Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, SPORT SECTION, Page 4, Image 58

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    1 I
t-.M mi m
Monty Picki All-Ajnerican Team
Which T&kei the Cake.
AKranMM nasi Llaatala Arr the
' FprrJr ai. Vh Will Held
rwn the Ead Post
fly MU.MT1.
NEW YORK. Dec. lt-The All-America
n selections are about all finished by
this time and, hardly In any rates, do we
find two men picking Identically the same
teams. For Instance, one man oil-star
combination contains five Yale players;
another's team had. not a single nil on It
After all, when you ronfens the fact of
the thins, you arc forced to admit that
an All-Aincricsn team rmanj very little,
because of the uncortaJnty .about It. Karh
man has a different po.nt of .law and
picks different Kinds of players. our
point of .view at th. present ,tit"ment dif
fer from that of I.I others, n.a can be
eccn by looking vxtr our "selections" for
flnt and second teams. Hero la our first
Kim of unbeatable:
'enter I'lkr'a frak.
Ouards Mammoth ami Dinosaur
'jax-tiiraf tri'odaciyi and 8lem Shovel.
i-.niiK .Munmni),! unci aeroplane.
Uuarterback Light.
iiaiiiiAcha Kim.i.juake ond J.lBhtnlhg.
r uiipni-i, i eppjroiAI.
Analyi,i;(f, find at center ope that
towers over all ond In both sharp and
firm. Xo rentnr that we know of could
vcn builsi. 1'ike's peak. Mammoth and
j'.iiojyur sr5 oia-umer ana both are
whoppern. Tho iame ran be sa!l of
ltitodaetjl st tackle, while bis male on
the otlitr ride of tho line, Hteam Hhovel,
' a Brett faculty of making holes
throuRh which the Lacks could plunge.
At ends wo have Automobile and Aero
plane, both speedy. Llsht If not heavy,
but belongs at quarterback, because no
where ran any faster be, found. Karth
nuai and Lightning at halfbacks are
Irreslrtlble. There may be some criticism
of Pessimist, but nobody can deny that
bo can kick. Pact Is, that 1s about all ha
ran do, but he la a remarkably consistent
kicker. , ,
For the re: ond team we p'ck a ferocloua
Center L. 1,'phant.
Ouards Hip y. l'otamua and R. I.
Taokles-P. i. 8on and Wild Bull.
lj:da-I-o Paid and . Nake.
Wuarterhnek Ora Ngoutang.
Halfbacks-Brer Kox and Urtaaed Pig.
KullbackMo. Mule.
Tliero is no need of canning comment
on any of theae, as all arc well known,
excepting possibly Mo. Mule. This "Show
.'c in j i urea at ruiiDack for tha same
reason that PessbnU't gem the Job on the
first team he U a great kicker.
While various teams art putting tip
trelr claim for the championship. It U
tit amiss to make mention of Otorgc
town's wonderful eleven, which did not
tnste defeat during the entire season after
lis first gam against the Carlisle In.
dian8. wh;ch caught the Washington
new before they were In aliape. George,
town's claim Ilea In on gomethe over
whelming defeat of Lehigh, which tied
Princeton., generally acknowledged w1n
nera of the title. Georgetown thrashed
Iehlgh by over five touchdown, This
condition would show Georgetown In the
ame ratio superior to Princeton. All of
which Is but another argument for an
Intercollegiate championship board to
evolve some method of singling out the
championship team.
It Is noted with pleasure that th data
for the Army. Navy annual gridiron atriuj
isle has been switched to tha Saturday
after Thanksglvinr In 1812. as In former
years. Tha gam will tak place on I
cember 1. on Franklin field. PhlJadelphla.
Th conflict of this game with th Tale
Harvard tuital on November 2i this year,
while not detracting from th six of tha
crowd at either contest, nevertheless was
not a matter for Jubilation when all
things are considered., Th playing of
the game after Thanksgiving day used
to give foot ball enthusiasts something to
look forward to at the end of th season,
whereas this year th Pennsylvania
Cornell game capped the climax. There
la one thing that th two service Institu
tions ought to get together upon-agrce
to play m New York. If this game was
held at the Tolo Grounds, the assemblage
that would gather could, be characterised
, as a super-world s eerie crowd. Thus It
would afford pleasure to some 80,000 more
eronsthe difference of capacity be
tween the Pole Orounds and Frafcuin
Hero of Many Athletic Fields for Princeton
X.., .. j f!f
'iN. .. ' '.. Vs " 4 4
tt a' . S au 'ft "
v - '111
. i.
