TllK OMAHA SUNDAY KKK: DKCEMBKR 17, 1911. Put a Pair of IZZ 7 1 1 &rt SCOUT Shoes in the Boy's Stocking If you wont to pleads the boy If you "want to get him some thing serviceable as veil as something he really needs, give him a pair of our hoy' High Cut Scout Shoes. A small edition of our men's Sporting Boots the high kind with buckles, waterproof and everything that a boy likes. $2.59 and $4.09 Christmas Slippers i Save time See our line of I Xraas Slippers first We have everything there Is In Xmas i Slipera for the whole family, from grandpa to the baby. Drexel Shoe Co. 1410 Farnam St. ABOVE ALL HI QUALITY f " Sim (a vZ '" "X FOR HOME CONSUMERS PHONES Doug. 119; ind. A-2119 7m. J. BOEHKOFF Retail Dealer) Office-803 S. 7th St. ' Gross Seals Bring a Merry Christmas ONE If',' f ? c ONIt CENT f ' V. ) l CENT EACH Vr7 EACH 5 s:z&y Red Cross Seals Provide These Things Public Education - Hoipltals and Sanatoria Diipenurlei and Visiting Nonet These Prevent Tuberculosis and. Protect Your Home Last Tear $300,000 Worth Were Sold This Year a Million Is Needed from Red Cross Seals WILL YOU DO YOUR PART? Red Groe Scats Coat only One Cant each, and (Mould ba uned oa tba back, at all Cbrleuna. MaU B) Ma ka 14 Cm-, lull U aa Btrl-U.. f wiim la Btata Innl 493 City Vatloanl B .nk BillHInf, Omaha. Do You Wear a Truss? What kind U ft? Are you eatlaflad with itT If not Why notT Oora It plnoh or chaff you, doaa H 31a up your rupture or let It al i down and endanirer you to a stran gulation and poaalbly eerlouaneaa? Did you ever think about the fact that all truanaa now to be had 'any where, bays Conn PadaT Have you aver besn Injected with hot parrafinT Have you eyar been pricked with a naedlet All In order to ours your rupturet The real qnastlon is, hays yoa bean neipea r UT KB lOW TOT7 SOMSTKUrO The Tyrelt Co.'s Truss Expert at Schscfcr's Drug Sforo leva ana unioaao Btore Only , (Copyright lull, J. 1L, Thomaen) Christmas Furs Reduced Price AULABAUGH 1SJ3 Farnam St. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS South tenca 20,000-Mile Cruise y tb I I. BLCECBES Laavlaar Hew Trk Jan. 29, 1912 Porta of mill Part ( ana la., j Atree(eerae Arawaa Ithnmtk tba Mralta at MaarrL le. ValainlM. It la a J..1I1, Halls, Para, ii-tdgetewa, u4 a ylctt a Ut PANAMA CANAL Optteul Sate Trips Brervane. IMS n DAYS east J!58 mm ima i iaa orejei, watt ihq, Aria. I Warltf, J lata aaS Vrr. al Sea. tar lUaatratat Saakltts. r .11.1 mm n mi mr i 1 miM um m ' 1 i H1!,IBURG-M,!ERICAN LIKE 1W W. Kaodulpb fci., Cbtcatfo, or local a S SLIPPERS Only six more shopping days oeiore unristmas. Have you finished your Xmaa shopping. How about gift for father, brother and grand- rather, or la It mother and sis ter you are thinking about? WB CAN HELP YOU with, many delierhtful mini. Hons of gifts that please In our targe line or xmaa Slippers. We hare them In all styles, some with fnr llnln and an ma without for any member of tba lamuy. $1.00 to 08.00 SHOE CO. lOth and Douglas Bts. a- aJj Vti''-$ s Low ound Trip Kate fLOHlBfl and GOBA Also to All Other Winter Tourist Points, in the South and Southwest. VIA WABASH tiL R. " SHORTEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS Double Daily Gcrvlce All information regarding rates, routes, berths, etc., cheerfully furnished. Agent for All Steamship Lines H. 0. Shields, 0. A. P. D., Omaha Nh. WABABU CITY TICKET 'OFFICE, 1316 Farnam SC rjatil.tUti.hinthitttaiiuiijiio,ailiUBJ4iMiMiti , " REDUGEb PRICES to; It I 14 4? if ! s : s r Business Boosters In Regular Lines Tlio Reason for This Sacrifice: r rmWr ktU .m lY- t 1 1 11 1 I xii.iiniu vvcannji me patL ween nas eompeuea us g J to reduce this enormous stock