Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6, Image 50

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brr. fp,c:
May, el1-;
"Wheat Traders Cautious Following
Bulge of Day Before.
osntry Offering Are Uhl and Lo
cal Rerelpta Are Below Eiprrta.
tlon -Uhpr Conditio.
' -rp Not Favorable.
OATt - I'm haiiced : Nn. I
tl'Hc; N". 2 mixed, As'n V-
R YF.-!Wi)4e.
II A Y -t n tiHUKril: choice timothy, f 19 0
?J0.nO; choice prairie, $1:1 Jf1t IS Stl.
ni'TTLI! --tt raiurr . first. S.le;
second. :lc; park Ins Mm k. 'V.
K.C.tlS Lxtras, iilc; fust. second.
IT.-. Rcietpt. Shipment
Wh.-Ht. bu
Corn, hu K1.0l WVOivi
Oats, bu 1.".W i.WO
... . OMA.IA, Hec. K. lm.
wheat market wto ery encourag
ing for buyer. New from Argentina
1 and the strength both In the northwest
and southwest market were featured by
. the bull faction.
However trader are caution after such
bulge a cam at the cloie yesterday
and today's market allowed slight signs
of weakening. News over Sunday will
I no doubt have Its effect Monday.
i with weather conditions rather adverse
for tha handling of new corn, country of-
ferlng light and local receipts below ex
pectation, there la a tltnld feeling against
I worklnir on the bull aide of the market
I at this time of the year.
wnrac rem verv firm arter closing
under a Till head of ateara. Kverythlng
points to a strong market. Cash wheat
was 14c to 2c higher.
Receipt, of corn westf light and weather
condition are adverse. Strength In wheat
Is a strengthening feature. Cash corn
was Ho to 14c. higher.
rlmary wheat receipt were 4S1.000bu.
and shipments were 246,000 bu., against
receipts last year of 676,000 bu. and ship
ments of 24.000 bu.
Primary corn receipts were 8R4.00O bu.
and shipments were 6H.000 bu., against re
ceipts last year ot W2,ooo bu. and ship
ments of f,0ti0 bu.
Clearances were 67,400 bu. of corn, none
rf oat, and wheat and flour equal to
.tvr.o bu.
Liverpool closed Hd to "ad lower on
, wheat, and i.d lower on coin.
' The following cash sales were reported
Wheat: No. 3 hard, 1 car, 994c; 2 care,
74c No. S hard. 1 car. 9ya; 1 car, 964c.
No. 4 hard. 1 car, 5o. No. 3 mixed. 1
car, tc. Corn: No. S white. 1 car, M4c.
' No. 4 whit, 1 car, 674c: 2 cars, 674c.
No. 3 color, 3 cara, 6$4c. No .3 yellow, 4
cars. 68o. No. 4. yellow, ( cars, 67c. No. 3
mixed, 9 cars, 68c; 1 car, 67c. No. 4
j mixed, I cars, 87o; 1 car, 6i4c No grade,
1 car, 644c; 3 oars. 54c. Oat: Standard,
2 cars. 444c. No. S white, 3 car, 48V4jc; 4
cars, 44o. No. 4 white, 1 car, 44o; 2
cars, 4e; 1 car, 48e.
Omaha Caab Priri,
WHEAT No. ! hard. Titt4c: No. 3
hard. fKgJdSVic; .No. 4 hard. 9H(fici4c.
! CORN No. 3 white, 686l4o: No. 4
', white, 60oT4c! No. 3 color, 67fjSbi; Noi
. ....11-. , " t . - ,. - . . . .-
jcuvw, u.evoou; ru, yeiiow, m'q-Oic;
No. 3, 67Hjc; No. 4, 6&867C; ho grade,
OAT8 44flic7 Btandard. 4sU4BUv
No. 3 white, 4&4c; No. 4 white, 4b9
BARLEY Milling, $U21.20; No. 1,
feet. "0SJk5.
RYE-No. 2. 89HWio: No. 3. 88489MiC.
.k-iziivv p
Cavrlot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
hlcago ....... 40 251 57
Minneapolis zm ...
.Omars, ...... 27 47 11
.uuiutn ............... 63 ...
Fratwres of the Trading? and Closing?
Prloca oil Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. Despite helpful
new from many sources, better harvest
weatner in Argenuna, eent the wheat
market today to a lower level. The cloae
Here was easy at lc to a under venter
1ay. Corn-finished a l-16o to c higher
limn iant mini, oata a snaae down ana
ling products unchanged tn 10s lower
Partly offsetUng the Improved weather
for whet harveat In Argentina wer re
duced estimate ot the surnlus which
would be available for export from that
tuuniry. rne duii obtained some en
couragement, too. from the fact that re
ceipts of gprlng wheat thla aide of the
Canadian line were a little lighter than
year ago, but the arrlvaJa at Wlnnluer
told a different story, being quadruple
the figures of u. year ago. Not only here
r nut Minneapolis. Omaha and Kansas City
. rulllers were, buvlnr. Between tha onen.
ing and the close May ranged from 9849
wc, wim last aate nit, a loss ot
, : not. ' .
t Rough weather over most of the belt
' had a bill 11 ih effect on corn. Hesldes
t there was an offlolal prediction that re
- lief need not be expected within the next
: thtrty-slx houts. May fluctuated from
IT4IS4 to tilHc closing Hteady a shade
net higher at 644c. Cash grades were
not freely offered. No. Z yellow brought
w sreio lor new.
' Though firm moet of the day with
corn, the oat market drooped In the end
as a result of the down turn of wheat
TO fact tnat primary receipt were
running large was also an Influence tend
- jug to lower quotations. Top and bottom
prices for Way were 4Uc and 48c, with
the close at the last named level, a net
decline of a shade.
Provision!! were a little disposed to sag,
owing to the poaslbilMy that the action
of the British government In shutting out
bids from the larger American packers
might lead to a similar course by other
nHtlon. Fork closed 74a to juo down
. but lard and rib had not easd off be
yond Zhutt at th most.
Quotation ranged as follows:
Strong Tone Develops in Market
After Early Hesitation.
Unotatloas of the llnr on Various
NKW YORK. Icc. If..--FlAnt Steady:
spring patents, fc.KHi j .lti: winter otraiKhts.
$4.10w4.Jti, winter pHt -nts, $4.::-i I 70; spring
cletrs, 4.1KU4.; winter extra No. 1. $3.70
i3.M; winter extra No. 2. S3. 6641 3. 54; K an
as Strtilglits. 4.fH"li4.7(. Receipts. NJ,H!i
bu. : ahlimients. 2I.Ctc' bu. -Rye flour.
quiet; fair 'o gwd, S4.7.".4i4.W; choU-e to
ranc-, s.i.tvruo.w. Ruckwoat flour, quiet.
S2.noii2.M5 tier hunilred pounds.
CO R N M K A I St ead y ; fine w hite and
ellow, 1.tawnl.6.'i; coarse. Sl.6T-4fl.H0; kiln
dried, S:f.f.r.M;t.7b.
RYK-Kteady; No. S. 97c. c. I. f. Buffalo
to arrive.
BARI4KT Steady; maltlnp, Jl lSOjl.Io.
. I. r. HuffHlo.
WHKAT-Snot market barely steady;
No. 2 red. 9ic elevator export basis and
PV f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
H.1H4 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market
was easy early on tho cables and reports
of more favorable weather In Argentina,
:ut rallied on small northwestern re
ceipts and private estimate reducing the
Argentina exportable surplus, closed net
unchanged. Hece nber closed 9i4c; May,
tl'tWl.oaH: closed Sl.iKi'i, Receipts. 4J.0W
bu.; shltiments, 8R.7N bu.
CORN Snot market firm: exrKirt new.
70'c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market whs
nominal. Receipts, 42,750 bu.; shipments.
UitOti bu.
OATS Spot steady; standard wnite uic
n elevator; No. 2, (144c; .o a ana 1,
64c, and natural white and clipped, 6Jf((vic
on track, futures market was nominal.