E " ' 5 f"
. ..w. :--
zit?l: iiiMtf ' .ri tt
SB' JSF' f 'I III,' 1 I
sMT f r 1 I r .v i '..jf-a
... - -.-.. ":llr " -
g j'W'" " 'hI
fiantord IL White otherwl "Rimmt".
lit base bait and font ball nn Tha kia
of Princeton's victories over Harvard and
Yal on the gridiron this year Is alxo a the position of shortstop on the Tiger
top-notch bate ball player, holding down varsity nine.
peetcd and I think any reasonable per
son will admit that a good deal can be
aaid In dfns of th failure."
McFailand and Welch are hoping, of
course, to reinstate themselves but It
can be said right now that the public
will expctvery much from them In the
future. The notion prevails that they are
not sturdy enough to hold their own with
Wolgast and other able-bodied youngsters
who are fast earning to the front. Packey
and Fred are fine and game fellows, and
all that, but they go off edge far too
easily. On the score that the men who
hare been at the game a long as they
have seldom Improve ' In any direction.
It Is not likely that they will be seriously
considered as championship candidates
In the future. When , Wolgast gets well
we must keep an eye on Joe Mandot,
drover Hayes and the other young
"roughnecks" of the 133-pound division.
For these are the fellows most likely to
make things Interesting for the Cham
pion. . ,
Abe Attell Is doing a full share toward
making the pugilistic outlook as dull as
dishwater. He is certainly a strange
character. Always a shrewd matchmaker.
he never hesitates to hook up with men
far bigger than -himself, as his matches
with Matt Wells and Battling Nelson wllf
attest. He argues, no doubt, that a de
feat by a bigger man never acts aa a
Attell avoids promising youngsters ef
his own poundage as he does a pestilence.
Right now we have Johnny Kllbane, the
survivor of a series of featherweight con
tests, in which Joe Rivers, Patsy Cline,
Joe Carter snd Frank Conley were the
other contender. Kllbane Is Attell's logl
cal opponent for the featherweight cham
pionship and is not only ready but eager
for the fray.
Attell seemingly does not want to be
come a party to a genuine championship
Western Leaguers "
With the White Sox
Western league players of last season
who have been sold to the Chicago Vhlt
Box are listed as follows by the Chicago
" 'Dutch' Berger Is a candidate for thl
shortstop position and In the winter
months divides his time hunting on the
Illinois, river and selling 'stogies' at
Rock Island. He Is another who has had
previous fruitless Jaunts into big league
company. He went to Hot8prlngs, Ark.,
with Cincinnati last spring, but Esmond
and Altiser were too much for him and
he trailed back to Wichita under the
direction of Isbell, whom he styles the
best bet in the game todar. It was 'Bald
Eagle' who tipped him off to the "Old
"In AV. R. Borton the Box have a left
handed first baseman. He Is up against a
stiff fight, however, for with Zelder, Col
lins and Mullen ahead of him the outlook
Is not rosy. Borton was drafted by
Comlskey about a year ago from the
Bprlngfield club of the Three-I league,
but was turned back to St. Joseph of the
Western league, where 'Tex' Jones, an
other Box recrfllt, held forth. Horton hit
like a whirlwind during the 1911 season,
batting .345 and adding a fielding mark
of .991. He has a special reputation as a
pinch hitter.
"Joe Kelly, clothing merchant at Pitts
burg, Kan., counts on displacing such
fixtures as 'Krlsco Ping' Bodle and
'Matty' Mclntyre. He Is a product of the
Kansas and Western leagues. Mattlck.
another outer gardener, learned his game
at Oskaloosa, la. The Sox held him .for
a time In 1908. and since then he has
served In Des Moines."
Androa. a Manages.
It it reported that "Babe'1 Towne, for
mer manttKer of the Bioux City base ball
team, will be used as the regular back
stop of thst team next year and "Ked"
UeurKe Andreas, eecond baseman, will
art as manager under the new ownership
of Ed ilanlon.
American Association Fielding Averages
Columbus ....
St. Paul
Milwaukee ..
Ijoulsvllle ....
IndlanapollK .
Kannaa. City.
