TTIK OMAHA srXDAV VAX'. DECEMBER 17, 1011. 1 FOR CHRISTMAS. Maniourirr, Ilairdressing, etc. ITIJVir. roum In everv parkage of Vol- i vritiin, Crean.. riiiu powdnr purchased from our drucgUt, entitling purchaser to professional treatments, f chare, at The VELVETINA SHOP Finest shop of beauty culture In middle West. Ii Farnam.. lK-uq. IMS, A-is. SANTA'S LATEST A Detroit Electric'Cookor ,for wife or mother. See them at 1117 Far ram St., or phone uh fur catalogue. Phone Jnd. A-W. Bell, loug. limn The Ideal Xmas Sift U a Wevrla or motorcycle. Reduced prices on now and used onci. VICTOR H, I'.OO,1', 27' Leavenworth Ft. BAKKinJI0O,AiNT"C0. lflMVs Farnam Ft. Done- 4750. Ind. A-JS3. 1 A beeuuiui assortment of stencil out fit and sncrwtn-Williams goods. W-e da glasing Md picture training at moderate pr loes. OAR AM) ELECTRIC TABLE LAMl'8 rt always acceptable, always appreci ated and always ueed. 4: Tfi 4iri Other electrical 3J J.KJ s?OJ euggeatlon. PUR RESMH AND F.N CO., 181 Howard. Xmas Leather Novelties. All kinds moccasins, all Xmu cnndlee, perfumes, cigars, fancy package. jABlfl, 1LEK GRAND PH A RM AC y. "i fr yTTuy utility a?cbM LlUAUJV1 RINF.D in ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or old. will ba glad to receive an electrical gift for Christmas. DYBALL'S Omaha exclusive randy shop The home of home made candlea. Specie. a dally Ul Douglas. 1)1 AM ONI) IUMS7tty ft tie) per karat Metropolitan I Jet a and Jewelry Co.. 1 124 Douglas St. Ill A N DETs ' "U"TK KK dept. nerds. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prlcea. KKR.XMAB SHOPPING CALL. THIS ACME TAXI LIVERY C. Hhowaltsr. Tel. Douglas re., A-3W6, hfeUliCkt) prices tin mules' eults and clonks tbia month. Suit and coata modeled at reetonahie coat. Anna b.stek, ladtea tailor. lis City Nat. Bldg. U. 74i. THE IDEAL PLEAT1NU CI).. dress pUatliujs, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. t0 Doug, Rlk. Do(,g.; A-1IM. White a Loan ufllce, LAiS Douglas; epso lal axle on overcoats left In pawn, tJ up. Special bargalna In watches and diamond. AVotnau's Exchange liT" eltlea: lunches Z2 Pd. of Tr. ptoa Farnam, YOUNG WOMEN u-.Kf: tha V. W. C. A. aa a Chrlatmaa gift. YOU'I.l. always bs lilpy If your wed llng rlr.g comc-a frurn, ilrodeguard'a. Hi H. Ititb Hi. At tha Kigu of the crown. SI 'EC I A LXnwT aale," 1 " to off Ki Juiulj ol llctulM ,n(j framing. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 ldth. WHdding Cakes FINE LINK Xinu candles, olgara. per fumes. Crlaaey Fhar.. 24th Lake. W. . Kli'LINGElt'S Xm" p,d"- Mth and Kaniani. Y Af ("LA inemberalilp makes a present every day In. the year. 15- CABiNKT HCTUHK8 "Basaett Studio. (10 8. Wth. U 7401. V Oold lettering on books, puree, leather yoods. hi, A. Tryon :o 13i Karnam. J. Knox U'N'eJU, artlat and photography I 'let urea enlarged. Ktudlo. lit H. lath St. Xmaa packages, candles, perfumes. ( tars. Lathrop Fharmaoy. It & Hamilton. UOYKK HTATIUNKIti'liO.. lKarnaiiv , Clirtatmaa iwoveltl card, calendara. e-nie.F , '' anariie ni-d. 820 (iamHsTlld" JTHJ? BOUndRJl CU.. .liW7AfiNAMr Out-of'-dale garments ex. for newT UKhV WANTKD FK.MALK Ageata and Haleewonieo. WANTEt-Bri(!ht, capable lady to rep reeent - an eastern coraet factory ; per nianent; good pay, 't'hon B-.taa. ' '. ClerTcal and ' Office. t'i A IAY addretislnir envelopes (tend iOi'. for trial supply of blanks and sum plea. Work evenings at home. Werti rub. Co.. Iiept. X, CUvro. 111. . lleaaekeepvre aa Uvsaealloa. TirR 6KMVAN1 mSs. PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Uomea tie Help Wanted ad FHKU Until you get tha desired results. Bring your ad to The He offic or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTKle A competent girl fur general houxework. 2l 8. Z,th Ml. WAN'ir;l A girl for general house work; small I'amliy. t'liouo Harney Wj. t?3 Facifle Kt. WANTKI CltMxi girl for general houao work, l'hone Harney Htl. 0W8 Callfor pla Kt WAKTiCU litrl In , assist in general liousewurk; family of three adults, ill rJ. ?d Ave. 'fhone Harney 417. Ileferenoes required. i:i N, 38th Bt. Iiey snA. liar- WANTF-D A competent took. 4.U N, Mth Ht. Harney WANTED at once, general girl and nursw girl. Keferencea required. Mrs. C. K. Wpeps. iim B. l-'d Aw. NICE, reliable girl for general house Work; no washing. 2404 Cass. WANTEL Experienced girl; family of two, jiui .j-opnn'ion Ave. lilKL) for general housework: three lb family; wsges 16 per week. W. U. Car penter, tUwi locuM Kt., Web. 02. WANTEH Competent man and wife aa houseman and oook; no waaVMng; reter rncea required. No. 14. Kt. Crook. Jdlsccltansttaa. TOtlNO women coming to Omaha as airaugera are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Ht. lUry s Ave. and 17th eH.. where tney will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise ulied. Eovk fur our travelers' gulae at the Union tttatlon. Apprenliu4 girln tu Imru halrdressing. 0.pulielni, 170 City Nat l Hank. 1'ta. Nuraea' exchaiiKe. Tel. I). 113. L At' I Ed inake auinn tera. U per liun lird. no a.n uMii : uiaierlal furnlxhed. I'tamiKd envelope tor purtlculara. Wa basti uply Co., fept. M-, Chlrago VCliEN to io plain aewlnv at home for a large i'hliadelptila firm; good money and steady work; no canvasln, en4 reply envelops for ptlces paid. CJ verMil Co.. 1 -. J, Uuluut jii., l'hlla delphla. LAI '1 l.o Make ahielila at home. 110 per I'U. woik sent prepaid to reliable wotnn. Furtlculara for stamped en velope. Eureka Ci).. iept. 63, Kalumatoo, Mirli." MK. itl bBiNl. If you are looking for Koiiiethliiif to take home for aa extra fine denser! s:eti Into Hulsfcll'a- If I-' II tx-ch&rd, Ootd l uinleir tit., will come to me n. o olTIce within three days we will give him an vidir (or a quart brick TtlilkH n..k. .Ki-I.r. I............ an make two an hour; no canvatng! Ai'in Co., rilatlon C. Kanhas City. lo .r a -r l" i .i ..i ... ... i. ' .T ' . . tuvi ie puvi nr r oi ly Five Minutes from Uroadway," 14 women, J liii'ii. Apply at stage door American ,,,o-i iiiuiiuh; m . m . iij.