A TTIF. 0MA1TA RTTXDAV BEK: DF.CKMBEU 17, 1911. PEACE IN SIGHT IN CHINA Plenipotentiaries of Both Parties to Meet in Shanghai. DEMAND FOR NEW DYNASTY I'rolinhllllr rrrnrnt Kn.prrnr Mill Ho Itrtalned, with ltruent KlecM-,1 i:irrlrl hr foople . ( onarm o Control Klnanrre. PTIAXGIIAI. China, IVc. K-Thc com liig week will bs perliapj the most notable In tho history of tho revolution In China. Tang-SSIiao-YI, llio imperial plenipoten tiary, appointed fcy 1'remier Yuen-Fhl-Kai to negotiate terms of peace with the victorious rnvolutlonarlcs is lo arrive in ShuriKhal on Sunday. , On their arrlvnl hern they will have traveled about MX) miles along the river Yang-Tpc, which Is pntro'.ed by a score "f revolutionary cruisers and gunboats. Tanfi-Shno-Yl will not In fact have seen nn Imperial soldier or a yellow flair since hi left Hankow. Included in Tans-Shao-Yi's pnrtjr are two leading officials, Yen Shi FS, con nected with tho board of finances, and Yant; Sho Chi, former president of the hoard of communications, who will act as his counsellors. He also has with him twenty-two repre sentative of different provinces of China, who have been selected by Tro mlcr Yuan-Shl-Kal to offnet tho revolu tionary convention, now sitting at Nan king. Tour representatives of General IS. Yuen Hen, the revolutionary leader, are t ravelin? on the fame boat with Tang-Shao-1'1 and hi.s parly. Wu 'ring-fang, former Chinese minister at Washington ar.d recently selected as foreign minister of the republic cabinet, who Is directing the reception of Tang-Shao-YI, will eend two representatives to meet the party at 1U landing at the settlement. The municipality of Shanghai lias of fered the town hall for the meetings of the peace conference. This proposal al ready has been acoepted by Wu-TIng-fang on tho condition Tang-Shao-Yl ap proves. The best observers among the Influ ential Chinese believe there Is a good chance of a settlement being made through mutual concessions. Demand New Dynasty, The republicans at present are de termined to demand that the dynasty be brought to a close and that the Manchus as a class or clan be merged with the Chinese, together with their dependen cies. On this point a compromise eventually may he reached, namely, that the em peror be retained as a Chinaman at the head of a new dynasty. It may be that lie will be become constitutional mon arch, with a regent to be elected by the people, but on. an extremely limited franchise. ' The national congress, if the proposition Is accepted, wlll have Its members elected by, apch province and will control the lmpial finances as well as the army and navy. Each province, however, will be autonomous In regard to its own affairs and will elect Its own governor. There Is reason to believe that if the revolutionaries concede the question of a republic Yuan-Shl-Kal will accept their lerms. The chief difficulty appears to be with the hotheads, students and extrem ists, who are- demanding . a republlq, HURON MAN JUMPS FROM - AUTO AND IS BADLY HURT lllllON. 8. ' D.. Dec. 16. 8peelal.) Mert Knowlton, with a party of friends, was riding In an automobile near Cuvour, Wednesday, when the car took fire. Mr. Knowlton, becoming frightened, and be fore the car was stopped, sprang from the back seat, striking the froien ground with his head and shoulders, receiving In juries that may prove fatal. Mr. Knowl ton Is a well known Huron man, and has been engaged In the barber business here Tor twenty years or more. Physician from here went to Cavour to attend him and he was brought to his home here this morning. - I DEATH RECORD Parliament Member Says England and Germany Will Fight NEW YOKK. Vve. U.-John Norton (.IrifriiliK. conservative number of I'arlla- ment for Wednrbury, believes that within the next six years Knaland mul rniany wi'l be at war and all of. Kurope will feel the effect of the con flict, lie made this prophecy without Itiallflcation. following l is srrlxul In New York from the Canadian northwest. In saying it, he save what lie believed to be the real I canon fur Canada's rrfusul to accept reciprocity ut the recent election. Tho people of Cnniula," Mild Mr. Griffiths, "realized in their election that a fnr graver moblem than trade comity with tli a I'nlted states confronted them nd that problem was the bringing to gether cf the KtiKHsh empire in