Receipts, 3S,lJi bu.; uhlpments, nil.
HAY Firm: irlme. nominal: No. 1,
SI. 25!frl. 30; No. 2. 31.101.16; No, 8, 6c(a41.0l.
HOPS Steady; state, common to c no ice
lMl, 6orpMc;. 1910, nominal; l'acirio coast
liUl. 45(i)60c; 1910, nominal.
HIDEi Firm; Central America, a.c;
Bogota. 12tfJ34c. .
LBATIlER-eiteadyi nemiocK iirsis, taui
27c; seconds, 24ac; thirds. a'Jac;. re
J.lSo. . ..... ...
PROVISIONS -orK, teaay; mw, wi.
(617.65; family, Sl.0iu'15.U0; short Clear'
S17.J5W18.2J. Beef, firm; mess. Jij,00i lS.W,
family, $14.60(fl6.oo; peeves nm, .r-lr
31.00. Ct meats, steady; pickled bellies,
KXTT14 pounds, 94o; pickled hams, ll--Vc.
Lrd, easy; middle west prime,,
refined, barely steady; continent, 19.60;
South America, 310.25; compound, 6!tJ74c.
TALJjOW Steady ; prime ciiy nnuo.,
6 V.c j country, 67l'3'Ni'-
BUTTER Very firm: creamery spe
cials, Stic; extras, 35c; firsts, 324F324C
C1IEE8E-Flrm; weeKiy expona,
boxes; state whole milk fall and earner
specials, lrtc; skims, 13i13c.
EOQS Firm: rresn gamemu
38841c; extra first, 3ryr;o; held fres.
poor to fair. 2127c; western gathered,
white, S.iie40c. -
St. Lonla General Market.
PT. LOTUS, Dec 16. WHEAT Futures,
lower; May. 984wiHc; July, fl:i-H-934o;
cash, steady: track No. 3 red, Olivine; No.
3 hard, 9c(&.07,
CORN rilfTher: may, iomwihc; juiy,
64U$5o; track; No. a, 694c; No. 3 white,
OATH Steady; December, 48c; May,
494c; track No. 2. 474c; No 3 white, 4ttc
nYIC-Cnchanged. 94c.
FIjOUR Steady: red winter patents.
$4.30)4.70; extra fancy and straight, S3.753
4w; hard winter clears, n.B.-u.iv.
RWKEV Timothy. S14.00a&60.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. $1.19
L8. -
- HAY Flm; timothy. S21.00S6.00; prairie,
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged. Job
bing, 315.60. IMra, lower; prime steam,
S8.80478.60. Dry salt meat, unchanged;
boxed, extra shorts, $8.25; clear ribs,
SS.25; short clears, $8,874- Bacon, un
changed; boxed, extra shorts, $9.26; clear
ribs. S9.Z5: short clear. S9.371.
I'OUL,TRY Firm; chloken. 74c:
springs. 84o; turkey. 14'c; ducks. Uc;
geese, 8".
BUTTER Lower; creamery, 26 35c
F.r.OS Lower. 27c
Keoeipis. enipmor.ts.
I.rhlgh A alley .Trove I aaseally
Active and anplnnta I'nlted
states trrt as Speca
latlve Favorite,
Kt dlvtdni.
lenrlna linear flank Hllrm't.
NKW YORK. lec. 1 - The sintement of
lenrltut linuee banks for the week lu
hat tne bank hold!. :V0 rcervn In
vcess of lel renulreiiirnts. This Is tin
Increase of 310.790 In the proportionate
ch reserve as compared with livt week.
The statement follows:
A mount.
Loans $l,aI.T?.tt
son 7, s "S
It km c4 Mi S
4. Dim iv M e
1 1(H) 66H M4 MS
10 'v
) W t44 H'i
1MI 44'i 44, 44
- 4
0 K7 37 at
t.tno 7i 14 74i;
100 1 KM 10:4
100 TU ti S3
l.tno 1404 I4i 140H
:n J7 M4
l.lllU !H S4 "
l.00 107 1W, lt'
2, mo
24li 2H
774 774
Flour, bbla..
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu. Bo.oort
Oata, bu . 63.01)0
iArtlc'11 Open. I High. Low. Close.Yes'y.
Wheat I
Dec.. 944"l 9H M S44 944
May. 984tAk 994 9H 94 99
July. 95. 94t 94 V 95U
Dec.. 6JM.fl 63 824 82T4i 624
May. OS 464 1, 644 6334 44 M4
July. 83Vi!M64V4rti "4 U44 64
lec.. 467, 47 46',46-4flH7 47
May. 4SV9 4 4 4H 4 4St(4
July. 1 454 454 4H 454 460:4
1'ork. I
May. 16 86-95 15 95 15 85 15 90 1ft 00
July. 16 0J4 lfl'i 16 024 106 16 124
l.ard. ,.
Jan,. 9 05 10 05 074 10
May. 9274-30 324 274 324 25
July. 424 424 46 t 15
Jan.. 8 174 8 20 8 174 8 20
Mav. 8 4-'. 8 60 8 46 8 60 8 624
July. 8 60 8 60 8474-60 8 60 8 624
Minneapolis Grain Market.
December. $101'; May, 81.0B4; Ju'r,
11074.-. rash. No. 1 hard. S1.041: No.
northern, Sl.03iifl.04; No. 3 northern, $L014
1.02; No. 8 wheat, 9&309C
BARLEY 70c$1.14.
CORN No. S yellow, 6o.
OATS No. white, 4604040.
RYE No. 2, 87IU874C
1.4 RA N-4J3.O)0tl23. 60.
FIjOUR Unchanged; flrt patents,
$4,9tKit5.20; second patent, $4.60Zf4-80; first
uleais, secona oiear,
rhllndelphla 1'rodoe Market.
Flrmer, good demand, western creamery,
special, 89c; extra, V7e; nearby print,
extra, 40o.
. F.OOS yulet: unchanged.
:il EKStl Firm; New York full cream,
fancy. 4o; fair to good, 154W19C.
Peorl Market.
PEORIA, 111., Dec. 18.-CORN-Bteady;
No. 3 white, 604c; No. 4 white, 6S40;
No. 8 yellow, 004c; No. 4 yellow, M4c;
No. 8 mixed, 6460c; No. 4 mixed,
684c; sample. 664c.
OAT8 Unchanged; No. 8 white. 474o;
No. 4 white, 474c; No. 4 white. 46c.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL Dec. 16. WI I F.AT-Spot.
steady; No. 2 Manitoba, 7 lid: No. S.
Manitoba, 7 114d: futures, easy; Decem
ber, 4s 4H4: March. 7 34d; May, 7 24d.
CORN Ppot, nrm; American mixea, na
NKW YORK. Dec. 16.-A strong tmie
developed In the stock market today after
early hesitation, lning stm-k was sup
plied In considerable volunm and the
trading showed signs of bearishness, on
the thory that a reaction was d-je. Put
these Influences were offset by the steady
demand for standard tocks.
The movement was of a substantial
character, although gains at the end of
the day were not large. 1-ehlgh Valley,
Union l'ailflo, Erie second preferred.
United States Steel, American Smelting
and a few of the specialties made the
best gains.
I-elugh Valley ws unusuallr active and
supplanted United States Kteel as the
market favorite. The price was marked
up 24c to S1.S1S In connection with the
report that the annual , meeting next
meeting next month plans would be made
for segregations of the assets and an
extra dividend distribution among the
Predictions of n large cssh gain by tha
hanks this veek were borne out by the
clearing house statement, the actual gain
amounting to nearly $!.000,000. The most
striking feature of the report waa tha
loan, which In the average showed a de
crease of $17,S74,000, and In the actual
statement an Increase of nearly $13.000,0(W.
i he Iniprovem-fi.t In business went on
during tho week, according to the trade
reviews. Mild weather has' Increased the
number of Idle freight car.
1 ho bond market waa firm and active.
Total sales par vilue, $l.Hti4,000. United
States Ss lost 4c on cbII on the week.