to nrices entirely out of i ine orainary at mis season ot the year. , g iit 1 1 ii . ft . . ... a vve win sen an ot our matched sets; also all ot our fur coats at less than one-third off of the regular price. fSP flff nnf Knntrrnrf cf rrLro ' -vt- nnflo Uif 11 this season's goods made in bur own factory, reliable, stynsn goods with our guarantee back of every article. M amsim C91aV. - A a.1. AAaA a a a . a . . . ii uvuuujv uie sew, wonn our. price ij in this sale S250 -ra al r awvwMwuiu mvu a va oirO. icuuiiu' ui liu aiiQU. reauceQ la .... I I eaw w s t f " w 'avwaaaiaaiB'a'wvaaaaa ai i Red Fox sete, regular $45.00 quality -. . . . : $26.50 Jf Natural Gray For sets, that we soil regularly or $25.00 and $30.00 in this sale S17.50 j Blue and Grav Wolf apt.fl wnrtVi fin otiri nrw i v.; .u 3-s urri JJ Black Japanese sets, our regular $25.00 to $3Q.OO sets $17.50 I, wwucj ocib m uiuwa nuu uiacit, our .ou quouiy, ail at ....... v 5p4.7o I Russian Wolf sets in blue, gray and black, larjre shawl and nillow muff, worth un to Jj $10.00, choice S4.75 Natural Raccoon sets, worth up to $27.50,' in this, sale ........ . . . V. ; ....... .Sl7.'50 Mtauwiut Ulttva avJfllA WUI tU Up lO D0.W, 1U IlU3 SaiO . i7.50 Fur Costs Must Be Closed Out This Week and These Prices Will Do It Thirty.inch French Coney coats, worth $25, $27.50 and $30, all one price this week, at " ...... , , S19.50 Fifty-two inch French Coney coats, worth $35, $40 and $45, choice . . ' . . . . . . '. $27.50 ' Genuine Mormot or. Russian Mink coats, fifty-two inches long, $75.00 and $85.00 qual- it.v in thin aula m? Russian Pony coats, fifty-two inches long, regular $50 and $60 goods, in this sale S39 $ Near Seal coats that sell at $75 and $80. in this sale, chair cno nn S ' ' ' yui7,v a 1 . m Remember; We Have in this Sale Hundreds of Bargains ' We Have Not Space to Mention. Fifteenth and Harney Sts. J225T tBaaSSsBBBaSaSS ail Jk At Cost Prices This Week n At Lindsay's Removal Sale EVERY PIECE OF CtrT GLASS AT COST OR 7 ( EVERY CIXK'K IN THIS STORE AT COST OrI MSSS THISWKEJt. LESS THIS WEEK. " v ' K : ; ) All plated silver hollow-ware and flat-war Chafing Dishes and Brass Candlesticks at cost or ess this week. N J UMBRELLAS AT COST OR LESS THIS WEEK 7 ( KEMEMEBEK THESE PRICES' ARE OXhY. ' GENUINE. V -A ) Everybody Knows What Lindsay Says Is So. , Looh For the Name S. W. Lindsay, 1516 Dsi KlOT OO-OAST avaiXSS-Nte your o-cart or baby carriage .11 lnt-r. Adjuatabla lo any matte ot cart. On or off In a minute, cart fold, with r miliar a auauhati. Kara apota on walk can ba crcmiwj on small rear wheels. Top ana atonn front of your cart protect your child belter than a sled. J'ut perfect Kunnera on your Vart for your bKbya Ohrtatmaa Write for free Jrlptlve clrrular. At your ilaaler'a or aend 11. 00 for' a pair to Perfect Runner galea Co.. Attica, Ohio. Jobbers and Retailers writ, for prices. Hastens SsV SJSSSM3SES &.aBOtfgffi.'.'TB; .it i vmunt fWtTtt.Tl'BtarWmmrfW i mi n n er.nitrnf "rr-KBmJTjpa.aatfnt1 The Thing To Do If you lose your pockethook, umbrella, watch or some other article ot value, the thing to do Is to follow the example of many other people and ad vex tlse without delay la the Lost and Found column of The Bee. That la what moat people do when they lose articles. ot value. Telephone ua and tall your loss to all Omaha U ft single after noon, , Put It n The Bet 'From Maker to Wearer" Comfort-Giving Shoes maua or jna teat u. oy tne "at workman, Inaare to the buyer DURABILITY and STYLE ceUbratld ,00d de,crP"on ot cur Onimod Shoes $2.50 and $3.50 Our Winter stock Is complete. Any man', foot ran ba properly fitted witu an oamaos fchoe. l, l ioo W-o oo, ST.OO and S7.60. Z Dargain Opportunities You'll Do Well to Grasp See Our f Special Offer ings on Christmas Slippers MtZJL :n THF. :pEUABL' STORE See the Bargains in Sample Bags and Suit Cases What $1.09 .Will Buy Monday ln-llie Busy . Cloak and Suit Dept. Three Rousing Specials that should crowd tho department to its capacity Monday. Children's Coats, in all sizes 2 to 12 years, fino assortment of fab rics arid colors, values to $3.