Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Wheat Trader Cautions Following
Bnlgt of Say Before.
tawatrr O fieri a a Art Mgat aw lo
cal Reeei-M Arc Below Esteta
tlowe Wfttkrr readme
Arm Not Fa rat-able.
OMAHA. IXv ie. mi.
Th hn! market waa rjr anrourag
Ing for buyers. News from ' Argentina
and the stronsth both In the northwest
and eouth-arst markets wr featured by
the bull faction.
However trader ar cautious after such
buit ctran at th close ystrdy
ami todays market (bowed sllgnt signs
of weakening. News oyer "undsy will
no doubt hnva In effect. Monday.
With weather conditions rather dvers
for I ha hand Una of new com, country of
ferings light and local receipt a below ex
pectations, there Ik a Umld feeling against
working on ths bull aids of the market
at this time of tha year.
Wheat- held very firm after closing
nnder a full head of steam. Kverythlng
points to a strong markst. Cash wheat
was 1 Ha to 2c higher.
TW-elpt of corn wera light and weathnr
"tondltlons ara adverse. Htrenglh In wheat
la a strengthening feature. . Caab corn
waa He to J Ho higher. .
rtmary wheat receipt wera 481.000 bu.
and shipment were 24h.nm bu.. against
receipts lart year of 7b,U0f bu. and ship,
merits of ZM.OQt bu.
Primary corn receipts wera M.X) bu.
and shipments were bu., against re
ceipts laat year of M,M bu. and ship
ments of 40.000 bu.
Clearance wera f7,M bu. of com, none
of oats, and wheat and flour equal to
erO.M) bo.
Liverpool closed VA to 744 lower on
Wheat, and Wd lower an corn.
The folio wn a; cash sales wera reported
v"het: No, 2 hard. 1 car. Wto; 1 cars.
No. t hard. 1 car, froo; 1 car, 6Sto.
Mo. 4 hard. 1 car. Ri.e. No. I mixed, 1
ar. Me. Crn: No. I white. 1 car, ft He.
Mo, 4 white, 1 car, R7Hc; I cars, R7Vo.
oolor, 1 cars, HVic No . yellow, 4
ars, Ha No. 4, yellow, I cars, 67c, No. I
XTilzed. ear. tSe; I car, 7c. Na. 4
mixed, cars, C7e; 1 car, WV. No grade.
1 oar. MHci 1 cars. Mr Oata: Standard.
S ears, vo. No. t white, I cars, 4Hc; 4
cars, 4Ho. rta. 4 white, X car, 46o 1
tars, 4c; 1 car, 4&o.
Owiaka tasH rta.
WTIEUT No. a hard, ITWWHt No, I
bard. asiVrCi No. 4 hard. leHA
CORN No. t White. fih.3f.HW-r Kn I
I white. ?e67ie! No. I color. tltJWi; No,
yellow, WQUo; No. 4 yellow, WHt7c:
I KVaUa; No. 4, WtfuTa; no grade,
I OA Ttimyiptf,r. ; standard. ng4P4o;
2 whu .HHM4o; No. 4 white, 46V3H
i JlJUJrr-aDllB4f, fuaQLl No. L
, feet. 703-tOe.
7J X. HwSe! No. J, JH9W4o.
.ICUfeWp .
Carle Receipt.
, , I Wheat. Corn, oata
I Chirac , 261 157
, Mlaneapolui, ..........JM ...
I mih ................... 7 f 11
Zulutb C .
! Fsafaree wf the Tradtaai aad Claalaug
rrlceo Berd f Trade.
CHICAGO, Dec M.-Deaplta helpful
Tiaas from irany eouroea, better harvest
weather In Argentina, sent tha wheat
Sitarket today to a lower level. Tha close
l.era waa easy at to to Ho under yester
day. Com finlahsd a 1-10 to c higher
than last BlKht, oats a shade down and
lios; products unchanged to lOo lower.
1'artly offaeulng the Improved weather
for wheat harvest In Argentina were re
duced estlmateo of the surplus which
would be available for export from that
country. The bulla obtained soma en
couragement, too, from the tact that re
ceipts of sprloa; wheat thle elda of the
C anadian line were a little lighter than
a year a-o, but the arrivals at Winnipeg
told a different atory. being quadruple
the figures of a year ao. Nt only here
but Minneapolis, Omaha and Kansas City
millers were buylnr. Between tha open
ing an 1 1 the clom Miy ranged from MVkJ
TeT0 1M" ct ,c
Kough weather over most tot the fcelt
liad a bullliri effect on corn. Hrsidea
there waa an official prediction that rl
lief need not be expected wlijjtn the next
Ihlrty-slx hours, liar fluctuated from
JvatH to c, Ouaing steady a ahade
Let bighor at 4',c. Caah gradaa wera
I!t,frrl3r '"'' yellow brought
W'olo lor new. .
Tnough firm moat of the day with
corn, the eats market drooped In the end
as a result of the down turn f wheat
"l'h fact that primary recelpta were
running- larre waa also an Influence tend
ing to lower quotatlooa. Tup and bottom
rrlcee for May were 4Dc and Vt with
the close at the last named level, a net
decline of a shade.
A'rovislona ware a little dUpoaed to sag
,ewlng to the oulUllty that the action
the British dovernmeat In abutting out
M1 from tha larger American packers
iniRht lead to a almliar course by other
, ration. Pork cloaed 7Ho to lSg down,
tiut lard and rtbe had not eased off be.
Jond at tha most.
wumatiuns ranged as follow:
tiAftic l Oitmm 1 High. I Imw. :ioae. Yee'yT
1 heal
, May.
Wuy.'w MHi!
' ru.J
11 K
, May.
, I'ork,
-I ail..
14 WH
It ft-K
13 0
14 04
1 Vi
tonJ tio
t 2
I 4
1 v
s l
t (0
'aah quotation wera as followa!
. FlH'K Hull, easy; winter patents,
t!7!ui; winter straights. $3 UM 44-
nring patent a. i.7(Kli so; aprmg stramhu'
4.26i4.stf; bakers, 4 6Dfl4.;6, " '
It I E No. i siHiijuje
llAKLUY Feed or mlxlnir, tMttbci fair
to chol.-e malting. ll.JiS.rl M.