O. PO. A. .
Hi3 6275 2'12
li.H 4415 lit'.ll
Ii9 4726 S-i9
,.. 17 4m 2.'10
... 170 4446 r-8
.. 19 4-tOii 19
.. 155 4327 2211
Name and Club.
T. Jones, Milwaukee...
Hunter, Indianapolis..
Perring, Columbus..'...
Houser, Indianapolis..
Hornhorst, Toledo..'...
Howard, Louisville
Autrey. St. Paul
Gill, Minneapolis
Derrick, Toledo
Howerman. Kan. City
Orltrlshaw, Louisville.
Orendorff, Mil. -Lou...
Hyatt. Kansas City...
Downs, Columbus
Freeman, Indianapolis
ove, Kansas City
Name and Club. o. PO. A.
E. Pet.' I tollman, Indianapolis. 118 265 12
3N5 .!to w. Hlncnman, Col H 314 24
.Hoi ueiananty, at. I aul.... m 225 19
,ltoi) btone, Milwaukee lit 212 14
.DM hchalier, Kansas City. i 47 3
.t.iO J'eurorr, Milwaukee.. . 29 47 S 2
mg Meaumont, m. Paul.... f4 117 10 5
94 a Odwell, Columbus lsil 347 12 . 15
14.4 249 l'i 12
44 til o 3
181 2('i 1 U
15 18 3 1
17 2W0 22X4 377 . 933 Jiayden, Louisville
INDIVIDUAL FIELDING. . w.i?". W'-r J7l,S h
mciTnimrucM- , Hallman. Toledo-lnd.
K. Pet. Name and .Club
9 .987 DouBhertv. Mil
12 .9wi Kieger, St. I'aul
9 .9t. Brandom. Kansas City
9 .9t4 Flene, Tol-Minn.-K. C.
2 .94 Cheney, Ind. -Louisville
2 .J Ixnidell, Minneapolis...
5 U Toole, Bt. Pauf.
.sw uecanniere, Bt. Paul...
.9o7 Nicholson, Milwaukee.
.9f McGlynn, Milwaukee...
m) i.. James. Joleclo.
O. PO. A.
J.?.' 4; E: rcJ: Hossman. Minneapolls.155 244 13 13 .ioi Chech, K Paul.
122 114 88
20 191 15
1 l'0 76 1-1
124 1177 0 18
127 Ml? ' 63 21
128 1012 119 18
ItiO 1543 110 28
W! 1S 111 31
33 8r9 9 7
79 727 38 IS
60 490
37 S.'f
47 613
48 493
22 232
28 298
35 13
19 10
24 17
'42 18
8 10
11 .991 clynier, Minneapolis.... 147 290
i .wl 'CK. Toledo K3 ItK
tfarvett, Milwaukee....
.9K8 Nile.. Toledo
.& J. Clarke, St. Paul
93 Btanley, Louisville
.9x3 Cravaih, Minneapolis..
.1)83 Jones, Bt. Paul
.92 Btansbury, Louisville.
.980 Love, Kansas City
916 J. McCarthy, Tol.-Ind
.978 Maloney, 'i oledo-Mil..
.9H9 Usher, Louisville ,
.98 Meloan. Toledo
W KalHton, Bt. P.-C.-Mll..
13 14 .961 h. Hyatt. Kansas City 119
J. Mccarty, Ind
Name snd Club.
Hulswltt. Louisville....
O. Williams. Ind
J. WlUiains, Minn
Kockenceld. Kan. City.
11. Mccormick,
G. PO. A. E. Pet. xtandaii, Milwaukee...
84 242 254 15 . 971 Congalton, Columbus..
lf)6 480 527 49 .983 Emerson, Louisville...
Kil 414 633 37 .983 Hickman, Toledo-Mil..
49 138 133 13 .M y,y,n58. 1'0'ed'- ',
Killlfer, Minneapolis...
MlnneapollH-8t. Faul. 64 133 169 14 .9 Bmoot Kansas City...
Downs. Columbu 115 828 88 43 .941 variscn, ina.-ioieao
45 74 93 11
33 75 76 17
t9 192 267 32
22 47 60
24 70 69
159 349 477
100 219 347
149 i94 427
S3 86 84
21 34 44
10 9 . .9ol Hwnn. Tnlcrln
'62 KM' 7 '.949 Poteis. Minneanolli'"
1U 221 10 13 .947 GllliKan. Mll.-Aiinn
.944 Marlon, Milwaukee
.94 Mers, lndianapulis
.941 peaster, Minneapolis...