- IIKU WAXTEU 4 steals aalvsaueat aa Seltcttre. Live city sV road aaleeman. Bee. O-TW. EXCHANGE man to handle real eatate exi'iianse OepArtuient, Addreas at ones. AUKNT wxnied to sell Otiur Hair I Lb loovei; PI per cent profit; no Inveatmrnt eeilril Write for free tainnle bottle and lui Information. The Obur company u'i reun it.. re- ortt" I 1' costa ua nothing to learn how to uoiibls our Income handling our feat xller Ask for ir'l.-ularK eMamUrd fuH-iHf Co.. ZZtu Mack Uidt. Wuier, ,1.010. im:i.i' imkii mam: taenia, Saleamrn and Solicitor-. WANTEOA rinl stletvsn. a tn'in who In" nt'llltv. who will iimk for us h I ard ,-md conacfntloiitv iim h- woolil f'r hlniHcIf, to repteeint 'is exrluelelv In tnmiha. and lclnlfv. Mtit tie readv to etimtnence a"frk jHnuiitv I. Wo have a liirse. well known find In erv :ir flret- la!ui linn of E.( LI '81 VK Calendars and AdvertlKlng Specialties. ' ur line I " attractive and varied that earn and every tiuHlnexa In every town In the country, without reKsrd to slxe, ran Im pucce fully eollclted. Our Konrls are very nt- traetlva, but no more ao than nor re sonnhle prices, and we knnw from the Tperlence of others who ri.iv been and are now In our employ, that an' bright. hustling man who ha. ability and Is win ing to work, cxn make with 11a from 1.0 to I1S0 er week. ComtnlSFlnn liberal. Our company was orgnnlzed In IKX'.1 Capi talized IWiifl W. We are teKnelh!e and mean hualnees. If you do. It will pay you to write Hale Manager, MEK Cll ANTS 1'LIM.IPMINO CO.. KALAMA ZOO, M It'll. Encloae this advertisement Ith your application, AIIUEKSE.-200 new auenlx, 10 cents. New Century Co., Enid, Ukl." AETNA Life Insurance Co. Auncta, January in, 1011, over 1100,000,000.00. LIFE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, LIABILITY, flURGLARY, PLATE GLAS3. SURETY BONDf, SPRIXKLKR LKAKAGK. John Dale & Son General Agents for Nebraska. 310 Ramgo Building, Omaha. AOENTrt Wa have the latent Improved mantle burner; flia all lamps; 100 tundln- power; burns with or without mantle. Sarnplea freo to hustlers, blmplcx, Usji llght Co., New York." LIVE local men to demonstrate and take orders for men's latest necessity, "The Overaiilt." anils like hot rakes; II. M Marts you right; big money maker. Write 1 fimmonweititn Airg. Co., Iept. u, il-'JJ 1 nird Ave., ew lorn." A(KNTrl our aim la to help you tu Bticrota, If you ere reliable and will rail on merchaiita In your territory; elegant side-line; good rnnimlailnnn; prompt re mittances. Montrl Mfg. C. ClnelnnaU, r llKI'i aamulea to live aaenla In every locality; either sex; big money; full or "pare time. JiCT Walnut tit., Milwaukee, win." AOKNTH Oreatest money maker ever placed In bandn of oKenta; demonatrated flrt minute: order tuken aecond minute; KHinpIn free. J. K. Uranoh & Hon, lck no Bfji, Milwaukee, win." CHKWINQ Ol'M hell to dealers In your town; clei, profitable bualneaa built up quickly with our branda; four flavors; novel packagea. Wrlto today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, 0. 1H11 1'ATENT "No Kplaah." five kinds; full Information and esmpls of every stylo postpaid for ZAc; $b dally profit dead msy for a beginner who follows Instruc tions, heed Kilter Co., New York." I.OCAL and traveling representatives wanted; also agents to carry quick sell ing Hide-line; profit big. Write Nebraska Farm Journal, 834 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Omaha. Neb. AUKNTK-Maklng & to 116 dally, selling our (lent Fountain Fens:, pearl barrel, with two golden bands, velvet point, gold plats nib, full chased goldlne rap; whole sale price . to agenla, bOo. Uera Fountain Fen Co.. Rnx 47. Panvllle, III. . AOENTri To sell the newest electric arpllance on tha market) sold everywhere there Is electricity. In the horns and 01- ficc; liberal profit;, sulcs-drlving sample, weighs a pound; no experience or knowl edge of electricity required: It shows how to use one light Instead of two and get tha tuna results; sells for $.1.b0 and saves the purchaser an Investment of 2N; writs for particulars. Tha Handy IJght Co., 1J East Eighth Ave.. Cincinnati, Ohio. AOKNT8 lve ones to handle new 15 device; makes uunctured automobile tires good as new; large profits; particulars frse. Thomas Btibply Co., Kansas City, Mo. " WE pay $mo a month salary and furnish rig and all expenses to Introduce our guaranteed stock and poultry powders; money-back guarantee; outfit free; new Plan; steady work. Ulgler Co., X SS9, Springfield, Illinois." AUENT8 something new; non-alco- holto food flavors, perfumes, toilet prepa rations; not sold In stores; exclusive tor rltoYy; permanent position; salary or com mission; writs today. American Products Co., (7J Sycamore St., Cincinnati, o. AUrin J a tv . 11 1 ru , iiimv in, r " 1 Ing photo pillow tops, 2ic,bromldca,Zic; portraits, S5o; ollettes, Hoc; wa produce works of art, guaranteed lowest prices, trat atudio. iiromot service. Credit . . T .3 I . . . 1 ' V. . ...... ul ... . . . I r. I. 1 1 . 