. V A KM lie. Ke us for prices wu. oil, ratollne and iiTn inia. nil uireat w eaieru till Cg llux ti. Omaha. Neb. Wa pay the freight. J. F. O l-ary for sIiim-b. 41J N. tt. So. o'ni. tlicha from combings. ! Laav'wth iet your oianionus at Hrouagaard'a. V an Wuioon a horse, oog nonpiial. SIO N. tX MONFY tAAtt X'XWlNi-a JL' "' SIO Pet bl(l. 1'tione Doug. u4. IJNION 1X5 AN CO aiorm sh and door. VVelilch. . W a77. 7 houipKon. distributer of adv. N. li. K II. Cola blD Co. D t'.ui. Uid f'arna Choltei1iHi. piaDo, farn. rep. ZMi Kal iLElt GRAND Turkish Bathi 8, W edtlitig annoonceinen; . v-ue. Pig. Co. Tacuty i.r cent iaa than tunaha pri.a lloMrJ Fl KMUJKH CO.. 'rwerty-iuunn and L. ate.. Souih Omaha, I lrplerpaper lialijjing, palnt'g. ll-7 ijj i m i h k aravei. tar roots, leih it Lake. llepalring, y:J Laavcu w on ii. AtTO.MOBIIJCS AL TOMObll-E storage, fireproof bulld ' ' Unn loan, very icasuuaoic. Pooe Desmond All Icaeraat af DeawiBad'a paraalt, tka levere ara happy la krlaa; together aara aad alsa'la tka fcaswledge tkat )ka an art a pletarea taken kr Reehleaa Hardy kavaa will akaw tka Itallaa aeaeral elearly tkat Desaasd la a aeaaadrel flt aaljr far la ataat eaeeBtlea. Of Mirtt, avery aaa kaovva Deesnsad'a repatatlssu kat tkat la dlltereat fraaa aetaally aealag tka rfmrt af aaaaf kla Crimea tkraiva berere aaa aa tka aereea. A UTOMOBI LES Murphy Did It K:PAiKiNa, PAIN UNO, TRIMMING. WIIOI.KHAI.K prli ea on oil. Douic. bMt. F() i DOORS Auto le". tops. Iiou. Vt t far Can laaa Works. Auto iampa rciialrad. Umaha78Twer"c3r H0NKS.SH0NK HKKK'H THK HtMT PLACE IN OMA1UV DRUMMOND lath and Harney 8l. OAKLAND, M IL, 4-paiiei)Ker car for lo or trade for city or farm property, tlood mason for selling. Address X li, care Ilnr. 'Itllfl ..,).. l'" Lmxi l ,A pay for ovr)iaulini cJutrgea Including new urnsiPiiHR, ui:ii fs Wllia HIUCIU, piVSlO tank, etc. J 814, care Ilea. BUHIXEHS CHAliiCEB" 111 II BT. HUBlNUHri ; KI.AL h.B 1' A 1 hi '.XCitANUU CO.-IIardwara. grocara, 'Mel. pool rooms, burlier shop, aiiloons, ti .. for sale; Home good bargains in real stale. 111 8. 14th HI., second floor, roouu li nil I, led Itothary, President. MkKt'HA.NDlbK Auctloneets. prices reHsonabla, Can also furnish buyers and irauea lor bukks or Mrrclmnulse, Hard ware and ImpiuiiienlK. Write ua today. Magnran A union Co. St. Lwrence, H. vD. A HAKE opportunity tor a small In. Vdtmrnl. I can offer a proaperoua and protltauia parlor millinery bumnesa, well located for steady trade, and ten rooina uf luinltura tor a very moderate price. i y biiatneaa la reliable and rooma all occupied, roturns front rooms pay all ex pen mm of lioime and eBtabllmimenu Am eavlng city only season for selling. Ua .alia and prloa to Interested parties. L). n, lies. To get In or out of business call oa UAN(ii.8TAD, 40i ilea Bldg. Tel. D. till. WILL, sell loo aharea United Wiraiaas i'elegraph preferred clock for 1200. iog j, kittle Mock, Ark. Hill BALK-Paying pool halli boulu muha. Addrans 1 Kd, lee. bO-ROOM hotel In Grand Island, Ne braska, entirely modern, with furniture. ttiMHM on terms; a money maker; Inveatl. gate. Write Dill at Huston, Urttnd Island, Neb. MOllKJAUES, H ON GOOD FAEMS Savings bonds secured by first mortgages and our capital and aurplua of fmo.uOU. NO BAJ?'Eil INVESTaLENT Bonds for lino, ta) and up, as suits your savInKs, slake your money bring you a good Income. Auk for particulars. rAYNE INVESTMENT CO- l&th and Farnam Sis., Omaha, Nab. BUHlNKSa l'KISSONALH AaaaaeaBaata, BEFORE and after the show visit the Ol.YMPlA for Ice cream and candies. ALWAYS want VaAd. and for larg picture show. Tul Oina. Nat Hk lildg. Artealaa Writs. I. K. NKRKROALL, 1M1-1X Clly Nafl. Kd Ko, well btirlng. Tel Benson iti, Arcktteuta. J. Bowell, architect. 