Numner of sales and lea, Unit nuutatlona
ot etueks were as follows:
Sim. Hub. bo. ClM.
Aun-t.iminiflrg pfit
AniAlRiraatea Coppr ,.
American Affrtaultural ,
Am. Ht BiiKir
American 1.0 ,
Amarlran C & F
Am. (tton Oil
Amtriion II. A U Bid
Am. Ire i-urltte
Anwrlcan lnweil
Amriean lcomMlv .,
Amtrtrin B. A R
Am. P. A R. pM
Am. fit Ml rnnnitrlM...
Am. Busar Haflnlng
Amtrli'in T. A. T
American ' Woolea
Amrontfa lilnlnc Co..
Atohlaon pM
Atiaauo Cojrt tin....
Baltlmnra A Ohio........
Bethlehfim Steal
Hraoklrn tlapld Tr
Canadian Iael(li
('antral LMiihar H.
Central Ixathar pfd
Central ot Sw Jaraay...
Cheiapeaka A Ohlo..w. ..
Cbluaso A Alton
hlcaco O. W.. new.....
Chloaiio (1. W. ptd
cnloago ' n- w
Clitcaio. U. A St. P
C, C. C. A. St. t.
I'olorado F. A I
Colnradn A Ponthern
ConaolMatad UM
Corn Products
Dvlaware A Hudaon
Denver A Hlo Grande...
Denver A It. O. pfd
Dletlllera' securities ....
Krie 1 pfd
Krla id pfd
(laneral Klaetrto M
Ureal Northern ptd
Great Northern On tfs.
Illinois Central
Inlerborouerh Met
International Harreater..
Inter-Marine ptd
International Paper ......
International Tump ......
Iowa Central
Kanaaa City Southern...
K. C. do. pfd
Laclede Gee
Lehlfh Valley
Ixuilarllle A Kaahvllla..
Minn. A Ct. Louie
M . Bt. P. A B. 8. M...
Mlaaourl, K. A T
M . K. A T. pfd
Mlaaoart Peclfta
National Rlaoult
National Iead
N. R. R. of M. M pfd..
New York 4"entral ,
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A Western
North . American
Northern Paclflo
Pacific Mall
People' a Uen
P.. '.. ('. A St. h
Plttlburjh Oal
Presaed Pteel Car
Pullman I'aluc Car
Hallmiy tHeel eprlng....
Republic Bteel
Rnpubllo Hteel pfd
Ruck Inland Co
Ituck litland ti. pfd....,
Bt. L. A H. P. Id pfd...
Bt. jyoiila fl. W
Rt. L. 8. W. pfd
Kloes-sheffleld H. A I...
Houtliern Pacific
Southern lUllway
Boutharn Hallway pfd....
Tenneeeee Copper
Texa A Pacific
T., St. U A W
T.. 81. U W. ptd
Co loo Paciflo
Colon Pactflo pfd
tailed Mtatee Realty
I'nlted Btatea Rubber....
United Btatea Hteel....
U. 8. Steel pfd
Utah t'opper
Va.-Carollna Chemical ..
Wabaili pfd
W'Mlern Maryland
Weetlnvhouae Klectrlc ...
Weatern Union
Wbeellng Sr. U E
Total aalee for tha day
liecle :ill.7M.ii
lxgal tenders M t'tiKKi
Net dnnoalUi l,7!.O4e.0i
Irculalion el.t'W.wv
Ranks cash reserve
Trust companies cash reserve.
Aggregate rssh reserve) ...
Trust compsny's reserve with clearing
house member carrying 25 per cent cash
reserve, SfiO.KMl.""",
Amount Increase.
$t.MI.0S7.OH fl2.12,OM
.H4.ns:.nn) 4.llS.nil
S4.MI.ftH) 2.0WMWU
l.O.S44,0O 17,.tS6,OH)
JO.S'.'O.Oiai S.Si.Oin
U.ti.T.tO) S.MI.I.'H)
egai tenner
Net deposits ,
Ex. lawful rrserv
Hank cash reserv
Tsuit company' cash reserve.
Aggregate cash reserve S,W.023,ooo
Trust Companies reserve, with clearing
house members carrying 26 per cent cah
reserv. Sim,! 1.000.
Summary of state bnnks and trust com-
punlea In greater New Vork not reporting
to tho clearing houce:
l.luo 744 74
t.ato U4 11m
SI 4
Oft 1404 2404
tW MH 804 S!n
1 17
JIM '4
. . ...
1.K00 U4
. too
i,oe- s4 4
4,000 H
oOO 344
400 a
loo iws
ion 7
M0 11
JOll 31't
l.oo 114
53 '
ion 4
llK4i Ut
31 Vi .114
300 114
'iw iii'i
ti.ciio 144
JUO 2f.i
,".7.s;4 v'
16. 347.01a)
. (ki.4liH.0ka)
Killing; Cattle Forty to Fifty Cents
Lower for Week.
Fairly tiond ItereleHa of sheep for
W eek, allk I'rlees on All Klntls
of Killer and feed
ers steady.
Iterainta were:
Official Monday Tueailav
Official Wednesday...
uncial 1 nursua) ....
ifflctal Frldav
Ratlmata Saturday ...
Six davs this week..J7.f' r-VW
Kama davs lat week. .1.1X1. W.S4T.
Kame 3 weeks ago 12. KM B4.673
rame 3 weeks ao s;t.;ira 4i..
Same 4 weeks ao 2H.taS7 40.4
Same day last 1 ear... 113,414 36.S1S
The following table shows the receipt
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
ur tne year to ttate. as compsreu wun
ast year: 1!)1. 1I0. 1HH9. lw-
'altle 1.14J.903 I.lMitS vi.ui
logs' i.w;.7;w :J.3
Sheep 2,!C, 2,.?6 13.WSJ
The following table shown lb averaao
prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for
ha last few 0a. with comparison:
l,egai tender
Total deposit
. 6U.3OR.p0ll
. 11.44.41X1
. 6,1.,i,(lkV
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Dec. 18. American securities
opened steady on the Stock exchange
her today, with prices about unchanged.
Later the market advanced under the
lend ct United States Steel. The closhiW
was steady, with values ranging from
unchanged to a point higher than yester
day's New York closing
Conaola, money. .. 77 l-KlMuirrltle AV ....N.
77 I 1 , K T
.. HN. V. Central
.. M4 Norfolk W
.104 in pfd
..107 Ontario A W
do aeemint.
Anial. Chopper.
Anaconda ....
do pfd . . . .
7i Hearting. .'.
luBixiilietn lly..
Baltimore sV Ohlo...losm'ennarlanU
Canadian raclflc..,.J47HKand Mlnea
fbeeapeak A O...
Chlraao l. W
(Til.. Mil. 4t Bt. r.
Da Ueera
Denrer A Rio O...
do pfd
do let pfd
do Id pfd
Orand Trunk
Illinois Central..
114vi do nfd.
14 Fouthern Pacific
ail olem Pacltla
4kt do ptd
3:11.'. t. Bteel
4H do pfd
44 Walnut!
a4 do ptd
aioNEV-atM per cent.
61L.VKR Bar. steady at 3641 per ox.
Th rate of discount In the open market
for snort bins is 4 per cent: fur three
month' bill, 374 per cent.
. 4
. 11
. 404
. tn
. Tut
. 104
. 7
. H
. 70
. 7
. 174
New York Mtalna- "lock.
NRW yoUK, Pec. ltt.-Cloing auota
tions 011 mining stock were: .
Allc too Mexican
Com. Tunnel flock, it
do bonde 14
Con. VI. &. V 71
Iron Silver lie
Leadvllla Oou. S
Mttle C'hlet ..
Ontario ........
Yellow Jaoket
..... 1
.... J
10 T it.s
iiioii 1714 174
, 1,011
, ii.Ji io
4 4
64 4
404.600 ebarea.
(l 4
4 'ash. Quotations were as follow
FIOUR Dull, easy; winter patent,
$17Vcr4.90; winter straight. S3. SUtigpa. & ;
eprlng patent, S5.7Ofjo.H0: spring alralghts,
$ Imkers, t-'f od'ijH.Io.