1 f r. n. cal a. KOCH, failllH, I'wiv.v.t. ..f,,,v logue free. Haulel 11. Kilter Co., IW Madison, Chicago. III. . I t ' . T. hi.L u 1 1 1 1 -& linv. gresxlve agents, sell guaranteed hosiery; the line thst repeats; big profits; oredlt; be Independent. Lehr Mfg. Co., Penver, Colo. An Wllliru uii -,iiiiiiiian, Omaha, Nebraska and Kansas to sell .. . . ...... . . , .. i . . .. SeconUS anu reinnania vi imn e'""J", only experienced man with referencea. Addreas Stein ft Newman Bros., 13 Leon ard t.. Nrfw York. Y. W. C. A. 17th ami St. Mary's Ave. Library . Jfest ltoom Luuch Room Eroploytnent Bureau Gymnasium , t'ooking and Hewing ! Educational Classes New Classes Begin February 12th WE want a live wire, business getting salesman to handle our paints, auto oils, greases, siectulus; commission or sal ary; M,do line or exclusively; liberal le -ms. Iroquois Mfg. Co., Cleveland, o V AtTrh I1 ilgnTvTass srockandT" bond alesinan. exceiicnt Issue and flue op portunity for mau ef selling ability; Omaha and vicinity. Addresa. -U Flalns Bldg.. Chaenne. Wyo. WAN'i ED Ixjcal manager for all Omaha trade territory. Oood salary, or profit sharing contract. Must bs ntsn of ability, capable ef handling road men and local office. We furnish stock, but man ager must have aufflclent funds to ad vance his local aslesmen. Quirk Belling, profit making staple. We carry stork and arcouiita, you furnish selling force. A big thing for a real live wire who Is willing to hustle. Ixui't want has beans. Address, giving full particulars about yuuraeif to first letter. OhIIIii Manufac turing tympany, Kanaaa City, M "T LIjiVU'V ..,.i...dltU.n " i ... .. ... ... J . . ' , ' ...... a - w u -,, ... ou a mall crdrr business be lndeiend slit your own boss? Would you msnags an agency for ua In your vicinity without expenses to you? All printed matter fur n alied 'or one half the profits. Writs for particulars, lla.rti A. Horluii, Dil't Jl. Tvkoush, MJcli. lKI ' "'AMI l MAl.K Aaenla, Salesmen and llcltora. CAI.EMi.Mt SALESMEN - In 1M c'.ty Slid lietitlilMii bond , ul-o rlnn Hide line for t traveling alaMincn; larar-M anrl flto'et line I calendars and wail pocket 1rnt"rted and d'Mneattc; ran, IciitlK-r soods, Hlunilnum, i','lluloM. etc., liifcral r oitiinlSMUiri" ; your territory protected ; ilea I direct v.llh head quarters: olilet lioune In America, known by fverybodv. Address, Klvlng r ferencea, elating experlince. Auguet Oaxt Hunk-Note and Lltlm. Co., Pt. 1auI, ,Vii. WANTKI-Flrt-caa men to sell che k protecting machine; liberal commissions; referencea must accornpsnv application. The HrfendnKraph Co.. IliK-hester, N. Y IIE LINE sslonmen wanted hV .Ian nary 1 to handle our compact line of laa and wood advertlalriK calendars; popular with hanke; bl commission. Ad dieas McAllister Mfg. Co., Rockford, 111. NOVELTY and calendar men: Our mi slnn srt wood snd glass lino Is entirely new; In high favor with banks and mer chants everywhere; a money maker for Maleamnn of experience and ability. Write todav. I;, T. i:as Ac Co., Manufacttirer, .TJO I'nlnn Itirk Court, Chlcnao CAl'ABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions. 1 1 mi monthly advance and permiin.nt )Hlllnn to rlpht man. Jess II. 8mlth Co., De troit. Mich." EXCEPTIONALLY profitable proposi tions postpiild "r. ('v age. New Cen turyj'o., Enid, ikl. W'ANTEO Halesman covering Jowa and .VehrnKka to currv lde line to sell to re tall druggists, tit. Eouis Label Works, yi Morgan 81., St. Iouls, Mn." AOENT8 make im per fent profit sell ing "novelty sln enrds;" merchants buy 10 to ion on slxlit; W) f arlftles; cataloguo free. 8ulllvau Co.. li: Van Huren 8t.. Chh'ago, HI. WANTEl) .Salesman to eell Una of fancy fruit ciders In smiill country towns; salary Jli fwr month mid expenses; pre fer ihosn with exierlcnce. lted Cross Vinegar Co., St. Louis. Mo. . 8FECIALTY M EN Experienced ; a "len-dollar Mil" i$10 bill) on each deal: exclusive 10-ccnt line; excellent future as sured sslesmen with record for honesty and ability; give reference. Central Mtg. Co., Iowa City, la." F.AKN :W wecklf tHklng orders for cut rate groceries; outfit free, standard Oro-ce:-y. Co., 3."2 Arcnde, Cleveland. ). SPECIAL XMAS SALE ' 25 to C0 orf on all pictures and framing. All orders In by Thursday right will be delivered before Christmas. Qmaha Art & Frame Co, 707 South 16th Street. Bell, Douglas 1094; lnd. A-2551. 8ALE8MEN AND OENHUAL AOKNTM. You can easily make S-'MO to V0 per month selling our new Improved Auto mnllo Wraplng 1'aper, printers to mer chants. Let tin explain. Automatic Co., a Houth Clark 8t., Chicago. III." SALESMEN to handle our wU known list of lubricating oils, nuto oils, mixed paints and apeciultlcs. Salary or com mission, inland OU Works Co., Cleve land, o. KlUH LINE, pocket SHinples;l 10 mln lltes, $10 commission;' high grade men only; ne other nefcd npplv. Advertising Novelty Co.. Newton," Is." WANTEIV-Salcsmen of ability and neat appearance to civil on all merchants In their territory. Eleernnt Bide line, con venient to Curry. Oood romni1nnl(ms, prompt remittances. Jlclinont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, . ' CALENHAH SALESMEN. We want reliable and capable salesmen for Nebraska and South Dakota to sell beginning January 1st the foremost line of Imported, Domestic and Do Luxe Calendars, frans, tfjKnn and specialties In celluloid, cloth, leather and metal. Exclusive territory. Liberal contract. With our line you clear easily I7&.0U0 to JlRO.tK) weekly and work all year round. Write full particulars In first letter. HKNNETT-THOMA8 MFG. CO. CHICAOO. Testimonial See What This Man Says About Our ltoup Cute. BOH WHITE CO. SHU N. ltlth, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: I have been uslntr your roup euro, with good success, t have Just saved my prlxe cockerel, worth VA for 80 cents. I surely recommend this valuable, rem edy to all brother poultry men and fel low fanciers. Yours truly, A. D. lliegol White Rock Specialist, , Hcnson, Neb. LOCAL salesman, to sell Id. so and 40 aero traits and upwaids of Columbia county, Florida, land. l'i educes splendid crops. A first class proposition that will stand the closest Investigation. llobt. C. Druesedow Ac Co., ISO Oiu. Nat. Ilk. BUIg. Omaha. Neb. AGENTS (Greatest money maker ever placed In hands of audits; demonstration lltst minute, order taken aecond minute; amplo free. 11. W. Taylor Mfg. Co., cor. sth aud K Sta., Colleue View Neb. AUtXTS mnke big money selling our metallic letters for offico windows, store fronts and glass sIkiib; anyone ran put them on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co., 47 N. Clark St., Chicago. lAH'AL and traveling repreaenlattve wanted; also agenta to carry quick sell ing aide line; profits big. Write Netuasku Farm Journal 8,14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTEl t'ermaneiit poaltlon, worth MAI or better monthly to producers; want three Rood, hustling salesmen to sell heaV Uy advertised trade booster to all lines of retailers tjlve full particulars and refer ences. H. T., 14a-lat) Masonic Temple. Chicago, 111. AUENTS WANTElv-To sell oil lots; best proposition on the market; hustler can mske IM per day. For particulars write The Alexander Co. 4"1 New York Ufa Bldg . KaiiKaa City,' WANTRI For Omaha and viiinlty. a real aalesman. the i.' oiii v ,. lu.i- -- I puhle of flrat selling and Ihen developing an efficient aalea organtxatioii; successful cash or account register, computing scales or sddlng machine sales manaiter or aalesman preferred, especially If auto mobile owner; a rare opening; permanent connection li line that "brialles." Stats full qualifications. The Champion Regis ter Co., Cleveland. Ohio." SALESMEN to handle our complete line of ttnnorted and il.nn.m lr- iu.Mi.ii.d ui rndars and nuveltiea. We also have an especially attractive aide linn proposition to salesmen carrying other Hues, state territory, lines and full part loulsr. Him. stead Eros. Co., Adv. Dept.. Wheeling W. Va. mxixr. to 10 o aauy without- new auto Specialty. Booklet free. The Units Hpe. .ii.. v.. .'.,i,. ,, ri.rrp, n. 1 1 WANTED Salesman to sell our special ties in oiuana on commission. Annen muv aim rnciut o . lireen Bay, Wis. W A.NTEl Specialty aleinen to sell Mnthene, the leal inolti exterminator. Biandrl Chemical Co., Seattle, Wash. HKLI WAX! HI MALE Agent., Salesmen and Sollcllors. CKXKIltl, AND LOCAL ACENTS Mere Is our oppot tunltv. Energetic ma., cin make f'.r-i yearly and up. The Im proved Canchcstcr Kerosene. Mantle Iahiup re olutlonlirt a old methods. I'nr s iperhir to electricity. as. reetylene or paxojine ni . pi the cost. Burner fits all lamps. Safe, clean odorless; burns with or without mantle. Testedmnd pro nounce! by stme of fcmisvlvanla. '.Moat efficient light found." Oreatest seller known. We wnnt a few more live men tu open terrlrtory. Canchestr Liaht Company Deit. 04 N. State St.. Chicago WANTED. AO'eVts legitimate sub stitute for slot machines; patented: ells on alKht for lion. I'artlculars. Oisha Co.. Anderan. lnd SALESMAN traveling on the road, visiting th dry goods trade to hsndlo a manufacturer's line of laces, embroid eries and ladles neckwear novelties, either exclusively or In connection with another line. Traveling expenses snd commission will b- paid on goods sold. Klndlv state your expeilence, on the road and the ter ritory you rover. J. M. Mevers ft Co., 4P,4 to 4.W Broadway. New York. LAND salesmen wanted. In and out of the city; live leads furnished: property win near strictest Investigation: expenses of Investigators for prospective purchas ers paid by us. Thorough selling In structions; perfect, wimple, understand able literature; unusu.illv liberal commis sion; splendid cn-npetatloti: the firm Is one of the strongest complete land or ganizations In America. Address Drawer t'M, Chlcngn. I'LL rend you a quick moneymaker set of special Mall Order plans on approval; If accepted 11 covers total cost; otherwise return. Include o actual postage. Expert, f. o. l!OX I Ml. I, N. Y.e WANTEI Men to sell aeeds to farmers and ornamental stock In towns. Apply at once, iiarrlck Seed Company, Rochester, N. V'. BE a traveling salesman: earn while you learn. Wrlto for particulars of our svstem. Uradstreot System, Itocliester, N. Y. W I,1, rtav t? w.nlr ar.,1 ..nan.., in 111,711 huh r i Lf j in 111 1 rim ucr m mill v itiiiii ncn with rigs to Introduce poultry com 'ound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. ".. Dept. 78. Farsons, Kn. Iiuimn. J . . . T J , , . .. Ci AGENTS make 10 a day selling pat ented specialties; send for free catalogue and sample; every Article a gold mine. Oetiaur Sales Co., 4?) New Nelson Bldg., Kansas City. Mo." BIG profits for you; manufacture barley crisp, new confection; California Inven tion; 60 packugo costs you jo; machine 170 prepaid. Samples 10c. Shafer Co., 10IW Howard St., San Francisco. WANTED By a large general Insur ance agency, all lines, young man of ex perience to build up fire Insurance de partment already established; splendid opportunity for lerson qualified. State run pivtlculnra, including experience in first letter. K 957, Bee. $15.00 to $33.00 Per Week. Can be matin by men, women, boys and girls representing our goods. We give premiums with every order. Write today. Hamilton Sales Agency, Inc., Dept. 11, 2 State St.. Boston." SALESMEN wanted to handle our high-grade Lubricating Oils, Auto Oils, Greases, paints. Varnishes and " com plete Specialty Line. Salary or commis sion. Central Petroleum Co., Cleveland, O. Clerical and Office. FULL dress suits, evening party dresses for rent. 11 to 11.50 a night. JOHN FKLDMAN, 208 N. 17th. D. 312. Holly! Holly! Holly! Genuine Delaware... HOLLY full of berries. . Imported English Mistletoe , Order your XMAS TREES NOW Tagged and delivered tvhen you say. Xmas Tree Holders. The Nebraska Seed Company Phone D. 12G1. 