(H), at choice .... Klosefit Under skirts, reg. $2.50 values House Dresses and Street Dresses, values to $3.50 . . 50 Wash Goods Dept. 15 different lines of Bilk and cot ton -wash goods In plain colors white printed woven Jacquards, etc., will be closed out . at 25c, 39c and 50 yd. Plain Poplins Scotch Ging hams French Ginghams, etc., at Low- Prices. Bath Robes at all prices the best re : $2.50 P Children's Cribs Beacon's,. In dian, etc., .10c, 12 c up t0 $1.98 Auto Shawls Not the ordinary kind, but the genuine imported Scotch Golf Bhawls, made of pure Highland Wool and perfect , dyes, at $3.00, 96.00, $7.00, $8.00, $0.00, $10.00. .$12.00 A new line Of genuine Imported St. Gall Cluney pieces at 50 less than you can buy them any other place. Serpentine Crepe In all Its color ings and fine printings. 18 yd. Domestic Room L. Wide Sheetings Flannels Outings Ready Made Sheets Shirtings Linens, etc., for Mon day's Sellings. 9-4 Bleached Sheeting Roach dale 16 H 9-4 Lockwood's Sheeting. .. 18 Lonsdale Genuine Article, 36 Inch ide (j Hope, Genuine Article, 36 inch 5?c Linens and Napkins Irish Linen, 60c, 50c, 75c, 31.00 Napkins per dos 75c, Wl.oo, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.98 26c doilies, pure Irish linen.. '5 Lace Center Pieces, worth double, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.08 and $2 OO 1,000 Pairs of Blankets to close cheap, pair, SOc, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.08 up to.. 10 Comfortables, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 up to $12 50 Closing Out Onting Flannels Dark or light colors, 5c, 7 He, 10 yd. 20 different line, of winter goods will bo closed before Christmas. Try HAYDEN'S First Self-Fjtting Emergency Overshoe for Horses. Prevent. .Uppln or boiling when street, or roads are Joy ?I":PtV"7- 8A VE8 keepiac your horse rough nhod. a. t ha hoe. can be put on or taken ott In ten minntea. BAVK8 time and money. Recommended by Human. 8ocieUt. everywhere, jfor bale by Alfred Cornish & Co,, ' - TWO Personally Conducted Tours' Every Week Fieqcnt ghee -Cor. in to . .. Sunny California Personally conducted tourist sleeping cars leave Omaha every "Wednesday and Friday for San Fran cisco and Los Angeles on the China and Japan Mail. These Tours are organized and handled under the direct management and supervision of the Tours De partment, which fact is definite assurance of the very best service and a guarantee that the published itinerary will be carried out. In addition to the above, through tourist cars are operated daily to the above points and to Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. ' mfi Union Pacific ...Standard Road of the West.... Of particlar interest is the trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the route following the coast line a greater part of the distance. When traveling to the Pacific northwest, the traveler is carried for 200 miles along the majestic Columbia river. Protected by electric block signals. Excellent dining cars on all trains. For information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address - L. BEIND0RFF, C. P. & T. A., 1324 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Phones: Doug. 1828; Ind. A-323L i ! wiia'aTTnflBjiaai