KVK No. t, Wm&'J3r.
BARLEY Feed or nilKlng, gtVQSjc; fair
to choice malting. fl.1nil1.24.
SKKI8 'llmoihy. fl2.it7'lC.OO; clover,
flS.lMVUIfO..' 4
PROV 1 8 lONfi Mefs pork, per bbl., $16.00
oW.So. Lard, per 100 lb., Short libs,
Biiies (loose), $7.7fi.
Total clearance of wheat and flour
were equal to SiU.OuO bu. Primary receipts
were 4X1. OiO bu., compared with 7o,UuO bu.
the corropouding day a year ago. Esti
mated receipt for Monday: Wheat, 13
cars; corn, 1'Si car; oat, 1(0 car; hogs,
4.V0M head.
Chicago Cash Prfces Wheat : No. 2 red,
Iii974o; No. 3 red. !"'j..c; No. 2 hard,
DHcS$1.02: No. 3 hard. uDie: No. 1 north
ern,. $1.061.034; No. 3 northern, 1.0i(ii
5.07; NO. 8 northern, $1.03eil.U6: No. 2
spring. 8c6$10t; No. 3 prlng, 5rCj$1.04:
No. spring, sscfi$l.uO; velvet chalf. ftV
31.04; durum. Wc4($l.l Corn: No. t old,
C0c; No. 2 white W'yiWlc; No. 3 yellow,
U04ii61c; No. 3 yellow, &4iiiilc: No. 4
white, 67&.W4c; No. 4 yellow,;
No 4, 68tVJHc. Oats: No. 2 white, 4N4?
4(tc; N. 3 white, 474ii 4s.c; No. 4 whit.
47'( 4c; standard, 47"-ij4mo.
BUTTE1V-tedy; creamerle. 2Jr33c;
dairies. 2PU31C.
HGOS Receipts, l.IOB cases. Market
steady; at mark, casea Included, 2-.!Sc,
firsts. 2Wi21c;. prime first. 2MJ30C
CHBKeiE 8te.udy; daisies, l&ittlUc;
tains, 164315'ic; Young Americas, U,q
16c; long horns, lolfic.
POTATOUS Vnett)ei; choice to fancy,
eOc3c, fair to good, 7u0'c-
POL'LTRY hteady; turkey. 14ffle;
tiiiokens, iOc; springs. t'talOc.
VKAI-i4ieady at 7tjllc.
of contract grade; corn. -M cure. Ml
ISirilJ"" JanUary' 58 8d; Feb- mnthWjH
vr Vork Money Market.
call; nominal; time loans, firm; sixty
aaya, 111 yt per cent: six
mary, 6 744.
Milwaukee Grata Market.
1 northern, $1.0tVU1.07; No, 2 northern, fl.06
il.08; No. 2 hard winter, Kte&fl.Ol; May.
Sukc; July, 84'n.-,
OATH Ktandard, 47W48c.
BARLEY Malting, 4i.124il.23.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Pec. lR.-COFPEE-Ku-ture
opened ateady at unchanged prices
to an advance of four points on a llttlu
cattered covering In the absence of uny
fresh feature. January eased off after
th call under scattering liquidation, but
there wa very little offering for other
deliveries, and the appearance of Remem
ber buying order (n the hand of leading
bull broker Inspired enough covering to
Impart a generally steady undertone to
the market. The cloae waa steady, net
five points lower on January, but ' un
changed to six point higher on other
month. Sale, 23.00 bags; December.
lS.JSo; January, 13.35c; Kt-hruary, 18S0c;
March, lS.lii; April, 13.10; May, 13.04c; June,
13.03c; July and August, 13.03c; September,
13.03c; October and November, 13.02c.
Havre wa unchanged1 to 4 franc lower.
Hamburg was unchanged to 4 pfg. lower.
Rio 7ft rela lower at 3 $200. Hantou, un.
changed. 4 8$a50; 7s 7$35o. Receipt at the
two Brazilian port. Ss.OiiO bags, against
en irn nags last year. Jundialiy receipts,
IS.ftuO bugs, against ll.WiO bag last year.
Rln was reported in all diHtrlcta of Kao
Paulo. New warehouse deliveries yester
day wer 6,077 bags, against piftib ha
last year. Todav sicsl eh -o,
Santo report 4s unchanged and Sao Paulo
receipts of 27.0CO bags, against 23.HHO bags
hpot coffee, quiet: rlo. No. 7, 14V& 144c;
Pantos, No. 4, 15i(i54c; mild, quiet; Cor
dova, l4ffl84c -
tier cent.
44 per cent.
actual business In banker bills, at $4.83
for sixty-day bills, and at $4.816 for de
mand. Commercial bills, $4 824.
SILVER Bar, t.V4; Mexican dollar,
PONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotation on bond today wer
a follow1
100 int. Met. 4s 7T4
140 Int. M. at. 44a MS
.I014.iapan 4, aji.
t.'. no. lac a... 7I4
Hit I. B. dtib. 4a 1431... lit.
lilt U 4k N. onl. 4a ,
. f'-.'M. K Mu T. let dm. MK.
....1014 de sen. t'ia n
lot ato. Paclllo 4a liiA
V. . rar. It. re.
do coupon
V. 8. . reg .,..
do coupon
V. i. 4a. rea
do coupon
Allls-;hal. lit
Anwr. A, ta
T - T c
Am. Tobacco 4a iIN. K. R. of M. 44a
da e '
Armour t. l'a. . a aeo. e s
HOl'TIt OMAHA. Dec. If,, 1MI.
'attie. llogs. Sheep.
MM, K7.-0 11.14
K.ivvt 11.311
4.K.0 lO.S'.l
4.4SI ln.SJ'k
, KM lo.twr
6 - 8.700
Holes is Desirable.
I klra l.lve Stock Market.
rillCAOO. Pec. 1. CATT!,-Recelit4
estimated at 4i head; market, ati-ailv;
beeves, $4...Vr). "it; Texas steers, fl
S.7N; western sleers. $4 Mv,r mi; stnrknra Architprt Aorta that VarJet-ir ftf
nd feeders. $3 rin ; ,-ows and heifer ArLnllecM AKce Uiai Variety 01
II 2b: calves. K..i1rS.ts.
1UH1.S M.M-elpt estimated at K..00()
head; murket, slow: liglit. $.(i.Viri.ri;
mlaod. $fkl,4i3.7tl: heavv. $.s.HMir,.3i; rough.
$". 4Vu' 10; gad to choice heavv, $'1 Iff
R; pigs, $404,L"-7J; bulk ot sales, fn.ofi
SIIKKP AND LAMIlH-Receliits e-etl-tiiHled
at ?.'vM head: market weak: na
tive. fSiMir 4.1ft; western. f2.7Mt4.l: year
ling. 34.ioU.r); hvmbs, native, U-iH
B it); western, $4. .".')). Itl.
Ksnasa 4 I4y Live Klock Market.
Receipts. SOO head; no southerns; native
leer. $R 'v Tf; Kouthein steers. 4 on(i
Dt); outhern cows and heifers. $.1 tXXIr4 M);
native cows and heifers. $S.7Mf7 00 at nev
er and feeders, $.l.7Mi6.IW; bulls, ..0(tt
r 00; calves, 34 M)1(8.00; western steers,
$4Sitf.W: wet xern cows, $;t.on(i4.0O.
MtH IK Receipts. 7.000 head; market
steady: bulk of aslaa. $5.7Mitt.2r: heavy.
2,tiM) $ IM"' 30; packer and butchers, $.Ktf
44 off 1: lights, ff..Mkir.l; pigs, f4.IMtS.3o.
3U.S3J market steady; muttons, f3.OTVtl4.0O; lambs.
M.w'tTKOB; rang wether ami yeaning.