1613 Howard. "CAN'O"-High grade positions. SCO Bee. WANTED Clothing salesmen, steady position; only those who have experience need apply. References required. Haphlel l'red Co., I.lth and Farnam. Factory and 'Iradea, Drug store (snaps) lobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED At once or H good orna mental plasterers at V. 8. postofflce. Falrbury, Neb. Apply to D. J. Fhipps, Falrbury,' Neb. ' WANTED A-No. 1 Job compositor, steady position: must be sober and non user of cigarettes. Non-union. Address J-U68, care Bee. Miscellaneous. OOVERNMENT positions open; list showing salaries free. Franklin Institute. Dept. tl3-K, Rochester. N. Y. Reliable limp. Agency. llo Davenport. WAN TED,-for U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of U and K; clttxepa of United , States, of good character irid temperate habits, .who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to lte cruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sis., Omaha. Neb.; S07 4th St.. SloUX City, la; ISO N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Neb. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Paulflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In our sehuoi. Fractlce on R. It. wires. Ad dress, for particulars. II. B) Boy lea. Pres. Buy If s College, Omaha. Neb. YOU are wanted sus government job; f!) per month; snd postal for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 14 K, Rochester, N. Y. 00 MEN. IM to 40 years old. wanted at once fur electrlu railway motormen and conductors; tA to 100 a month: no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for application blank. Addresa Y 60, care of Bee. UO tloO MONTH AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NEE. w Guarantee more actual repairing tnaif any tnree other schools. Come aee. WANTEl Men to learn ttie best busi ness In the wond, the barber tiade; cau have your own shop or earn big wagea; light, clean Inside work; an army of our graduatea running ahopa send tor help; qualify for these positions; few weeks re quired; our manual is splendid for home preparation: tools given; wages in finish ing department. Write from distance or call from city. Molar Barber College, Ho 8. 14th St. ABLE bodied men wanteu for the U. 8. Marine Corps betwetu tne ages of IS and Ui. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, 16 to liit). Addi tional compensatlv n possible. 1 Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance tree. After 30 years' service can re tire with 7a per cent vf pay and allow sacra. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Itecrultlng Oltlce. Iks) Farnam St.. omaha. Neb. IF out of a position call at Interna tional Motion Pl ture Schools, ill Pee Bid. STOP! RLAD! Get tali) I paying orcf MSinn Learn automobile eug1neertt:g In our large training shop. Hundreds of suc cessful graduatea. Complete equipineut of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Assn., sJi Brandt: Theater Bldg.. Omaha. Nebt W A N TEL M usiciatis for the Ulh lot band, itiuat bo single. Addreas all lei. .ers to Emanuel Klein, chief musician, r'or tackenste, Wyo. OOvk.KNME.Vl' lallway mall, customs, Internal revenue examinations every where goon. Get prepared by former lulled Slates civil service examiner. Write now for free booklet Patterson Civil Service School Box 1171 Rochester. N. V II ELI M AXTED MALE Mlaerllaneoas. Til I" NAVY HAS KVEUY KIND OF WtiUIC for ambitious men. Sucresufnl applicants for Navy positions find work, hot only as seamen, but as machinists, firemen, stenographers, bookeepers, musician, carpenters. blHcksmtt hs, ship fitter, electricians, bollermskers, cooks, stewards, waiters ami others. Many young men who thought there was no congenial work In the Navy dis cover there mors agreeable and vailed positions than In civil life. THE" UNITED HUTr.1 NAVY offer a life that la healthy: work tliat Is pleas ant; excellent opportunity for promotion; the Incentive to nave money; and the finest of chances to learn bv study and travel. And besides these things, com panionship with ambitious men of good character. The Navy department never urges men to enlist, only to Investigate Navy op portunities. It Is worth the while of any man 17 to 35 yesrs tif age, to look Into the subject of taking four years training In the Navy, or maklTig the Navy a life s work. The nearest Navy Recruiting Station is at Postofflce Bldg., Omaha. Neb. The officer In charge will be glad to see par ents and sons, andirxplaln everything you wish to know shout work. nav. promotion. retirement, recreation, etc. Or send for "The Making of a Man o' Warsmsn ; it Is free Address Bureau of Navigation. Box 2o4, Navy Department, Washington, 1. f.e. i v r, you oecioeu wimi m e" i Iftdr friend for Christmas? There Is nothing that would please her more than a dainty box or o t'.rlen s canny. ii Jacob Jehsen. !W3t Meredith Ave., will rome to The Bei office within three days W'a will