.936 Kroh, Louisville
W7 Leverett, Minneapolis..
.94o Waddell. Minneapolis..
.936 W. James, Toledo
.934 Long, Louisville
33 Hearn, Louisville
.927 McQuillan, Columbus..
.'ilk! Pitched In Ten or More Games.
.911 N4118 Bn1 Club. W. L. T
y07 onion, t. oiumoun , 2
.ads Peters. MinneaDolis 11
14 .899 Ivlmball, inuianapolls 8
8 .89!) AiirocK. Minn.-n.. C 12
6' .8W Patterson, Minneapolis.... 24
112 173 14
168 o9 27
187 SIS 19
117 240 9
36 59 IS
129 293 28
33 . 37 6
28 56
83 131
25 23
3 5
26 20 23
225 28 26
40 27 76 7
81 6 37 3
45 15 72
2.1 6 61 4
43 16 85 8
25 11 27 3
30 7 6-1 6
36 9 47 5
47 9 56 6
55 8 78 8
36 10 64 7
31 6 40 5
46 11 85 1
14 1 17 2
28 SI 53
17 5 27 4
27 6 34 6
30 2 28 4
41 10 43 7
17 1 13 2
10 1 19 3
19 ,.. 32 6
54 7 66 12
13 ..23 4
16 5 29 6
22 3 21 6
17 6 19 7
E. Pet.
.94 I
.916 j
.9W I
.S92 I
,S6 I
.8-0 I
.870 1
.&9 ,
.8j1 I
.8"0 I
.781 1
H. Baker, Lou.-K. C...
O'Rourke. Columbus...
Howell. IOii.-Ht. Paul..
breen. Milwaukee
Lattimore, Columbus...
H. Hinchman, Toledo..
Downle. Kansas City...
C'haiirs, Milwaukee....
Btansbury, Louisville...
p. Howard, Bt. ram....
.934 ltlttr. If (''..Ind
.933 bchalk, Mllwaukeo.
.938 Donanue, Toledo...
Kapp, Col.-Toledo
Name and Club. O. PO. A. E. Pet
134 653 134
28 112 36
21 88 38
65 2.12 99
iiaf. VI.-lVICUU.i...,. Oil Jf.t
9-' Marfchall. Milwaukee... 124 622 199
Sam White-Princeton Hero
Omaha High to Get
Into Basket Ball
The Omaha High school Is planning to
enter the Interstate High school basket
ball tournament. -which will be held under
the auspices of the University of Omaha
In February.
This tournament .jvlll be Included as
part of the regular schedule, and a
Omaha High has one of the beet outlooks
in years for a championship team. It
k" Ttk "- against the
olher high school fives; which will enter.
H is expected that several of the leading
high schools of the Missouri valley will
be represented.
Approval has been given this touma
ment on all side, and it I. expected that
It will solve the problem of deciding the
different state titles for champlonahlp
honors, as we)l M th.
championship, If enough teams In the
valley enter. The gamee will be played
off under the direct management ofVevt
era prominent basket ball authorities and
will therefore be recorded as official.
Thoae who are promoting the tourna
ment Include the following: E. H Cur
lana, O. A parcival of the University of
TrulV, mkh4 ichool; "
Trultt physical director of the
T -' Christian association;
Raymond U Carne, supertatendent "f
athleUc. la the rre school, ; Joy Clara.
eoeh of the Omaha Hlgb school basket
ball squad, and A. W. Miller.
the University ef Omaha quintet
Last Chance to
Shoot for. Turkeys
Next Sunday win be held the last shoot
lest of th, year at the grounds of the
Omaha Qua dub. Next Sunday will also
oueur the last turkey spout ef the club of
the year, A large number of Omaha
sluxrters who failed to get a grip on a
Wlr of turkey, legs at ihe Thanksgiving
turkey , shoot want another .chance and
have agreed to get out another Urge
bunch for the evwut-' The result of the
agreement was the announcement ttiat a
turkey shoot w be held Sunday.. Deem
fcer 24. when a large supply of turkeys,
d ucks uid geese will be put up for prises
for the crack shots.
Twlve-gau4je shotguns and 22-callUr
r:flee will be used. Target abating with
tl. rifles will be at a distance of fifty
led, and sfcvtguns will be tu4 en the
"Oh. EdilU Pna vniir mr.ot rl.kl v-
That struck the ball so true
And sent It sailing straight above
The goal posts of the Illue .