$3.4u5 00; range ewes, 1:1 MJ4.00. ,
Kind of 4'nnrae la Determined ky tke
1'nsllloM ami liaardltiK of It
rattla; tureens Adapting
I'onrae to Utadii,
NEW YOUIC, Dec. If.. Th up-to-elatn
golf architects generally agrne nowaday
that In the arrangement of courses that
mean something thore should be a com
plete variety of holes, not only a to
length, but In their character, the way
In which they are bunkered, th kind of
tee shot that Is required at them, and
last but not least, tho kind of approach.
In every case the putting green should
be thoroughly well guarded.
It has also been claimed that the
shorter the hole tho smaller should be
tlta green and the mora closely It should
market be guarded, so that this principle, when
Deo. 7
I ee.
I 1911. :l410.llV.;l.liej7.lWI.lUD.
. I.oal Live stock Market.
XT. I.OUIH. Dec. lfl.CATTLe. Re
ceipts. 00 head: no TrXsns;
steady; native beef steer, $4.etti0.2ft; cows I In good play, a long shot can read the
and ,2rhi'?i.,nd..,.!Irl" n- whlcl "hould be fairly large and
SX?6;fi.7n: cow and heifers, 3.91kO 4,ii oi-eu in rtior 10 mu tne piaer tu-
calves. In carload lots. $4 i' t.O. I couragenient, to which ho la entitled.
itotiit KeceiDta. s.Mii nean: mariw .. - . 1 . ...
steatlv; pigs and light. $4.KkH.3l: mlxe.l ' 11 """'.
snd butcher. tb.iM..;i; good heavy. M.SO vr b difference of opinion. Ther are
I ,A M R8 Receipt . 800
6 H4 I 7 411 I 321 & 411 4 631 211 4 PI
i HT4 7 8 2' S 421 I 151 4 37
a lit. 4 A Atil A Ari O I 4 1U
U1WI wi m mil W Wl .11 , -I . . n
f J bin ril s un Jil l Sll nitB.r:i- a.m i ,a i rn imnn.
$ mS S . 6 " t 4 ' 14 7S jl: m. rYi n.tlv. mu
7 58 j 0 82) 4 7ll 03 4 83 $J.W.W lmbs. $4.2oiff W.
f. n.-. 7 at h I'M. - e i b uk e e.
8 !W, 7 8Hj 8 231 6 38 4 2tI 6 08. 4 8T.
W4 7 o.. 8 OKI f. 871 1 H III 4 81
8 I84 7 M 8 141 ft :ft 4 23 1
4 7t
Receipts and dlsDosltlon of live slock
at the I nlun Htiu k ards. South Omaha.
for tho twenty-four hours ending at
o'clock Friday:
Cattle, llogs. bhcep.ll r .
t. .Joseph 1.14 stock Market.
Receipt. inn head: market. atrnilv
sleers, S MHr!.f.n: row and heifers, U'tb
tf A.A0: ralves, 84f(j7.60.
iiihik Knee lits. n.0141 neaa marner,
slesdy; top. 3H.2.': bulk ot sales, fo.,5
a,tt 10
BHKKP Anil i.AMlin rteceii'ts.
head; market, tetly; lambs, fj.tHtu'o.ib.
M. St. P. Ry.
Wabaxh Ry
Mo. Pacific Ry
I'nlon-Pacific lly...
C. i N.-W., east....
C. ft N.-W., west...
C, Kt. P.. M. & O...
It. U.. east...
C, 14. dV g., west..
K. I. ft p.. east..
C, R. I. ft P., west.
Illinois Central
C. O. W. lly
Total receipts....
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Omsha Tacking Co ., I-.MJ
8wltT ft Co l,!7 ...
Cudahy Packing Co 233 ...
Armour ft Co ...
Murphy ... 344
Cudahy from St. Paul
Other buyers U
Totals 18 8,5f4
Dry Ciooda Market.
NKW YORK. Dec. 111. -DRY COOTW- green.
Demand for Cotton domestics Is of mod
erate proportions, but steady. I'nderwear
and hosiery flemana is quiet, i.inens are
In better call from the retail trado for
I spring delivery. Rurlaps are in lair ue-
niand and short supply, larus ruie quiet
Bank t leartngs.
OMAHA. Dec. lfl.-Hank clearings for
toils v were 82,402 h4.7 and tor tne corre
sponding dav last year $4473.320.43. T!
clearing for the week amounted to
$lo.348.Mil.H3 and fur the same week last
year la,S7.BM).a.
thuse wIh argue that it I wrong to say
that a fairly long course I a sufficient
test to select the best golfer out ot a
field of any fifty or 100 competitor. ,ln
other words, no course csn bo a thorough
test of the skill and nerve of th player
which lias not so closely guarded green
that on occasions there la but one, and
that a most skilful (hot, by which th
long approach can got home.
It 1 not too much to ' that the
character of the course Is determined by
the position and guarding of H- putting
It the greens are In an open
position It well-nigh passe the wit of
man to make the courao flrst-clasa. One
may lengthen the hole and construct
artificial bunker galore, but tha final
teat that of the approach shot ! want
In Inylng out a new course or remodel-
ing an old one the main thought should
be given to the proper placing or close
guarding of tho green. Where the
player starts from the tee In order to
reauh the green, the golf engineer should
tart from the green tn order to tlx th
tec. In selecting or guarding- th green
th thought hou!d be ever uppermost
. 4J3
City Employes Seek to Get GhOBt to to mak it difficult of approach and from
... Ii. 4t4. AAiiPia ami frrtnl aft. TW1'
Watllr HMfAPi TT Al Ilia Vfl KClurr wi tun vvo -
CA'TTLE There were no cattle here to- MURDERER, FOUND IN CROATIA
aav. Barring a ioaa or two, a,iika none vi
For the week, nowever,
fectly played hot.
It 1 alway well to have altematlvt
tee In order that the course may ue
eaally adapted to varying wind and dry
nub. m ..rlr
receipt have been very heavy, being initial Wla t.omniiteo uratai ' ""' I wnllif-r, when ther l more run on nm
...107ki CT.
...108VieN. aV
N. H. ft II.
W. let c. 4a s4
Akcblaon sen
do it. 4e.
in Ct.
A. U. U let 4e
Pal. A uklo 4a
do fit
do B. W. JSia. ...
Brook. Tr. ct. 4a.
ei-o. of ia. 6a....
On. lxmer a...
nl s J. I te
Cliee aV Ohio 44a...l01H9 U . W. e. 4a.. 74
no ref. 6 -no in sm vir$
t'hirau ft A. ma.. 68V4S A. U 4a It .
C B A- J i. 4a Mfcdo. Pao. col. 4a fi
do cn. 4a 4 do .. 1114
( M I! P- 4 4a S'4 do lt ref. 4a K,
C H I. P. 4a. ItWilo. Railway aa 104
do rt 4 4e (en. 4 t4'4
Clo. Ind. it 18 I'nlon faridc 4a U1114
ilo. Mid 4a 60 do ct. 4a Iuk4
At g. r to a 4na ' w iat . ear. 4a...
M4 do ot.
. eakiNo. Pacific 4a.
. iH do u
. Ik4r). g. t, rfd. 4a ..
. 5'4Pnn. ov. IS 116.
.104'4 e0, eon 4.
., 1. . g T
11k4 do fen. &a..
K1 'Oo lt gold 4a..
If 4 7H
Cotton Market.
ture closed barely steady. Closing bids:
December. .lnc; January, , 8.81c; Feb
ruary. 8K)c: March. 8.Hir: April. 9(r'i
1 ariot rteceipts w neet. cars, wun iu Aiay, 9 l'lc; June. s iacLJuly, t.vtc: Au-
tin 1 ; gust. .lc;
it kontract Krade : out. 1S7 cars. Total
lecelpts f wheat at iThlcago, .Minneapolis
and Dolotli. today were 367 cars, com
I iel with :f-X cars last week and 374 car
the corresponding day a year ago.
Kaasa Cltr tiralat aal Prorlsloa.