give him an order for a 60 cent box of O'Brien's candy. EARN 130 weekly taking orders for rut rate groceries. Outfit Free. Standard Grocery Co,, X2 Arcade, Cleveland, O." SALESMAN Salary and expenses. Gen eral Agency opening. Falrvlew Nurseries. Rochester, N. Y. WE PAY pr 100 for certain names and addresses: steady work, male or fe male. Send stamp for particulars. Star Specialty Co., Bolton. Ga." $!' MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steaoy work. 8. Scheffer, Law Bldg., Chicago." I'iO.OO WEEKLY, selling Collection Cabi nets to merchants. No competition. Ex clusive territory. Write for free sam ples and descriptive matter. Bayers Co., Laclede Bldg., St. I-ouls, Mo." Roup Easily CURED In a few days, by using Our Roup Cure, a positive guarantee with each lmckav;e, cures the sick and keeps entire flock from contracting disease. It Is used Snd endorsed by the best poultry men In the country. If your dealer can not supply your needs, send 60c for large cum with your dealer's narr.e. If It la not as rep resented, money refunded. BOB WHITE CO. 2904 N. 16th, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Immediately, salesmen and solicitors tor. every city and town In the country; brand new Hue that will soil In every store and home. Salesmen can make t76 to (100 a week; no machinery to explain; NO FAKE. You demonstrate our line; everybody buys - Instantly. This Is an opportunity to get a permanent posi tion. We can show you. Call or addresa Bales Manager, 4U7-40ti Karbach block, Omaha. WEEKLY aud expensea to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. Emery. 641 Plymouth, Chicago. MAN WANTED WITH RIO TO TAKE charge of aale of pur Medicine, ex tracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet ar ticles, stock and poultry preparations, etc., In your1 county, one man maxle $90 one week. Steady work guursnteed. Work healthful, pleasant, very profitable. Referenoes required. Write ua. We mean business. Shoves-Mueller Company, Dept. 1. Tripoli. la. WANTED High-class expert sales manager to organise a force of high grade men to sell the stock of large manufacturing company, now forming. Organisation will be completed and stock ready to offer January first. State sal ary or commission required, experience and reference. (Julck action. Time la short. Address, "Organisation," I O. Box 208. Indianapolis, lnd." List of Second Hand Motorcycles 1 Excelsior motorcyle. 1911 model. In perfect condition. Price 1200.00; twin cylinder. 1 Excelsior single cylinder, magneto Ignition, 1911 model. Price 1150,00. 1 Thor, chain drive. 1911 model, HTted with free engine. 1150.00. 1 Thor motorcycle, model C, in good condition. Price 1100.00. 1 ExccLalor, battery ignition. Price f 100. 1 Indian, single cylinder, good ridable condition. Price $1'J5.00. 1 Reading Standard, 3 H -horse power engine, fairly overhauled and in per fect condition. Price 175.00. 1 Ilg'ht motorcycle, Thor engine, good ridable condition. Price $80.00. 1 Thor, twin cylinder, battery igni tion. Price- $125.00. These machines have all been put in good condition and are bargains. Nebraska Cycle Co, Cor. 15th and Harney. . ARE1 YOU TUB MAN? IfEKK IS your opportunity. No matter where you live If you want to muke big money and establish yourself in an INDEPEND ENT business KEgl'IRINO NO CAP1-TAl-e will teach you, by mall, all the secrets of the REAL ESTATE BUSI NESS, I, AW COURSE, Hat with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to permanent suc cess. Our M-PAOB FREE B(XK fully explains our methods and tells what it means to be the local representative of the oldest and largest Co-operative Realty and Brokerage Corporation In the world. Write today to INTERNATIONAL REALTY CORPORATION, 300 Manhat tsn Building, Chicago. 111." YOUNG and middle-aged men for per manent positions under the U. 8. govern ment. Common school education suffi cient. Particulars free as to salary, dates and places of examinations (soon to be held in every state), til National Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C." LIVE men wanted aa local correspond ents. Experience unnecessary If quick to learn. IJberal contract If capable. In struction furnished. Financial Times, bi Murray Street. New York." HOTELS AMI WIXTEH HEKOItTS MOST delightful winter climate In America: pine belt of south Alabama, fatuous old Hygcla. now open; 110 weekly up. Write for Illustrated booklet. Hygeia Hotel, Cltronelle. Ala." LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aud ehU'lea. FOR BALE All kinds of good horses US H. 21st St. 'Phone Douglae 6000. LOST- AND KOl!D PERSON8 having lost some articles would do well to cull up the offloe of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Rallwsy company to tv:ertaia v.n-Hl'er they Ufi It In the street cars. Many articles ach day are turned In snd the company Is anxious to restore them to Die rightful owner.. Call Duus Us 48. OMAHA A COl NOIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. IF PAHHES who loM good M-lon will call St COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 2-U o. ltith. same will be restored. IXiST-One green shirtwaist pin. Sun day. IK' ward. D. iV Larsen. IAWT AMI EOt'Ml 1.0SY, strayed or stolen: From St. Miiry's Ave., Friday p. m, an English bull lertier pup, nearly grown, marked brlndle anil white; tats clipped. Call J. Fry, T icr l.TO, or return to 11 St Mary's Ave. f 10 reward. No questions asked. ,ST A LADY'S SMALL GOLD WATCH; MONOGRAM ON BACK I K CASE E. HI D . BETWEEN BENNETT'S AND BEE WICK. RETURN Tl BICE OFFICE AND RECEIVE LIBERAL RE WARD. EI K8 tooth cuff button; Omaha tir South Omaha. Return to Bee office snd receive reward. MEPICAT, No MATTER WHAT YOUR TROURLIv NOR WHO SAID YOU WERE INCUR ABLE, BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PROBABLY DO fl'HF, WORK WHY NOT TRY? CALL OR WRITE BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE, 329 NE VILLE BLOCK. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nervs Food Pills, tl per box, prepaid. Sherman ft Mcconnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. The novelty of lux ury and utility com bined in electrical Christmas gifts. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company MONEV TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. WHY USE OUR MONEY? BECAUSE you can borrow it on yonr HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, AUTOMOBILES, BANK.BOOICS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPT REAL ESTATE and 6ALARIES In a few hours' time, pri vately and -CHEAPER than any othej concern. NO MATTER 11DW CHEA THEY ADVERTISE. T You may refund the loan In small weekly or monthly payments that sooa get you out of debt. Our business la as private as a bank and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing, about it. No delay. Each application given prompt attention. Cull ou ua fur money to pay all your bills and you will find it quick and easy. KELIABLE CEEDIT CO. Third Floor, 308 Paxton Block. tdTS. l.tol 'Phones: Douglas 1111 and A.-14U. DO XOUli SHOPPING. NOW GET' YOUR XMAS MONEY , FBOM THE CITY LOAN COMPANY because our rates are lower, payments easier, business confidential., CITY tO AN COMPANY, 50-21 Douglas BlockS Apposite Haylen's. Phones Douglas 3159 Ind. . A-2&W. , $10 TO $100 LOANED u it si 5 TO ANYONE w m a -a 4 a gj. W We will procure a loan for any- pody who owns furniture, pianos, M horses, wagons, or anyone holding ti a steady position at the moat rea- M sellable charges. All we ask Is your' U It promise tu pay. No red tape. No ii it delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply, fl in lliMtailinenra of ILa. si ft W In installments of ILsi. it it IMI In Installments if tivte. , ti it No other charges. M If Loans made tiom one month to ft It one year. Terms to suit you. ti it GUARANTEE LOAN CO.. ti ti (Small Loan Department.) tl i 204 Wluiuell Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. it ti . N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. tl tl Douglas GC46; Ind. A -16. ii it Open Every Evening Till O'clock II It Until Xmas. tl MSiJiwiHJisnwuiiHtm mrrt$tajtrttti CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. If you can use from flO to tloO or more to good advantage, come to us. We do not advertute any misleading rates, but we have the lowest rates In the city. We guarantee you a square deal. You can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments. We allow a discount If paid before time. Call, write or 'phone appli cation and you will get prompt attention. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. Douglas Um. IM Bee Bldg. A-1350. USE OUR MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. We make loans on all kinds of chattel Quickly aud privately. Phone Doug. IZii. HOME LOAN COMPANY. 1S23 Farnam St. Room 8. Patterson Blk. Gold and Sil ver Plating The Omaha Plating Co. has replated la Omaha for the past la years. Evprvthincr from a Scarf Pin to a Braes Bed. No job too large or too small. ' Gas fixtures. Jewelry - and Tableware made aa new. Omaha Plating Co. Established 1S98. 1220 Harney St. Both Phones." tJSWWWWTW.'ile4W$WlWJJ w tt 8 MONEY FOR H riTrnvnnnv u u tt tt S Ls V LLtlX 1 LiUlJ X If 8 $10 TO $100 8 SLOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, tt SALARIES, ETC, U i at charges you can afford, and U it without the red tape and delay yoq It M experience wtin oilier companies, ii it ESTABLISH YOLK CREDIT tt It 1IEKE. It S aa GOOD AS A BANK ii t ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. II It NOTE THESE RATES; ti K I'.tf. you pay back ti ;$ 11 you- pay bick 15 It t-j. you. pay ba.-k .t. U It t-0. sou pay back to'). ti ft NO OTHER CHARGES. It Weekly or Monthly Payments. ii ft Open every night till Xmas p. m. M tt OMAHA FINANCIAL Co.. I ;4 -10 Brown Bik. Opposite Wren- ti 4 dels. S E. Cor. 11th and Douglas. M tt Pbona lku,ia 36. tl ft ii (itititTtt?$tttmt4ttmttfmniimttiittiitt MONEY TO LOAN Salary Snd I haltela. STAR I OAN CO. to TO 1100 Ftimiabed se'arled people without secur ity, Indorsement, delay, publicity, extor tion or deception. Terms to suit. R44 Paxtoti biAlDNb'jJDANSlki f LATA IJ. 1M4J lodge Tel. Red y.lg. MONEY FOR CIHIISTMAST Loaned on furniture, pianos or teams at low rates and a" terms. , STATE MORTGAGE LOAN Tt. 12 Arlington Blk. 1M1V Podge St. Phone2Douplas "'''' Independent A-iHH MONEY loaned soiariea people, women kfeplng house and others, without se curity, cany payments. Of fices In (1 prls cipsl cniea. Tolman, M Omaha Nst'l Paul; r.:tlg., formerly N. Y. Life Kldg. OH EItED FOK IIEMT llourd and Rooms. O. :T. r. hauls trunks. D. til. A-2G11. Portoiii. tiiinlly hotel, rith Ave. and Har NICE pines tor nice peoiHe. THE MAD ISON. 2ir and Chicago Sts. tl.00 and up. Under niw miinsgcment. St. Jamesi, mod. HIS day; week 10 up. DESlIlAbl.K furnished rooms with hoard. 13 S. 25th Ave- GOOD board and roomt also light house keeping rooms. 2117 W ebster St. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms, one large room; excellent boaid; West Famain; Harney 45. 