, PKKIM4 llmolhy, li.tK)vi5.oo; clover
glS bti'li L t
, I'HOVIeltJNS Meaa pork, per hbl., tld.00
"in, iw ids a uu, cinort rlba.
aidr-a (looae), 17.75.
Total clearance of wheat and flour
were equal to IU.uuO bu. Primary race pi a
ere 4M1.IJ iu , compared With 475.0UW bu
the corieepondlng day a year aru. Katl-
m.ll rxli.i, ,11.... ..
. . 1 wv..u7. . UC)kl,
": n. Ui cais; ota, it cara; hoga.
CMcaicj Cah frtces WhMt: Not 2 rd
- a - . - s a, gi'i vr , HV, 3 ft &!(.
.-nl.(2: No. I hard. WAlfJc; No. 1 north-
u raai.ui cu. 1 nortnern, l gou
J.W; Ne. northern, llu-il; No I
eprliur. Sfccsfctl.lH; No. 3 aprlng, koctitlCI
No. 4 apriiia-. euctll.oO; vlvet chaff,
11.44; duruui. kuull.ta. Corn: No. 2 old
'.): No. 3 white. Wiolo; No. a yellow
0ttilc: No. S yellow, aOW61c; No 4
while, M'-rsnVie; No. 4 yellow, WJjUtc;
No. 4, KjW:. Oat: No. 3 white. 4ViJ
No. J white. 4. v.&ts'.e; No. 4 whits
4't : atahOaid. 47,,a4SV,c. '
Bi;TTr:it-riteady; crcamerlua, it33c:
lairie, t-wiSJc. -v-.,
r;i(i-l(.ccelpts, l.HX cases. Market
.steady; at mark, caeca Incluo.-d,;
flreta. i;Vn27c; pi line flrata. iviiV.
t'HKtl-J-,Steidy i daiaiea liilc
twins, VotitiK Americas.
ltx-; long l.uina. Jf.rtii.
POTATOK iTns-ttird; choice to fancy
8-rcMc: fair to good. TiflTSo.
1H LTKY-Titeady; turkeys, Itflso
tliickens. lu:; aiiriiiKa. t'vjiKk-. '
V KAL. Steady at 'ttiWc.
t'arlot Hce;laWlio-it. cars with 14
f contract giarle; coin. nh J
i-t icniiait idade; oata. 17 cat Total
laceipta of win at at Oik.), m r,neapuls
at;d iulath today wrl. j,,; CtlB, COI.
J.aied with U mi la. 1 week and 7 cara
ti. cori; oiitling day a year ago.
K a k... I . . 1 . 1 . .. 1 . . .
KANS.'.d C1TV. Itc. liL-A HK.AT-l.-n
i.i.iir-e-j; iso. 2 lu.rU, It 1 ; N-.
V. ..: No 3 n-l. s.-n-jj ; ;. a, Ktn'
V- . ; lAitiiim-, IWc; Ala, ka c; Jul.
i'. -I nihaiK d: No. ; nilxed, 4c;
-; t'O. t muilt, ibvc; No. 3,
CaC4r: necember, Vi Way, M'V::
OATtt-l no hanged; No. J whlta, 4tf
-'.. '. . iiiiaeii, fiiMjjr,
HAT Unchanged: choice timothy, 919.60
V - j rnoirf prairie, m ho.
mrTTrJR Oeamery, .c; flrets, 33c;
E(J8 Extras, Jlc; firsts. 2K-: seconds
lc. Rerrtpte. Hhlnmenta
Wheat lilt 11 ww 11 ml
Corn, bn ...!.!!"! l!(w fy!flrt)
vats, bu i5,no)
Qaetatleaa ef the Day a Tartees
C'sjt aaeiell lea.
NETv" TORK. Iec. 1TI.rTTR-..!ai1v;
spring patents, 6.n0tf5 J0; winter straights,
M.lh4i4.2U: winter tistonta. U1MMTO' ,tiHni
cleirs, 4 l(Kj4.3t; winter extra No. 1, U.70
feS.M; winter extra No. 3, at.l&e3; Ksn
sss straights. 4.f(74.70. Receipt, .0
vu., nuimenra. xi.aa nil. live nour.
julet; fair rood, I4.7MM.J6; choice to
imnry, aft.tiirrtj. . nuckweat flour, quiet,
3ZAH1.6R per hundred pounds.
COKNMKAIj-Hteady; fine white snd
yellow, IIfi.l4o; coarse. ai.554Tl.Ot; kiln
dried. J3464I3.76.
KVE-8teadv: No. 2. i7n. c. L f. TtuffaJa
to arrtva . .
BARL.KT Steady: malting. H.1I91.2S.
e. 1. f. Buffalo.
WHBAT-Ppot market barely steady:
No. 3 red. KSo elevator axoort haala and
'e f. o. h, afloat: No. 1 northern luluth,
II. If 4 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market
was eay early on tha cables and renorta
of more favorable weather In Argentina.
out rained on small northwestern re
ceipts and private estimates reducing tha
Argentina exportable surplus, closed net
unchanged. Decanba- cloaed t7c: Mav.
fl.03l.0gi)a. closed II .T4, Recelpta, 42,000
ou.; anipmnnta, 9a,7H cu.
t'ORN Snot market firm: exnnrt new.
704a f. o. b. afloat. Futures market wan
nominal. Receipts, 42.7M bu.; shipments,
14.K0 bu.
OATii-Bpot steady: standsrd white Mo
In elevator; No, 2, MVic; No. 3 end 4.
Ma, and natural whit and clipped, K'aiilo
on traok. Future market waa nominal.
Receipts, JW.I2& bu.; shipments, nil.
HAY Firm: rrim. nominal: No. 1.
el.2f.4fl.IW; No. 3, 31,JOf(L15; No. 3, 36cfi1.00.
nyi'H-Hteady : state, common to choice
WU 6jfc; 1H10. nominal; raclflo coast
111. Vtoc; 10, nominal.
HIUES Firm: Central Amerlea. Z2e:
Bogota, 12y Hc.