KAN SAB 4'ITY. Dec. IS. WH KAT-L'n-cUmnged;
No. 3 hard. c4Jtl.3H i No. 3,
Vw"ul.ll; No. 1 red. MuMoc; Mu. t. 2Wa)
WV; December, MVtc; May, 8c; July,
COIIN Vnchanged; No. t mixed. 44c;
. t; ilftXVkui No. 1 wUl. to4iwci K. 3,
eptemlrT .2Jc: (xt,, I, fi
ll. 20c; November. .t.c. Spot dull:
iiilddllng uplaiulH, v.t'jc. middling gulf
8.70.'. No sMlea.
L1VKKHkiL. Der. IS. Cf ITTO.V -In
fair demand; prices 3 points higher;
American nildilling fair. 5;c; gix.,1 mid
dling, 6 tfc; middling, 5 0.V; low mldtlllng,
4 8j; gcM.d ordinary, 4.7::c; ordinary, i.iic.
Tii sales of the day ware 8.0u0 bale, n'
wlilch 1,000 bales wer for speculation and
export and Included 7,600 bales American.
Receipts, K.ouu bale Including 164)
bale American, lulures opetud (teady
anil cloU uuiU
11. ft H. ct. 4a
d R a- 4
do ref. ae
niatlllera' ta
Kne I. 4a
dn en. 4a
do cv. 4a, ear. A.
do eertee P
u. fclec ct. la...
Ill eu I" ret. 4a.
Bid. eurfsrs.
r,V. B. Hubher fa lolkj
TH'. S. ateel 14 U.. .I.H14
, ab- . -1 ar. i-hew. aa..KNtk4
. la vkeoaen ii
, t do lat ft
, 74iWeetern Ml 4a ...
. 44Weet. Klee. ct. to.
. 74:4ia. Central 4a....
Ibi Mo. Par ct. aa..,.
. M'APauaina la
. ko '4
- '4
n UTTER No. 1. 1-lb., oarton. 3Sc; No.
1. in w-iD. tut), jfc; .no. z, xo; pack
lng, 18c.
CHKMSE Imported Bwl. 32c; Amerl
cn Hwlss. L'4c; block Swls. 18c: twin.
18c; daisies, 13c: triplet, 18c; young Amer
ica, "c; blue label brick, lc; llmberger,
t-ID,, 1C.
POULTRY Broiler. 18c; prlns, 24o
hen. 12c; cocks, ttc; ducks, 10c; geee,
18c; .turkey,. )c: pigeon, per do., fl 30.
Mlvt, broiler. Ua; hens, 7Vj,c; old
rooster and stag, 4Mc; old ducks, full
feathfed. ll'tc: geeae. full feathered
Wc; turkey. 18c: guinea fowl. 160 each
pigeons, per ao., one: nomer. per aoa
l.M; squabs. No. 1; 11.50; No. 2. GOc.
FISH-Plckerel, Ufl; white. 22c; pike.
IDe; trout, loo; large cranpie. ltinc;
Spanish mackerel, 18"; eel, 18a; haddock
ISc; flounders, 12o; green catfish. 13c;
roa ahad. $1.00 each: shad rot), per pair.
060; salmon. 18c; halibut.1 13c; yellow
perch, sc; purtaio, vc; punneau. 14c.
BEEP CUT-No. ribs. lc; No.
rib. 13Hcs No. I rib. 8c; No. 1 loin,
llktc: No. 3 loin. Vao: No. 3 loin. 10c
No. 1 chuck. 8c; No. 8 chuck, 7'c; No.
I chuck. Sc; no. 1 rounas, 11c; no,
rounds. 9ftu; No. t round, 84c No,
plate, 640. No. 3 plates, (c; No.
nlates. rac.
FUUIT& Apple: Cooking varieties, per
bbl.. 11.76; Jonathan ami unmea uvideii
per bbl.. 14.50: Ben Davis, per bbl.. 12.76
California Belleflower, per box, fl.:io
Colorado Jonathan, extra luncy, poi
box 12.60; Washington Hpltzenherg. per
box. 12.50; wanluagton R. Menuty, pur box
$2.50; Washington Staman Wlnesaps, per
box, $2.50. IWin&nas: Fancy selected, ier
bunch. .60. JumlK). per bunch, tLlivri
3.76. Cranberries: Wisconsin, fancy, er
bbl.. SU.50: per box, io.a; extra large
jumbo, per bbl., $10.50. Dates: Anchor
brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkga.. In boxes, per
box, $2.B0; Dromedary brand, new, Bu 1-11
pkga., in boxes, per box, m.w: milk
70-11). boxes, per lb., 8c. r igs: California,
per cane of 12 12-ounc pkgs., H&c; per
cane of 36 12-ounce pkgs., U-M; per case
of 50 ti-ounce Pkgs.. 32.00: mew Ttirklah.
6-crown, In 20-lb boxes, per ll., 16c; -
crown. In 20-lb. boxes, ier ir., ; 7
crown, tn 30-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Orape
Kruit: Florida. 48-38 alxea. per crate, $4.7i(
II. 00; 80-54 -t4, per crate. $.ri.2S. Orapt.a;
Malaga. In bbl., f.'.50UI.OO. Lemonn:
Llmonelra brand, extra fancy, 3ou use,
per box. f-V26; 380 alxe, per box, $5.00;
Lomo Llmonelra. fancy, 8J0-a(V) sixes, per
box. $4.00; 240 and 44) slaes, 50c per box
lees. Orange: California navels, M-VM
allies, per box, 11.26; l'iO-176-200-21ti-2uO
else, per box, $a.26; 160-176-2uO-2)ti-260
sixes, per box, $!.X. Pear: California B.
Clarigeau, per 50-lb. box, $3(10.
VKOKTABLE8 Iean: String and wax,
per mkt. hnk., tl.OOUl ifc. Cabbago: Wis
consin, per lb., in-. tHry: Michigan, per
do., 40c; California Jumbo, per do., Hoc.
Cucumber: Hot house, plv do., $3.00.
Kg Plant; Fancy Florida, per do., $2.00.
Garlic: Kvtr fancy, white, per lb., 16c.
Ixittuce: Kxtra fancy leaf, per do., 40i:.
Onions: California, white, per lb., 3u. Wis
consin, yellow and red, In sack, per
lb., liVfrc; rtpanlsti. per crate, fl.w. Pars
ley: Fancy soutberti. per do, bunches,
SWCc'ite. Potatoes: Minnesota Karly Ohio,
per bu., 11.15; WIsconMn white stock, per
bu., $1 10; In 10-sack lot, 6c lens. Hweet
Potatoes: Kansas, per bbl., 1.1. 00; per bu.
link., $1.85. Rutabagas: In aaclts, pr lb.,,
IWc. Tomatoes: California, per crate. $L&0.
M 1 8t: K LIA N KO l.'H A I monds : Tarra
gons, per lb., lMkic; In sack Iota, lo less.
brazil nut: per id., wc; in sack lot,
lo less. Cocoanul: Per sack $5.60. Fil
berts: Per lb., 14c; In sack lot, lc let.
peanut: noaaiaa, per 10., s'u; raw, per
lb.. 7c. Pecans: Large, per lb., 17c; In
tack lots, lc less. Walnuts: New crop,
mil, California, per lb., We; In sack lota,
lo less, ('liter: New Nehawka, per 16-gal.