6T1 Brandaig Attaraaya. O. W. Bhlelda. attorney, C7 B. of Trade. LIHToN U HA1.1.. UWfK It. hmm. C. K. Binlih. at y at iaw, fU Uee. D. M7 Awalaga ana 'tcala. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel Ml Douglas. llagt Slaaufavlarara. BKMIg OMAHA I1AU CO., Omaha, Neb. Ataaaaae aad Taaleafca. THE! ONt,T WAT. Pagrate checked to destination. Tail. cabs and touring cats. Tei Douglas Uwa aad rscksg Maa alaet ajrera. Wooden Box A Package Co. 1514 N. 18th. Carpeta, Itaaa aad Draper tea. roLCAK & co3:'.ft r ,cr- carpet cleaning. 1 B. U. p. 2T1. A-4i larpeatera aad Coatravtora. W. P. Peverell. contractor. Raniga Rldg Stavenaan. carpenter cont. Doth phooaa. A. l.lnborg, carpenter, connactor. II. a.71 CktrapvUlata, DR. BOT. lSOi Karnam. Doual !aet7. laara aad TsImco. j THE Sanitary Crown Pipe. 115 8. ICth. Clatktaa Ma a a I at-1 a re rs. Wear liaal dresa shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Coat Dealers. Powera-Heafey foal Co.. Tel. P. wa. butter reed A Coal Ci.Mia Far. 11. Mo. I'lMltka quality yd.. 4i A iKnlge. H Til. C. 6. Johnaun. coal, lath ltarU j phonea. CO Ii special prlcaa by ton. t bu. for V'"alJ tt Tel. D M-iasi. COAL iy.luu or bk. f'v bushelg KlitDKK Ft'KN'ACE COAU U. IfA. Charlea A. Wuirfi.i,i i.Hv-t COAL, and kindling. Wagner, iol N. liilltf, Tea, kptcra aad Baaar Moyuna Tea Co., aa N. 11 Both phones, treaaaerlea, Dalrtra aad kMpBdleaT Falrmonfa Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID CD1.K CHKAal KKTco MPA NV? Coralea aad gleet cvillaaa, CARTER PHF.eT metal works. Omaha. Daavlagr Aradatlea. Markle's Dancing Academy, 1S1 Harney Dally clamea Mn , Thura.. Bal. cvenlnss iiiii iiA)fcv"Cuvt:braAit " Reek leas Hardy Shavaa la, a aiaa aeed ta arariaaa. Hla eereer aa tka greatest I triad war eerreeBeadeat kaa Irf bias lata saaay arras plaeee, kla a 4 vie ta a; ewer a la kaa led ta tka aaidaa aaalaa; af aaaay warm. But Rerkleee Hardy Bkarua aaw gives a art af eurarlee- . la tka dader af kla na ara ka aaa tka fenri af DhmmII Aad Dee naad la la kat aoranlt af tka llttla aartr. BU8IXKSH FKItSONAIiS Uanrlaa Aradvmtaa. IO 1aons Mon. or l-'ri. t p. m.. at Ms. rand's. J.allna, 3; ger.tlemn, tii private lemon during tlia day, I. Dentists. Ballsy, the dentist, 70S City Nafl.D. Marti A: .Viaoh, :id fl. Paxton. D. ltSU Detectlvea, Omaha secret service dct. afencjr. Inc., bonded, 42H- Paxton Blk., D. 131. A-1319. U W. Ijongnecker, 517 Karbach block. JAMES At-LAN, Neville Blk. TyleTTui Dresa niatilaa. Terry's Dressmaking College. 10 A Far. DREHf MAKING by day. Phone Web. 37W. Dr DRUGS at cut prices: freight raid on 110 orders; citlalogue free. Bherman & Mclonnell Iirug Co., Omana, Neb. tC verytatiia; liiieclrlcal. . Rurgrsa-Granden Co., 151 1 Howard. D. Ml, Klertria lighting fix., wholexale und retail. tSIOCOND-HAND F.LKCTK1U KANi dynamoa. Igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs, i f an, 12th lit. Lioug. 31.4. Kvcrylhlagc fur Woaneu FAMILY bundle washing. Harney 4W3. Keed Mtlla auit Slur a. Feed, all kinds. Olencue Mills. 232 Isard. J'lorlata. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. U7.- A.' Donahue, lbU7 Irnam. D. 10(11. A-1001. H bbH at MrtlBUliA, 1115 Farnam BU Stewart's, floriHt Ac seedsmen. 11U N. la. PAUDWH.N, tlorlst, l'.U Brown-Bt. ttHANDKlH HAIKIlJT, liranoeis lildg. D. HKNlifcltiiON, 161U Farnam. D. UaA. UAill'M tUiKiaiB. lioyd 'theater Mldg. HHUrJAN out flowera. Harney UM. Twenty-ninth and Dorcas. I'KOhftOi lull IloriHi. W. eiBl. I'srsss and kluvu Mapalra. Olson Bros., furnace repairs. 1570 Leav. FURNACE AND UTOVal R10PA1HH ta fit your stove or heater. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, gaa heaters, ther moaiai and combination warm air and hot water heaung. Omaha Btuvs Kapalr Wwrk.. LXM-Kti Douiclaa bu TeL Douxou teo. lnd. A-mzn. Foaadrtca. McDonald brass and bronie foundry, alu minum, Un, loud cam lima. 161 h A Jackuon. Marnuaa, kadrttery,. i.eatker Uaoda. Wlchert.harnesa, leather goods. 830 B. U. HARNEB8. aadules and traveling aooda. Alfred Cornish A Co., U10 Faraaiu bu Uoapltata. WIBE MEMORIAL, nth and Harney. h.XHANY, -iuM atarcy. Doug. ilaM. laisrsaw, INSURE IN THE OL.EN8 FALLS, Ichooes-Monlgomery Co, ins. Ramge Blk. lra attU Wire Fcaeiua. Anchor Fence Co., XI N. 17. Tel. Red S14. laaadrlea. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. U94. KMIlRBon LauuUiy, 13oi N. Bum phones. iKlh M- GUARANTEE Laundry, work. Douglas ISii High grade Curtaina launaei ed. i&o per pair. D. 31X1. Llgktalaa Uoila. Nebraska Lightning Hod Co. 103 N. 17th. l.aiubJr. K. (Irosa Lumber A Wrecking Co Ttar- Cains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. .'1st and Paul. Web, SM. . alaoareal alaualaet urera. ' BUlnner'a macaroni and spaghetti, loo pkg tlTlsg, aturaaa aaa Ctettatag. EXPRESBMEN'8 Delivery Co.-Movlng: furniture packing; fireproof atorage. City Office, am o. 17th. Doug. Wt;-lnJ. B-U4. OMAHA Van 'gud biorage Co. claana your carpets ' on your Moors; eleciric vacuum cleaners, tvt b. ltlti, jvH O, 17 IU, tmug. 4161. '1 win City Expreea, Ul Howard. Ikjih Tel. Kurmlura mov.; i mun 1 per hr. Vv . .4. W.C.Ferriu. van, atorage. Tyler UUu. U-l'ii CALhv Vernor tor uiovIi-.m and fire proof atorage. Office. A -SIM and Dug. im, nAiit.nui .il'., Tyler ins, H-ilUi. Meaaaieais aad MssMltasn, J. F. Bloom A Co., 17th and Cuming Sts, Maato, Art aad Laaufaaaaa. Violin lessons, experienced teachen Wm. L- I'atten, IM11 Locust. Web. iJJ. Orchaatra, plamst for danrea. D. tili. uaivusiatky. Alice Johnson. Brandeui The. Bldg. Kaiheryu Nikolas. ttM-6 Brandela Thaalar. Updolaaa. B. F. Wurn. fitting A rep'g. tU Brandela. Wyaiera. David Cola Oyster Co. Wholesale onl y. Piaju Iters. t Omaha Plumbing Co.. Kit Bhermaa Ave. T. F baifei plumbing and healing, 1CU7 Huwaru bt.'. lei. U. 743. lud. A-l.U. Paper Cumpaataa. Western Paper Co.. litli and Howard. Pa tea Is. HIRAM A. STCROKS. patent lawyer. V. B. a nil foreign pctenta, trademarks snd copyrights; zi years' experience. Mii riraodns 'I neater llldg. Tel. Doug. hw. D.0. Barncll, PaxlonliTk.7'rel. had 7UT U lllaxd Kddy U. auoruey auii solid lor. 1ms City Nat. bk. Tyler 1. I'kaaaarapha. Cdlscn phono;rpl., JiliulU Dta HS t'kl The Finder of a Camera Proves a Real Finder This Time to the Villain's Discomfiture It takaa Skaraa kat a aiaaiaat ta racavar kla raatavaara. Win a 4 a Irk niftmrit ka Klrra araralac fa Claada, aad aar kera la ataatlr taraa areaad . aad rarvra tka aavr aarartard vlllaia wltk kla traatr ala-akaatar. Wltk all. kla acniaaa, Daaaaaad kad a at aaaaad tkat tka laaaaaat-loekiaa; raaiaraaf karaa W"l rea kla andalac It la all I kaawa It. BUSINESS TEItSONALS I'hBloarapkera. ninehart, photographer, ISth A Farnam. Band berg a Btudlo, 107 B. 16th. Take elev. rotating-. OMAHA SILVER CO., 114 8. 13th. Prtnttaa. , Lew. W. llaber, Printer Sou'(?h?"1; BEE BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Phone lnd A-2620 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 1.1th A Capitol Ave. AM. Printing Co., 2JM Cumlnrf. D. Iwi47. Hles-Hall Ptg. Co. 1W B. It lnd. A-ajJi. Hestaaranta. Baxter's fine quick lunch. 115 Farnam. EAT CAFE. Everybody eats with me. 1610 Capitol Ave., north side poatoftice. Clerk Cafe, home cooking. ItilS Dodge. CiM the habit; eat at Uneeda. Cap. AvaT WOHIUH i afe, .iome cooking. 