LalATHKK Hteady: hemlock first. ZMV
re; seconds, 34-gHrtc: thirds. 21tfZ3o; re-
Jsota, 15c.
PROVISTONS Portt. steady; mas. 117.4
17 W; family, 3u.O0Or2O.D; short clears,
I17.ZNJIJ.5S. Beef, firm; mess. IS.Wl.s;
family, 314.totf1S.00; beeves, hams, f-aoiMy
31.00. CWt. meats, steady; pickled bellies,
i"V pound, 4n; pickled hams, Wiruc..
Lrd. easy; middle west prime. I8.1O09.M:
refined, barely steady; continent, 340;
South America, H0.K; compound. tt7Hc.
TALJjOW steady; prime city hhds..
c; country, l'ic.
1IUTTKB-Very alrrn; ereamery pe-
oiais, Mo; extras, ate; first, KiQ33via.
CHEiaE-Firm; weekly exports, 800
box at; state whole milk fall and earlier
specials, lc; aklma, U413o.
i: CHJ st Firm; fresh gathered extras,
3H1g41o; extra first. SMjMc; held fress,
poor to fair. . Zl'tfilc; wastera gathered,
whit. W8'40o.
t. I.eela Oeaeral Market.
BT. IXHTIfl, rec. 14, WHEAT Future,
lower; May. Xt-trte'ac; July, Kmi '
cash, steady: track No. 3 red, 4uir7o; Ho.
3 hard. vul.W.
CORN-lllghort May. WVjflrsjuo; jujy
atH-S; Uack No. , 6H; No. 3 white,
OATa-fteady; IVcember, 43c; May,
4o; track No. 3, 47Hc; No. I white, 40.
R Y Pi Unchanged, Mc.
FI)Ult Bteadvi red winter eaten t a
34. Ml 4. 70: extra fancy and straight, 3J.75
a.o , nam wminr cigars, avKt(a.u,
HEK1 Timothy, 314.tOtrU.4Q.
H RAN Firm; sacked, east track, IU9
HAT Firm; timothy, ULOOtySiOl); prairie,
PHOVlHrONS Pork, unchanged. Job
bing, I14.W. lArd. lower; prime ateam,
3S.to4a.XlL Pry salt meat a, unchanxed;
boxed, extra ahorta. 3S.ig,; clear ribs.
K; short clears. 38.31 '4. Baoon. un.
changed: boxed, extra short, 3U.23; clear
ribs, tViS; abort clears, 33V
POUt.TR Firm; oliiokan, THo;
springs. SVic; turkey. 140; duck. Uc;
geeae, te.
it UTTER Lower J creamer)'. JOS 3 a.
IXMJS-Lwer, 370.
Receipt, hlpmsnts.
Flour, bbls., 4S,nu0
Wheat, bu VI.400
Corn, bu 36,000
Oata, bu....; 3,0U0 34,000
MlaaewtawlU ftrala Market.
ret-amber, 31.01; May. tlM; July,
11.4. cash. No. 1 ' ' II 04-, No. 1
northern, 11.01.04; No. . northera, L.UU
(IW; No. 3 wheat, vrWc.
UA KL-70crtl.l4.
COHN-No. 3 ysllow, fAe.
OATo No. 3 white, 4&tW,
KVaV-No. 3. rt-,Ha
URAN IJ.oOii2i.40.
Flt'R Unchanged; first patent.
H4lJW; second patent.; first
clear. HW4ii; aecoud clear, 4w3ufX70,
Philadelphia PreaTae Market.
Firmer, good dauiand, weatam ereamery.
special, c; extra, l7c; nearby i.-lnl.
extra, 40c
HOS julet; unchanged.
CH EES E Firm ; New York full cream.
fancy Uc; fair to good, lftesiaa,
Pewrta Market.
PEORIA, ill., Deo. ls.-CORN-Steadyi
No. j white. StSc; No. 4 white, MJ
No, 3 yellow. ti,c; No. 4 yellow. &8so;
No. 3 mixed, tsotatc; No. 4 mixed,
5Hc; sample. 6&Hu.
OATB-Unchanged: No. 3 white. 47He;
No. 4 white, 4c; No. 4 white. 4c.
Llverol tjlrala Market.
LIVERFOOLe-lej. l.-WHBAT-fpot.
steady; No. 3 Manitoba. 7s lid; No. 3.
Manitoba, 7 lld: future, easy; Deoem
b;.i?J,H,: rn. ' 'vd; May. 7a 3d.
CORN-rlpot, firm; American mixed, a
Td; futures easy; January, 6a 3'd; Feb
ruary, U IbfL
Mllwaake Grata Market.
1 northern, 31 omul;; No. 3 northern, I It
'l.u; No. 3 hard winter, Avl.ul: May.
V:; July. MV.
tAT8-Hanuard. titfl.
HAllLfc. Y Ma.Ung, tllMl.ila.
toffee Market.
tures openml nttady at unchanged prices
to an advance of four polnis on a little
scattered covering In the ahaence of any
fresh feature. January eased off after
the call under scattering liquidation, but
there was very little offering for other
deliveries, and the appearance of Septem
ber buying orders In the hands of leading
bull broker Inaplred enough, covering to
Impart a generally aieadv undertone to
tha market, The close waa atrady net
five points lower on Januarv. but un
changed to six point hlither on other
months, dale. fc.0 hngs; December.
U7c; January. U:u.c: Kebruarv 1.1Mc:
March. lS ltli tnril. It 1(1- Ma
Uoiic; July and Augun." 11.0.V: Bepterobar'
11.01c; October and Novemliar. 13 (rv '
Havre a unchanged to S frano'lower
Hamburg was unchanged to s,tg, lower'
H10, 76 1 els lower at kfc:M Hamos. un
chanKid. 4 K300; 7s 7$3:.u. Hscelpi at tha
two Kraxlllan orts, w.OCO l.ak-,, suainst
W) bag. last year Jutidlal.y receipts.