unity to confront the menace cf a war which would soon threaten the existence of the mother nation. "I believe there Is no doubt," ho con tinued, "but that within six years maybe m'lch sooner Knpiand and Germany will bo at war and all Kurope will be shaken by the conflict. Yes, and Aaie.ica, too, fop America could not help feeling keenly tho existence of so great a conflict as thut will assuredly be. Why do 1 think ihis? Hecauae tho whole German nation is seeking a war with us at every turn of the road and when a whole nation Is behind a thing like this there la no stop ping It. The bankers Hopped at the time of the recent crisis, but war was very near End the bankers cannot always stand la the way of a whole people." Ueorgre M. Hordock, NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Dec. 16.-(Spe- Dial.) George M. Hordock, an old resi dent of thin city and an employe of the Burlington railroad, died at his home In I Ids city yesterday after an Illness lasting uvcr nearly a year. He was born In Ohio JUno 17, 1S46, and came to this city In ll. 91 from Edgar, where he had been In business and also In the employ of the Burlington railway. While working for tbb railroad he lost an arm In a wreck a ml he w as given a position as a toll taker on tho bridge across the river at llils point. Mr. Jlordock was a prominent 'member of the Masonic and Ancient Order ut United Workmen and held many prom Inent offices In the grand lodges of this Hate during the last twelve or fifteen years. He was a great lodge worker and was held In high esteem by all of the so cret order members. Ho Is survived by 1:1s widow and one son, W. li. Mordock, ft prominent business young man of this city. The funeral wlil be held Sunday hionilng and will be private. Din. Ilasll .. llaydea. NEBRASKA, CITY, Neb., Dec. lC.-(Spe-lial.) Mia. Basil 8. Hayden, one of the pioneer residents of thU city, died ye3 lerday after an illness lasting over a ieur from Bright' dlseasa at the ago of Is. tfhe was born In Cumberland, Penn., and came to Nebraska in 18M, and has kince made it her home. She Is survived by her husband, who is W yean of age ml came to Nebraska In l!t4, and two nilhlren, Mrs. Charles Sherwood of Omaha and Ira Hhupp of Custer county. rhe funeral was held this afternoon from (he family residence, and Rev. V. 8, Lyon, pastor of tho Baptist church, con ducted the services. tawood t'hanee lloar. TKCL'MSEH, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) - Khvood Chance Hoar,' for many year a hsident ut this community, died at his home in Tecurnseh at 3 o'clock p. in. on 'j hunsday, December 14. A week before he had a lively experience with an unman Bgcuble team. In which he was struck in Die breast by -the wagon with terrific force. The cause of death was rupture t'f the lung and aeptlo affection. Mr. lioar waa 61 year old. For the laat six tear Mr. Hoar had lived In Tecurnseh Ling In business here, and, at the time jf death, was associated with Judge J. U. O'Connell In the plumbing and lmple bient firm of Hoar & O'Connell. He was t member of the Ancient Order of I nlted Workmen fi aternltyA He leave a widow and five children. The funeral will prob kuly be held Sunday aflwnoon. J. It. A an Mora. MeCOOK, Neb.. lec. 1. (Spevlal.) J. TV Vanllorn, a Burlington brakeman of I his city, w ho has been lck for many inuuUis, died this noon. The body will be Itlpped tsaturday bight to Kansas City, ilu., tor burial MOON DECISION IS DELAYED Boston Man Fatally Shoots His Son and Commits Suicide LOS ANGELES, Dec. 16-6amucl 1 Ayers of Boston shot and probably fatally wounded his eon at a hotel early today and then committed suicide. Avers and his son had been here about three months. The older man lost his wife some time ago and remarked yes terday to a chance acquaintance In a barber shop that he had nothing now to live for and wished to die. Joseph Ayers, the son, was shot tn the back of the head. The bullet pene trated his brain, but surgeons said he had a slight chance of recovery. The double tragedy occurred at fl:: o'clock this morning. Father and son occupied adjoining rooms. It is supposed that the elder man entered his con's room and after firing a bullet into the latter's head, hurried back to his own apartments and committed suicide. A bullet entered his mouth and almost tore the top of his head off. Soon after coming to California, Sam uel Ayers purchased a ranch at Beau mont, near Riverside. Apparently the family was well to do. Pass books showed considerable deposits in several banks. BOSTON, Dec. 16. Tho ' only Samuel Ayres in the Boston directory Is Samuel L. Ayers, a widely known business man. Mr. Ayers said he never heard of the man in Los Angeles. Iowa Supreme Court Unable to Ajri-ee Upon Opinion. NO CASES ARE GIVEN OUT Death of William Peterson, with Failure to Heport Injury to 111 Wife, (' of l)ainii Salt AanliiBt the !