31S B. 20th. BtaansaerlBB; anil Blattering. STAMMERING and slutterlnr cured. Julia Vaughn, Ramge HldK. Sportlns Uoojdi, NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Gun Co.. 1514 Farnam. Stenographers and Coart Heportera. Myrtle A. Kelley, 70S Bran. The. D. 6683. Miss Miller, l.'iM city Nat'l Bk. D. 47IW. Steel Tank and Calvert Cunapauiea. NEBRASKA and iowa Steel Tank Company, 14tli and Nicholas. D. SS89. Btornt Doers aaa WindoTia. Gulou A LedwICfT. D. 478. Ind. B-147. Taaldernaiata. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Dour. 322L teata and Awslsgi, OMAHA Tant Co, Tel. K2 Douglas. Tatlortas. Dunham A Dunham. $1,1 suits. Ill ft. li K. A. Williams, clothes altered. 24 A Luke. OMAHA Cleaning and Pressing ciub. His McCague Blk. Ladies' work a specialty. FlNNlifY Tailoring Co.. Web. 25M. Traaka aad Halt Caeee. Fre'llng A Btelnle. 1803 Farnam BL WlgT Maanfaotarera, D. 8, Griffith, wlg.mfr.. 11 Frenzer Blk. Wlaea and lfu.aora. MAT A CO., family liquors. 1303 Douglas. WILLOW Bpringa beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 13U2 Douglas. Loftman, 6-yr-uld why. 10c drink. 14 A Har. Hansen a. Family Liquors. 113 Chicago. OET your Xmas wines and liquors at Griffith A Schmidt. KM Capital Ava. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF Boyles College IS NOW OPEN IN BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT 8KB ; , SIONB. Students admitted any time. Complete couraee In buslnean, bookkeeping, stenog raphy, telegraphy, civil service and salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. boyles. President, Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST" Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, . Civil Bervlce, Salesmanship. E. A. I&artman, Pres., ltith and Farnam. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Complete course for stenographers. Twenty years of auccess. lone C. Duffy, Prop.; Elisabeth Van Bant. Prln. Corner lath and Farnam Bta. i "TUTORING. 1st to Sill grade. II. 344. FOli CHU1STMA9 ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE NOW. CALL DOUGLAS 1261 Come In any time and pick out your tree. We will tag It when ever you aay, HOLLY, MISTLETOE. WREATHS. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 Howard St. Xmas Tokens Atf Dunning 's, 2612 Harpey, carvers, manicure sets, scissor seta, ssfety rasor seta, shears, aclxsors, pocket knives, shaving mirrors, tool cheats. Ire skates, sleds, wagons and hundreds of useful arttclca. All at attractive prices. Manicuring, Hairdressing, etc. FliFF coupon la ever package of Vel- "-4A'' velina, , Crvau.a uuU Powders purchased ironi our uiugKlaL, entinuig purcuaaer to profeaaional tlctiueuu. tic vl Li.arge, at The VELVETINA SHOP 1. rinvat ahop of beauty culture In middle West, lfcu) Farnam.. Doug. I. A-ljao. The Jiest Xmus Present. ( ta a scholarship in the MOS11ER-I.AMP. MAN COLLEilrJ. lis great benefits laut a lifetime, hend to MOHUEit A LAMP MAN. NEW LiX'ATlON, lsia FARNAM ST.. FOK I'A'I'ALliOl'li. TERMS. ETC The Ideal Xmas gift la a bicycle or motorcycle. Reduced prices on new and used one. VICTOR II. IMioS, S7J tiavenworth St. TH E IDEA l7, PLEA riNG-COd7a r'catintfs. buttons covciril, all sises and i on CHRISTMAS DAltKEli 13K0S. PAINT CO. JfBVi Farnam St. Douff. 4730. Ind. A-383L A beautuui asortmni of stencil out fits and Bherwiu-WllUams goods. Wa da glaxinif Sod picture training at moderate prices. GAB AND ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS are always acceptable, always appreci ated and ill ways used. $5 TO $85 ol8,ConTal BURGESB-GRANDEN CO.. 1619 Howard. Xinas Leather Novelties. All kinds moccasins, all sizes. ' Xmas candles, perfumes, clKais, fancy packages. ABia. ILER GRAND PHARMACY. LUXURY nd UTILITY are COM. rl'izr JsINED 111 ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or old, will be glad to receive an electrical gift for Christmas. TAT 1 j A T T 0 Omaha exclusive U 1 tjJ.LtLl O J:andy "hop-The , w home of home- made candles. Bpeclaia daily. 