Italu waa reported 14 all rtiatilcta of Sao
Paulo. New wurehous deliveries tester,
day were 6.077 bag. aitaJnai 10..0 baits
laat year. Todav's p.clal cable from
rantos report 4a unchng(d and Pao Paul.,
receipt of U.O.t) bags, agalnat 2.tw0 bsga
yeaterday. "a
rt)i c tree, quiet: rlo. No. T. ltlau-HWc-Fanto
No. 4. IVula'ac; mild, oulet; CVrl
tattoa Rrirkrt,
turea elided lrely steady. Closing blda
iHH-eraber. 31c; Janury. j.k!r K,k.
ruury. HiWc; Marcn. .6.-; Apr,i t(t,e
May. June, DIM-; J j v $ic x u
yunt. 1 21c; rl. tuber, 2;c; tkc'tubvr
t:c; November, .c. Bpot clrsed dull
mlrtulmit uUiuls. 4&c; middling sulf
.7w. No swlva. "
flr d.niund; prices 3 points higher
Anurlcan mM.IMiik fair. S.olc; gov1 mtd
''. niuiuimg, .ic; low indjlm
I'1, R'lrI 01 llnarv, 4Jic; ordinary, 4.
11 in 11.1 u.t were a 1 ai,.
which l.ouu baUa were for siecuiaUon an
rx;ori ana niciuueu i.uw balea Auiui.. bales Including 1.4
halea Aniciliun. Futurea opened atrady
and cluaud a 11 tel.
Killing- Cattle Forty to Fifty CtnU
Lower for week.
Fairly Goad Receipt of Sheep for
Week, with Price mm All Klad
f Killer and Feed,
era Steady.
SOrTTI OMAHA, Dee. 1, 11L
Papain ..... 1 . an
Official Monday 3.178, 7MI 11.14
(rnc;al Tii.... . . , ni.
Official Wednesday.... 4.9M 10 Ml
. . j riursaay 4.4M '
ymciai rriflay JJ4 10.W1
Kstlmat Baturday .... t 3,700
RlX davi thta .-W a- rs. rJtim S4.1U
Same davs laat .k' n'iu LC Mi 3.(M
Fame 3 weeks ago 1f in 84.673
Hame 3 weeks ago 41.- 49.7
name 4 weeka evn M al7 tit M . i
Same days Inst year.. .23,444 J."l 30,22
The followlnr tarn- ahnwa the reralnts
of cattle, hogs and aheep at Pouth Omaha
or toe year to nata, as comperea wnn
laat year: in. iio. iat. Ii4.
Cattle I.IC713 1.1H4.rJ 61.WJ
Hogs 1.210 1 1.KT7.730 4fi2.39
rlheep 2,Wd,0Kl 2,fc,$7&
The following labia shows tha averaa-o
prices paid for hogs at houth Omaha lor
rne laat few flaya. with comparisons
Date. I lall. 'Wlti. . !..,. i,.... im..iIw.Io
I xc.
6 !4
3 ZJi 6 4i 4 631 ilfi 91
3 tJl 5 4jl S 15 4 37
3 30 6 4R 4 47 4 34
6 97U
S3j 6J 4 4 Zl
6 ;
6 tb
k 3l 6 41
11 TS
Deo. l:.
4 711 03 4
4 f 6 06 4
4 2IH 6 08 4
I 031 4 61
Deo. H.
3 29
4 88
3 21 6 t
Dec, 16.
6 00't
I 8 OBI 6 H7I
6 111 4 "1
Iec. 16.
6 Olt
! 3 It) 6 iW 4 23
4 76
...i.ipi .nu ainpneiiion or live Pines
t the Union Htock Yards, South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hour ending at 3
o clock Friday:
I ' ,11- Ck.,n trr'.
C, M. fc gt. P. Ry.. .. 6 .7
Wabash Ry 1
Mo. I'anlflo Ry
Union Pacific Ry 21 .. ,,
C. at N.-W., east n
west... M az .. ,.
C.. Ht. P., M. A O... 7 4
. es w-, east... ..
C. R. L A P.. .ui u " "
C, R. I. A P.. west. .. a ,. ."
Illinois central ;
C. O. W. Ry 1 0 ,.:
Total receipt.
Cattle, linn Kheetv
Omaha Packing Co 1.63
8wlft Co 1,117
Curkahy Packing Co 2
Armour ac uo 2,U ...
Murphy iu4
-uoany rrom eu Faul
Other buyer 13 ...
Total 18 g.64 458
CATTLE There wera na cattl here In.
day, barring a load or two, and none to
mass a inarsci. r or the week, however,
receipt havs been very heavy, being In
fact tli largest sine four weeks aaro. and
very much larger than for the correspond
ing wee 01 last year. The cause for
this larg run 1 to ba found In the fan
that pnoe at the close of laat week were
very sauaiactory. A It I a well known
fact that the country Is very anxious to
unload cattle owing to the high price of
feed It was not at all surprising thai
Chicago waa completely swamped wlin
receipts mi week. As a result prices
there broke bad I v. Missouri river mar.
kst were also heavily loaded, and they
loltowed Chicago down, so that toer ha
been a heavy decline all along the Hue
at all points.
At the close of the weak It la safe to
quote all kind of killing cattle, that Is,
steers, cow and heirers, as around
4oMi0o lower than last week' close.
Tli best grade of feeder on the other
hand have been In light supply, and for
snai reason price have been but llttl
changed. Mtlll they are poaslbly a trifle
lower than last week. On tli other hand
the medium grade of cattle, which were
In very plentiful supply and not In such
active demand, felt the break In beef
steers to such an extent that they are
around 26c lower. Common and Inferior
cattle may be even lower than that.
Quotation on cattle: Good to choice
beef ateera. t.7r((K.o; fair to good beef
steers, 3tf.Oftg4.76; common to fair beef
a a . , it. ..x " . . . , 1
"t n.iiio.11, gwi 10 criuic neiiera,
34.76tM.40; good to choice cows, 34 3.26,
isir to- good cows, 3.W4i4.2f; common to
fair cows, 32.7643.46; good to choice stock
ers and feeders, 46.2i.a4.tK; fair to good
siockara and feeders. 34.i6ti6.Z6; common
to fair stockers and feeders, 3l.6Uu4.l6;
stock heifers, U &4.M; veal calves, 63. Jj
tfl.M; bulla, st ass, etc., I3.1A&.00.