14 bbl.. 33.00: per 30-gal. bbl.. 35.60: N.w
Tork Mott' per 15-gal. H bbl., $3.60; per
sv-gai. nDi., ,.". noiwy: c ew, 24 frames
$3.75. Krout: Per 16-gal. keg, $3.75; uer 6-
al. keg. 11 10; Wisconsin, per Vt-bbl.. ti.U.
ina tree. 4 to t ft., iz in bdle., per dux.; to 3 ft.. 12 In bdle, per dux.. 12.25
8 to 10 ft.. in bdle., per do., fj.25; 11
11., per tree o"c, 14 n., per tree, 7oc;
is ft., per ire, ' s; ' per tree, $1.50j
16 ft. per tree, $1.76t2 60; 18 ft., per tree,
$2.7&3$.50, 20 ft., pr tree, lJ.5tyij4.60,
Wreaths, etc.: Evergreen wreathing,
natural, extra heavy, 30 yds. In cull, coll,
$1.00; evergreen wreath, with Immortal
flowers, per do., $1.60; with holly, per
do., 11 do; nouy wreatn fancy Iiela
war, per do., $1.50; extra fancy. lieU.
ware, extra heavy, per do., $2.00; mag
nolia wreath., per dor, $1.50;, holly
branchea. Dels. are, 13 lb. In bbl.. per
bbl., fl.rfl, regular pack, alee cases, Ix
2x4 ft.. cse. $4 60: selected florist hollv.
per case, 3x2x4 ft.. $6 00; mistletoe, shipped
only try express, per 10., Ac; needle pine.
per o , i'.w.
fact the largest since four week ago, anil
verv much laraer than for the correspond
ing week of last year. Tho cause for
this larae. run I to be found In the fact
that price at the close of last week were
verv snusmctorv. A It is a wen anown
fact that the country 1 very anxious to
In City Arrested After Lag
drrlagro Mot Macklaea from
Blaffa Appear.
City employe have planned to force
ball. Unles thla I done an average ha
to be atrunk In tha arrangement of th
hole, which seldom make a really good
teat In all condition. In other word,
th hVile have to be planned to eult th
prevailing wind and ar consequently
much reduced In quality ana testing
power when It comes from tha oppoilt
Tha bunkering and general planning ot
the hole ahotild b carried out with th
1 a . 1 4 afc,. klarVi el tea lf
feed It w rToT7t .ir.u;prtalng that th. mayor and council Into the rol. of
Chicago wa completely awamped with Santa Clau wtlly nllly, at least Insofar
receipt thla week. A a result price they can compel tue "ghost to walk"
L . 1 JTiI 11 ..1 13 1.-. h . ,h.J before the holiday.
followed Clucaao down. o that there ha Tor several day there ha been a quiet a heavv decline all along the Un I move on among the emolove of th City.
at all point. . . . I including officials, firemen and police, to Upeclflo object of making1 It necessary
cil?.f uMitT.i 9 ...ttii t'ba? is hava their monthly pay day advanced o not only to get a certain length, but mora
?.,.f .t..,r. ,,.. .nd h,"if., a around I that th warrant will be lued a few particularly to gain a desired position,
totiftOo lower than last week' close. day before Christmas. - and tha player who doe not gain this
The best grad,of feedere on the otner M(,ny of tha employe are tmn of tarn- position ahoutd have hi next shot mad
rea.onb',"lce. have "biltn" bunlltUo nd th. advancement of pay day mor. d,fflcult tor blm or .hould b.
changed. Mttll they are possibly a trifle mean a better time for their families obliged to take an extra stroke,
lower than laat week. On the other hand and for th. merchants of the city 1 who The ideal situation is to have as fr
nTy" plTntil auppirand not In uch Intwmtrt In th. move to hav. th ,ueBtly M two aiternatlva
at1veyd.mandr fUP the braik In bpe warrant, ta.ued before th. regular date. melhod. cf phtying a hoi., an 4y on.
steers to uch an extent that tney are
around 25o lower. Common and Inferior
cattle mav he even lower than that.
Ouotatlona on rattle: Oood to choice
beef steer, $8.7598.00; fair to good beef
steers, $8.0004.75; common to lair Dui
probable gain of a strike when th. lat
ter I selected and th. attack 1. suc
That bring u up to th. diagonal
Besides th. city employes th. school and oifftouit on. There should be s
teacner win a-iao participai in in
graclouanea of the anticipated pay day.
It I understood that th council offered
no obiectlon to th advances made them
$4.76afi.tlO; good to choice cow, $4 .2&fo.25; ". " a, ,h. f.w formation of liaaards, which are becom-
falr to good cows. $.1.86(h4. 25; common to r"'','.TL .. . Ini mor. and . mor. popular. Th. ob
ject of the, diagonal hazards Is obvious.
In other word, r player may, to u
the phruse, "bit. oft as much as he ran
chew." Where the hasard runs along
on th. bias It should be so arranged that
order to evade the consequences of hi th. long carry is not off tho line of play.
crime, the long arm of the law ha Soma golfers are of tha opinion that
reached across th. soa Into Croatlu, th best practice In putting is on poor
among th relative and friends of Mllek greens, on th. assumption that when tha
Kovegenskl, who three year ago I f player putts on first-class greens later
alleged to hav. murdered Frank Kocho- I ,ne putting looks and is a very easy af
fair cows. $2.754f3.u5; good to choice atock- hav. already given their assurance that
er and feeders, $12oiU.0Q: fair to good they will gladly meet the request of th
suicker ana feeders .(., common employe. There I, therefore, much Joy
SynrS'Ufff employe, of th. city
67.50: bulls, stags, etc.. :i .004 6 .00. Kavegraakl Caplared
HOGS Trade in hog traveled over the After dodging through the world In
same even course or previous uavs, ma
only new phase of the market being a
little strength In lard offering. In th
general way, big bulk of a fully normal
supply changed lianda at steady to strong
figures. 1'iickhig demsnd had an active
tone from start to finish and speculators
put additional life Into movement by the
I purchase of about one-slxtb of the 123-
load estimate. There was lime or no
Inquiry from bona fide hlppttr and most
of the selections made on speculative ac
count were load with a butcher weight
Assortment of supply waa mtlcn the
am aa usual, light grade being th
rule, with good lard classes the excep
tion. The beat heavies on sale brought
tU7H, a spilt nickel above yesterday'
op, and attractive putcners isnueu
around $0.00c8.06. Hac.on and high-mixed
stuff ranaud from $o.M down to leas than
$6.76. There were no pigs of consequence
on sale, but price are still quotable at
a wide spread 01 I4.2wac.ati. in most in
stance price for all weight wer paid
readily and the yard at 10:30 o'clock war
Dractlca y empty.
Rather largo reoelpta during the week
were dlstrlbutod very creditably over the
five days and neither buyer nor seller
claimed any advantage, tha market wav
ering about a steady level throughout.
Heavy hoc are closing about a nickel
higher, whilo light, high-mixed and com
mon butcher offerings now no material
chanxe In value.
KHKKP There wa nothing doing in
anv branch of the sheep and lamb trade.
as yenterday'a clearance ot both feeder
and fat vtock w complete. i-Tsen ar
rivals consisted of four loads of fat
lambs consigned direct to a packer, leav
lng the open market barren.
On most days during tn ween re
ceipts seemed to be slightly under re-
lloetoa Stock and Boats.
HOHTti.N. Dec. 18. Closing quotation
on stock aere as follows:
Allooal 4ktNedda Con 1'.,
A'lHI. Cupper H Nlpiaaint Mlnea .... I1.
A , I.. A B 24a North Hulte 77
R A T C. V S VI. 7 H.N or m Lobe 7
Butt oalikioa Vild IlouilOtoj 47,
Cal. Arlsona o'l t eola 10 J
t el. A llerla Parrott A C I
I entet. ual 14 Qulnrjr 71
Cop. tkanre I'. &! Shannon lit
Kft llullc C. !.... l--Soperlor u't
Piaiiklln luVi Superior A B. M... 4
ukuux IV.o 4 -14Ta.areik Mk4
tK.abr (' ' - R- A M. .. 1S
Ureeoe l antnt IV4 ' do pfd 4ek
lale Itoale Ouppet. tlkil'lah Coo IT
Kerr tk . 3 iVtaa Of 4a.. n
Oil and Roala.
TINK Firm. 484.)c; sales. 44 bbls; re
ceipts, 402 bbls.; Nhlpmetils, 6 bbls; stocks,
41.;;. e nms.
DOS l.N Firm; les. 2,l bl,l,; receipts
IK.' bbls; shipment'. 42 bbls.; alixks.
131.843 bbls. B. ai.TT': D. $8.72H4( 82W
K. Kn'Vil.82H; F, H-S,; O and H. y,.H2
niiu; t, .n-t; i. iu; 1, ..a; .N, 7.;io,
kagar Mark.