1518 Douglas. DIAMOND KINGS W V.Q per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Dougiaa Bt. , BliANDElSCUT FLOWER DEPT. i X A large aupply of holiday needs. Cut flowera, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices. FOR XMAS SHOPPING CALL THE ACME TAXI LIVEKY fc; , C. Ehowalter. 'Tel. Douglas 376, A-flWA White's Loan (ittlce l'i.:i i lal sale on overcoats left In pawn.'j up special bargalna In watches and dtamunua. Woman's Exchange li:!? eltles; lunches. 223 Bd. of Tr. 1WI3 Farnam. YOUNG WOMEN woula s ' ,f;'a.t Z: , ' . a membership In ill Y- w- C. A. as a Chrlatmaa gift. YOU'LL always be happy If your wed ding ring comes from Brodegaard's, 115 8. 16th tit. At th sign of the crown. SPECIAL Xma" "ale' 4 to H oft Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 8. 16th. Wedding-Cakes ;av &tf12 i-.i-ic unis Amaa canaiea. cigars, per fumes. CrUsey Phar., K4lh A Lake. W. til KIPLINGEK'S il3tnh"a1,,r?arJ,iarn': Y f O A membership makes a present t,WV- tor every day In the year. 15: CABINET PICTURES &) Hasxett Utudio. 18 8. lth. D 740a. H Uold lotterlng on books, purses, leather goods. E. A. T'ryon Co., 1316 Farnam. w. imiu j ieiii, rum ana pnoiograpny Pictures enlarged. Btudlo. 215 8. 15th St. Xmaa packages, candies. Derfumea. el. gara. Lathrop Pharmacy. :A A Hamilton. MOY;R STATIONERY CO., 1616 Farnam. Chrlatmaa novelll :s, cards, calendars. ' XMAS hand painted china. 832 B. 24th fit. Apartment 3. falei i.mi j snarpned. 320 Kamye Bid. THE BOURGEOIS CO.. 1907 FAItNAMT Out-of-date garments ax. toy new. W.3U2U, HELP WAXTED FKMALE Hoasekeepers and Domeattoa. THE SERVANT IRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Brink your ad to Tba Bee office or telephone Tyler VKKH WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 210 8. 7th tt. WANTED A girl for general house work; small family. Phone Harney 633. juAj r-acuio nr. W ANTED CHrl to assist In general housework; family of three adults. -211 d. 32d Ave. 'Phone Harney 4217. WANTED Xn experienced nurse girl. References required. 4-' N 38th St. Har ney iW. WANTED A competent cook. Ui N. SSth Ht. Harney 66H. WANTED at onca, general Blrl and nurfie Blrl. References required. Mrs. C. E. Spens, 16U8 B. SJd Ave. NICE, reliable girl for general house work; no washing. 2406 Cass. WANTED Experienced girl; family of to. 3116 Poppleton Ave. . - ' GIRL for general housework; three In family; wages $5 per week. W. G. Car penter, 2006 IxiciiHt tit., Web. US. WANTED Competent man and wife as houseman and cook; no washing; refer ences required. No. "1, Ft. Crook. WANTED Young girl, about li year, to take care of two young children and do little housework. Apply Mrs. c-altta, 1417 S. 6th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 1U3 8. 3!ih St. Mteeellaaaaaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian- association building at St. Mir) Av. and 17 th St., where they ll! be directed to suitable boarding plucee or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Culon Station Apprentice glils to learn halrdrcsaing. Opperilulm. tr.' City Nat'l Bank. Practical Nurses' exchange. TeL D. 112. RETol'CHEK wanted. 612 8. 16th Mt. HLI WANTED MALE Aaeata, Balesuiaai aaa Sollcilura. Live city A road aalesmam Bee, O-TDl KXCHANCE man to handle real estate exchange department. Address at ouca. C J.i. Uee. AGENTS Ma k inn ' to $15 daily, selling our Gem Fo. lutein Pens; pearl barrel, wilh two golden bands, velvet point, gold plate nit), full chaced goldlne cap; whole vale prUe to agents, uc. irlem Fountain Pen Co.. Box 47, Danville. HI. WANTED High class slock and bond slcMiiaii. exceii ml iue and fine op portunity lor inau of selling ability; Omaha und vicinity. AddreM. iV Plains Bldg.. Cheyenne. Wyo. . W ANTKti t'alrtmaii to sell our special ties In Omaha on commission. Annen Candy and lii-cuu Co.. Urwn Bay. Wis. blDE I.IKE aaleameu wanted by Jan uaiy 1 to handle our compact Una of ctas and wood adverticiiig calendars; liopulsr with bank; b'g cominHsiou. Ad-saal:i4r.lfa- Co., ilutjilvrd. 