HOGo Trade In hogs traveled over the
same even course of previous days, the
only new phase of the market betn a
little strength In lard offerings. In the
general way, big bulk of a fully normal
supply changed hands at steady to strong
figure. Packing demand had an active
tone from start to finish and speculators
put additional life Into movement by the
purchase of about one-sixth of the 123
loud estimate. There waa llttl or no
inquiry from bona fid shippers and most
of the selection made on apeculatlve ac
count were load with a butcher weight
Assortment of supply was much th
same a uttual, light grades being the
rule, with good lard classes the exoep.
tlon. The best heavies on sale brought
66.17H. a split nickel above yesterday's
top, and attractive butchers landed
around IS.00.O&. Bacon and high-mixed
stuff ranged from 34.00 down to less than
66.76. There were no pig of consequence
on sale, but prices 'are still quotable at
wide spreud of 34. Win. 26. In most In
stances prices for all weights were paid
readily and the yard at 10:30 o'clock were
ptacticaliy empty.
Itatner large receipts during tne week
were distributed very creditably over the
five daye and neither buyers nor sellers
claimed any advantage, the market wav
ering about a steady level throughout.
Heavy hogs are closing about a nickel
higher, while light, high-mixed and com
mon butcher offerings show no material
change In values.
Kill K Kl There was nothing doing In
any branch of tha sheep and lamb trade,
as etor(lay u clearance if both feeders
and fat stork was complete. Freeh ar
rtvula conalated of four loads of. fat
lambs consigned direct to a packer, leav
ing the open market barren.
On moat day luring the week re
ceipt seonted to be slightly under re
quirements, the first two runs claiming
th only total lu excess of lO.OwO head.
Offerings usually carried plenty of flesh
for killing purposes and, with the ex
ception of yesterday's supply, lsaa than
10 per cent of each day display was
ahown In feeder tens. The rings season
has praallrally terminated and fed stuff
Irom the corn-belt conatitutea bulk.
Demand for well-conililloned stock at
all tiniva lately waa faiily active and
easily atnpie, producing a trade that held
up In good shape from stall to finish,
tloud to choico lamhe are now 'selling
around 35.UUll.iS and anything moving
liclow 36 Is rather unattractive. Fat,
handy wethers sold as high as $4.00414 10
and topuv eu es closed around 63 UI. The
lat yearling market waa poorly tested,
owing to meager offerlnK. but som.i.nn
goud In this line would probably land
around 6t.6uer4.7f. Compared with a week
ao, current quotations on fat stuck aver
ages fully steady, but packers favored the
l-ctter ciaaeea aa a rule and discrimina
te m against the common to medium
strings uaa a Utile more pronounced than
ua lal.
Feeder trade presented no new features
wiTlh mentioning, supplies being light
with the country demand rather quiet.
According to tarlous acattrred sales,
values are closing firm wlih a week
ago. Week's entire purchase of feeders
gives a total of about l.&ai head.
VJuotatlona on sheep and lambs: Good
lo choice lamba, ti.Uii.Ki; fair to good
lambs, ti.Siiti.tO; feeder lambs. 13. 7iS4. Vi;
fair to choice yearlings, 34.2&(i4.M; feeder
yearVncs, It ti'.iM lo: xuod to choice weth-
trs, J.?i'u4.O0; fair to good wethers. 3a. 61
tu .1). leeder wethers, 63 ougJ.Si; good to
1 IhiIco ewra. 13 36141 3. is), fair to good ewe,
41 lwuj.ii; feeder ewra, t3.4014J.OO.
Kaaaaa (lly Live Stack Market.
Kecv.pis. MM head; no southerns;
s(Mra, IS.t.ipS.i'i: southern steers, l bo
4.6.1, southern cows and heifers, 33 Oftatoe.
1 alive cowa and helfrrs. IJ ltuT oo: Block
ers and feeders, 13; bulla. 63
".to; calves, I4.i04j4.gv. western Blsers,
64 or.! 5o; wetasrn cow a. 33.utva6.0O.
lUHlb Receipts, T.uuv head, market
steady; bulk of sales, 8o.?6(f4.IC; heavy,
H 16$4.30; packers and butchers. KOT.JI
ngnts.; pit;a, H.ebVbib.
BHF.KP AND Iwt.MHS-No receipts;
merket steady; muttons, ISOOt OO; lambs, 4 00; range, wethers and yearlings,
3.Otc.00; range ewes. $:.2.-tj4.00.
Demand for Cattle Hteady Ho-
Blow Wbeep Weak
CHICAGO. Dec. 14. CATTlE Receipt
estimated at 400 head; market, steady;
beeves, M.tVgft.w); Texss steers, 311
6.73; western steers. 4..Vir.; stockers
snd feeders. 13 ZV06 80: cows and heifers.
31 ie"(7 2S; calves, li-fio-iiS 00.
HOGS Receipts estimated t 14.000
head; msrket, slow; light. Jo.4FtfT lc;
mind. 30.6.'i8.ilO: heavy. tu.HMH.fa: rough,
.". .&jf.;.l0; good to choice heavy, S livff
US; Pigs, 14.50TTS-75; bulk of sales, 36.06
SHEEI AND T. A MBS Receipt esti
mated st 25000 head: market, weak; na
tive. 12.rVfi4 lo; western, 32.7W?4.10; year
lings. K.ivu6.y: In mbs. native. 34.X3
10, western, 4 2fi'cfU0.
St. tols Live Stock Market.
ceipts. f head: no Texsns; market
stcsdy; native beef steers, I4.60W4.26; cows
and heifers, t3.tWi.00; stockers and feed
ers, .l.26'(f5.26; Texas and Indian steers,
3.754.76; cows and heifers, 33.0iXa476;
calves, In carload lots. 34.sOW7.50.