Gave Princeton hard-earned victory
A m.A . , mi a . . . ..... .....
iiiriiitMi us wun aniignt;
Tou're a full-flcdaed wnrxhlnort hern".
"What about Sam vyhlter'
'Oh. Arthur Poe. voup AmeAm w Itnnw
You re great. Just like your brother;
We'll ne'er forget the time we told
The glorious news to mother
About your deed that beet old Yale
ana saved our sorry plight;
You're the Idol of Nassau"
"But what about Bam White?"
"Oh, Great Ijtmar, your shining star
Has glistened all these years
Forever since you made your run
That checked the Tiger's tears;
We rell recall the time you rsn
With deftness, speed and might
The field's length to the Pulldog's goal
"Wsll, what about Sam White?''
"Oh, John DeWltt. thy name Is writ
In letters lHre and bold
In Princeton s foot ball Hall of Fame '
Amongst both new and old; .
Your famous kick, your famous run
Endear you In our sight;
You're the hero of a century"
"But what about Ram White T"
'Oh Sammy White, thou man of might,
I sa.ved you for the last;
You're greater than the other', ones
Who triumphed l the past;
Each won a famous victory'
By Princeeton grit and fight.
Put you won two as glorlous-i-Oh,
fast, strong, game. Bam White."
"Oh, Sammy White, of six-foot' height,
Otie-humlred-rlghty pounds,
Tlnj.u man of speed, in time of need.
Canst diHtance wolves and hounds;
Oreater than Harvard, r miter than Yale
Far greatec In our bIkM
Your name comes first In foot, ball
fame." 's
"What s the matter with Sammy. White?"
1 Little Interest in; the Pugs.
I? ,W. W- NAUOMTOff.
BAN F11ANC1SCO, Deo. 18.-The close
of the year -1911 finds the boxing situation
gloriously confused. With Jack -Johnson
and Hilly Papke retired; with Bam Lang
ford and several other American' fighters
In Australia; with Ad Wolgast recovering;
from the effects of an .operatlon;-'wtth
Abe ' Attell determinedly holding . aloof
from tho .coming lads In his olaas and
with Packey- McFarland and. Freddie
Welsh set' back In public opinion 'owing
to disappointing ring work, there does
not seem to be much Interest In the out
look for the puglllstio pastime to gloat
over. ' ' ;
Welsh and McFarland-are full or ex
cuse for their failure to make good.
Packey for a day or two after his affair
with Tommy Murphy said ' he - did . not
know .what was. wrong with hlin, but
that ha was fatlsfled he was not-hlti-self.
.. Emtio Thlry .came -to the rescue
to the .extent of .saying the. whole, camp
was puisled. at Packey's behavior In. the,
days preceding, the fight, Packey,accord:
lag. to 'EmUe, .used to shut himself up
In his room and mope.
When , taking tne train . for Chicago,
Packey. - In a burst of confidence, said
lt;wua the breach of promise case Insti
tuted asainHt him. in -Chicago that un
nerved' htm and left him .upable to treat
Murphy . the wuy Murphy should be
treated. . , . '
Freddie Welsh does not claim that the
"little Ood. love" deterred him from doing
his best. He'sald to bein with, that . he
received a severe shock .when he heard
the news of WolgMts sudden . set sure
and that 'disappointment ' kept him from
(-showing- Ma beet -against Willie Ritchie.
Later Freddie explained as follow:
,"lf ' any " one Is, dissatisfied with my
work- In the Vernon -iafena. let him re
member this much. I was for months look
ing .'forward to and preparing for the
most important contest, of my career one
that involved' the chance 'of "winning the
championship. I was to go against Wol
gast, . the rugged, v rushing . fighter, by
some called the' Michigan Wildcat, and
by other the Human , Cyclone.' All my
training waq done 1th "a vtw to fitting
myself to handle "an opponent ' who was
exiected to' come at me ..head down and
foaming at the mouth,, as It were. Of
necessity I hetf 'to. think about and prac
tice defensive tactics. .Then Wolgast full
sick .and the whole prospect changed.
With twelve hours'' notice I was 4o pre
pare myself for an entirely different kind
of fight. I was to become tha human cy
clone In fact,- and knock -Ritchie out of
the ring. It I didn't no excuse was ex-
Another - Good Nebraska Team
J v
V. '. J ;
4 -J
Name and Club.