111. By arl7 kaaad. Daaaaaad la lad krfara tba Itallaa aaarraL, Wkaa eaatlaaad aa ta kla allr, tka vlllala daalaraa acrsaa kla keart tkat ka kaa aavar atada tka allskteat attamat ta karaa eltker Claade ar Raaamaad! Katklaa; Ilka a really a aad e la Daamaad'a aplalaa. KatwItkataadlBK tka rlllala'a daalal, Claada. traatlaa; la Rarkaaa Hardy Hkavna, la aalcfly eaaadcat at eaavlcllaa kin. i ' , IlELP WANTKD-lMALK Agrenta, Csleimea and Sollcltora. LOCAL aaleaman to sell 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida, land. Produces splendid crops. A first class prriponltton that will stand the closest Investigation. Robt. C. Drupsedow A Co., S60 Orn, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. AGENTS Greatest money maker ever placed In hands of agents. Demonstrated first minute, order taken second minute. Sample free. The Llnd Agency gales CO., Marathon, la. Clerical aad Ofllee. FULL dress milts, evening party dresses for rent. $1 to 1.50 a nltflit. JOHN FELDMAN 208 N. 17th. D. S121 "CANO "-High grade positions. 600 Baa. Factory and 'trades. WANTED A-No. 1 Job compositor, steady position; must be sober and non user of cigarettes. Non-union. Address J-HS8, care Bee. Druit store isnaps) jobs. Kniest. i Bldg. WANTED At once 6 or 8 good orna mental plasterers at U. S. postofflce, Falrbury, Neb. Apply to .D. J. Phlppa, Fairbury, Neb. idlaceliaaeooa. GOVERNMENT positions open; list harwtng salaries free. Franklin Inatltuta, Dept 213-K. Rochester, N. Y. Hells bie Emp. Agency. 1610 Davenport. WANTED, for U. M. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and fc; citizens of United States, of good character and temparata habits, who can apeak, read and write the Engllsa lau guane. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, 13th and Dougiaa Sta. Omaha. Neb.; 607 4th St., Sioux City. la,; M N. 10th Ht.. Lincoln. Nab. TELEGRAPH post lion guaranteed yoti by both Union Pacific and llllnola Can ual railroads if you gain your training in our echool. Practice on R. II, wires. Ad drees, for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. YOU are wanted rss government Job; $S0 per month; Bend postal for list of posi tions open. Franklin Inatltuta, Dept. 111 K. Rochester, N. Y. 500 MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at onca for electric railway motormen and conductors; 160 to S100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; nu strike. Writa Immediately for application blank. Address Y 60, cars of Bee. U? 100 MONTH AUTOiNG. AUTO 8CHOOL. OMAHA, NEB, 'w' Guarantees mora actual repairing Hum a.u.tmree other schools. Come sea. WANTED Men to learn tha best busi ness In the world, the barber trade; can have your own shop or tarn big wages; light, clean Inside work; an army of our graduates running shops send tor help; qualify for these positions; few weeka re quired; our manual is splendid tor home preparation; tools given; wages In finish ing department. Write from distance or tail from city. Molar Barber College, Ho 8. 