HO 18 Receipts, 6.M0 hesd; market
steady; pigs and lights, H.MKjfl.DO; mixed
and butchers, 3ri. 80$j5.7&; good heavy, ti.ii)
bHKEP AND I.AMBS RecelpU. 800
head; market steady; native mutton
3.003.90; lambs, 4.2o4M.OO.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
PT. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 16. CATTDE
Receipts, 100 head: market, steady;
steers, .'.604i8.60; cows and helfor. 32.76
i60; calves. 14.0047.60.
H(M1S Receipts, 9,0(0 head; market,
stemdy; top, 36.25; bulk of sales, 33.75
ii 10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recerpt", 200
head; market, steady; lamba, f5.ou4j6.7o.
Stork ra Sight.
Receipts of live stock at tha five prin
cipal western markets yesterday
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Pouth Omaha 70 8.700 44)
Kt. Joseph 100 9, 20)
Kansas city aoo 7.000
St. Loul WO .W 800
Chicago 400 16,000 55,000
Total 1,170 47,200 6 2, 900
BUTTER No. 1, J-lb., carton, 3?ic: No.
1. In 60-lb. tub, 84Hc; No. 2, 85c; pack
ing, Ihc.
CHEESE! Imported Bwlss. I?c; Amert
csn Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 10c; twins.
l!c; daisies. 19c; triplets. 19c; young Amer
icas, 20c; blue label brick. Mc; llmberger,
2-lb.. inc.
POUDTRT-Brollers, 18c: aprlngs. 24c;
hens, 12c; cocks, 9c; ducks, 10c; geess,
16c; turkeys, 2c; pigeons, per dox., f 1 20.
Alive, broilers, 12-tc; hens, 7c; old
rooster and stags, 4c: old ducks, full
feathered, ll'tc; geese, full feathered,
9Vc; turkeys, loc; guinea fowls, 16c each;
pigeons, per dox., 60c; homers, per do..
$1.60; squabs. No, 1. II. 60; No. 2. 60c
FISH-Plckerel, lie; white, 22c; pike,
15c; trout. 15c; large crapples. irtylic;
Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel. lsc; haddock,
lie; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 16c;
ro shad. 11.00 each: shad roe, per pair,
6uc; salmon, l'ic; halibut,' 12c; yellow
perch, 8c; buffalo, 9c; bullhead, ltd.
Beet cut prices: No. 1 ribs, 18c; No. 3
ribs, 13&e; No. 3 ribs. 9c. Chucks, No. 1,
8c; No 2. 7Vic; No. 8. 6"4e. Dolns No. 1,
Wc; No 3, HAtc; No. 3, 10'o. Rounds,
No. 1, lie; No. 2. 9Hc; No. 8, 8c. Plate,
No. 1, Mc; No. 2, 4c; No. 3. 64c.
FRUITB Atps: Cooking varieties, per
bbl., 32.76; Jonathan and Grimes Golden,
per bbl., f4.60; Ben Davis, per bbl., t2.76;
California Belleflower, per box, fl.36;
Coloiado Jonathan, extra fancy, per
box 2 50; Washington Spltxenberg. per
box, f2.60; Washington R. Boauty, per box,
fiuO; Washington Staman Wlnesaps, per
box. 32.50. Bananas: Fancy selected, per
bunch, fl264(2.50. Jumbo, per bunch, $2.75
3.75. Cranberries: Wisconsin, fancy, per
bbl., 39.00; per box. f3.25; extra large
Jumbo, per bbl.. fl0.60. Dates: Anchor
brand, new, 80 l-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per
box, f2.60; Dromedary brand, new. 30 l-lb.
pkg., In boxes, per box. 13.00; bulk In
70-lb. boxes, per lb., 3c. Figs. California,
per case of 12 12-ounc pkgs., .6c; per
case of 36 U-ounce pkg., 33.50; per case
of 60 6-ounce pkgs., 32.00; New Turkish,
f-crown. In 20-lb boxes, per "., luc; 4
pnn In 20-lb. boxes, oer lb.. 16c: 7-
crown. In 80-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Grape
Fruit: Florida, 46-34 utea, per crate, 34.75
6.00; 80-54-44 lxe. per crate. 35.25. Grapes:
Maluga, in bbla, f5.60U4.00. Umoin:
Llmonelra brand, extra fancy. 800,
per box, t&.26; 360 alxe. per box. 35.00;
Lomo I.lmonelra, fancy, 300-860 slxe. per
box. It 00; 240 and 420 sixes, 60c per box
lees. Oranges: California navels. 96-12)
sixes, per box, 33 25; 15O-174-'.'OO-210-260
sixes, per box, f3.S6; 150-176-200-216-250
sixes, per bos, 33.25. Pear: California 11.
Clarlgeau, per 60-lb. box, 83.00.
VKO ETArllitfr-wini: mnu ana wax,
per mkt liek., fl.0Otjl.3C. Cabbage: Wis
consin, per lb., 2c. Celery: Michigan, per
do.. 40c; California Jumbo, per do., 0o.
Cucumbers: Hot house, per dox., fn.00.
Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos., f'J.OO.
Garlic: Kxtra fancy, white, per lb., 15o.
Iettuce: Kxtra fancy leaf, per do., 40c.
Onions; California, white, per lb., 8c. Wis
cousin, yellow and red. In sacks, per
lb 24c; Bpanisn, per craw, i.u. - x-ara-i.v,
fcuncv southern, per dos. bunches.
5o76o. Potatoes: Minnesota Early Ohio.
w.. .1 ir lL'lwiii.ln whit .Inrlr n.
nlf uu., . . ........ -. -. . w
bu., II 10; In 10-sack lots, 6c leas. Sweet
Potatoes: Kansas, per bbl., 33.00; per bu.
hsk., 11.66. Rutabagas: In sacks, pr lb.,,
luc. Tomatoe: CaJIfornla, per crate, fl.50.
MISCEL.I 'AN F.OUS Almonds: tfarra
gona, per lb., lSVfcc: In sack lou, lo less.
Draxii nuts; rtr iu., j7xv, iui,
Round Trip Excursion Tickets
Are Now on Sale Daily
via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba,
New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast
L The splendid trains of the
Fast Trains
Daily Between
Omaha and
The Best of
? ? r.? c.r? cr?