(. (I'lvm a Staff Correspondent I'KS MtMNKS, In, lHe. IK. i Special Telegram ) The Supremo Court of Iowa postponed for another day Its decision In tho famous Moon law i ase. for w hich the peoplo In some of tho cities of the t'te have b-en walling sex oral month. The court closed yest -rday anil the juli?es were in session all day today trying to clean up all the cases held over, but failed to report a plnulo derision. II has become known that tho court Is divided on the which involves whether i great many raloons in the Mote should be closed at once und r :i new law limiting tho number to one lo each thousand in habitants. illy tirts llniunue Suit. Tho death of William E. l'etcrson, which resulted In a layoff for one of the officers of the police department and a severe reprimand to the city, health de partment, was also the cause of - JJ0,(H danuiKe suit being brought against the city. The action was rtartcd by William S. Johnson, administrator of the estate of Vcterson. l'eterson was in.iuicd one night about two mouth ago when ho fell In front of an r.ul onmbile, was struck, on tho head, ami died the next day in Mercy hospital. Officers failed to notify the man's wifo, which caused the layoff of one and a reprimand for another. Salary liaise llefused. The state executive council turned down a resolution paused by the commission of animal health, requesting an increase of J"5 per month in the salaries of lr. James I. Gibson, state veterinarian, and Dr. Robert D. Wall, assistant vet erinarian. The resolution stated that the Increased duties uf the department head tinder the rules of the animal health com mission were sueh that a raise In salary for tho two uiett is i.eccssary. , CAMP TENDER MURDERED BY SHEEP HERDER NEAR LUSK LUf5K, AVyO., Dec. 16. (Special.) The victim of the stabbing affray, reported from a point fifty miles north 'of this place a few days ago, turned out to be Charles Black, a camp tender. Instead of a sheep herder, the particulars of which are as follow:. Charles Black, camp tender, and a sheep herder named Burke were stopping at the U-Bar-L ranch on Lance creek, when, without any apparent cause. Burke stabbed Black in the breast, severing the large artery to the heart, killing him almost instantly. Yost, the foreman, was near on the other side of the corral, but knew noth ing of the trouble until Black called his name, when he immediately ran toward the call, meeting Black on the way, stag gering toward him, and who said, "He has killed me," and sank to the ground, dying almost Immediately. Yost rode for assistance and when he returned Burke was endeavoring to drive away with a team, but remained around the ranch twenty-four hours, but for some reason was not taken Into custody, and Is still at large. Black's body was brought to town last night and is now at the Boyd Bros.' undertaking rooms. Nothing Is known of Black's relatives FORMER SALVATION ARMY MAN QUICKLY CONVICTED IOWA CITY, la., lec. 1C (Special.) In less than forty-eight hourn from tho time ho was Kken into custody by offi cials, charged with grand larceny, Jack McCall, the former Salvation Army lieu tenant who made off with tho local camp's funds last week, was this after noon sent lo the penitentiary at Eort Madison with a five-year lndcternilnato sentence hanging over him. Alleged lUttckmnller A r rented. IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 1". (Special.) Charged with complicity In the black hand effort to eecuro money from John L. Adams of Solon, Charles Yarborough was today arrested by Deputy I'nlted States . Marshal Healy at the Nchrlnor farm in Newport township. He is years of age, a farm laborer by occupa tion and has been sought by officials who aro working on the case for the last three weeks. BANK CASHIER AT ORCHARD SLUGGED BY STRANGER CHARLES CITY, la., Dec. 16.