2213-HOWARD-Have vacancies for four pentlemen. to room and board, strictly modern, home rooking. $5. Douglas 9TW0. MCE room, suitable for two rieoole. With board, at 302 North 20th. Furnished Rooms.. Dewey European Hotel. 13th ft Farna DESIRABLE turiushed room, private family, mn N. 20th. phone Webster 697S. FOR RENT Two furnished parlor rooms wun neai ana gas. tu4 a. zki St. NICELY furntalied room atrictlv mini- em, reasonable; car one block. DM) 8. 2Stli St. - r 2626 DODGE 6T- Desirable south front room; everything strictly modern; walk ing distance. PLEASANT front room, private family, no other roomers, rent reasonable. W. KS49. WILL rent one room In my home; West Farnam district to one or two gentlemen, with morning and evening meals., phono Harney M90. - ""MODERN furnished rooms; steam heat. 21 tl N. 23d St. . i TWO modern furnished rooms;1 gas for cooking and lights;-heat and linen all turnlslied complete for tl7.50 per month. Phono Webster 3i-3&.' 273 Parker Pt. 4N Forest Jlill,- strictly modern room, with bath 1n connection, In a new home, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone Douglas 321 i. NICELY furnished rooms for gentleman only. 1.W Capkol Ave. CLEAN, warm, well-furnished rooms; meal If desired. 1616 8. 10th. " 1523 8. Sth St., 3 rooms, bath, attlfc and basement for laundry: electricity, heat, gas. gas stove, hot and cold water. Snap tor right party. Take -crossj. town-car to1 Popplelun Ave. Phono Douglas 70WI. MODKHN roniTi near v-ourl 1 com Park. Harney 2Hi. , ,.' 2..01 St. Mary's Ave. One large sleeping room, modern; suitable for two gentle men or man and wife; also light house keeping rooms. . , 315 N. 20th St.; for ladies; walking dis tance, . on car line. Reference. . . Miini,'uv ?,.,..... i u : '. 1 ..!... . . loouiy. rrx Ave. n. zsmo. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen, In the Alsatian Apartment. Hot and cold water, heat and Janitor ser vice. 115 per room. A P l T KHVll WIT QTT VIlfDI w Tyler 1538. ' 210 H. 17th St. I7ria .urKsnv iin.i,.. m.wi,., .,... heated rooms. G E NTT .KM A V ronminut. lo. modern room, close In. L 976, Bee. Furnished Ixaasesv 7-RQOM. mod.; walking distance, p. Zifl. FURNISHED house of 8 rooms, modern! and comfortable, for rent fop the winter. Address F TS6, Omaha Bee. . Kurnlahed lluusekeeplnaT Rooms. -20H DAVENPORT, modern, furnished front rooms for gentlemen; also furnished housekeeping rooms. 552 8. S6TH AVE. Modern aleenlmc or housekeeping rooms. . . TWO nicely furnished .housekeeulng rooms. 2018 Davenport. THIOY:!'! f lieniuliAst luk 1 -w.Anin.. ----- ' iiuui.. nci I'll i rooms; gas furnished for light and cook ing. U04 8. 30th. :15 S. M'PH ST fr,..,r r....,., nrt !.... ..a for light housekeeping, or board and room; everything new. Untarnished Itoumi. 4 ROOMS, unfurnished. 1912 8. 10th.. 3310 CASS-JModern houne near car' line; will rent; references required. Hotels and ' Apartments- NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 B. 13th Bt. Hub Hotel, steam-heated. 13us Doug.- St, Excellent meals, 303 N. 30th, So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rnsi. urn Howard. HOTEL Flomar, 17th and Capitol Ave. Burlington nice rooms. 1 block to depot. "CASS HOI EL, nice rooms. 1708 Cass Su OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. A part meats aud Flats. 6-ROOM apartment In the Uintah. Ap ply 413 Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg., or phone Douglas isati. i-room flat on Herman Ave. !, V'eb. 670j- 3 and 4-r. mod. apartnmiita. Hill 8. 22d. FIVE rooms, modern except heat. cheap. 30U S. 20th Ave. STORE ROOM. 1809 N. 24th St., brand new store room, with beautiful largo plate glass - show window: fine location fur drug store or new grocery store; cheap rent. PAYNE ft SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor. Om. Nat. Bk. Bdg 536 8. 26TH AVE. Attractive -rooin flat, second floor of practically new brick; strictly modern, clean, in best condition. Phone Harney 31 M PERFECT six-room flat. 41st and Far nam; Inquire 1103 Farnam. Tel. llar.772. THREE and 4-room flats; walking dis tance: nil modern except heat: water In cluded, for only 113 and 113.50 per mouth. A snap for email family. Call at zs-l Dewey Ave. See Mrs. King. 609 N. 17th St.. t-r..-heat furnished, -.. J. W. RASP CO. Doug. liiCl. BEAUT IFULI.O RR AI N E The neatest snd niftiest 6-room apart ments In the city, all modern In every respect. Including Janitor service, etc. 1611 to 1630 Maple St. M ENGEDOHT, Douglas S402. Webster 3713 COMFORT. STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. ' "THE STANDARD." Senarate homes. 6-r.. full modern. flreT proof stairways, new decorations, shades. range, hot water an year; janitor, want ing distance; winter, tJ. 133. Si; sum mer tin less. You can't live as well or comfortably or cheap elsewhere. Refer ences required PAYNE A- SLATER CO.. Sole Agnus. 6th Floor, dm. Nat. Bk. Bdg APARTMENTS. AlsHthin." 35th. between Farnam and Dodge: five rooms on the 2nd floor, "; five rooms on the 3d floor, Heat, hot n J ,-old water; Janitor service rree. ARMSTRONG. WALSH COMPANY, Ty ler 133 10 H. 171B St .Till-: FIjORENTINE. Anarimeut 4. three beautiful, large rooms, cak fin.ah, in a fine, new build ing, located , uci 20th St.. Just south of I-Hvcnwortb. The Janitor will gladly ; how you through this today. Don't fail to see this 'or nu wMI regret It. Pole Arerits.'stfc Floor, Om' Nat. Bk. Bdg FOR RENT. . 134 rooms modern brick flat with bath room: etc.. 3'llu N. ?1St ri: - RttHINnuN ac Wt)Ls .- 435 1'axton Blink. Phone Ifcug. 2t!l. ersistent. Advertising is the - Road U Big Returor