1c !. CHt:iMa: raf aaa . 4TU-
bertt: Psr In.. :r; la ewew im, tot '
Peanuts: Roas'.ed, psr IS, : .w ;er
lb., 7Vj- Pecans: large, pet !., ra; ai
ark lots, lc less Walnuts. , erew,
1911, California, per Ik.. He: in saea ;eta,
lo less. Cider: New Nehswk. per IV gal.
hi bbl.. 81.00; per 80-gal. 4. . 36 6; New
York Motts per 16-gal. H bbl., DM; per
30-ral. bbl., tK 60. Honey: New U frame.
$3 75. Krout: Per 16-gal. keg. t.T6: per I
gsl. keg. II 10; Wleconaln. per V'kl.. 13 60.
mas trees. 4 to 3 ft., 12 In bdle., per dor.,
31.50; 6 to 8 ft., 12 In bdle. per dos., 12.26;
6 to 10 ft., In bdle., per dox., 33.26; 11
ft., per tree 60c; 12 ft., per tree. TSc:
13 ft., per tree, 31 2S; 14 ft., per tree, fl .60;
18 ft., per tree, 1.7&M.iM: jg ft., per tree.
2.75S.50; 20 ft., per tree, 33.5mii4.60.
Wreaths, etc.: Evergreen wreathing.
natural, extra heavy. 2o yds. In coll. coll.
11.00; evergreen wresths, with Immortal
flowers, per dox., 31.50; with holly, per
dos., 81.60; holly wreaths, fancy Dela
ware, per do., 11.60; extra fancy, Dela
ware, extra heavy, per dox., 32.00; mag
nolia wreaths, per dox., 31.60:. holly
branches, Delaware. 12 lbs. In hbl.. per
hbl., 3160; regulnr pack, slr.e cases, 2x
2x4 ft., esse, 34.50; selected florist holly,
per case, 1x2x4 ft., 85.00; mistletoe, shipped
only by express, per lb., 20c; needle pines,
per dox., 32.00.
rir.rlw.- Howse Bank Statement.
NEW TORK. Dec. IS. The statement of
clearing house banks for the week shows
that the banks hold 815.471.250 reserve In
evcesa of legal requirements. This Is an
Increase of 810,789 850 In the proportionate
cash reserve as compared with lart week.
1 ne statement follows:
Amount. Increase.
I-nans 31.841.776 000 517.874.000
Specie, ; 3117B,0rt 6,019.000
Lexal tenders 84.OI2.000 2,843,Ono
Net deposit 1.6-79.04,flOO 16,347.0110
Circulation 61.00,000 iSO.OOO
Bank cash reserve f33R.3O8.0O0
Trust companies cash reserve.. 60,498,000
Aggregate cash reserve 3395.806,000
Trust company's reserve with clearing
house members earning 25 per cent cash
reserve, 360.5;i8,000.
Amount. Increase.
Loans f 1.850 057.000 fL2.912.000
Specie 314.082,000 4,S8,00o
Igal tender 84.941 0U) 2.099.OI0
Net deposits 1,090,344.000 17,895,0110
Circulation W.9CO.0I 3N2.000
Ex. lawful reserve 16,627,400 . 8.931,150
Rank cash reserve .. 3349.3,15.000
Trust company' cash reserve.. 69.688,000
Aggregate cash reserve f399.023.000
Trust pnmninli. aa mIii, .1...-1--
' -, vic-LTiiir
house members carrying 25 per cent cash
Summary of state bank and trust com-
nan M In .... , v . . -1 . . . .
to the clearing house:
Amount. Increase.
Loana 3618 541 700 ti 9: am
Specie 66,208,600 SiaiTOO
I . c I l.nil.r. ,, s .... , , .
Total deposit 76,686,00O 6,195,100
OH aad Roain.
TINE Firm, 4Miit50c; aales, 494 bbls; re
ceipt, 402 bbl.; shipment, 6 bbl; stock.
41.376 bbls.
ROSIN Firm; snles, 3,201 bbls.; receipt.
1.9C2 bbls; shipments. 432 bbls.; stocks
181.643 bbls. B, f6.G7H; D, 8.72V4(j.824;.
E. 86.77S.82V; F, 84.82; O and H, f6.82v
.85; I. f6.82: K. 87.10; M, $7.2B; N, 37.80;
WG. 37.50; WW. 37.75. '
Dry Goods Market.
Demand for cotton domestic Is of mod
erate proportion, but ateady. Underwear
and hosiery demand I quiet. Linen are
In better call enm . K ... . 11 , , M
. . ....... ,md iDwii 11 u. iur
aprlng delivery. Burlap ar In fair de-
anon suppiy. yarns rule quiet.
Haak Clearlags.
OMAHA, Dec. 16. Bank clearing for
trxlsy were 82.402.642.73 and for the corre
sponding day last year 82.473,320.43. The
clearings for the week amounted to
llfi.248.6nl.ia and for the same week last
year fl6,357,6S0.20.
fsgsr Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. 16. SUOAR-Raw,
nominal; muscovado, 89 test, 4.39c; centri
fugal, 96 test, 4.37c; molasses, 89 test, 4.12c
retlned, quiet; cubes, 6.0uc; granulated
5.75c; powdered. 6.65o. granuiaieq.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, "Dec. I6.-HAY-N0. 1, fli.00;
No. 3, 310.09; coarse, 39.00; packing stock
37.00; alflfa, 3100. Straw: Wheat, 85.00:
ry and oats, fti.60.
Wool Market.
BT. LOUIS, 16,-WOOL-Steady; terri
tory and western mediums, iinjAic; fine
mediums, loniioc; tin, nluc.
GRETNA. Nb.. Deo. 16. (Special.)
Gretna's annual trap shoot will be held
next Bunday, December 24. Geese and
ducks and cash prlies will be divided
between the four getting the highest
average In ten ten-bird events.
Tha key to success m business Is th
Julldous and persistent use of newspaper
r ilirnp!