MMcCormlck, Bt. P.
Innox. Louisville
lironkle, . Toledo
I'errlng, Columbus
O'Houike, Columbus...
Clark, Milwaukee
Niles. Toledo
Gets. Indianapolis ,
Kerrls, Minneapolis
McCarthy, Toledo-Ind,
btansbury,. Louisville.
Butler, St. Paul
Kohl, Bt. Paul.....'
Parbeau, Kansas City.
menoii, inmanapous
O. PO. A. K. Pet.
89 94 149 15 .941
71 143 242 16
120 143 243 32
46 53 81 12
114 131 212 31
162 190 407 64
47 66 115 16
116 143 285
154 196 345 67
83 63 66 1 3
80 88 155 27
24 30 49 9
33 41 54 13
152 143 216 47
19 22 24 8
Orendorff, Mil. -Lou,
fcenilB, Columbus
J. Walsh, Ind. -Col
W. Smith, Minneapolis
Kelly. Bt. Paul...-.
Carlson, Toledo-lnd
O'Connor. Kansas City.
.9JK Owens, Minneapolis....
91g uuia, oi. ram
SH7 Hughes, Louisville
ui James, Kantas City,...
914 E. Hpencer, St. Paul..
19) 29 . 4
215 54 8
212 80 9
244 49 9
45 9"6 Hreen, Milwaukee
72 397 95 15
19 439 1. 18
102 385 KH 16
119 457 159 22
61 294 79 13
110 495 159 29
82 246 70 14
88 I'M 28 9
22 55 22 4
62 151 47 13
21 63 20 6
20 70 18
8 .917
V& Ludwig, Mll.-L.-Col...
'901 Miller, Louisville
00 J- McCarty, lnd.-Tul..
.688 Ten or More Games.
.84 Name and Club. O. PO. A. E. Pet
.2 Blagle, Louisville 25
1 li. W. Baker, lAulsville 10
Name and Club.
B.McCorm k, Mln-8t.P.
M. McCormlck, SU P..
Bronkle, Toledo
Butler, Toledo.
Lewis, Milwaukee
Altlzer. Minneapolis....
C. Robinson. Louisville 113 228 397 62
Downle, Kansas City.. 36 71 101 16
Chapman, Toledo 16 44 64 10
M ahhng. Columbus 145 263 467 71
Mows. Indianapolis.,... 158 2i 5C9 81
Corrldon, Kansas City 129 296 367
Butler, Bt. Paul... 91 214 30
O. PO. A. E. Pet. Mdd.ox Kanaas City.
' Leever, Minneapolis,.,.
Ylngllng, Toledo
;"! Gehiuig, St. Paul
Altrock, Minn.-K. C...
J3 Berger, Columbus
tut Robertson, Ind
JTr R- Cook, Columbus.
916 Patterson, Minneapolis
'on Link, Indianapolis......
Q(ttk , IIUJ , . (.1,1.
40 7S 125
78 184 231
84 169 108
116 286 363
161 877 451
73 167 269
Boucher, ioulsville.
Kllllfar, Minneapolis... 63 109 158 C:
Name and Club. O. PO. A. E. Pet
Phannon, Kansas City.. 48 '74 7
Burns, Toledo 163 323 27
lk fiiilllunn Lfo. J , lid O. t 14
Woodruff, Indianapolis 1W &i 39
81 162 18
i Bchlttzer, Indianapolis.
'Sf West. Toledo -
15 61 82 21 8ti4 '"W Milwaukee
63 iiia iu r,' n Channel. Indianapolis..
65 78 11
Uebold. Milwaukee...
Gardner, Kansas City..
'."' ' .;
Name and Club.
Lessard, Columbus
Packard, Columbus
Berger, Columbus
Llebhardt, Columbus...,
F. K. Cook, Columbus.
Mers, Indlanaoolls ,
ncnuuer, inuiaoapoiis. w azi nil im
Ulnk, Indianapolis 44 306 1143 2x7 140
Robertson, Indianapolis. 30 179 662 172 66
31 186 727 212 93
23 156 477 29 69
30 149 604 173 81
64 S31 1300 350 177
21 79 831 93 64
19 102
2 41
6 37
19 69
13 63
23 50
4 11
8 65
21 63
25 95
8 63
13 111
12 88
.. 19
15 61
34 2
4 50
26 97
17 116
11 104
7 74
2 29
7 99
6 87
5 65
C&vet. Minneapolis
Packard, Columbus
Rhoadcs. Kansas Cltv
JUKKlniKrtliMm, Lk-ioi.