NEW YORK. Dee. 11. iUO A R-Raw.
nominal; muscovado, 89 test, 4 Vc; centrl-
lural. vS test. 4.87o: molasses. 9 tesL 4.1?c
refined, quiet; rubes, txAt; granulated.
s.ioc; powaejea, .tea.
nowskl In the saloon of Lilly Chevlnskl
at Twenty-seventh and Q street.
The crime was on. of th. most brutal
committed In this section of. th. country.
After a fight tn the bar room Kovegenskl
I said to hav. literally disemboweled
his victim. Th. murderer escaped after
th. deed and th. police hav. been on th.
lookout ever since.
Chief Rrlggs ha bean In oommunlea
tlon with the Austrian authorities and
fair. Th theory Is that it a player ran
putt on tha bad green, b. can putt all
th. better on the good. Others arguo
that it Is a waste of time trying to putt
011 greens that are untrue, for th. reason
that no matter how straight and true,
you make the) putt, the ball will not run
straight nor get into tlie hole.
With reference to such widely different
views, the gencrul opinion Is that th.
when Kovegenskl after wandering about u re' DuU on r u,OH whJo"
the world turned at last to hi native
plac. the authorities laid hold ot him
without delay.
Chief of Detective James Bbaahan ha
th. caae tn charg. and it ta probable that
are difficult, yer-true, A grcea may be
flat a a billiard table, and yet may be
untrue because ot certain excrescence..
A flat and true green Is desirable, but
a true and difficult on. 1 even better.
th. man will b. brought back to trial un- There is too milch of th. element ot luck
less he Is guilty of a crime In the old on a green who, aurfas. la untrue.
country. In which clrcumstanc. It Is prob-I
able that the United State and th. local
authorities will be satisfied to hav. hltn
Imprisoned for a long term.
Hlejff. Machines Cross Klver.
Th. police in Houth Omaha say that
when the government authotitl drove
the slot machines out of Council Bluff
the proprietor of the am. brought them
across th. Una Into Douglas county.
Yaaterday morning one wa found -n
the saloon of John Novak at Fortieth
qulrement, the ftrpt two runs claiming and L treta by Captain Henry Eltifeldur
the only toiai 111 exces 01 lu.uutt neaa. wno confiscated the machine. Tho pollc
Offering usually carried plenty of flesh ..... .. . ... . ,
for killing purposes and. with the ex- hv bcen lnf"d that the machine
caption ot yesterday supply, less thanisre Doing put into uinereni place with
20 per cent of each days dlaplay was the assurance that "everything la all
snown in leetiur prna. 1 110 rauaa eevaoii
ha practically terminated and fed stuff
from the corn-belt constitute bulk.
Demand for well-oondltinned atock at
all times lately waa fairly active and
easily ample, producing a trade that held
up In good shape from atart to finish.
right." But everything la not all right,"
said Captain Klsfeldur yaaterday, "and
the men who allow these machines to be
put In their places will find It out lu
It Is said that there are over a hundred
Oood to choloe Iambi are now elllnsr
around $5.50(16.85 and anything moving attributed through Douglas county.
U 1 Ai. U rathaiii Hna44.t.nliiA 17. a I '
UfSI'P 4JMJ.V' 11 4 a a lit? a UllnlllwVin r, F fa
I4.0o1p4 10
handy wethers sold ss high
and tnppy ewe closed around $3.60. Th
fat yearling market wa poorly tested.
owing to meager offerings, but something
good In tnis line would probably land
around $t-ot4.75. Compared with a week
110. current quotations en fat stock aver
age fully steady, but packers favored th
better claase aa a rule and discrimina
tion against tiie common to medium
string was a little mor. pronounced than
Fevder trade presented no new feature
worth mentioning, supplies being light
with the country demand rather quiet.
According to various scattered sales.
values are closing firm with a week
ago. Week' antir purchase of feeders
gives a total or about 8, boo na.
Quotations on sheep and lamb: Oood
to choice lambs, lo 6W14.85; fair to good
lambs. 86. 2616.60: feeder lambs, $3.7604.75;
fair to choice yearlings, $4 26a 4 80; feeder
vearliruts. 11 tiMM.lO; aood to choice weth
ers, $3.764.00; fair to good wethers. $3.50
&1.75; feeder wethers, 3 Wcif t; good to
choice ewtis. t3 36113 80; fair to good ewa,
t3.10u2.!5; feeder ewe. 12.400jJ.uu.
Oatali Hay Market.
OMAHA, Dec 1 HAY-No. 1, $1100;
No. 2, $1000; coarse, la. 00; packing stock,
$7.uo; alflfa, $14 00. (Straw; Wheat, $5.w;
ry and oata, eo.vO.
Wool Market.
BT. LOLIS. 14.-WOOL Hteady: terrl
tory and western mvdlurn. 1720o, flue
mediums, Ufrltc, flua, Utel&a.
Magic City Uolp.
W. H. tjueenan hu returned from a
business trip at O'Neill.
William Ktarrttt has s guest Henry
II. Ualvln ot 8t. Joseph, Mo. .
For Rent Two furnished room for
light housekeeping. 622 N. 22d til.
U. y. Graham of Clay Center, Neb., Is
her to spend tho winter with hi ton.
N. M. Graham.
After a pleasant visit with relatives In
Woodbine, la., Mrs. Robert lhnen and
daughter hav. returned to their home.
Formal opening of our new drug store
Saturday afternoon aud evening. Call
snd recelvo a sour&nir. Forrest Ac Meany
Drug Co., 2320 N and 24th tits.. tSoutb
At the regular meeting of the Brother
hood of American Yeoman Thursday
venlng th following officer were
electvd: Foreman. R. R Marker; master
of ceremonies. F.lroy Tlbblla; master of
accounts, Ixiuis conn: correspondent, K.
K. Wooiey, chaplain, Mr, l.'arrle Colin.
Has the lady received her Xmas pre
cut from the Hchtnuller Sl Mueller Piano
Co., 411 N. 24th 8t., South Omaha. If not
call at once and get saint;. .Store oorii
Th Christian Women' Board of Mia
Ion gav a treat to the public at th
home of Mr. N. M. Graham. 1801 Mis
souri avenue yaaterday afternoon, when
Mrs. F. C. Bryant of Omaha displayed a
large collection of curios, gathered while
it ur trip around tn. won
Bellevue College
Selects Team for
Manderson Debate
The preliminaries In debate that have,
been In progress during th. tve&tt re
sulted In the choice ot the following;
men for the two team that content after
the holiday tn the Manderson prla de
bate: Btunley Htookey, Paul Kaman-
ski, Orrle Webb, Lull Fowler, Archie
Keams and Klnold Oilman Chris Bond-
orson and Otto Brandt wer. named a
altornates. Prof. Uurke, Tyler anl
Nlcholls acted as Judge.
The Clark. Oratorlal contest, sched
uled to be held on January . will prob
ably be postponed one week from that
date. In order to give more time for prep
aration. Thla contest 1 a preliminary
to the Nebraska State Oratorical Con
test, and will be participated In by a
number of the atudents under th. di
rection of Prof. Burke.
At a mass meeting of the studeutt
Friday morning Prof. Hamilton was
given a rousing oration for hi enthu
siastic support and assistance in ath
letic during th. foot ball season.
B. R. tttouffer. superintendent of build
ings and grounds, is taking advantage of
th. fin. weather to continue his work
of tree planting. He believes It an ldeul
time for transplanting th. natlv gah,
elm and linden.
Ml. Marian Crandall of th. depart
ment of modern language, and bar father
will leav. today tor a brief trip to Cal
ifornia. The college close today for th. holU
day. Th reopening will occur January
i 1312.
Officials ot th. Turkish war ottlco are
circulating complaint that th Dalian
troops lu Tripoli are using dam dam
Th. Interest of the public must domlnat
busline, according to conclusion tj
wlilch kiecreUiry of War Henry 1. '
sun cmjiio lu aiKitesNing tuta Ket
vluU vf N.w Y Ot,
: !