-H de veloped today that when Cashier K. O. Clapper of the Orchard bank of Orchard, la., started to put cash into the vault preparatory to closing last evening, a stranger who had been talking to lilm struck him over the head twice. When the cashier recovered the stranger had escaped, but without taking any money. A $1,400 reward for the stranger has been offered. The wounded cashier had to have several stitches taken to close the wound In his head. Boy Accidentally Kills Himself. SIOUX KALI, N. D.. Dec. 16.-(Spe-clal.) Henry lvterson the 17-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Peterson, liv ing .on a farm in Spink county, died from Injuries received when ho acci dentally shot himself while cleaning an automatic rifle. The ball entered the abdomen and lodged In such a manner that tho physicians could not remove it without hastening tho unfortunate young man's death. Ills lingered for many l ours before death came to his relief. GARFIELD, PINCHOT AND CLAPP WILL TOUR OHIO COLUMBUS, O., Dec. JC To Impress on Ohio republicans that Theodore Roose velt will not be a candidate for the presi dential election of 1912, John D. Fackler, secretary of the Ohio Progressive league, today 'completed arrangements for a speech-making tour of the state by I'nlted States Senator Moses E. Clapp of Minne sota, Glfford Plnchot, former I'nlted States forester; James R. Garfield of Cleveland and Louis D. Brandels of Boston. Because Plnchot and Garfield are cred ited with having the entire confidence of Colonel Roosevelt, progressive leaders hope their words will eventually allay any Roosevelt sentiment among Ohio progressives and will pave the way for the smooth progress of the La Follette campaign. BOTH HOUSES OF BRITISH PARLIAMENT PROROGUED LONDON, Dee. Ki The houses of Par liament were prorogued today and w ill re assemble on February 11. Tho king's speech was read in the House of Lords before a small gathering of members of both houses. It was brief and colorless, dealing almost solely with a recital of recent domestic legislation. 11 Now for the busiest week in the history of this store We're splendidly prepared to serve you quickly and satisfaction!)'. Stocks of Holiday Goods arc larger and more complete than ever before at this time of year. Every part of this store's service has been brought to its highest efficiency to care for this last great week of gift buying. Gifts for Men.... the sort of things men like most the sort of things they would buy for themselves. Bath Robes $3.50 to $35.00 Smoking Jackets $5.00 to $22.50 Here's the one ideal Christmas giftpractical, useful. To give one of our robes or jackets indicates your good taste. Boxed Pajamas . . . $1.00 to $8.50 Fur Caps . . . $2.50 to $25.00 Initial Handkerchiefs . . $1.50 Box Silk Umbrellas .... $3.50 to $7.50 Laundry Bags . . . $2.00 and $3.00 Silk Hats. $6.00 to $8.00 Mufflers AW tlioso new nov elties in knitted ef fects as veil as the plainer ones $1.00 to $10.00 Gloves That for fit and durability are un excelled every wanted style at $1.50 and up "Onyx" Gift Hosiery Tho quality Hose, boxed or by the pair us you choose 50c and up Holiday Neckwear For magnitude of assortments and beauty of patterns Urown-ing-Kiug's neckwear is far in advance of any other line in vestigation proves this 50c to $3.00 Shirts as Gifts Ho 'always needs shirts, why not make your Gifts this year supply his needs $1.50 to $3.50 Tie, Hose, Hdkfs. Sets All colors two or three, piece sets boxed ready for giving they'ro bound to please. $1.00 to $2.50 R. 5. Wilcox, Mgr. 15th at Douglas Gift Leather Goods Our leather goods section offers numberlesn solutions to your Gift Questions Its simply a matter ot choosing every piece makes a most acceptable gift 'may we show you some of these splendid novelties. j I Store Open Evenings All This Week GOVERNORS END THEIR TRIP ) Western Executives Return to St. Paul After Three Weeks' Tour. GIVEN ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME Party la Kurortrd to Land Product ShotT, Where lt Mrmbrra Make AddrrMC on llraulli of h Trlu. ST. PAUL, Minn., lire. 16. After n ab nenqe of three weeks, during which It traveled a dlatance of 3,400 miles and vlHited twenty-nine cities with an aggre gate population of 12,000,000 people, the western governors' special train