14th Bt. - ABLE bodied men warned for the U. 8. Marine Corpa between tne ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, lo to 6i. Addi tional compensation, possible. ' Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free- After 30 years' service can re lire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ancea. Service on board ahip ami ashore In all parts of tha world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Kecrulttag OXIice, 1406 Farnam 8t., Omaha. Neb. IF out of a position call at Interna tional Motion Picture Schools, 21 Baa Bid. STOHRjsADICbS Learn automobile engineering in our large training ahop. liundnada of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Assn.. 623 Brandeui Theater Bldg., Omaha, Nab. WANTED Musicians for the 18thl Int. band; muxt be single. . Address all let ters to Emanuel Klein, chief musician. ron niacKenxie. wyo. vc A VL' I i i . ... t i .. .1 -- .IIIIIIDUWCtJ , BMlcailldl M1IU solicitors for every city and town In tha country; brand new line that will sell In every store and home. Salesmen can make r tc luo a week; no machinery to explain; NO FAKE. You demonstrate our line; everybody buys Instantly. This Is an opjKirtunltv to get a permanent posi tion. We can show you. Call or address Sales Manager, 407-408 Karbach block, Omaha. LJVE STUCK FOR BALE Horaea aad Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horasa 118 X. 21st St. 'Phone Douglas 5000. LOST AND FOUND PEK&ON8 having lost soma articles Would do well tu call up tba oftice of tha Omana A Council lilutis bireet Kail way company to uncertain whether they left It In tha street cars. Many articles each day ara turned In and tha company is anxious to restore them to tha riglitfui owner. Call Doug las 48. yMAllA A COliNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. IK PART1E8 who Ioki good vision will call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL Co., 20v-U bo. 16th. aaina will be retored. LOST-A LADY'S SMALL GOLD WATCH; MONOGRAM ON BACK OF CASE K. S. D.. BETWEEN BENNETT S AND BEE OFFICE. RETURN TO BEE OFFICE AND RECEIVE LIBERAL RE WARD. LOST Fog terrier, female, brown head, black spot on back. Return to L't bo. 1611); lo.uo reward. LOST Lady's small gold watch, Initials K. J. on the front of case. In or about Brandies Stores. Satiable reward on re turn to Superintendent s office, Brandels Stores. me; AT. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR TROUBLE. NOK WHO SAID YOU WtHE INCUR ABLE. BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PllOliAl.l.Y I THE WORK. WHY NOT TRY? CALL OH WRITE "BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE," t! NE VILLE BLOCK. BEST brcHr for m-n. Gray'a Nerve Food Pills. 1 per box. prepaid. Sherman A McComiell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAX Salary aad Cam t trie. DIAMOND LOANS at 2V "1 i par cant. tUi'AU. iM DbUe. -ii. Umi frtis. - Hershfield -I'm tka kayP crlra Daasrata Daaaaaad. "bat I'm aa aaavlaa-Blatara actar."' Tka crit ical aiaaiaat kaa eaaic. aad karaa tfcrawa kta aaaaaaeeataat aa tka aereea. Daaaaaad aar real cvldeaee aaralaat fclai, aa ka rcffktd tka akaw aa a faka. Hatrvr ka la nlta likely ta ataat wttfc aaatkar dlareakla arlae. 8a ka aara aat ta atlas tka area eaataa of plctaraa te-aaerravr. MOENY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. i , , . ,WHY USE OtJU . MONEYf. .; . V BECAUSE 'you run Wr-oa on vamn HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOi ftU, da.i n. BOOKB. WAHK, HOUSE RECEIPT REAL ESTATB and SALARIES In a few.hoUrs' time, pri vately and CHEAPER than any other! concern. NO MATTER MOW CHE Ail THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund tha loan In small weekly or monthly payments ' that sooa) get you out of debt. - - Our business la aa private" as 'a bank! v and your friends, relatives and employee know nothing about it. No delay. Ea4 application given prompt attention. Call on ua for money to pay all youa) bills and you will find it quick and easy ' ; RELIABLE CllEDIT CO. f, Third Floor, 308 Paxton Block. 