Chicago and
North Western
between Omaha and Chicago
connect at the latter city with all
lines to the South and Southeast,
forming a passenger service that
cannot be surpassed.
Tnrong A railway mnd tttarruhip rrcAsfa
eve; aa on malm tm t km Mtditmrrmmaan,
thm Holy Land and to all European ciria.
Sleeping car reservations and reservation
of space on steamships to point named
above given prompt and careful attention.
Train leare Omaha for Chicago:
7.-40.. 30a.k 8:50 p..
12.0S. :3Sp.av 12(9
5:10 ,. ,7:55.
Tuht OffiM
14C1-1403 Farmam
Omaha, Jei.
r? eg c,-g s? ?s&S2S?vi
Hudson Winner in
Fuel Economy Test
Numarou car have claimed the honor
of winning th Harrlaburg (Pa.) fuel
economy contest last month. Ouy L.
Smith, distributer of th Hudson "SV
present what seems th best claim. Thl
Is A clipping from Automobile of No
vember 13. w reprint the article at Mr.
Smith' suggestion:
HARRJSBURG, P,, Nov. 14.-A Hud
son, entered by I. W. Dill and driven by
Roy Hamilton, won first prise In th
dealer' class, and a Cadillac car, owned
by W. P. Starkey, and driven by himself,
won the first prixe In th privet owners'
class of the Harrlsburg economy run
given yesterday by the Motor Club of
Harrlsburg, from Harrlsburg to Tork.
The cars before leaving on the iiu-mii.
trip yesterday morning wer sealed and
upon their return last evening were
opened by the technical committee and
the amount of the gasoline consumed on
the run wai then recorded. The Hudson
car consumed 6 gallon and pint.
Chicago Railways
Consolidated Mortgage Series
"A" Five Per Cent Gold Bonds
t.!nelry.1,a"07- Due Pebrury 1, 1927. Interest payable April 1
and October 1, In New York or Chicago. Coupon or registered bonds.
Optional at par and accrued Interest on any Interest payment
date. Denomination, $1,000. The Merchants Loan and
. Trust Company, Chicago. Trustee. Deliveries ot
these bonds will be made on or about January 6.
For complete information reirardiner this i
is made to a letter of Henrv
Board of Directors of the Company, from which we summarize
the following strong features:
The Company operates without surf a
prehensive street railway system of 460 miles, measnrpri n 4n.
gle track, serving a population
T0 1 9 . . . a.
mere is a large equity over these bonds on the basis of the
official valuation of the property fixed by the City of Chicago
' huvuM.w Va nag vviuiMuir, auu iiiMiiinrn iu T.n R iHT-rrn
annual payments made by the Company to the City are paid
out of surplus earnings after the Company has received five per
cent on this valuation, the prompt payment of intarMt nil this
issue is assured.
The present market value
issue is considerably more thai
The foUowinp; fi-rures indicate the crowth of the Com.
pany's business and earnings: ,
(Tears ended October 31, 1911)
1903 1909 1910 1911
$10,720,294.46 $12,145,571.37 $13,409,740.38 $16,671,315.21
Annual gross earnings have increased more than $5,900,000
within the last three years. Under the arrangement between
the city and the Company, as provided by the ordinance, the
city is equally interested in increasing the earnings of the
Price 9bi and Interest
Yielding Over 5.30 Per Cent
Bonds Are Offered Subject to Sale and Advance in Price
Special Descriptive Circulars Furnished on Request
Harris Trust & Savings Bank
Organized as N. W. HARRIS & CO. 1882. Incorporated 1907
The Best Known Office Building ia Omaha. 1
There is great advantage in being in a
building which people can find easily. No
building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the
entire west, is as well known as
The Bee Building.
Every man, woman and child in Omaha
knows where it is and everyone who has ever
been here knows how to find it This is only one
of the many advantages in having an office in
Soai S20 Is a cholca corner office bavins a north and t aipoaura,
rnaJiln thla apac allracuv at any aaaaon ol tu yar. an account
f sol light and ventilation. W will arrant tbla paca, lx;S
aultabl fur tanant. and mar bains a vault in la raow. it afford
axira iirotsctiou Iur saluaul Item i ar oiunta aio.0
Ummm. 41 Ha a south and wat ipour which makas a well I1a;ht4
offlc. UYtxiUM feet In ala. We ar only asking 7 do a square foot
(or thl apac which la vary cheap rent, oonaiderin location and ail
voovenlencta furnished by Th Um Bulldlua;. f rice, per month. 18
keor 61 Don't pa for desk room apaca when you can rant a piivata
offlc for th aain ainounL Thla room la SX14. ha a larae window
on tha court, affording plenty ef llut and veolUaUun. frlce per
Mttoa MO Sis ll-t. having a frame and a; Uaa partition acroa center
ef room making two good aiaed office vttb every convenience, and
th rental pi Ice only, par iiiunlh VK O
mb 401 Thl room l located near tli alavator and ha a total of ltv
iwiuara feat of floor apaca Thla U a very uealrable aoiall office and
location I convenient ttental, per month , 91T.M
aWoai 407 I llslH feet and baa two !arg window on tha court
Rental price, per u-onth , , aij jj
Bee Business Office.
Eanders Tells of
Auto Sales on Credit;
A number of tnqolrtea freen eaany
source has induced tha grodse.'
poratlon to correct th mkpwrshanaton
that apparent v artata artth nnrl tm tha
extent to which thy deem It advlaablo
10 sen automobl! ar. credit.
Bpeaklng ef thra. Waiter Flanders,
vice prealdent, said: "Tnthoet regard
to what It may seem wle to d In the
future, or my personal Judgment aj to
th ultimata trend of th Industry, w
hav simply made It possible for eur
dealer to buy their cars earlier and
so niak eatller sal and prompt e
llTsrie by helping them to carry a por
tion of tbelr account for a abort thn on
A Serloaa Breakdown
results from chronlo constipation. Dr.
Klnr New Lire Pill relieve headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble, -"in. rm-
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
A. Blair. Kro. Ch n l rm o. n nt 4Vn
estimated at more than 1.600.000.
. '
of the seeuritieit
17th and Farnam St3.