returned this morning to Its starting point. Seven governors were on the special when it left and nine arrived on the train this morning, the additional executives being Governors Odle ot Nevada and Harmon of Ohio. The governors, whoe purpose It was to bring the earn and west Into a closer social and buslnes relationship and to exploit the resources othe various states represented, are enthusiastic over tho re sulU of the trip. Members of the party were escorted by the reception committee, national tuardt men, a battery of which flied a salute of seventeen guns, and mounted tMillce to the northwestern land products whow. At the show each governor spoke briefly. Governor Harmon was especially well received. At noon the novernors wr Kueit at luncheon, given by the Association of Commerce, after which they rested until evenlns. when tho individual governors were thn dinner guests ut the homes of leading pi. Paul citizens. The (ey to auccens in business is tht tudlclous and persistent ue or newspaper dvertlHlnc. ' Kip Lm fed $147,000.00 Bankrupt Stock Consisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Clothing, Shoes and Fur nishings, Leather Suit Cases, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Furs. Now on Sale at Prices Less Than the Cost to Manufacture. Remember S. E. Corner 12th and Far nam Sts. Look for the Large Fair Sign. i"P""""i 1 i ''''JL'' "'--'i.i. i1" 1 MIhUII l-"-" i . - ' l i. f 'i' am vi . i 9 HA1 1 al 11 a I j i Christmas joy is all year joy when the gift is a . KODAK We have Kodaks to fit most pockets at prices to lit all purses. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. 1313 rarnain St. 208 SO. 18th St. Humphreys Seventy-Seven lircaks up Grip and When cooling. It Is not when the body la hot, hut when it Is cool I nn, that it is mobt susceptible After exerclBe change your cloth ing at once don't wait till the damp things next to your skin give you a thill or check the circulation "Seventy-eeven" restores the checked circulation, starts the Mood coursing through the veins and breaks up the Cold. All dealers sell "Seventy-seven." 25c or mailed. Humphreys' lion.wo. Medicine, Co.. Cor. William ami Ann PH., New York. Oriental Rugs for Christmas During tho month of December wo aro offering the funioua "Telfeyan Collection" of raro and beau tiful Orientnl Kugs at prices that make each speci men very suitable for presentation purposes. In cluded in this collection aro many small nigs of ex traordinary beauty real "collector's pieces" with a beauty of weave that will instantly commend them to every rug lover. Our present prices are possible only becauso of tho fact that we have purchased the entire collection, $40,000 of Oriental Kugs and Per sian Carpets, and wish to diopose of the major part 'of this great purchase before the January inventory. If there is a place on your Christmas list for an ex ceptionally worthy Oriental Hug wo urge you to see tome of the specimens comprising the "Telfeynu Collection." . 1 . Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company Kit AwWM M ft MAN DO JI hr.lrrr.awt ari of mmmy. liar miw pilalorr (,. Urn koitl l.e kjta.pl S..4 fur lat fro. Josephine Le Fevre Company rhUadslphla, Pa, Hold y Ural" 'ii 1'ruu Co., Mm 1111 limit I'u., ami Mi" IiiiiiHil I'umpmiy. Omaha, The Omaha Hoe reaches more readers in Omaha than any other paper. We Know We're Stirring 4 Up a Lot of Extra Work ' for Ourselves,--Bet ANOTHER DOLLAR WINDOW We've liffii nn tinny durlnc tho pant few wekn that we an noiiiii'Ml lust h u ml u y that last fcloiulav wnulj he our final "iol,l,Ak WI.NlioW" aula lie fore. 1'hiiatmas. We meant it all rlKht tint we can't live up to it. Ko many of our patrons have Hk,'.l u x to give 'em one mure shot t extra value, -that we simply Jiute thrown up our iiuuda and aalU "Uo to It." Iok at our windows Monthly here's a part of what you will see. II HitixH liubketa vuliifil at ll.jfi to s Craft Fhuji 1-Vmerlex, worth IS to $4. 4 IiIhhs, braea trlinmetl ferneries, 2 to $3. 5 ilnlil Huaketa, worth d each. I; I UnJ Colored Iiumtstio and Imported photogravures worth to IS. Cuibuii Tom's pictures, worth $2.60. It Friunea, worth $2 to 11 Catulleatli'ks, worth f 1 .60. 3 Hulld brass umbrella stands worth 14.00. Your choice of these and inuny others fur LOO A H0SPE CO. (Framer's Craft Shop) 2513 Douglas Slrect.