217 S. Utk, 'Phones; DoutTiaa 1411 and A-liU. Open "from, now till Xmas from 6 a. n4 to 8 p. m. DO "YOUR SHOPPING NOWl GET - YOUB XMAS MONEY FROM THE CITY , LOAN , COMPANY because our rates ara lower, payment1 easier, business confidential. " CITY LOAN COMPANY! : to-21 Dougiaa Block. Afcposlta llay-len'a, Phones DodKlas 16 Ind. A-2SM, ag)jjlftltji.fci Ilaliijtlailtllitrttil1l1sal s $10 TO $100 j; LUAJNUU 1 all Ct a TO ANYONE f . We will procure a loan tor aay- ta l body who owns furniture, pianos, U M horses, wagons, or anyon holding H II a steady pi.aitlon-at tba moat rea- H sonabla chargea. Ail Wa ask la your 88 promise to pay. No red tape. No 8 (I delay, quickly, privately, cheaply. 88 f m in liiBtallinenta of 1.6. 88 Via iq installments of ILU. . 8 8 tsO In Installments it 82.4a. I 18 No other cbarges. - 88 H ' Loans made from one month' to 88 88 one year. Terms to auit yon. 88 88 ' GUARANTEai LOAN CO., 88 88 OmaH Loan Department,) 88 ecu wnaucii riiK. uver xseb. uyoie t.o. 88 K. m. v-or. lum ana narney. Douglas 604S; Ind. A-UuS. 18 Open Every Evening Till 8 O'clock S U Until Xmaa.. la mtmmtmtwmvttMm.mtttatastrtni CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. If you can use from 810 to (100 or mora to a good advantage, coma ta ua. Wa do not advertise any misleading rates, but wa have tha lowest rates In tha city. Wa guarantee you a square deal. You, can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments. We allow a discount It paid, befora tlma. Call, write or 'phono sppU. cation and you will get prompt attention. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. Douglas 1356. 220 Bea Bldg. A-1304. ' USE OUE MONEY FOR i CIUtlSTMAS. Wa make loans on all kinds of chattel Quickly and privately. Phone Doug. ma. HOME LOAN COMPANY. 1823 Farnam St Room A Patterson Bile 88 tt U SI tt MONEY FOR g EVERYBODY s sio to cmn 88 88 LOANSON FURNITUHE, PIANOS. II SALARIES,-ETC.. ti M at cnargea you can ariora. and u u witnout tns red tape and delay you 88 eprim:o wun oilier companies. It ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT 18 HERE. It as COOD AS A BANK M ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. t .NOTE THESE RATES: 88 110, .you. pay back tll.60. . 18 $15, you pay back ilT.uo. 18 . tJo. you nay back 1 'S il It 80. you pay back 810.OO. U NO OTHER CHARGES. 88 Weekly or Monthly Faymenta 8 Qpen every night till Xmaa p. m. r inAliClAu 111 I . . 88 800-10 Brown Blk. Oppodita Bran- 88 Kdels. S. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. 88 ' Phona Douglas A'ii. 8fn$mmti88tm4itrtttt$tttmtitt8w8it . . STAR IXIAN Co7 " 8& TO 8100 Furnished salaried people without aacar. Ity. Indorsement, delay, publicity, actor tlon or deception. Terms to sulL 644 Putaa MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. Loaned on fnmltiifn niunna a low rates and eay ' t.;r . ' " STATE MORTGAGE LOAN R. 12 Arlington Blk. 1511 Dodga St Phonaa: Doualaa 3li4. Independent A-uA iiONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 87 prla cipal cuiee. Tolman, 604 Omaha Nat'l Bank Blila.. f0,i,,.,i7 m v TV,- 1?,?' " " awaovaa -"Tfg OFFKUKO FOB ItENT Board aad llouwa. O. M. E. hauls tninkc-n an . , n-iiji, Purtoia, family hotel. 86th Ava. and Hal Nlli-'U' .1... .... ..." . 3 Nli-!: niama rir .... ...1. - . ISON. SI. id Chlri"-!??." "i1! I ' ltdr rtaatV mu n.wr,,...! m Bt- Jsmea. mod. ti aay; week 6upT BHAUTIFLL amis of rooms, una laraa 218 Huv A HI ili.. . : . gentlemen, to room and board modern, home oookln i.. .. -LZyl ""sim mm. 'Sh 'com. suitable t.jr two n..,.iJ nth board, at i)0i North toth. "f 1 Faralaked Himbs. " Dewey EurQpeanHotel. 13th A Farnsm, FOR. RLNT-Two furnTshed loe room, wiu heat and gaa. bj i