.978 Uaskette, Toledo
.977 Owen, Kansas City....
973 Lessard, Columbus....
.978 Llebhardt, Columbus..
.967 Powell, Kansas City..
- Participants in Twenty Games or More.
14 142 878 220 119 12 86 66
40 287 1066 271 141 29 111 133
23 142 491 125 69 5 41 72
52 290 11(0 303 160 .. 5 128
39 262 960 249 140 15 102 90
41 215 814 218 104 8 69 80
b73 Cavet, Minneapolis.
,837 .Brady, 'ioieuo ,
Peasiw. MinneannliH
Leever, Minneapolis. ....
Cnene.y, Louisville ,
Maddox, Kansas City..,
Yingung, ioiedo
1L uil . u' a n u .',.,
! leveietrt. Mmncanolis..
,W19 V lj jwi. . ..i,......
MoOlynn, Milwaukee 22
Baskette, Toledo 2;!
I'acKard, Columbus
5'n U looie, Bt. Paul
S, Lessai-d. t'olumbus
Link, indianapolis
J?? Liebnarot, Coiuniuus...
'u Dougherty, Milwaukee.
J?J Rhoao.H, Kanbas City.
21 Dacanntere, bt. Paul...
rj Waudeli, Minneapolis..
?7 Swan, Toledo
Dowd, lnd.anapollH.....
'J!.; K. Robinson, 'loleoo...,
' Vl.(t- I .... , .. v. 1 ,
BcbJltzer, Indianapolis.
Muri, Indianapolis
Cutting, Milwaukee..,..
Owen. Kannaa cltv
jono W.Kobcriuoii, Indjanapolls 11
WOO Rleser. Bt. i'aul 8
2 .9S4 H.gtfinbotnam, Lous.-Tol. 19
.978 Chech, St. Paul 11
1 .977 Gehrmg, St. Paul 10
.9.5 Loudeli, Minneapolis 5
.974 West, Toledo 4
.978 Rrandom, Kansas City.... 11
.978 La Hoy, Bt. Paul 18
.969 Oilligan. Mll.-Mlnn ,8
.966 Reeger, Columbus '7
.960 K. W. Baker, Louisville. 3
.9ti Btelger, Bt. Paul t
L. James, Toledo
.9.2 McCiuillan, Columbus....
.950 Blagle, Louisville
.950 Ptiester, Louisville
.947 Nicholson. Milwaukee....
.947 Marion, Milwaukee
.948 Flene, Tol.-K. C.-Mlnn..
.943 Kroh, Louisville
.943 Webb, Indianapolis.....
941 Long, Louisville
.939 W. James, Toledo
.939 Hearn. Ixnilevllln
.939 Short. Milwaukee
4 .938 giebert, Kansas City.....
.. 6
.. 7
.. 11
.. 4
.. 6
.. 2
.. 7
.. 4
.. 2
.. 2
' 13
5 S
. lOj
Webb, Indianapolis
Flene. K. C.-Tol.-Mlnn.
Altrock. K. C.-Mlnn....
Maddox. Kansas City.,
Owen. Kansas Cltv
tirannom. Kansas city. 48 210 834 zm 123
Rhoadee, Kansas City.. 62 814 1218 321 159
Powell. Kansas Cltv 44 94.i ; lit in
Pflester, Louisville 23 150 611 175 87
Cheney, Ixulsviile-lnd. 42 28J 216 211 138
Slaffl Louisville 25 140 628 14 84
Hearn. Louisville 22 124 466 148 82
Marlon, Milwaukee.
8 46 48
4 40 69
7 66 62
.. 26 87
15 109 98
1 29 18
8 62 66
7 68 125
8 113 144
37 50
116 137
11 4T 35
18 62
29 U9 480 103 76 M 71 67
8 16 12 .,
.. '18 18 ..
6 7 10 ..
3 19 15 ..
I 18 12 ..
3 11 11 ..
II 18 18 1
11' 21 16 ..
. 2 11 12 ..
8 7 17
2 5 10 1
2 12 4 ..
8 22 13 1
16 6..
10 11 14 ..
.. 30 16 ..
8 19 12 ..
1 7 II ..
13 19 11 ..
6 10 1
1 -2 11 ..
4 8..
47 222 808 209 97
40 310 1092 271 139
41 228 836 201 91
65 287 1096 281 138
24 125 497 139 73
4 65 69
6 147 117
9 M 80
8 81 115
1 19 39
4 32 37
4 64 69
Name and Cluh. .
Nicholson, Milwaukee.
Dougherty. Milwaukee,
Cutting, Milwaukee...,
McGlynn. Milwaukee...
W ! -. 1
--i -Dl. m IIII1C!UI1B. .... i
Jouaell,- Minneapolis.... 26 110 400 1()9 63
Cavet. MinneaDolia .11 ita ciq iu9 sa
Waddell, Minneapolis... 64 0 1116 262 133 11 96 186
Patterson. Mlnnennolia. M9 iu? nu:i Vtm 119 a 11
Gllligan. Mlnn.-Mll 27 64 . 634 178 98 1 62 74
. 80 204 750 162 89 6 84 199
. 46 234 05 262 118 14 60 69
. 36 126 835 233 116 4 61 56
. 36 13 ?o8 181 89 10 84 135
. 60 3li0 1167 815 159 7 SO 131
. 11 166 65 1X8 113 4 15 51
. 52 340 1287 360 J78 12 109 111
. 46 330 1196 2i7 143 21 96 152
. 36 246 921 227 88 8 61 92
. 28 196 756 218 83 .. 45 63
. 30 237 880 233 109 15 78 67
O Toole, Bt. Paul.
cnech, Bt. Paul
Oehrlng, St. Paul ,
Decanniere, Bt. Paul.,
LaRoy, Bt. Paul
Rteger, Bt. Paul
Higglnbotham. L.-T0I
Baitkette, Toledo ,
Yingling. .Toledo
Swan, Toledo
L. James, Toledo ,
7 11 19
7 19 16
3 10 10
8 22 15
2 7 4
6 5 6
4 14 6
3 20 17
3 24 10
4 8 11
15 11
8 11 13
10 12
13 11
18 23
8 9
19 22
21 16
18 11
10 8
8 12
A Bottle of Wine Will be Given With
Every Large Case of
tars' iii
Tho Only Puro Spring Water Beer
on tho Market
Retail Dealtr. Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue.
I'jiLLOi'i spninGS duevjihg go.
Phone-Dousr. 1S08, 7162. A-1306, A-1673.
""J 111 WSJ I HI.
He serves Fresh Fish, Lobsters,
Shrimp, Oysters and other Sea
Foods In every style.
His Chinese, Mexican and Ital
ian Dishes, served in the second
floor dining room, offer a variety
from ivhlch you can always choose
what suits your taste.
1415 TABaTAK sjt.
Stomach Troubles
LIko Magic
FREE ffr
Every tf-- -')
V'oman $Slf$ffil
4 I
Dest Sport News in The Bee
Wimld imi like to t all ton vint to, n4
kt roe vsat to wllbeut karias dutra in imi,
aturumcS. f
Would you like to say farewell to Dys
Pepela, Xnalrestlea. oar Stomach, Dis
tress after Xauaf, sTervonsaess, Catarra
of the Stomaob, Heart nattering-, fciok
Beadaohe aad CostlpaUouf
ThM m tit In allv.r Is Mr coat
f parklDs ) -KUi win eud yoxt ab
uluialr KKCrt a trm-4tf cure at PiHupJ"
Trutmanl. CiploHd tnaaiaiwil U romblsaiiuu
iatrrnitl n4 kLarnal traunnt l4 ttt g-t sua
co liu Is lu lw-fvH ur. W. unihn
aS liilsot th Mcnurh srve n4 sium lm
Iran ( uLrlr mni owiw t the iMrla 4mr.
taatem froni 1 Imr1,r d4 aiioroplltt tolk at
earn ft ma. Faptopad TraataMDl niom suranaaa
aa earn Iraw wumuk auj boaala aaa rap. Ira
Iba Slgaatiao. iuaarlng rupr aulralial loa
nt tke loud run eat alrh tuaaua Slapaaraiia
at cvaalipallou aa aa atoaiavh truuM. au4
lee la aliiar tor pNMase an4 parkins Wy ana
r-calra Ibla a-4ajr cauraa rilKIC. lr. O. i".
Vaans Coaipaa. 417 raUlot UullaMBS. Jukaoa.
Ml. km a.